The Bonded
The original application thread can be found here. Also, please adapt the following table or create a format of your own with the requisite information. You can store your code in this thread for easy access, but I would ask that you kindly post it behind spoiler tags in each post you make where combat is a possibility.
You are also welcome to include such things as prominent spells/abilities/attack modifiers/trained skills/etc. Here is what a full combat table might look like (hit Quote on this post to get the code itself): You can edit your character post here until you get the code the way you like it. Please don't start posting the code in-game until it is CLEAN and COMPLETE. I like sleek, simple aesthetics. Last edited by moozuba; Jan 24th, 2017 at 02:09 PM. |
Last edited by moozuba; Apr 3rd, 2014 at 10:54 AM. Reason: Did that fix it? |
"You got a good life..."
Last edited by moozuba; Jun 22nd, 2016 at 11:06 AM. |
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw
Last edited by ItsaVerb; Apr 23rd, 2014 at 08:52 AM. |
Paranoia is a very comforting state of mind. If you think they’re out to get you, it means you think you matter. - Gilbran Quail Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war. Last edited by moozuba; Jun 27th, 2014 at 02:46 PM. |
Posting Status = Back, and on the attack. Which means I'm looking for one slow paced, high quality game.
Last edited by moozuba; Jul 28th, 2015 at 02:11 PM. |
Become a Community Supporter Last edited by moozuba; Jun 22nd, 2016 at 11:08 AM. |
Name: 'Brother' Radcliffe Race: Human Age: 38 Class & Role: Cleric [Healer] Alignment: Chaotic Good...ish. Physical Description & Personality: Gods and faiths differ wildly in both tenants and practices but when most people think of clerics, they tend to envision the same thing. Upright and virtuous, true believers and devout preachers of their faith, deserving of the moniker 'holy; men and women - depending of the god in question - who spend their days tending to temples and shrines and meditating in quiet contemplation. They certainly do not think of the drunken, lecherous sot who just fleeced them of their last gold coin at dice in a run-down cesspool of a tavern. But then, Radcliffe has never been a very good priest. Of above average height, Radcliffe might be considered handsome in that well-travelled, world-weary kind of way. His brown hair is messy and he rarely bothers to tame it, and his facial hair seems to be is a state of permanent scruff, which does little to counter the assumption that he is a penniless vagabond, travelling from town to town, looking for the next coin he can swindle or drink he can mooch. Wrinkles play at the corners of his eyes, laugh-lines from earlier, happier times in his life, and his hair and beard is splashed in places with a bit of early greying, around the temples and at the corners of his mouth. Though he oft professes otherwise, Radcliffe is not a young man anymore. Indeed, he is veritably old -to hear some of the young, spry and energetic adventurers that so often frequent his company tell it - though when told such to his face, Radcliffe simply laughs along with the rest, but is quick to remind them that some men - like himself - do not get old, they get distinguished. Indeed, Radcliffe would call himself 'experienced', a laid-back, peace loving man who has been around the block a few times. Others would call him a wastrel. An incorrigible drunk and a lazy idiot who wouldn't know responsibility if it bit him. He is seldom seen without a bottle of liquor close on hand, and he has even been known to show up to perform his religious duties intoxicated. Background: Radcliffe never chose to become a priest. As the sixth son of a lowly fisherman from of a tiny little spit of land near the ocean, Radcliffe never had the luxury of being given a choice. With too many mouths to feed already, Radcliffe's parents gave their youngest child to a nearby church to raise, in the hopes that their son might have a better chance at life. Raised by the brothers and sisters of the church, Radcliffe's life was set out for him to moment he was taken away from his mother's bosom. It is the only life he knew growing up, and perhaps that explains why he has never tried harder to escape it. Oh, he could moan and complain - and he did, and still does, both regularly - but to this day he is still thankful for the priests who took him in as an infant. When he was old enough to take the vows, Radcliffe became a full-fledged cleric and the church sent him out into the world to perform their god's will, to tend to the many people of world, and to aid them wherever he could. Some twenty years later, his superiors would no doubt agree that Radcliffe has done an exceptionally poor job.
