Please put all the details of your characters in a single post in this thread as a reference. This will be your official character sheet and will be updated as the campaign advances.
Below is the posting template I would like to use:
Important content from the GM that everyone should read...
Born 2057 Sex Varies Height Varies Build Varies Nationality None Description Cypher is a little hard to pin down as so few have seen his/her real face. Unless asleep or unconcious they almost always appear in another form, not always the same metatype or sex and, unless deliberately impersonating an individual, often not the same as one seen previously
Race C Attributes A Magic D Skills B Resources E
Cypher is just that, a blank, their shapeshifting magic has become so integral to their being that they barely remember what their real face looks like. They were born Daniel Anders and grew up happily within the protection of the Stillwater Community. Their gift for mutable form began to show up when they were about ten but the transhumanist nature of the community meant that it was accepted as another oddity in a world full of such things, embraced, and as far as possible trained. The community had a rich culture of magic and the latent power running through the site may even have been part of the cause of Philip's mutation. It was also possibly why the Stillwater Community was attacked by mercenary forces which culminated in a Metroplex Guard bombing raid on the site when Philip was just thirteen. The trauma of those few days scarred Philip and they retreated more and more from that early happy life and began to truly lose themselves in the borrowed forms of people around them. This was when they took the street handle Cypher as part of trying to forget the horror they had witnessed.
The Stillwater group scattered following the attack, losing themselves in other urban tribes or falling off the grid altogether. When their leadership drew them back together three years later they reconnected with Cypher and his/her immediate family where they were hiding on the edge of Redmond but were unable to convince them that their new plan would keep the small family safe. Cypher's burgeoning gifts meant they had become quite a successful trickster and con artist by this time and they felt better without the risk of constant haunting reminders of the past. With their mum Rosy and baby sister Madeline, Cypher initially found a home with the Tribe just north of Touristville but the acceptance that was so readily available from Stillwater proved to be illusive there and Cypher’s powers became a source of mistrust. Regretfully Cypher persuaded Rosy to remain with Madeline in the comparative safety of the Tribe whilst they sought out a place where they could be more anonymous… all too easy in the meat grinder of the barrens where trust and comradeship are as rare as a good meal.
Cypher gradually worked their way south, just one more (ever changing) face in the crowd. Preferring to live away from their source of income Cypher drifted all the way to the edge of Puyallup where the Crime Mall and its environs proved an easy place to shift ill gotten gains. Their youth was immaterial when they could appear any age or metatype with sufficient concentration. Although naturally gifted with words Cypher preferred to stick to the shadows and stay anonymous. Despite that they established a network of contacts whom they eventually trusted enough to share their shapeshifting secret.
• Apr 2077 Old One asks Cypher to ‘keep an eye’ on Summer, recently rescued from ‘Winter’ from the Boston quarantine zone
• Aug 2077 Cypher and Summer become lovers
• Jun 2078 Summer goes off on a mysterious VR mission and comes back fired up about ‘the coming’ – reluctantly Cypher becomes more involved and is re-introduced to Silk
• May 2080 ‘present’
Defence Rating 6
Bonus D Damage Res 0
Unarmed Attack 2S, 8/—/—/—/—
Allergy: Common Moderate [Iron] -14
Ambidextrous 4
Big Brother's Blindspot 14
Impaired: Body [3] -24
Low-light Vision [Meta] 0
Networker 5
Small family -8
Real Name: María de los Ángeles de Espartero y Sicilia Street Name: Ángel Metatype: Elf (Female) Age: 22 Archetype: Street Samurai
A stern and serious elven woman with classic Spanish features and the cold beauty of a marble statue. She has the lean, defined body of a fencer and a grace of movement that almost makes it seem as though she's drifting, rather than walking. She dresses impeccably, though her style is far too traditional to follow something so gauche as a fashion trend. While reserved and composed, she is capable of flashing a fiery temper, at which point the marble becomes a raging bonfire. A woman of extreme viewpoints, she sometimes struggles with moderate solutions, believing them to be half-measures. Tell a joke, and she will either be impassive, not 'getting' it, or she will laugh with full gusto. Insult her, and she will either ignore you or slap you down. Attack her, and she will withdraw or kill you. She has the heart of a revolutionary, but the mind of an aristocrat.
María was only six years old when Juan Carlos II, an ogre, became king of Spain, after a power struggle that resulted in the disappearance of his human brother. Spain was already largely anti-metahuman, and the idea of an ogre king drove that influence more toward the extreme, despite the king's efforts to rebuild relations. As an elf from the traditional town of Logroño, María often bore the brunt of that prejudice, and got in plenty of fights to defend herself and her honor. As she got older, the fights became duels, and María, an accomplished fencer, wound up facing legal trouble as a result of these duels. Her family was able to use its influence to prevent serious trouble and cover the scandals, but that only gave María more leeway to cause trouble.
Eventually, she became involved with the Asociacion Vasquez Spanish mafia, and was soon participating in low-level criminal activity such as influence dealing and extortion. While the Asociacion was happy to use her for strongarm tactics and intimidation, she quickly realized that there was a very low glass ceiling, being both an elf and a woman. Disgusted with the hypocrisy, she left the Asociacion and became an activist for Partido Verde, the Green Party, acting as an agent to assist Galician eco-terrorist cells. However, María wasn't particularly interested in 'saving the Earth', at least not to the extent of the eco-terrorists, and began an independent career as a shadowrunner, originally believing it to be the ticket to true freedom and independence. Of course, she quickly learned that the Johnsons she worked for were no better than the organizations she had left, but at least now it was on a 'per contract' basis. And the pay was better, too...important, since her family had been forced to cut her off and socially disown her once her activities became more than they could cover up.
