Hello and welcome! This is the Trainer's Database where we list the ID Cards of all trainers currently being sponsored by Professor Bloom and associates. Please use this space by posting your character's Biography, including a link to your character sheet, your Pokemon wishlist, your Starter Preference, and any other details you think are relevant. Also, if you haven't seen it already, you should check the most recent version of the Pokemon Turquoise Primer for some background info on the world, its people, things you can do, and of course, house rules!
Step 1: Create Character Concept.
As this game is meant to be a sandbox-style campaign, you're completely free to build your character however you wish, but bear in mind that the world is always in motion around you, and you may periodically find yourself caught up in events and scenarios that are beyond your control, so you may want to plan for the unseen! The legal age to begin training Pokemon in Valkeya is 13 (though you may own a Pokemon as young as 8), though please do not feel limited to being a young trainer. I'll happily accept a late bloomer as well
Step 2: Create Skill Background.
Rank three different Skills down to Pathetic Rank. Rank up one Skill to Adept Rank and one other Skill to Novice Rank. Give a short name to your background. There are a few examples in the book, or you can customize it to your liking, provided it makes sense. Alternatively, you may choose an ethnic heritage from the Pokemon Turquoise Primer.
Step 3: Choose Edges.
You gain four Edges to distribute. Remember, even though you have one Adept Skill after creating your Background, you cannot use Edges to raise other Skills up to Adept until you are at least Level 2. You also may not use Edges to Rank Up any of the Skills you lowered to Pathetic Rank.
Step 4: Choose Features.
You gain four Features to distribute and additionally pick one Training Feature for free. You do not need to meet prerequisites for the Training Feature you chose, so this is a great time to choose a training feature you might be hard pressed to qualify for otherwise, especially if you plan to have more than one!
You may do Steps 3 and 4 in any order, alternating between them to qualify for Edges and Features.
Step 5: Assign Combat Stats.
Level 1 Trainers begin with 10 HP and 5 in each of their other Stats. You then assign 10 points as you wish among the Stats, putting no more than 5 points in any single Stat. If you are working on a general non-combat build, I recommend HP and at least one Evasion-based skill to rank up just in case. Don’t forget that some Features have Stat Tags to apply!
Step 6: Find Derived Stats.
Trainers begin with 5 Action Points and gain 1 more AP for every 5 Trainer Levels they have. So right now, you start with 5 total.
Trainers have Hit Points equal to (Trainer Level x2) + (HP x3) + 10.
Power starts at 4. If Athletics is at least Novice, raise Power by +1. If Combat is at least Adept, raise Power by +1.
High Jump starts at 0. If Acrobatics is at least Adept, raise High Jump by+1. If Acrobatics is Master, raise High Jump by an additional +1.
Long Jump is equal to Acrobtics/2.
Overland is equal to 3 + [(Athl + Acro)/2].
Swim is equal to Overland/2.
Throwing Range is 4 + Athletics Rank.
Size is Medium.
Weight Class is 3 if you are between 55 and 110 pounds, 4 if you are between 111 and 220 pounds, and 5 if higher
than that.
Step 7: Create Basic Descriptions.
Your descriptions are largely up to you, but should be relatively logical for the world of Pokemon. Due note that Valkeya is a region that is largely modernized, but much of their cultural concepts, fashion and so forth is in some cases inspired by medieval fantasy concepts--wearing a piece of armor, a frock, or a tunic with pantaloons, for instance, is completely normal in Valkeya, though just as many people wear cut-off jeans, tank-tops, and baseball hats! Some people even wear a combination of both types--we call those hipsters
Step 8: Choose your Starter Pokémon.
You have the option of either choosing a specific Pokemon, or making a list of 6-10 Potential Starters and letting me roll randomly. In the case of the latter, you won't know what you'll get until you get your Pokemon in-game. In either case, however, it must be a Pokemon that has the Underdog capability and have a 3-stage evolution track (though if you really, really, really want a 2-stager, I will consider it). No specific types are barred, so you're welcome to choose a Dragon, Ghost, etc. Do note that starters will be unique to their trainer, and thus will not appear in the wild and have a much lower breeding rate.
Secondly, I also highly recommend including a Pokemon wishlist. While there is no guarantee that you'll get everything on them, I will be adding them to random encounter tables where they make sense and will also consider them for events that you happen upon.
Step 9: Buy starting items.
All trainers begin play with $5,000 as starting cash. You are not required to buy a PokeDex, since one will be given to you by Professor Bloom. It is recommended, however, that you buy some general equipment from the get-go, such as traveling gear and some Pokeballs. Apricorns, herbs, and berries will be findable as you go, though you may still want to bring medicine and bandages if you plan on exploring for long periods of time. You may also purchase TMs if you so wish, though you will not be able to refund them if they can't be used on your starter.
We also have a sample Trainer Card for your stats and your pokemon in case you would like to borrow/copy/edit it for your own use in game. Please note that using the trainer cards is not a requirement; a link to your sheet will also do just fine:
Yishka Kisagiri
Female Ruthenian, Age 13
Yishka Kisagiri
Yishka Kisagiri
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 2
Exp: --
HP: 39/53
AP: 5/5
Eva. 1/1/2
Init: 10
Hgt: 147 cm
Wgt: 51.2 kg
Eyes: Almond
OvSp: 7
Swim: 5
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 2
Throw: 8
Power: 5
Gen Edu
Med Edu
Occ Edu
Pok Edu
Tech Edu
Battle Abilities
HP: 13
Atk: 5
Def: 7
SpAtk: 5
SpDef: 6
Speed: 10
M, 1
[Pokeballs & Accessories]
[Medical Kit]
[Pokemon Items]
[Key Items]
Basic Ball (x2)
Potion (x2)
Old Rod
Preserves (Oran) (x1)
Poké Ball Tool Box
Great Ball (x2)
Revive (x0)
Pink Apricorn (x1)
First Aid Kit (2/3)
Pecha Berry (x3)
Basic Rope (x1)
Single Sleeping Bag
Bait (x0)
Gym Badge, Contest Ribbons, and Accolades
Date Earned
Effects (if any)
Date Earned
Effects (if any)
Date Earned
Effects (if any)
[Beat Team Rocket!]
Day 1
Sascha the Bounsweet ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 11
Exp: 123/135
HP: 51/51
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/1/1
Init: 6
Hgt: 10 cm
Wgt: 0.58 kg
Size: Small
Nature: Cuddly
Abilities: Oblivious
OvSp: 3
Swim: 1
H. Jump: 2
L. Jump: 3
Alt: --
Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 10
Atk: 4
Def: 8
SpAtk: 6
SpDef: 7
Speed: 6
Alluring, Underdog, Nature W. (Forest)
M, 1
Shift. +1 L. Jump, H. Jump, +2 Evasion until end of turn.
Play Nice
R6, 1, Sc
Standard. -1 CS to target's Attack.
Rapid Spin
M, 1, Su
Standard. Destroys hazards within 5 m. Removes Leech Seed, Trapped, Stuck.
Grass Whistle
Scene x2
R6, 1, Sn
Standard. Inflicts Sleep.
Pryde the Sandshrew ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10
Exp: 107/110
HP: 39/44
Inj.: 2
Eva. 3/1/1
Init: 8
Hgt: 60 cm
Wgt: 11.7 kg
Size: Small
Nature: Bold
Abilities: Sand Veil
OvSp: 5
Swim: 2
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Burrow: 5
Power: 3
Battle Abilities
HP: 8
Atk: 11
Def: 15
SpAtk: 4
SpDef: 5
Speed: 8
Tremorsense, Underdog, Nature W. (Desert/Grassland)
M, 1
Sand Attack
R2, 1
Standard. Target is blinded until the end of their next turn.
M, P
Defense Curl
Standard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
M, P
Standard. Continues until miss or unable to hit. +4 dmg each turn hits (Max +15).
Rapid Spin
M, 1, Su
Standard. Destroys hazards within 5 m. Removes Leech Seed, Trapped, Stuck.
Poison Sting
R6, 1
Standard. Poisons target on Acc roll of 17+.
Strike the Riolu ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10
Exp: 106/110
HP: 42/47
Inj.: 1
Eva. 1/1/2
Init: 10
Hgt: 60.9 cm
Wgt: 19.9 kg
Size: Small
Nature: Cuddly
Abilities: Inner Focus
OvSp: 6
Swim: 0
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 3
Battle Abilities
HP: 9
Atk: 8
Def: 7
SpAtk: 7
SpDef: 7
Speed: 10
M, 1
Reaction / Trigger. Reduce HP to 1 instead of 0 on hit.
Swift. Normal/Ground attacks hit Ghosts, Immune to Illusion Effects. Lasts until end of turn.
Quick Attack
M, 1
Priority / Standard.
M, 1
Reaction / Trigger. Resist (1 Step) Physical Attack. If user survives, attacker takes 2x physical damage.
Karma the Magikarp ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
HP: 23/23
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/0/1
Init: 8
Hgt: 91.4 cm
Wgt: 9.9 kg
Size: Small
Nature: Quiet
Abilities: Gulp
OvSp: 1
Swim: 5
H. Jump: 3
L. Jump: 4
Alt: --
Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 4
Atk: 2
Def: 8
SpAtk: 6
SpDef: 4
Speed: 8
Gilled, Underdog, Naturewalk (Ocean)
M, 1
Shift. +1 L. Jump, H. Jump, +2 Evasion until end of turn.
Affable and upbeat, Yishka's glowing smile rarely leaves her face, and a knowing glance belies a clever, if obvious, young rogue.
Firestarter, Tracker, Underdog, Nature W. (Grassland/Forest)
M, 1
M, P
Tail Whip
B1, Fr.
All legal targets -1 CS to Defense.
4, 1
Standard (Special). Burns target on ACC 18+.
Grass Knot
5, 1
Standard (Special). DB =2x target’s Weight Class.
Sc. x2
4, 1
Standard. Target falls asleep.
Pikaboo ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 6
Exp: 55/60
HP: 22/22
Inj.: 0
Eva. 0/1/2
Init: 6
Hgt: 1'0''
Wgt: 4.2 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Lonely
Abilities: Cute Charm
OvSp: 3
Swim: 1
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 2
Alt: --
Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 2
Atk: 10
Def: 1
SpAtk: 8
SpDef: 8
Speed: 10
Zapper, Underdog, Naturewalk (Forest/Urban)
Mimikyu's Broken Pokeball
M, 1
R6, 1, Sc.
Standard. Attack CS -2.
Thunder Shock
R4, 1
Standard. Paralyze on 17+
Tail Whip
B1, Fr.
Standard. Defense CS -1.
Miltank ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 9
Exp: 86/90
HP: 25/52 (46)
Inj.: 1
Eva. 2/1/2
Init: 10
Hgt: 4'3''
Wgt: 170 lbs (4)
Size: Medium
Nature: Proud
Abilities: Thick Fat
OvSp: 5
Swim: 2
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 5
Battle Abilities
HP: 11
Atk: 8
Def: 11
SpAtk: 2
SpDef: 7
Speed: 10
Milk Collection
Collection Jar
M, 1
M, 1, Da.
