Kurdak is a mass of muscle and bone standing nearly eight feet tall from plate fin to toes, well above average by even Krogan standards. When equipped for battle, he wears a deep emerald Armax Arsenal Predator X covered with multiple scorch marks from countless fire fights while a shoulder pad is adorned with a preserved varren skull, though it was reclaimed by his previous employers when he decided to part ways with them. The self-styled battlemaster is always found with little totems of the creatures he has killed and they are hung off necklaces or different cables of his armor. He is unusual for a korgan as he has had his skin and head plate tattooed with a dark purple lightning bolt pattern.
Home world/colony/station: Tuchanka Age: 579 Breakdown of Pre-Career and Career terms:Roll Link
No Pre-Career terms exist on the deathworld that is Tuchanka and no other Citadel Race academy in their right mind would admit a Krogan, so Kurdak dove head first in the only life that would allow him to get off that dying rock, a life of violence. But before he could do that, the krogan stumbled around in the fights among the different clans of the homeworld for over four hundred years before even getting to space.
Term 1 - Soldier
Recieved Soldier Basic Training & Personal Development
Event Security Staff on a Space Station, Gain Athletics (DEX) 1 Advancement None
Term 2 - Soldier
-Talent Gained: Incendary Ammo
Event Assault an enemy fortress, failed the check and DEX -1, but paid to have the damage healed while the mercs covered the cost Advancement Rank 1 - Able Spacehand, Gained Gun Combat (Assault Rifles) 1 & Personal Development: STR +1
Term 3 - Soldier
-Personal Development: Melee (Bludgeon) 1
Event Given the opportunity for advanced training but failed the course Advancement Rank 2 - Petty Officer 3rd Class, Talent Gained: Cyro Ammo, Replaced with Barrier Biotic Power
Term 4 - Soldier
-Skill Gained: Heavy Weapons (Grenade Launcher) 1
Event Assigned to Black Ops mission, gain +2 to next Advancement Roll Advancement Rank 3 - Petty Officer 2nd Class, Skill Gained Leadership 1 & Personal Development END +1
Term 5 - Soldier
-Skill Gained: Heavy Weapons (Missile Launcher) 1
Failed survival roll and forced out of the Blood Pack
Used the 10k Credits from the Armor benefit plus 20k of my own to purchase a Devlon Explorer Armor, then bought a M-96 Mattock Assault Rifle (Cr3500), M23 Katana Shotgun (Cr400), and a Krogan Hammer (Cr 650)
Character History:
Term 1 - Blood Pack Mercenary (Soldier)
Having finally gotten the recruiter's attention with a clan raid, Kurdak received an 'invitation' to join the Blood Pack. As he was yet untested in space combat, the krogan ran drills on his assigned orbital station that served as a refueling station for their raiding craft. He became faster, improving his reaction time and strengthening his quick muscle fibers in a variety of environments.
Term 2 - Blood Pack Mercenary (Soldier)
His training period over, Kurdak began to run smash and grab jobs for the gang all across the Terminus systems. In the process he picked up a knack for using Incendiary Ammo to burn away the heavy armor of rival mercs during their shock assaults. He was not so lucky when one of their raids included trying to ambush two Asari. Kurdack and his band of Vorcha managed to separate the two but he was caught in a singularity field by the maiden who added insult to injury by only crippling his leg instead of finishing him off. She fled before the biotic power had run it's course, but Kurdak learned her name was Nuiis and vowed he would get even somehow.
Term 3 - Blood Pack Mercenary (Soldier)
Seeing his potential for the future, Kurdak was assigned to an advanced training regimen to focus his skills and while he didn't achieve the highest marks, he did impress the bosses enough to get a promotion along with some experience with a Krogan Battlemaster. There Kurdak learned a bit about his own biotic ability as well as the devastating power of a krogan hammer.
Term 4 - Blood Pack Mercenary (Soldier)
Kurdak's reputation as an efficient, lethal killer was growing especially as he began to master the grenade launcher. He could clear entire sections of installations with a few well placed shots and this brutality served him well on the extended black ops missions he was starting to be sent on. Blood flowed more than the ryncol as the soldier climbed ever higher in the organization, but as the years went on he was beginning to have doubts about his future. Was killing all that he was good for? It was then that the Reaper war itself broke out and the Blood Pack answered the call of Aria T'Loak. Synthetics and cyborg abominations fell before their fury even as the tide slowly turned against them. Kurdak served his masters well, even performing an airdrop on Palaven to force the Reaper capital ships off the planet. A higher purpose seemed to be calling Kurdak's name, one where grateful turians shouted their thanks while humans died bravely shoulder to shoulder with him.