Body 5
Essence 5.35
Agility 7
Magic 0
Reaction 5
Resonance 0
Strength 5
Initiative 8
Willpower 3
Composure 7
Logic 2
Judge Intentions 6
Intuition 3
Memory 5
Charisma 4
Lift/Carry 8
Edge 3
Base Carry: 250kg
Physical: 0/10
Stun: 0/10
Specialization (+2)
Expert (+3)
First Aid (8)
Close Combat
Blades (14)
Exotic Weapons
Submachine Guns (15)
Urban (8)
Groud Craft (10)
Sneaking (12)
Knowledge Skills/Languages
Spanish (Native)
Spanish History
Ammo (SMG - Regular): 250
Ammo (SMG - Explosive): 250
Ammo (Heavy Pistol - Regular): 75
Ammo (Shotgun - Regular): 40
Ammo (Shotgun - Gel): 40
Ammo (Taser): 4
It looks like an interesting book and I was struggling for a name so... <shrug> Olia's also a hair care product but it'll do for my character's street name :p <<<NOTE: The shoulder coat is a Trench Coat and no pistols, only a small collapsable crossbow at the base of her spine.>>>
Real Name: Amanda Cray
Street Name: Olia
Metatype (Ethnicity): Human (Caucasian)
Age (Born): 26 (2054) Sex: Female Height: 5'3" Build: slim
Nationality: UCAS
Archetype: Aspected Magician (Healer)
Metatype: C, Attributes: A, Skills: D, Magic: B, Resources: E.
Description: (+1 Character Creation Karma ✔)
Olia is overall average in appearance. She's not plain-looking or anything like that, but nothing about her screams "look at me!" She's pretty enough to be seen but not exotic enough to keep anyone's interest. Throughout high school and college, this fact has plagued her social standing and led directly to her falling for Adam in the first place. Olia's one bit of vanity that she continued to indulge in despite Adam's controlling nature was her hair. She was a natural brunette and spent a good amount of nuyen on it to keep it long and lush. Cutting her long hair and tying the remainder up in a loose bun was a sacrifice that Olia felt needed to be made. High-tech purple sunglasses hid her brown eye color and gave the mage tactical advantages during combat while looking fashionable at the same time. Considering the experience she gained running the shadows for the past five years, Olia had been shot at more times than she would like to admit. And even outside of a run, the 'geek-the-mage' mentality from policlubs like Humanis and all gangs, in general, has Olia worried about protection. And so, Olia never leaves the apartment without wearing her Securetech Invisi-Shield Armor under her clothes. Olia has her lined trench coat with the gear access mod to enhance her survivability during runs.
Background: (+3 Character Creation Karma ✔)
Olia got out of bed and peeked through the curtains on the fifth floor of her apartment building, and watched as Adam met up with King and Silk for a night out on the town celebrating the big score from their last run. It was rare for a runner team to have such a close bond, but His street name came from the two pistols that he calls Adam(heavy pistol) and Eve(machine pistol)Adam, King of the Matrix King, and she loves to dress in silks even if it shows off her chrome...sometimes especially if it shows off her chrome Silk grew up together on the mean streets of the Detroit ghettos, and thanks to Olia none of them had died during any of their runs. Silk is a female dwarf with more chrome than flesh and loved their orc decker King, who could do no wrong in her eyes. The fact that King loved melting his opponents' brains when he faced them on the Matrix should have been Olia's clue that this was a bad crowd to run with. But Adam was a silver tongue gun Adept who could talk anyone into doing anything for him and kill them just as quick if they said no. Five years ago, he convinced a young scared-to-be-alone Olia to run with his crew and tarnish her morals for the man who made her feel safe and protected, even when she wasn't.
Olia, or Amanda Cray as she was known back then, grew up safe in a nice neighborhood in Ares Macrotechnology's back yard in Detroit, with a father left before Amanda was bornmother who worked hard for DocWagon. She wanted Amanda to grow up to be a surgeon and work for DocWagon as well, but not as a first responder like her. Amanda lost track of how many times her mother was injured on the job while pulling a client out of some firefight and patching them up. Her mother wanted Amanda to focus on medicine so her daughter could get a safer job treating patients for DocWagon. Amanda didn't mind her mothers' designs for her and, in fact, liked the idea of becoming a doctor. But even as her life seemed to be heading into a nice safe place, fate had other things planned. During college, Amanda found a teacher willing to help an aspected mage find her own path to discover that she was more an intuitive spellcaster than one who used logic and reason to do magic. At the beginning of her second year of college, two things happened that would forever change Amanda's life. First, she met Adam and fell in love with the man. Second, Amanda's mother was diagnosed with bone cancer which she kept from her daughter and eventually led to her death just a few months later. It also didn't help that the money her mother was saving for Amandas' college tuition this could be someone in DocWagon getting a free payday at someone's expense, someone hacking the accounts where the money was held and scooping it up, or even Adam having King drain the accounts so that Amanda would HAVE to come to him. I'll leave what really happened, or if it even matters to the game, up to you, Kenjitsu.disappeared and she quickly found herself out on the street. Amanda ran to one of the few people who could help her, and unfortunately, she chose Adam to be that person.
The next five years saw a change come to Amanda. Choosing Olia as her street name was the first change. The second change was the facts of the sixth world life were shoved into her face, and Adam and his crew were none too gentle about it. In fact, Olia felt they took pleasure in belittling any of her complaints. But when Olia first saved Silk's life even with all the augmentations she had, they eventually backed off. All except Adam. She could do nothing to get praise from the man, and he controlled Olia's every action. She was never allowed to become friends with anyone else, and if any man took an interest in Olia with Adam around, they ended beet to a pulp or even shot. Olia actually feared Adam but every time she showed the slightest hint of leaving him, he would smile at her, and she would effectivly, Olia is good at lying to herself, and with Adam's charisma adept abilities he reinforced those lies.forget that fear for a time.
