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Old Feb 22nd, 2020, 08:09 PM
GoombaJosh GoombaJosh is offline
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Roger that, I'll be waiting .
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Old Dec 20th, 2020, 07:52 PM
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Okay, I'm looking for another 3 or so players. I added some more house rules, homebrew, etc, to the first post in this thread.
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Dec 21st, 2020, 12:18 AM
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Varissa Shadows
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Sorceror (Divine Soul)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Background: Acolyte

Personality Trait:
I don’t run from evil. Evil runs from me.
Personality Trait:
I see omens in every event and action. The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen.
Ideal: Aspiration
I seek to prove myself worthy of my god’s favor by matching my actions against her teachings.
My allegiance is to the Sisterhood before all others. I will do anything to protect our temple.
I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.

DetailsWriting Sample:

A lone elf stands in the center of a large antechamber. A dark and regal figure her mere presence demands attention.
"My lords, as you know I represent the Dark Sisters of the Raven Queen. On behalf of our mistress and Father Dondo I request to join the scouting party"
Varissa spoke calmly but with authority to the necromancers guild. Her voice echoing in the chamber.
"It is our belief that the Fallen Star may hold great power, and as always the Sisters would like nothing more than to aid the guild. All we ask for is a chance to study the artifact."
Again the woman's words echoed in the vast hall as the assembly listened quietly without response. Varissa waited a few moments before continuing, a hint of frustration and anger creeping into her voice as she beat her staff against the floor.
"I will take your silence as affirmation then, The Sisters will be represented. Thank you for your time."
with that the black clad woman turned and strode from the room her staff sounding her steps as her long cape dragged behind.


Last edited by JohnStone; Dec 21st, 2020 at 11:03 PM.
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Old Dec 21st, 2020, 12:55 PM
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This is my first application for a game, and I have a photo from google(newbie alert!). I was a bit carried away, but I sincerely hope you find it significantly shorter than a novella. Feedback is VERY much appreciated as I am new to this.

Name: Gael
Race: Variant Human
Class: Rogue
Subclass: Thief
Background: Criminal
Writing Sample:
right-aligned image

"Gael, the shadow's whisper! How's that? Fits your skillset!" - His voice rang out, pure and sweet, almost like a song. The labyrinth that was the back-alleys of the city ran far beneath them. This was their hideout, high up on the bell tower, looking out over half the city. The wind up here ensured comfort except on rainy days when the water pelted their bodies as they struggled to keep each other warm.
"Ha! As if! " - Gael stood up, the floorboards creaking dangerously beneath his feet.
"It's just a job that pays a little bit more than the usual, I'm not getting heroic names for stealing a bunch of paper.". His voice was the same, sweet and full of innocence.

"Well you're not going to, with that attitude!" said Garen as he stomped off in the direction of their makeshift bed, his head 2 inches higher than it should be. A small smile crept along his face as Gael followed, determined to make up a burglar story that was sure to paint his picture a better way.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?! WHO ARE YOU!?!" - the sound brought Gael back to his senses. He had done it again. This is not the first time that he passed into a reverie of the "good old days". He stood up gently, and turned around as slowly as he could.

Men like these, with guilt in their hearts, are like animals. They're dangerous when cornered and are startled by sudden movements. - the words echoed in his mind, memories threatening to take over again. The man standing behind him was big... and most likely strong, considering the fact that the greataxe on his back looked as if it weighed as much as Gael did.

I would not walk out of here unscathed if I took him on. But then, he is a witness... and in this part of this rotten city...
"you don't get that fat without innocent blood on your hands." - said Gael, his voice a hoarse whisper, akin to the dying gasps of the 2 bodies behind him whose blood had spattered the walls in hues of scarlet and purple, the swinging street lamps giving glimpses of the gruesome scene.

It was all over quick. It was good it did, because there was not a lot of strength left in his broken body. He'd need to see a cleric soon enough. Not to mention the fact that his voice was coming back. Maybe it'll get better than the clerics said it would. - thought Gael as he ran his bloodied fingers through his neck, the deep dirty scar dissecting it in two almost all the way around.

He walks over to the nearest source of light, which was a torch sconce, and after fiddling around with his belt a bit, lights it and makes sure he's clean. The local patrols need not know what happened here. Atleast for a few days. He thought as he cleaned up the rest of the blood on his armor with a dirty rag that he always kept with him. His limp was getting worse. A sharp pang of pain while he wiped his leg brought his attention to that.