Standard. Push 2 meters.
B1, F, Sn, So
Standard. All legal targets -1 Attack CS.
Defense Curl
Standard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
M, 1
Standard. Flinches on Acc 15+. Damage +10 to targets smaller than user.
Miltank is hold a Collection Jar. It is empty.
No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!
Kind, beautiful, adventurous, and charismatic; the time you spend with Rydia is not something you are likely to ever forget!
[Side Quest] Skills to Pay the Bills: 8/10 Demonstrate your ability to effectively use the Pokedex by scanning at least 10 Pokemon! Reward: Funds
[Personal Quest] Hargrove Cavern: Rydia wants to explore the 3 levels and find ice pokemon at the bottom, like maybe a Glaceon or Alolan Sandshrew?
Supplies Needed: Rope, flashlight, 2/6 pokemon, Great Balls (or similar) 1/3, fellow trainer 1/1 (Lex?)
"You and me, we're gonna see some amazing things together!"
Your text goes here!
Rydia Gemwater is the only daughter of Celest Gemwater, a seamstress that works for a big fashion designer in Marquette City. She and her mother have a very good relationship, exchanging messages and phone calls on a weekly basis even though they rarely get to see each other much in person these days. Being a single mother of an only daughter was difficult for both of them, but despite a couple of terrible fights along the way the 2 have each come to appreciate how much the other means to her.
Celest’s work kept her on the road She traveled quite a bit at an early age and has grown more comfortable on the move than staying in any one place for too long. Her mother would make little costume versions of the dresses she made for work, and Rydia would pretend to model them for real fashion shows. She also began to pick up some of the skills of the trade from her mother and added her own touches to some of her miniature designs. The creative part was fun, but at this early age Rydia preferred the idea of modeling dresses to crafting them.
Camping trips were a favorite family time activity for Celest and Rydia. They would find a place far from civilization and just be together: cooking outside, sleeping in tents, hiking trails, and swimming. Rydia loved swimming with her mother in wild rivers. Celest would enamor Rydia at night with stories about the Celerian culture before and after it came to be part of the kingdom. And to this day, Rydia is quite proud of her heritage.
Celest wanted her daughter to follow in her footsteps at first, but Rydia soon found that she had more of a passion and talent for swimming than sewing or modeling. So her mother supported her as she competed on her school’s swim team. Rydia was on track to compete professionally until her body matured. Suddenly she was not “built” for competitive swimming, or modelling like her mother for that matter.
This hit Rydia very hard, and she went through a period of deep depression as she withdrew from all her friends and even her mother. She grew obsessed with what she saw as her flaws and began to hate herself for never being good enough to be happy. Things began to spiral out of control, and Rydia very nearly lost herself completely.
Eventually, and with help, hope returned. Therapy and counseling helped encourage Rydia to focus more on new opportunities that she might now be more qualified to pursue, and so she began to look for a new future goal. No longer having the build for modeling or swimming, Rydia fell back on her passion for Celerian heritage. She has been playing around with a number of possibilities, but her most appealing project so far is the PBL of Valkeya. Eager to help her daughter move forward, Celest worked to get Rydia a trainer’s license to begin her pokémon journey.
Life as a Cerelean
Rydia is a Cerelean through and through. She is charming, charismatic, and loves very much to make friends. She works hard to make friends and encourage the people she meets. And she is now a firm believer that everyone has a unique path to happiness if they can just find it.
Rydia's hair is naturally pale blonde, but she prefers to keep it pink. She started dying it shortly after she left the swim team, and in a way it represents her desire to move forward and be a better version of her new self. She likes wearing her hair down, but most of her recreational activities require her to pull it up or cut it short. And she has worked too long and hard to maintain her hair to even consider the latter option. So she instead relies on caps and hasty buns most of the time.
Though she no longer competes, Rydia still loves her childhood passions. She loves to look fabulous and help others do so. She never passes up an opportunity to swim. She enjoys camping and hiking with a small group of close family/friends/ And she deeply empathizes with anyone struggling with their dream future.
What most people don’t know is that Rydia has some very serious monophobia. If she has to spend much time alone, she will likely start to laps back into her depression. She may not have reasoned all this out yet, but the instinctual fear can push her to want to work hard to earn/keep people liking her.
But despite this weakness for validation and companionship, Rydia has high hopes for the future. And so long as she has lots of pokémon friends to surround her, she may never have to worry about being alone again!
Becoming a Trainer
Rydia is very excited about starting her journey as a pokémon trainer. The idea of making friends that travel around with you as you explore the world is sort of a dream come true. And while she would love to continue doing so for the rest of her life, Rydia is also considering other paths that her future might take her.
There is not a lot of confidence in Rydia challenging the Elite 4, but she is open to the possibility. She mostly wants to experience handling pokémon battles and training her own pokémon before she gets her hopes up in this area. For her, the excitement is more in the journey and discovery than it is the sport of it all. She wants to travel the world and find wonderful places to share with her new friends.
Rydia has considered taking up fashion design based on her heritage, similar to what her mother does. It seems a bit late to follow in her mother’s footsteps, especially after trying so hard to pursue very different dreams, but Rydia has not put the idea out of her heart yet. She is also considering focusing on pokémon rather than humans, depending on how well she is able to bond with her new companions.
There is a small part of Rydia that worries pokémon companionship will not be enough for her. Her past friendships are not really salvageable, which she feels is her fault more than anyone else’s, so she plans to be on the lookout to make new friends and forge good relationships.
She is not really looking for romance; despite how much she loves her mother, neither one of them want Rydia to get caught up in the same sort of situation that Celest did during her teenage years. She just needs validation and companionship. And she is hoping that through encouragement and empathy she can help others so that it is a fair trade. She does know how to hurt people, from experience, but she would hate herself if she started driving friends away again.
OOC Goals
Rydia does not know it yet, but as her player I have a few goals for her coming up.
Pokemon Wishlist: Mew (way down the road, of course)
Collection: All the keychains, Pearl of Mew Earrings, Eevee shirt
Social Goals: Traveling Buddy
Level up Feature goals: Learn Mixed Messages, Push Buttons, Quick Wit, Fashionista Feature (Charm and Guile), Shooting Star Level up Edge goals: Confidence Artist (Confide),Guile at Adept, Flustering Charisma, Skill Enhancement or Categoric Inclination
Lovely Kiss
Scene x2
6, 1 target, Social
Target falls asleep
Scene x2
10, 1 target, Social
Target becomes Suppressed
Level 13 Female Fennekin
Naki ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 11
Exp: 116/135
HP: 41/41
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/1/3
Init: 16
Hgt: 1' 4''
Wgt: 20.7 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Quirky
Abilities: Magic Guard
OvSp: 4
Swim: 2
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 2
Alt: --
Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 6
Atk: 7
Def: 6
SpAtk: 9
SpDef: 8
Speed: 16
Firestarter, Tracker, Underdog, Nature W. (Grassland/Forest)
Ath 2d6
Acro 2d6
Combat 2d6
Stealth 3d6
Per 3d6+2
Foc 3d6+1
M, 1
M, P
Tail Whip
B1, Fr.
All legal targets -1 CS to Defense.
4, 1
Standard (Special). Burns target on ACC 18+.
Sc. x2
4, 1
Standard. Target falls asleep.
Grass Knot
4, 1
Damage Base i2x Target WC
Event Achievements
Reward (if any)
Text goes here!!
Thoughts look like this!
Pichu ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 6
Exp: 51/60
HP: 22/22
Inj.: 0
Eva. 0/0/1
Init: 6
Hgt: 1'0''
Wgt: 4.2 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Lonely
Abilities: Cute Charm
OvSp: 3
Swim: 1
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 2
Alt: --
Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 2
Atk: 6
Def: 1
SpAtk: 4
SpDef: 4
Speed: 6
Zapper, Underdog, Naturewalk (Forest/Urban)
M, 1
R6, 1, Sc.
Standard. Attack CS -2.
Thunder Shock
R4, 1
Standard. Paralyze on 17+
Tail Whip
B1, Fr.
Standard. Defense CS -1.
Once per day, whenever the Pokemon holding this Pokeball trades in a digestion buff, a candy appears in the Pokeball that may be eaten as a Shift Action, granting it an additional copy of the digestion buff that was just traded-in.Mimikyu's Broken Pokeball
Miltank ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 9
Exp: 86/90
HP: 25/52 (46)
Inj.: 1
Eva. 2/1/2
Init: 10
Hgt: 4'3''
Wgt: 170 lbs (4)
Size: Medium
Nature: Proud
Abilities: Thick Fat
OvSp: 5
Swim: 2
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 5
Battle Abilities
HP: 11
Atk: 8
Def: 11
SpAtk: 2
SpDef: 7
Speed: 10
Milk Collection
Collection Jar
M, 1
M, 1, Da.
Standard. Push 2 meters.
B1, F, Sn, So
Standard. All legal targets -1 Attack CS.
Defense Curl
Standard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
M, 1
Standard. Flinches on Acc 15+. Damage +10 to targets smaller than user.
Miltank is hold a Collection Jar. It is empty.
__________________ Please be patient with me. Life got crazy, and I haven't caught up yet. PMs for reminders are welcome!
Last edited by Homestarbaby; Nov 10th, 2020 at 04:56 PM.
Reason: updating character
Vick-tore, heavy emphasis on the Ve and To in pronunciation.VictorRoh-ss Wʊd.Rosewood
Vic, Alph
Kind, Helpful, Patient
Chaotic Good
17 Years Old
Eye Color
Hair Color
Blond w/ Green Tips
Skin Tone
172 cm
87.6 kg
To say the least, Victor stands out in a crowd-clad head to toe in all black clothing, be it jean, leather or synthetic and silver jewelry, from boots to earrings- it was all a stark contrast to his green eyes and blond hair (not to mention neon green tips!). Besides his somewhat dark attire, his height was fairly moderate for a young man his age, and due in part to what he wore...he looked fairly lithe and malnourished.
But one thing that told elsewise was the large hardcase guitar pack on his back...with a hiking bag strapped to it. Oddly enough unlike his attire, the case and bag were far more colorful: The guitar case itself was plastered in many different band logos and names “Lycan For Hire”, “The Queen Nido’s”, “In-Franz-Fernape”, “In Talonflames”, “Powerhyena, “Thirty Seconds to Lunatone”, “Metallic-zone” and many others dotted its red surface. While the hiking bag itself was a neon yellow and green monstrosity all its own, a plethora of random keychains and other doodads attached to its zippers and some climbing carabiners.
Even with that heavy bag on his back: Every step seemed to have a deeper purpose, every movement had some sort of electrical energy to it that gave off the impression he always knew where he was going, someway or somehow.
Contrary to his appearance, Victor is remarkably respectful, friendly, and positive, usually speaking with honorifics or titles when addressing people he did not know or those he is acquaintances with. Even with people whom are rude to him; he would be calm and collected, doing his best to speak to them in a respectful manner-Even posed with someone that is actively insulting him he barely is bothered by it.