Even now, Olia fears Adam's reaction to finding her gone. Still, she had finally decided to call it quits between them and wisely chosen to leave without saying it to his face. Thanks to Adam's controlling nature, Olia never owned much, and all of her personal belongings fit into a simple duffle bag. Also, thanks to Adam, Olia had the means to erase her presence in the apartment. First, she checked her injury in the mirror and decided the bullet wound had healed well enough but was still sore. Then she erased all her matrix activities from her commlink, including her recent purchase of the Vehicle Armor spell. It turns out most car doors do not make a good cover and lead directly to her injury. The next time she had to take cover behind flimsy cover, Olia would be ready. Next, Olia pried her comlink apart and used a hammer on every tiny component she could pull from the device before turning the hammer on the parts that she couldn't remove. Using the Rot spell that she had never wanted to learn, but Adam insisted on her getting, Olia turned all organic matter in the apartment into so much unusable goo. From the food in the fridge to the hair clipping in her bathroom to the cockroaches in the wall and the mouse she knew to be living under her bedroom floorboards, she killed it all. For the first time since she used that spell, Olia had a smile upon her face as she carefully killed all traces of her DNA in the apartment. That grin stayed upon her face as she spellsanitized the apartment before making her way out the door and made her way to someone Olia would have likely have called a friend if not for Adam.
Ed Ward Guns is a small gun store in Westside near Palmer park that seems to have been there forever. The owner, Edward, may not have an original thought, but he knew his weapons and how to not be gobbled up by all the megacorps. In fact, Ed Ward Guns was where Olia's mother liked to take her guns to be upgraded or fixed, and was how she knew about him. Edward was never intimidated by Adam, and he was also the first to tell Olia that she should stick with the crossbow she learned how to use in high school and continued to practice with into her college years instead of using firearms. It only took Olia saying she was leaving Adam and taking a job in Seattle to convince Edward to help her discreetly catch a flight out of Detroit using her real name since her old False ID was on the commlink she had destroyed. Since he was one of Olia's few contacts, Edward closed down the shop early to visit his brother in the UP and conveniently left his commlink behind on accident.
Once Olia landed in Seattle, she found a small corner store where she bought a cheap commlink and headed to the meet where she gave the fixer her new commlink number and asked if he knew anyone who could quickly get her a new False ID on short notice. As she listened to the offer, Olia immediately knew she would agree to the job as it was a perfect chance for her to disappear. There was also the added bonus that Olia doubted the fixer would take any inquiries about her whereabouts from Adam or the loan shark she owed money to very well. In Reva's case, Olia just hoped the elf would not raise the interest on the fifty thousand nuyen she owed her as Olia intended to pay the loan shark every nuyen she owed.
Rival: Adam (+5 Character Creation Karma ✔)
Adam(real name, unknown) is a mix of Charisma Adept and Gun Adept that can talk his way into and out of situations so well that he is an effective face for his small group of shadowrunners. If Adam has any morals, it's that he does not betray his team. All else is fair game to the man. A borderline sociopath, Adam loves manipulating people. Control over others is his main focus in life, and when he can't do that, Adam is very good with his pistols. While Adam is violent by nature, he tends not to kill people outright unless he has to, it's part of a job, or he cannot manipulate them when needed. Hurting people, however, was never something Adam had to work up to. In fact, there were times, Adam had to be talked down from hurting someone when he was in a mood. Adam has a dominant personality, and while he likes causing people pain to control them, he's not really a sadist. It's all about control for him.
His two childhood friends and team members are not much better than Adam. King is an orc decker who, thanks to Adam and Silk, scavenged most of his hacking gear from those unfortunate enough to have been targeted by the group. King is an angry orc who rails against the injustices that orc kind has been inflicted with and has no compassion for the corporate drones he faces in the matrix and will risk a run if it means he can fry their synapses out. The chances of an orc decker working for a corporation is slim to none, so King cares little for who he hurts when running against corporations. King is a brute force decker. The last member of Adam's circle of runner friends is Silk, a dwarven street samurai. She replaced her limbs with chrome cybernetics and several other choice parts. Silk is effectively borged out and cares little for the suffering of others. While she won't go out of her way to kill someone unless a job dictates it so, Silk just does not care if those who do get in her way live or die. Silk's world revolves around King, whom she loves unconditionally.
Throw-away contact: Anthony Doyal [4C/2L]
Anthony Doyal is a college professor who teaches starter Magic classes in Detroit. While just another magical theory, professor Anthony has a hobby of trying to help his students find alternate magical traditions to better control their emerging magic. Olia, or Amanda Cray as she was known back then, was one such student. Anthony worked with Amanda to find out that she was an intuitive magician. Or, to use an old-world term, Amanda was a sorceress. Anthony was disappointed that Amanda had to drop out due to a lack of money. Given the current state of the world, looking for grants was not an option either. Still, Amanda and Anthony kept in contact with one another; though they never really became friends, they still talked from time to time. Amanda, aka Olia, hopes that she has kept her old teacher below Adam's radar. Since he said nothing about it, Olia has no reason to suspect otherwise.
Initiation:Centering(add rank to Drain Resistance tests) 1
Positive Quality
Negative Quality
Attribute Mastery(Intuition)
You gain a bonus Edge when you make any Intuition test unless you also gain an Edge due to your Attack Rating on that test.
Arcane Resilience Training(Intuition)
Magicians may define Logic, Intuition, or Charisma as their new tradition Attribute, using that attribute in all drain resistance tests.
