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Old May 29th, 2019, 07:36 PM
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*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-05-67908
Status: Field Agent
Rank: 3
Band: 07 01-18
Clearance: Confidential
*OSIRS Notation End*

Reuben MacDougall
Archetype: (Survivor) The night has teeth, and I am the wind.

Senses normal
Awareness 10/15/20
Initiative 9/14/19
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 4, Agi 6, Vit 4, Int 4, Foc 5, Per 3


Armor Reduces Physical by [ ], energy by [ ]

Vitality 4 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated

Skill Points/Spent: 40/40

Combat Skills16 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics 3 Agi 6 11/16/21
Armor Training Str 4 16/21/26
Athletics Str 4 16/21/26
Firearm 7 Agi 6 7/12/17
- Pistol +1  
Hand-to-Hand 2 Agi 612/17/22
- Knifes +1  
Heavy Weapons Str416/21/26
Melee Agi 614/19/24
Primitive Weapon Agi 6 14/19/24
Resilience Vit 416/21/26
Willpower5 Foc 510/15/20

Non-combat Skills 24 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics Int
Awareness6Foc5 9/14/19
Athletics Str 4 16/21/26
Coercion Per 3 17/22/27
Computer Int 4 16/21/26
Culture 1 Per 3 16/21/26
- United Kingdom +1   
- Sasquatch +1   
Deception Per 3 17/22/27
Driving3 Agi 6 11/16/21
Dodge5 Agi 6 9/14/19
Empathy Foc 5 15/20/25
Endurance Vit 4 16/21/26
Engineering Int 4 16/21/26
Extreme Sports Agi 6 14/19/24
Influence Per 3 17/22/27
Mechanics Int 4 16/21/26
Medicine 1 Int 4 14/19/24
- First Aid +1  
Misdirection Per 3 17/22/27
Performance Per 3 17/22/27
Pilot Agi 6 14/19/24
Profession -na-
Resilience Vit 4 16/21/26
Science Int 416/21/26
Security 3 Agi 6 11/16/21
Stealth7 Agi6 7/12/17
Survival1 Foc 5 14/19/24

Name Description
Alertness +2 to Initiative Checks
- Hit the Dirt when an attack is first declared, go prone as a reaction.
Gunslinger You can draw one or more pistols as a free action when you attack with a pistol
- Disarming Shot On an excellent shot or better hit, you can reduce the damage to 1 and disarm an enemy holding a weapon or object in one hand.
- Double Tap On an excellent or better hit, you gain an immediate follow-up attack at a -1 step penalty on the same target as a free action.
Elusive Ranged attacks against you that originate from medium range (20m) or longer take an additional -1 step penalty.
- Combat Crouch you gain an additional benefit from cover. Attackers take an additional -1 step penalty when they attack you as long as you have at least 25% cover.
Rugged Gain bonus boxes on the graze and light wound rows.
- Extra Rugged Gain a bonus moderate wound box.
Double Tap On an excellent success with firearms, you can make another attack with a -1 step.

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical
Combat knife Hand Knife 3 1d4 + 1/5 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical
Shotgun Firearms Assault M 5 4 1d8 + 0/5 physical +1 wound at Close

Leather Coat, Pistol (standard issue), shotgun (standard issue)

Character Notes: Reuben leans back in his seat, smirking through an almost unintelligible Scottish brogue: “So ye wanna ken my past, eh? Before you blokes picked me up from that posh mansion with the bloodsuckers what killed me mates, I was a criminal. Gun-boy for tuh Gallowgates. We were tipped for tuh riches by a posh boy in a pub, turns out the Vampires just wanted a spot o’ fun and the red wetness. It weren’t just luck that I lived to see you boys rushin’ the door: my Grampy Fi told me stories about monsters liken to these, kept me livin whilst the others shuffled off their mortal coils. Grampy told me lots of wonderful things to fill me nightmares...” Reuben leans forward, a gleam in his eyes: “ I’ll be guessin that they weren’t just yarns.”

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Old May 30th, 2019, 01:21 AM
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Department 7

*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-05-40674
Status: Field Agent
Rank: 3
Band: 07 01-18
Clearance: Confidential
*OSIRS Notation End*

Magnus Gustaf
Archetype: (Battler) Retired mercenary with a past.

Senses normal
Awareness 11/16/21
Initiative 11/16/21
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 4, Agi 4, Vit 6, Int 4, Foc 5, Per 3


Armor Reduces Physical by [ ], energy by [ ]

Vitality 6 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated
Skill Point Poll/Spent 40/40

Combat Skills 17 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics Agi 416/21/26
Armor Training 1 Str 4 15/20/25
Athletics 1 Str 415/20/25
Dodge1 Agi 415/20/25
Energy Weapon Foc 5 15/20/25
Firearm 4 Foc 511/16/21
- Assault Weapon +1   
-Heavy Weapon 1   
Hand-to-Hand 3 Str 413/18/23
- Brawling +1   
- Knives +1   
Heavy Weapons Str416/21/26
Melee 2 Str4 14/19/24
Primitive Weapon Agi/Foc
Resilience4 Vit 610/15/20
Willpower 3Foc 512/1722

Non-combat Skills 15 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 1 Int 415/20/25
- World History +1   
Awareness5 Foc 5 11/16/21
Athletics Str 4 16/21/26
Coercion Per 3 17/22/27
Computer Int 4 16/21/26
Culture 1 Per 3 16/21/26
- Western New Age Occult   
Deception Per 317/22/27
Driving Agi 416/21/26
Empathy Foc 5 15/20/25
Endurance 3 Vit 6 11/16/21
Engineering Int 416/21/26
Extreme Sports Vit 614/19/24
Influence Per 317/22/27
Mechanics Int 4 16/21/26
Medicine 4Int 412/16/22
- First Aid +1   
- Trauma Medic   
Misdirection Per 317/22/27
Performance Per 317/22/27
Pilot Agi 416/21/26
Profession -na-
Resilience 4 Vit 610/15/20
Science Int 416/21/26
Security 1 Int 415/20/25
Stealth Foc 515/20/25
Survival 2 Vit 6 12/17/22

FX (8 pts)
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Nordic Theism 4 Foc 511/16/21
- Eight pulse runic work provides +3 armor until the benefit is used. Once used it must be reapplied after the current scene to work again.Blood Rune Ward
- ten minute divination gives best course of action out of a number of requested options.Runic Vision* 1 Foc 5
- This rune is a command to sleep. The victim needs to be within 30 meters. The victim is entitle to a Mental - Resolve or Willpower check to resist the command. The modifier penalty to this check is -1, -2, or -3 depending on the degree of success of the caster.Sleep Thorn * 1 Foc 5
- Spirit of the lands appear to dance around the caster of this rune. This area around caster grants a +2 bonus resistance to attacks to which he can defend. If the caster takes damage during the duration of this rune which is 2 rounds plus the rank of this rune, he must make a Willpower check or the rune fails.Landvζttir (Guardian Spirit) +1  
- In the area of effect of this rune is 10 meters. Creatures in the area see clearing out of all the possibilities of their actions and which is the best outcome. All people effected gain a +1 step bonus to checks while the distraction gives a -1 penalty to any Willpower based checks. Rank Benefit: At ranks 3 and 5 the bonus and penalties increase by 1.Looking Glass * 1 Foc 5
- By ritualist engraving runes to the body of the dead (8 pulses), the caster pulls the spirit of the dead back into the body to answer questions. The dead is recented dead there is a +2 bonus to the check. More than an hour the check is made at +1. If it has been more than three days there is a penalty of -1. This increases by -1 for every three days, thereafter.Stave for the Walking Dead * 1 Foc 5
- 1-2-3 pt exhange of wounds between victim and "donor". If "donor" is caster then there's a bonus to rolls.Ghost Stave* 1 Foc 5  