Though that quickly flies out the window when someone begins to threaten people he cares for, it was like watching a lightswitch get flipped: Where he could be having a calm conversation with someone...and then he is clutching their neck, rearing his other hand back to punch them full force. For he has patience when others target him with things; he has zero tolerance in the opposite spectrum.
Beyond that, he has a big heart and can’t help but literally help people when they need it. It is hard for him to say no to helping someone close to him, even if it puts himself in danger, and Victor usually consigns himself to the fate of trying to look out for them if it IS dangerous. If he saw a kid getting picked on, he would step in. If a mother was having a hard time getting their groceries to a car, he would stop what he was doing and help them-unless something of bigger importance was on his mind. This kindness ‘kick’ also applies to pokemon, if he found a wounded Rhyhorn in the wild, he would put himself in danger to just try and help them.
And yes, this has definitely gotten him into some trouble. Including breaking the law at times to do what he thinks is the right thing to do.
Goals and Motivations
Victor’s goals are pretty straightforward, and he seems proud to announce them whenever challenged as to why he’s doing anything anywhere; He’s striving to improve himself, and the lives of those around him. To experience life, write music and share that music with everyone he can. Though he would be loath to explain what his real motivations were, he would with those he cares about: He wants to prove himself to his parents-especially that he’s not crazy, to honor his brother's last wishes, and one day find out what really happened to him.
Character Backstory
One day during the depths of summer, a young baby boy was born to a family of three; a husband, wife and son. It was nothing worth fanfare, but it was a glorious day for the family-having been trying for seven years to have another child. Victor was that small blessing on this family, one which was treasured by not only his parents but also his brother: Damian.
For even the love the parents had for their two sons, they were strict parents. Life inside the Rosewood household was one of constant study and hard work, friends and play were alien concepts to them. Though for their closed minded approach to raising their two children, both brothers grew close over their love for music, an escape into a world they had little knowledge of outside of textbooks and journals.
A bond was forged between these two brothers so strong that even when Damian left to continue his studies and join a research team (his first chance to escape the Rosewood house) he and Victor communicated every day about their split worlds, particularly over music. It was the highlight of Victor's day when he heard the phone go “Ring ring ring, phonecall” after studying with his tutor.
That was until he got a quite unusual message from his brother, it wasn’t the usual call he would receive but a recorded message for him. Damian looked tired, like he had not slept in days, and he bade Victor to fight against his parents' authority; to follow his passion for music wherever it may take him. Something Victor would never expected Damian would ever say, and right before he said goodbye...he swore that he saw some sort of shape hover over him with glossy white eyes.
Upon seeing this, he showed the message to his parents; but upon review there was nothing out of the ordinary in the video. No shape, no eyes, no form. Just his brother's words.
It was that day the family found out Damian had gone missing on that expedition.
The loss of his brother was as much a wedge in the family as much as the fuel that soon made Victor into who he is now. His pleas fell on deaf ears as he tried to convince his parents something else had taken him and not that he just disappeared, of which they just chalked it up to him being emotionally bereft at the loss of his brother; pressing him to continue with his studies.
Refusing to continue his studies, he began to defy his parents and go out into Marquette city. For so long it was his home yet he knew nothing about it, he would begin exploring it, himself and the world-seeking answers for not only what had happened to his brother, but who he really was.
Victor Rosewood
17 Year Old, Rocker
...walking in boots was a new thing to Victor as he slowly climbed up the stairs leading to the Groderfeller mansion placed at the top of a large hill, one of the many expensive homes in this section of Marquette City. He could see that the lights were on in the neighbors adjoining houses, far less extravagant then the dead looking one he was marching up to with guitarcase in hand.
He knew he shouldn’t be here, he knew he was trespassing.
Hell, they all were.
Even from his ways down the hill he could hear the voices of the ‘concert goers’ talking and preparing for the show long before he could see them. Probably didn’t help that it was night time and nearly everyone was wearing some kind of dark article of clothing that helped them blend into their surroundings.
Tonight was a big night, a musician by the name of Electro-a local legend, but never made it big nationally-was coming out to protest the Groderfellers for their recent high stakes bid to buy up large swaths of land and turn them into parking lots and malls in the Valkeya region.
Everything raised would go to fighting for the lands to stay locally owned and controlled.
It’s why Victor was here, he had been picked up from his local hotspot to play rhythm guitar for Electro; not to mention he wanted to help support the fight against the Groderfeller takeover. The crunch of glass under his boots brought him back to the present as he looked around; the glass doors had been broken in to gain access to the building-and just inside the entrance was a mass of people, paint cans out and ‘redecorating’ the interior with messages of support for the cause and the obvious “Down with Groderfeller” was ever present.
The energy in the room was palpable, and he could see the ‘makeshift’ stage being made of the landing at the first stairs into the second floor, amps, speakers-obviously ‘requisitioned’ from the house itself to be used-rolled out and ready, magnemites hooked up to each to provide power for the speakers-which seemed overjoyed to be flitting around, sending out shocks of electricity every so often if they weren’t hooked up to the speakers.
With a whistle, a bright light suddenly turned on that lit up the top of the stairs where a man clad in leather, dark sunglasses and electric yellow hair-particularly shaped in the design of a pikachu tail, spoke into a mic with a low tone. ”Hello Marquette City. Electro is back!” Throwing up his arms as the crowd went wild. ”Who’s ready to start rockin’!?” He shouted once more into the mic, it’s volume making the glass shake in the building, and the voices of the crowd came together for a powerful ‘Yeah!’ that shook the building with how many people were inside.
Quickly, Victor began to run for the staircase and get through the mess of bodies as he realized he had to be up there to set up.
”Give us a minute and the show will begin! Go get your Electro merch from the van outside while you wait, all proceeds going to support the Fight Groder Fund!” Electro said as he put down the mic and turned back into the darkness to finish getting prepped it seemed, grabbing a guitar.
Victor made it up there just in time to hear the drummer-whom he recognized as the woman who found him at that grunge club-”Hey, Vic! You made it! Running late buddy, get plugged in and tuned up, we're about to start.” the woman said. Vic couldn’t exactly respond right away as he tried to catch his breath, barely getting his guitar out and fumbling for a plug in. ”Sorry Miss Remmy, got a bit caught up in all of this, just, a lot to take in.” He said quickly, pulling out his tuner-putting it on the head of the guitar and quickly started to check his tuning.
”Lucky for you we got delayed a bit anyway. Electro keeps making demands from the organizers, all diva’ish, ya’know?” the cobalt haired drummer said as she tapped one of the cymbals gently with one stick. Putting away the tuner, Vic took to slowly pacing in the darkness beyond the light of the skybeam that the organizers had set up, and now was putting the mic on a proper stand. He couldn’t really find his voice in that moment to respond to Remmy as he looked at the crowd.
”Your hands are shaking, you okay?” She said with a calm tone as she continued to keep some soft beat going with the cymbal. ”Just never played in front of a crowd this big.” Vic said gently as he continued to pace back and forth gently. ”I could go get a beer for your nerves if that would help.” She didn’t sound serious...at least, Vic couldn’t believe she was being serious at least. Maybe she was...maybe she was dead serious? Instinctively he shook his head gently. ”Nah, thanks, will be-” and was cut off as there was some commotion down in the crowd and it looked like several people were leaving.
One of the roadies-at least that is what Vic thought they were called-came barreling up the stairs towards himself and Remmy, nearly making the headset he was wearing fall off several times. The distinct bright electric letters of ‘Electro’ were emblazoned across his t-shirt that strained under the rapid ascent up the stairs. Once out of the skybeam he said to Remmy while trying to catch his breath; ”We got a problem. Electro just walked out.” At that moment, Remmy’s eyes went wide and she dropped the beat she was keeping. ”What did you just say? Electro just ~walked~ out?” One blue brow raising up her forehead.
”Yeah, I don’t know the specifics, but he had some sort of argument with the sound guy and just marched out. The cord’ is trying to work it out with him outside, but we need music-cause we're running out of time. The Officers are likely to show up sooner than later, especially after his big greetin’ earlier.” The roadie said as he kept panting to catch his breath. ”What are we gonna do, Rem?” He said after a moment.
Meanwhile Remmy was glaring out at the broken glass doors outside, she mumbled. ”I don’t know.”
”I can do it.” Vic said gently as he cut into the conversation, having stopped his rapid pacing, hands steadying. ”I can play still Electro gets back on stage.” Voice more solid as he spoke, eyes focused now on the mic in the distance before looking at the two. Both the Roadie and Remmy were just staring at him at that point.
”Better than nothing, get up there, don’t mess up.” Remmy said after a moment, shaking her head and putting on her headset. The Roadie nodded quickly, looking particularly worried as he pointed at the line leading into a very fancy guitar resting nearby. ”Get hooked up to that with your guitar, we will do adjustments on the fly, I will go tell the sound guy.” And ran down the stairs full tilt.
Meanwhile Vic swore he could feel his heart pounding in his ears, his eyes were locked on the mic in the distance, and it took him a moment to realize to plug in his guitar into the lead.
Every step to the mic felt like he had hundred pound weights on his legs, but he found he began to sing long before he had reached the mic, every step getting lighter with each verse:
“...I've been carving down the days on my bedroom door-
Teeth are all but gum,
Takin' a beating from grinding whe~n I'm sleeping,
I busted out the boards on my window sill-
Nailed shut to keep me here-I'm dying
Nothing can stop me from trying,
To claw my way out this grave,
Before I decay I will make a clean break”
The crowd slowly looked up at the new face at the mic as his guitar came alive with each note, deep tones that slowly flexed into sharp chords-the distortion kicking up as Vic’s voice rose in volume at the mic.
“And buuu~r~rn it doooo~o~wn!” Each strum of the guitar gained more life as the crowd began to cheer, heads moving in beat with the drums as they picked up in the back, accompanying the heavy drones of the Bander guitar in Victors hands.
“~And run until I can't breathe,
I'm breeeeaaking ouuuut~
I'll bury all my mistakes!
And rebuild until my back breaks!”
More of those who showed up for the concert that were outside started to join the massive group at the foot of the stair, flooding the building as it became the dance floor as the music and people inside shook the building to its core. Down on the street a car alarm started to go off from the immense vibrations roaring out of the building.
“Consider them convinced I'm a lunatic-” One hand coming up from the neck of his guitar to point at his head in this moment and make a quick spin before reaching back down to continue keeping in key. “-Eyes are wide and crazed-” Eyes going wide and crazed as he stared out into the crowd, a broad grin on his face as he continued singing-pictures were falling down from walls, fancy lamps met their end at the rockers down on the ground floor, drapes were being pulled down. The whole was more alive than it had ever been in the hands of the Groderfellers.
“I'm feeling hell bent on wreaking havoc!
I sent a stack of bricks through the neighbors house-
Watch them as they spill into their yards!
They don't know how lucky they are~
They swat the Mandibuzz aside and swear they're alive!
But just look in their eyes!”
