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Old Sep 4th, 2020, 12:39 AM
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Trainer Database (Transferred)

Hello and welcome! This is the Trainer's Database where we list the ID Cards of all trainers currently being sponsored by Professor Bloom and associates. Please use this space by posting your character's Biography, including a link to your character sheet, your Pokemon wishlist, your Starter Preference, and any other details you think are relevant. Also, if you haven't seen it already, you should check the most recent version of the Pokemon Turquoise Primer for some background info on the world, its people, things you can do, and of course, house rules!


We also have a sample Trainer Card for your stats and your pokemon in case you would like to borrow/copy/edit it for your own use in game. Please note that using the trainer cards is not a requirement; a link to your sheet will also do just fine:



Last edited by briar; Sep 6th, 2020 at 05:39 PM.
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Old Sep 7th, 2020, 07:54 PM
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Rydia Trainer License
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Rydia Gemwater
Female Cerelean, Age 17
Rydia Gemwater
Rydia Gemwater
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 3 Exp: 1/10 HP: 48/48 AP: 4/5 Eva. 1/1/2 Init: 17
Hgt: 140cm Wgt: 49.3kg Class 3 Eyes: Sapphire Hair: Lilac Skin: Caucasian
OvSp: 5 Swim: 4 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 1 Throw: 7 Power: 5
Gen Edu
Med Edu
Occ Edu
Pok Edu
Tech Edu
Battle Abilities
HP: 11 Atk: 6 Def: 6 SpAtk: 5 SpDef: 7 Speed: 14
Abilities:NoneEquipped:Warding Stone
M, 1
Baby-Doll Eyes
4, 1 target, Priority, Social
Target’s attack lowered 1 combat stage
Sweet Kiss
Sene x2
6, 1 target, Social
Target is confused. On a miss, -2 on AC checks for 1 round
6, 1 target, Social
Target becomes Enraged
Inspired Training
1 target
+1 Evasion, +2 Save Checks, choice of Cheered(Adv on Saves) or Excited (+5 Damage Reduction) or Motivated (+1 CS if below 0)
Edge Description
Charmer Learn Baby-Doll Eyes move
Swimmer +2 Swim Speed and can spend 3 minutes under water without suffocating
Novice Skill (Athletics) Increase Athletics to Novice level
Dynamist Add Guile rank to Initiative
Novice Skill (Command) Increase Command to Novice level
Novice Skill (Guile) Increase Guile to Novice level
Demoralize (gained from Feature) Target becomes Vulnerable on crit from Status moves
Feature Desciption
Provocateur +1 speed, learn Sweet Kiss and Taunt moves
Cheerleader When using an [order], add Cheered, Excited, or Motivated to target. Costs 1 AP on 2+ targets
Cheer Brigade Pay 2 Tutor points for pokemon to gain Friend Guard ability
Push Buttons +1 speed, Social moves don't lose frequency on a miss, gain Demoralize Edge, crit range 18+ social moves lose tick of HP
Inspired Training [Orders] +1 Evasion, +2 Save Checks
Gleeful Interference Spend 1 AP as Free action when a Friend Guard pokemon deals damage to give target -2 Accuracy for 1 round
[Pokeballs & Accessories] [Clothing] [Equipment] [Foodstuffs] [Pokemon Items] [Key Items]
Basic Balls (x5) Dress & Heels -- Candy Bars (x4) Potions (x3) Bandages (x4)
Great Ball Swimsuit -- Enriched Water {x6) Antidotes (x2) Old Rod
Level Ball Comfy Clothes -- Bait (x2) -- 2-person tent
-- -- -- -- Superpotion Double Sleeping Bag
-- -- -- -- -- Backpack
-- -- -- -- -- Pokedex
Gym Badge, Contest Ribbons, and Quests
Badge/RibbonDate EarnedEffects (if any)
OpponentDate WonEffects (if any)
HeathcliffSummer 11,2022+3 EXP, Naki: +12 EXP, $800
Quest Date CompleteRewards(if any)
Intro QuestSummer 11, 2022+4EXP, Naki: +2 EXP
Picking Up the PiecesSummer 11, 2022+2 EXP, +Warding Stone, +$1000; Naki: +5 EXP
Upgrading Your ArsenalSummer 11,2022 4 Basic Balls, 1 Great Ball, 1 Level Ball, 3 Potions, 2 Antidotes, 2 Bandages, 4 Candybars, 2 Enriched Water, B&B Voucher
Candy ThiefHallow's EveNaki: +36 EXP, 3 candy bars, Mimikyu's Broken Pokeball
--Day ?None
Group Pokedex Hits 30Summer 11,2022 
Level 11 Female Fennekin
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 13 Exp: 166/190 HP: 41/41 Inj.: 4 Eva. 1/1/3 Init: 17
Hgt: 1' 4'' Wgt: 20.7 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Quirky Abilities: Magic Guard
OvSp: 4 Swim: 2 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 2 Alt: -- Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 6 Atk: 7 Def: 6 SpAtk: 10 SpDef: 8 Speed: 17
Capabilities:Firestarter, Tracker, Underdog, Nature W. (Grassland/Forest)Equipped:None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1-- 
Scratch@W2Normal1d8+6M, PStandard.
Tail Whip@W2----B1, Fr.All legal targets -1 CS to Defense.
Ember@W2Fire2d6+84, 1Standard (Special). Burns target on ACC 18+.
Grass KnotEOTGrass2d8+105, 1Standard (Special). DB =2x target’s Weight Class. 
HypnosisSc. x26Psychic--4, 1Standard. Target falls asleep.
Level 6 Pichu ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 6 Exp: 55/60 HP: 22/22 Inj.: 0 Eva. 0/1/2 Init: 6
Hgt: 1'0'' Wgt: 4.2 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Lonely Abilities: Cute Charm
OvSp: 3 Swim: 1 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 2 Alt: -- Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 2 Atk: 10 Def: 1 SpAtk: 8 SpDef: 8 Speed: 10
Capabilities:Zapper, Underdog, Naturewalk (Forest/Urban)Equipped: Mimikyu's Broken Pokeball
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
CharmEOT2Fairy--R6, 1, Sc.Standard. Attack CS -2. 
Thunder Shock@W2Electric2d6+8R4, 1Standard. Paralyze on 17+
Tail Whip@W2Normal--B1, Fr.Standard. Defense CS -1.