Term 5 - Blood Pack Mercenary (Soldier)
The destruction of the mass relays stranded their Blood Pack cell in the Eagle Nebula and the rest of his allies gleefully returned to their old ways of piracy, raiding and pillaging everything within their grasp. Kurdak's enlightenment over the course of the ferocious battles against the Reapers was at risk of slipping from his grasp if he did not change the company he kept soon. He caught a lucky break as a portion of the crew were sent to seize a former cryostasis facility in the sector and sell off the tech at a huge profit. The vorcha scurried over the main areas, sweeping away most of the panicked inmates with hardly any effort before the stubborn or foolish of the prisoners started to have them band together. Kurdak wandered off on his own and discovered a newly revived quarian, an employee named Kali who had been frozen since before the war. Seeing his chance, Kurdak helped the quarian woman reach a restricted section to activate a distress beacon. Inmate and vorcha fell alike as the krogan's shotgun rang out again and again as they waited for her pick up, and the merc contemplated staying behind to mop up what he could. Thankfully, a bit of tactical sense had been drilled into him over his long years with the Blood Pack and knew he probably wouldn't survive all the enemies who would be arrayed against him. Kurdak joined Kali aboard the Stone Talon and offered his services to the human captain for at least a little while. Just until she is safe.....
__________________ "We are sons of Durin, and Durin's folk do not flee from a fight. I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me one last time?"
Like most Quarian Kali left the Bramilliad and the migrant fleet to began her Pilgrimage at the age of 18. She flitted around citadel space for a few years doing odd jobs here and there before impressing a representative of CryoMatrix who offered her a place within the company which she accepted. Being somewhat disillusioned with the Migrant fleet and not particularly eager to return having been at odds with the captain of her birth ship and unsure if she could get along with any other captain. Working for CryoMatrix would put money in her pockets and keep her busy.
Term 2
CryoMatrix originally made its money in Refrigeration but had recently started a new venture into criminal justice of all things. Building a new facility in the Eagle Nebula designed to hold inmates in suspended animation through cryostasis while they served their sentences. This was not meant for high profile or those that needed rehabilitation, but those who simply needed to be 'punished'. While this raised many questions especially those of the moral type the facility completed construction and began testing while the politicians, lawyers and businessmen argued. Frankly, Kali didn't care about all that and took great enthusiasm in her work. During the first test on a sentient lifeform (a human male, imprisoned for insubordination, theft of an officers shuttle and possibly also their wife, initials J T K) a BlueSuns operative was sent to sabotage the test, kill the test subject and creating doubt and trouble for CryoMatrix. By perhaps sheer luck the operative was discovered by Kali who had been sent to retrieve refreshments for the guests who were there to oversee the test. Kari tripped over them on her way back spilling very hot beverages all over them and then tried to use her Cryo Blast to alleviate their pain, much to their chagrin. An inquiry into this breach of Occupational health and safety (spilling hot liquids/ discharge of Cryo fluids at a fellow employee) that it was realised he was not an employee and had been trying to sabotage the test. While Kali got a commemoration for outing this saboteur it was still noted she needed to work on her 'people skills'.
Term 3
By this point, the Facility was up and running. Though not catering as much to Criminal justice as to anyone who wanted to spend some time frozen and 'timeless' Spending time dead for tax purposes as some jokingly commented, though perhaps true in some cases. Kali tried to form a familial relationship with one of her co-workers to improve her people skills only to accidentally out them as a Cerberus Spy having worked undercover for many years in an attempt to liberate an inmate who was useful to Cerberus' goals. Once again earning a commemoration and being left quite confused after the whole ideal.
