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Old May 9th, 2020, 11:39 AM
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The Air Lock

This is the place dead or missing characters end up.
May your next reality be a better one!
GM of: Dark*Matter: The Hoffmann Institute (2007 HOF),
Traveller: The Third Imperium
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Old May 14th, 2020, 11:48 AM
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Dom - Lifepath End Official Character Sheet
Dominic Valojin (66A9B6-0)
right-aligned image


Name Dominic Valojin (Dom)
Homeworld Vajrin
Species Humaniti (Solomani)
Description Hazel Eyes, Dark Hair
Age 42
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 42
Strength 6 (+0)
Dexterity 6 (+0)
Endurance 10 (+1)
Intellect 9 (+1)
Education 11 (+1)
Social 6 (+0)
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Post Career BlockStudy Period
Training in Skill Week # of Study Periods Complete
Pilot: Spacecraft 8 16 1

MAX Skill Levels (INT+EDU) * 3 = 60


Notable PersonsAssociation
Colonel HarnetAlly (Marines Term 3)
Allyne DuchampPact to remain friends forever (University Term 1)
Nezzara ArroukSurvived a deadly mission together (Marines Term 3)



Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Stunner 12 10m 3D 0.5 kg 100 Stun, Zero-G, DM+1 closer than 50mLaser Sight
Laser Rifle11400m5D+35 kg100Scope, DM+1 beyond 50mHolographic Sights, Zero-G
Static Blade12Melee3D+23 kgNAAP 6
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth 12 - 2 kg Protection +4
Flak Jacket 8 - 6 kg Protection +5

Character Notes
Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Cloth2 kg (0.5 kg worn)Flak Jacket6 kg (1.5 kg worn)
Static Blade3 kgStunner 0.5 kg
Laser Rifle5 kgComputer/1 with TL 10 Translator/1Mobile Comm-
IR goggles includedLight Intensifier Goggles-  
Total Load [ 10.5 kg ]

Augments TL Effect

Finances kCr6.641
1 Ownership share in the Spirit of Hope

Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Dominic_t.png
Views:	255
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ID:	84615  

Last edited by Mythrandil; Jan 9th, 2022 at 12:31 PM.
Old May 14th, 2020, 01:44 PM
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Baron, Sir Rafe Trystienne!
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Baron, Sir Rafe Trystienne! (66696B-0)

Name Rafe Trystienne
Homeworld New Paris
Species Humaniti/Vilani Imperial
Description Waved dark hair worn moderately long. Piercing dark eyes surrounded by laugh lines and an expressive mouth semi-permanently set in a smile or smirk.
Age 42
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 42
Dexterity 6
Endurance 6
Intellect 9
Education 6
Social 11
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Post Career BlockStudy Period
Training in Skill Week # of Study Periods Complete
Vacc Suit-0 3 8 0

MAX Skill Levels (INT+EDU) * 3 = 45



Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits Cost
Blade TL2 Melee 2d 2 NA NA 100cr
Rapier TL3 Melee 2d 2 NA +1 Parry 200cr
Dagger x2 TL1 Melee 1s+2 1 NA NA 20cr
Snub Pistol TL8 5m 3d-3 - 6 Zero-G 150cr
Revolver TL5 10m 3d-3 1kg 6 150cr +10cr mag 
Stunner TL8 5m 2d .5kg 100 Stun, Zero-G 500cr
Antique Shotgun double barrel TL7 25m 4d-4 5kg 2 -1DM Gun(slug) 150cr
Antique Riflex3 TL3+ 25m-200m 3d-3 6kg 1-5 (x5) Antique 500cr
Laser Carbine TL9 140m 4d 4kg 50 (x2) Zero-g 4500cr
Riflex2 TL5 250m 3d 4kg 5 (x10) 500cr
Shotgunx2 50m 4d 4kg 6 (x5) Bulky 450cr 
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA  

Name Protection TL Rad WT Traits cost
Cloth +8 TL10 - 5 Magnetic Grapples {100cr included in total}, Eye Protection 600cr
Army Corporal Idrick Reinner. Part of a detail that accidentally saw their superior officers engaged in a cover-up along with planetary officials over the mistreatment of a local Showgirl. Reinner might have been corncob-rough with few refined character traits, but loyalty and fairplay were part of those traits. He helped Tryste get his entertainment industry assistant released instead of finding her conveniently dead.
A party, some charities, a lovely redhead on one arm and a blonde on the other. Rafe remembered the occasion but only one harried scientist stood out. He had a funny enough name, Nezzara. It seemed only decent to help the fellow relax. Some wine, dice, a pair of auburn haired sisters, whisper a word here. Make a suggestion there. Voila. A much more relaxed and entertained scientist who will find his research fully endowed when he awakes in the morning.

Character Notes
One enemy- political figure from scandal o
2 contacts in Intelligence network.
Combat Implant
Enemy=head of a secret cabal of criminals, or dissidents, or rebels, or maybe smugglers? They were boring and Rafe didn't really pay attention to their proposal.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item TL Mass Features Cost
Mobile CommTL10 - Audio, Visual, Computer-0 150cr
Breather Mask TL8 - Filter and respirator combined 150cr
Portable Computer TL10 .5kg Comp-2 Broker-1 Intell-1 1600cr
Total Load [ 16.5kg ]

Augments TL Effect
Skill Augment-Blades TL12 Blades-1
Wafer Jack TL12 Expert Steward-1,Admin-1, translator-1, Security-1 15Kcr including slow drug and programs.

36,991 cr.
26 Owner Shares in Marava class Trader Spirit of Hope


Name: Rafe Trystienne
Race: Humanati Solomani

Patent of NobilityThis Imperial Patent of Nobility bestows the Title and Holdings of Sir Trystienne of on the personage of Rafe Trystienne, of New Paris.

I, Rafe Trystienne, do hereby bond and swear that I will upload the laws and will of His Grace the Archduke of Sol.

I accept the Title and Duty bestowed upon me, and commit my life to one of Service to the People and Leaders of our Glorious Imperium.

House Trystienne
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Views:	391
Size:	67.6 KB
ID:	84616   Click image for larger version

Name:	House Trystienne (1).png
Views:	45
Size:	107.3 KB
ID:	84662  
Cattle die.Kindred Die.
All men are mortal.But the good name lasts forever.