Name Description
Gunner When you use the Aim action with a heavy weapon you do not add a delay to your next action.(No time penalty for aim with a heavy weapon or full auto action with a heavy weapon.)
- Cover Destruction When you attack a target behind cover, you can choose to reduce the target's cover by two steps for this attack. If you do, reduce the damage of the attack by 3.
Martial Arts, Grappling You gain a +1 step bonus on Hand to Hand checks made to start a grapple.
- Disarming Lock If you take the grab object action against an enemy you are grappling, you gain an additional +2 step bonus on the opposed check.
- Submission Hold If you succeed at an unarmed attack against a living enemy you are grappling, the enemy becomes dazed until it loses the grappled condition or it successfully resists with an Endurance check. If you succeed at an unarmed attack against an enemy who is both grappled and dazed, in addition to taking damage that enemy must succeed at an Endurance check or become incapacitated for five minutes. Enemies wearing tough armor are immune to submission holds.
- Take-down In addition to the normal +2 step bonus for tackling, you gain an additional +1 step bonus on attempts to tackle an enemy.
Rugged Gain bonus wound boxes on the graze and light wound rows of your durability block.
- Extra Rugged Gain a bonus wound box on the moderate wound box.


Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical
Combat knife Hand Knife 3 1d4 + 1/5 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Heavy pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 4 1d8 + 1/6 physical
Battle rifle Firearms Rifle VL 20 3 1d8 + 3/8 physical

GEARMk14 Enhanced Battle Rifle/ DMR/assault weapon. Raging Judge heavy revolver. Tac vest with carbon fiber plate holder front, back, and side panels. (Not normally worn). Also a "rune enhanced" entrenching tool in a sheath.(Also, Not normally worn) Temporary Gear SMG/ Combat Knife/

Character Notes: Well, yea I've got some difficulties. That's part of why I'm here. I know I'm not crazy, but I've fought a bitch that looked like a tree and tossed fire, and I've been manipulated by supernatural tricksters. I believe in elves, dwarves, eldritch powers and magick among other things. But I ain't nuts. And yea I've survived things that might kill most folks. That wasn't my imagination either. I figure you people can probably use me without taking me apart to see how I tick. I can't say as much for some of the other alphabet agencies out there. What do I mean by that? Look we both know your little tests pointed out an oddity or two. Let's just say some of the people in power that I've talked to would be more likely to want to dissect a guy rather than let him use his skills. So we got a deal? I help you with stuff, you help me stay off any radar that might get my bits and pieces removed by guys in lab coats?


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Cattle die.Kindred Die.
All men are mortal.But the good name lasts forever.

Last edited by savoylen; Aug 16th, 2020 at 11:40 PM.
Old Jun 1st, 2019, 11:58 PM
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Department 7

*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-06-65993
Status: Agent, First Class
Rank: 2
Band: 08 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Dr. Soo-ah (수아) Song
Age: 27, 1m72, 55 kg
Archetype: (Mentalist) Pay attention to your inner voice, I will see you in there!

Senses normal
Awareness 16/21/26
Initiative 11/16/21 (+2)

Action Points: 2
Speed 20 meters
Str 3, Agi 4, Vit 4, Int 5, Foc 4, Per 6


Armor Reduces Physical by [ ], energy by [ ]

Vitality 4 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated

Skill Points/Spent 40/40

Combat Skills 7 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics Agi 3 17/22/27
Armor Training 0 Int 514/19/24
Athletics Str 3 17/22/27
Firearm 1 Foc 4 15/20/25
- Pistol +1  
Hand-to-Hand Str 3 17/22/27
Heavy Weapons Int 515/20/25
Melee Agi4 16/21/26
Primitive Weapon Foc 4 16/21/26
Resilience Vit 416/21/26
Willpower6 Foc 4 10/15/20

Non-combat Skills 10 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics Int 515/20/25
Awareness Foc 416/21/26
Athletics Str 317/22/27
Coercion Per 6 14/19/24
Computer Int 5 15/20/258
Culture Per 614/19/24
Deception 1 Per 6 13/18/23
Driving Agi 4 16/21/26
Dodge Agi 4 16/21/26
Empathy Per 6 14/19/24
Endurance Vit 4 16/21/26
Engineering Int 515/20/25
Extreme Sports Agi 4 16/21/26
Influence 6 Per 6 8/13/18
Mechanics Int 5 15/20/30
Medicine 2 Int 5 13/18/23
- Surgery* 1 Int 5 14/19/24
- First Aid +1    
- Battlefield Medicine    
Misdirection Per 614/19/24
Performance Per 6 14/19/24
Pilot Int 515/20/25
Profession -na-
Resilience Vit 416/21/26
Science Int 515/20/25
Security Int5 15/20/25
Stealth Foc 4 16/21/26
Survival Foc 416/21/26

Psi (23 points)

Psi Skill Rank Success Bands
ESP (Int 5) 6 9/14/19
- Battle Mind * 1 14/19/24
- clairaudience
- clairvoyance
- empathy
- mind reading +1
- postcognition
- psychometry
- sensitivity

Psi Skill Rank Success Bands
Telepathy (Per 6) 6 8/13/18
- contact
- empathic projection
- illusion
- mind shield
- Directs a powerful blast of energy at another mind. This does the same as mind blast (1/2/3 points of stress depending on the level of success) +1d4 stress points damage. This can be opposed by Mind Shield. Use of this FX gives one additional degree of fatigue (auto fail on fatigue check). Rank benefits: Rank 3 - does +1d6 instead, Rank 5 - does +1d8 instead plus Stellar results cause two boxes to check rather than one, Rank 7 - does +1d8 instead puls stellar results cause two boxes to check rather than one, Rank 9 - does +1d12 instead plus stellar results because two boxes to check rather than one. mind shred * * 5 9/14/19
- psychic armor
- psychic projection
- suggest +1
- tire  

Psi Skill Rank Success Bands
Telekinesis (Foc 4) 5 12/17/22
- levitation
- photokinetics
- The ability to move objects. The target must be within 50 meters (10/20/50). The character can lift a weight in kilograms up to his or her FOC score x10, or push up to their FOC score x20 in kilograms. Only solid objects can be move in such a way. The distance, speed and height the object can be moved depends on the degree of success. Typical distance in meters in 1 G for lift are 1/2/3 or for Push are 2/4/6. The time FX last also depends on the degree of success, in pulses 2/4/6. Rank Benefits: Rank 3 - Manipulate: Operate small mechanisms such as locks firearms, computers and such at -2 steps if they have the appropriate skill (untrained if they don't). At Rank 5 the penalty goes down to -1 and at rank 7 there is no penalty. Rank 5 - Batter: Siese living beings and shake them violently causing damage. (Range 5/10/20) damage is 1d6/+2 physical. At rank 7 this increases to 1d8/+2 physical. Rank 7 - Puppeteering: Attempt to seize control of another living creature. psychokinetics +1

Name Description
Medic You gain +1 step bonus on Medicine checks made during combat.
- Don't You Quit On Me Your successful Medicine checks to stabilize someone count as an additional success (2/3/4 successes on Av/Ex/St check results).
Rapport Your telepathy allows you to communicate with a sentient creature with an intelligence or 2 or higher.
- Branching Network You can communicate telepathically with up to five other creatures at once.
Commander You gain a +1 step bonus on Coercion or Influence checks made during combat.
- Combat Leader As an action, make an influence check to spur your allies on to greater effectiveness. If you succeed, designate an enemy. Your allies each gain a +1 step bonus on their next attack against that enemy in this scene. Allies who can't communicate with you don't get the step bonus.
Alertness Gain a +2 step bonus on initiative Checks
- Hit the Dirt You can go prone as a reaction to an attack against you.


Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical
Combat knife Hand Knife 3 1d4 + 1/5 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical
Sonic (Shuddle) pistol Firearms Pistol C 20/full charge 3 1d6 + 0/2 energy Near and close range only. Will not work in a vacuum.

Light Pistol, 2 mags of 10 bullets each. Apple Watch, iPhone X, Laptop, Handbag, Pepper spray, medkit & surgery kit.

Character Notes
You know, I just wished for a normal life. I had a good job at the hospital, a nice house, fancy car. Everything just went upside down the day my mind opened like a pandora box after I got electrocuted by my hairdryer. Not my brightest moment I assure you. Not sure what happened but I began to hear everybody thoughts when I woke up, it felt powerful and terrifying at the same time. Thank god I was picked up eventually by the Hoffman Institute to learn how to use my gift. I think now I'm ready to hit the field and use my powers to protect the mundane and save as much lives as possible.
Dr. SongDoctor Song is a young pioneer in neuroscience, neurosurgery and various psychological conditions related to brain damage. She is passionate about the human mind in general, studying alternative medicine and techniques to cure the mind. Using her powerful psionic abilities, this gives her an edge over all her peers to understand patients conditions and diagnose the right treatment. As a prodigy, she completed her medical studies and specialties five years ahead of time, and completed her first brain surgery at the age of 22. In Seoul, she opened her own clinic at the age of 26 and started to have an international reputation with people coming from far away to get a diagnostic from her. Everything changed the day she was recruited by the Hoffman Institute, a hard choice to put behind such a promising and lucrative career on hold. She believes she can have a larger impact on humanity by becoming a secret agent and flourish her telepathic gifts.

Moving to NYCAfter joining the HI, Soo-ah sold her practice and relocated to New-York City. The good doctor bought a fancy townhouse in Upper East Side with the money she made in the last years and her signing bonus with the institute. She is from Seoul, so she acclimated quickly to the big city, however the culture shock was significant. Speaking English with a strong accent, she had a couple of bad experience with the locals. What she read from their mind is generally quite different from Korean. Men have dirty thoughts at all time and hope for a chance to get laid with her and women are intensively jealous, some others are simply racist and don't like Asian in that country. In any case, she became very popular in the local bars after work and made a lot of friends. She trained very hard at the institute and spent most of her free time working at the Lenox Hill Hospital about two times a week to keep operating and improve her skills.

* * * *



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Last edited by MoonZar; Mar 14th, 2020 at 12:13 AM.
Old Jun 2nd, 2019, 12:52 AM
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Department 7

*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-06-32463
Status: Probationary Agent, Second Class
Rank: 1
Band: 09 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Johann Goldblatt
Archetype: (Expert/FX)

Senses normal
Awareness 14/19/24
Initiative 9/14/19
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 4, Agi 5, Vit 5, Int 4, Foc 5, Per 4

Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated

Combat Skills - 8 Points
Resilience 2 (Vit) 13/18/23
Dodge 2 (Agi) 13/18/23
Willpower 3 (Foc) 12/17/22
Hand-to-Hand Combat 1 (Str or Agi) 14/19/24
-Brawling +1

Non Combat Skills - 23 Points
(includes zero-G movement)Acrobatics 3 (Agi) 12/17/22
Athletics 1 (Str) 15/20/25
(your perception skill)Awareness 1 (Focus) 14/19/24
Deception 2 (Per) 14/19/24
(resisting poison, temperature extremes, radiation, etc.)Endurance 1 (Vit) 14/19/24
Entertainment 2 (Per) 14/19/24
includes persuasion)Influence (Per) 1 15/20/25
deception and fast-talking)Misdirection 5 (Per) 11/16/21
Performance 2 (Per) 14/19/24
(includes bypassing locks or cameras with proper tools)Security (Agi) 5 10/15/20

Arcane FX - 5 Points
Illusion 3 (Foc) 12/17/22
- Clamor 1 11/16/21
- Conceal 1 11/16/21
- Static Image +1

Alertness, +2 steps bonus on initiative checks
- Hit the Dirt, You can go prone as a reaction to a declaration of an attack against you.
Elusive, Ranged attacks against you that originate from medium or longer range suffer an additional -1 step penalty.
- Combat Crouch, You gain additional Benefit from cover. Attackers take an additional -1 step penalty when they attack you as long as you have at least 25% cover.
Spy, You have a false identity - a "legend" as it is known in the business. Your true identity comes to light only under rigorous background checking that usually requires several days. A false identity also comes with one Average-level contact who believe your legend. You can "burn" your identity to stymie an effort to locate you or take you into custody. If you have to burn your false identity you can create a new one in 10 days.
- Access, The contact you gain with your false identity is Excellent, not Average.


Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical  
Combat knife Hand Knife 3 1d4 + 1/5 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical


Character Notes:
I do not pretend to know or understand what happened to me, I imagine this organization knows more than I do on that front. As you know I was born Johann Goldbratt but at the time people weren't likely to watch a performer if they knew he was a Jew so I took the stage name of Goldani. As an Illusions and Escapologist I dare say I was a bit Green but obviously Berries. I looked it up, my famous 'Goldani's Cabinet' illusion is still talked about in my craft.

But as you see, the Illusion worked too well. My Assistant genuinely vanished, I went in after her. I don't remember anything solid after that, like it was all a dream. I just know that went I woke up that morning it was 1926 on the morning of what was to be my big break, I went somewhere that I knew I had to Escape from, and now I'm here.

Except part of me wonders if I escaped at all, or worse still if something Escaped the Cabinet with Me.

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Quod Confutat Veritas, Ut Destruatur
Poetice Vivere, Aut Mori Stultitiam - Nullius In Verba
=9/5 -> Been a few days since I could manage a post. Should be time to catch-up some after work.

Last edited by savoylen; Sep 4th, 2019 at 05:52 PM.
Old Jun 4th, 2019, 06:26 PM
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*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-06-00442
Status: Agent, First Class
Rank: 2
Band: 08 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

James Smith
Archetype: TR 2 Unremarkable

Senses normal
Initiative 11/16/21
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 3, Agi 4, Vit 4, Int 5, Foc 6, Per 4


Armor Reduces Physical by [ ], energy by [ ]

Vitality 4 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated

Skill Point Pool Total/Spent: 40/40

Combat Skills 7 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics Agi 4 16/21/26
Armor Training 1 Int 5 14/19/24
Athletics Str 3 17/22/27
Firearm Foc 6 14/19/24
Hand-to-Hand Str 3 17/22/27
Heavy Weapons Int 5 15/20/25
Melee 1 Agi 4 15/20/25
- Knife +1   
Primitive Weapon 1 Foc 6 13/18/23
- Bow +1    
Resilience Vit 4 16/21/26
Willpower 4 Foc 6 10/15/20

Non-combat Skills 27 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 1 Int 5 14/19/24
- Cryptography +1    
Awareness 3 Foc 6 11/16/21
Athletics Str 3 17/22/27
Coercion Per 4 16/21/26
Computer 3 Int 5 12/17/22
- Hacking +1    
Culture 1 Per 4 15/20/25
- North America +1   
Deception Per 4 16/21/26
Driving Agi 4 16/21/26
Dodge 1 Agi 4 16/21/26
Empathy 2 Foc 6 12/17/22
Endurance 2 Vit 4 14/19/24
- Alcohol/Recreational Substances +1    
Engineering Int 5 15/20/25
Extreme Sports Agi 4 16/21/26
Influence Per 4 16/21/26
Mechanics Int 5 15/20/25
Medicine Int 5 15/20/25
Misdirection 5 Per 4 11/16/21
Performance Per 4 11/16/21
Pilot Agi 4 16/21/26
Profession 3 Int 5 12/17/22
+1 Journalist/Blogger +1   
+1 Photographer +1   
Resilience Vit 4 16/21/26
Science 1 Int 5 14/19/24
- Lab Technician +1   
Security 2 Int 5 13/18/23
Stealth 1 Foc 6 13/18/23
Survival 2 Foc 6 12/18/23