Scholastic Mage
Only during character creation pay 1 Karma or 1,000 nuyen per Arcana, Magical Societies, Magical TraditionsKnowledge skill. The In Debt quality; however, raises the cost per Knowledge skill to 2,000 nuyen.
Bad Rep(overuse of the Rot spell)
You cannot spend Edge on Social tests. If you engage in a Teamwork test to assist a Social test, no one can spend Edge, and the opposing individual gains a point of Edge.
Glas Jaw [R3]
-1 Stun Box per Rank.
In Debt [R10]
50,000¥ in Debt to Reva, a female Elf located in Detroit, Michigan. Pay interest of 5,000¥/month or else! Paying off the debt removes this Negative Quality.
10% cost of lifestyle increase. Easier to track or identify you, giving opponents a point of Edge every time they attempt a Trace Icon action against you.
Active Skills
the -1 for Untrained skills is already figured inDice Pool
Amp Up: This is for Combat spells only. For each point of base damage, the caster wants to add to a Combat spell, increase the drain of that casting by 2. House Rule: It can be used on all spells providing +1 hit / +1 drain, provided the rolled dice give net hits by themselves. Increase Area: Area-effect spells have a base effect of a sphere with a two-meter radius. For each increase of 2 meters in the radius of the area of effect, increase the drain of the casting by 1. Shift Area: This can only be done with certain area-effect spells. The caster can shift the area a sustained spell is affecting to another area within spell range. Spells that can have the area shifted are noted in the spell description. This requires a Minor Action and can be done any time. It does not cause drain.
A tricky little spell—the magic doesn’t hit the target, but it shapes the air to make the blow. The power of wind to shape rock formations is demonstrated solidly on the head of the target.
Manabolt (Combat)
Essential spellcasting, shaping mana to crack skulls. Who can argue with this purity? Manabolt targets individuals.
Diagnose (Health)
see Street Wyrd, page 30.
Heal (Health)
When casting this spell, roll Sorcery + Magic with a threshold of (5 – Essence). Heal 1 box of Stun, Physical, or Overflow damage per net hit. Injuries can only be affected once by any Heal spell.
Increase Reflexes (Health)
The reaction time and speed of the target increase, making them better able to anticipate and respond to others. The caster rolls a Sorcery + Magic (5 – Essence) test. They can select how many net hits they actually apply to the target to increase both their Reaction score and the number of Initiative Dice, at a rate of 1 point of increase and 1 Initiative Die per net hit; for each net hit applied beyond the first, the Drain Value of the spell increases by 1.
Rot (Health)
see Street Wyrd, page 32.
Sterilize (Health)
see Street Wyrd, page 32 & 33.
Armor (Manipulation)
Your magic fills the body of the target, hardening it and making it better able to absorb damage. Roll Sorcery + Magic and add net hits to the target’s Defense Rating.
Fling (Manipulation)
Roll Sorcery + Magic vs. Object Resistance(Core, p-129). For each net hit, you can fling half a kilogram of material into the air, and net hits also act as a threshold for a Reaction + Intuition test for targets to avoid the object. The flung object has the following Attack Ratings: Close (Magic), Near: (Magic + 2), Medium (Magic + 1), Far: (Magic – 2), Extreme: —, and it does Stun damage equal to kilograms of weight, rounded up.
Mystic Armor (Manipulation)
Your magic fills the astral form of the target, hardening it and making it better able to absorb damage. Roll Sorcery + Magic and add net hits to target’s Defense Rating when in astral combat or against mana-based Combat spells.
Vehicle Armor (Manipulation)
Roll Sorcery + Magic vs. Object Resistance(Core, p-129) of the vehicle; the vehicle gains 1 point of Hardened Armor per net hit.
Metamagic Centering Foci[R2]
Adds its Force to the magician’s initiate grade when using centering metamagic against Drain Resistance tests. Securetech Invisi-Shield Armor
+2 DR, w/4 Capacity(full: The armor cancels the Zapped status a number of times equal to its rating. Once it has been Zapped a number of times equal to its rating, it is worn away, and the armor no longer has electricity resistance.Electricity Resistance[R4]), Special: Cumulative Quality: DR bonus is cumulative with other worn armor. Lined Coat
A cowboy-style duster, +3 DR, w/7 Capacity(full: When pulling gear from armor with gear access, pick up/put down and manual reloading becomes Minor Actions.Gear Access, The armor cancels the Burning status a number of times equal to its rating. Past that point, it is worn away, and the armor no longer has fire resistance.Fire Resistance[R2], & The special coating neutralizes the Corrosive status for a number of attacks equal to its rating (Toxins and Drugs, p. 121).Chemical Resistance[R2]) Erika Elite Commlink[R4] Data Processing: 3 / Firewall: 4, Program Slots(-2 Noise LevelSignal Scrubber & When doing Matrix searches, gain 1 Edge that is either spent immediately on that action or it disappears.Browse programs) Purple Tinted Glasses
4 Capacity(This is the vision accessory side of the smartgun system (p. 260). The smartlink receives the range to various targets, ammunition level (and type), and offers a targeting dot wherever the gun is pointed if within the visual field of the user.Smartlink, This accessory allows you to see normally in light levels as low as starlight. It doesn’t help in total darkness, though. This modification offers a bonus Edge if the opposition doesn’t have a vision enhancement to mitigate limited light.Low-light vision, & This lets you display visual information (text, pictures, movies, the current time, etc.) in your field of vision. This is usually done with AROs, but you can display pretty much whatever you want on it. You and your team can use it to share tactical and situational info in real-time. An image link is what you need to truly “see” AR and participate in the modern world.Image link) Respirator[R6]
Protects against Inhalation-vector toxins (see Toxins and Drugs, p. 121). The respirator adds its rating as a dice pool bonus on tests to resist chemicals with an Inhalation vector. 10 Injection Bolts
