So here we are; the field of 12 narrowed to just the two of you. I wish you both luck, and a reminder that the optional ingredients are only optional; you may choose as many as you want to use, or none, if you so wish. The judge will only consider their use if he feels the competition too close to call; in this instance, the bad use of an igredient will count against you, while a good use will be rewarded. Your ingredients, gentlemen:
Main Ingredients
Legendary Monarch
Unique handle
Way of the blade
Dancing steps
Primordial fear
Optional Ingredients
Devils garden
Patchwork Dress
Isle of the beast
Bloody drama
Lost tongue
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing."
Malikane, you have won by default, but that doesn't change the level of attention you put into your submission (whatever level that was). Let's have a look under the hood, shall we, for the final entry and ultimate winner of the battle in kitchen forum stadium!
Regarding ingredient use, I found a satisfactory sampling, with the exception of Primordial Fear, which was pretty disconnected. The Dancing Steps and the Way of the Blade are well-used. The Lost Tongue is a bit pedestrian, but you certainly don't lose anything for it.
To begin with, you imply that being sterile and crazy is too steep a price to pay for long life. I ask you, is it really? Most of the world's population is already insane; and if one were to have gotten busy before the semi-botched ritual, lack of heirs wouldn' t be so much a problem as outliving them might. Other than that, you've provided a textured and comprehensible backstory as appetizer. Now that the table is set...will the entree sizzle...?
The conclusion the PCs are led to regarding the hauntings is a bit deterministic. There are other ways to interpret attacks on strangers by empty air spouting gibberish than by deducing the mostly-forgotten Emperor is back and about to bust out. Of where? If everyone knows, someone would've done something about it by now, no...?
Last round's submissions, ancient history though they may seem, lived on in this judge's disused brain for a preponderance of situations such as: "The door in the front is the only way in..." Really? For a bunch of surly 10th level PCs? Maybe in other DMs' campaigns, but never in mine. My players would Craft an army of mechanical badgers and tunnel underneath the wall, then invoke some obscure rule to cause a horde of Earth Elementals to wreck the damn foundation just so the party can burst up through the floor dramatically.
Even so, I'd have preferred to see a REF or DEX roll to avoid being chucked off the staircase. It won't take too many d6 of falling damage per 10' for the party wizard to get all hissy, and we want the player to feel like s/he has a chance, or else use their noggin and just Fly up...Next, Fireball the red plants and another fight--good stuff. The second room is my favorite, especially with Stalkers waiting to punish players whose cleverness may have had them zipping around earlier whilst thumbing their noses at the land-bound party members. A little dragon dentistry solves the next room--I wonder if neutral players would try to talk with the dragon, possibly then persuading it to voluntarily contribute a tooth in exchange for an escape, and the freedom to eat everything in the nearby town? Just a thought.
Would've liked a bit more meat on the bad guy's bones, but a few messy rounds later, the masonry is coming unglued and the party's dodging rubble without any cash to show for their troubles. The concept of the old Empire leaves some room for the DM to imagine more deviltry later on.
All in all, I found this adventure coherent, well-plotted, and a good mix of traps and fights, although with a dearth of NPCs. This is a good example of what we like to see in these annual culinary exercises--enough adventure to tax a few players with, maybe a springboard to greater things, all done with weird ingredients.
Well done, Iron DM Malikane, and it would be terrific to see you again next year!
ridin status: Sporadic. Plse see this post for general Sept/Oct/Nov schedule.
NO xp please! It's no longer possible to earn negative xp. These gray dots are highly endangered! Don't kill them!