Post your apps here along with a link to your sheets. Remember to secret things you don't want others to see. I will ask that you leave a name, race and physical description visible to all though since those would be something they will know pretty quickly.
Abilities - 32 point buy
Starting gold - standard for 6th lvl
HP - Max at first, half + 1 thereafter (d10 = 6, d4 = 3, etc.)
Last edited by Slolivin; May 31st, 2011 at 06:27 PM.
Name:"The Shadow"
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: The Shadow is anti-social for an elf, preferring to avoid others rather than seek to understand and interact with them as most do. Raised strictly, and then trained incessantly, he has no time for music, no patience for literature or mind games - tricks of the tongue, which agitate him. He has dedicated his entire being into his duties as a ranger, and has few living acquaintances.
Appearance: Keeping mostly to himself and living on the move in the wilderness, there are perhaps none alive who know The Shadow's identity. He appears always hooded and masked, and speaks very little. His gear usually consists of studded leather with bracers, boots, and covered in bandoleers and pouches. He prefers to fight with two swords at once, using a longsword on his left hip and his shortsword on the right. The Shadow's also known for using tools like smoke bombs, sleeping gas, caltrops, etc. Underneath the armour he typically wears a hooded long-sleeved tunic. Eccentrically, he always wears an elven theatrical tragedy mask.
Standing at moderate height for an elf, somewhere around 5'9, he is as muscular as he is lean. He is built more like a tiger than a lion, his power divided evenly throughout each muscle group in his body.
Motivation/Goals: The Shadow's motivation is murky but his actions are impossible to question. He is known for his dedication and almost brutal skill as a ranger. A true hunter, he stalks the thrill more than the prey.
Active in the area at the time of Lerick's crisis, The Shadow was one of the first to arrive. Claiming his quarry is somehow linked to The Band's disappearance, he pledges his service to the Mayor and seems infinitely genuine.
Party Role: Preferring to operate alone, The Shadow is not opposed to co-operating with a team. He works best alongside the party keeping out of sight, spotting ambushes, traps, and waiting to pounce on the enemy.
A skilled archer and swordsman, he can serve both a ranged and melee combat role.
Name: Donavan "Foxtooth" Patrickson Race: Human Class: Barbarian Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (more of a Scottish neutral than a chaotic stupid) Personality: Boisterous and charming in that barbarian way, Donavan is wise in the ways of the wild and quick with his tongue. However, he is at a loss in civilized settings and can get quickly overwhelmed by intellectuals. He is not normally destructive or outrageous but get a few ales in him....well, let's just say that the saying 'Kord invented alcohol to keep the Kaelish from conquering the world' has some merit. Appearance: Tall, dark, and handsome. Or at least, Donavan thinks he is tall, dark, and handsome. Shoulder-length dark brown hair crowns a face that is often painted with blue stripes, and when it is warm enough to go without furs he has no problem showing off his manly physique. His light blue eyes are the only aspect that defies stereotypes--the only part of his mother's heritage that he shows, and his only keepsake of her. At first glance, Donavan is the epitome of barbarian prince--lots of muscles upon muscles and a sword twice the height of a halfling.
“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'” - George Bernard Shaw
Last edited by Slolivin; Jun 4th, 2011 at 10:36 PM.
Huh? Ye wanna know about the wizard? Well, which bloody one? There's been a lot of them hooded folk like yourself wandering through here recently. ...Oh, ye must be talking about that -- oh, what's his name -- Jerul! Jerul Lysik. Yeah, he's the one you're looking for.
Well o'course he's human. How'd ye not know that if you're looking for him? Say, who are you anyway? I don't recognize ye as being from around here, and your staff looks rather odd; can't say I've ever seen a metal staff before...
P-Please forgive me, sir, I didn't know who you were...I'll tell you anything I know. Just please...don't hurt me.
How many years has he been studying with Master Aladar? ...Please give me a moment to remember, sir, it's been a while...I last saw Jerul back in the winter of ' I'd say he's been studying with the Master 'bout six years now. How intensely? Gee, I don't really know that, sir. You say it sounds like he's got about six...levels worth of experience as a wizard? That's a mighty strange way of measuring someone's experience, if you don't mind my saying so, sir.
