Dungeons & Dragons: 3.5e - RPG Crossing
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Games : Dungeons & Dragons: 3.5e
  Game Last Post Threads Posts
Games: Age of Worms , Braknurr's Reign : Part 2 , The Chronicles of Cyra , Banewarrens , Blood's Song , RPG Crossing Sourcebook Project , Another Fantasy II , Dancing Shadows , The Burning Plague , Diary of an AxeMan , Demonic Games , Dark Dreams and Uncertain Futures , Crestnor , Desert Sands , Athena's Alcove , A Few Good Men , Adventures in Freeport , Awakened , Dark Forces , Chuck's House of Craziness , ACM's Encounter-O-Ramma , Curse of the Crimson Throne , Dead World , A Dungeon Crawl , Chosen Scions , The Daedalian Nightmare , Beneath The Scar: Curse of the Deadlands , Air of Change... , At the Moment of Death , The Defense of Pandar , The Broken Empires , Darkness’s Ascension , Darkness Rising , Of the Blessed and the Damned , All Nations Empire , Behest of the Wolf , Adventurers of Faerun , Chronicler's Library , Deadly Games , Billywogg Brouhaha , Roaming Evil , Calculi Fatum , Bowels Of The Nine , Broken Dawn , Dungeon Crawl , Achara: The Blood War , All Forests Are One , Darkstar's Tales of Adventure , Bright New World , Adventure , Bleach d20 - New Awakenings , Darkness Rising , Avatar: The Last Air Bender , Age of Adventure , Azaleen's Dominion , Beyond the Top of the World , All Gone Dead: The Reveal , Avast! , Desna's Dale , The Dread Queen Returns , A Gold Piece Short , Dark Omens of the Abyss , Darwin's Critical Fumble , Council of Doom , Acronium Empire , Age of Innocence , Chronicles Of Kyrid , Capture the flag , Colosseum , Beast Riders of Farnland , Adventurer's for Hire , Annals of the Exiled , Angus Maxlor, The Magus King , Annuit Coeptis , Civilization After the Apocalpyse , Azure Moon Clan , Barrow of the Forgotten King , Complicated Shadows , The Bandit Court , Ages of Discovery , Dog Soldiers - Lycanthrope Unit #57 , Athen's Beginner Training , D&D: Reality Check , Age of Exploration , Black Orc Down , Broken Cog:Requiem of Celestan , The Dragon Orbs Reborn , Blood on the Sands , Crusade of the Righteous , Arethena: Land of Wonders , Arcane Defense Division , Legends of History , A Case of the Undeath , Defenders of the Realm - The War of the White Lotus , The Divine Wars , A Portal to Adventure , Biocide , Disciples , Adventures in Korlyn , Battle Tower , Champions of the Isles , Arias , Colosseum Battles , The Book of Logos , City of the Mithral Anvil , Death's dungeon , Baldur's Gate:The Bhaalspawn Saga , A Bit Of Green For The Town Of Noob , Civilization After the Apocalypse , Arteria , The Colosseum , The Bandit's Way , The Drow War , Astrologers' Machine , Bleach D20: Clouds on the Horizon , Black Vengeance , All hail the Pale Master , The Brotherhood's Crescendo , The Arenas of Nysos , The Crimson Streak , Back to the Basics , Amos' Asylum , Departure , Chantland , Chaos in Alta , Ducky's Demesne , Dumakis Divided , Assassin in The City of Jerhinah , Dark Sun , A Dark and Stormy Knight , Dragon's Nest , The City of Exile , Barrow of the Forgotten King , Amergin's Song , A Personal Invitation , Consign to Oblivion , The Creator's Wrath , Arcane Mysteries , Dreamscape Silas , Avvy's Largest Dungeon , The Chronicles of Avenguard, Part I: Allegience , Arcane Defense Division II , Discontent in Korath , Crusade of the Seven Kingdoms , Arcane Defense Division , Cabal of Hjärna , Ancient Domains of Mystery , Advent of the Sorcerer-King , A Dark and Stormy Knight (GlueDuck) , Border Shift , Chrystrom's Corner , Depths Eternal , Azshara Shrine , Broken Caverns , Akuvech - The Awakening , Chasing the Sun , An enemy of my enemy is my friend , The Big Green Door , Dungeon Race! , The Alchemist's Engine , Age of Heroes: The Dawn , The Caldaria-Project , The Adventures of Sote' Kazu , Darkness Rising , Crimson Tides , Bleach d20: New Awakenings 2 , Averland’s Future , Discovery of the Daggerweld , Assassin Wars , Dragon's Lair , Dominia , Cirque Du Noir , Changes , Azaleen's Dominion - Tides of Madness , Drip, Drip, Drip! , Darkwinds: Balford and Beyond , An Omen of Change , Dark Times Beget Heroes , Didn't See THAT Coming... , Asylum , Digital Dreamers Online , A Villain's Playground , Birth by Fire , Blood of Cherries , Allayan Wars - Saboteurs , Chronicle of the Fiend , Deep Ascension , A Mazing Game , Apotheosis Redux , Call of the Grave , 3.5e: Whispers of Calamity , A Game of Thrones , Bound to the Blade , Ashes to Ashes, Clay to Clay , A Game Of Castles , Darkmoon Wood , Dr Green's Giga-Galactic Gauntlet of Gastronomical Greatness , Atlantia, Where Planes Collide , City of Terror: Ram's Gate , Dead Mist , Atlantia, Where Gods Once Roamed , A