Please post below. I need a character sheet or a link to it. You are welcome to copy your applications over as well. If you want to keep track of your own pokemon, you can. I will have a separate thread for them as well, since I need to keep track of some "secret" stats on my own.
Character creation rules are summarized in the spoiler button below. If you have any questions about character creation, please PM me or post in the Cafe OOC thread.
Step 1: Create Character Concept.
This is going to be an exploration campaign where we explore ruins, investigate pokemon legends, and hopefully thwart an evil organization. You should already have a solid character concept from your application that earned you an invitation to play.
Step 2: Create Skill Background.
Rank three different Skills down to Pathetic Rank. Rank up one Skill to Adept Rank and one other Skill to Novice Rank. Give a short name to your background. There are a few examples in the book. I will also offer some custom options when available.
Step 3: Choose Edges.
You gain four Edges to distribute. Remember, even though you have one Adept Skill after creating your Background, you cannot use Edges to raise other Skills up to Adept until you are at least Level 2. You also may not use Edges to Rank Up any of the Skills you lowered to Pathetic Rank.
Step 4: Choose Features.
You gain four Features to distribute and additionally pick one Training Feature for free. You do not need to meet prerequisites for the Training Feature you chose, so I would recommend choosing one you DON'T qualify for.
You may do Steps 3 and 4 in any order, alternating between them to qualify for Edges and Features.
Step 5: Assign Combat Stats.
Level 1 Trainers begin with 10 HP and 5 in each of their other Stats. You then assign 10 points as you wish among the Stats, putting no more than 5 points in any single Stat. If you are working on a general non-combat build, I recommend HP and at least one Evasion-based skill to rank up just in case. Don’t forget that some Features have Stat Tags to apply!
Step 6: Find Derived Stats.
Trainers begin with 5 Action Points and gain 1 more AP for every 5 Trainer Levels they have. So right now, you start with 5 total.
Trainers have Hit Points equal to (Trainer Level x2) + (HP x3) + 10.
Power starts at 4. If Athletics is at least Novice, raise Power by +1. If Combat is at least Adept, raise Power by +1.
High Jump starts at 0. If Acrobatics is at least Adept, raise High Jump by+1. If Acrobatics is Master, raise High Jump by an additional +1.
Long Jump is equal to Acrobtics/2.
Overland is equal to 3 + [(Athl + Acro)/2].
Swim is equal to Overland/2.
Throwing Range is 4 + Athletics Rank.
Size is Medium.
Weight Class is 3 if you are between 55 and 110 pounds, 4 if you are between 111 and 220 pounds, and 5 if higher
than that.
Step 7: Create Basic Descriptions.
Keep the description you have from your application.
Step 8: Choose your Starter Pokémon.
The starter pokemon that Professor Rose has are based on your preferences at the application. It was pointed out to me that most trainers in the manga have one or more of their own pokemon that they grew up with or inherited from a friend or family, but for this game we assume that the professor's pokemon will be your first one. The good news is that it starts at level 10, and you will have an opportunity to catch a second pokemon very soon after getting your first.
Step 9: Buy starting items.
You have $5000 to split between starting equipment and reserve cash. You will get a standard pokedex in game very quickly. Prices in the book are good for shopping. Once we start, prices and availability will vary a bit. Anything can be ordered via Pelipper Mail, but it will be more expensive so keep that in mind. It’s recommended that most starting Trainers pick up Poké Balls at the very least. You can get restorative items as well, but some berries do grow in your area.
We also have a sample Trainer Card for your stats and your pokemon in case you would like to borrow/copy/edit it for your own use in game:
Don't Forget!
You I would very much like to know your future wish list for a star pokemon team. I cannot promise that you will get all of them, but I will definitely be considering the wish lists when I plan out encounters. Having a small picture of the pokemon may also help, just FYI.
__________________ Please be patient with me. Life got crazy, and I haven't caught up yet. PMs for reminders are welcome!
Last edited by Homestarbaby; Aug 4th, 2020 at 02:57 PM.
ish-kah, the 'y' sound is there, but it's barely perceptible.Yishkakee-sah-gih-ree. Yishka's real last name is Rikkov. It was changed to Kisagiri upon entering Unova, largely to avoid added stigma of being a citizen of a potentially volatile region.Kisagiri
Yishka, Yisha
Researcher, Hobbyist
Gentle, Foreigner
Neutral Good
13 Years Old
Eye Color
Hair Color
Skin Tone
147 cm
51.2 kg
Short by comparison to other girls her age, Yishka has a somewhat plump form, which is further emphasized by the heavy clothing she wears, often consisting padded jackets, heavy boots, and a fluffy hat. She favors embroidered cloths and fabrics common to her homeland, and much of what she wears looks intrinsicly foreign, so she tends to stand out. Her face is round and miniscule dimples form whenever she smiles--which is quite regularly. She also has rosy-red cheeks that flare up when she's nervous.
Having been born in the wilder frontiers of her homeland, Yishka is built strong and hardy, more than capable of surviving the harsh winters of the far north. She speaks with an accent, particularly with hard 'v' and rolling 'r' sounds. Though not dextrous by any means, she has exceptional attention to detail, a trait she picked up living the wild frontier.
A soft-hearted and empathic soul, Yishka's gentle smile and outlandish demeanor is often more than enough to win over even the most dour and stubborn. Though she initially comes off as a bit rugged and naive, she has a certain charm to her, punctuated by her seemingly endless reserves of positive energy. Brave, if a bit reckless, she watches out for those around her, in particular, anyone in her care whether they be Pokemon or people. Coming from a wartorn background, she has a natural distaste for both corrupt beaurocrats as well as upstart revolutionaries, as well as anyone who willfully brings harm on someone else.
But while Yishka might be a ray of sunshine on the outside, darker thoughts linger beneath--memories of things she saw during her flight from her homeland. In a way, her positivity and benevolence is the only thing that takes her mind off it, and she'd rather run from her memories than face them. Some day she'll no doubt have to confront those demons, but that is perhaps a story for another time.
Since leaving the frontier, Yishka has taken a liking to learning, absorbing new information and always chasing after more. At this point, she's probably smarter than most kids her age, though it's largely more booksmart than streetwise--something which she is still painfully naive to.
Wishes, Goals and Motivations
Though Yishka's primary motivation in becoming a Pokemon trainer is to help support her family, she is not so depthless to have no desires of her own. Having lived most of her life in the frontier of her home country with her family, Yishka had little interaction with other children beyond her brothers. Similarly, she wasn't able to travel, nor go to school, and so having the world suddenly at her fingertips, she wants to explore it's great reaches, meet all sorts of interesting people, and get to know Pokemon. She also has a desire to learn, and has expressed interest now and then in becoming a Pokemon researcher.
More than anything, however, Yishka is just looking for her place in the world. She's always felt she's had a greater calling, and she believes this is finally her chance to seize whatever destiny awaits her!