Last edited by ogamodyna; Sep 18th, 2020 at 11:13 AM.
Old May 14th, 2020, 04:22 PM
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Idrick Reinner (BABB43-0)

Name Idrick Reinner
Homeworld Axially
Species Humaniti
Description Blue Eyes, short blonde hair, tall with a muscular build.
Age 38
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 38
Strength 11
Dexterity 10
Endurance 11
Intellect 11
Education 4
Social 3
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Post Career BlockStudy Period
Training in Skill Week # of Study Periods Complete
Gunner 3 8 0

MAX Skill Levels (INT+EDU) * 3 = 45

Advocate 1
Athletics (Strength)1
Flyer 0
Gun Combat(slug) 3
Heavy Weapons 0
Investigate 2
Melee (unarmed) 1
Recon 0
Stealth 1
Survival 0
Vaac Suit 0


Character Background
War of some kind was a daily part of life. Since the earliest days the people of the planet were divided. Four main factions rose up. Three of them were even in terms of power and ability while one acted more like a terrorist cell attacking all randomly to destabilize the others. The planet was rich in resources and a beautiful small oasis ready to be claimed.
From a young age the boys were trained to fight. The constant warfare kept population levels low. Most were taught how to use some kind of flying apparatus since the low gravity made air warfare one of the dominant forms of combat.
Idrick had dreams of leaving the world and one day returning with his own army to stabilize his home world so no more would have their lives cut short like his sister and her husband to be.
At eighteen Idrick signed up for the military academy. He was smart and physically talented enough to excel. Turbulent times kept him from his studies and he also believes his low social standing kept from gaining admission. Undeterred he enlisted in the Army as an infantry man. Everything was going well until he found out that his superior Lieutenant Ungmier was illegally trafficking drugs and weapons. The Lieutenant gave him an opportunity to join the ring but wanting to do the right thing Idrick refused and reported them. He was caught up in the political whitewash and was discharged even after having done nothing wrong. Idrick questions what to do with the rest of his life.
Perhaps one good thing came from his involvement in the scandal that got him booted from the Army and that was he seemed to gain a new ally. The entertainer was the only one who had taken up the fight with him. The Lieutenant gave Idrick the chance to denounce the actor and his accusations. Of course he would be punished in some way but it would have been minimal. He could continue his career but would be involved in their ring the Lieutenant saw potential in Idrick. The lure of more money was enticing but Idrick held to his principles. When the dust cleared he appeared to have come out of it much better then the performer. This suggested this whole thing went a lot higher then the Lieutenant. Two men wronged by the same group can forge strong bonds.
Idrick's sense of justice did not fail him. He was determined to still do some good in the universe and maybe a career in law enforcement would allow him to unravel the corruption in the military somehow. At the very least he could help the locals under their jurisdiction. Idrick enrolled and was accepted it seemed at first with some reluctance as he just barely made it in according to his superior. Over the next four years he worked tirelessly. He made two good contacts over that span of time while working on different assignments. His work ethic and results did not go unnoticed and he was promoted to Corporal. Perhaps there is still some justice and good in the universe yet..
Idrick continued his work receiving another promotion for his dedication. During a celebration party he met the first real love of his life Kyrina Telia She was the first person to work her way through his rough exterior. She was an entertainer an actress her name Kyrina Telia. They met when she happened to be at the same location when the department was holding a grand celebration. The two contrasts hit it off immediately. He also met Allyne Duchamp who was a friend Kyrina who she did not see much. Idrick tried to avoid everyone at the party to no avail including Allyne. He and Allyne got along well enough she talked a lot about electronics which made his head spin but it made him realize that if was going to investigate the new piece of information he received then he would have to learn be more discrete. A direction that would lead to another dark turn in his life.
As time passed once again Idrick's pursuit of justice made him dig too far. A small thread he tugged on led right back to the upper brass of his department. Unable to let it go he kept pulling until they finally struck back. They tried to frame him as a criminal and boot him from his job. With the help of Kyrina and his the legal skills he picked up he was able to force somewhat of a stalemate. He agreed to leave without any disgrace and the matter would be dropped.

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+1 NA NA
Advanced Combat Rifle10450m3d3kg40Auto 3,scope
Auto pistol 6 10m3d-3115 
Dagger 1 Melee 1d+2 1kg NA 

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth +8 10 0 5kg

Character Notes
Ready to Start His Adventure outside the influence of the Solar Rim.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )11+11+1=23)
Item WT Item WT
Advanced Combat Rifle3  
Dagger 1kg  
Autopistol 1kg  
Cloth armor5kg  
Binoculars 1kg  
+1 ammo for Rifle   
+1 ammo for Autopistol   
Gauss Pistol with laser sight    
Ammunition 5( cases of 40)    
2 Aerosol grenades   
3 Frag grenades    
2 smoke    
2 stun    
Total load 11   

Augments TL Effect
Subdural Armor10+1 Armor
Lung Respirator10 Breath in low oxygen environments

90 cr
2 ship shares/3 shares Spirit of Hope

Rafe Trystienne PC
Allyne Duchamp PC
Contact 2 NPC
Contact 3 NPC
Ally (Kyrina Telia Actress)

Attached Thumbnails
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Size:	71.8 KB
ID:	84617  

Last edited by Anael; Oct 21st, 2020 at 07:26 PM.
Old May 15th, 2020, 07:44 AM
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right-aligned image

Nezzara Arrouk (968A94-0)

Name Nezzara Arrouk, formerly Army Corporal & Merchant Marine Senior Crewman
Homeworld Raguegh (If we are sticking to the Spinward marches, otherwise this might be changed to something similar)
Species Humaniti, male
Description Bald, tan, bearded, prematurely greyed, husky and stout in body.
Age 38
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 38
Strength 9 (+1)
Dexterity 6 (+0)
Endurance 8 (+0)
Intellect 10 (+1)
Education 9 (+1)
Social 4 (-1)
Psi 0

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Post Career BlockStudy Period
Training in Skill Week # of Study Periods Complete
Gunner 7 8 0

MAX Skill Levels (INT+EDU) * 3 = 57

Admin 1
Athletics 0
Broker 0
Deception 1
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Gun Combat (Slug) 1
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Heavy Weapons 0
Mechanic 1
Medic 3
Melee 0
Persuade 1
Recon 1
Science 0
Streetwise 1
Vacc Suit 1