Distant Continent of Adventure in a Low Fantasy Universe Where the Flavor is Western and the Trope , Atlantia, the Special Forces , Adventureland , DarkSune-The Second Chapter , Adventurers at Academia Draconis , Be Careful What You Ask For , 3.5 - Kin of Dragons , Adventures of Idanwall , Atlantia, What Order Remains , Agorath , Dark Heresy , Corrupted Souls , Darkness Falls , Average Joe's Band of Misfits , Alone No More , City of Dischord (M&M 3e) , Chosen , A King In Need.... , Dungeon: A Neverending Adventure , dominiōn arbitrārius , Dark , Blades and Blood , Durn Gobbers! , Arcus: The Eye of Prator , Crossroad Keep , Arvale: Curse of the Dead Goddess , Bloodlines , Celestial Abyss , Court Royale , [3.5] Eternal Night , Canned Adventures! , Curse of the Iron Mages , Capture the Flag , Clockwork Paradise , Blóð Stormur: Flying Ships, Mithril Men , Did someone say army of tarrasques in a city ruled by the spectrum of great wyrm dragons? , Camaina , A Frenzied Pace , A Second Story , The Destiny of Desdemona , Double lives , Arcane Opression: 3.5e D&D pbp , A Humble Beginning , Convergence of Souls , Agents Of The Monastery , A Faint Glimmer of Hope , Avatar -- (et al)Benders -- E6 , Doverian Legends , Adventurers Incorporated , DarkSun: The Day of Light , Deliverance , Chosen (Solo Game) , Drakthar's Way , Dungeonball! , Assault on Stratos , Dungeon of the Mind , Ægean Chaos , Age of the Brotherhood: Dragons Return , Dark Tides in Talor , [Fallout] The Stranger in Vault 54 , A New Dynasty , Basic game , A Kingdom of Bloodlust , Age of Worms , Dark Sun: The Flame of Judgment , Adventures in Greyhawk , Blackest Light , A Resurgence of Miracles , Dragon Mountain, 20th Anniversary , Cold Steel , A Tainted World , Children of St. Elimine , DnD High Level Playground , Cat and Mouse , Chapter 1: Tensions Rising , Aervynn: Manifest Destiny , Divine Purpose , Awakened Animals , [Serenity RPG] Traverse the 'Verse , Devil's Den , A Familiar Tale , And Then You Die , Adventures in Thametacsim , [3.P] Relics of Old , Anchors Away (A Choose your Adventure RPG) , Bleach: Clouds on the Horizon , Adrift the Astral Sea , An Unexpected Turn , Corruption and Chaos , Dreams of Man , Dungeon Keeper - The Villain's Handbook , Benighted Dawn , Barrow of the Forgotten King , Corruption has Come , An Ancient Evil , Disappeared, Distressed and Desolate , Court of Cormyr , Doomsday for Post-Apocalyptia , Beyond the Planes , Dawn of the Grey Wardens , DnD: A Parody , Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth , Circus Maximus , Die Tore der Macht , Dimensional Games LLC , Dragons of the Spanish Main , 3.5 Trailblazer E6 Acquired Gestalt Mayhem , Divine Purpose 2 , Alter Ego , Brothers in Arms , Avenguard Chronicles I - The Empty Throne , Dragonlance: Dragons of Darkened Moons , Angel Rising , Aluka: Nights of Darkened Moons , Blóð Stormur: Mysteries of the Lucitean Gulf , Be Careful What You Wish For , The Tales of Ozri , Bringing Down the House , Dead Man Tales , Coming to Aid the Weak , A Broken Seal, A Fractured World , Corrupted Animus , Dust , [3.P] The Inquisition of Adrens Vale , 3.5: The Walking Dead , After the apocalypse , Adventureland Redux , Blue Magi Blues , Divine Chess , AD&D 3.5/0 level characters; From the Flames , Dungeon For Rent , AD&D 3.5: Rise of the Orc Clans , A Flaw In All Things , Askara: After the War , 3.5 GLADIATORS RAWR! , Archers of the Crescent Wood , At the Foothills of Fear , City of chaos , Charenal: The Descent and Fall , Approach of Dystopia , A Refugee's Tale , A Sight To Behold , Adventures in Greyhawk , Deception, Diplomacy and Dirty Tricks , When The Myth Becomes True , Dakalnar Campaign (DnD 3.5e) , Zombie Apocalypse , A Pirates Life for Me , And really bad eggs , Dungeons of Dragoncraft , Dungeon Marathon , War of Kingdoms , Anno dominicae mortis; The year god died (historical Medieval Europe with dark fantasy) , Ascension , 3.5 Resource Wars , Adventure is a Wonderful Thing , Dimensional Games LLC The Second Release , Adventures in Faerun , Webs Are Weaved With Darkened Twine , Coastal Menace , Darrowtown , When Gods Deserve to Die - War of the Ascended , Beyond the Bounds of Mortality- Epic Level , Doors , Dark Clouds over E'Marle , DnD 3.5 0-Level Is This the Weirdest Dream , Blessed of Ur. , Duality , Arden: Land of Turmoil , DnD 3.5 Into the Flames , Dark Sun: The Emerald Sea , Why Are The Masters Of The Universe Mortals? , Wild Frontiers , Call of a Desperate Queen , Warcraft Adventures , Wonderland: A Ravenloft Tale
[Game Thread] Part 1: Exploration
Today 01:06 PM Go to last post
5,550 361,105