There was quite literally no space on the ground floor at this point, and at the far back of the crowd near the entrance, he swore he could see that bright yellow pikachu-hair he had seen earlier in the crowd, trying to make its way forward-but he was not stopping. “Buuu~r~rn it doooo~o~wn!” He shouted as his hands danced across the guitar strung across his chest; lI'l burn this town behind me, And run until I can't breathe!” abandoning the mic as he kicked over one of the speakers on the stairwell, jumping atop of it as he screamed at the top of his lungs to be heard for the last part of the lyrics-the crowd joining him as one.
”I'm breaking out,-” The crowd roared with him; ”-I'll bury all my mistakes, and rebuild until my back breaks down!” And stopped, dead stopped on that last verse-but the crowd roared in response, cheering.
Vic’s body shook, it was hard even seeing at this point, his clothes clung to his sweat soaked body in that moment; but a cold chill ran up his spine as the faint flash of red and blue light filtered in from the front doors.
Even over the din of the crowd he could hear faintly; “OFFICERS! SCATTER!”, eliciting the crowd to start dispersing en masse. The next thing Vic knew was a sudden jolt of pain from something hard hitting his jaw and knocking him off the speaker, he barely registered Electro coming into vision, looking furious as he reared back his hand; he could barely hear him as he said something; ”You...show...up, kid?!” All Vic knew at that moment was: Punch back.
Before he got clocked again while on the ground, his own fist found Electros jaw and sent him reeling back-just as Remmy came barreling down the stairs to shove Electro back into the crowd. Still reeling from the suckerpunch to the jaw, he started to feel someone pulling on his jacket and a voice; ”Get up! Follow me!” A girl with purple hair, even with his blurred vision he could make that out.
Forcing his body to stand up, he could feel her help him drag himself up-and then followed as she rushed up the stairs, Vic doing his best to follow and grab his guitar case while shaking off the encroaching headache he had coming on.
”Hurry up!” He heard her call from just outside of his vision as she turned a corner into another staircase. Rushing to keep up-he was tugged back a second as he hadn’t unplugged his guitar-and rapidly fixed that. Getting to the second staircase just as she reached the bottom, she was motioning for him to hurry up and towards an open door in the back, which looked like it led from the backyard into Marquettes backstreets and downtown.
There was no need for words as the both of them ran for what felt like several minutes before they both stopped in the middle of a back alley, neon lights from a nearby bar only illuminating them. ”Thanks…really appreciate the help.” Vic said gently as he caught his breath, slumping against the brick wall, even talking hurt...that’s when he realized he had a split lip from Electros punch earlier. ”What’s your name?” Using his jacket sleeve to wipe some of the blood off his lip.
The purple haired girl slumped against the wall as well; ”Keira.” A smirk slowly crossing her face.
(I know there is a lot in here >_> Sorry )
Totodile (High Priority)
Toxel (High priority)
Mimikyu (High Priority)
Rookidee (High Priority)
Duskull (High Priority)
Galar Zigzagoon
Victors Level Up’a's Level-Ups:
X's Level Ups
X's Level Ups
Posting Template:
Victor Rosewood
17 Year Old Galheiran Rocker Level: 1 ♦ HP: 60/60 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/1 ♦ AP: 5/5 EXP: 0/10 ♦ Overland: 5 ♦ Swim: 2
Musician ♦ Enduring Soul Abilities: Moves: Struggle, Rock Smash
No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!No Pokemon...Yet!
A warm feeling seems to pervade the young man, calming and exciting all the same.
You’re met with a warm smile, and can’t help but feel like you’re safe even in the darkest of places.
Running Card:
Victor Rosewood
17 Year Old Galheiran Rocker Level: 1 ♦ HP: 39/57 ♦ Evasion: 1/1/1 ♦ AP: 5/5 EXP: 6/10 ♦ Overland: 5 ♦ Swim: 2
Musician ♦ Enduring Soul ♦ Duelist Abilities: Moves: Struggle, Rock Smash, Sing, Supersonic
Gen Edu
Med Edu
Occ Edu
Pok Edu
Tech Edu
Battle Stats
HP: 15
Atk: 7
Def: 5
SpAtk: 7
SpDef: 5
Speed: 8
[Pokeballs & Accessories]
[Medical Kit]
[Pokemon Items]
[Key Items]
4x Basic Pokeballs
4x Bandages
Baseball Bat
6x Snacks (Candy bars)
Sleeping Bag
4x Potions
Hiking Boots (Black Leather)
2x Enriched Water
Waterproof Flashlight
1x Ultraball
1x Antidote
Miniature Urn Charm
Murkrow Hat
Water Filter
Holmgang the Fletchling ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 11
Exp: 114/135
HP: 58/72
Inj.: 0
Eva. 2/0/2
Init: 10
Hgt: 1'
Wgt: 3.7 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Bold
Abilities: Courage
OvSp: 3
Swim: 0
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Sky: 5
Power: 3
Battle Abilities
HP: 17
Atk: 3
Def: 10
SpAtk: 4
SpDef: 4
Speed: 11
Guster, Underdog
M, 1
M, 1, Da, Pu
Target Pushed 2.
B1, F, Sn, So
Standard. All legal targets -1 Attack CS.
Quick Attack
M, 1
Priority / Standard.
Sc. x1
Standard. All allies (Pokemon & Trainers) have +5 Initiative, grants Guster ability. Cannot stack. Lasts the whole encounter.
Quick Guard
SC. x1
M, Sh.
Interrupt/Trigger. Causes interrupt and priority keyword moves to fail against user or adjacent ally.
Jett Blackheart the Venipede ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10
Exp: 98/110
HP: 30/44(39)
Inj.: 1
Eva. 2/1/2
Init: 10
Hgt: 1'7''
Wgt: 13.1 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Curious
Abilities: Poison Point
OvSp: 5
Swim: 2
H. Jump: 2
L. Jump: 2
Alt: --
Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 8
Atk: 9
Def: 10
SpAtk: 6
SpDef: 5
Speed: 10
Wallclimber, Underdog
M, 1
Defense Curl
Standard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
Poison Sting
R6, 1
Standard. Poisons target on Acc roll of 17+.
B2, F, So.
Standard. -2 Defense CS of all legal targets.
Syr Greyhawk The Slowpoke ♂
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 8
Exp: 70/80
HP: 9/51 (35)
Inj.: 3
Eva. 2/2/0
Init: 2
Hgt: 3'7''
Wgt: 82 lbs (1)
Size: Medium
Nature: Distracted
Abilities: Own Tempo
OvSp: 1
Swim: 2
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 11
Atk: 12
Def: 11
SpAtk: 4
SpDef: 10
Speed: 2
Fountain, Underdog, Naturewalk (Wetlands)
M, 1
Standard. -1 Speed CS, +1 Attack & Defense CS.
M, 1, D, P
Standard. Target Pushed 2.
Sc. x2
R2, 1, Sc.
Standard. Target Sleep at end of next turn. Cannot miss.
Standard. User becomes Enraged. +1 Attack CS at the end of each turn for every time damaged.
Focus Energy
Standard. User becomes Pumped. Increase Critical Range by 2 (or 18+). Switchings ends Pumped.
A warm feeling seems to pervade the young man, calming and exciting all the same.
You’re met with a warm smile, and can’t help but feel like you’re safe even in the darkest of places.
Words go here
Vic Actions:
Free Action: Swift Action: Standard Action: Shift Action: Intention:
Last edited by CylonCorg; Oct 6th, 2020 at 02:02 AM.
Standard. User +1 CS Spe. DEF. One electric attack from now until the end of your next turn deals Damage Dice Roll twice.
Thunder Fang
M, 1
Standard. Target is Paralyze or Flinched on ACC 18-19. Flip a coin to determine which. On 20, Target is Paralyzed AND Flinched.
Baby-Doll Eyes
4, 1T, Pri, Soc
Target's ATK lowered 1 CS.
M, 1T, Da
Paralyzes on 15+
Hopscotch (♀ Buneary)
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10
Exp: 94/110
HP: 41/41
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/1/3
Init: 16
Hgt: 1'5''
Wgt: 12 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Desperate
Abilities: Cute Charm
OvSp: 5
Swim: 3
H. Jump: 3
L. Jump: 3
Alt: --
Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 7
Atk: 16
Def: 6
SpAtk: 4
SpDef: 8
Speed: 16
Ath: 2d6
Acro: 3d6
Combat: 1d6+2
Stealth: 2d6
Perc: 2d6
Focus: 2d6
Underdog, Naturewalk (Grassland/Urban)
M, 1
Defense Curl
Standard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
Swift. Normal/Fighting attacks hit Ghosts, Immune to Illusion Effects. Lasts until end of turn.
M, 1
Shift. +1 L. Jump, H. Jump, +2 Evasion until end of turn.
Reaction / Trigger. Reduce HP to 1 instead of 0 on hit.
Baby-Doll Eyes
4, 1T, Pri, Soc
Target's ATK lowered 1 CS.
Sunshine (♀ Petilil)
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 8
Exp: 70/80
HP: 48/48
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/0/1
Init: 5
Hgt: 1'11''
Wgt: 15.5 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Decisive
Abilities: Chlorophyll
OvSp: 4
Swim: 1
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 10
Atk: 6
Def: 8
SpAtk: 13
SpDef: 4
Speed: 5
Herb Growth, Underdog, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)
M, 1
R4, 1
Heal for 1/2 damage dealt.
+1 Attack and Special Attack CS. Doubled in sunny weather.
Leech Seed
Daily x2
R6, 1
Target loses 1/10th HP at beginning of its turn. User gains equal health. Lasts until target faints, returns, or escapes. Grass types and targets immune to Grass attacks are immune.
Natural Gift
See Effect
R6, 1, Berry
Type and damage according to berry list (pg 402). Berry/Digestion buff is nullified upon activating this move.
Having grown up an orphan in the streets of Traverse City, Lex’s life was not as bad as might be expected, and Lex would bristle at anyone taking pity on them for it. They were taken in at a young age by the Last Chansey Orphanage, and grew up with the other children there. The orphanage, though well meaning, was understaffed and so Lex and their companions were often free to roam and play in the streets. This consisted of running through the roads of Traverse, observing the travelers that came to town, and occasionally sneaking into buildings and meetings they didn’t belong in. The children would sometimes use these opportunities to nick some goodies for themselves, but were never involved in any serious misbehavior.
When Lex was a teen, the orphanage sent them to a series of foster homes, trying to find them a place to fit in. While none of these experiences were particularly terrible, Lex didn’t find much value in them either. Some tried to treat Lex as a member of the family, but Lex brushed this off as it clearly wasn’t the case. Some mostly left Lex alone, and they were glad for these opportunities to go off themselves and explore the area around. The last of the foster homes was a Miltank pasture near Route 13. “Hard work leads to three square meals a day!” was the family’s motto as they worked together to take care of their fields and pokemon. “Yeah, sure. And 60 more years of dullness.” Lex made their escape from the farm quite easily, taking just a small pack of their essentials with them as they simply walked away while everyone was out in the fields.