Character Background
Nezz was raised in a mesh of tincans floating about cold space, which was called Raguegh, not that it mattered. He was part of the unwashed masses, the cogs in the machine, born to a family of little significance and means. It was a crowded space, helplessly overfilled in fact, but also a very technologically advanced one. While technology did not necessarily mean comfort or warmth, especially when it was solely aimed at industrial means, it did mean some sort of opportunity if one had a good head on their shoulders. And Nezzara was smart enough, strong enough, learned enough. The resources were there for him to utilise, and he had learned quickly he did not want to become one of those base thugs that just tried to become the big bad fish in the middle of the other sardines squeezes into the worldlets. In the beginning his plan wasn't even to get out, per se, but just to get somewhere it was less crowded. That this could be an actual planet with atmosphere only occured to him at a very late stage. Be that as it may, even though he saw the steel and blinking lights all around him he realised that in truth he might be a people person. Biology just interested him, and wasn't it the most advanced machine there was? Well, probably not, but he still dreamt of becoming a doctor. Might be he could wing University, or if not that then some sort of military medical gig.
Soon after his 18th birthday he enrolled in the local University entry exams. He was reasonably smart, but found that there were about fifty thousand other kids that might have been just as smart trying to gain entry to University every year. Thinking that things like degrees might not be for somebody like him he tried to join the army to get his medical education there, should they put him in such a job. Not only did he succeed, but he was also immediately enrolled in medic duties. Considering he army actually taught him how to put a person back together this was all great so far. The people were dirty and rude - just like back home. It was uncertain why, but he also got a relatively cosy deployment working at HQ lasering furuncles of off top brass or just generally learning how to survive around army mandarins. It was like the bureaucracy back home, just on steroids. But he felt that the people were put off by his low-class demeanour, and not gaining commission was a little bit of a blow. However he received a regular promotion, which promted him to postpone his plans of becoming a doctor on some out of the way planet for another tour of duty. Nezz just hoped it would be as comfortable again as this one had been.
His second tour of duty started out as more of the same, with Nezzara being attached to the HQ medical of a batallion doing a peacekeeping mission in some laid back rural place. he started to think maybe the top brass was just pretending not to like his brash and abbrasive station-scum demeanour with the way that they still kept him around in a somewhat cushy position. However it wasn't all furuncles and taking blood in the army. During his second tour he got involved in more complicated medical procedures on the battlefield and off, since even though he wasn't doing any of the fighting where he was there were still some other people that did. By the end of it he felt like University couldn't have taught him about applied medicine better than what he got here. When he was promoted a second time, now serving as a Corporal for HQ medical, he started to genuinely enjoy the army. There was going to be more responsibility involved, and he might have a genuine shot at trying his hand at real leadership. This would become a turning point, given that if he doubled down now maybe his dreams of his own medical practice later would vanish entirely. He was doing medicine here after all, wasn't he? ; This stage in life also marked when Nezzra met Allyne Duchamp, when the woman was part of a diplomatic mission to the planet he was peacekeeping on. She helped negotiate a very tense and important exchange of prisoners and wounded, to which Nezzra tended after the handover. The two hit it off afterwards.
It was his third tour when things started to go south. The situation got a little more intense in his part of the sector, and he was eventually pulled from his relatively safe position to be redeployed near a hot combat zone. Nezzara was involved in some frontline duty, for a change shooting at people as well as patching fellow soldiers up. For a year or so this was a stressful deployment, but he pushed through it. He was looking forward to more promotions and continuing his career in the army. However it didn't turn out that way. He was due to be shifted around to some other battlefield yet again, and with few troop carriers his batallion was pushed on the same ship that was already full of army men. The usual headbutting started between army and marines, and it wasn't Nezzaras commander that got his way. For some reason unknown to himself one Marine Colonel Harnet took the troop ship through a nebula. There events unknown to Nezzara caused the ship to crash and flood with poisonous gas. He tried to transport injured troops but was caught in a subsequent explosion. He nearly died, waking up in a medbay heavily sedated some time later. The army was grateful enough to cover all his medical expenses, and eventually his body recovered fully. They even put some fancy plating underneath his skin, so that was something. There was however a confidence lost in the procedures of the military, because of the general mess and the fact that he was honourably discharged when he thought he actually deserved a medal. It was time to take that civilian job now after all.
After having fully recovered Nezzara wanted to give academia a shot. There was the opportunity to become part of a research project that he had heard through an old military friend due to him bein a reasonably accomplished medical professional. However he was ultimately passed on for somebody with a university degree and more experience in scientific research. He had to reconsider what to with himsef yet again, but knowing that he always had a home in the military somewhere he let himself be drafted. This led to him being deployed as a merchant marine on an imperial trader. Now again at the bottom of the totem-pole he worked a lot of manual jobs, but he found himself to be well liked, maybe even a little more so than in the army. The crewmembers and even the NCOs seemed to be from similar backgrounds to himself, and eventually his medical abilities got to be in high demand too. He was set to be a more wealthy man when mustering out, and also a slightly more fit one too, given the physically strenuous work around the ship. His tour of duty was very succesful all throughout, earning him a promotion and a fair amount of wealth. However, it was not the kind of work that he wanted to do for a long time, which is why he decided to try again to enter a scientific profession.
When Nezzara had been younger he had dreamed of becoming some laid back rural doctor. Now that he was older he was less fussy and just followed the opportunities, so when it was possible to join a research station as a measly lab-tech he took it. He figured he could brush up on the science fundamentals there - the kind he never got due to his unconventional education, which he partially accomplished. Working at the research lab was educational, but he found that there was as much bureaucratic nonsense as the army sometimes had. While here he had to talk his way out of these situation when in the army one couldn't, however he would have preferred to be able to concentrate on his work alone. During one of the many functions and seminars that he attended during this time he met Rafe Trystienne, a newly knighted noble sweet-talking some of the functionaries that were in the way of scientific progress and therefore a major pain in Nezzaras behind. It eased the problems somewhat, but there was just something off about working at the station. Even after years it was made very clear to him that he was as far away from being promoted as can be, which was not how he imagined science work at all. He hadn't joined this gig to do gruntwork forever, so eventually Nezzara decided it was time to pack it all up for good. He would have loved to make a clear cut, yet shortly before Nezzara realised that this wasn't really for him he had been pushed into a bad deal buying an out of date lab ship from the research station's surplus. It was only 25% paid off, and he couldn't even fly it, but for the time being it was his. He could always sell it later on. At least it was a way to be able to go wherever he wanted now, if only he could afford the exorbitant maintenance AND the mortgage at the same time. He'd have to find a way to make some money quick, or in two months tops he would be pennyless...

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+1 NA NA
Club NA Melee 2D+1 3 NA  
Shotgun 4 50m 4D 4 6 Bulky: A Bulky weapon has a powerful recoil or is simply extremely heavy – this makes it difficult to use effectively in combat by someone of a weak physical stature. A Traveller using a Bulky weapon must have STR 9 or higher to use it without penalty. Otherwise, all attack rolls will have a negative DM equal to the difference between their STR DM and +1.Bulky
Rifle 5 250m 3D 5 5  
Stunner 10 5m 2D+3 0,5 100 These weapons are designed to deal non-lethal damage, incapacitating a living target rather than killing it. Damage is only deducted from END, taking into account any armour. If the target’s END is reduced to 0, the target will be incapacitated and unable to perform any actions for a number of rounds by which the damage exceeded his END. Damage received from Stun weapons is completely healed by one hour of rest.Stun, This weapon has little or no recoil, allowing it to be used in low or zero gravity situations without requiring an Athletics (dexterity) check.Zero-G

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Vacc-Suit +8 10 145 10 Required skill Vacc Suit 0
Cloth +8 10 - 5

Character Notes
None right now.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Medkit TL10 1Portable Computer and Comm (Computer 2) TL10 0,5
Medkit TL12 1 - -
Total Load [ ]

Augments TL Effect
Subdermal Armour 10 Armour +1

Finances, Assets
38.516‬‬ kcr.
46 Shares of the "Spirit of Hope"

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Nezzara_t.png
Views:	2168
Size:	92.8 KB
ID:	84618  

Last edited by Phettberg; Nov 30th, 2021 at 11:10 AM.
Old May 28th, 2020, 03:58 AM
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Fetuilelagi Abelard

right-aligned image
Name Fetuilelagi "Fetu" Abelard
Homeworld Aonani
Species Human
Description Tanned, dark brown eyes and hair
Age 30
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Strength 5
Dexterity 11
Endurance 10
Intellect 9
Education 9
Social 9
Psi 0

Astrogation 1
Athletics 0
Deception 1
Electronics 0
Electronics (sensors) 1
Gun Combat 0
Gun Combat (slug) 1
Heavy Weapons 0
Mechanic 1
Navigation 0
Seafarer 0
Stealth 0
Survival 0
Tactics 0
Vacc Suit 0