Games: Eternal Night , The Falling Fortresses , Earthen Works , Trouble Runs Deeper , The Great Planar Scavenger Hunt , Haunts and Horrors , Fliege's Persistent World , Enraged, The Hounded , The Forge of Fury , Five Rings: Apotheosis , Forgotten Things , Hordes of Madness , Hyrulian Stories , Forgotten Things: New Fates , The Ever Branching Path , Freeport Adventures , Legacy of a Lost Wizard-King , Hero Worship , House of Shadows , Game Of The Month Staff Forum , Formoria: The Dark Age , Hymns of the Unseen , Horror on the Hill , Funeral for a Dreamer , Ephasian Conquest , Exterminatus High , The Feathers Of The Fallen: The DyViant Legacy , Heroes of Battle , The Forge of Fury , Iconic Player Party PvP , The Fall of Blade , The fates of the bone dice. , Epic , The Encroaching Light , Fall of the Silverhand , Eternia , Edge of Myth , Eater of Souls , Folletos de los Muertos , The Emu's Nest , The Fall of Horus , Firthnar, The City of Opportunity , The Empire , The Great House Wars , Heimdall , The False Prophet , Finalwing Ascention , Eternal Tides - Sanity's Requiem , Friends For Life , Expedition to Ravenloft , Field of Battle , End of Days , Errants Revenge , Empire of Fire , Help Wanted, Inquire Within , Expedition to Castle Ravenloft , The Escapees of Brassmoon City , The Empire Project , The Fate of Iksmiar , Growing Up Is Never Easy , Elements of Deception , Fimbulwinter: Harbinger of Ragnarok , The Earthberg , GT's Goofball Territory , Griffin Gate , Gems In Time , Hubris , Getting Your Feet Wet , An End to the Empire , Followers of the Fork , The Hakken Slasch Chronicles , Hammer of the Gods , Feed the Madman's Grasp , Fecundaingens , Hope for the Future , Expedition to Castle Ravenloft , Explorers of Elndor , Fall of The Alliance , Evil Unearthed , Gates of Chaos , Encounters in the Reaches , The fate of Xyn , Epic Adventurettes , Gestalt Dungeon Crawl , Expedition to Castle Ravenloft , Exploded Earth , Hyborian Adventures , High Seas of Oceanus , The Glimmering Isles , Eternal Eclipse , Expedition to the Demonweb Pits , From the Darkness , Earth Asunder: The Dwarven Chronicles , Farhaven , Fantastic Kingdom of Bong , Echoes of the Past , Empire of Acrith , Factions of Vayrd , Goblin Chronicles , Golden Age of Dragons , Grottos & Goblins , Every Journey Has A Beginning , Gladiator Games , Götterdämmerung (Twilight Of The Gods) , Faces of Evil - A glimmer of hope , Hyborian Age Revised , Greenocalypse , Happily Ever After , Generic Heroes , Fragmented , Humble Beginnings , Have Gun, Will Shoot! (Zombie Short-Term Game!) , Former Sidekicks , Houses Divided , Hell Hath No Fury , Familiar Ambition , Eternal Throne , Gems in Time: New Facets , Heretics and Freedom Fighters , Hell Hollow , Hopelessly Adrift , High Seas , Feast for the Gulls , Gnome Bane , Elements Within , End of the World as You Know It , From Humble Beginnings , Excellence in the Pursuit of the Arcane Arts , Gaea: Adventures of the Third Age , Homegrown Heroes , For the Price of Your Soul , God of the Machine , Ghost Story (Short-Term Campaign) , Fate on the Waves , E6 sandbox game , Escape from Gavin's Point , Gladiator's: A Life of Blood, Guts, Glory, and Craziness , Heaven's Gate , Fairhaven , Esterra , Finding Your Fame , Fog of War , Fallen Angel , Erelhei-Cinlu: For Might and Glory , Fendryl's Curse , Heroes of Fardeep , Roundabout Storyboard , First Sons of Movrim , Forsaken Throne , Echoes of Divinity , Gates of Forbidden Darkness , Fire's Blood , Heirs Apparent , Echoes of Divinity: Ineos Civil War , flight of the dragons , Fallen Harmony: Friendship is Magic , Elder Scrolls Spanning the Centuries , Home Away from Home - A Misplaced Tale , GraveGear , Homebrew: Land of Chords , From the Shadows , The Amethyst Tabletop , Fourth Mountain , For Want of More , Homebrew adventure - Tales of the dragon knight , Edia , FREEDOOOOOOOOOM! , Homebrew adventure - Tales of the dragon knight (2) , Fiasco: Gangster London , Gods amung Mortals , Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality , Expedition to the Demonweb Pits , Heroes of Hagglethorpe , Edia 2000 , Halfpaign , Gladiators , Elder Scrolls Cyrodiil's The Vision Clan , Escape or be Eaten , E6 Arena Combat , Epic Gladiators , Heroes of Gar-Ba-Ge Port , Godless , Haunting echoes , Echoes of Divinity II , Heroes Journey To Becoming Paragons On the Path To Immortalality
[OOC] chatter
Today 12:24 PM Go to last post
2,639 233,379