Level 9 Miltank ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 9 Exp: 86/90 HP: 25/52 (46) Inj.: 1 Eva. 2/1/2 Init: 10
Hgt: 4'3'' Wgt: 170 lbs (4) Size: Medium Nature: Proud Abilities: Thick Fat
OvSp: 5 Swim: 2 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 1 Alt: -- Power: 5
Battle Abilities
HP: 11 Atk: 8 Def: 11 SpAtk: 2 SpDef: 7 Speed: 10
Capabilities:Milk CollectionEquipped:Collection Jar
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
Tackle@W2Normal2d6+10M, 1, Da.Standard. Push 2 meters.
Growl@W2Normal--B1, F, Sn, SoStandard. All legal targets -1 Attack CS.
Defense Curl@W--Normal--SelfStandard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
Stomp@W2Normal2d10+10M, 1Standard. Flinches on Acc 15+. Damage +10 to targets smaller than user.
Miltank is hold a Collection Jar. It is empty.
No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet!

Kind, beautiful, adventurous, and charismatic; the time you spend with Rydia is not something you are likely to ever forget!


"You and me, we're gonna see some amazing things together!"

Your text goes here!

Character Bio
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Rydia Gemwater is the only daughter of Celest Gemwater, a seamstress that works for a big fashion designer in Marquette City. She and her mother have a very good relationship, exchanging messages and phone calls on a weekly basis even though they rarely get to see each other much in person these days. Being a single mother of an only daughter was difficult for both of them, but despite a couple of terrible fights along the way the 2 have each come to appreciate how much the other means to her.

Celest’s work kept her on the road She traveled quite a bit at an early age and has grown more comfortable on the move than staying in any one place for too long. Her mother would make little costume versions of the dresses she made for work, and Rydia would pretend to model them for real fashion shows. She also began to pick up some of the skills of the trade from her mother and added her own touches to some of her miniature designs. The creative part was fun, but at this early age Rydia preferred the idea of modeling dresses to crafting them.

Camping trips were a favorite family time activity for Celest and Rydia. They would find a place far from civilization and just be together: cooking outside, sleeping in tents, hiking trails, and swimming. Rydia loved swimming with her mother in wild rivers. Celest would enamor Rydia at night with stories about the Celerian culture before and after it came to be part of the kingdom. And to this day, Rydia is quite proud of her heritage.

Celest wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps at first, but Rydia soon found that she had more of a passion and talent for swimming than sewing or modeling. So her mother supported her as she competed on her school’s swim team. Rydia was on track to compete professionally until her body matured. Suddenly she was not “built” for competitive swimming, or modelling like her mother for that matter.

This hit Rydia very hard, and she went through a period of deep depression as she withdrew from all her friends and even her mother. She grew obsessed with what she saw as her flaws and began to hate herself for never being good enough to be happy. Things began to spiral out of control, and Rydia very nearly lost herself completely.

Eventually, and with help, hope returned. Therapy and counseling helped encourage Rydia to focus more on new opportunities that she might now be more qualified to pursue, and so she began to look for a new future goal. No longer having the build for modeling or swimming, Rydia fell back on her passion for Celerian heritage. She has been playing around with a number of possibilities, but her most appealing project so far is the PBL of Valkeya. Eager to help her daughter move forward, Celest worked to get Rydia a trainer’s license to begin her pokémon journey.

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Life as a Cerelean
Rydia is a Cerelean through and through. She is charming, charismatic, and loves very much to make friends. She works hard to make friends and encourage the people she meets. And she is now a firm believer that everyone has a unique path to happiness if they can just find it.

Rydia's hair is naturally pale blonde, but she prefers to keep it pink. She started dying it shortly after she left the swim team, and in a way it represents her desire to move forward and be a better version of her new self. She likes wearing her hair down, but most of her recreational activities require her to pull it up or cut it short. And she has worked too long and hard to maintain her hair to even consider the latter option. So she instead relies on caps and hasty buns most of the time.