Character Background
Aonani was for some time virtually ignored by the Imperium at large, having few colonists...mostly of Solomani descent at that...and very little considered interesting or worthwhile. That all changed though when the unusual chemical properties of the massive fungal colonies that blanket most of the sparse land area of the world were discovered by a team of researchers. Though the planet lacks the infrastructure to exploit this resource, the promise of future riches have lured an opportunistic Imperial noble there, in hopes of reversing recent declines in his fortunes.
Early on the Abelards ran afoul of several of Aonani's many hazards. The constant smog of 'belcher' spores hangs thick in the atmosphere, buoyed by the storms and the high atmospheric pressure along with the low gravity of the planet. The baron's first wife fell victim to a severe allergic reaction to the spores, dying before the needed medicines could arrive by courier. The eldest son of the family died while trying to 'prove himself' to the relatively primitive natives in an airborne race astride domesticated flying mounts. This tragedy, perversely, helped to ease another persistent problem though; the intense native distrust of having a local ruler...particularly a non-native one. Though the majority of the planet's 3400 souls grudgingly went along with it, a large number began lobbying for the creation of a local democratic rule. When that went nowhere, a small fringe group broke off and adopted guerrilla tactics of asymmetrical warfare to try to force the Baron to the negotiating table. However, when his son died trying to honor the native ways, the attention of a respected native family was earned.
Baron Ross Abelard, after discussions, took a new wife...with the understanding and promise that she would be involved in setting policy and that her counsel would be listened to. By her he had Fetuilelagi (feh-TOO-ee-leh-LAH-gi) as his first-born daughter. She has lived a sort of 'split' life, educated by Meilani in the culture and traditions of the Aonani people, and by the Baron and tutors in the lore and custom of the Imperium. Despite there being three half-siblings older than her, she has felt a certain burden in trying to bridge that gap...and those half-siblings resent her presence among them, most of them seeing her as an interloper no better than her mother.
Even so, Fetu has taken an intense interest in the stars beyond her little world and longs to see more of the galaxy. One day she knows she will return to stay and fulfill the difficult role of peacemaker on Aonani, perhaps one day even ruling it, if succession ever falls to her. Before then though, she hopes to see the wonders of the cosmos, and all its people.
After being accepted to an off-world university in the Imperium, Fetu's classes went quite well at first. Her tutoring at home had prepared her well, and her early coursework was aimed at navigating both jumpspace and realspace, in preparation for a career as a starship pilot...perhaps even in the ISS! Alas, this was not to be. Long-simmering rivalries between two nearby worlds broke into warfare, and Fetu was drafted into the Imperial Marines.
She served in a support role aboard a supply cutter, helping to maintain and repair materials, and sometimes even starships that were brought into port. Near the end of her first term however, her flotilla was intercepted by enemy forces and many ships were boarded. Despite serving with distinction and helping to fend the intruders off, her commanding officer passed her over for promotion. This may be because she discovered encrypted communications that she went over his head to notify command in her ship's logs... Fetu believed it implied the ambush had been conducted with inside help.
Her next term she applied for a transfer, still within the Support branch, and got it. In this case her ship was the closest available responder to a distress call. Though their ship was not a front line combat vessel, her crew responded to the call. They took a pirate by surprise as they were boarding a luxury yacht, and Fetu was on the team that joined the fight to liberate the hostages and eliminate the pirates. In the process she personally intervened at great risk to herself to save the life of a VIP on the yacht. Despite this action she was not recommended for promotion, and some digging revealed her old commander was behind it, pulling strings to keep her down.
Even so, not everything was gloomy. The wealthy traveler she'd rescued bequeathed an incredibly generous gift upon her; a membership in the exclusive Traveller's Aid Society. Having such a boon emboldened Fetu to leave the military...where it was becoming painfully clear advancement wasn't possible...and strike out on her own into the wide galaxy. It had been a much bumpier ride than she'd imagined it would be, but finally she was fulfilling the dream that had led her to leave Aonani in the first place!

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1 NA NA

Name TL Rad WT Traits
- - - - -

Character Notes
Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Total Load [ ]

Augments TL Effect

2000 cr.
TAS Membership.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Fetu_t.png
Views:	25
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ID:	84894  

Last edited by savoylen; May 28th, 2020 at 11:03 AM.
Old Jun 22nd, 2020, 09:41 PM
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Carric (B6A784-0)

Name Carric
Homeworld - Kusyu
Species Male Aslan
Description - Carric is pretty typical for a male of his species standing 6'2" in height with a strong muscular build from his years of physical training. His facial features closely resemble those of a lion with green eyes and a semi long mane.
Age 38
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 38
Strength 11
Dexterity 6
Endurance 10
Intellect 7
Education 8
Social 4
Psi 0

Racial Traits Desc
Dewclaw All Aslan have a dewclaw which can be extended to make for a vicious close combat weapon. The dewclaw uses the Melee (natural) skill and does 1D+2 damage.
Heightened Senses Aslan have better night vision, hearing and sense of smell than humans. All Aslan receive DM+1 to any Recon and Survival checks they have to make.

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Post Career BlockStudy Period
Training in Skill Week # of Study Periods Complete
?? 3 8 0

MAX Skill Levels (INT+EDU) * 3 = 45

Admin 1 
Advocate 0 
Athletics 0 
Deception 1 
Electronics (Computer) 1 
Flyer 0 
Gun Combat (Energy) 1 
Gun Combat (Slug) 1 
Heavy Weapons 0 
Investigate 1 
Leadership 1 
Melee (Blade) 1 
Melee (Unarmed) 1 
Persuade 0 
Stealth 1 
Streetwise 0 
Tactics 0 
Vacc Suit 0  


Character Background
Carric had a pretty typical childhood on his homeworld, his father had been in the Marines so of course growing up idolizing his father he too wanted to join. When he completed his schooling he tried to attend the academy but was denied. Discouraged but determined he went the enlisted route the same as his father had done. His father having exited the Marines as a Corporal. Carric wanted to make his father proud and did everything he could to advance.
His years of hard work paid off attaining the rank of Sergeant and then being commissioned as a Lieutenant. Unfortunately prior to his commissioning his father passed away back home. Carric was disheartened his father did not live to see his accomplishment but he was still proud and knew his father would have been as well. Carric was on quite a few classified missions with the Marines his final one a push to take out a group of terrorists. As his team went in they were ambushed, someone having tipped the enemy off. His squad was surrounded and it was a miracle they made it out alive, while exfilling Carric took a slug in the back as they were being evacuated. Fortunately they were able to take him along still.
Upon arriving in the rear he was rushed into surgery and fortunately they were able to repair the serious damage that had been done. It took some time but eventually he made a full recovery. It also meant though that he was not longer able to continue on in the Marines. No longer an active Marine he needed to find a way to use his talents from his service, and decided to go into the Intelligence field. His prior skills serving him well leading to his being promoted twice up to the Rank of Field Agent.
Carric worked as primarily an infiltration and information gathering agent, during his time with Intelligence, completing a large number of successful missions, before at last deciding to retire and see what was next in life for him. He was still single having never took the time for romance of any real sort. Still not that old even after retiring he was eager to see what waited for him going forward. Carric had a very interesting career up to this point in his life, between his military service and intelligence operations.

Contacts Desc if Known
- Enemy From Events

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA
Blades 2 Range 2D 2 NA NA
Autopistol 6 10M 3D-3 1 15 NA
Assault Rifle 7 200M 3D 4 30 Auto 2

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth 10 0 5 kg +8 Protection

Character Notes
150 Credits Remaining, PLus 25,000 credits

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Autopistol 1 Assault Rifle 4
Breather Mask 0 Blades 4
Protable Computer/3 0.5 kg  
Environmental Suit 1 Mobile Comm (Audio and visual, Computer/0) 0
Respirator 0 Tent 6
Total Load [ 16 ]

Augments TL Effect
Subdermal Armor 10 Armor +1

25,000 cr from muster out.

