Dramatis Personae
The Good Anazider - Anazider Megiddo - Parien Culu Irishking7777 - Trooper JH-777 Hound - Towa Ben Xian - Darius Cross Avner - Trix Starling Xber - Ariadne Nathos Moozuba - Kaenos Arren Enthusiast - Ghen Vool Hack - Tarook Vortek The Bad Craigthulu - HK-XJ IIc stitchlipped - Vullze Garako grenadierman - Corporal Pasam Molta Jeffkevlar - Viv Mukhalas FlaviusAetius - Crabclaw sneakybastard - Riel Yuliya Cadera GeoAvanti - Rensarren Lykka
Bleach d20: Trouble in Paradise (HoF: 2015) [Co-DM] || Purge (HoF: 2017) [GM]
Last edited by Melchior; Apr 17th, 2018 at 05:46 PM. |
Last edited by Melchior; Mar 13th, 2017 at 07:25 PM. |
Symon the Starling(Hero...of sorts)-Crabclaw(Quarren Imperial Inquisitor) Playing in: The Destiny of Desdemona (3.5)/Purge(Star Wars) Last edited by Melchior; Jun 23rd, 2017 at 06:25 PM. |
Name: HK-XJ IIc Hunter Killer Ex Jedi Mark IIc
Name: Sia Lan Race: Droid: 4th degree droid. HK droid model Race:Full Body Replacement Cyborg Class: Soldier. Sentient Droid Class:Jedi/Soldier Can I still take Sentient Droid? Physical Description: Using old schematics from the only force user to be both Jedi and Sith at some point in time the Empires Research and Development team began work on a new series of HK droids. The frame and structure were based schematics found in files of the force user Revan that referenced a battle droid called HK-47. Updated with modern processers and imperial armor the HK droids were redeveloped for the Empire. The average sized frame is covered in grey paint and black accent lines. The Imperial emblem is placed on the right breast where a person’s heart would be. HK-XJ Mark IIc has a long gash covering his emblem that was never fully repaired in the rush to get proper field testing. Mounted weapons adorn his chassis with larger weapons mounted over the shoulder joint. A standard blaster carbon rifle is holstered at the hip joint with. HK-XJ Mark IIc frame is a weapon with considerable weight and strength behind it. Personality: HK-XJ IIc is extremely self assured and confident in its ability. An effective hunter IIc using aggressive tactics and causes unnecessary damage to targets and the surrounding area. Deployed in areas of dissidents IIc has proven effective flushing out those who seek to undermine the Galactic Empire. IIc under utilizes his communication unit and speaks briefly, known to dispense more laser blasts than words. A little difficult to control IIc is best deployed solo with a safety net of troops to catch the insects he sends scurrying for safety. Handle with extreme care and avoid getting caught in IIcs cross fire. Background: Background Sia-Lan Wezz: First apprentice to Apprenticed to Master Lo-Jad. An adequate padawan Sia-Lan Wezz served Master Lo-Jad for five years before being named his first apprentice. While serving as apprentice to Master Lo-Jad for several months, Sia-Lan was joined by Ariadne Nathos. The two were as close as apprentice and padawan could be. Sia often teased the very serious padawan with little pranks, trying to get the younger woman to open up more. Sia took her official duties seriously but was more relaxed adn less formal in closed company. She often relaxed and was less formal when they were traveling on their ship. It was suggested that she use this time to meditate and work on her force techniques. When the clone wars began her relaxed nature slowed died as battle after battle made her more callous and more distant. At first she grieved for every clone trooper or civillian that died. Being exposed to so much death so fast threw her into a spiral of depression. Sia-Lan kept this well hidden and self medicated her problems with alcohol. The confusion and massive amounts of travel helped her hide this secret from her Master who was often deployed on different planets because of so many conflicting duties. She was aware of the risks that narcotics posed, dulling her reflexes. During battles the dulled senses were a double edged sword. She no longer felt the death of every living being on the battlefield. This meant less nightmares to haunt her dreams and keep her awake. This also slowed her down and made her less effective in combat. Even when the war was in favor of the republic it was never easy. Many Jedi made mistakes and much of this was assumed to be exhaustion. So Sia-Lan gallantly fought on, swearing she would deal with her personal demons when the fighting was done. Eventually the battles all seemed the same to her, she was deployed on a distant planet by orders from the council for different reasons. "This planet is important to us or to them, we can't let them have it. She used to read the orders but when you started to read between the lines they all read the same. Go her and destroy these droids, so she did. In her last mission Sia-Lan was fighting in humid forest. Tired and emotionally exhausted it seemed like the last battles were wrapping. Looking forward to actually getting some sleep and not having to fight the next day. Sia-Lan was so detached from the force and the general moral of her troopers that she didn't even sense the rising hostility after Order 66 was issued. Her last remaining memory from that day was one of pain and betrayal. Waking up in an old medical cruiser, her body was wracked by