Though she no longer competes, Rydia still loves her childhood passions. She loves to look fabulous and help others do so. She never passes up an opportunity to swim. She enjoys camping and hiking with a small group of close family/friends/ And she deeply empathizes with anyone struggling with their dream future.

What most people don’t know is that Rydia has some very serious monophobia. If she has to spend much time alone, she will likely start to laps back into her depression. She may not have reasoned all this out yet, but the instinctual fear can push her to want to work hard to earn/keep people liking her.

But despite this weakness for validation and companionship, Rydia has high hopes for the future. And so long as she has lots of pokémon friends to surround her, she may never have to worry about being alone again!

Goals for the Future
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Becoming a Trainer
Rydia is very excited about starting her journey as a pokémon trainer. The idea of making friends that travel around with you as you explore the world is sort of a dream come true. And while she would love to continue doing so for the rest of her life, Rydia is also considering other paths that her future might take her.

There is not a lot of confidence in Rydia challenging the Elite 4, but she is open to the possibility. She mostly wants to experience handling pokémon battles and training her own pokémon before she gets her hopes up in this area. For her, the excitement is more in the journey and discovery than it is the sport of it all. She wants to travel the world and find wonderful places to share with her new friends.

Rydia has considered taking up fashion design based on her heritage, similar to what her mother does. It seems a bit late to follow in her mother’s footsteps, especially after trying so hard to pursue very different dreams, but Rydia has not put the idea out of her heart yet. She is also considering focusing on pokémon rather than humans, depending on how well she is able to bond with her new companions.

There is a small part of Rydia that worries pokémon companionship will not be enough for her. Her past friendships are not really salvageable, which she feels is her fault more than anyone else’s, so she plans to be on the lookout to make new friends and forge good relationships.

She is not really looking for romance; despite how much she loves her mother, neither one of them want Rydia to get caught up in the same sort of situation that Celest did during her teenage years. She just needs validation and companionship. And she is hoping that through encouragement and empathy she can help others so that it is a fair trade. She does know how to hurt people, from experience, but she would hate herself if she started driving friends away again.

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OOC Goals
Rydia does not know it yet, but as her player I have a few goals for her coming up.

Pokemon Wishlist: Mew (way down the road, of course)

Collection: All the keychains, Pearl of Mew Earrings, Eevee shirt

Social Goals: Traveling Buddy

Level up Feature goals: Learn Mixed Messages, Push Buttons, Quick Wit, Fashionista Feature (Charm and Guile), Shooting Star
Level up Edge goals: Confidence Artist (Confide),Guile at Adept, Flustering Charisma, Skill Enhancement or Categoric Inclination

Lovely Kiss
Scene x2
6, 1 target, Social
Target falls asleep
Scene x2
10, 1 target, Social
Target becomes Suppressed

left-aligned image
Level 13 Female Fennekin
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 11 Exp: 116/135 HP: 41/41 Inj.: 0 Eva. 1/1/3 Init: 16
Hgt: 1' 4'' Wgt: 20.7 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Quirky Abilities: Magic Guard
OvSp: 4 Swim: 2 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 2 Alt: -- Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 6 Atk: 7 Def: 6 SpAtk: 9 SpDef: 8 Speed: 16
Capabilities:Firestarter, Tracker, Underdog, Nature W. (Grassland/Forest)Equipped:None
Ath 2d6Acro 2d6 Combat 2d6 Stealth 3d6 Per 3d6+2 Foc 3d6+1
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1-- 
Scratch@W2Normal1d8+6M, PStandard.
Tail Whip@W2----B1, Fr.All legal targets -1 CS to Defense.
Ember@W2Fire2d6+84, 1Standard (Special). Burns target on ACC 18+.
HypnosisSc. x26Psychic--4, 1Standard. Target falls asleep.
Grass Knot EOT 2 Grass * 4, 1 Damage Base i2x Target WC
Event Achievements
WhatEventReward (if any)

Text goes here!!

Thoughts look like this!

Level 6 Pichu ♂
left-aligned image
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 6 Exp: 51/60 HP: 22/22 Inj.: 0 Eva. 0/0/1 Init: 6
Hgt: 1'0'' Wgt: 4.2 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Lonely Abilities: Cute Charm
OvSp: 3 Swim: 1 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 2 Alt: -- Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 2 Atk: 6 Def: 1 SpAtk: 4 SpDef: 4 Speed: 6
Capabilities:Zapper, Underdog, Naturewalk (Forest/Urban)Equipped: None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
CharmEOT2Fairy--R6, 1, Sc.Standard. Attack CS -2. 
Thunder Shock@W2Electric2d6+8R4, 1Standard. Paralyze on 17+
Tail Whip@W2Normal--B1, Fr.Standard. Defense CS -1.