Current Characters: Barthal, Fezaliax, Galileo, Thorin, Vesden,

Last edited by savoylen; Jul 8th, 2020 at 12:28 PM.
Old Feb 23rd, 2021, 06:49 PM
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Mara Raditz

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Mara Raditz 775875-0

Name Mara Raditz
Homeworld -
Species Humani
Description (Describe look and special markings, etc. here.)
Age 34
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics  
Strength 7
Dexterity 7
Endurance 5
Intellect 8
Education 7
Social 5
Psi 0

Blade Combat Dagger 1
Electronic 1
Forward Observer 1
Gun Combat Carbine 1
Gunnery 1
Ship's Boat 1
Vacc Suit 1


Character Background
Childhood and Young Adulthood-grew up in Neblethorn on Ruie. The Maritz family was among the first to land on Ruie in 78 during the second colonization wave, and the current family retains the strongly anti-Imperium and xenophobic attitudes of their forebears shared by most of the leadership of Neblethorn. Disowned for her desire to explore the nations of the Canaday Union, eventually leave Ruie, and join the larger galactic society along with her pro-Imperium views, Mara struck out on her own after hearing rumors that her father had been unfaithful to her mother and had sired a half-sibling with a famous Diva. She confronted her father about her supposed half-brother but he refused to discuss the matter with her at all. She made plans to find him and was disowned by her family when her plan was discovered. She left home and eventually found and joined Tryste’s show. Things were going well, and Mara was preparing to reveal her family bond with Rafe until the scandal with the corrupt official.
Service-Mara, feeling betrayed and abandoned when Rafe was unable to shield her from the scandal involving the corrupt official, tried to escape by enlisting in Merchant service but failed. Caught up in the court proceedings and pressured by officials, she agreed to enlist in navy to avoid prosecution, and she was to be assigned to the entertainment/propaganda division of recruitment as an actress because of her background in Tryste’s show. The military leadership of the Imperium Navy was trying to improve recruiting prospects in the Regina area, especially Ruie, through a propaganda campaign designed to improve public perception.
1st Tour- Mara when through a personal improvement plan to improve her coordination (+1 Dexterity) and learned to operate large guns (Gunnery) in preparation for her first role, that of a new recruit going through basic training and then advanced training to operate large ships guns. The film follows her through her training and first assignment, where she is instrumental in winning a large space battle. The production was a modest success.
2nd Tour- Learned to operate a vacuum suit (Vacc Suit) and how to accurately target and call for long range gun fire (Forward Observer) in preparation for second role. The second film follows Mara's character from the first film as she learns new skills in preparation for her second assignment as a forward observer and then as she is again instrumental in a victory, holding her forward position against seemingly insurmountable odds, even having to patch her Vacc Suit while simultaneously successfully calling for fire on the enemy position. This production was more successful than its predecessor and Mara began to have a small fan base.
3rd Tour- Learned to operate small landing craft (Ship’s Boat) and to repair energy weapons and other small devices (Electronics) in preparation for third role. Her third role has Mara assigned to a small, self-sufficient combat unit specializing in planetary operations. Mara plays a support role, repairing energy weapons and other small electronic devices. Although she was central to the plot of the production, it was not as successful as the prior two, with criticisms centering around the reduced action of her role. Owing to small returns that made the production a failure and the cost of the advanced electronics training, Mara was forced to reenlist for a fourth tour and fourth role.
4th Tour- Mara learned to use a dagger (Blade Combat: Dagger) and a carbine rifle (Gun Combat: Carbine) in preparation for her fourth role. Mara's character had received a commission at the end of her last production. She receives a promotion at the start of this production, and becomes the XO for the unit from her last production. She has specialized in the use of somewhat antiquated weapons and is forced to become a leader after the CO was killed in combat. She leads her unit to a decisive victory. Film became a surprise hit and Mara a surprise star, albeit one with a checkered past. Mara decided to leave the service and mustered out.
Post-service-Mara reconnected with Rafe after mustering out, and after he had explained what had happened to him and how he was driven off the planet, she was able to finally let go of her resentment. He laughed when she asked him if her father was also his father. I think not. I have found far more credence in other rumored sires than your father. That particular rumor was started by one of your father's friends who wished to drive a wedge between your father and your mother. Satisfied with that answer, she joined him on the Spirit of Hope

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA  
Dagger 1 Melee 2D+(STR DM) 250 NA 
Carbine 5 Very Long 3D+(DEX DM) 3000 10  

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth Suit 8 - 7000 -
Mesh* 7 - 2000 -
Vacc Suit 8 - 10,000 -

Character Notes
Tends to wear cloth and mesh armor together unless wearing a vacc suit, in which case she only wears mesh under it. This behavior is a holdover from her character/role during her naval service. The character began wearing the two armors together after getting slashed through her cloth armor during a planet-side fight with an animal. She also wears twin daggers on her waist and her carbine slung across her back.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item (owned) WT Item (worn) WT
Vacc Suit 10,000 Cloth Suit 7000
Mesh* 2000 Mesh* 2000*
Cloth Suit 7000 Carbine 3000
10 Ammo Clips 1250 Dagger* (2) 500*
Dagger* (2) 500* 4 Ammo Clips 500
Electronics Tool Kit 5000  
Carbine 3000  
Laser Pistol 1000  
Total Load [10.5kg]

Augments TL Effect


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Mara.png
Views:	314
Size:	460.0 KB
ID:	89789   Click image for larger version

Name:	Mara_t.png
Views:	165
Size:	58.6 KB
ID:	89790  

Last edited by Candide3693; Feb 25th, 2021 at 09:17 PM.
Old Dec 19th, 2021, 09:34 PM
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Orlapah - Lifepath End Official Character Sheet
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Dr. Orlapah (666CDB-4)
Name Dr. Orlapah "Orla"
Homeworld Aight
Species Aslan
Description Orla is 2.2 Meters tall and weighs 202 kilos. She has solid colored light brown fur over her whole body, no discolorations except for the hair, or mane, atop her head which is a darker brown.
Age 40
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics Rank Modifier
Age 40 -
Strength 6 0
Dexterity 6 0
Endurance 6 0
Intellect 12 +2
Education 14 +2
Social 11 +1
Psi0 -

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Admin 1
Advocate 0
Art/Visual Media 1
Broker 0
Carouse 0
Diplomat 0
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Electronics/Computers 1
Electronics/Remote Ops 1
Gun Combat/Energy 1
Gun Combat/slug 1
Investigate 3
Language 0
Medic 0
Melee (Dewclaw) 0 (1d+1)
Navigation 0
Persuade 1
Science/Archeology 1
Science/Astronomy 1
Science/Economics 2
Science/Physics 1
Science/History 1
Streetwise 0
Vacc Suit 1

