Rise of the Runelords
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Apr 19th, 2011 at 10:19 PM. |
Name: Mikki Muddytoes
Race: Halfling Class: Ranger (but almost certain to pick up levels in Rogue as well) Alignment: Neutral Good Backstory: The Muddytoes family hails from the Mushfens south of Sandpoint. Like her older brothers, Mikki makes a living through hunting, gathering, and fishing. Unlike her brothers, Mikki also dreams of a life of adventure. These dreams, some would say daydreams, have gotten Mikki into trouble more than once. Chasing down imaginary conspiracies in Sandpoint is, after all a good way to run afoul of Sheriff Hemlock. Mikki could easily start the game en route to or in Sandpoint to do some trading-- or even in the stocks, having again landed herself in trouble with the authorities. Appearance: Just over three feet tall, Mikki has a fit, athletic build (for a halfling). Her love of spicy chelaxian sausage does contribute to a hint of a belly. Mikki has curly, dark brown hair on her head and atop her large bare feet. She dresses as a commoner in patched knee breeches, a button up shirt, and suspenders. Mikki is rarely seen without her bow. Personality: Mikki is friendly and fun in social situations. She loves to partake of rich, spicy foods, especially sausage, and strong drink. When circumstances demand it, Mikki can try to put up a guarded front, but this rarely lasts long. She'd rather have friends than enemies. What does your character bring to the party, both in a fight and outside of one? Mikki is a flexible, but not overly powerful combatant. At 1st-level, she will primarily fight at range with her bow. When she picks up at least one level as a rogue, she should also be able to function as a skirmisher, supporting more dedicated melee combatants. How many games are you currently in? Roughly Fourteen. Have you ever played Rise of the Runelords before, and if so, how good are you at avoiding metagaming? I started Rise of the Runelords this past summer with my home group. I played a halfling ranger/rogue not too unlike Mikki. Unfortunately, near the end of the second book, our party suffered a near-TPK. Even those two (out of nine or so) players who survived wanted to make new characters. The resulting party, in which I was playing a cleric of Sarenrae, became derailed after their first session. We have since abandoned Rise of the Runelords (to play Kingmaker). I would love to be able to get through the entire adventure path, hence my application here. I think I'm pretty good at avoiding meta-gaming, and will do my best not to spoil anything in the adventure for any of the other players. |
Rowan Finn "Mouse"
What does your character bring to the party? In combat, Mouse will fill the role of primary caster, with an emphasis on Enchantments and Healing. Out of combat, she will be an entertaining RP figure. She will also be good at tracking, animal handling, and cooking. How many games are you currently in? I'm currently playing in two, although one of those looks to be dead before it has begun. Last edited by The Firkraag; Dec 30th, 2010 at 12:20 AM. |
Finally, someone running a Paizo AP, and one I haven't ever played or looked at either! Being as it's Christmas I won't have an application ready for at least the next 2-3 days, but I plan on applying with a skald-type bard(maybe using the Savage Skald archetype from the APG) that might go bard/fighter and who hails from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. More to come after the holidays, hope everyone has a good one!
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain." It's time to toss the dice. |
What reasons would someone not from Sandpoint have to be in the area? On a trade mission from Korvosa would be one idea, but what about from the further reaches....say someone from Alkenstar, or perhaps Cheliax? Is there a local festival, or something worth visiting? The player's guide doesn't mention much, other than there are some good reasons in the first Rise of the Runelords book...which only the DM should have access too?
Very sick at the moment, posting only rarely when I can think clearly. |
Last edited by NightSky; Dec 28th, 2010 at 04:44 AM. |
Now, while those are good reasons to be in Varisia, it doesn't necessarily imply Sandpoint. There are three things which may recommend the town: first, it is a good-sized town a few days from Magnimar, which is a growing port city - so if you entered the region by ship, Sandpoint makes a likely stopping point on the way to the interior; second, Sandpoint has had some troubles as of late (during which their cathedral burned down), and they are having a celebration of these times being over (as well as a holy day of the goddess Desna); third, if you are looking for ruins, Sandpoint has one itself, the Old Light, which seems to be the ruins of an old, fallen lighthouse sticking up over the town.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Last edited by Pilgrim; Dec 25th, 2010 at 03:01 PM. |
Ah, I hate it when that happens! Having had similar experiences on numerous websites, I have developed a habit - if it takes me longer than 15 minutes to write something, I copy it and paste it to Notepad before I submit, so if something goes wrong I can just copy it back over.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
Bringing back Silas for the new game. Might even try to make a picture this time. I might make some changes to him before all our applicants are chosen, but this is him for the most part.