Lex made their way to Alexandria, hoping that the capital would have plenty of opportunities to blend in, survive, and have a lot of fun while doing so. Nobody knew who they were there, and so they could be anyone they wanted. Lex quickly found out that if you looked like you knew what you were doing and said the right things, you could go almost anywhere you wanted. Whether it was accessing a gang’s favorite bar by simply walking in and acting tough, or getting VIP treatment at a dance event by pretending to be minor nobility, Lex did all they could to break the monotony of day to day survival as a lone teen by engaging in these escapades. Their favorite masterpiece was brokering a stolen goods transaction between two bands of thugs, tipping off the police, then taking a healthy share of loot for themself as the three groups fought among each other.
Now having engaged in this kind of business for a bit of time, Lex is no longer completely unrecognized in the lower depths of Alexandria, with many folks from various walks of life having had some interaction with them. Nobody really knew them though. Their past, their affiliations, their intentions. All the people knew was that Lex was around a lot, always eager to help with a favor, and could get things done. They might have suspected that Lex had ulterior motives or other plans, but most didn’t particularly care as long as they got what they wanted. Truth be told, Lex didn’t really know of their own plans either. They were adept in coming up with schemes on the fly to get out of predicaments, but in terms of long term plans…Lex just wanted to get to the next day and the next fun escapade. For now, this consisted of an unusual job that took them to Trinity Town.
Lex prides themself on being able to be anyone at any time. While this may be an exaggeration, they generally are charismatic and adaptable, able to talk out of many bad situations (including those they talked themselves into originally).
At the current moment in time, Lex’s only real motivation is enjoying themself. Though not without dangers, they have been enjoying their newfound freedom after going out on their own, with entertaining new situations to find every day. They generally attempt ventures more for fun than profit, and when they do rake in a larger haul from a job, they usually spend it all quickly on some other fun, like food or gambling. Lex often heard from others like their childhood friend Daisy about “long term plans” and “the future” but tries to block those thoughts out for now.
When not “in character” for a job or their own amusement, Lex is fairly laid back and enjoys celebration and humor. There are few, if any, that Lex is close enough to to act completely “naturally” around but generally Lex is more open to being friendly and relaxed around those they know have no other motives in mind.
Lex does their best to not hurt those who don’t deserve it, but has no problem with causing confusion and chaos, particularly among those who take themselves too seriously. Often, this consists of the highest of the high and lowest of the low the parts of society Lex has seen, not literally the queen or somethingin society, who all have their set systems of doing things that Lex loves to infiltrate and play with.
- Lex enjoys games such as pool, darts, and cards.
- They love to try out different types of cuisine in different places, with many of their expenses coming from this
- They aren’t averse to flirting with interesting people but rarely go beyond that. The idea of a committed relationship and being so genuinely close to someone else scares them.
- They occasionally feed stray pokemon in the city some scraps of leftovers, but find the idea of a close connection with a pokemon to be somewhat nerve-racking as well.
Lex has a striking face, white hair, and a slim androgynous figure. People sometimes struggle to determine if they are a man or a woman, but Lex does not particularly care. They are fine with being called as either as long as it is not malicious, and they are willing to play along with people’s assumptions if it is convenient. To themself, Lex is just Lex. Or, whatever character they happen to be putting on in the current interaction.
Wen: Old friend back from the Last Chansey, who was always the most impulsive and violent of the group. The others often had to stop him from doing anything too reckless, and usually it took some calculated convincing from Lex to get him to stand down. Like Lex, he is on his own now, a petty thug in the Westshore area. Lex would honestly rather not have to deal with him much, but Wen still considers Lex a friend, so Lex is willing to pop in and chat and possibly trade a favor or two if it is not much trouble.
Wen is filled with muscle and bravado and thinks this is enough to rise in the underworld, often leading to him being outmaneuvered strategically. Still, he has enough charisma to have a few followers. Is never cruel just for the sake of being cruel but his pride and temper leads to him getting mixed up in messes fairly frequently. Believes strongly in loyalty and thinks that as old childhood friends he and Lex should/would do anything for the other. Lex has tried to distance from this, without much success. For now, this hasn’t been a problem yet, but Lex fears being caught up in one of Wen’s endeavors gone wrong.
Has a Rattata, and possibly has obtained some other “tough” pokemon since Lex last saw him.
Daisy Ashford: Childhood friends with Lex and Wen, she followed the straightforward path and settled in with a foster family, recently taking their last name as well. Now has a respectable job as a shipping merchant back in Traverse and tries to volunteer at the Last Chansey when she can. Occasionally contacts Lex over the phone, concerned at their well-being, but prudent (and exasperated) enough not to pry too much. Has already cut most contact with Wen and knows that she and Lex are getting more distant, but wonders if it is for the best.
A thoughtful and responsible person, of the orphans she had the easiest time fitting in with mainstream society. She was usually the one who had to watch over the others as kids and kept them from getting into too much trouble. Not happy with the paths Lex and Wen have taken but too occupied with her own life to do much about it. She still feels like they can understand her in a way her new friends do not, but is mostly satisfied her current lifestyle and new family.
Has a Hoppip.
Lianne: Mysterious and sarcastic woman who has a network of meeting points across the lower two tiers of Alexandria in bars, alleyways, pool halls, and anywhere else that would help in getting business done. A fence and underworld contact, she and Lex found each other quickly after Lex began their escapades in the capital. She’ll help them take care of certain stolen goods and occasionally give them new leads to explore. Though Lex is small-time and inexperienced among her clients, she finds Lex amusing and doesn’t hesitate in letting them know. As long as they can continue to bring in mutual profits and some interesting stories, she’s willing to continue these transactions.
People enjoy doing business with her, as she is a through professional who’s always good for an entertaining conversation. Like many of the underworld, she is ultimately self-interested, but for the most part keeps good relationships with as many as possible until she is forced to do otherwise.
Has a Sneasal that always watches her from the shadows and a Spearow used for intra-city communications. Those familiar with her are pretty sure that she has some more powerful pokemon up her sleeve, but very few have actually seen this in action.
Stirling: Seems vaguely charismatic, but is mostly unable to hide the air of sleaze around him. A lawyer and “purchasing agent” for Team Rocket, he gets business done that others are too stupid and/or impatient to handle. Lex disrupted a “business deal” once and nearly got Rocket enforcers sent after them, but was able to work out a deal with Stirling that helped everyone (especially Stirling personally). Since then they’ve encountered each other (or their names at least) a few times. They wouldn’t consider each other associates, but take advantage of each other’s help when they can, continuing to keep a wary eye on the other.
Does not get as much attention as some others in the underworld due to his propensity toward subtle words and actions more than flashiness or violence. Those that do know him almost universally treat him like a vile and selfish Ekans, but he is usually intelligent enough not to openly act this way.
Unknown if he has pokemon.
Mrs. Berkeley An elderly resident of Alexandria, used to manage an inn with her spouse but is now widowed and too old to run things, so instead just rents out the rooms without providing other services. Lex usually stays in one of the small upstairs rooms, scraping by just enough to pay the relatively lower rent. Lex led her to believe that they have a legitimate job as a courier in Alexandria; she doesn’t entirely believe them but doesn’t mind as long as Lex pays rent and occasionally chats with her. She was slightly surprised that Lex wasn’t renting for at least the next month due to a trip out of town, but said she’d be looking forward to hearing stories upon their return.
Seems frail and doesn’t go out much anymore, but still shows hints of being an impressive woman in her youth. Rents out her rooms for variable periods of time, so gets a decent flow of different visitors and tenants. When she does leave her room on the first floor of the former inn, she usually sits out on the patio, drinking tea and offering some to passerby. Tries to keep up with what is going on in Alexandria despite her age and lack of mobility.
Owns a Delcatty, Skitty, and Chatot.
Lex, Street Wanderer
“What’s the business, Charlie?” Lex leaned over the streetside food stand to ask the vendor.
“Oh, hey Lex.” The mustached man behind the stand continued to fry some batter as he chatted. “Good timing, she’s looking for you specifically today…Flying Zangoose in the mid-level.”
“Got it, thanks Charlie.”
Lex made their way to the second tier of Alexandria, where patrons continued on with their mostly dull everyday business. Lex followed the path to the Flying Zangoose Bar, which was just barely nice enough to fit in in the neighborhood. Some regulars sat around the tables, drinking and yammering to each other. At the bar counter sat the contact Lex was searching for: Lianne. She smiled and waved Lex over as she saw them enter the door.
“Oh…my little Lexy…what do you have for me?”
“You know what it is. I said I’d get it to you.” Lex shrugged as they took a seat at the bar and handed over a stack of bills.
“About time he paid us back. And your cut?”
“Took it already. Spent it too. There’s a nice new Kalosian restaurant down the road.”
“Uh huh. There’s that confidence again Lex. It’s great, but just don’t get caught up in a Growlithe’s den, alright?”
“It was a routine job, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, you’re right. So let’s move onto some a little less routine then…”
Lex had had a feeling that something was up. Lianne didn’t just seek out a meeting for every small piece of business; with the amount Lex had recovered from the debtor she usually would just quickly set up a drop-off point.
“Are you familiar with a Professor Bloom?”
“What, some new instructor at the University? What do they have to do with anything?”
“No, actually. A new Pokemon Professor who’s started up in Trinity Town. She's garnered quite a bit of attention, a rising star in the academic world they say.”
“Uh huh…” Lex didn’t really see much intrigue in this, and was wondering why Lianne did.
“She’s relatively new but she has a whole network of data, researchers, and technology. And this is valuable.” She put emphasis on the last word, leaning in toward a previously disinterested Lex.
“Right, so you want me to do something related to this Professor, right? I’m guessing this is one of those 'no choice' things?"
“Oh come on, Lexy, you always have a choice…just keep in mind what I said about valuable.”
“Yes, yes, I get it.” Lex sighed. There wasn’t actually much choice if they wanted to keep getting these types of job from Lianne. Still sounds pretty boring but with how interested she is I’m sure there’s some intriguing aspect to this…and quite a big cut of money for her too.
“You’re to apply to be her research assistant, then use that to gain access to her lab in Trinity Town. She has open applications online for aspiring pokemon researchers, generally youth in the world looking for adventure, so I told my client I had just the person who could do the job for them.” She grinned mischievously. “It’s just going to be, you know, a bunch of starry-eyed kids who want to 'be the very best!' with like, bug nets and exercise shorts. I’m sure you’ll be able to fit right in, yeah?” she said, smirking.
“That’s…not really my scene but yeah, sure, no problem fitting in if I need to. So, just get into the lab, get some data or something, get out, right?”
“Actually…” From her bag she pulled out a smaller pouch, which seemed to contain some round object inside. “You’re taking the job, yeah Lexy?”
“I think we’re past that at this point.”
“Great!” Lianne handed the pouch over. “Careful, it might be fragile or something. Maybe?” She took another sip of her drink. “Client says it’s some fossil they’ve obtained, no other details. They want to revive it, but apparently the only way to do that is using a machine that only the professor has. That’s all the details I know, they were quite secretive about this one.”
“So I take this…fossil?” Lex opened the pouch just enough to take a peek, and felt the weight in their hand. “And…revive it? Using a machine? That’s a thing? Reviving fossils?”
