"Child, move aside!" yelled the Mabarborne as she raised her sword over her shoulder. She slowly inhaled then exhaled. At the end of her breath, the ground around her shook and fractured. A purple energy vortex enveloped her sword and sucked the massive chucks of rock where they spun continuously until they were ground to fine bits. "Not enough. I need it hotter." "Aye, captin'!" affirmed Aleena as she spun the debris faster and faster. At the same time, Zenaadriel's body was engulfed in fire. Her dark armor that seemed like charcoal glowed like ember. The sheer heat and pressure baked the sword white hot. Snow melted instantly and heaved steam. The rocks glowed yellow until they were floating blobs of molten material. "It's cooked and ready to be served!" ![]() Zenaadriel swung her sword violently at her victim. Smoke and ash erupted at the wight's direction as the avalanche of pyroclastic material engulf the giant undead with its ominous maw. The path rumbled and split apart like an angry beast and then... A foreboding silence was felt as the debris cleared. Curiously, the wight was also left unscathed apart from being blasted with dust. ![]() Then suddenly, a jet of intense beam darted at the giant wight's chest at an instant. About two seconds later, it erupted into a cone of molten steel and pushed the undead several feet until it was glued to a wall with only its hand sticking out in ![]()
If only I could resurrect Zenaadriel for the bantz! Last edited by sneakybastard; Dec 9th, 2013 at 11:21 PM. |
Charging from the northern side, Cassi's blade did little to directly cause harm, but her movements caught the attention of the giant, allowing Adèle to cut deeply into its left leg, causing it to howl and turn back on her.
Atop the stairs, Udodak gingerly moved towards the large wight, calling out for its attention. Behind him, Boren cut straight through the final wretch, dropping both halves of its chilled corpse to the stone steps beneath it. Before the towering undead could turn its fury upon the little girl, Six and Zenaadriel delivered their own responses upon it. Left disorientated and confused after the warforged messed with what little was left of its mind, the creature was not prepared for Zenaadriel's attack, and practically few backwards, leaving Adèle and the chilled Pangu behind. Crumpled against the castle wall, it struggled momentarily to rise, before sinking back to the snow, the last of the foul magic animating it dissipating into the swirling winds.
Hugga asks: Super Fantasy Brawl? Games: HOF, VotV, T3E =>> ...back to flooding, now...<<=
Last edited by hvg3akaek; Dec 16th, 2013 at 12:08 AM. |
Glancing over the field one last time to make sure nothing undead was still moving, Six proceeded to calmly descend the stairs of the wall. He stopped in the middle of the yard, glancing about , his face utterly passive. His usually expressive plates remained unmoving as he focused first on Adele, then Udodak, then finally settling on Zenaadriel. "I appreciate your efforts, demon. You made a big difference in what had become a terrible situation. You saved Udodak's life; of that, I have no doubt. You also managed to bring out quite the bit of power in Adele, although it appeared as though you had a bit of help in that regard." He eyed the various swords in the women's hands, the plate suggesting an eyebrow clicking up a centimeter.
"You seem to want control over this group. Fine. I don't know why you want it, but I'm willing to concede 'leadership'. I will do my part to see this threat to existence ended, and if that means letting you tell people when and where to sleep, I'm not going to argue. I still think Adele is one of the most potent forces I have ever encountered, and if you can help her stay on the path, so be it. I don't speak for anyone else here, of course, but I will look to you as our General. "That makes me your quartermaster, and council. Look carefully at each person here; not everyone can be... controlled. And, so help me, if you do anything that endangers the team, or any innocents we may encounter, I will find a way to send you back to where you came from, and keep you there until its time runs out." The eyebrow clicked back down as he strode through the others, barely shaking his head as he passed the half-orc. "Now excuse me, I have academic interests to pursue." |
"Hmmm? You suggest that I desire control over *your* group?" asked Zenaadriel quizzically before bursting in laughter. "Do not mistake my intentions, metal man. I simply find *some* within your group entertaining. Should they find themselves in despair, I dispense my services."
"Yes... and her contract only states she be compensated with entertainment in exchange for unconditional protection," added Aleena. "That's not something demons do for so very little incentive. She's just simply bored..."
If only I could resurrect Zenaadriel for the bantz! Last edited by sneakybastard; Dec 11th, 2013 at 11:23 AM. |
"And that, my dear enchanted weapon, is where my real concern comes in. If we come to rely on your wielder in this mission, and she suddenly becomes bored in the middle of a conflict, can you promise she'll stick it out?" He called back over his shoulder as he sighed, looking at the approach to the strange device. "When one is trying to save the world, one does not question where one's help comes from, at least not until the saving is done. It doesn't change the fact that I'd rather that help was coming from someone a bit more interested in said saving."
He finally looked back at the succubus, his face still a facade of indifference. "And I never said it was *my* group. I have no illusions of possession or rank. It was, originally, a concord of equals. Now... well." He trailed off as he refocused once more on his self-appointed task of investigation. |
Cassi had barely recovered from her failed attack on the giant wight when it was destroyed by the two other women warriors. One of those two was barely more than a but how could you call someone so skilled in the art of death a child? No, today, for now, she was a woman. After poking and prodding some of the remains of the the wights she was satisfied they were in fact absolutely dead this time.