Can he hold his own in combat? Haha, that's a good one, sir! Hahaha...oh, err, ye weren't joking? Uh, well let's just say Jerul's more at home with his books and parchment than with a blade in his hands. Or a bow, for that matter. Truth be told, sir, I've heard he's a bit of a coward. He'd be as likely to tie you up with his magicks than spill any real blood himself.
That being said, I also hear that he's uncommonly sharp for his age. Knows a lot, and knows about some things that a boy that age has no right knowing about. Come to think of it though, there are some things a boy that age should know about that he probably doesn't. If you catch my drift, sir. Too many damn books.
Jerul's a pretty nice guy, sir. He's not a real stickler for the rules unless he can see a good point to them, but his heart is in the right place. He'd probably give you the robes off his back if he saw ye really needed them. Although they might be a tad long for even ye, sir.
Why's that, ye say? Let me tell ye, sir: Jerul Lysik is about as tall as they come. It's well over six feet from his sandals to his mop of brown hair. He's got pale skin and these pretty gray eyes. His face would look feminine if it weren't so damn high off the ground. Thin as a rail, too. I guess Master Aladar doesn't worry too much about feeding his apprentices well. Say, did I say something funny? Why are you laughing, sir?
Ah...I guess I'll take ye word for it, sir. Like I said earlier, Jerul doesn't have the fiercest of spirits. He's always been a quiet lad, not saying much but taking everything in. We used to think maybe he even had some speech impetus--impetuh--err, problem. Hardly ever spoke a word to anyone while he was here in Lerick. Always had a thing for books, though. Tore through any book he could get his huge hands on. Also spent a lot of time writing. Probably wrote more words down than he's ever spoken aloud, ha!
Don't ask me, sir. Ye can read it for yourself! I uh...normally wouldn't share these with just anyone, sir. Just saying. Those mages are pretty damn protective of their journals. Jerul's tamer than most, but Master Aladar would just abou' kill me if he knew I had copies of pages from his journal. Actually, scratch that -- the Master would kill me, no question about it. So please don't ask how I got these.
Thank ye, thank ye, sir. If I can be of any further service, just call fer me.
Originally Posted by Jerul Lysick (Sixth day of the tenth month of the year 634)
This journal is the property of Jerul Lysik.
Master Aladar says I needn't write my own name in my mage's journal. He says if someone else is reading it, I've already lost the right to get it back.
No one besides myself should ever read my mage's journal.
There, I've underlined it. Master Aladar says it's quite important. He also says I should stop writing in it since he's right th--
Originally Posted by Jerul Lysik (Seventh day of the tenth month of the year 634)
I do wish Master Aladar would stop smacking me with his staff whenever he wishes me to cease whatever activity in which I am currently engrossed. I fear it shall have a detrimental effect on my rather formidable mental capacities. Perhaps there is a way I can test this hypothesis. However, to do so would require me to willfully incite such responses from the Master. This would most likely be an unwise course of action.
In any case, allow me to make a proper introduction.
I am Jerul Lysik of the town of Lerick, out by the Great Range. My father Harald Lysik tends to a small farm with my younger sister Adriana. My mother died bearing Adriana. Father jokes that she has to be twice the feminine influence in the house with both him and myself there.
Except that I'm not, anymore. Father always said Master Aladar had special plans for me, but he never really elaborated on what those might be. I wonder if they might have something to do with I suppose I will find out on my own now.
A week ago, there was a knock at the door of our little cottage. Father opened the door to reveal a tall, cloaked and hooded figure bearing a long staff. Suffice it to say that I was impressed at the Master's appearance. After giving in to my insistent questioning, Father had described him as a powerful man who had softened in his old age. I'm not so sure I agree. I would not characterize Master Aladar as "soft" in any sense.
Master Aladar calls for me. I must away. Likely to grind amphibian spleens or some other such strange task.
~ Jerul
Originally Posted by Aladar (Twenty-fifth day of the second month of the year 640)
Today marks seventeen years to the day since I entrusted Jerul to Harald's care. Mayhap there is a certain cosmic order to these kinds of events.