“Apparently. Beats me. That’s all I’ve got but they seem to think it’s doable so I’m sure you can figure out the rest, yeah?” Lianne finished the rest of her drink and started to leave the bar. “Oh, and apparently research assistants get their own pokemon and pokedex, so…a bonus to motivate you, yeah?" She patted Lex on the shoulder. “Good luck, get it done. Client says there’s not a huge rush so don’t force it and look suspicious, but…valuable.” She winked and left to move on to other business.
Lex stared at the fossil in their hand. Well, this will be different than most of what I’ve done. Sure, why not. And a pokemon, huh? Never expected that...
Standing just a little over five feet, this feisty fireball with purple hair sported a mischievous smirk as she looked at you. Despite her laid back appearance of worn jeans, jackets, hoodies, boots and t-shirts, she looked like trouble. At least that is what all the adults may tell you. That girl certainly couldn’t be up to anything good.
Unlike a lot of trainers who vie to get travelling bags that could carry a small house's worth of equipment with them; Keira chose to go with an old looking black backpack, aiming to travel light... though one would have to wonder if that was her whole world in that one tiny pack. Several patches were stitched to it-including an old, official valkeya pokemon league patch that looked like it was fairly worn, but very well taken care of.
With her natural inclination towards sarcasm and generally haughty responses, Keira might come off as quite the brat. However, those few whom she trusts know nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, she could be quite mischievous - with pranks and the like - and vicious to those she thinks deserves it, but she has the best of intentions for those in need. Few happen to see this ‘other’ side of her, often becoming her partners in crime, though much of that is because few give her a chance due to her more impish ways.
Goals and Motivations
Keeping her goals close to the chest, Keira rarely speaks about why she does anything; “None of your @#$%ing business!” She joined the PBL circuit and seeks to “kick someone’s ass” but won’t elaborate on who. Canine Pokemon seem to draw her attention more than most, but she admits to nothing.
Character Backstory
Known to the police of Marquette City as ‘that purple-haired punk again’, Keira gets in trouble as easily as breathing. When she’s not stealing from local markets, she could be found attending underground raves before they were broken up for illegal activities. No one knows where her parents went, with Keira only explaining that they ‘aren’t around anymore’ when pressed.
Somehow, the troublemaker even got signed up for the PBL, gathering pokeballs from… somewhere and headed off to greener pastures.
Keira Evans
16 Years Old, Black Sheep
“Girl, you better run, first thing in the morning -” The beat pounded in Keira’s left ear, mixing with the pop-hiss from her right and the scent of aerosol that shot up her nose and burned like the world’s worst sneeze was just around the corner. Splashes of violet cut across a wall bloated with warnings and labels:
No Loitering.
No Skateboarding.
No Battling.
No, no, no. Nothing done right, nothing at all. The world didn’t care about all the things you did right, it only cared about what you did that pissed it off.
“Whoa, K, you’re on fire!” Rob called from the bench. He was brushing his long, black hair out of his eyes with fingernails painted crimson. It was annoying how he could pull off the color better than she could. That was the downside of hanging out with boys in the punk scene: they sometimes knew more about makeup than you.
“Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that-”
“What am I the other times Robby? An icicle?” Keira called back as she swapped over to a glittered, metallic hue. The gold would contrast with what she had in mind. “Maybe you’d like to pick up a can for once?”
“Please, you know that’s not what he meant.” Alice, with her bookish looks, all glasses and page-cut hair. Always the peacemaker; her personality was anything but. That’s what had drawn the two together in the first place. They both said things that made teachers uncomfortable when ‘proper young ladies’ said them. Of course, that made them butt heads… but Keira would rather have her friends say what they felt than to worry about hurting her feelings.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m just giving him ****.” She motioned back over her shoulder to placate them both. Sure. Joking around. She was totally not worried that one of them had noticed the tears she’d dried off before calling them both to hang out. She could see Rob’s good-natured smirk without even turning around.
“Nice of your folks to let you get all this paint. Must be nice.” Alice added from behind her magazine. Some trashy thing she liked to read to make fun of. Keira couldn’t stand it. The magazine was like cheerleaders: all glitter and no substance. But whatever made her happy. Keira had better things to do.
“Yeah…” Nice. Sure. That’s what her parents told her, too. The credit card was all hers - or so they said. She could use it on whatever she wanted as long as she did her chores. Then why did they get so angry when she bought paints? Waste of money, they said. You’re not doing enough, they said. Do you know how much we do for you around here? You should just do what we want, before we even ask! If you want to get it so bad, get a job yourself! We can’t afford your things - but could you house-sit while we went on a vacation for a couple weeks?
Keira had to bite her tongue. Her friends wouldn’t understand. How could she complain to Alice or Rob when her family made so much more than theirs? Her parents always eventually bought her things, what was the problem? She didn’t get hugged enough? They yelled a little? Rich girl problems. Noble problems. Their parents couldn’t even afford this crap.
The worst part was that she knew she was being ungrateful. Yet she was pissed all the same. Why? Why couldn’t she just get along, why was she always causing trouble? Was she broken? Her parents were always so angry, it didn’t really matter when she did well. It was like the signs. It only mattered when she screwed up.
“Tells you that he loves you, then he take it all back -” the earbud cried into her ear. Green next. Yeah, green. The paint was all that mattered. Who needed to think about the rest as long as she could paint? A slash of color vivisected the wall like a spray of blood from an old samurai flick. Keira stepped back with a flourish. Before she’d got here, the wall was… dead. Now, it had life. “That’s it.”
“... what’s up with you and orchids lately, K?” Rob asked as he hopped to his feet to help clean up the evidence. He always felt guilty about not helping otherwise, but Keira never asked him to help. Still, she wasn’t going to turn it down, either.
“I don’t know. Just feeling it is all.” Keira shrugged. But even as she said it she knew that wasn’t quite true. A single orchid, standing tall yet alone. She knew how it felt. Even amongst her friends, she still felt… alone.
A cute scarf themed in the style of a Sylveon's ribbon-like tendrils. Grants +2 to Charm and Intuition checks against people who identify on the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
More for sleeping and lounging than actually working out
Lvl. 2: +SPD, +Tech Edu, +Repel Crafter
Leo (♂ Shinx)
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 10
Exp: 95/110
HP: 50/50
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/1/1
Init: 9
Hgt: 1' 8''
Wgt: 20.9 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Cuddly
Abilities: Natural Cure
OvSp: 5
Swim: 3
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 6
Atk: 5
Def: 3
SpAtk: 4
SpDef: 3
Speed: 5
Zapper, Tracker, Underdog, Nature W. (Grassland/Cave)
M, 1
M, 1, Da, Pu
Target Pushed 2.
Cone 2, F, S
Standard. All legal targets -1 Defense CS.
Standard. User +1 CS Spe. DEF. One electric attack from now until the end of your next turn deals Damage Dice Roll twice.
Thunder Fang
M, 1
Standard. Target is Paralyze or Flinched on ACC 18-19. Flip a coin to determine which. On 20, Target is Paralyzed AND Flinched.
Base Stats: HP > ATK = SPD > SpATK > DEF = SpDEF
Buneary ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 9
Exp: 85/90
HP: 34/34
Inj.: 0
Eva. 0/1/1
Init: 9
Hgt: 1'5''
Wgt: 12 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Desperate
Abilities: Cute Charm
OvSp: 5
Swim: 3
H. Jump: 3
L. Jump: 3
Alt: --
Power: 1
Battle Abilities
HP: 5
Atk: 9
Def: 4
SpAtk: 4
SpDef: 6
Speed: 9
Underdog, Naturewalk (Grassland/Urban)
M, 1
Defense Curl
Standard. Becomes Curled. Immune vs crit, 10 dmg reduction. Slowed, -4 Acc. Additional bonuses, see entry (Core pg 394)
Swift. Normal/Ground attacks hit Ghosts, Immune to Illusion Effects. Lasts until end of turn.
M, 1
Shift. +1 L. Jump, H. Jump, +2 Evasion until end of turn.
Reaction / Trigger. Reduce HP to 1 instead of 0 on hit.
Base Stats: SPD = ATK > SpDEF > HP > DEF = SpATK
Shiny Petilil
Petilil ♀
Vitals & Basic Information
Level: 8
Exp: 70/80
HP: 36/36
Inj.: 0
Eva. 1/0/0
Init: 3
Hgt: 1'11''
Wgt: 15.5 lbs (1)
Size: Small
Nature: Decisive
Abilities: Chlorophyll
OvSp: 4
Swim: 1
H. Jump: 1
L. Jump: 1
Alt: --
Power: 2
Battle Abilities
HP: 6
Atk: 4
Def: 5
SpAtk: 7
SpDef: 3
Speed: 3
Herb Growth, Underdog, Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest)
M, 1
R4, 1
Heal for 1/2 damage dealt.
+1 Attack and Special Attack CS. Doubled in sunny weather.
Leech Seed
Daily x2
R6, 1
Target loses 1/10th HP at beginning of its turn. User gains equal health. Lasts until target faints, returns, or escapes. Grass types and targets immune to Grass attacks are immune.
Natural Gift
See Effect
R6, 1, Berry
Type and damage according to berry list (pg 402). Berry/Digestion buff is nullified upon activating this move.
(Because picture limit and I keep adding unnecessary stuff, this should be the last one I think, sorry)
Wailmer Square, Traverse City: 7 Years Ago
Lex walked along the paved tiles of the plaza along with their two best friends from the Last Chansey Orphanage, Daisy and Wen. The afternoon sun shone down on Traverse City and reflected off the harbor water nearby. The ocean view was fantastic and and people milled around between the sleek shopping buildings and the beach. It was pleasant, but nothing Lex hadn't seen many times before.
"Eh, I'm kind of bored. Is there anything to do?" they asked.
"We're having a nice walk with friends, isn't that enough?" Daisy replied, taking a moment to enjoy the breeze.
"Come on, we only have a few hours before Jill gets back with all the little kids. Let's do something!" Wen pushed for action, as he usually did.
"I mean, the walk is pretty nice, but how about checking out the Luvdisc Festival down by the pier? That's happening now, isn't it?"
"Oooh! That sounds good, I've been wanting to look for a necklace that..." Daisy trailed off, turning to look at something of interest across the square.
A teenage boy, a few years older than Lex and their friends, sat on a bench trying to enjoy a cone stacked high with ice cream. But he was interrupted by a small brown pokemon that had wandered into the plaza and was now desperately trying to get a lick of the frozen treat.
"Hey! Get off me you dumb mutt!" The teen jolted around until the pokemon fell to the ground, but it did not give up on its quest. It happily yipped and leaped up at the ice cream cone, and as the boy tried to hold it out of reach, the top scoop tipped over and splattered across the tiles. "Ugh! Now look what you've done! Do you know how much that cost?! You stupid-!" He angrily kicked at the pokemon, grazing its head and making contact with a hind leg, while dropping the rest of the cone. The small puppy, thinking this had been just a game, now stumbled down and began bawling.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Daisy screamed out as she sprinted across the plaza. Lex and Wen took a quick look at each other then followed their friend. Some pedestrians looked over at the scene, but strangers' confrontations happened commonly enough in the big city.