Term 4
By this point, she had decided to wholely focus on her work rather than learn these 'people skills' everyone complained about. Her hard work and dedication earned her a place in a public relations stunt, much to her horror. Normally she would not be placed in a position to work with the public or awake customers due to her snarky nature. Thankfully the Asari dancer hired to entertain at the event made such a fool of herself that Kali was forgotten in the PR chaos afterwards. Having been ordered to make the dancer vanish, they hid in a backroom and discussed Mass effect fields till all the guests had left. During all this, she came to realise how much she didn't care for the work she did and how much of her life felt wasted. Not only that, the citadel was attacked by a strange vessel and the Geth! What was the universe coming to?? Disheartened with her existence she resolved to freeze herself until such a time things were... um... Better? Different? Oh, what the hell, it will be an adventure right?? [Learned 'Science (Mass Effect Fields) 1' from Nuiis Caliala]
Present year
Thankfully because of all the ethical concerns during its construction the facility had been designed to go into defrost and wake its inmates/clients in the case of failing power reserves. So when Kali awoke there was few to greet her and assist with the cryo sickness most suffered after their first time frozen. It also turned out the facility was under attack and it was only by the graces of a random Krogan that she was able to get into the staff areas and to the port control centre where she was able to activate a distress beacon and were eventually picked up by the Stone Talon. [Learned 'Melee (bludgeon) 1' from Urdnot Kurdak]
If anyone makes an ice pun, they are going to get a very cold reception.
Nuiis is slightly smaller and thinner than the average asari; the Aysyn Syndrom that afflicted her when she was a child has left its lasting mark upon her. Other than that slight difference, the unknowing would only remark upon her red facial markings to be the only thing peculiar about Nuiis. With blue skin and green eyes, Nuiis looks as striking as any asari to other races. It's when one encounters her flinty disposition that one tends to take notice. Having felt the need to prove herself because of her disability for nearly two hundred years has caused Nuiis not to accept help from anyone and even become angry when offered aid. Lately, though, it seems Nuiis has begun to mellow, though from time to time, that flinty disposition raises its ugly head.
Term One:
> Biotic Adept basic training and starting skills: Warp 0, Medic 0, Singularity 0, Persuade 0, Science 0, Gun Combat (Heavy Pistol) 0, Athletics 0, & Survival 0.
> Event: You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and DM+4 to your next Advancement roll (in any career) thanks to his/her aid.
> Advancement: Thanks to mentor, gained Biotic Adept Rank 1 ~ Initiate & Skill: Science (Mass Effect Fields) 1.
Term Two:
> As a Biotic Adept, she worked on her Personal Development DEX +1(12)
> Event: Achieve a new level of biotic strength. Increase your BIO +1(13).
Term Three:
> As a Biotic Adept, she worked on her Personal Development BIO +1(14)
> Event: Achieved a new level of discipline in her powers. She is automatically promoted! Biotic Adept Rank 2 ~ Initiate
> Advancement: <see Event above>
Term Four:
> Changed career to Entertainer, she barely got her foot into the door.
> Even though she was an Entertainer, she continued to develop her Biotic skills and learned Shockwave 0
> Event: You are invited to take part in a controversial event or exhibition. Roll Art or Investigate 8+. If you succeed, gain one SOC. If you fail, lose one SOC. SOC -1(5)
> Advancement: gained Entertainer Rank 1 and DEX +1(13).
Term Five:
> After twenty years shaky years in the Entertainment Business, she decides to become a Drifter and Wander the Terminus Systems. During this time she increases her Athletics(Dexterity) 1 by running away when the need arose.
> Failed survival check and triggered a Mishaps: Her old mentor and Ally found her and in anger at seeing her old student who had so much promise and drive working as a vagrant the woman became her Rival and started a fire implicating me. There was a small confrontation but I got away without going to prison.
Term Six:
> Failed to continue her Biotic Adept career and got drafted by a backwater military as a Soldier. Still pissed by what her old mentor did to her but deep down realizing she needed a good kick in the butt, she punched the recruiter in the nose and then agreed to join up. She never really liked being told what to do.
> Considering how in her youth she had wanted to join the Asari military, she didn't mind the military life but it was not up to Asari standards by a long shot. During this time, she continued training her biotic skills: Barrier 0
> Failed survival check and triggered a Mishaps: A mission goes wrong; you and several others are captured and mistreated by the enemy. Due to your injuries, you are discharged early. Gain your jailer as an Enemy and reduce your STR and DEX by one because of your injuries. STR -1(5) & DEX -1(12)
End Character Creation: Still healing from her injury during captivity and deciding that she had enough running around the universe and being stuck in the Terminus Systems on her own for the past 30 years, she decided it was high time that she made some friends who would guard her back as she would theirs. Having won two ship shares during a poker game mustering out benefits for Entertainer career27 years ago, she decided to look up Nathan Fields, the Captain of the Stone Talon.
