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Old Aug 3rd, 2017, 09:32 PM
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The main players of our sorted tale. Please post your original application from the game ad and include your character sheet or a link to it.

Last edited by Raizen; Mar 10th, 2018 at 10:35 PM.
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Old Aug 8th, 2017, 05:56 PM
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Name: Elise Schneider
Street name: Klinge
Metatype: Ork
Archetype: Phys Adept / Melee

Appearance: Tall and well muscled, though somewhat wiry, with mouse-brown hair tied in a ponytail midway down her back. She usually dresses in plain and cheap clothing, only a couple steps above flats.


Personality: Surprisingly cheerful for someone running the streets, Elise refuses to let her life's downturns get the better of her while she works towards her goals. Tends to be a bit of a geek on her personal time, but takes her martial arts training seriously. That said, she still sees herself more as an athlete rather than a warrior, and while she is more than capable of defending herself, she hasn't entirely come to terms with the idea of being paid to hurt - or kill -people.



Are you on Steam? Join our Steam group! (Currently under construction, but open for membership)
Like folk music? Interested in Swedish folk culture? I have videos on Youtube.

Last edited by Jondera; Aug 10th, 2017 at 07:02 PM.
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Old Aug 8th, 2017, 06:14 PM
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Character Name: Cassidy Sanders
Street Handle: Payload
Metatype: Human
Archetype: Weapons Expert/Tech

Appearance: Like many women of her mixed race, the runner in front of you has the undefined look that reminds you vaguely of a pacific islander. Her golden brown skin is smooth and without a blemish, her vaguely asian green eyes are bright and alluring, and her light brown hair of shoulder blade length is pulled back in a giant ponytail of dreds. Even an elf might pay good money for a cosmed job to pull off what superior genes and breeding have done effortlessly for her. The tats on her neck and arms may mean something to her, but they don't correspond to and gangs or tribes from around here. Today she is dressed in ganger mil-spec chic with a big olive armored jacket unzipped to show off her shape and combat boots kicking in a bored way at the ends of crossed legs. Tactical black cargo pants are bulging with unknown gear and she's lazily slouching in her chair, smiling (seemingly sincerely) at trolls, orks and humans alike as they walk past. Laugh lines and a hardness to her exposed arms hint at an age older than her demeanor; you'd put her somewhere in her early thirties.
Personality: Cass, "Payload", is not your normal hard-as-nails, take-no-drek, borderline or textbook psycho you normally find in the shadows. She's outgoing and social, but not in the calculated way of those frakking Faces that sleaze their way around the streets. She just likes people, seemingly from all walks of life and any social strata. To her friends, she has the protective nature of an adoptive mother and is fiercely protective. If she had a better voice or a talent for singing or a desire for the limelight, she would have made some serious nuyen in the entertainment biz, but as it is, she has a sharp mind and a lust for gun-tech which lead her down her current path. She's been doing it for a while and even has a bit of a name for herself as a consummate pro when the drek hits the fan. The one thing that makes her go all Chaplin is her past and her personal life. Most people don't pry in this line of work though and that's the way she likes it.


RP Sample:

Character Sheet:

  • Armor Jacket (12) Non-con 4, fire resistance 4
  • Lined Coat(8) fire resist 5, thermal dampening 4
  • Ares Predator 1sticknshock (13/14 loaded) 1 normal 1 apds
  • Ares Alpha 1apds(loaded) 1normal
  • -grenade launcher 1 high explosive, 5 frag (loaded in that order)
  • Combat knife
  • Stun baton
  • Grenades: 2 smoke, 1 thermal smoke, 2 flashbang
  • Hermes Ikon
  • Microtranceiver
  • Area jammer
  • Infrared flashlight
  • Lockpicking tools
  • 10 plastic restraints
  • Metal restraints
  • 3 stim patches
  • 1 trauma patch
  • Essential medkit supplies

Last edited by UngainlyFool; Mar 12th, 2018 at 02:16 PM.
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Old Aug 8th, 2017, 10:11 PM
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Character Name: Carver Dawson
Street Handle: Bloodhound or simply the Hound
Metatype: Human
Archetype: Occult Investigator/Street Shaman

Appearance: Carver is a former Lone Star employee and dresses to match the detective facade he created there tracking down Runners for his employer. Most often he is seen with a long brown trenchcoat, button down shirt and a loose fit tie. He had a distinct fedora he is never seen with out and has been known to say a man is not fully dressed without a hat. Since departing Lone Star he has had a bit of a rougher look with a stubble on his chin more often then not.