Character Backstory
Originally born Essentially wherever the 'Russian' equivalent region is in the Pokemon world.elsewhere, Yishka and her mother, along with her three younger brothers, fled their homeland as a result of a civil war, eventually finding their way to a refugee camp in the neighboring region of Kalos. There, they had hoped to start a new life in peace and quiet, but they soon found that the Kalosian people less than hospitable with Yishka's people waging war upon themselves so close to their own borders. Desperate to help her family find peace and stability, Yishka willingly enrolled in a foreign exchange program, which grant a stipend of money to her family for housing a foreign youth, while she went to live with a family elsewhere.
Thus, the amicable Yishka came to live in the region of Veloria with a proxy family in the town of Sakura Falls. Communications early in their relationship was...strained, but Yishka was ultimately able to convey herself well enough, though she could tell that this arrangement, too, was going to difficult. Fortunately, it seemed that she had arrived just in time to participate in the annual ceremony in which new trainers were to be granted Pokemon--something that had been denied to her due to the outbreak of the civil war. Thus, after making all the necessary arrangements and getting permission from both her mother and her temporary family, she was granted a Trainer license, and set out to make her own way in the world with the idea that she'd use the money she made from being a trainer to assist her family's expenses.
Yishka Kisagiri
13 Years Old, Hobbyist
Affable and upbeat, Yishka's glowing smile rarely leaves her face, and a knowing smile belies a clever, if obvious, young rogue.
"Dasvidaniya!" Yishka's voice ring out, piercing the dull silence of the little town around her. There really wasn't much to it; in fact, the refugee camp was larger than this place, but what Sakura town lacked in size, it made up for in personality.
She looked down at the laminated strip of paper between her fingers, her ugly mug staring back at her alongside her name written in finely printed letters, as well as her basic description and contact info. A license. A real, honest-to-goodness Pokemon Trainer license! She was so happy she was nearly bursting at the seams! She couldn't wait to show the twins and little Raeya.
She looked up, seeing that she was coming up on the house. The Walberg family had been the ones who had allowed her to stay in their home, and they'd been nothing but supportive ever since. She'd especially bonded with their youngest daughter, the one named Raeya, and she already considered them her own siblings. Unfortunately, however, they'd be out for some time still, so Yishka would have to contain her excitement until they arrived.
When she opened the door, however, she saw that it was pitch dark inside and, thinking the power had gone out, she called out to Misus Walberg as she went to flick the light switch.
Everyone stood up in unison, including Mister and Misus Walberg, both of the twins, Mey and Fey, little Raeya, and the family's grandmother, Emma. Needless to say, the sudden event gave Yishka a start, and she looked at the banner that had been hung over the doorway into the little kitchen. 'Congratulations, Yishka!' were the words, strung long by a tuft of string. Balloons were also tied here and there throughout the house.
"Ahaha, vau! Vhat a surprise!" she said, her accent finely punctuating her words, "You flatter me! I thank you!" She couldn't help but smile giddily as the family approached her, with little Raeya running up and clamping onto her leg.
"Yay! Yishy, yay!" Raeya said happily, even though Yishka was quite well aware of the fact that the little tyke hardly knew what they were celebrating. She was, after all, only four years old.
Yishka laughed, bending down and hugging the child, "Ahaha, thank you, milashka! It has been coming, yes?"
"So how do you feel?" came the voice of one of the twins, Mey, who stood over her. Mey and Fey were both four years Yishka's senior, and had already gone on their Pokemon adventures long ago when they were still children.
Yishka rose, hoisting Raeya in her arms, "Oy, I you old voman, I think!" Everyone laughed jovially at Yishka's mistake, and someone corrected her to 'new woman', which made her laugh right alongside them.
"We made you a cake," Misus Walberg said, "Come, let's enjoy it! I'll light the candles!"
"Candles?" Yishka said, looking curiously at Raeya, who nodded with glee, "What is meaning of the candles?"
"You've never blown out the candles of on a cake?!" Fey exclaimed, looking genuinely astounded.
"Basically, it's a symbolic thing. You light candles on the cake and you blow them out. Usually you only do stuff like that on your birthday, but we figure you probably wouldn't be around here for that, so why not celebrate everything now?" Mey explained, to which Yishka looked somewhat perplexedly, but nodded and smiled, following behind.
"Ok...make a wish!" Misus Walberg said as she sat the cake in front of Yishka, who was still holding little Raeya.
"A vish?" Yishka said, still seeming confused, though her eyes lit up at the suggestion.
"Yeah! If you blow out all of the candles at once, your wish will come true! But you can't tell anyone what it was or else...!" Fey said, bouncing somewhat with excitement.
The smile on Yishka's face grew wide at the prospect, and she eyed the cake, which had nine candles spread across it's surface. At that point, she shot a glance over to the young form still tucked against her bosom and smiled, "I hereby enlist the help of my sidekick, Raeya! You'll help grant my vish, yes?"
The little girl nodded enthusiastically and together, they released a grand gale across the cake's surface. All at once, each of the little fire went out, leaving nothing more than smoking wicks protruding from the top. Following that, the cake was cut and served.
Some time later that evening, Yishka sat on a small chair on the back porch of the house listening to the sounds of the family laughing and talking amongst one another inside. She was all but lost in thought when a form came up beside her, sitting in the chair next to her. Mey, the level-headed one of the twins. "Did you call your mother?" she asked, settling in.
"Ay, I did!" Yishka replied, smiling. Her mother was pleased, though Yishka could tell she was tired on the phone and didn't keep her much longer than that. "She is happy, I think. My brothers, too."
"We're all proud of you," Mey said, smiling and taking a drink of her tea, and Yishka smiled, nodding. Part of her wanted to profess her thanks to the family all over again, but she'd done that quite a few times that day already, and so decided to spare Mey another time around.
The two sat quietly for a couple minutes, enjoying the relaxing breeze, when all of a sudden, Mey spoke again, her tone taking on a rather devious quality. "...So," she began, and looked over at Yishka with a glint in her eye, "Tell me...what did you wish for?"
"Vasn't I not supposed to say?" Yishka asked knowingly.
"Oh come on!" Mey said, trying her best to sound pitiful, "Just tell me!"
Yishka smiled and turned to look out, watching the sun beginning to set over the distant horizon. "I vished for..." she started, and then paused, taking in a deep breath and inhaling the sweet sent of the tree blooming in the yard nearby--the same tree for which the town took it's namesake. Finally, after years of running, after years of suffering. Finally, she could want something again, and there was only one thing in the world she wanted more than anything...
Starter: Any of Ralts, Pichu, Bounsweet, Snivy, Honedge, Hattena, Charmander, Bulbasaur. Roll randomly for me, but don't tell me what it is till I get it, it makes it more fun that way!
Target is blinded until the end of their next turn.