Once per day, whenever the Pokemon holding this Pokeball trades in a digestion buff, a candy appears in the Pokeball that may be eaten as a Shift Action, granting it an additional copy of the digestion buff that was just traded-in.Mimikyu's Broken Pokeball

Level 9 Miltank ♀
left-aligned image
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 9 Exp: 86/90 HP: 25/52 (46) Inj.: 1 Eva. 2/1/2 Init: 10
Hgt: 4'3'' Wgt: 170 lbs (4) Size: Medium Nature: Proud Abilities: Thick Fat
OvSp: 5 Swim: 2 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 1 Alt: -- Power: 5
Battle Abilities
HP: 11 Atk: 8 Def: 11 SpAtk: 2 SpDef: 7 Speed: 10
Capabilities:Milk CollectionEquipped:Collection Jar
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
Tackle@W2Normal2d6+10M, 1, Da.Standard. Push 2 meters.
Growl@W2Normal--B1, F, Sn, SoStandard. All legal targets -1 Attack CS.
Defense Curl@W--Normal--SelfStandard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
Stomp@W2Normal2d10+10M, 1Standard. Flinches on Acc 15+. Damage +10 to targets smaller than user.
Miltank is hold a Collection Jar. It is empty.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Fennekin2.png
Views:	262
Size:	52.0 KB
ID:	87108  
Please be patient with me. Life got crazy, and I haven't caught up yet. PMs for reminders are welcome!

Last edited by Homestarbaby; Nov 10th, 2020 at 04:56 PM. Reason: updating character
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Old Sep 7th, 2020, 08:00 PM
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CylonCorg CylonCorg is offline
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Victor Alphonse Rosewood
Victor Alphonse Rosewood
(Character Sheet)

Name Vick-tore, heavy emphasis on the Ve and To in pronunciation.Victor Roh-ss Wʊd.Rosewood
Nickname(s): Vic, Alph
Sex Male
Class(s) MSC, EDS, DUE
Tags Kind, Helpful, Patient
Alignment Chaotic Good
Age: 17 Years Old
Eye Color Green/Blue
Hair Color Blond w/ Green Tips
Skin Tone Caucasian
Height 172 cm
Weight 87.6 kg


To say the least, Victor stands out in a crowd-clad head to toe in all black clothing, be it jean, leather or synthetic and silver jewelry, from boots to earrings- it was all a stark contrast to his green eyes and blond hair (not to mention neon green tips!). Besides his somewhat dark attire, his height was fairly moderate for a young man his age, and due in part to what he wore...he looked fairly lithe and malnourished.

But one thing that told elsewise was the large hardcase guitar pack on his back...with a hiking bag strapped to it. Oddly enough unlike his attire, the case and bag were far more colorful: The guitar case itself was plastered in many different band logos and names “Lycan For Hire”, “The Queen Nido’s”, “In-Franz-Fernape”, “In Talonflames”, “Powerhyena, “Thirty Seconds to Lunatone”, “Metallic-zone” and many others dotted its red surface. While the hiking bag itself was a neon yellow and green monstrosity all its own, a plethora of random keychains and other doodads attached to its zippers and some climbing carabiners.

Even with that heavy bag on his back: Every step seemed to have a deeper purpose, every movement had some sort of electrical energy to it that gave off the impression he always knew where he was going, someway or somehow.


Contrary to his appearance, Victor is remarkably respectful, friendly, and positive, usually speaking with honorifics or titles when addressing people he did not know or those he is acquaintances with. Even with people whom are rude to him; he would be calm and collected, doing his best to speak to them in a respectful manner-Even posed with someone that is actively insulting him he barely is bothered by it.

Though that quickly flies out the window when someone begins to threaten people he cares for, it was like watching a lightswitch get flipped: Where he could be having a calm conversation with someone...and then he is clutching their neck, rearing his other hand back to punch them full force. For he has patience when others target him with things; he has zero tolerance in the opposite spectrum.

Beyond that, he has a big heart and can’t help but literally help people when they need it. It is hard for him to say no to helping someone close to him, even if it puts himself in danger, and Victor usually consigns himself to the fate of trying to look out for them if it IS dangerous. If he saw a kid getting picked on, he would step in. If a mother was having a hard time getting their groceries to a car, he would stop what he was doing and help them-unless something of bigger importance was on his mind. This kindness ‘kick’ also applies to pokemon, if he found a wounded Rhyhorn in the wild, he would put himself in danger to just try and help them.

And yes, this has definitely gotten him into some trouble. Including breaking the law at times to do what he thinks is the right thing to do.

Goals and Motivations

Victor’s goals are pretty straightforward, and he seems proud to announce them whenever challenged as to why he’s doing anything anywhere; He’s striving to improve himself, and the lives of those around him. To experience life, write music and share that music with everyone he can. Though he would be loath to explain what his real motivations were, he would with those he cares about: He wants to prove himself to his parents-especially that he’s not crazy, to honor his brother's last wishes, and one day find out what really happened to him.

Character Backstory

One day during the depths of summer, a young baby boy was born to a family of three; a husband, wife and son. It was nothing worth fanfare, but it was a glorious day for the family-having been trying for seven years to have another child. Victor was that small blessing on this family, one which was treasured by not only his parents but also his brother: Damian.

For even the love the parents had for their two sons, they were strict parents. Life inside the Rosewood household was one of constant study and hard work, friends and play were alien concepts to them. Though for their closed minded approach to raising their two children, both brothers grew close over their love for music, an escape into a world they had little knowledge of outside of textbooks and journals.