The last one was pretty good at what she did, not to mention she was pretty herself. I wonder if clerics can marry? - sweeter, simpler thoughts soon flooded his mind, carrying it away from the rundown shack which he was limping away from, filled with the corpses of three people - the local thug's entourage. As he laid down to sleep after a long, painful process of climbing the bell tower, his eyes were drawn to his brother's empty bed.
"I'll keep my promise, Garen. I'll steal the things most important to them. Even if it's their lives."


Still thinking...

Last edited by Kai Tomber; Dec 23rd, 2020 at 11:43 PM.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2020, 03:51 PM
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What's your current makeup right now? Looking for anything specific?
01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2020, 04:15 PM
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@Kai Tomber, no worries, friend. I was a dnd noob when I got to rpgx, so I am nothing if not sympathetic. (I actually like pbp because I usually have time to double check the rules before I say things, but I didn't say that. Shh...). As to pictures, my advice is get a free account on imgbb.com. What I do is google for pictures I like, send them to my computer, resize them (so they don't take up half the screen if I can help it), and upload them to imgbb.

@Grouchy, the current makeup is listed on the initial post in the table. The ones who've been crossed out either stepped away or are otherwise inactive. I don't have a particular preference at the moment, but the party's healer stepped away from rpgx, so the party may need at least one with healing options. Outside of that, go nuts. Any class listed there is fair game; none of the restricted classes/races are taken atm, and multiclassing is fine so long as you meet the requirements and you can justify it (e.g. a life cleric/fiendish warlock might be a hard sell, but if you can sell it, I'll allow it).
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.

Last edited by FatherDondo; Dec 22nd, 2020 at 04:16 PM.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2020, 05:12 PM
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I'm thinking of creating a Far Traveler Twilight Cleric.

Would it be acceptable to be pledged to a deity who is essentially an ascended hero? IE the founding hero of her home city, who sacrificed himself in battle against a zombie horde to guarantee the city's survival. I picture her as a member of a minority religious faction, driven out of her homeland over a minor theological point that escalated to a civil conflict.
Posting status: I *should* be back to normal. Please let me know if I'm falling short.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2020, 06:02 PM
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App complete.

Character Concept
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Race: Human Variant
Class: Druid
Subclass: Circle of the Occult
Background: Acolyte (Paganist)

Writing Sample:
The beating of the drums vibrates through Nakton's body as he grabs the squirming frog from the basket in front of him. This was a dream frog - its poisonous skin allowed one to be in close contact with the nature spirits of the world. Rubbing its squirming body on his dark skinned chest in an up and down motion with his left hand, Nakton begins to throw small items from a pouch at his side into the fire one by one. Releasing the frog, he reached onto the ground in front of him and picked up the leather cord adorned with black feathers. The feathers of a raven, those allowing him to contact the spirits and to bridge the gap between the living and the dead. Placing it on his neck, the drums begin to beat faster and Nakton begins to dance wildly around the fire. He dances faster and faster until finally, in conjunction with the drums, he stops and all is silent.

Dropping to his knees, the rest of the circle tighten up in a group around them. Each wears the skull of a different animal, painted with occult symbols and wearing buckskin clothes adorned with the feathers of the raven. They whisper in conjunction as each hold a left hand out to him, speaking in a language known only to them and - now - known to Nakton. One of them wearing the skull of a bear speaks to him in this strange language, his voice a strange echo due to the skull. "Nakton, you have presented yourself before this circle to become one with the spirits. To become one as part of the living world, and the world of the dead. To become linked to a spirit of the wild, and to tap into the ancient powers of our pagan ancestors. Do you come of your own free will, and submit to the spirit of your own free will?"

"Yes!" replies Nakton with excitement tinged in his voice, using the strange language for the first time. "I submit to the spirit world and to my spirit, who I shall serve and who shall guide me to this world and beyond!"

As one, the other druids of the circle nod. "It is done then," remarks another, this one wearing the skull of a stag. "Accept the spirit into your body, and allow yourself to become wild once again."