Rival: Dr. Oliver Stroud - She has cross paths with him twice; once at the University while she was earning her first degree, and then secondly when he stole her research.
Enemy 1 Sadie Harris - Sadie is a Free Trader who lost out on a deal, losing her whole credit account and getting a black mark on her reputation for supposedly not asking where an ancient artifact came from when she bought it. Orla witnessed the transaction and brought the law down on her.
Enemy 2 Ael-ghaez - Ael is a thief who stole an ancient artifact from a dig Orla was working on. Given its age and possible tie in to the "ancients", it is considered priceless. This didn't stop the thief from finding a trader who found a buyer. The trader was one Sadie Harris, and she had to purchase it with her own credits. Both of them were brought up on charges and had their accounts crashed. They both blade Orla and seek vengeance, though how deadly that vengeance is, Orla doesn't know.
Connection Description
Jack Gun Combat 1 - Being of the same species/race, Jack and Orla hit it off the first time they met. Despite the fact that she was an Educated Scholar and Field Researcher, they found they enjoyed each other's company. Jack was along on some expeditions Orla was sent on by the Navy when she worked out of the command structure he was under. Noting she didn't have much in the way of any skills to protect herself, other than her dewclaw, Jack taught her the basics with guns.
Ad Vacc Suit 1 - She cross paths a few times with Ad during her many stints traveling from world to world. He once noted that during a drill she put on a vacc suit improperly - bad actually. He corrected her and showed her the ins and outs of not only wearing one, but how to move about in one in zero g a bit without hurting herself.
Enokfuer Gun Combat/Energy 1 -



Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA
Dewclaw NA Melee 1D+3(STR DM) NA NA
AutoPistol 6 10m 13D-3 1 NA

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Mesh - - 2 -
Cloth - - 5 -

Character Notes
Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Mesh Armor 2 Cloth Armor 5
Portable Computer w/ Intelligent Interface .5 Breather Mask -
Filter Mask - Auto Pistol w/ Laser Sight 16
Total Load Out of Combat [ 18.5 ]
Total Load In Combat [ 21.5 ]

98,150 Cr.

Muster Out Benefits Rolled Two Ship Shares, Improved Education (+2), Improved INT ( +1), Cr75,000 in yearly Pension, and 100000 additional Credits.

Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.

Last edited by savoylen; Feb 26th, 2022 at 10:10 PM.
Old Dec 20th, 2021, 11:21 AM
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Gunny Jack
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Eighth daughter of the first son of the grandfather trickster, the pride leader of Iykyasea Clan.Siyajkhoara Koihhlaiwahtoi Khyeiryos Iykyasea (A37AC6-0)

Name Siyajkhoara Koihhlaiwahtoi Khyeiryos Iykyasea or "Jack"
Homeworld Heakafaw Sector
Species Aslan
RankPlanetary Navy of Heakafaw, Able Space Hand
Clan Iykyasea (One of the 29 Tlaukhu)
Description Jack wears simple clothes of dark navy and black and high utility. She wears no jewelry and keeps atypically long hair in the human style. The hair is frequently in a bun or braid to stay clear of gunnery equipment or her guns. Fellow Aslan might consider her a turncoat to the Imperium. Early on she was unkempt, but now the battle hardened Aslan is meticulous in appearance. Simple but put together. Jack occasionally will wear spectacles while reading, though these are for head's up displays rather than to correct faulty eyesight. Jack has a sharp look to her eyes and she speaks precisely with a minimal Aslan accent. When she walks, she is quite clumsy, particularly for an Aslan. Her clothes show signs of frequent repairs due to the mishaps that occur secondary to her poor dexterity.
Age 40
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 40

Astrogation --
Electronics - computers0
Electronics - comms 0
Electronics - sensors 1
Engineering - M-Drive --
Engineering - J-Drive --
Engineering - Power --
Pilot --
Vacc Suit 1
Athletics --
Gunner 0
Gunner, Turret2
Gun Combat 0
Gun Combat, Slug Thrower4
Recon --
Melee 0
Melee (Dew Claw)1
Navigation --
Persuade --
Science (Archeology)1
Science (Sophontology)1
Streetwise 0


