The pleasure of tea is in the drinking, but the comfort of tea is in the holding. ThePrimeQueenOfBlood @ Discord. Last edited by savoylen; May 11th, 2015 at 01:18 AM. |
Nathan Desaguiliers
*OSIRS Notation Start*
Employee File Number: 16-04-67908 Status: Recruit Rank: 0 Security Level 00 *OSIRS Notation End* Nathan Desaguiliers ![]() Nathan is the son of famous scientist John Desaguiliers. He was raised by aristocratic god parents in the French countryside. As a child he was pugnacious, but a leader among his peers. Nathan often jeered at the backwards habits of the French nobility he was surrounded by. He took an interest in the sciences as a way of endearing himself to his mostly absent father. With this in mind he traveled to England, where his father was working for Sir Isaac Newton, to join him in his studies. One evening, whilst pondering the concept of action over a distance and aching over his childhood home, Nathan observed a shimmering doorway appear in the air which opened up into the very bedroom he had inhabited as a child. Nervously, he stepped through, and found himself in his old home! He hid the manner of his arrival from his god parents, who took his visit as a welcome surprise. The next day, under a tree in a nearby woods, he focused on opening a doorway to his laboratory apartment. He found he could! Believing himself blessed by God, Nathan showed his ability to his father, who told him to keep it a secret from Newton. John Desaguiliers was then establishing the first Freemason Lodge of England with several other important figures, whom he shared Nathan’s ability with. Seeing his abilities as a means for establishing other lodges and lines of communications with members in the American colonies, the masonic lodge made him a Deacon. Nathan stepped across the ocean to travel and enlist fellow freethinkers to join the masonic traditions. High Concept: Devout Freethinker Trouble: Ignorance is shameful Aspect 1: Dimensions FX Aspect 2: The pursuit of discovery Aspect 3: Men of like minds Skills: +4: Rapport +3: Dimensions FX, Fight +2: Investigate, Lore, Athletics, Notice +1: Will, Physique, Resources, Physical Science Stunts: Create Portal - Creates a doorway to another place. Spend a fate point. Natural Charisma - Nathan has a charm that few can deny, once they get to know him. He may attempt to create an advantage with Rapport to establish an aspect with a character, “Friend of Nathan.” He gets a free invoke with that character once per scene until he betrays that friendship. Get-along brawler - +2 to Rapport rolls for befriending people after fighting them. Bold-faced Liar - Nathan's open personality and handsome face allows him to pull off some outrageous lies. Uses Rapport instead of Deceive. Contacts: Contact - Jacques Prioleau (Mason), Chubby pastor at the Huguenot Church in Charleston. Last edited by Airdish2; Sep 12th, 2017 at 11:51 PM. Reason: Dashboard Edit |
*OSIRS Notation Start*
Employee File Number: 16-05-68081 Status: Agent Rank: 1 Security Level 01 *OSIRS Notation End*
I am back and ready to go! Holiday craziness is finally over and I'll be catching up in all my games very very soon. Thank you for your patience! Last edited by Xber; Nov 5th, 2016 at 06:12 PM. |
*OSIRS Notation Start*
Employee File Number: 16-05-69216 Status: Agent Rank: 1 Security Level 01 *OSIRS Notation End*
Rebuilt Rebel. Last edited by Classic Gamer; Oct 28th, 2016 at 09:44 PM. |
*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 17-06-0442 Status: Recruit Rank: 0 Security Level 00 *OSIRS Notation End* Mr (Dr) Luca Anstow High Aspect: Native American Medicine Man M.D. High Trouble: Bad Timing Award Winner Physical: 2; Mental: 3 ; Refresh: 3 ; Scale: Medium; Consequences: 3 +4 Medical Science +3 Will, Technical Science +2 Notice, Survival, Life Science +1 Shoot, Computer, Investigate, Lore Stunts: - Surgery - Reduce a Serious Consequence to a moderate one at a cost - MacGyver Factor - Use Technical Science to create an aspect +2 to using unlikely items in combination to provide a boon to a situation - Hacker - provide a +2 bonus to either give or defeat security that is electronic in nature. Background: From the Great Lakes region or North America, Luca is (for the most part) descended from the indigenous peoples of the area and first wave settlers. His paternal grandparent were polish immigrants arriving during WWII; his grandfather served as a pilot in the navy. Childhood was idilic. Plenty of time off school to hunt and swim and run and… also having a natural talent for learning he did to not fall behind his more schooled peers. Languages encountered - English Polish, Algic, Iroquoian and school level French Other skills: Let's abrogate hunting and general outdoorsy stuff to 'survival'. Student days were not so easy. He was now surrounded by applied students who also had a talent for learning. The casual drifting was over. It was medical school and he had a navy scholarship to honour. For the first time in his life he had to work just to keep up. There was no time for significant romance. Languages: Latin (resulting from herbalism/pharmacology/physiology with a little self study of grammar) Other skills: Medicine, Shooting, Running Military Service started with the obvious posting to Kingston and exposure to gun shot wounds and quick surgical decisions. Followed by a year back at school to study tropical medicines and a fateful trip to Haiti. Languages encountered: French Creole Other Skills Surgery, Tropical Diseases In Haiti he met his wife. It is a stormy, passionate and intermittent relationship. Trips on leave relating in pregnancy established a pattern that runs to this day. She doesn't let him stay on the island long. Medicine Sans Frontier. His short service commission discharged and not prospect of a settled life in Haiti Luca volunteered. He studied Arabic and took a post in the Middle East hoping his crazy wife would let him come home once more when he finished that. Languages encountered: Arabic