Bleach d20: Trouble in Paradise (HoF: 2015) [Co-DM] || Purge (HoF: 2017) [GM]
Last edited by Melchior; Jun 26th, 2016 at 07:33 PM. |
Master Thomas Aloysius Bombast Class & Role: Sorcerer/ Gentleman, Scholar, Man-About-Town. Alignment: Chaotic Good Physical Description: Gods above, he’s a handsome man. Tall, well built, perfectly coiffed blonde hair, brilliantly white teeth on constant display, blue eyes that genuinely twinkle. What’s more, Master Bombast is always impeccably dressed, favoring deep blues and greens accented with gold. And he always carries himself like a gentleman, Bombast does. His posture? Would put a stone golem to shame. His stride? Confident, assured. His breath? Somehow it smells of mint, no matter what it is that he’s just eaten. Thomas Bombast is perfect, really, in every possible way. And you’re not. But do not despair! He does not hold this against you. He knows that it's not your fault, after all Personality: It is, for some reason, terribly difficult to dislike Thomas Bombast. It shouldn’t be. He’s too handsome, too confident, too...Thomas Bombast. He dominates every room that he walks into, he seems incapable of even considering the possibility that he might be wrong about something, and he never ever stops talking…. But somehow? He makes it work. Thomas Bombast, you see, takes everyone just as seriously as he takes himself. He treats even the lowliest servant with unaffected respect, and he’ll tell remarkably dirty jokes to the most dignified of dowagers. Unlike so many of his colleagues, Thomas is actually gracious to the creatures that he calls forth, even when he’s sending them into battle. Especially when he’s sending them into battle. He treats his familiar, Jasper, as though he was a member of the family, and Jasper returns this affection wholeheartedly. Nevertheless, Thomas is human. And thus, imperfect. As previously noted, Thomas is confident that he is always correct, even when he has no idea what he’s talking about. This leads to what some might call “overconfidence”, which Thomas prefers to call simply “self-assurance.” He is, perhaps, a little too trusting and a little too generous. It’s difficult for Thomas to fathom the idea that someone might mean him ill. In the end? He means well, and by and large Thomas does well. Indeed, he does spectacularly well. Except for those times when he does not. Rest assured that when things go badly for Thomas Bombast? They go spectacularly bad. Background: Thomas Aloysius Bombast was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and that spoon? The most beautiful you've ever seen. It's been in the Bombast family for more than three centuries, since the day Fairweather Bombast personally claimed it as one small portion of his share from the horde of the dragon he and his companions had just slain, and... Well. Suffice to say, it's a lovely spoon, and it likely has a more interesting history than you ever will. But enough about the spoon. At least for now. We're here to speak about Thomas. The Bombasts were Olde Nobility, with Olde Money, and, alas! Olde Enemies. The vengeful sort, even: Thomas was only three days old when he survived the very first attempt upon his life. Family lore says that the assassin looked down at the sleeping babe, and was so struck by his beauty that he hesitated for the few crucial seconds that allowed Thomas' father to act. And by "act", we mean "chop the bastard's head off." Despite all odds, Thomas survived his childhood. And indeed, he thrived. He won friends, he influenced people. He had adventures, he had misadventures, he had narrow escapes and he even gained a scar or three. Which, damn it all, only made him more handsome. Thomas came to the Absalom Mages' Academy at the age of sixteen, having already demonstrated some small aptitude as a sorcerer. He excelled at his studies, exposed a false "ghost" that had been haunting the school, and made his first enemies of his very own. But upon graduation, for the first time in his life Thomas actually found himself at a loss. What was next? What could he possibly do that was worthy of his time and attention? And then came the earthquake, and things began to get interesting.... Party Hooks: From the looks of things, it's entirely possible that Thomas has already been out drinking with Vigg and/or Scant. They seem just the sort that he'd like to spend time with, and to boast at. He'll have done a poor job of hiding his envy at their tales of adventure, and given the chance Thomas will be only too eager to demonstrate his own skills.
Last edited by Rolzup; Jun 23rd, 2016 at 10:23 AM. |
New Arrival-Kyra!
Name: Kyra Viru Race: Human Class: Monk Archetype: Flowing Monk Alignment: Lawful Neutral The flowing monk is the wind and the river. She knows how the world flows, and forces her enemies to flow with it. Even the most powerful stone breaks under the graceful and persistent pressure of wind and water.