It causes its base damage while also delivering a payload of one dose of a drug or toxin. A successful hit must deal at least one box of damage after the Damage Resistance test. Wireless: The injection can be delayed until a wireless signal is sent. The injection also doesn’t need a box of damage; it just needs at least 1 net hit. 20 Regular Bolts
A small hollow metal bar with a sharp blade on one end, and hard stabilizer fins on the other. Concealable Quick Draw Holster Wireless: Sensors, smart-fabric, and active adhesive allow the holster to alter color and move small amounts in real time, increasing the Concealability threshold by an additional 1. This accessory increases the Concealability threshold of the weapon inside by 1. Only pistols (including machine pistols) and tasers fit in a concealable holster. Use of the holster provides a bonus Minor Action when the Quick Draw Action is taken. Subvocal Microphone[R3]
It lets you communicate via subvocalized speech. Those attempting to overhear your conversation can neither gain nor spend Edge on their Perception test. 10 Stealth Tags
The stealth tag variant always runs silent (p. 178), rolling 10 dice in the opposed Matrix Perception test. They only transmit their data at preset times in a quick burst. They are often disguised as other objects or hidden in them (looks like a ball of lint). 3 Standard Certified Credsticks
5,000¥ max value. Low-light Flashlight
reduces low light penalties by 1 step? 2 Antidote Slap Patches
The antidote patch cancels or negates the Poisoned Status for a broad range of toxins. If a specific toxin or drug is extremely rare, the gamemaster may require a specific Antidote patch just for that substance (see Toxins and Drugs, p. 121). 2 Stim Slap Patches[R6]
This patch removes a number of boxes of Stun damage equal to its rating and cancels the Dazed Status Effect. The effect lasts for (rating x 10) minutes—after that period of time, the patient takes (rating + 1) unresisted Stun damage. While a stimulant patch is in effect, the character is unable to rest. 2 Tranq Slap Patches[R6]
This patch inflicts Stun damage equal to its rating, resisted with only Body. 2 Trauma Slap Patches
When applied, the patient heals 1d6 + 1 Overflow Damage immediately. These patches are always wireless and connect to the Matrix the moment they are applied. 10 doses of Narcoject Vector: Injection, Speed: Immediate, Duration: (6 – Body) hours, minimum 1 hour, Power: 15, Effect: Stun Damage. A common tranquilizer, narcoject is typically used with dart guns. It has no side effects. Medkit[R6]
The medkit counts as Kit for Biotech tests. For rules on using a medkit, see p. 119. Wireless bonus: The medkit provides a +1 dice pool modifier to healing tests. 10 drams of Reagents
[crystals] Used for You can spend reagents to reduce the drain from making a preparation.Alchemical Preparations, You need to spend reagents to create foci.Artificing, You can spend reagents to increase the area you protect with Counterspelling.Counterspelling, As part of the offering step, you can spend reagents to offset drain in Ritual Spellcasting (see Ritual Spellcasting, p. 143).Ritual Spellcasting, You can spend reagents to gain Edge when summoning spirits.Summoning, & You can create a temporary magical lodge by spending a number of drams of reagents equal to the Force of the lodge. The lodge takes one hour per point of Force to create and thereafter lasts until sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.Temporary Magical Lodge. Fake SIN[R2]
Ellen Peleton, visiting from UCAS Fake Licenses[R2]
Narcoject, Collapsable Crossbow, Aspected Mage, Combat Mage, both require extra licensesRot & Manabolt spells, & Foci.
1 month of Low Lifestyle(+10%): Balxada de la Gloria & Passatge d'EspiriaBarcelona, Spain[2,200 Low Lifestyle+5,000 In Debt interest payments=7,200 nuyen/month(1,800/week)]
5 / 2
Information Broker
Digital Transfer
Networking & Data Retrieval
Note: One of Olia's first contacts. He or she, though Olia suspects it's a he, works solely through the animity of the Matrix. Adam knows of BizZAP! so Olia will only use his services if absolutely necessary.
Note: After having burned her old contacts, Olia knew that she would need to find new contacts to work the shadows in Spain. So taking a risk, Olia spent the last of her nuyen and hired BizZAP! to look for a fixer and talismonger in Spain and paid for him to keep quiet about it. While it was a risk, Olia got lucky in Santos. Being a former talismonger and specializing in swag, Olia had two needed contacts in the form of one man. Unfortunately, she mispronounced Abejundio's name when they first met and will have to work at getting him to trust her.
Note: Olia found Valenciano herself and is another name that she garbled but Devante couldn't care less how foreigners pronounce his name. Using her knowledge of Collage Life and Magical Societies, Olia's questions eventually led to him. As someone who also practices magic as an intuitive caster as Olia does, she held her side of the theoretical debate she found herself in and Valenciano was the one to eventually suggest they keep in contact with one another. While not a particularly attractive elf due to being a spike baby, he still has his charm.
Note: In the first week that Olia was in Spain, she took a lot of cab rides to explore the city. In that time, Olia had Blinda as her cabbie three times and each time they both easily struck up conversations. After the third cab ride, Olia took a risk and asked Blinda if she would like to make some nuyen now and then? From their conversations, Olia suspected Blinda was either SINless or destitute and could really use the money. Considering how quickly Olmeda agreed, Olia was at least close to the mark.
Priority:Metatype: C (9 Special points), Attributes: A (24 Attribute points), Skills: D (16 Skill points), Magic: B (Aspected; 4 Magic & 8 Spells), Resources: E (8,000 nuyen).
Very tentative placeholder. Definitely got too much on at the moment ... but if things quieten in the new year, I'm certainly enjoying my Shadowrun journey ...