2d6+10 Ph
M, 1T, Dash, Push
Target pushed 2 meters
Tail Whip
Burst 1, F
Lower Defense 1 CS
Burst 1, F, Son
Lower Attack 1 CS
Helping Hand
4, 1T, Pri
Target gets +2 AC and +10 Damage next atk
Baby-Doll Eyes
4, 1T, Pri, Soc
Target's ATK lowered 1 CS.
Saki (♀ Azurill)
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 8
Exp: 74/80
HP: 48/48
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/1/0
Init: 5
Hgt: 6"
Wgt: 3.3 lb.
Size: Small
Nature: Cuddly
Abilities: Thick Fat
OvSp: 3
Swim: 3
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 1
Inspired, Digest 10 HP
Battle Abilities
HP: 10
Atk: 3
Def: 7
SpAtk: 6
SpDef: 7
Speed: 5
Ath: 2d6+1
Acro: 2d6+1
Combat: 1d6
Stealth: 2d6+2
Perc: 2d6
Focus: 2d6
Fountain, Underdog, Naturewalk (Wetlands)
1d8+6 Ph
M, 1
Fountain Struggle
1d8+6 Sp
M, 1
Shift action, +1 Jump, +2 Eva
Tail Whip
Burst 1, F
Lower Defense 1 CS
1d8+6 Sp
Burst 1
Lower Speed on 16+
Water Sport
Burst 2, Coat
All targets in burst gain 1 Step Fire Resistance Coat vs. one Fire move
Gourmet (♂ Snorlax)
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 25
Exp: 800/820
HP: 119/119
Inj.: 0
Eva. 2/3/0
Init: 3
Hgt: 6'11"
Wgt: 1041 lb. (6)
Size: Large
Nature: Curious
Abilities: Thick Fat, Lunchbox
OvSp: 5
Swim: 1
H. Jump: 2
L. Jump: 2
Alt: --
Power: 12
Inspired, Spicy Lansat
Battle Abilities
HP: 28
Atk: 27
Def: 8
SpAtk: 9
SpDef: 16
Speed: 3
Ath: 6d6
Acro: 2d6
Combat: 3d6+1
Stealth: 2d6
Perc: 5d6
Focus: 4d6
Tracker, Naturewalk (Forest, Mountain)
1d8+6 Ph
M, 1
1d6+5 Ph
Melee, 1T
Paralyzes on 15+
2d6+10 Ph
M, 1T, Dash, Push
Target pushed 2 meters
Sc x2
M, 1T, Dash
Lowers user's ATK and DEF 1 CS
Chip Away
2d10+10 Ph
Melee, 1T
Ignore Armor, DR, or changes in DEF
Belly Drum
Gain +6 CS ATK, lose 1/2 Max HP
Sc x2
2, 1T, Soc
Target falls Asleep at end of next turn. Cannot miss
Rover (♂ Yamper)
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 15
Exp: 220/250
HP: 58/58
Inj.: 0
Eva. 2/0/1
Init: 8
Hgt: 1'
Wgt: 30 lb. (2)
Size: Medium
Nature: Rash
Abilities: Ball Fetch
OvSp: 5
Swim: 4
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 2
Leppa Berry
Battle Abilities
HP: 11
Atk: 10
Def: 10
SpAtk: 11
SpDef: 3
Speed: 8
Ath: 3d6+2
Acro: 3d6
Combat: 3d6
Stealth: 2d6
Perc: 3d6
Focus: 3d6
Underdog, Tracker, Pack Mon, Zapper
1d8+6 Ph
M, 1
Zapper Struggle
1d8+6 Sp
M, 1
1d8+8 Ph
M, 1T, Dash, Push
Target pushed 2 meters
Tail Whip
Burst 1, F
Lower Defense 1 CS
1d8+6 Ph
M, 1T
Paralyzes target
B1, Son, Soc
Targets shift away
M, 1T
Flinches on 15+
Egg: Pikachu x Eve of Dawn (?)
Inside Egg Warmer
Name: Kaitlyn Lysander (a.k.a “Kaitlyn the Valiant, Fifth Destiny Guardian of Xylia” or just “Kait”)
Age: 16
Appearance: A petit girl on the shorter side, fairly average and unremarkable in attractiveness. Due to her growing up in a more metropolitan city, the wardrobe she owns is somewhat modern and chic, but she does not spend too much time coordinating fashion – she just quickly picked out what seemed appropriate for a girl her age at stores. Usually this consists of a blouse or jacket along with a skirt, and maybe leggings. Her backpack, in addition to carrying her travelling essentials, is stuffed to the brim with her favorite PokeDolls.
Description: Kait would be referred to by some as a “chuuni”, by some as quirky but harmless, and by others as a neurotic and delusional wreck. She actually does have recently-developed telekinetic powers, but insists to herself and others that they are granted by the entirely fictitious Legendary Pokemon Xylia, and that she has some grand journey of destiny to fulfill. In reality she is a lonely and insecure girl, (over)eager to fit in and go on any kind of exploration or adventure she can find. She is generally friendly and caring towards others, but sometimes has a hard time expressing it, especially while trying to maintain her “Destiny Guardian” persona. She is frequently spaced out and clumsy, lost in her head either worrying about something or daydreaming about stories and grand adventures.
Background: Kait was born and raised in Rustboro City in Hoenn and until recently never strayed far from it. Both of her parents were dedicated corporate workers at Devon and though well-meaning, were simply too busy with their work to oversee Kait much. She grew up absolutely enraptured with stories of youth going on Pokemon adventures – exploring the world with a group of friends and their Pokemon companions, discovering new lands, and thwarting great evils. Unfortunately, it seemed like she would never be able to go on such an adventure of her own. Many of her classmates her age just wanted a straightforward life of studying then working at Devon, an idea which she found utterly boring. The ones who actually did want to adventure never accepted Kait; they were athletic, charismatic, some had even managed to catch their own Pokemon from a young age. Despite her desires, she never made it more than a few steps into the tall grass before flailing and panicking at the first Zigzagoon or Nincada. As such, she mostly stayed in her room alone, making up her own adventures with her imagination and her PokeDolls.
One day, when she was on another of these imaginary adventures, something bizarre happened. When she used her “Destiny Guardian’s Justice Blast” on a “villainous” doll, it was actually pushed back. After a few more tries, Kait realized that her powers, though still unreliable and hard to control, were real. And maybe her story about the legendary Xylia giving her a mystical mission…was real too? She couldn’t think about it too much. She didn’t want to. All she knew was that maybe with this power she could actually live her dreams out and go on adventures now. And, after some excited wandering around Rustboro and its outskirts, she saw what could only be another sign from Xylia – 15% off cruise tickets to Veloria! It took a bit of convincing, but her parents were mostly enthusiastic and approving about this sudden jolt of inspiration getting Kait out of her room. She got a ticket and headed off to a new land, where hopefully new friends and adventures awaited.
OOC Goals: Adventure; and in the long term, a sense of belonging and self-acceptance
Ideal Starter: Ralts. If that doesn’t work for some reason, Togepi.
