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Old Oct 30th, 2016, 06:53 PM
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Character Development Thread

In this thread we will get all the characters developed and connected before the game begins.

Begin by posting your character stuff from the ad thread here.

Any fiction that you wrote for the ad thread you can post in the fiction thread.

Last edited by RedRab; Oct 30th, 2016 at 08:39 PM.
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Old Oct 30th, 2016, 07:32 PM
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Priscilla Chaput, aka Sera Fina

Name: Priscilla Chaput
Aliases: Sera Fina (Seraphim), The Woman in Grey
Role: Loremaster (primary), Shooter (secondary)

Appearance: Priscilla is a young woman in her early twenties. She is petite with an athletic form, and would be rather pretty, if she didn't have an awful scar of torn tissue down the side of her face. She covers it up with putty and makeup most days, but it still leaves her face looking asymmetrical. She is a natural blond, with blue eyes, but disguises herself when on hunter duties, because she does have living family to be concerned about. When on the hunt, she favors a dark brown bobbed wig and brown contacts, as well as leaving her scar exposed.

Background: Priscilla was in training for competitive gymnastics when her grandfather took ill. Too tight-fisted to hire an actual nurse, he insisted his family fill that role, and so Priscilla ended up spending most of her time sitting around the large house reading and waiting to see what tending her grandfather needed. It was on one of these nights that the wolf broke through the sliding glass doors of the living room and devoured her grandfather. It tore open her face and was about to start on her stomach, when a hunter arrived in the nick of time and slew the beast.

High Aspect: The Brotherhood's Walking Encyclopedia

Trouble: Sera has never been one to leap into the thick of the action if she can help it. She prefers to stay back, observe, and then take a single, efficient strike. Hunting is rarely so clinical and she does her best to be prepared for anything, but she much prefers the cases that involve more brain work than leg work and firepower.Overly-cautious Observer

3) Priscilla was a gymnast with dreams of joining the olympics before her grandfather's illness and unreasonable demands meant she had to quit all extra-curricular activities. Although her priorities have changed since the night he died, she remains fairly fast and agile. She is not, however, much of a fighter, and tends to do poorly when face-to-face with a baddie.Fast but not Furious

4) Priscilla feels guilty about how her grandfather, and by extension her parents, treated Jerry's family. Though she's never said as much out loud, she's determined to make it up to him by watching his back as much as possible. Although technically she and Alex have no blood relation, his connection to Jerry means she considers him an honorary cousin.My Cousins' Keeper

Last edited by Humble Athena; Nov 5th, 2016 at 07:35 PM.
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Old Oct 30th, 2016, 07:49 PM
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The HuntJeremiah ‘Jerry’ Jones
Aliases: Terry Bell, Peter Taylor, Nicholas Stewart

High Aspect: MacGuyvering Hunter of the Brotherhood

High Trouble: Overprotective

Physical: 3; Mental: 3; Fate: 3; Scale: Medium; Consequences: 3

- Skills:
+4 Crafts
+3 Fight, Notice
+2 Shooting, Athletics, Burglary
+1 Will, Physique, Drive, Stealth

- Aspects: Wires, Pliers, and Duct Tape! || When the Pack Attacks, Pack Back || Aspect 5

- Stunts: Jerry doesn't have to spend a fate point to declare that he has the tools for a job using Craft, even in extreme situations (such as getting imprisoned or separated from all his stuff!Bubblegum and Shoe String || A weapon you made yourself is a weapon that you know really well. +2 to defend with Fight when opponents attempt to disarm you or turn the limitations of your weapon against you.Do you like it? I made it myself.



Priscilla is Jerry’s cousin by his stepfather’s side. Priscilla’s mother was Thomas’ sister. Thomas’ father did not approve of his son’s marriage and refused to support Alain after Thomas was murdered. Jerry ignores most of Thomas’ family, but has become close with Priscilla, after they reconnected following the werewolf attack after many years estrangement.