Games: Luna's Gift , Icekeep , Memnoth Campaign Setting , Its cold in the dark... but the light burns... , Iron Bars , Kyrid Arena , Making Burrock at Least Half-Safe to Walk at Night... , Lrydar , Imearth , Misty Glade , Land of Dragons , Into the Well , Mirror , JayLab 2020 , Knives of the Green Capes , Legends on Tour , Katama , Kruken a' Thalack: Tales from Corae , The Lost Lair , Magic, Mystery, and Madness , The Legend of Pyrn , Keep Hope Alive , Lesson's Learned , Kobold's Revenge , Lands of Frost , Marcellian Investigations , Lord Rikorn's Lions , The Lands of Nenriall , Mobilis in Mobili , Magocracy , Knives in the Shadows, Words in the Court , Iron Forest , Islanaris: A World of Water , In the name of the Prince , Monster Deathmatch Island , Journey to the Yucatan , Ironman dungeoncrawl , Icekeep: Gemfest , Los Mariachis , Logos Campaigns , The Masks of Destiny , Legends of the Amulet , In Your Image... , Mercenary Guild , In the wake of the Risen. , Midnight - Aryth needs Heroes , The Isle of Black Sands , Mistplaced , Into the Arms of Death , JadeKind , The Mogoovian Mystery , The Island of Mysterious Mystery , Lord of the Tenth , In service of Evil , King Makers and Breakers , In the City of Kerton , Mirelanda , Kiiz's Kompendium , In the Shadow of Kel'azar , Legend of Zelda - The Great Cataclysm , Knowledge is Power , The Manor Of Caiaphas Kain , Kingdom of Leer , Links of a Silver Chain , Murder in the Dark , The Mothlight , Kojinland: Ironstrike , Mantle of the Gods , Lords of Brathmoor Valley , Mister Varton & His Associates , Into the Mist , Land of Dark Dreams , Into the Darkness , Minime's Keep , The Kings Wood , Long Live King Richard , Knights of Aurora , Lords of Valdamore , Interesting Times... , Mad World , Immortal Combat , Legacies: Heroes of Vayrd , Mystery of the Dwarves #2 , Jewels of the North , Legends of Oria , Medieval Heist , Legacy of Madness , In the name of the King! , Midnight Vigil , Land of the Dead , Lands of Fire and Ice , Mindflayers , Looking for a Greener World , Legacies: Heroes of Vayrd , Kings of the Sea , Life's Bazaar , Life in Dimhús , In the Shadows , Memoirs of the Great , Mansion of Shadows , Land in Chaos - Heroes Unite , My Own Dystopia , Legacy of Heroes , Malazan - The taking of One Eye Cat , Liches , Lord Irquois' Planar Arena , MonMarran Chronicles , Island of Dorak , Liches of the Caribbean Sea , Mists of Ravenloft , Keys to the Grave , Merchants and Leaders: The Gauntlet of the Savage Frontier , Merchants and Leaders: Solo Game , Into Jaws of Darkness , Living Greyhawk , Leviathan Rising , In Service to Coramir , Living Greyhawk - Thaenor , Lilies of the Earth , Lies and Legends , Mellinara City , Into The World , Keep on the Shadowfell , Mercenaries , Ladies of Nimafel , In Search of Adventure , Knights of Agathor , Mysteries of Arctic Isa , Isle of Isac , Light in the Darkness , MorningGlory , Myth's Dawn: The First Echo , Jousting Games: The Knights of DnDOG , Justal , Larado , Mordred - The Last Adventure , Jungles of Ilik'tal , Mistaken Identity , In Service of Antwhier , Milita Stories , Legend of the Dragon , Life's a Circus , Lawless , Knowledge is Power , Industrial Abberation Solutions Inc. , Into the wild Frontier , Mundus Interitus , Mercenaries of Tindar Isle , Kingdom of Alief , Lost in the Snow , Lord of the Beyond , Midnight - The Crown of Shadow , Lest We Sleep Eternal , Mercenaries , KJ , MIDNIGHT - A Spark of Hope , Monsters of Faerun (or how monsters took over the world) , Jewel of the North , Lost at Sea , Menzoberranzan Thunderdome , In the Name of Chaos , Ice Queen , Legends of the Frozen Tower , Legendary: The Tale of the Five Forgotten , Legends of the Frozen Tower: Alternate Reality , Journey of a Lifetime , Keep on the Borderlands , Kulak-Rar: The Eternal Depths , Lighting a Candle in the Darkness , Mind over magic , Land of Shalm , Marvel's X-Men - The New Recruits , Into Aberth , Mediterranea , Into the Depths , Long Night , Let Me Tell You a Tale , Lightning in a bottle: 3.5 , In the Shadows of Giants , Initiates of the Protectorate , Kraggenrest Castle , Little Fortress , Lost Cause , Kara-Tur: Fall of the Seven Dragons , Lord of the Rings Roleplaying - Descent into Moria , Kingdom of the Goblin
Today 04:09 PM Go to last post
2,683 191,172
Games: Nysos Wars , This is Ravens Bluff: , Requiem of Shadow: , ridin's rooms , OneArmed Games , The Ringlabor , The New Babylon Chronicles: Island , Paragons of the West , Pathfinder RPG: Rise of the Runelords , Ravenloft: Domains of Dread , Romance of the Three Kingdoms , Ronar, The World of , Nemesis , Planar Adventures , Picaroon , Reign'shell: Birth of Tragedy , Ravenloft , Outlaws and Cutthroats. , Necronic Night: A Journey Through Dead Lands , Project Aria , Realms of Lore , Old Man's War , Redemption , Noobies Nook , North Pole - The Great Escape , Vespari: Criminal Minds , New player game! , RoBi's Secret Stash , Premade Party , Riseing: The Dead God Awaits , Remintarom: Land of the Dragons , Plague of Undeath , Pack of Goblins , One True