Roleplaying Sample:
Kait stepped off the ship onto the dock. She slowly followed the crowd of other passengers while craning her head to look into the sky and horizon, trying to take in her surroundings in this unfamiliar place.
So this is Veloria, huh? Well, it looks pretty so far, but there’s no clear sign of what to-
A booming voice called out. “Arriving passengers to the right, please! Have your papers ready!”
Papers? What papers?! S***! I don’t have any papers! Well, there’s my ticket…and I still have my old school ID I think? Will that work? Oh no, what if they kick me out? I can’t have come all the way here just to be sent back to Hoenn! I don’t even think I have enough money for a ticket back! The adventures of Kaitlyn the Valiant can’t end like this. They haven’t even really begun yet!
Kait stopped walking and started taking quick, panicked breaths. She frantically began digging through her backpack for anything that might be “Papers”, sending some of her belongings scattering across the ground (though she was still careful not to disturb her precious PokeDolls resting inside).
Wait. Stop. Think. A Guardian of Destiny can’t be phased so easily. Calm down. This is probably just a routine check. Showing that I have a valid boat ticket should be enough. And if not, well…hm…a demonstration of Xylia’s powers ought to do it! That would clearly show that I’m an important hero, and then they would have to let me through! And as a Guardian of Xylia’s mystical realm, I would be entitled to…diplomatic…impunity. That’s a thing, right? I remember hearing about something like that.
Kait’s thoughts were interrupted by a young boy who walked up holding a water bottle and empty Pokeball that had rolled away. “Um, I think these are yours, Miss.”
“Oh! Um, sorrythanks! I mean, uh…” Kait paused and pointed dramatically with two fingers and a thumb toward the youngster while striking what she hoped was a cool pose. “Thank you for aligning yourself with the forces of good on this fine day!”
The boy’s eyes widened as he hesitated then nervously chuckled for a few seconds before turning back to join his parents. Kait took her belongings and messily stuffed everything back into her bag. She then stood up as tall as she could and took a slow, deliberate breath. I’ve waited too long for this – I must do whatever it takes to continue this journey, no matter how scary or nerve-wracking. The adventures of Kaitlyn the Valiant begin now.
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Tutor Points: 3
Nature: Proud (+HP / -SpAtk)
EXP: 90/110
Height: 1’4”
Overland: 4
Swim: 1
Jump: 1/1
Teleport: 4
Power: 1
Hit Points: 44 / 44
Ath: 1d6+2
Acro: 2d6
Combat: 1d6
Stealth: 3d6
Perc: 3d6
Focus: 3d6
HP: 8
SpAtk: 6
Atk: 6
SpDef: 8
Def: 6
Speed: 7
Phys Evade: 1
Spec Evade: 1
Speed Evade: 1
Beauty: 1
Cool: 1
Cute: 1
Smart: 1
Tough: 0
Not Bland
Poffins: 0
Vitamins: 0
Female Ralts ♦ Level 10
HP: 44/44 ♦ Speed: 7 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/1 Abilities:A foe that inflicts Paralyzed, Frozen, Burned, Poisoned, or Sleep is hit with the same condition.Synchronise Capabilties: Can lift things with Telekinesis as if they were using a Power Capability equal to their Focus Rank. When lifting Staggering Weights with Telekinesis, they roll Focus instead of Athletics, and the DC is 10 instead of 4. They can target objects up to 8 meters away. Count the combined weight of all objects when determining whether they can lift all of them. Using this Capability to lift the user’s Drag Weight or greater leaves discoverable psychic residue.
Additionally, the user may use Struggle Attacks at a range of X, where X is the user’s Focus Rank. These Struggle Attacks deal Normal-Type Damage as usual, but the user may add their Special Attack instead of their Attack and have the attack deal Special Damage, if they wish. The user may perform the Disarm, Trip, and Push Maneuvers at the range of your Telekinetic Capability and using the Focus Skill for all opposed rolls. When the Push Maneuver is used this way, the user does not repeat the Push but instead Pushes the target a number of meters equal to half their Focus Rank. Telekinetic, Can read the surface thoughts of people and other Pokémon X meters away where X is Focus Rank doubled. Pokémon with Telepathy can project their thoughts to the minds of other Trainers or Pokémon with Telepathy. Trainers with Telepathy can project their thoughts to the minds of any Trainer or Pokémon.
Telepathy can be used to read only one target at a time but can project to on a number of separate targets at once equal to half the user’s Focus Rank. Telepathy may be used to read minds with or without making the target aware of the attempt. Unwilling targets and targets that are unaware automatically resist the Telepathy attempt; the user and target roll opposed Focus Checks to determine if the Telepathy attempt is successful. A failure imposes a cumulative -3 penalty to future checks to use Telepathy on that target for the next 24 hours. Using Telepathy on an Unwilling target leaves discoverable psychic residue. Telepath , Underdog , Naturewalk is always listed with Terrain types in parentheses, such as Naturewalk (Forest and Grassland). Pokémon with Naturewalk treat all listed terrains as Basic Terrain.Naturewalk (Forest, Urban)
Female Eevee ♦ Level 5
HP: 39/39♦ Speed: 8 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/1 Abilities:Once per scene, increase Speed +2 CS as a Swift Action.Sprint Capabilties: Pokémon with the Tracker Capability have a strong sense of smell that they can use to follow other Pokémon or people. If the Pokémon has smelt whom they want to track in the past day, or one of their personal belongings, they can pursue that prey with a Perception check of 8 or better. To pick-up a random scent from nothing, a Perception check of 14 or better will allow the Pokémon to follow that scent. To pick-up a specific scent from nothing, a Perception check of 20 will allow the Pokémon to follow that scent. A Pokémon may only make these checks once per hour. Tracker , Underdog
Priority: If the user has not yet taken their turn that round, Helping Hand may be declared during an Ally’s turn, before they make any rolls, to immediately take your turn and use Helping Hand.Helping Hand
Held Item: None
Base Stats: ATK > SpDef > HP = SPD > SpATK > DEF
Type: Normal/Fairy
Tutor Points: 1
Nature: Cuddly (+HP / -Atk){colsp=3}
EXP: 20/30
Height: 6”
Size: Small
Weight Class: 1 (3.3 lbs)
Overland: 3
Swim: 3
Jump: 1/1
Power: 1
Hit Points: 34 / 34
Ath: 2d6+1
Acro: 2d6+1
Combat: 1d6
Stealth: 2d6+2
Perc: 2d6
Focus: 2d6
HP: 10
Atk: 3
Def: 7
SpDef: 5
Speed: 4
Phys Evade: 2
Spec Evade: 1
Speed Evade: 0
Beauty: 0
Cool: 0
Cute: 0
Smart: 0
Tough: 1
Not Dull
Poffins: 0
Vitamins: 1 (PP Up)
Female Azurill ♦ Level 3