FX Skills (6 Points)
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Illusion 2 Foc 6 12/17/22
- Conceal 1 Foc 6 13/18/23
- Static image +1   
Mesmerism 2 Foc 6 12/17/22
- Forgetfulness 1 Foc 6 13/18/23
- Hypnotize +1    

Name Description
Alertness +2 steps bonus on initiative checks
- Hit the Dirt You can go prone as a reaction to a declaration of an attack against you.
Elusive Ranged attacks against you that originate from medium or longer range suffer an additional -1 step penalty.
- Combat Crouch You gain additional Benefit from cover. Attackers take an additional -1 step penalty when they attack you as long as you have at least 25% cover.
- Luckey Miss Once per combat scene, you can use a reaction to make an attack that hits, miss instead.
Spy You have a false identity - a "legend" as it is known in the business. Your true identity comes to light only under rigorous background checking that usually requires several days. A false identity also comes with one Average-level contact who believe your legend. You can "burn" your identity to stymie an effort to locate you or take you into custody. If you have to burn your false identity you can create a new one in 10 days.
- Access The contact you gain with your false identity is Excellent, not Average.
- Vanish You have a knack for avoiding notice. You gain a +2 step bonus on Misdirection checks to blend into crowds and a +2 step bonus on Stealth checks to sneak between scenes.

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical
Combat knife Hand Knife 3 1d4 + 1/5 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical


Camera, microphone, lenses, mac.

Character Notes:
It started like, well if you are like me, at-all like me, you'll know what I mean:

You go into a bar and it doesn't matter where you stand, or how big the note you wave in your hand, it's always the people either side of you that get served. No matter how hard you try you just can't seem to catch the barstaff's eye; they just serve everyone else.

Depressing isn't it. Well it was for me anyway - the more I was ignored the more depressed I got and the more depressed I was the less I wanted to be noticed... Maybe you've been there?

So, one day I got so fed up of being ignored I just walked round the bar and poured my own beer. I didn't care if I got thrown out - I just didn't care about much of anything by then. But I didn't get thrown out - no body noticed.

It became a thing, and it got to where a bar didn't even have to be busy and then one day I was - I'm a photo journalist by the way - I was at a demonstration and this riot broke out and I was there in the middle of the whole thing just snapping away and everyone ignored me - more than ignored me, went round me and carried on. It was the strangest thing.

Yeah I know that's was weird right but then it got even stranger. It was like even machines couldn't be bothered anymore. I forgot my pin and was like you know - how am I gonna get cash now? and the thing didn't even bother to ask. It just gave me the money - I mean I could have been anybody, it could have been anybody's card.

So that was when I knew, that was when I said "Stop. This is not just me being boring - this is a THING. I looked it up - Glamour the Irish call it, so I have The Glamour - paradoxical or what? Right?"

Pictures you see - I take pictures, freelance, sell them, but I can take pictures others cannot. I can see things others cannot, I can see past the glamour of others just as they can see past mine but we don't always know each other for what we are until we see that others can't. It's a club - a lonely club perhaps but a club none-the-less - and I was never in a gang at school so it's nice to be in one now.


I'ld been taking pictures in this area for a while. It had interested me that part of Charleston, and I wondered if I might do serious piece on urban degeneration. And on this day - I had pictures of space holes and who knows what - it really kicked off. And then BOOM!

I wasn't sure what to do with all the pictures - I knew the normal papers wouldn't touch them but I had contacts, there were places where folks would buy pictures that belonged in a science fiction movie or horror film; there were collectors and agencies. So after reducing the options I post them with the normal copyright and disclaimers.

I was quite impressed when they found me - no really. It's not often someone comes to my front door. Even the post guy struggles with the box at the end of the drive.

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Thanks for everything Gary.

Last edited by savoylen; Aug 16th, 2020 at 11:43 PM.
Old Jun 5th, 2019, 01:36 AM
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*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-06-75600
Status: Probationary Agent, Second Class
Rank: 1
Band: 09 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Seymour Bradley
Archetype: (Precog) Pre-traumatic stress disorder?Haunted by memories of the future.

Senses normal
Awareness 11/16/21
Initiative 12/17/22
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 4, Agi 4, Vit 5, Int 4, Foc 6, Per 3

1-3[] [] [] []No ill effects.
4-6[] [] []No ill effects.
7-9[] [] []-1 step penalty to all checks.
10-12[] []-2 step penalty to all checks.
13-15[] []-3 step penalty to all checks.

Combat Skills - 16 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Armor Training2Str or Int14/19/24
Firearm (rifle)4Foc10/15/20
Hand-to-Hand (knife)2Str14/19/24
Heavy Weapons (direct)2Str or Int14/19/24

Non-combat Skills - 16 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Medicine (first aid)1Int15/20/25


Psi - 3 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
ESP 2 Int14/19/24
- postcognition +1 -na- Int 13/18/23
- precognition 1 Int 15/20/25

AlertnessYou gain a +2 step bonus on initiative checks.
RuggedGain bonus wound boxes on the graze and light wound rows of your durability table.
- Extra-Rugged I Gain a bonus moderate wound box.
Shake it OffYou can make Resilience checks to reduce a wound’s penalty as a 1-impulse action instead of a 3-impulse action.

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical
Combat knife Hand Knife 3 1d4 + 1/5 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical
Battle rifle Firearms Rifle VL 20 3 1d8 + 3/8 physical

Tac vest, helmet and boots, assault rifle and two extra mags, sidearm, combat knife, wallet with ID, android phone loaded up with electronica and heavy dub music, a packet of Think Gum.

Character Notes:
I suppose this skill, as you people call it, has been with me since I was little, but I’ve always thought of it as more of a disability. I never graduated school because of all the flashes, the images of horrible situations. I didn’t want to see it but I saw it anyway. I spent time in institutions and the drugs they put into me seemed to calm it down for a while, but, actually, I still saw the things, I just didn’t care any more. But it was enough. They let me out.

But what was a seventeen year old drop-out to do? I joined the army, fully expecting it to kill me. But I was actually pretty good at it. I channelled the anger I felt and passed Basic near the top of my class. Then I was deployed. And that was when I came to realise that the things that I had been seeing were real… they just hadn’t happened yet. But seeing them for real let me get them out of my head. It felt… good. A relief. So I started volunteering for the worst missions, getting into the most fragged up situations, all so I could get these things out of my mind. I got a reputation as a ghoul. My C.O. requested me to be transferred, and so I ended up moving from one platoon to another until my tour was up. I was all ready to sign up for a second tour when Major Farnsworth got in touch and told me to contact you.
Current status: All good.