English (Native)
Spanish (1)
Aerospace Technologies
Surveillance Technologies
European Gangs
When you first approach Caber you see a well groomed, finely dressed, business man or possibly a some one from upper management. Caber dresses well to blend into a corporate world, he dresses to disappear. Pressed pants, crisp collared shirts, silk vests and a well fitted suit jacket. As you get to know him better, studying his weathered face and hands, you start to see the scars, wrinkles, and silver streaked hair that begin to tell a story. A couple scars on Cabers jaw and above his eye are remnants of a possible fist fight, tore up knuckles from a few wrenches that slipped, and some greying hair on his temples giving him a look of experience. Caber tends to keep his dirty, brown hair cut short, and groomed neat. Usually clean shaven, but can have a five o'clock shadow within a day if the need presents itself. At a height of 5'10" and a pretty average, medium build Caber can look like a standard corp slave or CEO with simple alterations to his attire. One identifying feature that Caber does his best to hide is his cybernetic left arm, the outcome of a Nightwing crash. Caber keeps this alteration out of sight with long sleeve shirts and leather driving gloves. When out in the street and on job Caber holds a lot of confidence in what he does, but can also be observed constantly looking over his shoulder like he's expecting someone.
The Historic Chronicles of Caber Trunkster
From early childhood Caber, along with his younger sister Tessa, were raised solely by his grandfather. Hectus Viliano was a patient and understanding man, always teaching the children the importance of diplomacy and the strength of persuasion. Hectus is Caber and Tessa's maternal grandfather, their last known relative. The parents disappeared when the children were quite young, with no trace of where they went. Hectus took Caber under his wing and showed him how to interact with the community, a small town called Resolute outside of Sacramento. Hectus bargain for what he needed and sway people’s opinions and perceptions through thoughtful diplomacy.
As Caber grew older, twelve or thirteen, Hectus started to teach him how operate machinery. This excited young Caber, people were surprised by his natural aptitude towards the skill. He was so apt towards piloting that Hectus started to teach him the skills necessary to fly the Cessna C750. When there was are time Hectus and Caber, with Tessa riding along, were often taking to the sky to hone airmanship skills.
Caber had a one sided relationship with Tessa, he found himself looking to her for comfort and friendship yet she resented him for his relationship with Hectus. Tessa was always living in the shadow of Caber, she was present and kind to his face but secretly wanted to best him.
On Cabers fifteenth birthday his grandfather introduced him to the Nightwing. Hectus gave Caber a few preliminary lessons on how to operate the personal glider then sent him off to experience the freedom of solo flight.
As Caber built his piloting skills more opportunities were presented and by eighteen years of age he was operating ground support machinery at the Resolute smelting facility and flying as co-pilot in the Federated Boeing Commuter doing crew changes from the near by city. While working at the facility Caber became friends with Geido, one of the more experienced mechanics. Geido taught Caber how to keep things running and how to fine tune your rig even when parts aren’t available. Often Caber and Geido were found chumming around at the hangar working on Hectus' C750, making it perform at its peak.
The Federate Boeing Corporation owned the town and the smelting facility, they would often come for quality inspections of both. They were often found critiquing the efficiency of the facility and the diplomatic state of the community. Hectus, despite opposition from various family groups including Damion Dalmarus and his son Jornic, kept the community in good spirits and handled disputes with his cunning and silver tongue. The Dalmarus family wanted more recognition and monetary reward for their sacrifices for the Corporation, they mostly made a lot of noise and put on a upscale event whenever the executives came for inspection. Between Caber, Geido, and a handful of skilled tradesmen/women the facility had never run better. The last inspection Caber experienced was nothing like the previous. They were testing for magic aptitude, there was no social gala or gathering in the facility for drinks with executives. There was vans with test equipment and scientists, they systematically collected, tested and divided the gifted from the mundane. Caber turned out mundane, he was quite happy about it, his gifts of piloting were good enough. Tessa on the other hand tested quite high, high enough the Corporation had a private meeting with her, after emerging from the board room Tessa announced, looking directly at Caber with a grin, that she would be leaving to persue her new found powers. Caber was confused by the smile, everything his grandfather had taught him about reading people said it read as vindictive, not happy. This event in his life set Caber back a few steps, questioning his relationship with his sister and how his actions could have led up to this point.
Many of the magically gifted left shortly after the testing causing unrest in the community. Hectus tried to calm the situation but his recent failing health reduced his focus and moral slowly declined. Cabers grandfather slid into sickness very quickly and diminished within a month leaving Caber to fill his shoes. This caused the town to go into conflict and divided the population. Caber tried to resolve situations but didn’t have the diplomacy his grandfather had and was constantly opposed by Jornic Dalmarus, a councilman of the people was is self appointed title. The quality of the town and facility declined and the Corporation withdrew extra funding until production increased. Gangs from the city moved in and took advantage of the unrest, selling drugs, stealing valuables, and taking advantage of the vulnerable. Caber, not knowing what to do, fell into the life of crime. The gang made him feel like he had a family but he still felt lost. Drugs, booze and car jacking were his life. Caber got into the habit of stealing cars for high dollar buyers and chop shops. These pour decisions lead to Caber being arrested and imprisoned by Lawman Darryk Caliber. Officer Caliber knew the potential in Caber but he was bound by the law to uphold his duty, Caber was sentenced to five years in prison.