HP: 43/43 ♦ Speed: 4 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/0 Abilities: The user is one step more Resistant to Fire Type Moves and Ice Type Moves.Thick Fat Capabilties: The user’s struggle Attacks may be Water-Typed if they wish. They may also add their Special Attack instead of their Attack and have the attack deal Special Damage, if they wish. Fountain, Underdog , Naturewalk (Wetlands)
This is your Azurill And this is your Azurill on drugs sugar
Feed Me
Type: Normal
Tutor Points: 5
Curious (+SpAtk/ -HP)
EXP: 740/745
Height: 2'
Size: Medium
Weight Class: 4 (231lbs)
Overland: 3
Jump: 2/3
Power: 4
Hit Points: 52/94
Ath: 3d6
Acro: 2d6
Combat: 2d6
Stealth: 2d6
Perc: 4d6
Focus: 3d6
HP: 20
Atk: 14
Def: 10
SpAtk: 11
SpDef: 12
Speed: 9
Phys Evade: 1
Spec Evade: 1
Speed Evade: 1
Beauty: 1
Cool: 1
Cute: 0
Smart: 1
Tough: 1
Not Bland
Poffins: 0
Vitamins: 0
Injuries: 0
Male Munchlax ♦ Level 24
HP: 52/94 ♦ Speed: 9 ♦ Evasion: 2/2/1 Abilities:The user is one step more Resistant to Fire Type Moves and Ice Type Moves.Thick Fat, Once per Scene as a Free Action, if the user eats a Snack item they gain 5 Temporary Hit Points. These Temporary Hit Points stack with any Temporary Hit Points granted by the triggering item.Lunchbox Capabilties: Underdog, Tracker, Nature Walk (Forest, Mountain)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moves:
Male Yamper♦ Level 15
HP: 58/58 ♦ Speed: 8 ♦ Evasion: 2/0/1 Abilities:If the Pokémon is not holding an item, it will fetch the Poké Ball from the first failed throw of its trainer.Ball Fetch Capabilties: Underdog, Tracker, Pack Mon, Zapper
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moves:
Dragon Rage causes the target to lose 15 HP. Dragon Rage is Special and interacts with other moves and effects as such (Special Evasion may be applied to avoid it, Mirror Coat can reflect it, etc.).
Set-Up Effect: The user shifts 25 meters underground and their turn ends. Resolution Effect: The user may shift horizontally using their burrow or overland speed, and then shifts 25 meters straight up. Upon reaching the surface, the user attacks with Dig, creating a Burst 1. *Grants: Burrow +3
2d6+10 Ph
M, 1 Target
Flinches Target on 15+
Tail Whip
B1, Friendly
All legal targets have their Defense lowered by -1 CS.
B1, Friendly, Sonic
Lower the Attack of all legal targets by -1 CS.
Squirt the Mantyke ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 8
Exp: 70/80
HP: 45/45
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/2/1
Init: 7
Hgt: 100 cm
Wgt: 65 kg
Size: Medium
Nature: Decisive
Abilities: Battle Armor
OvSp: 1
Swim: 5
H. Jump: 2
L. Jump: 1
Burrow: -
Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 9
Atk: 5
Def: 8
SpAtk: 11
SpDef: 12
Speed: 7
Fountain, Gilled, Underdog , Naturewalk (Ocean)
M, 1T
2d6+8 SP
B 1
Target Speed -1CS on 16+
Bubble Beam
3d8+10 Sp
4, 1T
Speed -1CS on 18+
1d8+6 Ph
M, 1, Dash, Push
Target is Pushed 2 Meters
4, 1T, Sonic
The target becomes Confused. On miss, the target suffers a -2 penalty to Accuracy Rolls for one full round.
Age: 15 Appearance: Kaylee is usually dressed like your average street punk, in crop tops and cutoff jeans mainly because she knows how much it bothers The Man(tm) under a long coat. She is almost always found with at least one can of spraypaint in her bag as well, so that she can show off her art skills. Description: Kaylee is your prototypical "punk girl with a heart of gold". While she bucks against authority at pretty much every chance she gets, she also is a solid friend to those she gets close with. She has no problem speaking her mind, no matter who it is too, which tends to put her at odds with people on occasion, but for those who stick around and get through the tough girl exterior that she has developed to scare off people will find a sister in arms willing to stick by them through thick and thin. She is also a talented artist, though her medium of choice so far has been spraypaint and graffiti.
Kaylee Yamato was born and raised in Kanto's Saffron City from fairly typical parents. Her dad was a graphic designer who worked at Silph Co, while her mother was a former trainer turned housewife. Things were fairly normal for the family until Kaylee's 10th birthday, when during the party her mother fainted and collapsed. Several weeks later, she had passed away from a sudden and aggressive cancer. In the wake of her death, depression and anger overtook the Yamato family. Kaylee's father grew aloof and his work started to suffer, while Kaylee herself started to act out and got herself involved with a couple of young street rattatas. The Crew (as they called themselves) never did anything serious, just lots of loitering and playing hookey, with the occasional vandalism and shoplifting a candy bar from the PokeMart. And so this is how things were for the next few years until a rival gang tried to take over The Crew's turf. This gang wasn't as kind-hearted as the Crew though, and saw no problem with roughing people up or busting a few shop windows. It was one rough night in particular, in which Kaylee earned a broken arm, that finally opened up her father's eyes to what was happening. Pulling himself out of the deep depression he was in, he pulled a few strings and called in some favors in order to be able to work at home, then moved the small family out of Saffron, to Sakura Falls.
OOC Goals: I want this to be a journey of self-discovery for Kaylee, to find who she is and finally come to grips with the loss she has experienced in her young life.
Ideal Starter: Gible
RP Sample:
The alleyway was quiet except for the hissing of the spray can as Kaylee finished her work, almost lost in her artwork. After a few final minutes and finishing touches, she tossed down the empty can and takes a few step back to admire her work: an large stylized image of a Moltress. As she gave a smirk, her Crewmate and lookout Jessica let out a low whistle in admiration. "I think that's the best one yet Kay."
"You really think so?" Kaylee asked with a grin, feeling a tingle of pride and excitement within her as she looked back over her masterpiece, then to Jessica again. There had been this odd feeling around the short goth girl lately that she couldn't put her finger on, it was like being at peace and nervous all at once, like the world around them just drifted away. And the longer she looked, the more it grew....
And then, without warning, blue and red flashing lights flooded the walls of the alleyway. Both Crewmate's eyes went wide and locked eachother in shock and fear. "The Jennys!" They called in unison before taking off in the opposite direction from where the lights were coming from. Scrambling and clambering over trash cans, the duo made their way to the exit...only to run right smack into the side of a large Arcanine.