Yesterday I received rather troubling news that Rajadin is not quite as dead and gone as I had believed. Rumors say that a formidable necromancer is rising in the east, gathering all manner of evil to his undead banner. A necromancer wielding a staff of cold, black steel. Where or how Rajadin has regained his powers is beyond my imagining, but I fear I will have to take up my staff again.
These tidings cast a dark shadow over what should be a joyous day. Jerul has learned much, and quickly at that. For the past six years, his beaked nose has been buried almost constantly in the tomes of my library or in the pages of his journal. While I had planned to make the lad a journeyman today, I now have double the reason for wanting to create some distance between myself and Jerul. Should my former pupil seek vengeance against me, I would like Jerul to be far from the action. If our almost inevitable contest should be anything like our previous battles, there will be much collateral fallout.
In any case, it will do Jerul good to be out and about in the wider world. There is much to be learned here in the tower, but there are many more lessons that can only be taught outside these magicked walls. And, gods forbid, should Rajidin prove more than my equal, it shall most likely fall to Jerul to defeat his predecessor.
I would not wish that heavy burden on my new apprentice's lanky shoulders. But alas, my heart grows weary at the thought of the toils ahead, should the rumors prove as true as I fear they are.
You never learn, do you? Did you really think training a second, kinder magus would alleviate your guilt, Aladar? I can almost hear Master Elthus' laughter from the nether world.
- A.
Originally Posted by Jerul Lysik (Twenty-sixth day of the second month of the year 640)
Today is my first official day as Journeyman Lysik. Journeyman Lysik. Sounds strange to my ear. I shall probably retain the simple name of Jerul. Perhaps Journeyman Jerul?
I suppose I knew the day was coming, but it was still a surprise. It hardly seems like six years have passed since I first entered the Master's tower with nothing but the clothes on my back. I suppose I have learned some things here and there, but I cannot help but feel there is so much I have yet to discover, and that there are horizons beyond of which I am not even aware. Master Aladar always said that learning only increases one's awareness of how much one does not know.
With that in mind, going to somewhere I do know seems like a good place to start. I have often wondered how Father and Adriana have fared since I last saw them two summers ago. I suppose I shall find out soon enough.
I also suppose I have my fair share of wandering and ...adventures ahead of me. Master Aladar explicitly warned me not to return until he had heard of my exploits in the Mare's Head. Given how little real news reaches the grungy tavern, I figure I will need to slay nigh seven dragons ere that day comes. I never did understand why Master enjoys frequenting the rather pungent establishment.
I have to admit that this would be my first time ever playing any caster class. I've only been playing D&D for about a year now, the vast majority of that experience coming from this site. I run off the online SRD, as I don't own any real (D&D) books. All this is to say that if you're worried a straight wizard will end up being overpowered compared to the rest of the party, I can pretty confidently assure you that that will not be the case. Especially since my focus is on role-playing fun anyway...
Also, in hindsight, I'm realizing that Jerul's background reads a lot like a mashup of Harry Potter and Star Wars...ugh. I assure you that any similarities are purely the work of my devious subconscious. Whether that should reassure you is another matter, I suppose.
Name:Yara Talith Race: Half-Elf Class: Sorcerer 4/ Dread Witch 2 (Heroes of Horror pg. 98) Alignment: Chaotic Good
Appearance: Yara is in a word gorgeous. She's tall for a half-elf and thin but with curves in all right the places. Her physical traits are the perfect mix of her elven and human heritage, taking the best parts of both and combining them into a stunning woman. Her facial features are highly elven, with high angular cheekbones, bright green, almond shaped eyes and pointed ears. The rest of her body takes after her human side. Long, straight blonde hair frames her face and falls past her shoulders, and her skin is tanned, giving her an exotic look. Even if she didn't have any magical abilities, her looks alone would be enough to fascinate and hypnotize most men and even some women.
She prefers to wear light, flowing, colorful, expensive dresses though is just as comfortable, and alluring, in a shirt, breeches and boots. The only weapon she carries is a dagger, though she rarely ever has to make use of it.
Cat, K-A-T, I'm outta here!
I know there's two T's
Last edited by GetSomeLeaves; Jun 1st, 2011 at 10:33 PM.