A bond was forged between these two brothers so strong that even when Damian left to continue his studies and join a research team (his first chance to escape the Rosewood house) he and Victor communicated every day about their split worlds, particularly over music. It was the highlight of Victor's day when he heard the phone go “Ring ring ring, phonecall” after studying with his tutor.

That was until he got a quite unusual message from his brother, it wasn’t the usual call he would receive but a recorded message for him. Damian looked tired, like he had not slept in days, and he bade Victor to fight against his parents' authority; to follow his passion for music wherever it may take him. Something Victor would never expected Damian would ever say, and right before he said goodbye...he swore that he saw some sort of shape hover over him with glossy white eyes.

Upon seeing this, he showed the message to his parents; but upon review there was nothing out of the ordinary in the video. No shape, no eyes, no form. Just his brother's words.

It was that day the family found out Damian had gone missing on that expedition.

The loss of his brother was as much a wedge in the family as much as the fuel that soon made Victor into who he is now. His pleas fell on deaf ears as he tried to convince his parents something else had taken him and not that he just disappeared, of which they just chalked it up to him being emotionally bereft at the loss of his brother; pressing him to continue with his studies.

Refusing to continue his studies, he began to defy his parents and go out into Marquette city. For so long it was his home yet he knew nothing about it, he would begin exploring it, himself and the world-seeking answers for not only what had happened to his brother, but who he really was.




Posting Template:

Victor Rosewood Trainer License
left-aligned image
Victor Rosewood
17 Year Old Galheiran Rocker

Level: 1 ♦ HP: 60/60 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/1 ♦ AP: 5/5
EXP: 0/10 ♦ Overland: 5 ♦ Swim: 2
Musician ♦ Enduring Soul
Moves: Struggle, Rock Smash

Acrobatics 1 Gen Edu 2 Charm3
Athletics 3 Med Edu3 Command2
Combat 3Occ Edu2 Focus 4
Intimidate 2 Pok Edu 2Intuition 2
Stealth 1 Tech Edu1 --
Survival 2 Guile2 Perception2
Battle Stats
HP: 16Atk: 9Def: 5SpAtk: 6SpDef: 5Speed: 5
[Pokeballs & Accessories] [Medical Kit] [Equipment] [Foodstuffs] [Pokemon Items] [Key Items]
3x Basic Pokeballs 2x Bandages Baseball Bat 4x Snacks (Candy bars) -- Sleeping Bag
-- 3x Potions Hiking Boots (Black Leather) -- -- Waterproof Flashlight
-- -- Miniature Urn Charm -- -- Sturdy Rope
-- -- Murkrow Hat -- -- Water Filter
-- -- -- -- -- Lighter
-- -- -- -- -- --
No Pokemon...Yet!

Type: --Tutor Points: -- Nature: (+ / -)
Level: -- EXP: 0/0 Loyalty: --
Height: -- Size: -- Weight Class: --

HP:--/-- ♦ Speed: - ♦ Evasion: -/-/-
Held Item:
Move Freq AC Type Damage Roll/Type Range Special Effect Contest Effect
PoundAt-Will2Normal1d8+6Melee, 1 TargetNoneTough, Steady Performance

Overland: Swim:L Jump: LH Jump Power: Hit Points: ___ / ___
Ath:Acro: Combat: Stealth: Perc: Focus:
HP: SpAtk: Atk: SpDef: Def: Speed:
Phys Evade:Spec Evade: Speed Evade:
Beauty: Cool: Cute: Smart: Tough:
Poffins Vitamins
No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet!

A warm feeling seems to pervade the young man, calming and exciting all the same.
You’re met with a warm smile, and can’t help but feel like you’re safe even in the darkest of places.

Running Card:

Victor Rosewood Trainer License
left-aligned image
Victor Rosewood
17 Year Old Galheiran Rocker

Level: 1 ♦ HP: 39/57 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/1 ♦ AP: 5/5
EXP: 6/10 ♦ Overland: 5 ♦ Swim: 2
Musician ♦ Enduring Soul ♦ Duelist
Moves: Struggle, Rock Smash, Sing, Supersonic

Acrobatics 1 Gen Edu 2 Charm3
Athletics 3 Med Edu3 Command2
Combat 3Occ Edu2 Focus 4
Intimidate 2 Pok Edu 2Intuition 2
Stealth 1 Tech Edu1 --
Survival 2 Guile2 Perception2
Battle Stats
HP: 15Atk: 7Def: 5SpAtk: 7SpDef: 5Speed: 8
[Pokeballs & Accessories] [Medical Kit] [Equipment] [Foodstuffs] [Pokemon Items] [Key Items]
4x Basic Pokeballs 4x Bandages Baseball Bat 6x Snacks (Candy bars) -- Sleeping Bag
-- 4x Potions Hiking Boots (Black Leather) 2x Enriched Water -- Waterproof Flashlight
1x Ultraball 1x Antidote Miniature Urn Charm -- -- --
-- -- Murkrow Hat -- -- Water Filter
-- -- -- -- -- Lighter
-- -- -- -- -- --