Character History:
Nuiis groggily climbed out of her bunk with a groan. The recent wounds she had received from... Nuiis growled and clenched her fist in anger and shame at the image of her jailer that she saw every morning upon waking. While unable to name the man who tortured her and other captives without being filled with hatred, the wounds Nuiis received had finally healed. The slight weakness and stiffness that she still felt after healing from that ordeal was a daily reminder of why she hated the man so. Given enough time even hate could heal but that wound was still too fresh and it pulled on a wound over a hundred years old that added cold shame to her heated hatred. A curious mix and one that had Nuiis sighing in frustration as she got up to splash some water on her face. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Nuiis felt as if she had come to a turning point in her life. For as long as she could remember Nuiis felt it was as if the universe was against her and she against the universe.
Trying to think back to when that had started, Nuiis had to concede it was because of her condition. It was painful to accept that you were so shallow in your youth that you felt no one could understand, but there it was. Nuiis frowned at her reflection and then accepted that she was quite selfish in that regard. Being born with a severe case of Occors when the Biotics in an Asari fully mature during early childhood instead of during puberty when their Biotics normally develop. Side effects include organ defects, neurological degradation, and even death. Those that live always show decreased endurance and rarely live long enough to become a Matriarch.Aysyn Syndrom was no call to think one was alone. True, her parents didn't help what with her mother being an active duty military admiral who was more comfortable shouting orders than comforting a sickly child and her father a career ambassador with a penchant for saying little and keeping her opinions to herself. Nuiis remembered thinking as a kid that she would have been better off if one of her parents had been a Krogan instead of both being Asari.
Even though Nuiis wanted to join the military like her mother, Visima Caliala would have none of it and even had the gall to suggested that Nuiss not train her Biotics. Her father, Ranese of course held her own council as usual. Fortunately, Nuiis discovered a mentor in Zelari Morate, a retired huntress and friend of the family. For nearly sixty years, Nuiis trained her biotics under Zelari's tutelage and if she was honest with herself, they were the happiest decades of her life. Nuiis sighed at her reflection and shook her head at what happened after the First Contact War with the humans. It was a simple disagreement, one where Nuiis thought the humans too were arrogant and greedy and where Zelari thought the humans had potential if they could only curb their eagerness. On the culmination of that disagreement, Nuiis, like the child she thought she wasn't decided to pause her training and take up being an entertainer. It was a shallow move on her part and one that Zelari probably saw through. During her time as an entertainer, Nuiis realized with the Eden Prime War followed by the Reaper War, it was the worst time to stop her training and miss out on actually making a difference. It was an insult to injury that Nuiis found being an entertainer was not as fun as all the stories she had heard it to be.
By the end of the Reaper War, Nuiis found herself on a refugee ship stuck in the Terminus Systems of all places. With three years left on her contract, Nuiis found being an entertainer was as demanding and as in demand as before. Once her contract was done, Nuiis effectively drifted about the Terminus Systems as if she had no destination in mind...which she didn't. It took her old mentor spotting her while trying to book passage off station in a seedy pub to give Nuiis the kick in the butt she needed. Of course, Zelari Morate was a retired huntress nearing 600 years old and didn't play fair when it came to kicking errant protegees in the butt. Instead of dragging her out of the bar and yelling at her to get her 'act' together, Zelari first no one was injured. Zelari would have seen to that.burned down the place and then yelled at Nuiis while she was coughing on smoke, unable to reply. Before walking off, Zelari informed her that she had framed Nuiis for the fire and "hoped" she would take the opportunity when it came. While feeling shamed by Zelari, Zuiis still reacted poorly and was drunk in another bar when the station police arrested her. Given the option to serve time in prison for the fire and breaking the nose of the officer who was sent to arrest her, or being drafted into the Amun Systems Military, Nuiis realized that this was the opportunity Zelari mentioned. Shrugging, Nuiis chose the military over prison.
Running a hand over a scar on her cheek, Nuiis gazed into the mirror and sighed before admitting something that she had denied for over a century,
"You were right to try and keep me from the military mother. But all the same, I wish you would have let me try back home instead of out here in the hinterlands."
Just admitting that felt as if a weight had lifted off her shoulders.
"Or maybe that chip that Captain Nathan Fields says I have sitting there fell off?"
Nuiis snorted and shook her head at the human's annoying idioms. Nuiis still thought humans were arrogant, and even some of them like Captain Fields agreed with her on that point, but Zelari was right too. They did have potential. Thinking of her old mentor, Nuiis wondered where in the Terminus Systems she was right now before shaking her head and getting dressed for the day. Occasionally, Nuiis's mind would wander back to the past seventeen years and her time with the Amun military only to shy away from remembering too much. Too many dead friends filled those thoughts and so Nuiis focused on what she might say to her old mentor turned...what?