Last edited by Lazer; Mar 14th, 2020 at 03:12 PM.
Old Jun 5th, 2019, 04:07 AM
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Department 7

*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-06-73164
Status: Probationary Agent, Second Class
Rank: 1
Band: 09 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Marνa Fernanda Moreno
Archetype: (Hacker/Believer) The Power of Christ compels IT

Senses normal
Awareness 13/18/23
Initiative 10/15/20
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 3, Agi 5, Vit 5, Int 5, Foc 5, Per 3

Vitality 5 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated

Combat Skills: 7pts
Resilience (Vit) 1 14/19/24
Dodge (Agi) 2 13/18/23
Willpower (Foc) 2 13/18/23
Firearm Combat (Agi or Foc) - Pistol 2 13/18/23

Noncombat Skills: 18pts
Academics (Int) - Computer Sciences 1 14/19/24
Awareness (Focus) 2 13/18/23
Computer (Int) - Hacking 4 11/16/21
Culture, Colombia (Per) - 1 16/21/26
Deception (Per) 1 16/21/26
Endurance (Vit) 1 14/19/24
Engineering (Int) 2 13/18/23
Misdirection (Per) 1 16/21/26
Security (Agi or Int) 2 13/18/23
Stealth (Agi or Foc) 2 13/18/23
Survival (Vit or Foc) 1 14/19/24

Arcane FX: 6pts
Hemomancy (Vit) 3 12/17/22
- lifeblood * 2 13/18/23
- stigmata * 1 14/19/23
- thicker than water +1

Faith FX: 4pts
Monotheism (Per/Foc) 4 11/16/21
- aura
- blessing +1
- cure
- demon ward
- guidance
- signs and portents
- vision

Alertness, You gain a +2 step bonus on initiative checks.
- Hit the Dirt, when an attack is first declared, go prone as a reaction.
Drone Expert, When you issue a command to a drone, it takes half the time to respond.
- Overclocking, When you issue an attack command to a drone, you can grant a +3 step bonus to its attack, but it takes 1 box of damage (lowest available wound band) after the attack is resolved.
Gearhead, ou gain a +1 step bonus on any technical skill check you make to maintain or repair a machine, vehicle, ship or installation you’ve worked on before.
- Built These Myself, When you take this talent, you can give yourself two free weapon, armor or tool upgrades. Each upgrade must be applied to a different weapon, armor or tool.

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical
Combat knife Hand Knife 3 1d4 + 1/5 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Custom Glock 26 Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical +1 Step when used by Maira "Built This Myself"

"SLB (San Luis Beltrαn)" the GridCaster, Excellent Quality
Customize Glock 26, 9x19mm semi automatic

Character Notes:
I first felt the presence of god when I was five years old. My mother had taken me to midday mass and then to see el Seρor Caνdo, the icon of our lord in Monserrate sanctuary in Bogota. When I fainted they said it was a dizzy spell, possibly epilepsy. But I had felt the blood of Christ within me. The next time was when my father was gunned down by the Medellin cartel. I knew the evil that walked the earth then. Hollow people - Angels of death. My fathers morality had corroded too, but this one time that was a blessing, because with his ill gotten savings that he had hid from the cartel my mother took me to america. That it was Corpus Christi where we had family seems ironic now, but you take what you can get I guess. There I tried to forget for a while. We still went to church, but I didn't feel anything for a time. I thought his presence had died with my father. I went into IT - maybe because suddenly everybody seemed to be an atheist or at best a sceptic. I was good at it. But ultimately the blood was still there protecting me, cleansing - opening my eyes to evil. I react to it, and it appears that it showed. When the institute approached me I thought it was for what I do with computers, and maybe that was part of it. But they knew. It did not seem to startle them. Most of all, they didn't make my blood boil. Means they are not evil, doesn't it?

FATE: KIA - Vaporized by Sarah Jean (CIA Agent, uncovered Turner operative)
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Last edited by savoylen; Sep 10th, 2019 at 12:34 AM.
Old Jun 9th, 2019, 04:49 PM
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*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-07-44618
Status: Probationary Agent, Second Class
Rank: 1
Band: 09 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Jimmy Sister
Archetype: The Student (The History Buff)

Senses normal
Initiative 12/17/22
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 4, Agi 4, Vit 5, Int 6, Foc 4, Per 3

Vitality 4 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [X] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [X] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [X] Incapacitated


Combat Skills 4 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics Agi
Armor Training Str/Int 
Athletics Str
Firearm 4 Foc 12/17/22
- Rifle +1    
Hand-to-Hand Str
Heavy Weapons Str/Int 
Melee Str/Agi
Primitive Weapon Agi/Foc
Resilience Vit
Willpower 3 Foc 13/18/23

Non-combat Skills 31 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 5 Int 9/14/19
- History   
- Folk Lore   
Awareness Foc
Athletics Str
Coercion Per
Computer Int  
Culture 4 Per 13/18/23
- Pick One   
Deception 2 Per 15/20/25
Driving Agi
Dodge 3 Agi 13/18/23
Empathy Foc/Per  
Endurance 4 Vit 11/16/21
Engineering Int
Extreme Sports Agi/Vit
Influence Per  
Mechanics Int 
Medicine Int 
Misdirection 2 Per 15/20/25
Performance Per
Pilot Agi/Int
Profession Any
Resilience 2 Vit 13/18/23
Science 3 Int 11/16/21
- Astronomy +1   
Security Agi/Int 
Stealth Foc 
Survival Foc

Alertness You gain a +2 step bonus on initiative checks.
Elusive Ranged attacks against you that originate at Medium range (20 m) or longer suffer an additional –1 step penalty.
Sniper If you aim with a rife, you gain a +2 step bonus to your attack instead of a +1 step bonus.

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl physical 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical
Battle rifle Firearms Rifle VL 20 3 1d8 + 3/8 physical

Weapons as noted above, Book Bag.

Character Notes:
The IncidentIt started with a party. The engineering frat threw it together for midterms, and I was pretty burnt out at that point. First one I've been to. It was alright, as parties go, enough going on for everyone to find something to get into. As far as I can remember, anyway. I've got until it ramps up proper, and then everything goes fuzzy; pretty sure somebody slipped me a mickey.

After that, it's all a blur. I wasn't completely out - I have a decent tolerance for anesthetics, doctors never give me the right amount. It's a problem - so I remember bits and pieces, but I wasn't exactly coherent. There was a car, a forest, a cave, and then a bunch of blood. Like a bunch of blood. After the Institute came in and cleaned up the place, I was brought to a hospital (no lasting side effects), and given a rough explanation of what happened. Apparently I was to be a sacrifice, but they screwed up something important and exploded or were ate or something. Cults don't exactly hire for smarts, you know?

Hey, I can still finish my classes, right? That's not going to be a problem? Only my parents would kill me if I dropped out just cause of a job, especially if they knew what I was actually doing. I'd really appreciate it.

OSIRS: KIA by an infected Seymour
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Last edited by savoylen; Sep 10th, 2019 at 12:50 AM.
Old Aug 12th, 2019, 05:06 PM
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Old Aug 26th, 2019, 11:42 PM
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Timbre (TR5 German Shepherd Companion)
right-aligned image
*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 14-12-05975
Status:Senior K-9 Special Agent
Rank: K9-5
Band: 08 01-18
Clearance: Confidential
*OSIRS Notation End*

Asset Quality: Excellent
Archetype - Theme: Battler - Do right and fear no one

Senses Enhanced
Awareness 9/14/19
Initiative 10/15/20 +2
Action Points: 0
Speed 40 meters
Intelligence: Animal (Enhanced)

Vitality 5 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Result Effects
1–3 [] [] Graze No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] Light No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] Moderate –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] Serious –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] Critical –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Mortal Incapacitated

Skill: Bite +3, ATTACK 10+, 1d4+1/2d4+1 physical
Claws +3, ATTACK 10+, 1d4/1d6+1 physical
This ability allows Timbre to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.Awareness-Scent, +2, Check 13+
Feature: The growl of this dog is a terrifying sound that sends many who hear it running. It provides a +2 shift bonus to its Coercion skill (used to scare off targets).Growl of the Beast
FEATURE: HI Agency Special Access 2. HI Favors: 1
TALENT: Multi-Attack: For an attack action, Timbre takes a bite and a claw attack.