Spirit , One World is Not Enough , The Red Cap Goblins , Return to Adventure , Rising From the Ashes , Rise of the Runelords , Royal Flush , Reverse dungeon , Palamino , The Plane of Towers , The Insurrection , Rethnaar , The Nothing Kingdom , Rot , Promythia Bound , The Onyx Tree , Palabra, the Power of Words , Rebellion Against the Orcs , Realm of a Dying Light , Planescape: The Planewalker's Guild , Picking up the Pieces , New Adventurers for Hire , The Red Hand of Doom , On Cabbages , Redemption in the Silver Vale , Nightmares , Noblesse Oblige, The Hensburg Heritage , Rites of Passage , A New World: Horizon , Princes Of The Universe , Ravenloft: Parting the Veils of Mist , Rangers of Endore , Random Pulls of Fate , Power Corrupts , Of Many Evils , Quick and Easy Arena , Oberin , Othlon: Leriks ground , On the Shores of the Lake , Of the Rifts , Gath's Gameboard , Realm of the Warden , Replacements Needed Chasing the Sun: Steampunk in the Desert , Rise of the Dragon Goddess , The Night Walker's Embrace , Ptolus - Article of Advancements , Planeswalker's Mischief , Reboot DnD: Last of the Guardians (PvP) , Plows and Swords , Poisoned Arrows , Ravnica: Chaos and Law , Ruthless Deification , One Quiet Afternoon... (Speed 3.5e Game!) , On Familiar Ground (Replacements) , Overlords Riseing: A new land , Race For Your Life , Planet Travelers , Playing Your Role , Of Rats and Men , Nine Doors to Darkness , Rise of Dark Prince Graven , Of Rebirth and Redemption , Obeisance , Prelude: Entry into War , Nuances of the Noob , Recruiting Mercenaries , Ranger's Apprentice , Rise of Darkness , NPCs to the rescue! , Return to Axoxo , Oppressor's Wrong , Quest of the Forgotten Treasures , Rapid Tournament , Night Below , Redarrow , Rogue’s Gallery , Ptolean Gambit - Age of the Elucidated Turtle , Pieces of Peace , Random Action , Richard Nixon's Time Travelling Bar and Grill , Repercussions , Pokemon d20: Fire and Ice , Politics and Pain in Erelehi-Cinlu , Ommadawn (AKA I’m sick and tired of saving the world) , Rise of the Apocalyptians , Nightstalkers , Open Fate , Red Hand of Doom [3.5] (Reserved for the members of the Rowdy Dwarf Inn) , Pammachion Olothruul , Night Below , Progressive Adventures , River’s End: The Finder’s Fee , Oriental Adventures: Empire of the Ogre Magi , Paths of Adventure , Penollalee , On The Horizon of War , Reclaiming Daven , Post-War: Explorers of the Ruined World , Our One True Hero is Dead , Our one true Hero is Dead , Planescape: The Great Modron March / Dead Gods , Praemal in Peril , Of Evil: Outcast Shadows , Rat Queens , Random Exploration , Punishment of the Unseen and the War of the Ruby Illusion , Race The Wind , QamPain , Overthrowing the Usurper , Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil , Rise of the Elemental Lords , Realms of Tor SorVal , Peddlers of Pollexia , Origin , Quarter Till Doom , Revolt against the humans , Planescape: In the Shadows , New world order , Ramknal: City under Siege, can a Dead God be reborn? , Ravenloft: Misthaven , Princes of the Universe , One Shot: Dead Vengeance
[Private] Post Drafts (GAoO)
Feb 4th, 2025 01:11 PM Go to last post
2,651 208,423
Games: Sea of Fallen Gods , Stormwall , Velocity , The Travelers , Stronger than Destiny , The Land of Carnaelon , The Sword of Truth , The Obsidian Tower , Suffer the Children , Villains by Necessity , Scourge of the Slavelords , Sedracus' Realm , The Aftermath , The Eternal Night , Second Darkness, In the , Seis'kerta , SeeD Saga , Silent Tiger's Den , The Ellimist's Realm , Vertigo , Tolarian Academy , The Seven Kingdoms , The Sphinxes Labyrinth , Steampunk! Rise of Industry , Tabletalk: The Campaign , Shadows of the Past , The Undead Legion , Aosaw , The Sunless Citadel , Tales of Talin , This Can't Be Real , The Drakken , The Tattered Sail , The Savior , S&S Revival , Tragedy at Tinder Hold , Savage Worlds: The Black Hearts , State of Fear , Stone Tales , There's Still Hope , Tales of Two , Tales of The Land , SkyBound Story , The Clash of Titans , Tumoil in Ternechtia , Twisted planes , Torri: The Hunt , That Sinking Feeling , To Kill A Deity , Those Unborn , Try, Try and Try Again , The Long Dead Road , The Path Less Traveled By , Time Warp , The Time of The Horde , The Temple of Elemental Evil , Scholars of Tela , The Thunder Below , The Tomb of Horrors , Three Nations' War , Scourge of the Howling Horde , Twilight of Darkness , Shadows of the Secret , Twisted Firestarter , Vanished in Hazmith , Shadow Slayers , The Spark of Godhood , Tall Sun, Sharp Moon (newbies only) , Sands of Sagrubah , Voice of the Goblins , Seven Days to the Wolves , Underdark of the Drow , The Towers of Night , Signs from above , The Shackled City , The Spirit of all things , To the Edge of what is Real , Saya's Next Challenge , Vettus Ar: The Age of Troubles , The Sunless Citadel , Story of the Gods , The Jaded One , Tales of the High Seas , The Martyr of Malgor , The new recruits of Guild destiny , Tides of War , Serving the Empire , The Sunless Citadel (Tj99) , Through the Iron Gates , Visions of the Snake God , Trying Times , Sigil Prep , The Dungeon of Doom , Tales of Deceit , The Savage Tide , The Art of Theft , Shifting Earth , Skies of Autochthonia , Sins of Birth , The Price of Peace , The Mystery of the Dwaves , Temple of time , Stuff of legends , Unhollowed gang... , The Traveling Troupe of Tristan Trunk , The Age of War , Shadows of Vespar , The Wages of Cynn , Streets of Rage , Snake War , The Fall of Vanderlorn , The Saga of Nihalya , The B-Team , The Curse of the Obelisk Tower , The Curse of the Seventh Son , The Shivn Hero's Guild , The Tale of the Hunters , The Faces of Evil , The Seven Spires , The Seal of Isis , Stretching Those DMing Legs. , Unforgotten , The Tomb of Dadelrod , Through the Swamp Grass , The Trouble of a Fallen One , The Will of Zeus , The Black Hills Cult , Under The Burning Skies , Vangar's Rise , The Mill of Souls , The Storm of Heaven , Soul of XenLa , The Problem with WMDs , Tides of Fate , The Crows Nest , The Snake Within , Such is Life , The Promised Place , Sithis , Streets of Gheldabar , Three Nations: The Draconic wars , The Dragon Wars , Spirit of the City , The Leviathan Rises , The Dark Journal , Unstuck in Time and Space , Stuck in the Middle , The Dreaming , Settlers of Chevalon , Operation Daylight , The dying of the light , The Chronicles in Sklaer: Tales of Mercenaries , Truth in Perspective , The Pentafold tower , search for the ancient sword , Vangar's Rise 2: Sins of the Father , Trouble Everlasting , The Wide World of Ealdgeweorc , The Empire of Yesterday(Group) , Tower of the Immortals , The Scarlet Bridle , The cursed and gifted , The Ruthless Adventure of the Ferroh Gang , The Realm of Insanity (Revised) , The Docks of Grundelfin , The Newpoint Chronicles , The Forbidden Realm , The Gamers: Emulations , The Realm Of Insanity , Scourge of the Mad Lord , The Choice is Yours , The Arena , The Curse of the Final Sanction , The Faus' Forlorn Call , The tyrant's rule , The Shores of Avalon , Shackled City , Thaisbrin , The Rising of an Empire , The Ultimate Spell , Tomb Raiders , The away team , The Keeps of Boscovia , The Plotless Game of Dungeon Delving , Secret of the Scarlet Door , Shadows of the End , Through the Hardships , The Reclamation and the Reckoning , The World of Tuica , The Cogs of Eternity , Tournament of Champions , The Retaking of Harken (Survival) , Vampilogue , Sharn: The Spark of Strife , Scouring of Barrakabukh , The Path to Greatness , Twisted Alliances , The Essence of Change , To Clear a Name , The Dawn of Twilight , The RoK: The World of Essence: Lost , The RoK: The World of Essence: The Pits of Korbreais’Soribol , Tournament of Strategy , The Tyrant's Reward , Saga of the Heroes , Shadows of Canaan , The Eternal Quest For Ultimate Darkness , The Mountain that Weeps , The Sands of Pestilence , Temple Raider , The Needstone , The Legend of Luain , Unwanted Glory , The Island of Quautomec , The Witchhunters , The Beast Within , Tournament of Zaketh , Urban Fantasy (Dresden Files RPG) , Temposis , Swords of Dissonance , The Renaissance - A New Age , The Railroading , There's Still Hope , Survival and Salvation , Shipjacked , Synapse , The Sheep Is Our Prey , Skyfarers of Khorvaire , Escape to Infamy , Through a Prism Darkly , Eyes of the Lich Queen , The Dread Invasion , the last war , The Treasure of Five , Tabletalk: The ReCampaigning! , The Gods Wraith , TS: Aftermath , Spirited Away , The Bloody Baron (A Short-Term Campaign for Halloween) , The Corpse Crew , Us or Them , Eberron on Teamspeak , The Warriors of Falshire , The Mithril Crown , The World's Largest Dungeon (Group 2) , The King's Game , But a Pawn in the Scheme of things. , The World's Largest Dungeon , The World's Largest Dungeon (Group 3) , The Scarlet Serpent , The Guardians of Eos , Skyrim's Sorrow , The Speaker in Dreams , The Azul Caravan , The Time That We Were , Sons of Mogue , Shattered Lands , The Maze , The Immortal's Club , Seasons Lost , The Burning Plague , The Empty Throne , The Crucible of the Golden Dragon , The Kingmakers , Sky Marshals of Lunar Island , Smoking Daggers , Stuff of Legend , The Gates of Might , Shattered Hearts , The King's Entertainment , The Forgotten Realms: Downfall , Saving Your Soul , The Forgotten Forge (and beyond!) , The Worms , The Age of Prisht Stuvtsia , Such