"How did I know I would find you two here?" A sadly familar voice rang out, causing Kaylee to gulp as she was lifted by her jacket collar, only to meet Officer Jenny eye-to-eye before giving an exasperated sigh. Another night getting caught, another slap on the wrist and another impending lecture from her father. Just another night in Saffron City
Last edited by EmmaRae; Sep 20th, 2020 at 10:48 AM.
A tall and lanky youth with shoulder length grey hair and differently colored eyes that always seem to be darting back and forth, looking for some unseen threat. Generally wears black clothing that blends in well with the dark, and of course that has many, many pockets.
Description: Zach is a quiet kid at first glance, but spend any amount of time with him and you'll learn that he's actually very assertive. When he thinks he's right, He's right and it would take a miracle to convince him otherwise. His quiet first impression comes from the training that he received from his family. His father is a harsh taskmaster, and in his presence especially Zach is a much more docile and obedient person His goal here is obsentibly to work the 'Family Business' but he wants to use the time to see what life is like away from his family, and to see if it's what he even really wants to do with his life.
Background: Ghost Type pokemon are an enigma even today. Their origins are unknown, their purpose unfathomable. Sometimes, these creatures grow violent and unstable, and when they do it's a good thing that the Steele family is here to help. A family of ghost hunters, Zachary was raised in the family business: Putting the souls of unstable ghosts to rest. As you might imagine, this was quite the unconventional childhood,and his education in areas outside the occult has suffered greatly. It's pretty hard to focus on learning math and geography when you're cave diving to try and exorcise a rampaging spiritomb!
OOC Goals: So basically I want Zach to journey around, experience life away from his family. He's going to be very interested in the ruins, but more than that I want him to realize there's a life outside the family business. He'll probably get involved in the gym circuit and eventually become an ace trainer. I don't know how much backstory you want to use in the game, But if you wanted some of his family to show up after he started getting a taste for freedom and making friends to have some conflict happen, that could also be cool.Outside of the main story plot
Ideal Starter: My ideal starter would be a Sandile or a Larvitar, dealers choice.
Roleplaying Sample:
Zachary stepped off the gangplank and onto solid ground for the first time in a week, letting out a sweet sigh of relief. The journey from Unova was a long one, and he had no love for the ocean.
Being trapped on a boat with nowhere to run to if things went wrong put him constantly on edge, and he had almost worked his way through two entire packs of cigarettes during the journey.
But regardless, he was here now and the worries of the sea were in the past. "Breathe the free air, Zach." He whispered to himself. He was supposed to check in with his father the moment he arrived, but it couldn't hurt to do a little sightseeing first right? it was his first mission alone ever, so he might as well take the opportunity to spread his wings a little. Mind made up, Zach made to explore the quaint little town...
And immediately stopped in his tracks. He didn't even have to look at the phone to know who was calling. Letting out a long sigh, He reluctantly pulled out his phone.
"Hey dad." Zach said, attempting to inject some life into his voice.
"Status report." A gruff voice bit out over the phone.
Any and all joy melted off of Zach's face. ""Arrived at the approved destination. I'm going to stock up on what supplies I need and head out to the first of the ruins as soon as possible."" he answered in monotone.
"Good, keep me appraised of the situation." The voice commanded. The line was cut with an abrupt click and Zach put his phone away with a sigh. He pulled out another cig and quickly lit it, taking in a long drag.
"Well, so much for things changing." he muttered to himself, and set off into the town to buy the supplies he needed.
Appearance: Light brown hair, light skinned, black t-shirt and messenger bag, tan pants.
Type: Ice
Tutor Points: 3
Nature: Careful (+SpDef / -SpAtk)
EXP: 90/110
Height: 1’ 4”
Overland: 3
Swim: 2
Jump: 1/1
Levitate: 4
Power: 1
Hit Points: 41 / 41
Ath: 2d6
Acro: 2d6+2
Combat: 2d6-1
Stealth: 3d6
Perc: 2d6
Focus: 2d6
HP: 7
SpAtk: 9
Atk: 8
SpDef: 12
Def: 8
Speed: 8
Phys Evade: 1
Spec Evade: 2
Speed Evade: 1
Beauty: 1
Cool: 1
Cute: 1
Smart: 1
Tough: 0
Not Bland
Poffins: 0
Vitamins: 0
Male Vanillite ♦ Level 10
HP: 41/41 ♦ Speed: 8 ♦ Evasion: 1/2/1 Abilities:While Hailing, the user gains a Tick of Hit Points at the beginning of each of their turns. The user is not
damaged by Hail.Ice Body Capabilties: Always cold. Chilled, The Pokémon’s struggle Attacks may be Ice-Typed if they wish. They may also add their SplAtk instead of their Attack and have the attack deal Special Damage, if they wish.Freezer, Underdog , Naturewalk is always listed with Terrain types in parentheses, such as Naturewalk (Forest and Grassland). Pokémon with Naturewalk treat all listed terrains as Basic Terrain.Naturewalk (Tundra), Magnetic Pokémon can lightly manipulate magnetic fields. With this, they can repel or attract iron and/or steel, holding it to their body or pushing it away. Through this magnetic manipulation, they can also feel magnetic fields and discern magnetic north. Magnetic
Description: Easy going, aloof unless their is trouble or a crisis, then he is one of the first to step up and try to help. Loves pokemon and treats them with kindness, not always fond of humans but they're usually decent enough.
Background: I've just been going to school and watching tv at home. most of my friends already had pokemon companions but I'm still waiting for mine. My mom's told me before that she'll get me one, but it's been 4 years and there has been no progress. (It was almost time for my little brother to get his starter)
One day my mom received a message from my uncle. It was a distress call but she couldn't make out much of what he said. With 3 other kids to take care of, she couldn't leave and decided it was finally time.
"Pierce, it's time for you to go on a journey"
I was worried for my uncle and wanted desperately to find him, but still I was ecstatic, this is what I've been waiting for, to be out in the world, training with a partner gaining actual world experience.
OOC Goals: My primary goal is to find my uncle and save him if possible.
In addition to that: I am hoping that I can find out more about pokemon, I'm something of a schoolboy turning into a researcher or scientist.
Finding out the origin of pokemon, their secret powers or what the future could hold in terms of devices utilizing pokemon abilities or something else. These are all things that interest Pierce.
Ideal Starter: Vanillite
Roleplaying Sample:"Pierce, are you listening to this"
My mother's voice pulled me to the present, away from my dreams. I muttered grumpily as I pulled on my clothes and headed downstairs to see what was going on. "Pierce?!" "I'm coming, I'm coming"
I finally made it down the stairs only to find my mother listening to her answering machine on speaker, tears in her eyes. I started listening to the static filled voicemail also to try to figure out the cause of her distress. "...I'm sorry I won't be able to make it back for...
...and this cave is enormous, I left markings to find my way back but they seem to have... all around, not a bit of uncovered rock, it's a good thing I prepared for the weather but... much longer I can...
...was able to catch a pokemon with my last...
...sent over to my PC...
...authorized Pierce to take it...