Conditions: Shared Jade Blessing

GEAR: Hoffman GPS and IDENT implant
GEAR: Hoffman Kevlar Dog Vest: Armor: 3 (Physical) 2 (Energy)
Species Notes: readily follows its human around and obeys whatever commands he or she is trained to followLoyal, teamwork bonus of the companion to +2 shift in situations when working with the dog to complete goals is possible.Partner



FATE: Recovered - Active

Notes: Needs pay upgrade, advance taken
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ID:	90834  
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Old Sep 8th, 2019, 12:33 AM
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Amelia Parsons
right-aligned image

*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-09-99305
Status: Agent, First Class
Rank: 2
Band: 08 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Amelia Parsons
Alias: Death Otter, Alias: D3@tH 0Tt3r
Archetype: Hacktivist Hurler of Molotov Truth-Bom-Ombs
House Sigil: Upraised finger middle rampant on field of eye-searing cobalt
House Words: 'To Troll is Human'

Senses: normal
Initiative 10/15/20 +2
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 3, Agi 5, Vit 3, Int 6, Foc 5, Per 3


Armor Reduces Physical by [ ], energy by [ ]

Vitality 3 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Result Effects
1–3 [] [] Graze No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] Light No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] Moderate –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] Serious –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] Critical –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Mortal Incapacitated

Skill Point Pool/Spent 40/40

Combat Skills 9 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics Agi 515/20/25
Armor Training Int 614/19/24
Athletics Str 317/22/27
Dodge 2 Agi 513/18/23
Energy Weapon Agi 5 15/20/25
Firearm 4 Foc 511/16/21
- Pistol +1   
Hand-to-Hand 1Agi 514/19/24
Heavy Weapons Int 614/19/24
Melee Agi 515/20/25
Primitive Weapon Agi 5 15/20/25
Resilience 2Vit 315/20/25
Willpower 2Foc 513/18/23

Non-combat Skills 27 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 1 Int 6 13/18/23
- Advanced Mathematics +1   
Awareness 3 Foc 512/17/22
Athletics 1Str 3 16/21/26
Coercion Per 3 17/22/27
Computer 7 Int 6 7/12/17
- Hacking 6 Int 6 8/13/18
- Cryptography 4 Int 6 10/15/20
Culture Per 317/22/27
Deception 1 Per 316/21/26
Driving Agi 515/20/25
Empathy Foc 515/20/25
Endurance Vit 317/22/27
Engineering Int 614/19/24
Extreme Sports Agi 5 15/20/25
Influence Per 317/22/27
Mechanics Int 6 14/19/24
Medicine Int 6 14/19/24
Misdirection Per 317/22/27
Performance Per 3 17/22/27
Pilot Int 614/19/24
Profession -na-
Resilience Vit 317/22/27
Science Int 614/19/24
Security 5 Int 6 9/14/29
Stealth1 Foc 5 14/19/24
Survival Foc 515/25/30

Mindwalking - FX 4 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Datalink 5 Per 3 12/17/22

Name Description
Alertness +2 Step bonus to Initiative checks
- Hit the Dirt You can go prone as a reaction to an attack made against you.
Drone Expert Drones obey orders in 1/2 time, gain +3 bonus to attack but take 1 damage.
- Overclocking When you issue an attack command to a drone you grant a +3 step bonus to its attack but it takes one box of damage (lowest wound band available) after the attack is resolved.
Computer Psi Grants Access to Telepathy/Datalink once Requireds are met.
- Shadow Form Access to Shadow form while connected to GRID via GRIDcaster, NI-Jack, or COM-Psi.
- Shadow Bolt Ability to run Shadow Form program

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl physical 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical  

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical  

Laptop Computer (Average Processor, 4 Active Memory Slots)
Currently loaded
- Anonymous
- Encryption
- Data Link
- Netsearch

- Data Link
- Decryption
- Encryption
- Netsearch
- Evade
- Lockpick
- Anonymous
- Shadow Bolt - Provides a distance attack for for a GRID-pilot to attack any shadow she can see in a local domain, regardless of the distance between them. (1d4+0/2 VT damage)

Character Notes: -
Death Otter was approached for recruitment after she made contact with a Hoffman Institute email address that laid out in meticulous terms the results of what had been an ongoing, privately conducted surveillance of Institute actions via electronic media (see Case# 01426-77, appdx C for details). In this email she outlined that while she wasn't 'thrilled' with the secrecy surrounding Institute actions, she 'respected' the actions themselves, and wanted to talk.

The decision was made, with a thin majority of stakeholders, to attempt to bring her into the fold before more draconian tactics were resorted to. Two agents responded to the request for a meeting, and after navigating a few misdirections apparently set up by Ms Otter in case the other decision had been reached, contact was made.

At this meeting, and at several interviews following, Ms Otter explained her interest in the Hoffman Institute was driven as an extension of her interest in fortean, or 'impossible' phenomena. While she disagrees in principle with the Institutes policy of secrecy, she agreed to abide by it until and unless such time as that policy was changed...while warning that she'd be advocating for changing it.

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Last edited by savoylen; Aug 16th, 2020 at 11:43 PM.
Old Sep 14th, 2019, 05:07 PM
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Zella Hekori
right-aligned image

*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-09-31471
Status: Probationary Agent, Second Class
Rank: 1
Band: 09 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Name: Zella Hekori
Archetype: Witch Librarian

Senses normal
Initiative 10 / 15 / 20 +2
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 4, Agi 4, Vit 3, Int 5, Foc 6, Per 4


Armor Reduces Physical by [ ], energy by [ ]

Vitality 3 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Result Effects
1–3 [F] [] Graze No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] Light No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] Moderate –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] Serious –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] Critical –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Mortal Incapacitated

40/40 SP used

Combat Skills 14 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Firearm 3 Foc 6 13 / 18 / 23
Hand-to-Hand 3 Str 4 15 / 20 / 25
Melee Str 4 / Agi 16 / 21 / 26
Primitive Weapon Agi / Foc 6 14 / 19 / 24
Resilience 3 Vit 3 16 / 21 / 26
Willpower 5 Foc 6 9 / 14 / 29

Non-combat Skills 13 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 4 Int 3 16 / 21 / 26
- Esoteric Knowledge +1    
- Ancient History    
Acrobatics Agi  
Athletics Str 4 16 / 21 / 26
Awareness 1 Foc 6 13 / 18 / 23
Coercion Per 4 16 / 21 / 26
Culture 2 Per 4 14 / 19 / 24
- Witch +1   
- Vampire   
Deception 2 Per 4 14 / 19 / 24
Dodge Agi 4 16 / 21 / 26
Empathy Foc6/Per 16 / 21 / 26
Influence 1 Per4 15 / 20 / 25
Misdirection 2 Per4 14 / 19 / 24
Profession 1 Int 4 15 / 20 / 25
- Academic Research +1   
Resilience Vit 3 17 / 22 / 27
Science Int 5 15 / 20 / 25
Stealth Foc 6 14 / 19 / 24

FX- 13 Skill Points

Skill (specialty)RankSuccess Bands
Witchcraft (Foc 6) 5 9 / 14 / 19
- Call Familiar * 1 13 / 18 / 23
- Cast the Circle +1
- Rank Benefits: Rank 3 - Curse Item; Rank 5 - Specific CurseCrones's Curse
- Rank Benefits: Rank 3 - Scrye the Past; Rank 5 - Divine the FutureDivination
- Earth Harvest  
- Part the Veil * 3 11 / 16 / 21
- Maiden's Blessing
- Mother's Touch * 3 11 / 16 / 21
- Spellbind
- Ward of Protection * 1 13 / 18 / 23