'...antagonist? ...rival? ...kicker of my butt when I needed one?'
Nuiis snorted and excited her bunk with a never-before-seen-aboard-the-Stone Talon smile and an arrogant strut that deposited her in the commons room where Captain Nathan Fields was outlining the latest job. With a smart-aleck remark, Nuiis said,
"So Nathan, are we going to get shot at again?"
Being caught in a raid of Krogan and Vorcha with her mentor, former huntress Zelari Morate, Nuiis was soon cut off from her mentor and fighting a tough bastard of a Krogan. After receiving a vicious charging headbutt from the Krogan, who identified himself as Urdnot Kurdak, Nuiis saw three of him. Luckily, Nuiis chose the correct krogan image and entrapped him in a Singularity field. Knowing she did not have long before the singularity field collapsed and the Krogan took up the chance once again, gain one rank in Gun Combat (Heavy Pistol)Nuiis shot Kurdak in the leg and hoped that would at least slow the krogan down. Hearing her mentor call her name, Nuiis quickly left Kurdak behind, only for Zelari to ask what hit her in the face. With a broken nose, swollen eye, the entire left side of her face bruised and lacerated, Nuiis's reply of "Krogan headbutt" had Zelari laughing, "That'll do it."
Nuiis was still new at the Entertainer career that she had chosen and felt she was struggling to get by. When a representative of CryoMatrix invited her to participate in a controversial public relations event, Nuiis lept at the chance and threw her all into the project. When Nuiis first talked with Kali, she was surprised a Quarian would be working for a private corporation. Still, Nuiis came to like Kali Zorah, and it quickly became apparent that the woman was new at this, so Nuiis offered to take some of the burdens off of the young Quarian's shoulders by gain the skill Art 0choosing the dance routine.
Wanting to prove herself, Nuiis chose a dance that she had seen the bride perform at a batarian wedding as the basis for her routine in the public relations event. Unfortunately, in her eagerness, Nuiis failed to research the cultural significance of that particular batarian dance. When she, as an asari, perform that dance during the public event for the CryoMatrix Corporation, every batarian in attendance was outraged. It wasn't long before the whole ordeal was picked up by Citadel News, and from there, it filtered to every corner of Citadel space and beyond. While the 'event' was a minor public relations headache for CryoMatrix, the repercussions were more severe for Nuiis as her social standing took a hit.
That event caused Nuiis to come to two decisions. Once her contract was up, she would drop her entertainment career for something less in the public eye. And two, she would never step one foot into batarian space after reading some of the more derogatory comments about her performance. Slavers tend to have a lewd view of things, and Nuiis wanted no part of what she had read.
7 - 1 Asari -1 Term Six Mishap(Amun Systems Military paid 100% of bill to fix)6
10 + 1 Asari +1 Term Two Biotic Personal Development +1 Term Four Entertainer Rank One -1 Term Six Mishap(Amun Systems Military paid 100% of bill to fix)13
Identifying Characteristics: Blue skin, no hair, looks kind of sickly due to a childhood disease, with scars on cheek & eyebrow.