Personality: Carver is a wise-alec with an affinity for scotch. He has a quite sarcastic with a dry wit and generally doesn't let anyone get too close due to his conflicted past. He knows The Sixth World has a tendency to kill those who aren't cautions and discrete and Carver has made sure he is plenty of both, not to mention most of the Runners would turn on him if they knew about where he came from. He always has a habit of keeping his ear to the ground for trouble and doesn't trust anyone unless he is forced to.

Background: Carver wasn't always a runner, in fact he comes from just the opposite. His family had a legacy of working for the company. His father worked his way up becoming a major figure head for the company along with two of his brothers. They believed they were doing the good in a world full of bad and when Carver was brought in it was usually to track down someone who had done a whole lot of bad. Things were not grey Justice was black and white and when he was called in he always found his man, or metahuman.

Carver's partner Reeve was brought down when they ran across a group of street thugs who got their hands on their hardware they shouldn't have been able to afford. Something wasn't right and the two of them knew it, when they followed a lead to an old business complex they soon found out they had been setup. Reeve sacrificed himself so Carver could get out.

Then he went back to Lone Star to report the incident and get some assistance in following the trail of the guns. Strangely the refused him any of their resources and when he went to his brothers for assistance they warned him to back off of his investigation before he got himself in the kind of trouble he couldn't take back. Carver had caught the sent however and he followed it like a dog on the scent.

While he was following up leads from a couple gang bangers he had taken down he got a call that his place had been broken into and that he had to return at once. When he got there he found out that not only had his apartment been ransacked but his wife and daughter were gone. Lone Star refused to do anything to help and when he pushed they released him. Not even his family would support them in his hunt, he had no options but to go off the grid.

The trail for his family went cold in California and his money went dry. He was forced to take up various jobs tracking things down to keep afloat. One became two, two became ten and before he knew it he was completely submerged as a Shadowrunner. He had no love for his family or Lone Star having long given up the idea that their motives were pure. When he heard word of the Bombers getting their hands on guns they shouldn't he took off there like a bat out of hell. There was no such thing as a coincidence and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

RP Sample:


Last edited by Avner; Aug 15th, 2017 at 11:28 PM.
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Old Aug 8th, 2017, 10:38 PM
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Man, I step away from this forum for a week and a good Shadowrun game pops up. Expect an application from me soon, perhaps a re-attempt at a character that could never get that far.

Mhm. Redoing an old character that never got off the ground because I like him lots.
right-aligned image
Character Name: Satō Ryō. Theodore, for anyone else.
Street Handle: Bobcat
Metatype: Little Elf Boy
Archetype: Infiltrator, B&E Specialist. Emergency/Secondary Face

Appearance: Barely making it to 1.5m and weighing in at an earthshattering 47 kilos, Theo is the definition of lithe. Should one look up lithe in the dictionary, Theo's face would be plastered on that page. Short hair that is easily hidden away in a hood, one may look at his friendly smile and dark coal coloured eyes and implicitly trust in his safety. He had always been raised to show himself to look impecable in any situation and that continues to translate into his garb and gear. While not running the streets he cleans up quite nicely in an armored suit that is tailored to his proportions, dark navy jacket and pants with a black shirt and wine tie are the mainstay when he must be presentable to those around him. Otherwise, you'll find Theo in a much more comfortable suit that hugs close and leaves little trailing away, giving ease in running the rooftops and going about unseen.
Personality: Theo is a product of his corporate upbringing, humble to a fault and always cordial to everyone he meets. To an end, this works well for him and his career as his steely gaze and cool demeanor translates to simple reliability to those who hire him. Should he need to be described in one word, Reliable might be a good fit for him as he sticks to what he does best and what he knows. On the seldom chance he is able to relax, he finds himself with a bottle of sake in one hand, a book in the other, and his lovely cat Ryūnosuke napping on his lap. While not the best people person, he simply knows how to pull a few strings and direct a few waves in the right directions to get what he wants. In groups however, he finds the ability to rely on others to shore up his weaknesses comforting, and is and always will be fiercely loyal to the end.