Skill (specialty)RankSuccess Bands
Hemomancy (Vit 3)  
- Hunger * 0  
- Lifeblood * 0
- Reciprocity * 0  
- Stigmata * 0  
- Thicker than Water 0

Name Description
Alertness You gain a +2 step bonus on initiative checks.
- Hit the Dirt You can go prone as a reaction to an attack made against you.
- Keen Senses You gain a +2 step bonus on Awareness and Empathy checks made at the start of an scene.
The Talent Access to Witchcraft
- Improved Familiar 1 Ritual Familar Stat Increase 1
Vamped Access to Blood Magic

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl physical 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical  

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical  

Weapons as noted above

Character Notes:


Shortcut to Witchcraft Info


Lereνa (TR1 Bat Familiar)
right-aligned image

Senses Enhanced
Awareness 9/14/19
Initiative 10/15/20 +2
Action Points: -
Speed Glide 12 Fly 24
Intelligence: Animal


Natural Defenses Physical by [1 ], energy by [0 ]

Severity Wounds Result Effects
1–3 [] Graze No ill effects.
4–6 [] Light –1 step penalty to all checks
7–9 [] Moderate –2 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] Serious/Mortal Incapacitated

Acrobatics 11+, Stealth 8+
Bite +2, ATTACK 14+, 2/4 physical



left-aligned image


Introduction to the Institute
For nearly as long as she can remember, Zella has been a collector and curator of books both mundane and esoteric. That latter fact has, in the past, brought agents of the Hoffman Institute to her library in search of answers. Though she played coy at first, once she learned of the Institute's mission, she agreed to grant access to select agents who pleased her sensibilities. At that time, neither considered the other an ally; to the Institute, she was an uncertain resource. To her, they were worker ants doing their job in maintaining the world's order, as she was doing her job in preserving knowledge.

After the destruction of the Charleston Branch, she began to notice changes, more things skittering about in the dark spaces between days, and the like. She didn't think much of it, until an older agent came- not to peruse her library, but to speak with her. She entertained him with tea by the fire, but when he suggested that she join the Institute, she was shocked and quickly declined. After all, she was not a worker ant; she had been doing her job, even if they had been failing in theirs. Still, he left a card for her. And after he was gone, she stared at it for a long time. Slowly, she began to remember. She had been someone else once, someone with more drive, more impulse, more... initiative. She tried to push away the flashes, the memories, but over the next couple days and nights, they grew stronger. A week after his visit, she walked out of her library with his card in her hand, and followed to the address embossed on the front.
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ID:	82902  
The pleasure of tea is in the drinking, but the comfort of tea is in the holding.
ThePrimeQueenOfBlood @ Discord.

Last edited by Humble Athena; Jan 22nd, 2020 at 04:03 PM.
Old Sep 15th, 2019, 12:52 AM
Lyserg Bandolia Lyserg Bandolia is offline
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*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-09-77530
Status: Recruit
Rank: 0
Band: 010 01-18
Clearance: Departmental
*OSIRS Notation End*

Clyde Byzantiel
Archetype: Ghost Hunter Scientist

Senses normal
Initiative 11/16/21 +2
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 4, Agi 4, Vit 4, Int 5, Foc 5, Per 5

Vitality 4 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated

33/35 SP Spent

Combat Skills 9 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics 2 Agi 14/19/24
Armor Training Str/Int515/20/25
Athletics 2 Str 14/19/24
Firearm 2 Foc 13/18/23
- Pistol +1   
Hand-to-Hand Str4 16/21/26
Heavy Weapons Str/Int515/20/25
Melee 1 Str/Agi4 15/20/25
- Knife +1   
Primitive Weapon Agi/Foc5 15/20/25
Resilience Vit4 16/21/26
Willpower2 Foc5 13/18/23

Non-combat Skills 24 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 5 Int 10/15/20
- U.S. History +1    
- Choose An Additional Social Science +1   
Awareness2 Foc 13/18/23
Athletics Str416/21/26
Coercion Per5 15/20/25
Computer 2 Int 13/18/23
Culture Per5 15/20/25
Deception Per5 15/20/25
Driving2 Agi 14/19/24
Dodge Agi4 16/21/26
Empathy Foc/Per5 15/20/25
Endurance Vit416/21/26
Engineering 2 Int5 13/18/23
Extreme Sports 2 Agi/Vit4 14/19/24
Influence 2 Per 13/18/23
Mechanics int515/25/30
Medicine 2 Int 13/18/23
-First Aid +1   
Misdirection Per5 15/20/25
Performance Per5 15/20/25
Pilot* Agi/Int5
Profession* Any
Resilience Vit4 16/21/26
Science 4 Int 11/16/21
- Genetics +1   
- Choose an additional field of science +1   
Security Agi/Int5 15/20/25
Stealth1 Foc 14/19/24
Survival Foc 15/20/25

Name Rank Success Bands
Necromancy 2 13/18/23
Speak with Dead 1 14/19/24

Name Description
Alertness You gain a +2 step bonus on initiative checks
Medic You gain a +1 step bonus on Medicine checks during an action scene.
Gunslinger You can draw a pistol as a free action when you attack with a pistol.

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl physical 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical

Weapons as noted above

Character Notes: See below


Name: Clyde Byzantiel
right-aligned image

Archetype: Ghost Hunter Scientist
A brilliant scientist and geneticist, Clyde was gliding through life with a brilliance that was carefully manufactured. He attended Harvard, and received his masters degree relatively early in life. His parents were rich, and he was very much a "Trust fund kid", with an attitude to match. He loved to party and drink, it was a combination of luck, money, and a genuine interest in the subject that got him his degrees. And if he wasn't partying, he was at his parent's gun range. But whenever he actually hit the books, he was brilliant. Much to the chagrin of his teachers, who just wanted him out of their classes and off the campus.
It took him a long time to settle down, but once he did, he focused on his work and made a name for himself beyond just "Eccentric Billionaire's socialite child". Life kept coming up aces for Clyde.
Unfortunately, luck changes eventually. It always does. In a regress to his olden days, Clyde was driving home drunk as all hell with his wife in the passenger seat, and took a turn a lot sharper than he should have. The resulting crash was a) spectacular to watch, and b) lethal for his wife.
In another round of 'luck', Clyde made it through with only a broken arm and some scrapes. He buried his wife, and became a recluse. And that should have been that.

But he wouldn't have caught the attention of Hoffman that way, would he?
Clyde went back to drinking heavily, either pouring one back, or pouring himself into his work, until one day, he saw his wife again, floating in the bedroom. Never a believer in the occult or the extraterrestrial, this understandably freaked him straight the hell out. He wanted to just mistake it for a drunken vision, but she kept appearing when he was sober too. At their home, at his work, repeatedly. His colleagues didn't believe him, they couldn't see her. And, worse, he started seeing other spirits as well, wherever he went. He only tried to communicate with them when he was alone, as to not make people think he was crazy; but he never got a response he could understand, except from his wife. Who simply said, "Help me."
So he did what anyone would do in this day and age, and went to the internet for help. And lo did he find a motherlode on the topic, though trying to extract fact from fanciful fiction was quite a chore. He eventually got in contact with people, who knew people, who drew his attention to the Hoffman Institute.
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New to the site, wanting to work on my RP.
Posting rate: At least once per day on weekdays, about once per day on weekends.