"That was a cute little Eevee! It wasn't hurting you, why did you kick it?!" She crouched over to check on the pokemon.
"What do you care, you stupid girl? Get away from-ghk" He was interrupted by a pair of hands putting a vicegrip on his wrist and neck. Though Wen was younger than the other boy, he towered over him. "Don't you dare call her stupid, you stupid ****! And she was right, you didn't have to kick it!"
Lex sympathized with Wen's anger on both counts, but noticed more and more people looking over. "Yo, the Beach Patrol's getting close by..."
Wen took a look over his shoulder, then let out an angry grunt as he shoved the teen away. The Eevee abuser quickly scampered off while he could. Meanwhile, Daisy was doting over the injured pokemon, rubbing it on the head and injured leg. "Aww, you're not hurt are you? How could anyone think of harming a pokemon like that?" Tears were starting to form in her eyes. "Oh!" She dug through her makeshift purse to find a roll of bandages she always kept on her, which came in handy when one of the orphans inevitably got cuts and scrapes. Tending an Eevee wasn't exactly the same, but she did her best to patch up the wound from the kick. Wen threateningly glared at anyone even thinking of approaching, while Lex hovered over Daisy's shoulder, unsure what else they could do.
"There! She's all better! Well, not all, but I hope that helps a bit at least!" The Eevee purred happily in response.
"How do you know it's a she?" Wen asked, looking over at them.
"Huh? Oh...well, I don't know for sure, but she seems all cute and fluffy, so I just thought...oh, and I should name her Fluffy!"
"Are you sure she doesn't have an owner or something? What if she already has a name, and someone's looking for her?"
Daisy thought for a minute. "Oh, I know! Let's take her to Mr. Davey! He knows a lot about pokemon, he'll know what to do!"
The friends made their way down to the fishing docks, where the old sailor Mr. Davey was in the process of tying a boat to the wharf. Though he looked mean and gruff, he had always shown the orphans kindness, giving them snacks and letting them play with his Seaking and Wingull.
"Oh, what's up kids? I didn't know you had free time today...oh, and what's that with you?" He walked over to take a closer look at the injured Eevee in Daisy's arms. "Hmm...did you do the bandaging? Not bad, but this should help a bit too..." He pulled out a potion and sprayed it on the pokemon's leg. "How did this happen, anyway?"
"Ugh, there was this awful guy who kicked it and aargh! I don't want to talk about it! But...we were trying to take care of Fluffy and weren't sure what to do..."
"Mr. Davey, do you think she has an owner? Maybe we could try to look for them..."
"Hmm...judging by the pokemon's fur and general physique...I'm pretty sure it's a stray. Oh, and it's a boy Eevee, by the way."
"Oh, really? I had no idea! Oh, well that's okay, boys can be fluffy too! And if he has no owner, I can call him Fluffy then, right?"
Hmm... Lex was briefly distracted by what Daisy had casually said about boys being fluffy.
The sailor chuckled. "Sure, you can call him whatever you want. I think he'll mostly be fine now after our treatment, just make sure he doesn't get into any danger again..."
Wen, who had mostly remained quiet as the others discussed the pokemon, finally spoke up. "Don't worry, he won't get hurt on our watch."
Mr. Davey nodded. "Take good care of it. Eevee's a special pokemon, you know. Most pokemon only have 1 or 2 evolutions, but Eevee can become pretty much anything it wants depending on what it decides to do."
Oh, really? Lex knew of Eevee because of its frequent presence in media and advertising, and vaguely knew about the pokemon having multiple evolutions, but didn't realize there were quite that many. It can decide what to become, huh...
"Oh, oh! If nobody owns him, does that mean I can be his trainer then? I've always wanted to be a pokemon trainer!"
"I don't know Daisy, it's not that easy to just do it...do you even have a pokeball or anything?"
"Heh, well Lex is right..." the sailor mused. "It'll be difficult...but not impossible. I can try to get a ball for you tomorrow and if the pokemon is still around by then...you never know."
Daisy perked up in anticipation. Though skeptical of the idea at first, Lex and Wen were certainly intrigued too at the possibility of one of them training a pokemon.
The three of them made their way back to the orphanage along with Fluffy. The Eevee eagerly purred and licked at them, trying to thank its saviors. Lex wasn't quite sure how to respond, with this being the most they had ever interacted with a pokemon, but gave Fluffy's fluffy head and ears a few light pats.
The sun had nearly set by the time they made it back, but Jill was still too busy chasing around the younger kids to pay much mind. Daisy was eager to take the pokemon inside to show it the orphans' home, but Fluffy thumped his tail a few times, wanting to be put down. Once on the ground again, he happily barked and wagged his tail at the kids before turning to leave purposefully, as if he had someplace to be.
"Oh..." Daisy tried to keep a smile as she waved goodbye to the Eevee, but Lex could tell she was crestfallen. Lex put a hand on her shoulder. "It's ok...maybe he'll come back sometime...or maybe he has a trainer and they'll be happy to be reunited..."
She sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right..."
To their pleasant surprise, Fluffy the Eevee did show up again the next day. The pokemon had a bag of crepes in its mouth somehow and offered it to the three friends. With its leg seemingly fully healed, it eagerly pranced through the streets as the kids chased after it, lead by Daisy. They had quite a bit of fun roaming the streets of Traverse, getting to see some new sights that even the streetwise orphans hadn't noticed until the pokemon pointed them out. At the end of the day however, the Eevee once again barked a goodbye and turned away into the setting sun.
This continued on for almost two years, with the pokemon periodically showing up in front of the orphanage with an offer of sweets, followed by some fun frolicking around the city. Lex usually joined in, but it was clear that Daisy was closest to the Eevee. After a while, she had accepted that Fluffy didn't want to be captured, or even stay overnight, but always made the most of her time with the pokemon.
Lex tried a few times to follow Fluffy departing the orphanage at sunset, but even with their agility and knowledge of the city quickly lost sight of the pokemon as it darted through small spaces near the ground. Lex had taken quite a liking to the small creature, but more than anything else had wanted it to stay around a bit longer to fulfill Daisy's dreams of becoming a trainer.
Streets of Traverse City: 5 Years Ago
"Hey! Have either of you seen Fluffy anywhere?" Daisy's voice echoed through one of the narrow back alleys of the side streets of Traverse. At the other end, Lex and Wen sat around an upside-down crate, playing a game of cards with a few other teens.
"Huh? Daisy, we're in the middle of something...two pairs." Wen turned back to the game.
"Why are you so worried? He goes off on his own a lot..."
"I know, but this time it's been too long! He's never gone more than two weeks, and it's been more than a month now! I've tried looking everywhere! I asked Mr. Davey too and he hasn't seen anything! I think Fluffy is gone!"
Lex put their cards face down on the makeshift table and turned to face their friend. She wasn't quite crying, but was nervously shaking and obviously distraught. "Alright, we'll help you look for him." They nudged Wen on the shoulder.
"Huh?" The thuggish boy remained focused on the game, bantering with another teen, before reluctantly turning over and seeing Lex and Daisy's expressions. He sighed. "Alright...I guess we'll continue another time..."
"Haha! What, you scared of losing, Wen? Had your girlfriend come over to interrupt?" a punk boy taunted.
"Shut the **** up, ****! I was winning anyway!" He flipped over the crate and sent cards and chips scattering everywhere. Lex chose to ignore the outburst and went to join Daisy.
"When was the last time you saw him...when he brought us chocolate-chip cookies and then went down to the beach? I...I don't know, let's take a look around, I'm sure there's someplace you haven't searched yet...."
The three of them combed through the city, searching high and low for the missing Eevee. They tried asking around too, but no one had any information on a single stray pokemon. The more Lex thought about it, the more likely the possibility seemed that Fluffy might be gone. They had gotten quite used to the furry creature showing up sometimes, but only Daisy had seemed to count on it being around forever. Lex didn't feel they could understand the pokemon's thinking the way Lex had learned to do with people, especially with this particular Eevee who liked to keep some affairs private.
They searched until the sun began to set, but still saw no sign of Fluffy. Eventually they came to a stop at a plaza near the harbor, around where they had first met the pokemon. Daisy, who had been intently focused on searching everywhere possible, began to let out tears.
Lex did their best to comfort her. "Hey...I...I don't know, maybe he's just on vacation or something?" Daisy didn't seem to believe it, and neither did Lex really. "Or...maybe he evolved into a Vaporeon and is swimming around somewhere? He always seemed to like the beach, and Davey said they could evolve into whatever they wanted, right? Or...maybe he really was a trainer's after all and they came back for him?"
"I mean...it's possible that...I mean...pokemon die too..."
Daisy let out a shriek, in between anger and inconsolable sadness. Lex glared back at their other friend.
"Sorry, I just...ugh..." Wen slammed his fist into a nearby pillar in frustration at his inability to deal with the situation, then walked away to leave the other two alone.
Lex sighed and went over to hug Daisy. "I...don't know what to say really...I mean, it's possible that maybe he'll come back? Or if not...I don't know...sometimes things just happen...and good things end..." Lex didn't know where they were going with this. They were good at coming up with a quick quip to cheer friends up, but the current situation went far beyond that. Lex just continued to stand there, holding their friend in an embrace.
They remained there until it was completely dark outside and most other pedestrians had gone indoors. Daisy finally looked up, her tears dried away. "Arghh...I'm sorry Lex. I'm just being dumb. I'm 16 now, I'm supposed to be almost a grown up, they might send me out to some foster family or apprenticeship now. I shouldn't get so worked up over a pokemon that wasn't mine anyway."
"No...I mean, I know you want to become a trainer and you really liked Fluffy..."
Daisy shook her head as if to dismiss those thoughts. "Come on, let's get back. Jill and the others must be worried..."
Lex felt like they were supposed to say something else here, something poignant and uplifting, but nothing came to mind. They sighed and followed Daisy back to the orphanage.
None of them ever did see Fluffy the Eevee again. As she mentioned, Daisy was soon sent to live with a well-off family near the waterfront who were willing to house her if she helped a bit with managing shipping records. Lex and Wen were eventually also sent away to foster families but didn't remain there long, choosing to strike their own path in less-than-legitimate dealings instead. The friends tried to remain in close contact at first, but communications grew further and further apart over time. Lex occasionally thought back on the Eevee, wondering where it had went off to and if it had ever chosen to evolve into something. They hoped that whatever else had happened, Fluffy was happy.
Queen's Crown Game Corner, Alexandria City: 1 Year Ago
Lex sank the final ball into the corner pocket. "Alright, that's game. Pay up."
An angry Biker snarled and threw some bills onto the pool table. Travelers occasionally came to the popular game corner looking for fun and winnings, but Lex felt confident about taking most of them on. It also helped that Lex knew this particular table was actually slightly tilted due to a worn floorboard. Lex smiled as they counted the cash, getting ready to spend it on a good buffet dinner and maybe a new top if there was any left over.