The monk woman ignored the exchange between Six and the demon spawn. She knew she was not a subordinate to anyone here and that wasn't about to change in her mind. So instead of getting herself drawn into an argument with the succubus she simply made her way to the top of the stairs. She wanted to get a better look at that thing that looked like an alter of some sort. She is going to get a better look at the platform up atop the steps.OOC
Status: Away for a bit. Not only my health but my 81 yo mother is having issues also. I’ll be away for a bit until things normalize.
Udodak figured it was now or never. Six and Zenadel sparred with their war of words. He stared at the piece of paper Adele had tossed and frowned. How was he supposed to use this? Six was better with this magical stuff, anyway. Maybe he could figure it out. Besides, Six, said nothing to him as he passed him, headed towards the big shiny black thing at the top of the stairs. The half-Orc was curious as to what that was. He also heard that he just had to "entertain" Zenadel. So, that was what the things he scribbled on had said! Okay. He could do that. If Entertainment was "serving" her, the half-orc felt confident he would succeed in that task.
After much fiddling with the piece of paper, the half-orc finally got it to glow and the energy flowed around it, as the document shriveled up! He sighed, because the warm that he felt began to close some of his wounds, mend his cuts and stop the bleeding...for a little while at least. He sensed that Six was frightened. That he'd lost the group to Zen somehow during the fight and the bi, small numbered battle robot was scared. Udodak may have made a deal with Zen, but his curiosity at the big shiny black things was too much. He could honor Zen's deal later. Besides she'd called him a baby! He was still seething over that! Six lumbered past him and Udodak fell in behind, making his way, a little faster at least, up the stairs once more towards the shiny black thing. The half-orc kept his large axe in his hand, prepared to protect Six just in case anything nasty came out of the shiny stone. Maybe it controled the Wights somehow? The half-orc had no clue, once more, magic was Six's domain. But, Udodak would be here, ready to protect him should the need the arrise. The half-orc said nothing to Six, considering his mood already. It was best to just stand here silently and wait to see what happened. |
Adèle heard murmurs from her sword. Whispers about punishing Udodak.... The blade's thirst was unquenchable! Holding it up She studied the sword for another moment in the aftermath. It was so clean! Always so clean, never stained. Abruptly she slid it into her scabbard. The girl was by no means corrupted by the sword, it merely had a way to skew things, and enhance the bloodlust every warrior felt in combat. Perhaps in time it would chew on her mental states to more control but for now.... It was like waking up after a night with too many drinks in the tavern to Adèle. Her mind cleared and she looked around the area to view the carnage with some satisfaction. Undead neutralized. Just like her tome commanded.
Six seemed upset though, and that made her a little sad. No one died, they had won, why were adults never happy? She clomped through the snow as she ran up to walk with Six towards his investigative goal. "Well that went well. No one dead!" She looked up and grinned at Six.
Internet availability going to be limited for me soon for an extended period of time, sorry for the inconvenience but assume I'm a vacant player for the time being. Last edited by Sakure; Dec 11th, 2013 at 11:41 PM. |
Zenaadriel laughed at Six' answer as she found it amusing. "Such unfounded concerns, hmm? And why must you question my ability to keep my word? You would be long gone before I start becoming bored again."
As Six looked back at the Mabarborne, she responded, "Ah, such irony; you disown them, yet you care for them; you desire no rank, yet you insist on being the quartermaster and council; you say it was a concord of equals, yet you never treated the girl as an adult." "I sense someone has changed!" butted Aleena mischievously.
If only I could resurrect Zenaadriel for the bantz! |
"For one who has presumably lived as long as you have, you are remarkably unable to see past your own interests. I suppose that's part and parcel of your general stated intentions. Disown? I never owned. There was no possession." He turned back once more, placing a hand on Udodak's chest. He stopped and stared, a sliver of emotion creeping back into his face as his brow slid into a knot above his multihued eyes. "I desire nothing more than to keep everyone here stable and whole until we can save this world. Do you not grasp that? Have you not paid any attention to the things we have been speaking of? Oh, I'm sorry, it must have been too boring to pass within your notice."