...Haven't been there much lately, don't know if I'll be able to make it back...
...wanna make sure he has a pokemon to protect him..."
The message cut out at the end, and my mother reached over to start it again so I had to pull her arms so that she wouldn't torture herself with the message.
My mom could no longer hold it in and was openly sobbing. I took her in my arms and held her until my smaller siblings started waking up. Pulling herself together, she went to the kitchen to start breakfast. Looking up at me she spoke one last time, "You better get going, your uncle is waiting" she made sure to keep the comment vague so that my siblings wouldn't worry and then added, "and...make sure to call me...okay?"
I nodded my head and gulped, nervous and for some reason excited. after packing what I would need I gave my mother a kiss on the cheek and hugged my little brother and sisters, "I'm gonna be gone for a little while" I gave a quick look in my mom's direction and continued. " start my pokemon adventure, I'll be sure to call everyone and make sure you're all good for mom, I don't wanna hear about anyone acting up alright. With me out of the house, you're all going to have to help out a bit more around the house alright."
They all agreed profusely, My brother stood up, tall and proud, making sure everyone knew that he could handle being man of the house. I left my family with tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces, though my mothers smile was admittedly forced.
I'm ready to face the challenges ahead, I need to find my uncle and become stronger for my family.
No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!
Name: Sora Yukan Age: 13
Appearance: Sora would be the creepy kid staring at you from the edge of the crowd if he'd never discovered his talent, making him infinitely creepier to those that know what he can do. He is rather scrawny and short, and prone to smiling at people he finds interesting. His eyes are often concealed behind a mop of lavender hair or his gasa-style hat, although there is nothing remarkable about them beyond the sometimes overly intense gaze. He wears a simple dark hued tunic and loose pants.
Description: Sora has more curiosity than sense and little appreciation for the concept of privacy or ownership. He's been called a thief, a sneak, and a creep on more than one occasion and doesn't particularly object to the terms. Being literally connected to his pokemon gives him an empathy towards them equal to, if not greater than, his empathy for other humans. He has a fondness for birds and rodents in particular, the former because of the experience of flying and the latter because of his history with them. He is prone to seeming non-sequiturs as there isn't much of a filter between his thought process and his mouth, which are as likely to be profoundly insightful as bizarrely confusing. He is intensely curious and wants to travel for the sake of seeing new things and overcoming new obstacles, as much for the experiences as to prove he can.
Background: Most psychics learn that their powers are unusual when, as a child, they describe what they can do to their parents. Sora never had that chance. At five years old, hungry and seeing a ratatta running by with a box of cookies, he left the orphanage's backyard behind to pursue. What started as an argument turned into haggling and finally recruitment, and before long Sora had teamed up with the ratatta to ensure 'all the snacks we could ever want'.
And thus began the long and lucrative career of Sora and Rat, Master Thieves.
At least until he was found a few weeks later after a string of petty thefts at various candy shops and bakeries. But he never forgot those weeks of freedom and fun, more for the chance to pit his skills and creativity against the adults' than for the candies (although absolutely the candies were a motivating factor). When he heard from other children that pokemon trainers got to travel all by themselves he immediately decided he would jump at the first chance he got.
OoC Goals: The Ruins Mystery is absolutely going to be Sora's primary goal, uncovering a secret like that just sings to his blood. Depending on initial character interactions he may end up latching onto an 'interesting person' in the form of one of the other players. Otherwise just kinda finding areas of interest, especially those that people don't want him in.
It took a while but Sora's patience was eventually rewarded when a nose poked out of the little hole in the wall near where he was sitting. After a moment the head popped out and looked around, immediately spotting him and freezing. The moment was all he needed as his senses jumped out to encompass the ratatta, and after a brief confusion he felt the link settle.
'No danger. Have food. Safe.'
He could sense it's confusion and caution, but also it's hunger. After a moment it exited the hole to eat the berry he had left out.
'More food. Trade?'
He knew from it's own memories that it could get where he needed to go, and with a little coordination it would be able to open the way for him. Nearly a minute later he felt it come to a decision, and his grin widened.
Sitting behind the desk on the chair far too large for him Sora might have looked comical, if not for the way he stared at the room's door unceasingly. Or for the fact that he wasn't supposed to be there. Which somewhat took the room's primary occupant by surprise as they opened the door, nearly dropping their coffee in surprise.
"Geezum, Sora, I've told you to stop doing that!"
"Hiya Officer Jenny!" he crowed, ignoring her complaint. If she wanted him to stop showing up in her office she should tell her deputies to stop turning him away at the door. Or at least close her window more often. Far too easy for a friendly pidgey to secure a rope to her window. Not that he'd tell her how the latter worked. Because then she might actually do it, along with blocking a number of his other 'tricks'. "I found your jewel thief."
It seemed like she was about to start talking again, which is why he'd jumped to his next statement. And from the way she lost her train of thought with the sudden new topic he felt he'd been right. He pushed forward a piece of paper with an address on it, and when she finally stepped forward and picked it up he hopped down to leave.
"The usual bag of snacks, I assume?" Officer Jenny asked with a weary sigh, referring to their usual arrangement since technically he was too young to claim the reward for 'information leading to arrest'.
"Nah. A bird told me Professor's doing something interesting. Get me on the list?"
He saw her eye twitch at the reference to 'a bird told me', since that was usually his response when she asked how he found out the things he knew. It wasn't his fault she didn't believe him. Well, I suppose technically it had been a bug this time, but he didn't think that would go over any better.
Ratatta - Sora has experience working with Ratatta as a Master Child Thief.
Zubat - Ratattas of the skies!
Zorua - Every team of thieves needs a master of disguise.
Rotom - [Hacker Voice]I'm in...[/hv]
Honedge - Why wouldn't Sora pick up random cursed knives?
Ralts(F) - Gotta love a femme fetale. Especially a telekinetic one!
When Asleep, Paralyzed, Burned, Frozen or Poisoned, Marvel Scale raises the user’s Defense by +2 Combat Stages. The Combat Stages return to normal if the user is cured of their status affliction.