is life: A solo game in the land of Naggaroth , The Rising Tide , Trifecta: the Dawn of a New Age , The Inevitability of Death , The Conquest of Bannock , The Forgotten Forge (and beyond!) , The Forgotten Forge (and beyond!) , The World's Largest Dungeon , The Great Circle-- Beginner Campaign , The Malazan Game of the Fallen , Trouble Brewing in Saltmarsh , The Children of Khyber , Tales of Grimm , The Crossroads of the World , Shadows of War , The Criminal Underworld , The Book of Eternal Life , Shadow of the Empire , Treasures of the Forgotten King , SaltLand Redemption , Tomaca: The Plateaued City , Taken to the Planes , The Costs Of Freedom , The Curse of Ciocal , Sticks & Stones , To Catch a Snake , The Ghost of a Friend , Triumph of the Common Man , The Death of a God , The Goblin Threat and Beyond , The Avenguard Chronicles, Book One: The Empty Throne , Vinlandinga Saga , The Empires Begin , Testing testing. one two three. testing , The Hunger Games , The Game You Have Always Wanted , They Came from Above , The Legend of the Silver Chalice , Three's Company - Ascension , The Fallen Empire , The Average Day (Fill in the Blank) , The Wild, Wild North , The Mutant Scourge , Twijfelen: A Struggle for Power , Uncovering the World - And Beyond , Tomb of Horrors , Company of the Skull , Under the Foot of the Denizen , Eberron: Upon Their Merry Way , Shadows of the Prime , The Rift War , The Rise of Groaza , The Holy War , Shadowsteel , Shadowsteel , Shadowsteel , The Lost Soulstones of Nelnueve , Time & Distance , The Icy Touch Of Evil , Stranded in the Deep , The Hidden City , The Arena v1.0 , The Rebelion falls , The many faces of Vesta , The Souls of Evermain , The Alenthian War , Shattered Veil , Shattered Soul , The Changewar , In a Past Life… , The hunt for Talvin's sword , THEM , The Calling , Innistrad in Eberron , The Return of the Old Lands , The Slumbering Dungeon Master! , The Agency , The Hunt for Talvin's Sword , The Hope of Viranna , The Castle von Ritter Trapp , The Eastern Campaign , Toba's Challenge , Shadows in Aldlund , The Arena: Gladiator Fighting League , The Black Watch , The Chronicles of Home , Shadle: A City of Crows , The Brink , Scourge Of The Howling Horde , Survivors of Freedom , The Curse of the Final Sanction - Run 2 , Tales of Woe , The Restorers of Shadow , Scithen's Uprising , The Floratian Chronicles , Tower of Calamity , Star Wars - Ghost Squadron , To Hell in a Handbasket , The Hand of Eternal Darkness , The Second Commandment , The Nocturnal Requiem , The Words of Power , The Lost Gem of Evernight , The Serpent Amphora , Vanilla , The End is the Beginning , The Sunless Citadel , the Lost Gen of Evernight , Shards of Divinity , Under That Golden Sun , Stories of Eastfords , Sellswords of Khorvaire , The World’s Scar Bazaar (Epic 6) , The Land of Moonsea , Sound of Madness , The Banker's Daughter , The Lost City of Barakus , Shadow Works , The Sands of Discord , The Darkness Comes, to End. , The War of the Shadow , The Rise and Fall of the Third Lich , The City of Ramknal , The Avenguard Alliance , The Labyrinth , test game , The Road of the Chosen , The King's Chosen , The Brothers Inc. , The Prophecy Unleashed , The Forest of Facades , The Antipodes Venture , The Halls of Madness , Shades of Eberron , The Dungeon of the Mad Wizard Soahc , The Legend of Armandia , The Five Kingdoms , The Struggle Against Time , Twilight Skies , The Golden Company , The Dark Age of Tera , The Heart of Nowhere , The Death of Azalin , The Sprawl , Sands of Fate , The Many Intrigues of Verona , The Chronicals of Ioxadore , Season of the Misfit , The 200 Word Adventure , Stone of Calamities
Jan 25th, 2025 11:27 AM Go to last post
5,198 373,126
Games: WLD: Kobald Love , World of Hearth , Wedding Bells , Weavers , The World of Felmnor , When Planes Collide , Waterworld , Welcome to the Dawn , The World of Pratax , YOUTH OF A NATION , Pathfinder: Wrath of a Mad Goddess , Zombie Days , War Time , Wrath of the Last Prince , Zalanthas , What Lies Below the Surface? , What Once Was Lost , World on the Back of the Python , Where Dead Men Walk , The Winding Road , Wanted: Fur Foot , World's largest dungeon , Wandering into the Yucatan , Application - The War of the Northlands , When Darkness Falls , War of Seven Nations , What Defines A Monster? , Zemaljia: A World Alive , Within an Iron Fist , Whispers of Jade , War of the Creator and Devourer , Will of One , Waking to Life , When The Skies Were Starless , Wages of Cynn , Zilebeir’streeatul, the Great Arena , World's Largest Dungeon , The Wizard's Amulet , Water of the Gods , World War 0 , World of Aelwick , Wrath of the Necromancer , Watch Your Step and Maybe You'll