Alex is Jerry's half brother by his father. They discovered each other after both reached adulthood. It's weird being the "younger" brother now. Jerry has all the personality traits of the oldest brother, while Alex had only-child'ed it all his life. Michael and Henry are unaware at the moment, having gone their separate ways after turning eighteen.
Catching up.

Last edited by FoggyKnight; Nov 6th, 2016 at 10:53 PM.
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Old Oct 30th, 2016, 08:46 PM
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FYI . . .

Originally Posted by Xber
Since there is no OOC thread yet . . .
Everything goes in the Character Discussion thread for now. I'm make an OOC thread for the game once we get near the end of character development.

Originally Posted by Xber
By fiction you mean our rp samples I presume?

Originally Posted by Xber
Also could you please open the add thread so that I can copy paste my app properly along with the coding? I can't as it is now.
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Old Oct 30th, 2016, 08:49 PM
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The Vigil, the Vigil!
right-aligned image
Alexander 'Alex' Gushlaw

High Aspect: 12 Gauge Con-artist Brotherhood Hunter
High Trouble: Can't Say No to a Woman

Physical: 3; Mental: 3; Fate: 3; Scale: Medium; Consequences: 3

- Skills:
+4 Shoot
+3 Rapport, Deceive
+2 Athletics, Empathy, Burglary
+1 Will, Physique, Investigate, Fight

- Aspects: Just Get the Job Done || Silver-tongued || Illicit Dealings || Family Above All Others || Aspect 5

- Stunts: Spend a Fate point. If fighting numerous opponents in the same zone using a shotgun, Alex can aim a single shot at two of the opponents.Two Birds, One Stone || +2 Deceive for Alex to adopt a persona other than himself.A Thousand Faces || Spend a Fate point. Alex can use Rapport in place of Contacts. He's traveled a lot and can quickly blend in and establish a basic grid.The Road is my Home

- Extra: Armor 1. Alex has customized his leather jacket to include layers of kevlar, plates and hidden compartments. Appearances suggest it's an ordinary jacket, but the truth is, it is far from a simple accessory.Clad in Leather

A Masterful Disguise Daniel Mosley, FBI Agent, is overly stern and serious, chin shaven clean, cheap black suit and a plain black tie over a withered but pressed white shirt. Dr Weston Lindsey, CDC operative, is calm and reassuring. He sweats a lot though, and his clothes rarely fit well together. He carries a small notebook and an assortment of pens stuffed in his pockets. Allen Everett, journalist, is smart, sociable and easygoing. He knows a lot about computers, and is usually seen carrying a laptop in it's case. He wears orthogonal glasses and dresses casually, usually jeans and a simple hoodie. Orlando Burton, lawyer, is punctual to a fault, cold and calculating. He dresses in fine suits with matching ties, always fashionable. Dr Erick Watkins, pathologist, one will meet in his white robes with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. A miniature flashlight can be spotted on the pocket of his robes alongside a prescription pad. Craig White, paranormal investigator and owner of the blog "The Truth is Out There!", has never published a picture of himself so far. After all, they are out to get him, as everyone knows. Clinton Burke, PI, is reeking of scotch, but is still presentable, featuring the bad boy's charm from the '80s. He is smoking a nauseating brand of cigarettes, that is constantly retrieving from the side pocket of his trench coat.

All the above are nothing but different personas Alex had to assume at one point or the other in the course of the Vigil. In truth, Alexander Gushlaw, the masterful con-artist, the rogue hunter, combines practicality with comfort adopting largely a military style for himself. Jeans or cargo pants, black, biege or khaki, a simple black t-shirt and a leather jacket that belonged to his late father. His Remington 870MCS (Modular Combat Shotgun) rarely, if ever, leaves his side. A pretty face if there ever was one, his skin may be slightly tanned from sun exposure, but his hair is still fair and he prefers to wear them neck length, combed slightly backwards. Sunglasses are his trademark, owning several pairs, and thus is rarely seen with the same one for more than two consecutive days. He's lean and tall, making for an imposing figure and a prospective ladies man. His quick wits and silver tongue certainly proove helpful in such endeavors.