Finally, his face pulled taut, a strange visual as the plating almost entirely slid back, pulling away from a delicate crystalline lattice that glowed in the light. His voice faded, beginning to resonate more within the chamber of his head than through the carefully designed vocal tracts. "And don't you dare question how I treat Adele. Since I have known her, she has been sick, constrained, bloodied, and battered, and I have done everything within my power to help her see her own path. See her as an adult? That doesn't even make sense; her essence is that of a warrior, and every decision she makes will have an outcome in the fate of this world. I don't treat her as an adult because she isn't; she is a force of nature." He looked hard at Adele, nodding to her in acknowledgement of both her statement and her still unclear ultimate purpose. The plates snapped back into place, and he returned to the stair, approaching the altar once more. "Besides, she's older than me." Last edited by sammichweasel; Dec 12th, 2013 at 12:41 AM. |
Boren, with the undead finished at last, smashes the head of his hammer down on the stairs, drawing the attention of the people bickering below. "Now just hang on," he says, projecting his voice across the courtyard. "I don' recall ever pickin' th' tinman ta be our leader. But that's okay, he's got more n' a few gears workin' overtime in that metal can a his. I've seen enough fights ta know when ta get outta th' way when th' brainy folk are figurin' their plans an' whatnot. But you," he says, lifting his hammer and trundling down the stairs towards Zenaadriel and levelling a thick finger at her - seemingly unaware of the slimy chunk of undead flesh dangling from his hand, "I don' trust you. Not as far as I could throw ya. Don' know why yer here, an' frankly I don' care. You fight fer whatever reasons you got, but I ain't gonna do whatcha say jus' cause th' tinman's got a yella streak in 'im."
He spits another gob of blood on the ground, seemingly unfazed by the tooth that sticks into the snow, then hooks the oversized hammer onto his back again. "Frankly, as th' only one here been on this mission from th' start I oughta be in command. I don' wanna - I'm done bein' a general, I'm jus' a soldier now. Six don' wanna? Fine. Let the birdman do it."
It's a god-awful small affair
Udodak turned his head and eyes to Six, as he continued to bicker with Zenadel over...Adele of all things. The half-orc shook head and removed six's hand from hid chest with of his own. It was gentle, the removal, but he gripped Six's outstretched hand firmly. Udodak did not speak, he could already see how upset Six was and there was no reason to bring the metal man's ire down upon, though he knew some of it was reserved for him as well. Boren spoke up, roaring about how he considered himself to be the leader. This was starting to make the poor half-orc's head spin! Who was in charge here? Maybe he should go off on his own once more! Though, that might not end well. He'd signed the contract with Zen to stay alive and for Udodak that was as far as it went. He wasn't so sure about how too "entertain" her, but he wanted talking blade now too. he saw the power it gave Adele and Zenadel...and he was jealous.
But, he didn't want a Dark or Demon powered blade. No, Udodak wanted a blade that was made from the forest, from nature. That would talk to him about the forest and nature and other things like that. Yes, an axe with the spirits of the forest inside. That would be cool. Udodak finally spoke to Six quietly to not draw his wrath, or at least too much of it,"Go look at big shiny black rock. Udodak follow and make sure no more Wights ambush. Plus, if Malachi or Wights come out of stone, I'll be there to help you fight them off. Will stick to plan this time, promise." The half-orc gave a wry smile, at the crushing irony of it all. |
"Well? Successfully, perhaps, but I would not say well. We had one who nearly did not make it."
Bulwark’s eyes focus on Udodak for a moment as he follows Six toward the steps. "But you fought well, Adele. You would have been a great asset in the War, even at your young age. I was wrong to have worried about you." A metal hand is laid on Adele’s shoulder for a moment once Bulwark has placed his hammer back at his hip. He doesn’t bother to check on the others. It is obvious from their bickering that little beyond their pride has been injured as a result of the battle. "In the War, the true leaders, not those in command, but the true leaders, were not ones who were selected or who took the mantle for their own. They led by example and others followed them out of respect and admiration. Camaraderie kept soldiers alive as much as being good with a sword. Camaraderie and trust. Until you all gain some of the latter, the former will not come and you will continue to have these problems in battle." |
Zenaadriel's flames extinguished during the fiery conversation. Her orange glowing armor returned to its charcoal state as she cooled down.
"And lived long I have though inability to see past my interest is, again, only your assumption; and having existed recently, I do not fault you for that. Saving your world is nothing new to me even if I have to slay my own kin and theirs again and again at the whim of mortals, not mine." The Mabarborne sheathed the dark sword and cleared her throat while totally ignoring the dwarf. Perhaps the Phiarlan art of discourse might come handy no matter how awkward it may be. "Forgive me for the misunderstanding. The other metal man, here, is correct. Perhaps, you have not yet encountered the concept of friendship, hmmm? Not necessarily possession, but association, Yes?" Zenaadriel looked at Adele and back to Six with a firm gaze, "You have every reason to treat her as an adult. Otherwise, she will not outgrow her shell and decide for herself."
If only I could resurrect Zenaadriel for the bantz! |
Adèle had to quicken her pace to keep up with the 2 mechanical men as they proceeded up the stairs. All the attention to her was doing a terrific job of inflating her ego. She knew she was good at fighting, at least against the local guards and random creatures in the Q'barran forest. But to receive such high praise from strangers with their own renown was quite the ovation for such an immature little person. Ahhh, but there was that pesky humility all the books and her mom harped about.
"...we all did great, it was a team effort!" Her enthusiasm waned a little though as it seemed there was discontent between Six and Zen. She kept quiet, just listening to them progress in their verbal sparring as the trio continued up.
Internet availability going to be limited for me soon for an extended period of time, sorry for the inconvenience but assume I'm a vacant player for the time being. |
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