Background:Satō Ryō comes from a family heavily integrated into the Japanese Renraku corporation, his father being the head of a Red Samurai task force internal to the company. He himself was born a small, sickly child in the Neo-Tokyo ward Yokohama, close off of the headquarters of the Renraku corporation. Throughout his entire life he was raised to be his father's child, schooled in the martial ways and instructed by his tutor in how to take advantage of his diminutive size. While he was never as strong as his younger brother nor as intelligent as his older sister, he had an uncanny speed and easy dexterity on his side that helped him leverage every opportunity he had.

Always the one that was never caught sneaking about, his father caught onto his skills and further pushed Ryō to improve and succeed in his position amongst the corporation. Between the competition amongst his siblings, the pressure from his parents, and the intimidating presence of Renraku in their lives Ryō almost felt that he would end up breaking and disappointing all of those who looked to him to do better. Running outside was an escape for that. No one could catch him, nor tell him what was truly expected of him when he was dashing across roofs and in and out of alleys.

He caught the attention of his first ally and shadowrunner in the alley close to his family home. Impressed by his aptitude in navigating the urban jungle quickly and safely, Ryō was offered a chance at something he couldn't refuse: friends who expected only what he wanted them to expect of him. The test was simple enough, and in a group where no one knew his background and expected nothing of him due to it, Ryō flourished and grew (metaphorically) into his abilities into his late teens and early twenties.

The unfortunate eventuality came then, that Ryō was caught after being sold out by a Mr. Johnson that didn't want to leave any loose ends. The group he was running with got off hard, but his family status gave Ryō some amnesty in the court, leading to a silent exile from the mainland, away from any public cry that could marr his family's standing. He was sent across the ocean to the North American continent, to San Francisco with little more than a change of clothing and his cat Ryunosuke.

The following years were harsh and difficult; the society across the lake was such different than the familiar hustle of Neo-Tokyo, and while the runners here were more numerous they were far less trusting and used far different tactics. Evidently he had much to learn, and after finding himself off of the streets in this city Ryō migrated northward, through Portland and into Seattle, eventually moving east and then back around over the next decade of work. It was grueling, difficult, and did little to eventually change his outlook and own code of honor while working, even when making his own name for himself.

RP Sample: This is one I'll toss out for now, going to look to see if I find one that I like better

Extra Sources: Probably Run & Gun, probably Assassin's Primer
Sheets:PDF and the Chummer5 file


Swear upon the oath, and may your adventures be fruitful
Update 07/05/18: Quick update on my situation; TL;DR: I'll be back soon
DM Death Count: 20 and counting

Last edited by KKristophDavion; Oct 18th, 2017 at 04:19 PM.
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Old Aug 8th, 2017, 10:39 PM
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Seeing as how once the character sheet is done everyone will be aware, I've removed the secret text from the archetype. Sabrina's actually a technomancer posing as a decker, though it's unlikely anyone else in the party is actually aware yet.

I've also been building her in Chummer (first time using it), but think I might be stealing Avner's sheet format as I really dig it. Will update this post when the sheet is completed.

Source code and commit history for the character sheet can be found here.

Application Information
Character Name: Sabrina Watson
Street Handle: Winter
Metatype: Human
Archetype: Decker

Appearance: Standing at 1.6m and weighing just around 49kg, Sabrina's build belies the malnutrition and difficulty of her childhood. Her blonde hair frequently features varying highlight colors and is kept up out of her face at most times. Her style is best described as subdued casual, mostly dressing to blend into the background of any location.