Last edited by savoylen; Sep 22nd, 2019 at 06:19 PM.
Old Sep 16th, 2019, 08:38 AM
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*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 19-09-70972
Status: Recruit
Rank: 0
Band: 010 01-18
Clearance: Departmental
*OSIRS Notation End*

Name: Dmitri Caruso
Archetype: Anarcho-Taoist Illuminati Agent

Senses normal
Action Check/Initiative 11/16/21
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str - 4 Int - 5 Agi - 4 Foc - 5 Vit - 5 Per - 4
Vitality 5 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Effects
1–3 [] [] [] No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] [] –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Incapacitated

SKILLS AND TALENTS 35/35 pts spent

Combat Skills 13 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics 2 Agi 14/19/24
Armor Training Str/Int
Athletics 1 Str 15/20/25
Firearm 1 Foc 14/19/24
- Pistol +1   
Hand-to-Hand 2 Agi/Str 14/19/24
- Brawl +1   
Heavy Weapons Str/Int 
Melee Str/Agi
Primitive Weapon Agi/Foc
Resilience 2 Vit 13/18/23
Willpower 5 Foc 10/15/20

Non-combat Skills 15 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 3 Int 12/17/22
- Secret History +1   
Awareness 2 Foc 13/18/23
Athletics 1 Str 15/20/25
Coercion Per
Computer Int  
Culture 4 Per 12/17/22
- Illuminati +1   
Deception Per
Driving Agi
Dodge 1 Agi 15/20/25
Empathy 3 Foc 12/17/22
Endurance Vit
Engineering Int
Extreme Sports Agi/Vit
Influence Per
Mechanics Int 
Medicine Int 
Misdirection Per
Performance Per
Pilot Agi/Int
Profession 1 Foc 14/19/24
- Visual Arts +1   
Science Int
Security Agi/Int 
Stealth Foc 
Survival Foc

Taoism - FX 7

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Taoism 5 Foc 10/15/20
- harmonizing one's energies with the way, and paying attention to what the universe tells you, you act/don't act at the right times, subtly moving you towards success. It appears as confidence or luck, but is more about divining patterns.confidence +1 +1/+2/+3 skill checks 10 min. Other person takes full round -2 skill check to do it
- using breath as the focus a master of the tao channels chi into a person, adjusting their energies such that their body heals itself.embryonic breathing/t'ai hsi * 1 1/2/3 heals lowest up, always results in fatigue.
- The opposite of confidence, the master creates disharmony with the way in someone to such a degree that it damages them. Their natural harmony level will reassert itself in spiral/yuan ch'i target 1 creature, 2m range. 1d4+3/+5 energy dmg -1 to all actions 1 rd
- Stopping short of the taoist ideal of acting without monkey mind interference, this is simply about causing actions to cease. The taoist master adjusts his chi such that it seems natural that no one should be acting at the moment.not doing/wei wu wei* 1 acts by or against PC are restricted, lasts 5 rds, -1/-2/-3 steps
- Herein, the master of this technique unleashes a calming wave of chi, that makes all question the point of hostility and violence.peace - everyone in 30m -1/-2/-3 penalty for hostile actions
- the taoist master channels protective yin energies into an object to unleash it to protect him/herself for a time.talisman/fu lu enchants metal object, last 10 min, 2/3/4 chi armor from evil creatures

Name Description
Defensive Stance unarmed/melee attacks vs. me, are –1 step, or –2 steps if 1+ hands free.
Martial Arts/Grappler +1 step to start a grapple.
Martial Arts/Striking unarmed damage 1d6+0/4 physical

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl physical 3 1d6 + 0/4 physical

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical

Weapons as noted above,

- Sacred Chao on black silk thread used for talisman.

- Hoffmann Institute Z-IDENT Ring - registered NYC branch, key code 19
- Hoffmann issued small hand-held GPS, ACDR12-86-ZX-11-AAA01-GPSRCCAAA-N in the OSIRS Inventory and Specimen Selection Server.
- Hoffmann Institute Badge


Character Notes:




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ID:	81630   Click image for larger version

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ID:	81631  
I post less on weekends.

Last edited by nickostopheles; Sep 19th, 2019 at 05:30 PM. Reason: Added some bands
Old Apr 3rd, 2020, 11:12 AM
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Javan Williams

*OSIRS Notation Start*
File Number: 20-04-79585
Status:Agent, First Class
Rank: 2
Band: 08 01-18
Clearance: Restricted
*OSIRS Notation End*

Archetype: Diplomat / Medic

Senses normal
Initiative 12/17/22
Action Points: 1
Speed 20 meters
Str 2, Agi 2, Vit 3, Int 4, Foc 6, Per 6


Armor Reduces Physical by [ ], energy by [ ]

Vitality 3 Durability Track
Severity Wounds Result Effects
1–3 [] [] Graze No ill effects.
4–6 [] [] Light No ill effects.
7–9 [] [] Moderate –1 step penalty to all checks
10–12 [] [] Serious –2 step penalty to all checks
13–15 [] Critical –3 step penalty to all checks
16+ [] Mortal Incapacitated

Skill Point Pool Total/Spent: 40/40

Combat Skills 4 Points

Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Acrobatics Agi 2 18/23/28
Armor Training Str/Int 4 16/21/26
Athletics Str 2 18/23/28
Dodge Agi 2 18/23/28
Energy Weapon Agi/Foc 6 14/19/24
Firearm 1 Agi/Foc 6 14/19/24
- Pistol +1   
Hand-to-Hand Str/Agi 218/23/28
Heavy Weapons Str/Int 416/21/26
Melee Str/Agi 218/23/28
Primitive Weapon Agi/Foc 614/19/24
Resilience Vit 317/22/27
Willpower3 Foc 6 11/16/21

Non-combat Skills 31 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Academics 2 Int 4 14/19/24
Awareness3 Foc 6 11/16/21
Athletics Str 218/23/28
Coercion Per 614/19/24
Computer Int 4 16/21/26
Culture 2 Per 6 12/17/22
- Sami   
Deception Per 614/19/24
Driving Agi 218/23/28
Empathy 4 Foc/Per 6 10/15/20
Endurance 4Vit 2 14/19/24
Engineering Int 416/21/26
Extreme Sports Agi/Vit 218/23/28
Influence 3 Per 6 11/16/21
Mechanics Int 4 16/21/24
Medicine 5 Int 412/17/22
-Battlefield 3Int 4 13/18/23
-Neurology 2 Int 4 14/19/24
Misdirection Per 614/19/24
Performance Per 614/19/24
Pilot * Agi/Int  
Profession * Any  
Resilience Vit 218/23/24
Science 2 Int 14/19/24
- Biology   
Security Agi/Int 416/21/24
Stealth Agi/Foc 614/19/24
Survival 1 Vit/Foc 613/18/23

Faith - FX (Monotheism) Skills 5 Points
Skill (specialty)RankAbilitiesSuccess Bands
Monotheism (Per/Foc 6 ) 4 10/15/20 
- blessing +1   
- cure * 311/16/21 
- guidance +1    

Name Description
Closer Natural ability to "seal the deal". +1 step bonus on Coercion and Influence checks with an NPC you met previously last at least 30 minutes.
- Chameleon When you adopt an identity other than your own (such as a disguise or cover story), you gain a +1 step bonus on Deception and Misdirection checks if you had a model to observe beforehand.
Medic +1 step bonus on Medicine checks made during combat, including subskills.
- I've Seen Worse As a 1 impulse action, use Coercion or Influence as if it were Resilience on an ally's behalf to reduce your ally's wound penalty. You can help each ally this way only once per combat and only if your ally has not successfully use Resilience on a wound in this scene.
Monotheism Access to Faith FX

Weapon Skill Type Speed Damage Special
Unarmed Hand Brawl physical 3 1d4 + 0/3 physical  

Weapon Skill Type Rg Mag Speed Damage Special
Light pistol Firearms Pistol M 10 3 1d6 + 1/5 physical  



Character Notes: Encountered Dark Tide through silent contemplation


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