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Old Dec 7th, 2016, 02:59 PM
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a bunch of unhuman misfits

Here's the party! The heroes may not be human, but that doesn't mean they are inhuman!

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Player PC name portrait race class icon relationships icon rolls
Roekahs Cassia Vexx (half-elf?) hagborn Sorceress Elf Queen +; Diabolist -; Crusader +/- a 5 and a 6, to be dynamically allocated
zebedee Larry Delan human Wild Druid The High Druid +/- 2; The Crusader +/- 1 a 5 and a 6, to be dynamically allocated
kanly Katari Taiko Ogre Magi (Giantkin template)paladin/bard Crusader +1; Great Gold Wyrm -1; The Three +/- 1 a 5 and a 6, to be dynamically allocated
Grenadier Dim (the Drowned) ratfolkHaunted One The Prince of Shadows + 2, The Crusader +/- 1 a 5 and a 6, to be dynamically allocated
Avner Keldarcursed weretiger (human) shapeshifter monk Crusader +/- 2, Priestess: +1 a 5 and a 6, to be dynamically allocated
ElderOblex ChesterCatfolkChaos MagePrince of Shadows +; The Three -; The Archmage +/-a 5 and a 6, to be dynamically allocated
NPC Chara human rogue (henchgirl) Dragon Emperor -1, Prince of Shadow +2 N/A

I have sworn the Oath of Sangus
Come over at the Solo Bazaar, have a cozy game!
#BARD4LIFE. 'Nuff said.

Last edited by stepanxol; Jan 13th, 2021 at 01:41 PM.
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Old Dec 9th, 2016, 12:05 PM
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Name: Keldar
Race: Human/Weretiger
Class: Monk
HP 14
AC 15
PD 16
MD 13
Recoveries: 8
Recovery die: 2d8

One Unique Thing: Despite Keldar's good intentions, whenever he has learned something there has always been a great price to be paid. First with his father than with the Cathedral. Keldar can learn anything but it will always come with a price no matter how insignificant.

The Crusader: +/- 2 Keldar seems to have been set on some pass by someone and it certainly wasn't his god. Not sure of who is guiding him and for what purpose Keldar has no idea that he is serving the Crusaders agenda.

The Priestess: +1 The Priestess admired the Monk for how he stood up for his god despite the mutiny of his fellows. His time in the Cathedral had gotten her attention and she had a great distaste for how he was treated in return. Knowing that due to his curse she could not make him one of her agents she secretly hopes for his success from afar.

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in human form he's pretty handsome
Outcast of the Holy Temple - 5 points - Keldar's time in the Cathedral gave him more than a curse. He studied indepthly the martial techniques of the monks of Caldor as well as the ways of both priest and paladin. This included as much academic study as martial and it opened his mind to the great knowledge of the world. His physical prowess has allowed him to be of great use abored the ship fixing parts of the ship both high upon the rigging or masts or low on the hull in which he needed to depthly climb to patch damage.

Inspired Carver of the Neglectful Master - 3 Points - The monk's time as a tradesman has not been lost on him and has given him a great knowledge of all things regarding craftsmanship. He can wield a blade with precision to fix any oddity and can also apply his own creativity to other aspects of his life. Keldar has also learned a bit about people from negotiationg with customers or dealing with his absent minded lethargic father.



Last edited by Avner; Jan 19th, 2021 at 03:20 PM.
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Old Dec 12th, 2016, 12:30 AM
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Old Dec 14th, 2016, 02:32 PM
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Name: Katari Taiko
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Race: Ogre Magi (Giantkind Template)
Class: Bard/Paladin 2



Last edited by kanly; Jun 29th, 2020 at 05:36 PM.
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Old Dec 14th, 2016, 07:33 PM
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Last edited by stepanxol; Jun 4th, 2018 at 02:44 PM.
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Old Dec 17th, 2016, 02:45 PM
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Name: Io (Eye-oh) Dim, the Drowned
Race: Ratfolk (Slippery Racial Power) -- "Once per a battle, after an enemy misses you with an attack, you may pop free from that enemy and any other enemies you are engaged with as a free action."
Class: Haunted One

One Unique Thing: Haunted by His Former Crew
Icons: The Prince of Shadows + 2, The Crusader +/- 1

Prince of Shadows - They say that dead men tell no tales, but the Prince of Shadows knows otherwise.
The Crusader - The Legionares believe Dim is possessed by demons that are traitors to their own kind.