Once in prison and cleaning up Caber found a group of fellow riggers, some runners and some street racers. One in particular individual was referred to as Nitro, an elf canal racer from Venice, she took an interest in Cabers story and his aptitude to fly. She had never been in the air yet and figured it was the next level in rigging. After a few months in jail they were commonly found together in free time. Nitro introduced Caber to the prison project boss and got him a position running the VTOL excavators. Caber found a desire to excel at rigging again, he worked his way into better work positions until his time was served. Upon release Caber was placed with a mining camp in the Rocky Mountains near Calgary, mainly crewed by ex convicts, operating VTOL excavators similar to the ones in the prison. It wasn’t much different than prison, they told you when to eat, sleep and work but at least there was a pay check here. It was hear Caber met a couple of dwarves that competed in the Red Bull Nightwing races, competition of speed and skill racing through mountain valley’s, some contenders never came out alive. After saving some creds Caber bought a used Nightwing, fixed it up and entered a race. Placing 9th in his first run didn’t deter him, Caber honed his skills in his off time and tweaked his glider to almost peak performance. In a few months Caber was consistently placing in the top three and giving the long time leaders a run for their money. His increasing success landed him a sponsorship and a higher paying job with Boeing in Bakersfield. Caber continued to race Nightwings, while also driving and flying high end executives. Caber didn’t pay much attention to the execs, it was like dealing with them for inspection back at his home town, he mostly just responded with yes sir, yes ma'am and nods. Not long after starting his position he was reintroduced to Jornic Dalmarus, Jornic had weaseled his way into a junior exec position. Jornic repeatedly reminded Caber that the downfall of Resolute was his fault and now as director of restoration Jornic will see that the town will be rebuilt into the industrial giant it should be. Jornic was set to get Caber terminated, he took every chance to report Caber for miss conduct, breaching protocol and anything else he could dream up. When these attempts didn’t provide any results Jornic resorted to more sinister plans. Cabers next race on the third heat his Nightwing started to come apart in an aggressive dive, ailerons weren’t responding and he could sense a flutter starting. With no other options Caber set up a semi controlled decent into the mountain sided, all he recalls is skidding through ice, snow and rock.
Waking up on the operating table in Boeing's cybernetics lab Caber learned that his left arm had pretty much been destroyed from the shoulder down, along with damage to his left ocular cavity. The doc, Simon Schweitzer, assured him the Corporation was taking care of the reconstruction with domestic grade cyber replacements. Simon and Caber went back a few years, since Caber started driving for Boeing, Simon was a regular passenger for Caber and one who he found engaging enough that they often conversed on drives and within the Corporation complex. Caber convinced Simon to upgrade his implants with a few extra surprises, for some untraceable creds of course. Pulling a few strings within the circle of former inmates Caber secured extra cash to help Dr. Schweitzer complete the upgrades.
While recovering from the surgery Boeing Corp removed Caber from the Racing circuit and driving, and transferred him into the Security and Surveillance Development department. This was a good fit, he could use his keen mind to solve puzzles on the mechanical end of development and started to learn a little bit about electronics and programming. Caber stayed on in this department for a little over three years, rounding out his knowledge of electro mechanical devices. This also allowed him to stay in contact with Dr. Schweitzer and tweak his upgrades.
During this whole time Caber has been casually investigating the location of his sister Tessa. Slipping into the unsavory parts of the city, asking questions, recording conversations and tailing individuals of interest. He feels like he’s getting closer, on the verge of a break through. One night Caber was approached by a man in the shadows, he stayed in the dark, his features. He offered a job, a job with a big payout. See there’s a prototype VTOL jump jet that Federate Boeing has been developing, Caber has heard vague rumors of this within the Corporation. You see a high paying client wants this prototype and will pay big upon its delivery, just have to call this number for coordinates once your out. How big of payout you ask? How’s 500000 nueyen sound?
Caber thought about this long and hard, he felt he was in a position for some change. Boeing never did him wrong but he felt no allegiance to them. To be in a place where he could search out his sister and maybe pick up some piloting jobs at his discretion. He had some descent skills and a logical mind, why not?
The next nine and a half months Caber studied the facility, used his position in Surveillance to case out the aeronautics department, he even talked his way into a position on the test flight team. Carrying out test flights and learning the characteristics of the aircraft on a daily basis gave Caber a good feel for what the machine was capable of. Caber built trust with the tech team over time and they eventually gave him access to the project in his off time. Using this to his advantage Caber started to create loop holes in the second duty and tracking systems of the Jet. The timing was finally right, it was a dark overcast night and Caber had the Jet prepped for a test flight. The launch was standard, straight and level into the designated test flight zone, and a couple of standard maneuvers to confirm tracking and security were disabled. Everything was working the way Caber anticipated, now to kick it in high gear, Flaperons set into reflex, trimmed for high cruise, and full thrusters engaged. YEE HAW! The flight was uneventful, not even a hint of pursuit, seemed too easy. Flying out over the Atlantic Caber spotted a rocky island with a few substantial over hangs, figuring that’ll be a good place to hide for a few days Caber set up an approach and settled in one of the rocky nooks. Caber established a camp for close to a week, messaged his contact for delivery coordinates, gave it a couple more days. It’s delivery day, he fired up the engines, temperatures in the green, all systems check out, and coordinates entered. Taking off from his rocky hide away Caber piloted the Jet to its new owner, Caber takes note of the destination, looks like the German state.
A lone hangar hidden in the black forest, accompanied by a short runway, interesting…. Caber assessed the lay out, double checked his side arms and set up a low approach. Upon touch down the hangar door started to open, Caber assumed that’s where he should taxi. Dim light flickered in the building, along the walls and corners were deep shadows, who know what could be lurking in them. A lone figure stood out in the open, a familiar figure, it was Jornic. Caber armed his pistols, opened the canopy and cautiously stepped out into the hangar.
“I didn’t expect you to acquire the prize so quickly Caber, well done. I know you’d be foolish enough to take the job.” Jornic spoke to Caber with a devious grin. “You see I found a more profitable employer and….” A dark voice from the shadows interrupted Jornic.