fire. Every part of her body felt broken and burnt. When she stayed still it was agony, when she moved it was torture. Three men and a woman came to her side and administered pain killers. They told her not to move, not to speak, just sleep and rest. It was impossible to say how long this lasted but she was eventually able to speak and thank those that rescued her. The two security officers were brothers name Baz and Lenser. They had been been assigned to carry her body bag back to a crematory. Sia-Lan had been lucky enough to land in the hands of two men who were still loyal to the republic and had access to a ship. Getting a nurse and a pilot they smuggled Sia-Lan off the planet and took her into hiding. Her nurse, Cerela, kept the pain bearable with stolen supplies and kept her entertained with stories and jokes. Cerela wouldn't speak about the war and just said they would talk about it latter when they got somewhere safe. Eventually she was able to give co-ordinates to a hide out that she and Master Lo-Jad had used when other missions went badly. She also asked about Ariadne, wondering if the younger padawan survived. After a moth of bed rest the pilot called back in a panicked state. They had been found and were going to have to make an emergency take off. There were several explosions and the ship launched into space. Cerelia and Baz were not on board. Lenser had used some of the medical supplies to fix his wounds he received but was distraught over his brothers death. He demanded answers and swore vengeance, he was reminiscing about Baz one minute and cursing him the next for being a bit too slow. Understanding the grief of losing comrades Sia told Lenser about a possible area they could go to. There was an old temple Belsalvis that might be able to shelter them. Other Jedi might remember the location and gather there. When she gave the information Lenser looked at her questioningly until she assured him the temple was still functional. Lenser calmly walked away and the environment in the ship became quiet. A troop of clone troopers marched on the ship and charged her with treason. Before she could even contemplate what was happening a needle had penetrated her arm and she was quickly fading into a comatose state. All she remembered was a blurry man with an all too sharp nose and evil looking in his eye saying "She still be useful. Send her to my lab. We'll find a replacement." Personal Goals: 1: Unlocked the encrypted files. HK-XJ IIc is agitated that parts of his memory bank or locked out. Constantly seeking to better understand himself the idea that he isn't allowed to access all his memory banks makes IIc agitated and aggressive. Kill Jedi. Why mince words. Jedi and those that harbor them deserve to die. Play as the droid version of Sia Lan and change sides. Player Goals: Go to a bar where HK-XJ Mark IIc kind isn’t served. Blow up a star ship. Space battles are some of the best parts of Star Wars. Contacts:
HK XJ MKIIc is the third 2nd generation droid produced in the HK XJ MKII Jedi Hunting droid series, specifically designed to hunt down and kill Jedi that escaped executive order 66. Deviating from the the standard model HK XJ MKIIc was given a Heuristic process allowing him to learn, along with HK XJ MKIIa and HK XJ MKIIb. No other HK XJ MKII were given a heuristic programming unit after HK XJ MKIIc malfunction. The first video files that he was forced to witness were of Jedi being tortured for information about their peers and secret hideouts. Due to a circuit malfunction that was not recorded HK XJ MKIIc began to empathize with the captive Jedi but could not deviate from his programing. While downloading files on escaped and deceased Jedi an internal error placed files from one Jedi into HK XJ MKIIcs' memory banks instead of reference files. HK XJ MKIIc had seen this Jedi being tortured and synced the files in his memory bank and reference files to convince HK XJ MKIIc that he was in fact the tortured Jedi turned against his friends. This caused HK XJ MKIIc to go berserk in the Military base where was being stored at. Acting quickly the personal subdued him with an ion canon, incapacitating HK XJ MKIIc. This ion surge corrupted his memory file, stopping access to it. Currently HK XJ MKIIc has been repaired and sent back into service after being re certified for combat use. His memory banks are looking for ways to fix and open the corrupted files to find out what information The Empire has locked away in his system.
When in doubt... explosions. Last edited by Craigthulu; Aug 15th, 2018 at 07:38 AM. |
GM: Frontier's Edge (Archived) Player: The Emerald Flash (Hall of Fame 2017)|The Mad Prince (Hall of Fame 2013) Last edited by Anazider; Feb 6th, 2018 at 02:01 AM. |
If only I could resurrect Zenaadriel for the bantz! Last edited by Melchior; Aug 26th, 2017 at 09:24 PM. |
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. ~ Washington Irving Custom Dice Bags Last edited by Megiddo; Apr 5th, 2018 at 09:19 AM. |
Oct 28th, UPDATE: Things appear to be settling down. Returning to normally scheduled posting Last edited by irishking7777; Mar 31st, 2016 at 04:07 PM. |
"Transform and roll out!" |
Last edited by grenadierman; May 15th, 2018 at 03:41 AM. |
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