Backgrounds: Sole Survivor of the Southern Night 5, Mad Medium 3


"I'm not going to be the ref! I'm a villain! Don't you see?!"
-Frank Reynolds, It's Always Sunny in Philladelphia

Dim the Drowned|Telephus Lorre|Togashi Shingo
Tribulations of the Stag

Last edited by stepanxol; Feb 4th, 2020 at 06:42 AM.
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Old Jul 30th, 2018, 03:43 PM
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Name: Charadrii Relo (Inspired by Carina Smyth in Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales)
Race: Human
Class: Rouge

Str: 10 +0
Dex: 18 +4
Con: 12 +1
Int: 16 +3
Wis: 8 -1
Cha: 14 +2

AC: 14
PD: 14
MD: 13
Initiative: +5
HP: 21
Recoveries: 8
Recovery Dice: (1d8 x Level) + Con mod

Class Features
Many of the rogue’s powers function only when the rogue has momentum.
You gain momentum by hitting an enemy with an attack.
You lose momentum when you are hit by an attack.
The default is that you can use momentum powers without losing momentum, but a few powers specify that you must spend your momentum to use them. You don’t have to use attacks that require momentum against the foe you hit to gain that momentum.
Momentum powers that do not require you to spend your momentum are generally classified as interrupt actions. You can only use one interrupt action a round, which keeps your momentum powers from dominating the battle.
Sneak Attack
Once per round when you make a rogue melee weapon attack against an enemy engaged with one or more of your allies, you can deal extra damage if your attack hits.
Rogue Level Extra Damage
1 +1d4
2 +1d6
4 +2d6
6 +3d6
8 +5d6
10 +7d6

Trap Sense
Even rogues whose backgrounds don’t have anything to do with noticing, avoiding, or disarming traps have a unique knack for dealing with traps.
If a rogue’s skill check involving a trap is a natural even failure, the rogue can reroll the skill check once. If a trap’s attack roll against a rogue is a natural odd roll, the rogue can force the trap to reroll the attack once.

Class Talents
You can use your Intelligence in place of your Charisma for any rogue attacks, talents, or powers that use Charisma (e.g. shadow walk and slick feint). You also gain two extra points of backgrounds to spend on knowledge-related backgrounds and gain a +2 bonus to skill checks involving traps.

Shadow Walk: You gain the shadow walk at-will power:
As a move action before you have used your standard action this turn, if you are not engaged, you can make the following ‘attack’ against all nearby enemies, targeting the enemy among them with the highest Mental Defense.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: Remove yourself from play. At the start of your next turn, return anywhere nearby that you could have moved to normally during your turn, and deal double damage with your first rogue attack that turn.
Miss: No effect. You can’t attempt to shadow walk again until your next turn, but you still have your standard action this turn.

Thievery: You have the Thief background at its full possible bonus of +5, without having to spend your normal background points on it.

Quick to Fight (Racial Power)
At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and choose the result you want.

Class Powers
Evasive Strike
Melee attack
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage, and you can pop free from the target.
Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Flying Blade
Ranged attack
Special: You must use a small bladed weapon with this attack.
Target: One nearby creature
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage, and if your natural attack roll is even and one of your allies is engaged with the target, you can use your Sneak Attack damage for the round.
Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Roll With It
Momentum power
At-Will (once per round)
Interrupt action; requires momentum
Trigger: A melee attack that targets AC hits you.
Effect: You take half damage from that attack.

Thief’s Strike
Note: This is a bonus 3rd-level power for rogues with the Thievery talent. Other rogues can choose it if they like.
Melee attack
Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD
Hit: Half of WEAPON + Dexterity damage (including Sneak Attack damage if any), and roll a normal save. If you succeed, you can pickpocket an item from the target that they are not holding. (If you roll 16+, the target doesn’t realize you pickpocketed them.)
Miss: —
Tumbling Strike
Melee attack
Always: You gain a +5 bonus to all disengage checks you attempt this turn. You can also move to engage an enemy, make this attack against it, and then use a quick action to attempt to disengage from it (the quick action disengage lets you move again if you succeed).
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage.
Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Thievery: Gain thief ’s strike as a bonus power.
Roll With It: Also triggers on attack vs. PD.

