No new applications will be considered after Thursday 17th (Tomorrow by my time zone) Existing applications will then close by the end of Friday 18th and a decision will be made on Saturday.
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
You may want to update your front page info to help reduce confusion.
Last edited by Kaji; Dec 18th, 2015 at 06:58 AM. |
Last edited by Lord Ruthers; Dec 16th, 2015 at 05:02 AM. |
Doing a fly-by through the applications.
GM: Tyrant's Grasp ~~ Carrion Crown On break for now.
Have taken the Oath of Sangus. |
Last edited by Lord Ruthers; Dec 16th, 2015 at 12:22 PM. |
Don’t worry Lord Ruthers, Neg will keep Wazdakka entertained while we wait.
The little blue Goblin runs up to Wazdakka, stopping a few feet farther away than is desirable for conversation, and begins to pull items from his person. "I have something to show you that I know you will like. Just let me figure out where I put it them." Whatever he is looking for, it is clear that he has forgotten where he put it. Neg is digs deep into his pockets, pulls his pack off and looks in it, checks his belt and bandoleers, and even checks to see if it is tucked into his shoe. "Sorry, I know I made some last week…." The Goblin then snaps his fingers dramatically. "Now I remember where they are, I put them in my hat." With that the Goblin removes his hat, which shoes of his thick deep blue head of hair. His hair is unruly mess that is a truly remarkable example of the phrase “hat hair”. From his hat, Neg removes cherry bombs3 small red spheres with fuses at the top before returning the hat to his head. Neg takes the little red ball like objects and using a tindertwig, Sleight of Handwhich appears to have just materialized in his hand, he lights the fuses of all 3 at the same time. The fuses begin to fizz and spark a little, giving off a faith red glow. Quickly, Neg begins to Sleight Of Handjuggle the spheres and he is very good at it. First he does standard juggling, the red glow of the fuses leaves a little red trail as they are juggled making patters in midair. Stepping up his game, Neg changes to performing a juggling column where he keeps 2 of spheres moving perfectly up and down with no side to side or front to back movement, while the 3rd spheres he continues to juggle in a circular patter around the other 2. Next, he does the juggling snake trick where he adjusts the spheres so that he is basically juggling them all with 1 hand then he alternates hands for the one-handed juggling. However, because of the fuses the, he does not get to juggle for long, only about 5 seconds for each trick. "Ok, now here is where it gets really good. I am going to throws these up in the air and when I do, I will throw them high so watch carefully because this will be the best part." Neg then uses all the strength he has to throw all three of the spheres up high in the air. Just as the spheres reach their apex they explode in tiny explosions of light and fire. By the time Wazdakka has looks down from the mini-bombs, Neg has pull another item form person. This time he is holding a Sparklerthin metal wire about 8 inches long with dried, blue chemical crusted at the top and covering the sides of the most of wire except for the bottom 3 inches. Neg is holding the wire by the same, chemical free bottom 3 inches. He holds the wire so that some of the fire or embers made by exploding spheres land on the top of the wire which ignites the chemicals. Instantly the chemical begins to burn make a small but very bright blue fire on the wire. The burning chemicals on the wire makes a mild fizzing and popping noises; and throws sparks. "This is one of my favorites because you can draw in the air with it but you have to move fast. " Neg demonstrates this by writing his name in the air. Them closing the distance between the two, Neg offers the item to Wazdakka. "Here, a present for you. It will only last a few minutes, but ENJOY!!!."
*10th level Dark knight with 10 cartoon wizard points and wielding a +2 Internet *I have taken the Oath of Sangus *lizard42069(The Best DND Character Artist I know :D) Last edited by Lacoran; Dec 16th, 2015 at 12:28 PM. |
This wins my +1 internet for the day. Sadly I can't give anymore RPXP today (due to reviewing these applications with Pianoman90)... apparently there's a limit?
Last edited by Lord Ruthers; Dec 16th, 2015 at 11:40 AM. |
Now I am a Cartoon Wizard with 10 points and wielding a +1 Internet
*10th level Dark knight with 10 cartoon wizard points and wielding a +2 Internet *I have taken the Oath of Sangus *lizard42069(The Best DND Character Artist I know :D) |
*10th level Dark knight with 10 cartoon wizard points and wielding a +2 Internet *I have taken the Oath of Sangus *lizard42069(The Best DND Character Artist I know :D) |
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