Thanks for everything Gary. Last edited by savoylen; Jul 6th, 2017 at 01:23 AM. |
Charlotte Nodine
*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 17-07-34746 Status: Recruit Rank: 0 Security Level 00 *OSIRS Notation End* High Concept: Lipstick lesbian intelligence analyst Trouble: Don't let the law get in the way of the truth. Physical: 3; Mental: 3; Refresh (Refresh/Current Fate Points): 3/3; Scale: medium; Consequences: 3 Skills: +4 - ComputerAspects: 1) Charlotte is a strong proponent of the rights of women and helping women succeed whenever she can - like a sisterhood that she's a part of. As a result, she desires to do her very best work for her sisters.FeministStunts: - Cryptography is ability to encode and decode ciphers and codes. Using this cryptology stunt involves the use of a computer and the Computer Skill gaining a +2 bonus at a cost (1 FP). The type of cryptography covered by this stunt includes anything from simple letter substitutions and mathematical puzzles, to codes utilizing chaos theory and quantum ciphers keys. Use of this stunt can secure a computer file or data sector/drive (single computer core or system drive) at the DC of the character's check. - Hacking is the ability to break computer codes and bypass computer security for the purposes of gaining access to restricted data or secure computer systems. Hacking can be performed at a computer station that’s physically connected to the data stores in questions, or it can be performed from a distant location by creating a link via a computer network of some kind. Its most often used to retrieve secured data, to enter and take control of a computer system, or to perform some kind of sabotage such as erasing files or introducing a virus of some kind. Provides a +2 bonus to the Computer Skill in these situations. - Case this Place is the use Burglary in Place of Notice when its possible that burglary skills could be used to spot weakness or missteps in security. Extras: Organization - Hoffmann Institute ; Hoffmann Ring Notes: Charlotte lived a pretty typical, mundane life for the first 25 years. She grew up in a upper-middle class family, was active in school activities, and went to college. Having earned a law degree, she got a job at a government agency as a junior intelligence analyst. One of the cases she worked on was regarding a serial kidnapper who abducted young, virginal women including one of Charlotte's friends. By the strictest definition, lesbians are considered virgins by some people because they haven't had hetro intercourse. So, she qualified for the kidnapper's purposes. The alleged perpetrator was arrested and charged, but had the charges dismissed because of good lawyer who found a minor technicality that invalidated the DA's case - a breach in the chain of evidence. Looking into his case, Charlotte discovers that it had happened before - he'd been arrested and had to be let go because of some minor legal technicality. The DA considered it a 'cold case' and the team investigating it moves on to more pressing issues. Frustrated with the system and would allow somebody to go free and not even try them and find out if they're guilty, Charlotte started her own, personal (and illegal) investigation. She follows his movements, broke into his house and computer, and eventually found that he has a previously undiscovered property. Her visit there revealed the situation to be much, much worse than she could have imagined. He and a small cadre of followers were performing a dark rituals using the women he had kidnapped as offerings to whatever power he was trying to summon. Charlotte attempted a rescue but on her own against such odds she was unsuccessful and just had to flee. When she told a coworker about it to try to enlist help in bringing down the cult, they reacted by telling internal affairs. The writing on the wall was that Charlotte's going to be fired for her actions. She was sent to the unit's shrink who listened to her story about the ritual to try to determine if Charlotte had gone crazy. When she realized that Charlotte was telling the truth, she contacted the Hoffman Institute - both to report the findings and to refer Charlotte as a possible candidate for recruitment who remained surprisingly level-headed despite her contact with supernatural forces. Charlotte was naturally disillusioned with her previous employer and their inability to resolve the matter and how easily they were hamstrung by simple legal technicalities. Last edited by savoylen; Jul 22nd, 2017 at 06:24 PM. |
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