Name: Silas and occasionally Drubrner Race: Half-Orc Class: Alchemist Age: 22 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Backstory: Twenty two years ago, in a bordello in Riddleport called the Maiden‘s Altar, a half-orc that came to be know as Silas was born. Small and malnourished, it seemed that Silas only survived off the pity of those around him. His mother, a young bronze-skinned woman who was a stranger to the city, left her shameful infant son behind and sailed away at the first chance she got. As Silas began to learn how to walk and talk he was put to work in order to earn his keep. While there he took care of washing the clothes, cleaning the rooms, and keeping an eye out for johns that tried to skip their bills. Strangely enough, Silas got his first taste of alchemy via the various curatives the girls used to keep from getting sick. In his time there, the girls grew to love Silas and started to playfully call him their little “tusked shadow.” The Madame of the bordello, Verda Oleander, often took note of how Silas would spend much of his free time at a desk trying to figure out how to get their in house remedies just right. Taking Silas’ predestined obscurity in her hands, she contacted some of the local crime lords to find Silas a teacher in the art and science of alchemy. Without any warning, Silas found himself taken from the only home he’d ever known and was deposited in the laboratory and home of Grant Faerdain., a servant of Boss Croat. Although Silas desperately wanted to go back or to at least say goodbye, his new tutor would have none of it. While he maintained a cover of anonymity as a small time apothecary, Grant was actually a chemist that worked tirelessly to improve the illicit drugs that Croat brought before him. By virtue of his duplicity and unspoken position as Grant’s successor, Silas had just unwittingly become a member too. From age ten to eighteen, Silas spent many grueling hours mixing and studying various regents, suffering a dose of his mistakes with each failure. While he longed for the simple life he had before, success under Grant’s watchful eyes left him more fulfilled than he had ever felt before. Eventually Silas and Grant worked as a team to meet Croat”s needs. As time went on, Grant afforded Silas more freedom with his time. Silas took the opportunity to explore Riddleport and learned a little about the city. It was on these journeys that Silas encountered an old half-orc sailor named Drubner. Finding something intriguing about the young half-blood’s inquisitiveness, Drubner taught Silas about who he was, what their people were like, and how to “fight like a real man!” In return Silas managed to make some ointments for Drubner’s joints and kept an eye out for him when Drubner was too drunk to do it himself. It was a good life and it would have continued on this way for many years, but then Silas learned the true price of his lifestyle. In a rush to produce a new variety of pesh that lasted half as long in the system with a little more kick, Silas added too much hemlock. A rash of five deaths swept minor officials in key positions within Riddleport. Unfortunately they were also some of Croat’s best clients. After another outing with Drubner, Silas came home to find Grant shaking on the ground, a victim of the same botched concoction. It didn’t take Silas long to realize he was only alive because he had been absent when Croat‘s hushmen took their boss‘ revenge. Grabbing what money and supplies he could, Silas fled out into the streets. He stayed away from the docks, assuming they’d be watched for any fleeing half-orcs. Instead Silas fled south as far as his money could take him, all the way to Sandpoint, and simply tried to blend in. He took Drubner’s name as an alias and has been doing minor alchemical work to keep himself fed and housed. Still, Silas waits for the day when the hushmen will come and stick their pins in him.. Appearance: Silas is a half-orc with gray skin, golden eyes, and a frizzy mess of short, red hair. His hands, in contrast to the rest of his skin, have been bleached to a stark white for the chemicals he’s often exposed to. He makes little effort to hide them, but can easily get annoyed if he’s pestered about them once too often. Silas’s attire consist of brown leather pants, boots, a yellow cloth shirt and a belt with over a dozen vials and bottles hanging from it. If he has some business outside of Sandpoint then he’ll usually add some brown leather armor with a matching duster coat, a backpack stuffed with even more concoctions than his belt, a plaid wool scarf, and a black cap. All of his clothes have stains from various regents and a stark chemical smell often follows Silas around. Personality: Silas is his own man. When he decides a course of action, he sticks to it, relishing the freedom he now has to make his own choices. This usually involves pursuing his love of alchemy or getting drunk at the local bar. Unlike his green skinned cousins, Silas is a very vocal and personable half-orc. He speaks his mind and generally accepts the opinions of others so long as they aren’t based on ignorance. But despite his amicable nature, Silas still has a temper and gets frustrated when he finds himself in an unfair situation. Thankfully he’s learned to channel that energy away from breaking things and into what he calls “poetic justice.” What does your character bring to the party, both in a fight and outside of one? Silas is not the greatest or most capable of fighters, but using his bombs, potions, and mutagens he can quickly turn the tide of a battle in his favor. His willful personality and surprising intellect also tends to make him very decisive, leading to plans when there are none and a good grasp of situations. Outside of battle Silas is a capable money maker with his alchemical skills, is fairly knowledgeable about many things dealing with his craft, and can get along just fine in the wilderness. How many games are you currently in? Three. One is currently on hiatus while we wait for word from our GM, I run a Council of Thieves game, and then this one. Have you ever played Rise of the Runelords before, and if so, how good are you at avoiding metagaming? I have learned about some parts of it previously, but I’ve never played it myself. Last edited by corporealself; Dec 30th, 2010 at 02:50 AM. |
Saw you were looking at converting the 3.5e stuff to Pathfinder and figured, in case you haven't already seen it, I'd point out the conversions for APs at the d20pfsrd. Other than that merry christmas everyone, just spent a long day with family and am about to crash.
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain." It's time to toss the dice. |
So the three people you already have, do they have classes? Cause I mean just thinking that if they do, those of us applying might like to avoid encroaching on those roles, as you likely aren't looking for people to double up.
I just got the class of the second one. I'll update above.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
All three current players have given me class info. We have a cleric, a sorcerer, and an alchemist.
Rise of the Runelords - GM | Black Match - Casey Lyons
It may not be finished yet, I'll update this text when I'm sure it is. You can still view what I've written so far and suggest changes if you so desire.
Last edited by Ieiunitas; Dec 29th, 2010 at 10:35 PM. |
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