Just so there is no confusion, I am only judging the 2nd day’s post, your response to Mifflewerf’s question. I did read the other posts, but I am only considering this one post in my scoring.
The scoring was for both Squeak and Mifflewerf, but the results were actually the same so I didn't separate. I guess there might be a little gnome blood in me.
I was really, really impressed with all of you. It's clear that you guys are burning the midnight oil and taking a ton of time with your posts. You should all be proud of what you've done during this competition - and quite honestly, you made me realize that I don't want to go through competing in this tournament again
When it came to the actual limitations put in front of you, I also pointed out in the OOC that he was representing the themes of chaos and fun. I was secretly hoping that some of you would try to break or bend the rules on the word count (chaos doesn’t like laws) - and I wasn't completely disappointed.
By the time it gets to this stage, it is not meant to be easy. All of you have talent and ability and I had no issue with anyone's writing... Understand that -- and understand also that I have to be really nitpicky with my judgements to create space between you. But one of the ways we can grow is to hear unbiased comments about your work -- so here are my thoughts.
Zinrohk / Ikol - I know this played right into your character concept, which made it easy for you to post. To clarify, if it wasn't easy for you to write, you made it
seem easy. The use of poetry, especially the way you call out the types of poetry in ooc, was brilliant. Adding the bit about the Revered Grandmother Tryska made me do a double take -- which is a very impressive thing (nice research, BTW)... And there is absolutely no doubt that Mifflewerf would enjoy spending time with you. I cannot say enough about the quality of your writing!
The problem I had is that Ikol came off as superficial and one dimensional. There was no desire or passion for from him -- and someone as crazy as Ikol should have a TON of passions (albeit misguided ones)...
I also get that, much like He Man, you want the power -- but you never said anything about WHY you wanted the power or what you'd do with it once you got it. Not saying anything more about the legacy portion of the question was a big miss. I noted in the OOC that content was the most important thing, so I was disappointed that you didn't answer the whole question... I thought you could have easily skipped over the
you mis-spelled that in your post, BTWlimerick, a lot of which overlapped with the quatrain -- and used those words to talk about your legacy.
Other thing that bothered Mifflewerf was that you want to get rid of the niblogism, but if successful, Ikol would end up as a completely different person. That kind of defeated the whole idea of Mifflewerf knowing if you were a world class putz -- if you got rid of the crazy part of your personality, there was really nothing substantial left to his personality to say what he'd be like.
Again, I can’t say enough about your writing and the 'fun' character you've created, but the lack of depth really hurt you on this post.
QikSilv/Tobias -- The use of words within a spell, "Still might" and "what? Dammit" to get to exactly 88 words may not have been cheating, but it was really close. That was greatly appreciated.
The flare with the glitterdust was a nice touch, but the Silent Image thing wouldn't have worked. The spell itself is a bit confusing, but the FAQ says that that while it "can sound like people talking, but anyone listening can’t make out what the “people” are saying". However, since it was in the FAQ, not in the spell itself, I won't ding you too much here -- the idea was a good one and had absolutely no effect on the scene you set.
I thought that your poetry was good, but the triplet at the end fell flat. I
to be honest, I didn’t even know it was called a tripletwasn’t sure why it sounded weird until I googled it. I then found that a triplet should have a 1,1,1 or 1,2,1 rhythm and this one didn’t (you had 8-7-11 syllables in each line).
Where you really shined was in the content. It was clear why you wanted to be a part of the Nine and what you intended to do afterwards.
oztk/Berthe - You wrote a Wygglepygian sonnet, a very smart idea -- you were right that all gnomes love Wgyylepygian sonnets.. You also used eighty-eight as one word by adding a hyphen. While this wasn't much of a cheat, I appreciate that you at least tried to cheat a little.
The sonnet was very well written and quite enjoyable. But more importantly, the
content on this was perfect. Not only did you answer the question of why you wanted to be part of the Nine, you also said what you wanted your legacy to be -- and WHY. Saying that you wanted to make the world a better place for your daughter is a huge cliche. But it is a cliche for a reason -- because it works, felt real and played in to what you’ve built with Bertie.
Well played.
1st -- oztk
2nd -- QikSilv
3rd -- Zinrohk