Level 11 Shiny Male Fletchling
Holmgang the Fletchling
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 11 Exp: 114/135 HP: 58/72 Inj.: 0 Eva. 2/0/2 Init: 10
Hgt: 1' Wgt: 3.7 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Bold Abilities: Courage
OvSp: 3 Swim: 0 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 1 Sky: 5 Power: 3
Battle Abilities
HP: 17 Atk: 3 Def: 10 SpAtk: 4 SpDef: 4 Speed: 11
Capabilities:Guster, UnderdogEquipped:None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
Tackle@W2Normal2d6+10M, 1, Da, PuTarget Pushed 2. 
Growl@W2Normal--B1, F, Sn, SoStandard. All legal targets -1 Attack CS.
Quick Attack@W2Normal2d6+8M, 1Priority / Standard.
TailwindSc. x1--Flying--BlessingStandard. All allies (Pokemon & Trainers) have +5 Initiative, grants Guster ability. Cannot stack. Lasts the whole encounter.
Quick GuardSC. x1--Fighting--M, Sh.Interrupt/Trigger. Causes interrupt and priority keyword moves to fail against user or adjacent ally.  
Venipede Level 10 ♀
Jett Blackheart the Venipede
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10 Exp: 98/110 HP: 30/44(39) Inj.: 1 Eva. 2/1/2 Init: 10
Hgt: 1'7'' Wgt: 13.1 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Curious Abilities: Poison Point
OvSp: 5 Swim: 2 H. Jump: 2 L. Jump: 2 Alt: -- Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 8 Atk: 9 Def: 10 SpAtk: 6 SpDef: 5 Speed: 10
Capabilities:Wallclimber, UnderdogEquipped:None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
Defense Curl@W--Normal--SelfStandard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
Poison Sting@W2Poison1d8+6R6, 1Standard. Poisons target on Acc roll of 17+.
ScreechEOT4Normal--B2, F, So.Standard. -2 Defense CS of all legal targets.
Level 8 Slowpoke ♂
Syr Greyhawk The Slowpoke
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 8 Exp: 70/80 HP: 9/51 (35) Inj.: 3 Eva. 2/2/0 Init: 2
Hgt: 3'7'' Wgt: 82 lbs (1) Size: Medium Nature: Distracted Abilities: Own Tempo
OvSp: 1 Swim: 2 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 1 Alt: -- Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 11 Atk: 12 Def: 11 SpAtk: 4 SpDef: 10 Speed: 2
Capabilities:Fountain, Underdog, Naturewalk (Wetlands)Equipped:None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
CurseEOT--Ghost--SelfStandard. -1 Speed CS, +1 Attack & Defense CS.
Tackle@W2Normal1d8+8M, 1, D, PStandard. Target Pushed 2.
YawnSc. x2--Normal--R2, 1, Sc.Standard. Target Sleep at end of next turn. Cannot miss.
Growl@W2Normal--B1, Fr., Sc., Sn.Standard. Attack CS -1.
Level 10 Carvanha ♂
Morningstar the Carvanha
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10 Exp: 100/110 HP: 3/35 (34) (PSN) Inj.: 1 Eva. 0/0/1 Init: 12
Hgt: 2'7'' Wgt: 45.9 lbs (2) Size: Small Nature: Rash Abilities: Strong Jaw
OvSp: 1 Swim: 6 H. Jump: 2 L. Jump: 2 Alt: -- Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 6 Atk: 16 Def: 2 SpAtk: 16 SpDef: 1 Speed: 12
Capabilities:Gilled, Darvision, Fountain, Underdog, Naturewalk (Ocean)Equipped:None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
Bite@W2Dark3d8+10M, 1Standard. Flinches target on ACC 15+. 
Leer@W2Normal--Cone 2, F, SStandard. All legal targets -1 Defense CS. 
Rage@W2Normal1d6+3M, 1, SSStandard. User becomes Enraged. +1 Attack CS at the end of each turn for every time damaged. 
Focus Energy@W--Normal--SelfStandard. User becomes Pumped. Increase Critical Range by 2 (or 18+). Switchings ends Pumped. 

A warm feeling seems to pervade the young man, calming and exciting all the same.
You’re met with a warm smile, and can’t help but feel like you’re safe even in the darkest of places.

Words go here


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Last edited by CylonCorg; Oct 6th, 2020 at 02:02 AM.
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Old Sep 8th, 2020, 03:34 AM
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Class: Juggler ♦ Capture Specialist
Level: 2 ♦ HP: 50/50 ♦ EXP: 8/10 ♦ AP: 5/5
Evasion: 1/1/2 ♦ Weight Class: 4
Overland: 4 ♦ Swim: 2 ♦ Jump L/H: 1/0
Power: 4 ♦ Throw: 6 ♦ Other: -
Banked Rolls: 20

Acrobatics 3 Gen Edu 2 Charm3 (+2)
Athletics 2 Med Edu2 Command1
Combat 2Occ Edu1 Focus 2
Intimidate 2 Pok Edu 2Intuition 2
Stealth 2 Tech Edu3 Perception3
Survival 1 Guile4 (+2) --
Battle Stats
HP: 12Atk: 8Def: 6SpAtk: 5SpDef: 6Speed: 12

Move Freq AC Type Class Damage Roll/Type Range Special Effect
Curve Ball@W6NormalPhysical1d8+66None

Edge Description
Dynamism Initiative increased by Guile Rank
Skill Enhancement +2 Bonus to Guile and Charm
Focused Training Training or Orders: +1 ACC, +2 Skill checks
Repel Crafter Create a Repel for $ 100 or a Super Repel for $150. Requires access to a Chemistry Set.