live , When Chaos Reigns , Zenarth: Where Gods Roam , Wandering the Planes , Wolfman's Play House , Zareen's Folly 2: Corruption , Wreck Ashore , WitchHunt: The Dreary Lives of NPCs (Short-term Campaign!) , When Angels Fall , Wizards vs cats. All applications accepted. , War of the Scale , World's Largest Dungeon , Wings of the Butterfly , Wake of the Inferno , War Meisters Academy , Westside DND , W. A. R. (What is it good for?) , Wastes of Persephone , Warriors of the Plains , World of Tatm , World of Tatm , World of Tatm , Winter is Comming , world times , War of the Spirits , When Brothers Clash , Wyrd Runes , When There's No More Room in Hell , Warhammer 40k(modified 3.5e) , What a Long Strange Trip It's Been , Welcome to Free Earth , When Worlds Collide , When Worlds Collide , World's Largest Dungeon , WFRP 2nd Ed - The Exterminators , Wheel of Misfortune: The Labyrinth of Doom , Wyrremas last song
[Game Thread] Mission Two
Sep 5th, 2024 11:24 PM Go to last post
934 69,920
Games: Full-Moon Rising , City of the Spider Queen , What may come... , Labyrinth of Madness , The Rise of Vecna , Tome of Legendary Deeds , Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave , Expendition to Castle Ravenloft , Shadows of the Weave , Undermountain , Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil , Secrets of Nalvaron , Champions of the God-King , Grey Tide Rising , Unconventional Heroes , Adventures in Chult , Trials and Tribulations , The Legacy of Amn , A Question of Supply and Demand , Bleakrock: The truth revealed (The Adventurers) , The Rise of House Shyldaey , Tearing Of The Weave , Blood War , City of Shadows , The Rise of The Ancient One , The Legacy , Evermeet and Beyond , Chronicles of Coal , Going West , A Call to Arms , Loth's Curse , The Thayan Connection , Chaos in Calimport , The Hidden Throne , Forty Ships; 3.5 D&D , In the Realms of Shadow , War of the Spider Queen , Trials of the Underworld , The Unsung Heroes , Tomb of Horror , On the Road in Faerun , Ravaged Lands , Forgotten Realms: The Golden Kingdom , Forgotten Realms: The Golden Kingdom , The Webs of Darkness , Under the Mountain and into the Flame , Keepers of the Dales , War on Faerun , Lands of Intrigue , Luskan – The City of Sails , City of the Spider Queen , Vengeance and Solace , Age of Worms - Faerun , Waterdeep - In Service of the Lords , Operation Underdark , Of Silver and Shadows , Adventures in the Forgotten Realms , Adventure Pack , Neverwinter Nights: The Dragon Wars , The Desert of Desolation , Rebuilding Menzoberranzan: Dark times , On Familiar Ground , The Red Hand of Doom , Whispers in the Forest , Forgotten Realms Noir , Visions on the Lake of Steam , Elder Evils in Faerun , Rise of the Black Blades , Adventures in a fantasy metropolis , Bounties of the Coast , Gambit of the Spider Queen , New Tilverton , Sshamath - Che'el d'M'elzaren lu'veldrin , When Stars Go Dark , The Burning Plague: RP or RIP , A Dragon's Dream , City of the Spider Queen , Adventures in Cormyr , Tales of the Sword Coast , Explorers of Undermountain , Welcome to Westgate , Faerûnian Ventures , The World Born Dead , The Crystal, The Covenant And The Crusade , Faerunian Adventures , Ingleside: A City Under Siege , The Bondsmen of Crimmor , Mulhorand in Flames , Faerun at War , Amnian Ash , Epic Destiny , The Walker's stone , Expedition to Undermountain , Faerun Restarted , A Dragon's Dream , City of The Spider Queen [3.5e] , Tomb of Horrors , Shadows over Faerun , Faerun Restarted , Heroes of the Heartlands , Once We Were Soldiers , Helm's Hold , Unnatural wrath , The Broken City of Splendors , The Sword Coast , Slaves in the Moonsea , The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde 3D , The Sons of Gruumsh , Forgotten Realms: The Savage Frontier , The Tale of the Ivory Hold , The Cycle of Twilight , Faerun: The Fall and Rise , Hofstra D&D , Forgotten Realms of Adventure , Mere of Dead Men , Working for a Dragon , Under Townsville , Dragon Potentate , City of the Spider Queen , A Dawning of Darkness , Rise of the Drow , The Collectors Quintet , Forgotten Realms: Ancient Dominion Campaign , The Nacarat Orectic , Mere of Dead Men , Turning of the Wheel , Your Time in the Sun , Shades of the Dark Network , Planar Chaos: Multiverse of Madness , Shadow of the Brave New World , The Arcane War , D&D 3.5 We Used to Dance , The Depths of Evil , The Sieging of Toril , The Village of Eastpass , The Normal Heroes of Grendal , The Shadows of Kozakura , DnD 3.5 A Moment Before Time , Kaylara's playground
Jan 31st, 2025 01:30 AM Go to last post
2,006 151,009
May 7th, 2021 08:22 PM Go to last post
552 33,864

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