Child of Levi Relo, the Mad Lighthouse Keeper of Vigil +4 (includes +2 from cunning)
Shadow Dancer +4
Escapee from Darkskye prison. +5 (Bonus skill from Thievery talent)
Sing for your Supper +2

Dragon Emperor -1
Prince of Shadow +2

One Unique Thing: Knows how the Dragon empire is destined to fall

Back story: Charadrii is the daughter of Levi and Motere Relo from Vigil. Unfortunately Motere died in childbirth leaving Levi alone to raise their daughter. Even more unfortunately, her loss broke him and he began looking to the stars to make sense of it. It is there that he discovered the prophecy of the Dragon Empire's eventual fall. When the Emperor heard of it he had Levi executed for treason. As the only other person who actually knew the prophecy, Charadrii was also supposed to be executed, but the officer who was sent to carry out the Emperor's orders could not bring himself to do it and instead she found herself sentenced to Darkskye prison. Though she was relatively innocent when she arrived, she quickly learned what she needed to to survive. When the prison fell from the sky in the Druid's wood she escaped and has been masquerading as a traveling bard ever since. She wants the Brimstone Crown for an artifact that she believes can bring her father back from the dead.

Last edited by kanly; Jul 7th, 2019 at 01:06 PM.
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Old Aug 3rd, 2019, 07:00 PM
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Larry Delan
Human Druid

OUT: The only Ocean Druid in the world.

The High Druid: +/- 2
The High Druid herself has plans for Larry. But he represents a break from the past, a shakeup of the status quo. So some mortal druids support him and some don't. He has no formal training - some want to train him, some don't.

The Crusader: +/- 1
He wants to know what happened to his family, and he wants to exact revenge... if that's appropriate, but it may not be, because nobody knows what happened to them.


Last edited by zebedee; Aug 3rd, 2019 at 07:56 PM.
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Old Aug 4th, 2019, 10:47 AM
Roekahs Roekahs is offline
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CharacterName: Cassia Vexx
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Race: Hagborn/Human (Hagborn for stats)
Class: Sorceress

One Unique Thing: There is a storm that was trapped inside Cassia somehow. It is always straining to release its full fury, but rarely manages to release even a fraction of its might. Natural storms replenish some of the trapped intensity. The trapped storm will occassionally create a natural storm above Cassia. Intensity may vary from a light rain to a tempest, but she never knows which to expectA storm is trapped inside my body

Icon Relationships:
Elf Queen, 1 Positive+: If anyone knows about the Fey, it is the Elves. The Elf Queen's magic is something that anyone with innate magical aptitude can appreciate. Of course Cassia's rebellion against her evil fey heritage has not gone unnoticed either.

Diabolist, 1 Negative-: While there is no hard evidence to support the claim, Cassia believes strongly that only the Diabolist would be willing to facilitate the chaotic evil that hags bring unto the world. Cassia's burning hatred for her mother and the fanatical support she has slowly developed for the Crusader is not something that has gone unnoticed.

The Crusader, 1 Positive+: The evil that dwells inside Cassia drives her to fanaticism. Anything willing to go toe-to-toe with the demons could do the same with other evil entities. Cassia believes that if she does her part, one day the Crusader will return the favor and together they can hunt down and quench her mother's evil.

Cassia HATES her mother (the hag) and she attributes ALL of her magical power to this lineage. Which means that she HATES her magic (most of the time). She definitely recognizes the power contained in her magic, but that almost makes her hate it more. Cassia THINKS she is a badass with a sword. She THINKS that all her martial ability is her own and attributes none of it to her lineage (albeit wrongly). She constantly represses her lineage in an attempt (in her mind) to not become her mother. Note that she does not hate magic as a whole, only her own. Cassia resorts to her magic only when she loses control (essentially). There are several character arcs here that I intended to explore: (1) Cassia needs to accept that she is in control of her magic and she can do with it what SHE pleases, (2) Cassia needs to accept that she actually isn't THAT good with a sword (I mean, she is actually decent for a caster because I didn't want her to completely gimp the party on her quest to find herself), and (3)Cassia needs to resolve her "mommy" issues and find the love that she never received.


Orphaned by an Evil Spirit +2 from archmage+4 (skills related to surviving by herself and evil)

Student of the Sea +2 (skills related to navigation and learning)

Seeker of Lost Love +4 (skills related to lore and possibly charisma based skills)
Status: Shaking off the rust ...

Last edited by Roekahs; Jun 25th, 2020 at 04:21 PM.
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