Personality: Growing up was tough for Sabrina, and as a result, she tends to be standoffish and reserved, generally preferring to observe rather than engage in conversation. Despite her quiet nature, she is unafraid to speak up and stand her ground on issues she feels strongly about, and when she feels comfortable, is willing to open up and converse. When that happens, it is sometimes difficult for her to curb the rambling, sarcastic spew. A lover of cigars, fast bikes, and pretty women, intrigued by bioware and cybernetics, and a hatred for bullies, Sabrina is usually able to fit in well with most crews despite her long stretches of silence.




Last edited by Dooliwong; Aug 11th, 2017 at 12:31 AM. Reason: Update for Decker v Technomancer
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Old Aug 9th, 2017, 12:46 AM
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"A man does not know how bad he really is, until he has tried very hard to be good” - C.S. Lewis"

Last edited by Raizen; Feb 24th, 2018 at 01:36 PM.
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Old Feb 23rd, 2018, 11:40 AM
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So here is my character sheet. Let me know if I should change anything.

Character Name: Darvin Blackbrook
Street Handle: Crius
Metatype: Elf
Archetype: Hermetic Mage

Appearance: His snowy skin lies framed with copious amounts of black silky straight hair, well mostly black as for some reason he has a larger than normal accumulation of white strands at the front of his scalp. His eyes are incredibly pale and chilling being a perfect match to his pearly white smile. His skin is immaculate except for a series of tattoos that end right around his chin. He is of medium height to an elf although slightly bulkier than most of them. His hands are thin and his entire figure seems to indicate someone who never had to do real work all his life, a good feature when your goal is to have people underestimate you.

Personality: Crius is simply a double-faced snake. All smiles and flattery when it matters and all cold steel and vitriol when no one is looking. Having been raised in a corporate environment compounded with the years he spent climbing the ladder himself led him to develop a superiority complex towards SINless and other “lower” class citizens. The irony of his current situation doesn’t escape him however making him a particularly bitter and jaded individual when in the comfort of his own thoughts. Outside in public he is a sympathetic kindred soul harbouring as much disdain for the big man as any other shadowrunner or maybe more. He loves planning and executing his plans flawlessly, preferring to live under a heavy system of laws and backup escape routes. Being of a hermetic tradition he obviously dislikes chaos and variability, it is more of a liability than an asset in his eyes considering it just adds to the probability of his plans failing spectacularly. Finally, when faced with the not Awakened he may sometimes adopt a might makes right attitude especially when these peons fail or refuse to cooperate, free will is just wasted sometimes, you know?


RP Sample:

Character Sheet:

Priorities chosen:
A - Magic
B - Skills
C - Metatype (Elf)
D - Attributes
E - Nuyen

Last edited by Erisir; Feb 27th, 2018 at 03:19 PM. Reason: Just adding names to my contacts.
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Old Feb 24th, 2018, 12:51 AM
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TarotName: Mary O'Connell
Handle: Tarot
Metatype: Human
Archetype: Occult Investigator

Appearance: Tarot is a skinny and pale young thing in her 24th year. She dresses like your typical streetpunk goth; fishnets, heavy boots, a few piercings and a screen tee from some band who hasn’t been alive in fifty years. Her straight jetblack hair comes down to just past her chin and covers the left side of her face. Her one uncovered eye is a piercing jade orb that seems to look right into the soul of anyone stupid enough to look right into it.

Personality: Tarot spends most of her free time digging around musty old occult shops or listening to the newest Celtic rock or fae-punk albums fresh off the Matrix. She’s fairly quiet when it comes to interacting with the living, but when she does speak the witch takes a very stoic outlook on things that sometimes comes across as sarcasm. She also loves blueberries and happens to be among that percentage of the population that thinks cilantro tastes like soap.