Khijajuk'tu Koihhlaiwahtoi Khyeiryos Iykyasea is born to the conservative first son of 'the Great Trickster' the master strategist of the Iykyasea Clan and member of the Tlaukhu, the ruling council of the Aslan. She is the eight daughter of the first son of the pride leader. Khijajuk'tu is small and clumsy for her age and throughout life. She is frequently the maid servant of her older sisters, and received very little attention from her Clan and Pride. Khija displays an incredible thirst for knowledge and immerses herself in education.
As a youth, Khija is taken from world to world as part of the Iykyasea retinue, learning basics of Vac Suits and Survival on a number of worlds. She begins her lifelong love of archeology, history, and sophontology. Considered aberrant even for a female Aslan, Khija continues to stay a bookworm. Despite her emersion, she is considered a 'good student,' but 'not all that bright,' by her highly paid tutors.
Despite warnings from her older sisters, Khija neglects her physical health and training. Her Akhuaeukhyeh (Rite of Passage) at age 14 (Aslan years) goes very poorly. She is a major disappointment int he eyes of her Clan and Pride. Despite her sharp mind and excellent study habits, Khija is forced to take the Rite of Siyajkhoara'ktk and become a A female sworn not to marry and dedicate their life to the ClanSiyajkhoara. She attempts to enter school at the prestigious Heakafaw University on Renestaw to become a scientist for her Clan. Siyajkhoara spends a great deal of time alone and in her books.
Siyajkhoara, who goes by "Jack" to her human colleagues at University, initially thrives away from her Pride. She takes a liking to Sophology and Archeology. Unfortunately, over time the studies become more and more difficult in this area. By her third year she is a 'C' student. Her Clan, unimpressed with her studies, withdraws financial support. Jack cannot afford her studies. The Iykyaseah become tired of Jack and withdraw support completely. Dues are too expensive for Jack and she has to leave school. She awaited transport to rejoin her Clan, but the shuttle from the ship did not come before her Clan ship left the starport. All hailing and messages have been ignored. Jack is a clanless outcast now.
The Aslan known only as "Jack" has one friend left from University, a human from Imperium space Hamish "Ham" Collins. Desperate, she takes a job moving freight at the spaceport on Heakafaw. She is barely able to scrape by, and has to share a tiny hovel with her co-workers. Most of these are outcast Aslan and humans. Abuse of all types occurs to these downtrodden folk. One evening heading home from work, Jack is mugged. While only minor injuries are sustained, she loses two weeks pay. She is unable to pay her for housing, and is cast out on the streets. She tries to stay with her old University friend, but they graudate and leave Heakafaw. Jack is now homeless and eventually her meager pay is not enough to sustain her. She is fired from her laborer job and has no further options.
Jack stows away on an Imperium ship and leaved the Hierate. She realizes she has no options left with the Aslan. She is found by the crew, the majority of which is TAS. They take pity on this pathetic specimen of an Aslan and take her to the next major port-of-call. Jack immediately enlists, and after testing is sent to the navy for training. Analysis by the armed forces shows strong aptitude for learning and nascent intelligence. Jack keeps to herself, although she takes on many human characteristics during the training.
During her time in the navy, Jack spends much more time on fitness. She takes up guns to overcome her poor manual skills. While she is no crackshot, she obtains basic competency. Jack has no illusions about her scholarly aspirations at this point. She is determined to succeed in the navy, and works hard using her advanced education to compete as a capable crew member. In time she is promoted to Able Spacehand, and assigned to routine maintenance.
Jack is first assigned to a frigate for the Imperium running blockade of a highly contested sector. She works alone doing routine maintenance of the ship. 'Bad Luck' Jack as she is called, has been tossed around from ship to ship. She is the rare Aslan in the navy, and has trouble making friends. Jack finds favor with her Captain when she finds one explosive device not he blockade frigate. There are others on the navy ships in the blockade, and Jacks discovery prevents massive loss of life. She is seen favorably for promotion at the next cycle.
Phar Agma, Jack's Supervisor on the frigate Holiday Reaper is the turncoat that received bribes to sabotage the ship. Phar was sympathetic to the rebels besieged by the Third Imperium. Phar is courtmartialed, found guilty, and sentenced to military prison for life. As he is carted away, Phar swears he will kill Jack for uncovering the plot.
"Bad Luck" Jack has become an affectionate moniker for the Aslan crew member of the Holiday Reaper Planetary Defense Navy of Heakafaw. Jack's natural talent in science and Sophontology leads her to communications and sensors. She excels at sensors. Insurgents on Heakafaw continue to allude the PDN, and though Jack is not personally responsible, their is a black mark on the members of the navy responsible for detection of smugglers and spies. Jack is protected by Captain Rainsaw of the Holiday Reaper, but Jack is not able to keep the stink of failure completely away from her career. Prior to the scandal, Jack is promoted to Able Spacehand, E3. The promotion was submitted and cleared prior to the Heakafaw navy failures.
"Bad Luck" Jack serves in the Heakafaw Planetary Navy and has now recovered from the scandal plaguing her career the last four years. Her intelligence and ability to learn has finally made her a valued member of the team. Years of peace from the Heakafaw Insurgency is broken by a last gasp attempt to overwhelm the Navy with sheer numbers of privateers and pirate vessels. The Holiday Reaper is called upon to board a larger ship but all marines are occupied on other boardings. Jack is the first into the breach to take The Dark Sonnet, one of the largest ships in the Insurgent fleet. Jack performs bravely, saving the lives of four fellow crew members. She is promoted to Petty Officer 3rd Class, and transferred to her next ship assignment on the destroyer, Wunderkind. When she leaves The Holiday Reaper, she is reduced 'Bad News Jack,' a tribute to her hard nosed skill in combat.
Early on her Wunderkind tour of duty, "Bad News Jack" meets Oriapah, a Third Imperium Aslan. At first she is shy o the fellow Aslan, being an outcast from the Hierate. Soon they realize a mutual love of war-games (fueled by Jack's intelligence and studious nature) and ancient history and archeology. Jack confides in Oriapah that she washed out of Heakafaw University while studying sophontology and archeology. The two strike up a friendship that persists to this day. Jack sees it as her job to protect her friend. The two spend enough time for Jack to teach her the basics of slug throwers squad tactics. The two part ways vowing to meet up again later in life.
Wunderkind is detached at the request of the Imperial Navy to rescue a company of marines left behind enemy lines. This is a stealth mission and Jack is tapped to assist with the rescue. She is one of the first to arrive at the pinned in Ad and his comrades. Jack is struck by the strange Psi-Operative, striking up a conversation after the rescue. Jack sees to Ad during the journey back to Imperial space safety.
“Bad News Jack” meets the Heakafaw Sector Admiral who want to meet the Aslan awarded the Starburst Medal of Honor. He spends time with Jack for a long interview and leaves impressed with her pluck. As an offhand comment, Admiral Chenkoff asks which service Jack liked the best. “Gunnery” she responded. Two weeks later, Jack was transferred to Blaze of Glory as Chief Petty Officer in charge of Gunnery. Her nick name slowly changes “Gunny Jack.”
Gunny Jack serves her final term in the Heakafaw Sector Navy on board the flagship Blaze of Glory. Admiral Chenkoff is her commanding officer, and the two spend many hours together discussing military maneuvers and history. Gunny +2 EDU at Mustercompletes her University coursework on her own, though no degree is conferred. During her time on the Blaze of Glory, Jack makes many contacts through Chenkoff, +2 SOC at Musterworking on her social skills in human dominated space. Though the Admiral and Jack are loath to admit it, they develop a platonic love over these years in service. This will endure throughout the remainder of their days.
Gunny Jack keeps track with both Captain Ram Chou of the Holiday Reaper from the Heakafaw Planetary Navy. He was the first officer to see her potential and give her a chance. When she retires, Chou comes to the party as a civilian and captain of his own private exploration vessel. Hamish, Jacks only friend from University, stays in touch as well. He is well regarded archeologist, having returned to Imperium space with first hand knowledge of ancient Aslan and Ancients culture.
Gunny Jack, now retired, lives for a time in Heakafaw space. Soon she becomes bored, despite time and money to pursue sophontology and archeology. She realizes she is now a woman of action. She is only in her 40's, and is more educated and connected than ever before. She fine tunes her pistol and assault rifle, purchases a personal vac suit, and looks to the stars for more adventures. She started from despair, and now is an accomplished spacer, gunner. Gunny Jack is proud and content. She sees the future as a bright opportunity for adventure.

Captain Ram Chan Captain of Ancient Rime, Retired Captain Heakafaw Planetary Navy, Friend
Admiral Anton ChenkoffAdmiral Heakafaw Sector Admiral, Advisor

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Dew Claw NA Melee 1d+3 NA NA No Disarm
Accelerator Rifle9250m3d2kg15Zero-G
Advanced Combat Rifle10450m3D40Auto 3, Scope, LS(+1DM) 

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Cloth1005kg+8 Protection

Character Notes
Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= 17kg)
Item WT Item WT
Cloth Armor5kgAccelerator Rifle2kg
Cutlass4kgBreather Mask--
Filter Mask--  
Total Load [ 11kg ]

Augments TL Effect
Black Ops Chip with Mindscape enabled NI Jack 16 Access to Mindscape, Shadow Form 1
BIACS - Biological-Initiated Avatar Control System 13 Remote Ops (Sensors) 1 to control Cyborg based Avatar

Finances Cr280/Bank Cr28,000
PC: Giants (Raackma), Icewind Dale (Barnaby), Ruins of Grendleroot (DM), Horror on the Orient Express (Keeper

Last edited by savoylen; Apr 15th, 2023 at 05:50 PM.
Old Dec 20th, 2021, 11:58 AM
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Introducing...Admegulasha Burun Zaagdiira Uushrakhur Argushii
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Name Admegulasha Burun Zaagdiira Uushrakhur Argushii (Ad for short)
Homeworld Asdur (Vilani for 'Haven'), belter community in Rakurram
Species Vilani (Humaniti) Male
Description Medium height, dark hair, serene but somewhat imposing countenance
Age 42
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics Stat Modifier
Age 42 
Strength 7 -
Dexterity 10 +1
Endurance 10 +1
Intellect 10 +1
Education 12 +2
Social 7 -
Psi 11 +1

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Skill lvl
Athletics 0
Deception 1
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Explosives 1
Flyer 0
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Gun Combat (Slug) 2
Gunner (Turrets) 1
Heavy Weapons (Man Portable) 1
Leadership 1
Medic 0
Melee (Blades) 1
Profession (Belter) 0
Recon 1
Science (Psionicology) 1
Stealth 1
Streetwise 0
Survival 0
Tactics (Military) 1
Tactics (Naval) 1
Vacc Suit 2
Awareness 2
Telekinesis 1
Telepathy 1

TAS membership, 2 ship shares.