Get Pumped – Critical range extends by 3 until switched out
Smart, Desperation
Cone 2, Friendly
Lower Defense -1 CS
Cool, Excitement
Ace Trainer ♦ Commander ♦ Mentor
Level: EXP: 0/105 ♦ HP: 58/58 ♦ Overland = 3 + [(Athl+Acro)/2]
Swim = Overland/2
Throwing Range = 4 + AthlSpeed: 5 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/2 ♦ AP: 5/5 Pokemon: Glace(Dratini), Victorias (Feebas), Quill (Spearow), Nail (Nidoran/Male), Arden (Eevee), Tyrunt Egg Abilities:Mentor Skills: Charm, Pokemon Education
Daily x3 – Extended Action
Target: A Pokémon with at least 1 Tutor Point remaining
Effect: The target loses 1 Tutor Point, and then learns a move from its tutor list marked with a (N), or any move on
its level-up list learned at X Level or lower, where X is the target’s current Level plus the sum of your Mentor Skill
Ranks. Note that despite being Tutored, these Moves count as if they were “natural” for organizational purposes.Mentor, You know how to effectively groom your Pokémon with access to a Groomer’s Kit. You may groom up to 6 Pokémon in one hour. Grooming Pokémon may count as an hour of Training, and you may apply Experience Training, teach Poke-Edges, and apply any Features that could be applied during Training. If you apply Experience Training from Grooming, use your General Education or Pokémon Education Rank to determine Bonus Experience gained during Training. A Pokémon that has been Groomed also gains a +1d6 Bonus to the Introduction Roll of a Contest for the rest of the day.Groomer, You learn the move "After You"Leader, You may use your Pokémon Education Skill instead of Charm, Guile, Intimidate, or Intuition when making general Skill checks to interact with Pokémon or to raise or lower disposition.PokePsychologist, For each Pokémon that has been trained during this time, choose a Stat besides HP; that Stat becomes Trained until an Extended Rest is taken. The default State of Trained Stats is +1 Combat Stages instead of 0. A Pokémon may have only one Trained Stat at a time.Ace Trainer, 1 AP – Free Action
Trigger: Your Pokémon gains an Injury
Effect: The target instead does not gain an Injury. Perseverance may activate only once per Scene per target.Perseverance, When training, you may apply up to two different [Training] Features on each of your Pokémon.Elite Trainer, You gain +2 to your Swim Speed. You may spend X minutes underwater before you begin to suffocate, where X is the higher of your Athletics or Survival Ranks. (3 for Simon)Swimmer, (At-Will, Free action, any ally) The target cannot provoke Attacks of Opportunity on their next turn. Mobilize may target an Ally only once per encounter. Mobilize Training: (At-Will, Special)The target becomes Focused until the end of the effect duration. Focused Pokémon gain a +1 bonus to Accuracy Rolls and +2 to Skill ChecksFocused Training, (At-Will, Special) The target becomes Inspired until the end of the effect duration. Inspired Pokémon gain a +1 bonus to Evasion and +2 to Save ChecksInspired Training Orders: Ravager Orders ( While this Feature is Bound, increase the damage rolls of the target’s damaging melee attacks by +8, and these attacks Trip targets on Accuracy Rolls of 18+. When the target of Reckless Advance hits with a damaging melee attack, they become Vulnerable for one full round. Reckless Advance, The target may immediately take an additional Standard Action to use an At-Will attack.Strike Again!)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moves: Normal - Scenex2 - Status - Range 6/1T, After You is a Swift Action. The target takes their turn for the round immediately after the user finishes their turn, ignoring Initiative. After You may only affect a target that has not yet acted that round and can only affect willing targets. Contest Type: Smart Contest Effect: DesperationAfter You Equipment: Groomer's Kit, Pokeballx4, Flashlight, Phone, Single sleeping bag Dream Team Dragonite (acquired! sorta!), Yamper, Kingdra, Latios (Dream big), Kommo-O (more dreams), Amaura LEVEL UP STAT PURCHASES: +2 Speed (level 4 and 5) Edge (Level 4): Adept Skill (Charm) Feature (Level 5): MENTOR CLASS (yay 3rd!)
Name: Simon Vollman Age: 12 Appearance: A boy with blonde hair, green eyes, and a lackadaisical attitude. He is a little on the small side for his age, but he obviously isn't finished growing. He prefers to wear comfortable, baggy clothing, and keeps his pokeballs in the pockets of his pokemon league fan hoodie he wears (a souvenir from a league battle he saw once). He prefers to wear shorts and high-top sneakers alongside a simple black canvas backpack. Description: Simon isn't lazy, per se, but he does like to put on airs of being 'cool' when things are going down. In his head, however, is an enthusiastic child who loves pokemon. He doesn't know what he wants to be in his life overall, but he does know it should involve pokemon and it should be fun. Being a trainer sounds more fun than being a gym leader, at least. Background: Simon's dad was a gym trainer dropout, a thing that Simon never really got over. The reasons behind his father's abandonment of the dragon type gym was never clearly explained to Simon, nor would he be willing to understand it at this moment in his life. In reality, it was because his father quit the gym because his mother became pregnant with Simon's sister, Sarah, and needed to get a job that paid more.
He's not exactly resentful of his dad, but doesn't understand the reasons behind his choice, which has led to him wanting even harder to prove that he can do what his dad couldn't. OOC Goals: Catch and train a legendary dragon pokemon! Ideal Starter: Dratini! If that's not available, a water type would also work well for him. Roleplaying Sample:
Simon tromped down the stairs, his footfalls heavy as he navigated the house half-alert, yawning. His mother looked up from the kitchen table, smiling gently as he came into view.
"Good morning, Simon!" she said, gesturing to an empty seat. The other three seats were taken up by her, his sister Sarah (who was still in a high chair), and mom's Swablu who was perching on the back of dad's chair.
Dad was, of course, already gone this late in the morning. "I saved you some breakfast."
"Bekfas!" Sarah repeated, waving her little plastic wobuffet spoon around.
Simon pulled himself up into his seat and rubbed his eyes. "Morning mom." he mumbled. "Garchompies again?" he asked, looking into the cereal bowl.
Mom giggled. "Simon you LOVE Garchompies!" she protested. "And Sarah ate the last of the Poke-Os."
Simon dug into his breakfast, which hosted 50% more marshmallow Gibbles. When he looked up, he saw mom was watching him with a suspicious glimmer of contained excitement in her eyes.
"What's up, mom?" he asked. "I'll brush my hair after breakfast, okay?"
"That's not it!" she replied, clapping her hands together. "I was talking to your father—
"And he finally decided that it's time." she said. From her lap under the table she produced a box barely larger than both her fists and set it on the table.
Simon froze, the spoon falling out of his hand. "Is that..." he started to ask, his eyes drifting over the Sylph Co. display box.
"Yes!" mom exclaimed. "It's a pokeball!" she pushed it forward. "Dad and I picked the pokemon out for you, I hope that's okay!"
It was okay, if only because mom was so into it. Simon nodded absently, sliding the box over to his seat, his breakfast all but forgotten. He popped open the box, revealing the ball within.
"I can go?" he asked, amazed. Mom nodded. "When?" he asked.
"Whenever you're ready, son." she said. "We will miss you, but I think this is the perfect time for you to go out there and start your own journey!"
"Jurny!" Sarah confirmed, flinging soggy bits of cereal about, Swablu not amused.
Simon picked up the ball and glanced at mom. "Can I?" he asked.
"Outside, please!" she said. "But yes!"
Simon ran outside immediately, hooting in excitement. Once in the front yard, he pressed the button on the ball and tossed it into the grass. The ball popped open, the blindingly bright light coming from within taking the shape of a pokemon Simon had only seen on tv before.