Throwing his hands out in welcoming, Nakton's mouth opens as if in a silent scream. Black feathers sprout from his arms and body as he shrinks. His face elongates and turns black, and his eyes bug out until they become black endless orbs. Flapping his wings, Nakton looks down in pure ecstacy. He is now a raven, transformed by their magic. With the hint of a mile in his voice, the one in the bear skull states "Go, Nakton. Fly and become wild." Letting out a harsh grating sound of glee, Nakton soars off into the night.


01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.

Last edited by Grouchy; Jan 6th, 2021 at 04:45 AM.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2020, 06:15 PM
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@JohnStone, I actually had a brain fart, your concept is good as is. I'd crossed a wire with a different campaign.

@SnakeOilCharmer, that should be fine. It sounds like the sort of thing that Reclamation would see happening; dogma like that, and splits are inevitable.

@Grouchy, no worries. I was kinda hoping someone would pick it up,
Ok, I realize I've been gone for quite a while. I'm sort of at the point where I'm too embarrassed to come back. Or at least I don't know if I would be welcome to come back.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2020, 07:45 PM
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Art Credit: Vivien Rummeda
Name: Veridelle of Taltan
Race: Human (Standard)
Class: Cleric
Subclass: Twilight Domain
Background: Far Traveler

[Writing Sample:] ...and may his light never fade in our hearts.

With her rite concluded, Veridelle exchanged pleasantries for a moment with the handful of worshippers gathered in this single-room dwelling, then made her excuses and quickly left. Under normal circumstances, she would have been happy to mingle with Dave's dwindling faithful for longer, but she'd felt a growing nausea since around noon, and wanted nothing so much as to lie down.

As she returned home through the mixed-ethnicity neighborhood, the priestess inhaled deeply through her nose. There was a crisp smell about the evening air, and a cool breeze blowing at her back. Up ahead, two goblins sat at the side of the road, playing dice games in the dwindling light. Otherwise, there were few people on the streets.

As Veridelle turned into the cramped alley she called home, she heard a strange rustling sound behind her. Instinctively, she spun on her heels. Her eyes confirmed what her ears had suggested, and Veridelle grabbed her hammer, just in time to block the incoming dagger.

Attached Thumbnails
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Posting status: I *should* be back to normal. Please let me know if I'm falling short.

Last edited by SnakeOilCharmer; Dec 23rd, 2020 at 03:23 PM.
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Old Dec 22nd, 2020, 08:11 PM
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Mind if I toss my hat into the ring?
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Name: Solace Ravenhand
Race: filed horns, tucked tail- passes as humanish with the help of masksTiefling
Class: Bloodhunter
Subclass: Order of the Mutant
Background: Guild Artisan
Writing Sample:

Last edited by Raada; Dec 26th, 2020 at 07:29 PM. Reason: Completing(ish) App
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Old Dec 23rd, 2020, 03:17 PM
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I think Veridelle is done. I'd appreciate a review whenever you get round to it.
Posting status: I *should* be back to normal. Please let me know if I'm falling short.
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Old Dec 27th, 2020, 07:41 PM
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Nakton is now complete.
01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.
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Old Dec 28th, 2020, 11:09 PM
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[Name:] Dupet of the daylight moon
[Race:] Forest gnome
[Class:] wizard/druid
[Subclass:] conjuration/forest circle
[Background:] sage
[Writing Sample:] waking up with a tingle form her spine Dupet looks out into the dark sky from her burrow. Dried herbs hang from every inch of wall/ceiling space, books and papers spread across almost every inch of floor. She wonders what tomorrow will bring. The flash of light strikes the ground causing the world to shake. Her eyes widen and her hands start to shake, “this... this is it! I gotta go! No..yes, no yeah I gotta go!” she fills her once empty backpack and leaves the cottage with empty hangers and a clean floor left behind.
“We’re not flawless, We’re a work in progress.” -The Mane Six, My little Ponies

I have taken the Oath of Sangus

Last edited by Desteplo; Dec 28th, 2020 at 11:32 PM.
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Old Jan 1st, 2021, 10:01 PM
TibbyLTP TibbyLTP is offline
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I have a couple of ideas for a character, but I just wanted to get some feed back first.

1) You say that exotic races exist in this setting, but how common are they? Like, would a centaur be a relatively normal sight, or would a naga immediately cause panic in the townsfolk? Are there social disadvantages to playing an exotic race?

2) There are restrictions to cleric, but are there any on paladins?

3) I don't know if I would do it, but any restrictions on multi-classing?
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