Armor: 7(6 Base +1 Subdermal Armour), Shield: 10, Required Skill: none, Mass: 5kg, Slots: 1(Empty, Flashlight:Does Not Use An Upgrade Slot! Projects a 6m spot of bright white light out to 100m.), Cost: 2,500cr + 15cr for flashlightElkoss Combine Peacekeeper Flak JacketDamage: 2d6+3, Range: Short, Thermal Clip: 6, Slots: 1(empty), Mass: 1 kg, Cost: 600(Mustering Out benifit)M-6 CarnifexDamage: ?, Range: ?, Thermal Clip: ?, Slots: ?(?), Mass: ? kg, Cost: ?WeaponDamage: ?, Range: ?, Thermal Clip: ?, Slots: ?(?), Mass: ? kg, Cost: ?Weapon
Omni-Tool(Agent 0: Agent software packages provide computers with a degree of intelligence and can carry out any tasks assigned to them that require the use of the Electronics (computers) skill. For example, an Agent package might be told to hack into an enemy computer system and steal a particular data file. They are effectively specialised combinations of Expert Electronics (computers) and less capable Intellect software packages.1Security 2:The purpose of a Security package is to defend against hackers and other attempts at intrusion, providing an effective firewall that keeps the other packages upon the computer safe from interference. The ability of Security to defend itself is represented by the difficulty of the Electronics (computers) check required to bypass it, which improves with the complexity of the Security package, as shown on the table below. Security/0 is installed freely upon most computers upon purchase. Intrustion Difficulty: Formidable (14+)2 x10) Medi-Gel: Stored in an Omni-Tool. Significant action to use; heals 3 + Effect characteristic points.3) Subdermal Armour: Adds a mesh of ballistic fibres to the skin and reinforces the bones, giving the Traveller extra armour. Subdermal armour stacks with other protection. (Armour +1)Combat ImplantThe Amun Systems Military paid to fix 100% of Nuiis's 1 STR & DEX stat damage. I paid 5,000 credits to fix Nuiis's 1 SOC stat damage.Medical Bills???Equipment???Equipment
Biotic Powers:Warp spawns a rapidly shifting mass effect field that weakens and shreds the internal structure of a target for 2d6 + Effect damage and stops health regeneration. Shields confer no protection against this damage. Furthermore, targets struck by Warp receive an extra d6 to damage rolls made against them for the next round of combat. The attack can be curved slightly, reducing the effectiveness of any cover by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Check: Average (8+) Telekinesis (1D seconds, BIO) check Reach: Short Psi Cost: 1Warp 0, The biotic launches a dark energy sphere to create an intense mass effect field. The field creates a warp in the space around it, creating a gravity well akin to a black hole. Affected targets are lifted into the air, do not benefit from cover and are under the effect of zero-g for a number of rounds equal to the Effect of the check. Targets that make an attack with a ranged weapon that does not have the Zero-G trait or any close combat weapon, requires an Average (8+) Athletics (dexterity) check to not only automatically miss his target but start to spin helplessly out of control. Check: Average (8+) Telekinesis (1D seconds, BIO) check Reach: Short Psi Cost: 5Singularity 0, Shockwave projects a cone-shaped wave of cascading force outward from the biotic, striking as a melee attack against every target in the area of effect (though cover between the biotic and target works as it would against a ranged attack). Targets suffer 2d6 + Effect damage and must pass a END 8+ check or be knocked prone. Check: Average (8+) Telekinesis (1D seconds, BIO) check Reach: 3m wide x Short Range Psi Cost: 3Shockwave 0, A character with Barrier may, after an attack is rolled against them, opt to spend one Biotic Point to apply a -1 DM to the roll, or three Biotic Points to apply a -2 DM. This DM is increased for every skill level of Barrier; eg, a character with Barrier 2 may apply a -3 DM by spending one point, or a -4 DM by spending three. Check: Average (8+) Telekinesis (1D seconds, BIO) check Reach: N/A Psi Cost: 1 or 3Barrier 0
Initiative Result : Current Armor: Combat:
Free Actions:
Minor Actions:
Significant Actions:
Alonzo got lured into having wet work down as a way to get an advantage in the big city. Unfortunately the first augmentation surgery went terribly wrong. Thought the system works well after the follow up repairs, both his forearms are disfigured, though fully functional. Engineering Alonzo was always good with machines, even more than people. It set the pace for the rest of his life. After a few years of this, he ended up being an enforcer.
His run in the the worst of the city lead him to join up with the city Law Enforcement as a street cop. He learned more about the streets than he really wanted to know and was surprised how well he understood it.
He was a little too good at it for the bad guys who set up a series of events that resulted in him being in the hospital for weeks and this informants in the ground, forever. That was reason enough for him to leave the force
Try as he might, Alonzo took private and corporate jobs as a private investigator and 'field scout'. He currently left the corporate payroll and only works solo taking work he finds interesting and will pay the rent.
They tracked down together a hacker that was destabilizing the power grid of Humble Roots Arcology. Akina doesn't take kindly that people play with her neighborhood and decided to take things into her own hands since law enforcement wasn't making any progress. Not having the means to track someone on the net, she teamed up with Alonzo, a young cyberhacker. They managed to catch the perp but it was an adventure to hunt the guy left and right (Athletics - Dex for Alonzo) (boosted her endurance to run after the guyAwareness - Use clairvoyance to pin point his exact locationClairvoyance for Akina) in different areas of town and defeat battle drones that were hacked. Alonzo had a revelation and decided to join the police academy shortly after.