A Troubled PastAlexander Gushlaw descends from a long family tradition of hunters of the supernatural. His late father, Jeffrey Gushlaw, dedicated to the Vigil himself, married to Anna Cavaretta, of Italian-American origins, also the heir to a lifelong tradition of hunters. Jeffrey was later on possessed by a demon who forced him to commit atrocious acts in his name. He fought the possession to the very end, but he ultimately yielded to the superior force of the otherworldly evil. Anna had to put the creature down, and Jeffrey along with it. As he layed there dying, he seemed happy and accepting of his fate, or thus was Anna's claim. She was never the same after the fact, and Alex was devastated as well, taken aback by the loss of his father. He found solace to the Vigil however and even managed his first kill in the tender age of ten.

He was raised in the streets, living in cheap motels here and about, traveling the country with his mother, ending one supernatural threat after another. It wasn't long before he would make a name for himself in the field, holding proudly up to his reputation; that of a cunning and streetwise hunter. The boy grew up to be a handsome and sociable young man, having his way with people and easily blending in. The Vigil being what it is, he had to come up with ways to earn some cash and bring food to the table. Anna had a certain amount of cash stashed up all over the country, some of which was Jeffrey's, but they wouldn't last forever. Thus as the money started to run short, he figured new ways to compensate, conning rich folk for some cash, or committing credit card frauds. He never took it out on the small folk however, and no matter the moral implications of his actions, in his mind, he is merely getting what he's owed for all his hard work and trouble.

Anna died in her sleep about 4 years ago, a true and rare blessing for any and all hunters. Alex mourned his mother, burned her body, and got back to the Vigil with his appetite increased tenfold. It was about then that he stumbled upon the fact he had a younger half-brother. Actually, it was his brother Jerry that stumbled upon Alex, after a random mix up in a hospital, in the aftermath of a successful hunt. Alex, an only child his whole life and seemingly without any close realtives still breathing, gained not only a younger brother, but also a highly capable hunting partner. Jerry's mother used to be a hunter as well, and probably it was how she had met Jeffrey in the first place.

Alex, coming out of that incident was conflicted, as he finally realized that his fickle, womanizing nature was hereditary. He hated his father for betraying Anna, but such feelings did not extend to Jerry with whom he grew very close. Especially so, when he pulled a blunder on him, by letting him go after a pack of werewolves alone. Jerry was almost killed, but worse off, his grandfather fell to the jaws of the foul beasts. That's when Alex met Priscilla, Jerry's cousin, who survived the attack by merit of the latter's bravery. Since, he has formed a formidable little cell with Jerry and Priscilla. Alex has grown both in age and in mindset these past few years. He has matured enough to fully comprehend his responsibilities, and is passionately trying to act as the big brother he is supposed to be.

Musical Themes
I am back and ready to go! Holiday craziness is finally over and I'll be catching up in all my games very very soon. Thank you for your patience!

Last edited by Xber; Nov 5th, 2016 at 10:10 AM.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 10:02 AM
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Since we are still developing our characters, I think I am gonna change my High Trouble. This one is not compel-ling enough. Although its funny and I like it, it can only be called upon under very narrow circumstances. I will change it to "Can't Say No to a Woman" which plays right into Alex's personality and can be easily compelled in various interactions both with party members and otherwise.

And ladies, yea, this does indeed mean that Alex will be your bee-atch!
I am back and ready to go! Holiday craziness is finally over and I'll be catching up in all my games very very soon. Thank you for your patience!

Last edited by Xber; Oct 31st, 2016 at 10:04 AM.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 01:40 PM
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I'm thinking that Jerry was either called in on one of your cases and traveled to you or that he ran into you guys on a hunt (single or together) when you followed a job that came down to his area. Either because he was hunting something you weren't and the two hunts crossed paths/were working together.