Appearance With long waves of shimmering black hair and dazzling emerald-green eyes, eighteen year-old Kyra Viru’s appearance resembles more the people of her mother’s Chelaxian heritage than those of the Casmeron desert lands of her birth, with soft facial features and sun-bronzed skin illuminated by the underglow of her naturally fair complexion. A sprinkling of tiny freckles across her nose and the tops of her cheeks inkles of her love of sunshine, sea-salt, and open air. A statuesque six feet in height, 140 pounds, her build is sleek and athletic, with strong shoulders, long, slender arms and legs constructed of perfectly-toned muscle, and subtle but feminine curves in ideal locations. Her voice is soft and appealing to the ear, with a faint edge of rasp adding a sultriness to her tone. Her smile is bright and beams with authenticity. By most human standards, the young Keleshite is strikingly beautiful. Personality Being observant and attentive, Kyra tends to listen more than she speaks, and when she does speak, chooses her words carefully. Though many might describe her demeanor as serious, she does have a playful sense of humor and will be entertained by a joke or witty anecdote. Her interpersonal behavior is consistent, even predictable. She is not given to drastic swings in mood, rather, she is almost constantly composed – focused. Kyra is very blunt with her words, and sometimes critical, which can be taken as judgmental, but she does not judge others. Her acute self-awareness, especially considering her beauty, can be taken for egotism, but Kyra rejects ego. To her, an ego is just an inner voice that tells lies. People know where they stand with Kyra, quickly learning that she is the sort who will truthfully answer a question if you ask her - so if you don’t want to know the answer, you’d best not ask the question. Honesty is a trait she honors above all others. She freely grants trust - holding that others are sincere and reliable until such time as they prove otherwise. Background Kyra is the last-born child of the Emir Parumartish Viru of Katheer and his wife Utana, who died during childbirth. The belief that she was somehow responsible for her mother’s death haunted Kyra throughout her childhood. She wrestled with guilt and was tortured with the unanswerable question of why; Until the day she finally understood her path and all of the guilt, anger, and fear fell away to reveal her life’s purpose. During her directional training, Kyra immersed herself in the teachings of Irori, the god of enlightenment, self-perfection, knowledge, healing, and inner strength. In her sixteenth year, she committed herself fully to the path of perfection, studying under the martial arts master Yumamato Nyiama from the Temple-Monastery in Katheer as a monk in the service of the Church of Irori. She made a pilgrimage to the Open Palm of Sheehad, an Irori temple in the foothills of the Zho Mountains, to take her first Vow - a Vow of Truth - an oath before Irori, and a promise to herself that her lips would never speak a lie. Kyra values order, truth, and fairness - but also knows that even in the natural flow of the world, where all things are perfect in their essence, things sometimes will not seem fair. She believes that man’s laws should never be at odds with the natural laws man could never fully comprehend, and that seeking individual perfection is the truest way to serve. Party Relations Kyra is the sister of Khair Viru, known to most outside his homeland as the bard Vigg Nosam.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw
Thematic Music (if you so choose) Name: Thangardt Stontosser Race: Daysighted Drueger Tyrant Class & Role: So many ideas - if accepted we will continue to work out this part to give you what the party needs and something fun for me to playFighter/Tank Alignment: The fact that you follow a set of tenants and laws set down by your faith and I do not gives me an advantage. And if history has proven anything, it is that those with the most advantage always win.Chaotic Nuetral Physical Description: Short even for dwarf standards, Thangardt Stonetosser still leaves an imprint many do not forget. His armor is worn with many dents and scars, almost as many as he has on his body. But despite its gnarled appearance it has stood the test of many skirmishes. He knows from experience how to maintain it so it can best protect him. At just over four feet tall his mass is over two-hundred pounds of pit-bull personality. His bald head is pot marked with numerous scars of its own, and his bulbous nose is adorned with a nose ring he had placed on a drunken night long ago, he wears it with pride. His long grey beard slopes from his pudgy face like the snow falls across a mountains face, wild and full of danger. He is gruff in his demeanor with a side dish of sarcasm that tends to get him in more trouble than he usually deserves. He may not have the sharpest mind of those you meet, but you will thank your god for his sharp axe and stalwart shield in a tight spot. "I'll fight for a cause. I won't die for one" ~ Thangardt Stontosser "It's not stealing if their dead" ~ Thangardt Stontosser "I go where the trouble is" ~ Thangardt Stontosser
My apologies to all I game with, going through some challenging times with RL at the moment but I am still here and will persavere. TY for your Patience.
Last edited by SophieValentine; Jun 22nd, 2016 at 01:40 PM. |
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