Last edited by MaximumUnicorn; Feb 27th, 2018 at 08:06 AM.
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Old Feb 24th, 2018, 10:09 PM
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Runner Name: Agent 9-Gu.
Metatype: Human (Japanese.)
Magic Level: Mage (spiritual), Magic 4.
Theme: Sorcery and summoning.
Inspiration: The Tengu are not humanoid crows; they are human shamans.
Real Name: Long Moon (Sinless). Fake name: Mr. Dustmote (research assistant.)

Background: He and his mother traveled Japan when he was young. He doesn't remember when he was a baby, or who his father was, but he know there were on the move a lot. His mother didn't explain, but they might have been running or hiding from someone. One night, when he was 14, she never came back from a meeting she had to attend. He continued by himself to the next waypoint, which was one of the lodges of the mystics. The mystics said that his mother had possessed magic as a child, but lost it when her arms were removed and replaced by mechanical ones in an industrial accident. He had power as well, and they trained him to use it. He was not powerful enough magically to join their group, but he was able to learn a few spells.

When his training was finished (6 years later), he left Japan and headed for the Seattle Enclave, hoping to hide from whoever or whatever took his mother. Her name MIGHT have been 'Willow', or that might have been a running handle, or a password. He doesn't clearly remember much from that night, which was the only time he heard anyone call her by a name. The Crow tribe was suspicious, but he managed to convince them that he is marked by their spirit animal, so they let him pass.

Appearance: Thin, with a long nose. Rather distinctive.

Personality: Distant and somewhat mysterious. Tries to make it seem that he knows the true nature of magic, but doesn't actually know everything.
Jobs Preferred: He likes jobs with a lot of time to prepare or research the matter involved. Sudden tasks that drop in his lap are a problem, because he dislikes improvising.
Benefits/Flaws: His main mechanical flaw is that he is easily recognized. His main personality flaw is that he is reluctant to deviate from his plan. His biggest mechanical benefit would be that he is rather resilient and able to continue fighting even when injured. His mystical training has hardened his mind and body against pain.

Combat Style: Can use guns or knives, but mainly fights with magic spells.

Casting Style: He wields fire, acid, or lightning in his hands. He can also heal, turn invisible, or create magic barriers, and he can find other meta-humans hiding in ambush (or tell that someone isn't ACTUALLY metahuman at all because they don't detect as one.) Unlike a full tengu, he lacks the ability to fly/levitate. He CAN astral project and fight in astral form, but seldom does so. Summons spirits occasionally, but only binds spirits for aid in study.

Skills focused on: Parkour and athletic/acrobatic movement. Guns and knives. Motorcycle riding. Arcane knowledge and magic. Has some skill in deception.
Plans for advancement: Will probably take a circle to gain additional dice to resist drain.
Plans for future: He figures that once he overcomes the bad reputation of being easily recognized and gains the trust of the runner community, he will be able to move to being a fixer or Johnson. The shadows ARE your life, chummer, and you can't get away from them.

RP Sample:
Agen 9-Gu takes a moment to consider the situation...The main thing is to keep the hostage calm and safe...
"I think we should buy the boy a cheap second-hand synthesizer keyboard to play with. It will keep him busy and prevent him from trying to escape."
He then moves to a side room to rest...
"I need to sleep for a few hours to regain my magic power. After that, I will take watch."
He flips through the news, watching reports of their exploits recently...
"Someone is certain to recognize me if I go out. Can someone else handle shopping?"
He finds himself unable to sleep, as strange thoughts invade his mind...
'Will we be able to keep the boy safe? Will they be able to track us?'
This is a dangerous assignment. He tries not to let it show, but the emotional strain of hiding in a hostile city is wearing on him, and this is only the first day. He wonders what will be left of himself, mentally and emotionally, by the end of this.

Last edited by Ericg1s; Feb 25th, 2018 at 08:50 AM.
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Old Feb 27th, 2018, 01:19 AM
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Street Name: Eighty-Four (or 8-4)
Real (SIN) Name: Evaleigh Mattison-Ross
Metatype: Elf (Standard)
Archetype: Rigger (Drone-heavy)
Height: 5'7" Weight: 145 lbs
Appearance: Surprisingly plain for an elf, with mid-length dirty blonde hair and grey-blue eyes, 8-4's parentage seems to lean more towards that of her human father than elven mother - ears are not quite as pointed, features not quite as fine. If one could describe a 'half elf' in the Shadowrun universe, 8-4 would certainly be that. Indeed, even her figure would be considered bulky for an elf (although, fit and fairly average for a human).

