If you'd like to craft stories and play role playing games
with thousands of people from around the world,
you've come to the right place!
RPG Crossing is a 40,000+ member online community that focuses on play by post role playing games (PBP RPG) and features such systems as Dungeons and Dragons (2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e, 5e), Pathfinder, GURPS, d20 Modern, Serenity, Star Wars, Storytelling (World of Darkness) and many more. We are an active community with many new games looking for players every day, and with plentiful guides and tutorials for the new player and the veteran alike, including: New Player Solo Games to introduce new players to PBP and/or RPing; and GM Mentoring - a forum full of collaborative DM tools.
We also publish Explosive Runes, a terrific free role playing magazine with stunning artwork and great articles.
Free membership also gives access to our character sheets. We currently host over 82000 sheets for 10 different role playing systems!
Happy New Year everyone! Personally, the past year had some great highlights but also some truly difficult stretches. I'm pretty happy with the highlights, but I'll gladly reach for a lot less of the trials and tribulations during this next turn around the sun. May 2025 be full of good things for each and... [Read More]
Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to our lofty goal of $2500 and helps support the BBRF in alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research.
The fine folks at AAW Games have generously donated to our cause and we hope that you will too!
We've raised over $1000 for mental health research so far!
I've just made a donation on behalf of RPG Crossing to the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation to catch up to our $5 per full year membership pledge. That takes us to $1070 raised so far for mental health research. Great work!
How about a stretch goal? We're still a ways off from our goal of $2500, mind you. I'd really like to reach it, and so would Admin Dirk. And to make that happen, Admin Dirk has pledged an amount to bump up all full year memberships purchased during the drive by an extra month (including the ones purchased so far) IF WE CAN MEET OUR GOAL. Will that be enough incentive?
I hope everyone who contacted Adam Gogolski about playtesting is having fun with the new game. And wodine put up a giveaway for the Pendragon starter set PDF by Chaosium (thanks Chaosium!)... [Read More]