I can see Alex's "Can't Say No to a Woman" maybe invoking Jerry's "Keep Your Hands OFF My family" trouble aspect, too. If Jerry's youngest brother Henry got into trouble with an Alpha female something, that could invoke both, especially if the Alpha manipulated Alex by acting the victim until Alex figured out he was being played (on his own, he's too smart to get suckered in for long, I imagine).

Red wanted these three and Priscilla related somehow.
Catching up.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 01:55 PM
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Hmm I like the suggestions. Alex is a wandering spirit, not really has a place to call home. Picture Sam & Dean from Supernatural as an example. So probably easier for him to bump into you although I can't say the opposite is out of the question.

When making the character for the application I used Priscilla's last name (Chaput) as Anna's (mother to Alex) maiden name with Red's request for related characters in mind. If we decide to keep it this way, then Alex, Jerry and Priscilla are already related in a way. How closely we can easily figure out. Anna could have been an aunt or cousin or sister or whatever to Priscilla's father (assuming Chaput is her father's name). In this case of course Jerry and Alex are not blood related by share some family bond as well, even if abstract. I am really not even hell bent on that angle, if you all feel we should aim for something else. I am open to whatever suggestions really, although I don't want siblings, if possible.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 07:34 PM
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Jerry: Well, maybe I don't want you being my brother either!
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 08:08 PM
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Actually,there aren't any previous generations of 'hunters' in Priscilla's side of the family, since Jerry's already got that in *his* branch of the family. I specifically linked to Jerry's non-hunter parent for that reason (with Foggy's approval). Backstory repetition is death.

Last edited by Humble Athena; Oct 31st, 2016 at 08:22 PM.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by FoggyKnight
Jerry: Well, maybe I don't want you being my brother either!
That one made me chuckle

Athena that is no issue, I can change the name of Alex's mother. In that case for the three of us to be related I would have to be somehow related to Jerry I suppose? How about Anna (Alex's hunter mother) to be related to Alain somehow Foggy? Sisters, cousins whatnot?

It's not like I am trying to leach on anyone's backstory, it's just that Red asked us to be somehow related. Then there is always the safe choice of good friends if he will allow.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 08:35 PM
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Understood. No accusation; I meant I wanted to keep Priscilla's family history distinct enough from Jerry's.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 10:05 PM
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No one make any decisions about how everyone will be related just yet. I've got a procedure for how we will do that. We are waiting for Ripsaw to post.

While we are waiting, be thinking about your character in light of a few things:

1. When the game starts, you four will have been working together closely and consistently for at least a year. We'll figure out what your last job was when we write our fourth and fifth Aspects.

2. I am going to push you to be as closely related as possible. I'm looking for close blood relatives, current or ex lovers/spouses, childhood friends, long-time hunting companions, etc.

3. I usually try to solidify these relationships with questions like, "Pick one of the other characters and tell me why he/she is the person you care most about in the world."

Stuff like that. Someone here mentioned Sam and Dean . . . that's the kind of close we're going for in the group.

So, while we wait another day for Ripsaw, be thinking on that.
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Old Oct 31st, 2016, 10:27 PM
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Important question: How old are the others ? Priscilla's in her early-mid twenties somewhereabouts.

Last edited by Humble Athena; Oct 31st, 2016 at 10:30 PM.
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Old Nov 1st, 2016, 02:52 AM
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Still would prefer avoiding having siblings because it messes with my concept of an only child, but I am perfectly fine with any and all of the rest of the choices. So cousins, lovers, buddies are all gonna work for me. In hitting a dead end I will try to work on a brother or sister concept, but it would be my last resort. In any case I certainly can and will enjoy role-playing a Sam & Dean kind of relationship.

Alex is in his early 30s Athena. Probably 31 or 32, thereabouts.
I am back and ready to go! Holiday craziness is finally over and I'll be catching up in all my games very very soon. Thank you for your patience!
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