Feature Desciption
Quick Switch When Pkmn faints or opponent sends out Pkmn, may return and send out Pkmn as Free Action
Juggler +SPD; Quick Switch costs 1 AP, Pkmn gain +10 Initiative first round out of ball
Round Trip +SPD; 1 AP Free Action - Switch out Pkmn that just performed move
Capture Specialist +SPD; Capture Techniques - Curve Ball, Tools of the Trade
[Pokeballs & Accessories] [Clothing] [Medical Kit] [Equipment] [Foodstuffs] [Pokemon Items] [Key Items]
Basic Ball (x7) Stilettos Revive (x1) Lockpick Set (x1) Candy Bar (x4) Nickit's Cracked Pokeball Collectible Keychain (x3)
Great Ball (x1) Eevee Shirt Potion (x3) Lighter (x1) Enriched Water (x3) -- Eevee PokeTail
Fast Ball (x1) Sylveon Scarf Antidote (x3) Utility Rope (x1) Rare Candy (x1) -- Stamp Book
-- Casual Outfit Bandages (x2) Bell (x1) Cheri Candy (x1) -- Warding Stone
-- Casual Alternate First Aid Kit Sleep Pester Ball (x1) Rawst Candy (x1) -- Coin Case (1 Coin)
-- "Street" Clothes -- Smoke Ball (x1) Pecha Candy (x1) -- --
-- Business Casual -- -- -- -- --
-- Cocktail Dress -- -- -- -- --
-- "Trainer" Outfit -- -- -- -- --
-- Workout Clothes -- -- -- -- --
-- Priestess Costume -- -- -- -- $700
Leo (♂ Shinx)
left-aligned image
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 13 Exp: 160/190 HP: 55/55 (62) Inj.: 1 Eva. 0/0/2 Init: 12
Hgt: 1'8" Wgt: 20.9 lb (1) Size: Small Nature: Cuddly Abilities: Natural Cure
OvSp: 5 Swim: 3 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 1 Alt: - Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 13 Atk: 11 Def: 4 SpAtk: 5 SpDef: 4 Speed: 12
Ath: 3d6+1 Acro: 2d6+1 Combat: 2d6 Stealth: 3d6+1 Perc: 2d6+1 Focus: 2d6
Capabilities:Zapper, Tracker, Underdog, Naturewalk (Grassland, Cave)Equipped:Nickit's Ball
M, 1
M, 1, Da, Pu
Target Pushed 2.  
Cone 2, F, S
Standard. All legal targets -1 Defense CS.  
Standard. User +1 CS Spe. DEF. One electric attack from now until the end of your next turn deals Damage Dice Roll twice.  
Thunder Fang
M, 1
Standard. Target is Paralyze or Flinched on ACC 18-19. Flip a coin to determine which. On 20, Target is Paralyzed AND Flinched.  
Baby-Doll Eyes
4, 1T, Pri, Soc
Target's ATK lowered 1 CS.  
M, 1T, Da
Paralyzes on 15+  
Hopscotch (♀ Buneary)
left-aligned image
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10 Exp: 94/110 HP: 41/41 Inj.: 0 Eva. 1/1/3 Init: 16
Hgt: 1'5'' Wgt: 12 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Desperate Abilities: Cute Charm
OvSp: 5 Swim: 3 H. Jump: 3 L. Jump: 3 Alt: -- Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 7 Atk: 16 Def: 6 SpAtk: 4 SpDef: 8 Speed: 16
Ath: 2d6 Acro: 3d6 Combat: 1d6+2 Stealth: 2d6 Perc: 2d6 Focus: 2d6
Capabilities:Underdog, Naturewalk (Grassland/Urban)Equipped: None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
Defense Curl@W--Normal--SelfStandard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
Foresight2/S--Normal--SelfSwift. Normal/Fighting attacks hit Ghosts, Immune to Illusion Effects. Lasts until end of turn.
Pound@W2Normal2d6+8M, 1Standard. 
Splash@W--Normal--SelfShift. +1 L. Jump, H. Jump, +2 Evasion until end of turn.
Endure1/D--Normal--SelfReaction / Trigger. Reduce HP to 1 instead of 0 on hit.
Baby-Doll Eyes
4, 1T, Pri, Soc
Target's ATK lowered 1 CS. 
Sunshine (♀ Petilil)
left-aligned image
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 8 Exp: 70/80 HP: 48/48 Inj.: 0 Eva. 1/0/1 Init: 5
Hgt: 1'11'' Wgt: 15.5 lbs (1) Size: Small Nature: Decisive Abilities: Chlorophyll
OvSp: 4 Swim: 1 H. Jump: 1 L. Jump: 1 Alt: -- Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 10 Atk: 6 Def: 8 SpAtk: 13 SpDef: 4 Speed: 5
Capabilities:Herb Growth, Underdog, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)Equipped:None
Struggle@W4Normal1d8+6M, 1--
Absorb@W4Grass1d8+6R4, 1Heal for 1/2 damage dealt.
GrowthEOT--Normal--Self+1 Attack and Special Attack CS. Doubled in sunny weather.
Leech SeedDaily x24Grass--R6, 1Target loses 1/10th HP at beginning of its turn. User gains equal health. Lasts until target faints, returns, or escapes. Grass types and targets immune to Grass attacks are immune.
Natural GiftScene2NormalSee EffectR6, 1, BerryType and damage according to berry list (pg 402). Berry/Digestion buff is nullified upon activating this move.

Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120 lb
Background: ++Guile, +Charm, -Survival, -Command, -Occult EduStreet Wanderer






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Last edited by Xyza; Apr 12th, 2021 at 03:14 AM.
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Old Sep 8th, 2020, 10:58 PM
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Keira Evans
Keira Evans
(Character Sheet)

Name KEER-uhKeira Eh-vohnzEvans
Nickname(s): Kei
Sex Female
Class(s) ACE, CHR
Tags Playful, Mischievous, Sarcastic
Alignment Chaotic Good
Age: 16 Years Old
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Purple and Black
Skin Tone Caucasian
Height 157 cm
Weight 58.5 kg


Standing just a little over five feet, this feisty fireball with purple hair sported a mischievous smirk as she looked at you. Despite her laid back appearance of worn jeans, jackets, hoodies, boots and t-shirts, she looked like trouble. At least that is what all the adults may tell you. That girl certainly couldn’t be up to anything good.

Unlike a lot of trainers who vie to get travelling bags that could carry a small house's worth of equipment with them; Keira chose to go with an old looking black backpack, aiming to travel light... though one would have to wonder if that was her whole world in that one tiny pack. Several patches were stitched to it-including an old, official valkeya pokemon league patch that looked like it was fairly worn, but very well taken care of.


With her natural inclination towards sarcasm and generally haughty responses, Keira might come off as quite the brat. However, those few whom she trusts know nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, she could be quite mischievous - with pranks and the like - and vicious to those she thinks deserves it, but she has the best of intentions for those in need. Few happen to see this ‘other’ side of her, often becoming her partners in crime, though much of that is because few give her a chance due to her more impish ways.

Goals and Motivations

Keeping her goals close to the chest, Keira rarely speaks about why she does anything; “None of your @#$%ing business!” She joined the PBL circuit and seeks to “kick someone’s ass” but won’t elaborate on who. Canine Pokemon seem to draw her attention more than most, but she admits to nothing.

Character Backstory

Known to the police of Marquette City as ‘that purple-haired punk again’, Keira gets in trouble as easily as breathing. When she’s not stealing from local markets, she could be found attending underground raves before they were broken up for illegal activities. No one knows where her parents went, with Keira only explaining that they ‘aren’t around anymore’ when pressed.

Somehow, the troublemaker even got signed up for the PBL, gathering pokeballs from… somewhere and headed off to greener pastures.




Keira Evans Trainer License
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Keira Evans
Female Galheirian, Age 16
Keira Evans
16 Year Old Black Sheep

Level: 1 ♦ HP: 51/51 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/2 ♦ AP: 5/5
EXP: 0/10 ♦ Overland: 5 ♦ Swim: 2
Ace Trainer ♦ Chronicler
Moves: Struggle

Acrobatics 2 Gen Edu 2 Charm1
Athletics 2 Med Edu1 Command4
Combat 2Occ Edu1 Focus 2
Intimidate 2 Pok Edu 3Intuition 2
Stealth 2 Tech Edu3 --
Survival 2 Guile3 Perception3
Battle Stats
HP: 13Atk: 7Def: 5SpAtk: 5SpDef: 5Speed: 10
[Pokeballs & Accessories] [Medical Kit] [Equipment] [Foodstuffs] [Pokemon Items] [Key Items]
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- --
No Pokemon...Yet!

Type: --Tutor Points: -- Nature: (+ / -)
Level: -- EXP: 0/0 Loyalty: --
Height: -- Size: -- Weight Class: --

HP:--/-- ♦ Speed: - ♦ Evasion: -/-/-
Held Item:
Move Freq AC Type Damage Roll/Type Range Special Effect Contest Effect
PoundAt-Will2Normal1d8+6Melee, 1 TargetNoneTough, Steady Performance

Overland: Swim:L Jump: LH Jump Power: Hit Points: ___ / ___
Ath:Acro: Combat: Stealth: Perc: Focus:
HP: SpAtk: Atk: SpDef: Def: Speed:
Phys Evade:Spec Evade: Speed Evade:
Beauty: Cool: Cute: Smart: Tough:
Poffins Vitamins
No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet! No Pokemon...Yet!

With penetrating eyes and a smirk on her lips, Keira always seems to know more than she lets on.

Your text goes here!
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Last edited by Warpshaper; Oct 6th, 2020 at 01:58 AM.
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Old Sep 18th, 2020, 05:27 PM
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Last edited by Xyza; Nov 12th, 2020 at 08:01 PM.
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Old Sep 19th, 2020, 03:45 AM
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