Rivals, Enemies, and Contacts Name
Rival Durak, cousin, psion
Ally Dakek, mentor, psion
Connection Jack, Tactics (Naval) 1
Connection Orla, Awareness 1
Connection Enokfuer, Explosives 1



Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D NA NA
Stunstick 8 Melee 2D 1 NA Stun
Static Axe 12 Melee 4D+2 5 NA AP 8, Smasher
Riot Shield 6 Melee 1D 4 NA  
Gauss Rifle 12 600 4D 4 80 AP 5, Auto 3, Scope
Hand Flamer 10 5 3D 2 5 Blast 2, Fire
Laser Pistol 11 30 3D+3 2 100 Zero-G

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Lightweight Poly Carapace +12 11 - 2 -

Character Notes
Ready to Start His Adventure outside the influence of the Solar Rim.

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Total Load [ 20 ]
Total Load manageable [17]

Doesn't usually carry all weapons - on board ship, laser pistol, stunstick only.

Augments TL Effect

5,775 cr.


Last edited by DeletedUser79558; Jan 7th, 2022 at 11:55 AM.
Old Oct 15th, 2022, 10:19 AM
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Feeding my addiction...
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Mansa King (5B6984-0)
right-aligned image

Name Boranga Tumba (Mansa King)
Homeworld - Unknown at this point
Species Humani
Description (Describe look and special markings, etc. here.)
Age 30
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics  
STRength 5
DEXterity 11
ENDurance 6
INTellect 9
EDUcation 8
SOCial 4

Dice Modifier Table
Ability 0 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14
DM -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2

Art 0
Carousing 0
Deception 1
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Electronics (Computers) 1
Electronics (Sensors) 1
Jack of all Trades 1
Persuade 0
Pilot 0
Pilot (Starship) 1
Recon 0
Stealth 0
Streetwise 3
Steward 0
Untrained -2


Character Background
Growing up on an overcrowded world teeming with needy life, Boranga learned early on that the squeaky wheel got the grease. In order to survive, in order to thrive, you had to stand out from the homogenous crowd. Born to service industry parents, Boranga raised himself with an insatiable appetite for dabbling with electronics, his gadgets his only friends. Becoming hooked on self-help books, Boranga believed that in order to have success in life you had to visualize it and then take appropriate actions. He changed his name to Mansa, an ancient term he heard meant King. At the same time he learned about a desert called the Sahara desert. Sahara was the word for desert... so desert desert. With that in mind Mansa took the last name King... or King King. It was a good start to actualizing his dreams.
Mansa's self actualization exercises begin to pay off as does the long hours practicing his public speaking in front of his bathroom mirror. He is hired as a late night infomercial host hawking dubious products to the gullible masses. His style and delivery are memorable and he meets an up and coming journalist who covers the entertainment beat. They hit it off. His sense of humor and wit vibe well with her hard nose grit and morality. Clarity Belle is now an ally.
Mansa's late night gig was too much of a good thing. The late hours required chemical stimulation... which led to dependency and then a fall into addiction. He became erratic, missed work... and was eventually fired. His severance pay amounted to nothing, all of it owed to dealers and thugs. Mansa King is now unemployed... and trying to hide the truth from Clarity Belle.
Mansa gets caught in a drug bust and to avoid prosecution he agrees to become a wired informant for the law. He is expected to be dead in days, yet somehow... he survives... and thrives. His performance skills reach new levels and he becomes a trusted asset. He is officially hired and becomes a trained undercover agent.
Of course Mansa gets himself involved in an investigation that hits too close to home for the powers that be. Mansa uncovers high level corruption between the drug lords and law enforcement. Knowing that he will be forced to take the fall, Mansa runs, dropping off the grid as he struggles to stay out of prison. As he leaves, King helps himself to some technical gear that he believes he is owed.
Things get worse for Mansa. It is either disappear or end up in prison where he knows he will be killed. The icing on the cake is that Cecil Rhodes, the captain of his ex-unit, ends up marrying Clarity Belle. Mansa spends the next few years as a wanderer hoping that they will somehow forget he exists.

Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA  
Blade 2 Melee 2D 2 NA NA
Gauss Pistol 12 20M 3D 1 40 AP 3, Auto 2
Shotgun 4 50M 4D 4 6 Bulky

Name TL Rad WT Traits
Flak Jacket +5 8 - 6 -

Character Notes

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Light Intensifier Goggles1--
Breather Mask---
Binoculars TL 81--
Total Load [2]   

Augments TL Effect
Next Gen Wafer Jack 13 Capacity Bandwidth/10
Neural Comm Audio and visual, Computer/0 12 access the capabilities of a neural comm by thought alone

Additional Augments TL Effect
Black Ops Chip with Mindscape enabled NI Jack 16 Access to Mindscape, Shadow Form 1
BIACS - Biological-Initiated Avatar Control System 13 Remote Ops (Sensors) 1 to control Cyborg based Avatar

4000 cr.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Mansa_t.png
Views:	2
Size:	110.8 KB
ID:	102343  
Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.

Last edited by savoylen; May 22nd, 2024 at 12:06 AM.
Old Apr 25th, 2023, 11:19 PM
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Ladytron Ladytron is offline
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right-aligned image

Princess Eneri Tauribi 4789BD-B

Name Her Royal Highness Princess Eneri Tauribi, 5th of her Name
Homeworld Vland
Species Humani (Vlandi)
Description 5' 11", average build, pale ivory skin tone, long brown hair usually tied up in ponytail or bun, brown eyes. Usually wearing a few pieces of jewelry, nothing gaudy.
Age 38
Rad. Dose 0

Physical Characteristics
Age 38
Strength 4
Dexterity 7
Endurance 8
Intellect 9
Education 11
Social 13
Psi 11

0 (-3) 1-2 (-2) 3-5 (-1) 6-8 (+0) 9-11 (+1) 12-14 (+2) 15+ (+3)

Administration 0
Animals 0
Athletics 0
Carouse 0
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Flyer 0
Gun Combat 0
Gunner 0
Language (Vlandi) 2
Mechanic 0
Persuade 2
Pilot 0
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Science 0
Science (psionicology) 1
Steward 0
Vacc Suit 0

Telepathy 1
Clairvoyance 1
Telekinesis 1
Awareness 1
Teleportation 1


Name TL Range Damage WT MAG Traits
Unarmed NA Melee 1D+(STR DM) NA NA

Name TL Rad WT Traits
- - - - -

Character Notes
TAS Membership

Equipment (Encumbered if carried load >= )STR+END+Athletics)
Item WT Item WT
Total Load [ ]

Augments TL Effect

Additional Augments TL Effect
Black Ops Chip with Mindscape enabled NI Jack 16 Access to Mindscape, Shadow Form 1
BIACS - Biological-Initiated Avatar Control System 13 Remote Ops (Sensors) 1 to control Cyborg based Avatar

4,000 cr.

Patent of Nobility

This Imperial Patent of Nobility bestows the Title and Holdings of Princess Eneri Tauribi of on the personage of Royal Highness Princess Eneri Tauribi 5th of her Name, of the Dominion of Vland.

I, Eneri Tauribi, do hereby bond and swear that I will upload the laws and will of His Grace the Archduke of Vland.

I accept the Title and Duty bestowed upon me, and commit my life to one of Service to the People and Leaders of our Glorious Imperium.

She likes nice cars, invincible trends
She bites the heads off her mutual friends
We dine at the table, she sits at the end
She likes big words and playing pretend (Deadsy, She Likes Big Words)

Last edited by savoylen; Apr 30th, 2023 at 11:11 AM.
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