8-4, who also goes by 'Evaleigh', favors muted colours, perhaps to match her muted personality: greys, blacks, darker hues of blue jeans and long-sleeved shirts primarily. When out on a mission 8-4 prefers lighter form-fit armor, usually covered by an over-sized hoodie to remain non-descript.

Place of Origin: Chicago, UCAS
Date of Birth: February 18, 2043 (Current age: 32)
Parents: Jackson Mattison (Aged 61), April Ross (Presumed Deceased)
Siblings: Peter (deceased), Owen (deceased)




Last edited by Alyfox; Mar 1st, 2018 at 05:07 PM.
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Old Feb 27th, 2018, 02:21 PM
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Character Name: Wohali (woh-HAH-lee) Nishimura
Street Handle: Medicine Man (Med for short)
Metatype: Grade A Human
Archetype: Leader / Mystic Adept (Sioux tradition)

Appearance: 5'10 with a lithe frame and light brown skin (a result from his mixed Cherokee and Japanese ancestry), dark black hair down to the middle of his back. Clothing is viewed as a tool to help achieve results, and as such it changes to fit the needs of a given situation, preference is given to something to keep him alive.

Personality: Dominant. Work hard, play hard. Loves a good bowl of Ramen with a side of frybread. Hopefully subtly humorous.

Background: Born in the NAN to a Japanese father and a Cherokee mother and raised in a traditional (read: stifling) household, he left (amongst much shouting) to find himself and fell in with the mercenary company Combat Inc. He took to the military way of life surprisingly well (given he found the traditions of his parents so hard to endure) and climbed the ranks well enough, earning respect both for his capability in life as well as his magical prowess.

Eventually he found himself down in Amazonia on the wrong side of the conflict with Aztlan. Branded a terrorist by the nation/corp and with a price on his head and with no help coming from Combat Inc. (because no mercenary company wants to make bad blood with anyone as powerful as Aztlan / Aztechnology) he figured he'd strike off on his own and find his own way in the shadows.

Why Paradigm city? He got drunk, blind folded himself and threw a dart at a map. Don't ask how many tries it took, but when he woke up (and felt human again), he figured why not, he needed somewhere that Aztlan wouldn't immediately find him and that he could get a fresh start. He may not have ties there, but he didn't have any baggage there, either. Of course, getting there was another story.

RP Sample:Wohali scowled looking down at the paper and read aloud to himself.

Hello MotherOsiyo Etsi, Hello Fatherこんにちは お父さん,

Two hours and half a ream of real paper, and I have the salutation. I have such a gift for words. With a slight smirk at that thought he attempted to lubricate his words with another sip of the oh so lovely off brand soy beer and spat it out over his masterpiece. The normally fecal tasting beer had gotten warm and went flat. I guess that only goes to show no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse. That thought caused a chuckle and afterward he spoke.

"Yeah, I could be telling them in person. Hey, mom, dad, my comrades are dead, I'm labelled a terrorist by one of the most powerful megas in the world, I'm waiting in a bug infested motel room on a coyote to smuggle me into a city I picked off the map by throwing a dart, while drunk, so I can become a professional criminal and I'm drinking shitty beer. Warm, flat, shitty beer. And it is still better than having to deal with the two of you over dinner. Love, Wohali."

Outside tires screeched, a car door slammed. Wohali's hand darted over to his Enfield while his eyes checked the time on his HUD. 0300 hours. Late for the after bar crowd, early for the coyote. Could be trouble, it does seem to be that kind of morning.



*Currently sustaining increase intuition with 3 successes.

1 point of edge has been spent and 1 point of stun damage (drain) has been suffered.

Last edited by ShadowcatX; May 9th, 2018 at 04:58 PM.
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