As they began walking out of the building, something caught their attention from the corner of their eye. A new set of machines was in a corner of the Arcade section, surrounded by bright advertisements. ALL NEW! CUTE POKEMON KEYCHAINS FOR ASPIRING TRAINERS! ATTRACT YOUR FAVORITE POKEMON! COLLECT ALL 50 FOR A SPECIAL PRIZE!
Hm? Lex walked over to sate their curiosity. They had seen machines like this before, but only containing cheap bubble gum or other uninspiring prizes. These new keychains seemed well-made, and claimed to be able to actually increase the chances of catching certain pokemon. I doubt that...but...not like I'll ever try that out anyway...
Still, they pressed their face near the clear panels of the machines. Hm, they seem neat, might as well try...which one should I go for? At the center of the gacha advertisement showing all the collectible pokemon sat Pikachu and Eevee. Ah, of course, the crowd-pleasing classics. Those are probably the hardest to get too, huh? Sure enough, from what Lex could tell, there was no Pikachu in this machine and only one Eevee, tucked away in a corner.
Lex hadn't thought about Traverse and Fluffy the Eevee in a while. They had mostly enjoyed their times there, but with their heart-racing new life didn't want to dwell on the past much. Lex briefly wondered if Daisy still missed her Eevee friend. Hmm...she barely replies to my texts anymore...maybe she'll be interested if I show her this rare Eevee keychain?
Lex began playing the machine. They tried all sorts of tricks to manipulate the randomness - shaking the machine, bumping it, turning the dial very slowly and then quickly...but to no avail. Before they knew it, they had spent almost their entire winnings from pool and had only obtained keychains of pokemon they had no interest in.
Dammit! These things are rigged! They're worse than the slots, sucking up all your money! Lex slapped the machine in frustration.
"Ooh! No! Look how cute and rare it is! I'm not going to trade my Eevee to you unless you give me all your legendary cards!" A precocious young lad, only old enough to be in the Arcade and not the Casino section, taunted his friends while holding up a capsule with the coveted Eevee keychain inside.
Whoa! Lex quickly made their way over, trying to put on a charming, kid-friendly face. "Hey there! Having fun? I heard you talking about that Eevee keychain, I have a whole bunch of neat ones here, want to trade? I'll even give you 3 for 1!"
The boy took a quick look at the capsules Lex offered out, then snorted. "Ha! No way, I wouldn't trade this Eevee for all of those! Who wants a Farfetch'd anyway?" The other kids all snickered.
Ugh, kids these days."Um, well, there has to be something you want, right? Money?" Lex tried to maintain a patient smile as they dug through their pockets.
"Money? No, what's the point of that? We can't even buy the good prizes here with money, only tickets!"
"Oh, the good prizes? Which one do you want, then?" Lex looked over to the counter where a bored-looking employee sat in front of a shelf full of toys and gizmos.
"That one!" The boy pointed to the top of the shelf, where a gigantic Shadow Lugia plush sat."Shadow Lugia! The coolest pokemon!" The other kids oohed and aahed in agreement. "Oh, and I want all your other keychains too, I can definitely find some good trades with the Pinsir one!"
"How many...50,000 tickets?!" Lex exclaimed. "This is a total scam..." they muttered under their breath. But I'm not giving up on this keychain now...
Lex went over to the exchange machine and spent the rest of their money on Arcade Coins. "Well, you can win tickets from any Arcade machine, right? That's good, because you're about to see the best Sandshrew Ball player in Alexandria in action!" The group of kids chattered to themselves enthusiastically.
Good...an actual game of skill, unlike that stupid gacha machine! Lex made their way over to the Like Skee Ball, but rolling Sandshrew-colored balls into their "dens"Sandshrew Ball machines. They had spent a decent amount of time in the Game Corner and had mastered the spin and flick of the wrist needed to score maximum points in this game. The excited kids cheered over the course of an hour as Lex played Sandshrew Ball over and over to accumulate tickets for the top prize.
Finally, they had the 50,000 tickets needed and redeemed them at the counter. "Alright, one Shadow Lugia plush coming up...now you're going to follow through with our deal, right?" Lex handed over the doll and the other capsules they had won earlier.
"Yep! Here you go, miss! Or sir? Anyway, I didn't even like that Eevee keychain that much anyway, especially not compared to Shadow Lugia!" The kids yelled and jumped up and down before running off to show off their new prize to other friends.
Lex sighed and smiled down at the capsule in their hands. Well, that took forever...and it'll be cup noodles again tonight...but I've got it! They chuckled to themself, wondering why they were so excited over a keychain. Lex opened the capsule to take a look at the prize inside. The Eevee attached to the keychain ring smiled back at them. Well, it's as cute as advertised at least. Lex took a picture and attached it in a text to Daisy: [It's not Fluffy...but I finally found an Eevee again!]
Lex's "Apartment", Alexandria City: 2 Days Ago
Lex checked their bag one final time. They would be leaving the capital behind for a while and had to take all their necessary belongings with them. Good thing I'm able to travel fairly light...a lot of clothes but other than that just a few tools and supplies... Lex had spent most of their remaining money on a night at the bar and some new shoes, not leaving much for medical items or other survival gear, but they hoped that wouldn't be much of a problem. Heh, at most I'll finish the job and maybe train my new pokemon around for a bit, but it's not like I'm going to be roaming all around Valkeya's wilderness or anything...
As they checked under the bed for any stray belongings, Lex heard a knock at the door. "Huh? Coming!" Lex assumed it would be their landlady, Mrs. Berkeley, who was really the only one who came upstairs to knock on the door other than the occasional lost guest. Lex instead opened the door to find a uniformed yellow rodent standing at their feet. "Huh? A Pikachu?"
The Pikachu squeaked and waved cheerily, then left a small brown package on the doorstep. The pokemon, wearing a sash and hat emblazoned with "SpeedyPoke Rush Delivery Service!", then turned around and leapt off the balcony onto the back of a Fearow wearing the same accessories. The bird pokemon immediately took off into the sky.
"Um..." Lex had encountered courier pokemon before but never quite in this fashion. Who's sending something to me using a service like that? They looked at the package label. [From: Daisy Ashford, Ashford Import Company - Traverse City]Huh? Daisy? Why is she...she never...
Lex and Daisy only communicated sparsely these days. Their texts were few and far between, with little detail about personal matters. Lex's last text was a picture sent to Daisy a few days ago of their acceptance letter from Professor Bloom, along with a joke about how they were finally going to be a trainer, or at least pretend to be one. They hadn't even received a reply to that or the previous text, leading to their surprise at receiving a package from her. A special rush delivery too.
Lex unwrapped the package and looked inside. They were surprised at the sight of fur, but soon realized it was actually a replica of an Eevee tail, attached to some kind of cable connector. There was also a short note underneath. [Hey, Lex! You're really going to train a pokemon? Good luck! Wish I could do more but here's a device that's supposed to help you with finding Eevees! Don't know if it'll work out, but you never know! ;) ]
"Hmm?" Lex was surprised at the enthusiasm and affection out of nowhere. They also weren't sure if Daisy had really understood what Lex meant by "pretending" to be a trainer.
On a whim, Lex pulled out their phone, and gave Daisy a call. She was often busy, and rarely picked up unexpected casual calls. This time, she did respond.
"Hello? ...Lex?"
Lex paused momentarily. It had been a while since they had heard her voice. "Um, oh hey, Daisy, you're actually free to talk?"
"Oh, yeah...it's actually kinda slow at work for now, what's up?"
"Oh! I uh, I just got that package...from you?"
"Oh!" Daisy seemed to suddenly shift tones and focus in more on the call. She sounded less like a weary bookkeeper and more like her cheery orphan self from the past. "Oh, you got it then? The Eevee tail? I was worried it wouldn't arrive in time before you left! It's a new product from that company that makes those keychains you sent me a picture of! Apparently if you plug the tail into a pokedex, it'll help you find and catch that pokemon!"
"Um..." Lex was taken aback by Daisy's sudden energy. In most of their recent calls she sounded half-asleep or otherwise occupied and just went through the motions with the conversation. She was now going on excitedly about...the tail device? "Uh...so I just...plug it in? I...wait, so you did get my message about becoming a trainer?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah, did I not reply? Sorry, it gets busy with work and just with everything that...hm, I could've sworn I sent an emoji at least...but yeah! When I got it I did what I could to find you that special tail! We just got the shipment in this week and they're being distributed across the region now. I had to call in a few favors to make a 'sample purchase' and get one...don't tell anyone you got it like this instead of randomly like everyone else!" She giggled.
"Oh, thanks...but wow...you're okay with that? I thought you had to take everything super seriously over there..."
"I mean, yeah...but that doesn't mean I totally don't have a life. I still play with Jumpy sometimes...and I haven't totally given up on my old friends..."
Jumpy? Oh right, her Hoppip. She never really did get better at coming up with names..."Oh, well that's good...but...Daisy, you know what I do, right? I'm not actually becoming a pokemon trainer...I don't think I'll be able to actually travel around Valkeya looking for Eevees..."
"Actually, I specifically don't know what you do because I deliberately told you not to tell me. And I still don't really want to know. But...that letter you showed me...I know about Professor Bloom and her lab, that was for real, right? You got accepted there? And you're doing...something...I hope it's not something really terrible like stealing pokemon or burning down the lab..."
"What? No, no...I don't do stuff like that...I just need to...be able to communicate with the professor about something..." That was technically correct, and Lex didn't think Daisy wanted to go further.
"Well, okay then...so you're actually doing it then? You're going there and getting a pokemon and pokedex and helping with research?"
"Um, well...at least for a little bit. I mean, this isn't a full time thing, I'm not actually leaving everything to become a serious trainer or something...but I mean, yeah...I guess I'll keep the pokemon and all..."
"Ah...well...I'm really jealous then! Even if you're only kind of doing it...you get to take a pokemon and roam around everywhere!"
"From what I remember, you're the one who always wanted to be a trainer...and nothing's stopping you from just taking Jumpy and leaving to go anywhere..."
"Well that's...that's...not really the same..." She sighed. "Look, I have my own...I can't...I can't just do that...so...have a lot of fun for me okay? And look for Eevees if you can! Look, I think I need to go now...there's a new shipment just coming into port...keep me updated, okay?!"
Before Lex could reply, Daisy had hung up. Is she really always that busy? Or is she just avoiding something? Lex sighed. There was still a lot about her current life that they didn't know...but at least they had gotten the chance to talk a bit.
They grabbed their bag and headed downstairs, where they ran into Mrs. Berkeley having mid-morning tea with her Skitty.
"Ah, Lex. Last day renting for now, yes? Should I try and hold the room open for you?"
"Oh, it's okay, Mrs. B. You can rent it out if you find someone, don't know exactly how long I'll be gone. And if I come back and it's occupied...I'll find some way to manage."
"Well, okay then. You take care of yourself on your trip, alright? Sure you don't want to stay for some tea?"
"Haha, thanks, but I should probably get going. I'll see you later!" Lex waved goodbye and headed out into the streets of Alexandria, toward the ferry terminals. They considered the replica Eevee tail in their hand, and Daisy's request to make use of it. Hm...well I guess I'll be sticking around with this pokemon thing for at least a little longer...