“You see runner, this was a test to see if Jornic was right for such a prolific Corporation. I wanted to see if he could get a job done to completion, we didn’t want the Jet, we wanted you.” A large figure stepped out of the shadows, a great dragon, Lowfyr…. Of Saeder-Krupp.
Caber stepped back in surprise, looking in awe and surprise. Hearing a beeping from the VTOL…
“I know what that is… RUN!”
In a split second Caber was sprinting for the outside wall and taking cover as the aircraft was engulfed in white hot flame and vapor.
As Caber was deafened by the explosion, in the background he heard a guttural roar.
Gun shots whistled by as Caber bolted out the open hangar door and disappeared into the Black Forest. Caber and Jornic played cat and mouse for what felt like days, luckily Jornic was never talented in tracking, or even shooting, otherwise Caber feared he would be dead. Caber played low and never fired a shot, weaving his way through the Allied German States, then crossed the border into Switzerland.
For the next few years Caber traveled most of Europe, picking up jobs here and there, and digging for info on Jornic and his new boss. In his investigations and surveillance Caber even came across information leading to his sister Tessa.
Survival knife
Specifically designed with a cutting edge on one
side and a serrated sawing edge on the other, the
true “survival” piece of this knife is in the handle and its collection of accessories. In the handle
you’ll find a GPS monitor, mini-multitool, and micro-lighter. The blade is coated with a photovoltaic
skin that blacks out the blade to prevent unwanted
reflection; when charged, the skin can be activated
to provide two hours of light. Combat stats are the
same as the combat knife.
Wireless bonus: The knife displays an ARO of
local maps and your GPS position, along with providing basic biomonitor data when in your hand.Survival Knife 3P 8/2*/—/—/— 2
Concealable shoulder holster
Various sets of quality casual clothing (1000Y worth)
Standard Credstick -Balance
Standard Credstick -Balance
Standard Credstick -Balance
Total Personal Y -
Simon Schweitzer, Human, Boeing Cybernetic Engineer L=3 C=4 Cyberware/Aerospace tech
*Caber and Simon developed a solid friendship while they both worked at Boeing. After Caber's Nightwing crash Simon patched him back together with some quality cyberware, and Caber convinced Simon to add a few addition features. Simon and Caber still meet occasionally for a drink and to tweak Cabers hardware.
Dwendal and Weasle (Dwarf Brothers), Explosives technicians L=2 C=3
*These two brothers worked with Caber at the mining facility after Caber was released from prison. They have a knack for acquiring and making explosives, gases, and smokes. Caber prefers these the gunfire. Well placed ordinance can make or break a job.
Geido Larch, Human, Friend and mechanic L=5 C=2
*Geido is Caber's long time, childhood friend. He's a solid rock to fall on if in need of a place to stay, or if you just can't figure out how to fix that nagging problem in your Cessna.
Nitro, Elf, Street Racer and smuggler L=3 C=3
*Nitro races, in the street and the canals(Italy), part of this racing is a front for smuggling goods. Nitro and Caber made a connection in prison, and now with both of them on the street again they lean each other when needed. Need some heavy fire power, some extra muscle for a job, or possibly a hard to get drone she's your call.
Romeo Krisleth,Human (Elf Poser), Fixer L=2 C=3
*Romeo can be found at his rave in the neon district of Barcelona. Caber and Romeo crossed paths after Caber spent over a week in Romeos club, The Platonic Dandelion, chasing a lead on his missing sister. Romeo observed this meticulous individual secretly questioning, observing, and stalking key patrons on his rave. One evening Caber was "invited" for a drink with Mr. Romeo, they sat down alone, Caber was confronted about his activity, they had drinks. By the end of the night Caber was hired to do a little internal investigation, Romeo felt there was a rat or two costing him a few creds due to their unloyalty. After a brief stint of Intel Caber flushed out two individuals that were leaking information to gangs. This gained Caber the trust of Romeo, giving him a solid contact to work with. Romeo is a man of connections, he has employees, affiliates, and others that owe him favours. Sometimes his services cost cash, other times it's favors... nothing is for free.
Rival Contact: Jornic Dalmarus, life long rival. Jornic has always wanted the upper hand on Caber and has always blamed the fall of their home town on him. The latest plot against Caber was devised when Jornic was employed by Lowfyr of Saeder-Krupp. It was a failed attempt but Caber fears that he is still being hunted.
Another possible contact idea could be my sister, Tessa, this could be a rival or disposable. In my backstory there is tension created between the two based off of favoritism.
Attribute Point Alocation= Body 2, Agility 2, Reaction 5, Strength 1, Willpower 2, Logic 4, Intuition 4, Charisma 4= Total 24
Adjustment Points= Edge 4
Skill Point Allocation= Piloting 7, Firearms 3, Con 5, Outdoors 2, Perception 4, Engineering 2, Stealth 1= Total 24
Antidote patch (x2) 300
Stim patch (x2) 200
Tranq patch (x4) 200
Trauma patch (x4) 2000
Total Meds 2700
Balance 3880
Gas Mask 200
Climbing gear 200
Rappelling Gloves 50
Glue sprayer 150
Glue solvent (x4) 360
Keycard copier 600
Auto picker 500
Sequencer Rt 2 500
Plastic straps (x20) 10
Area jammer Rt 2 400
Tag eraser 450
White noise Generator Rt 5 250
Bug scanner 200
Total B&E 3870
Balance 10
1: Find Tessa, trying to tie what's left of the family back together.
2: Bring down Lowfyr and Jornic for setting him up.
3: Bring prosparity and stability back to his home town
4: Build up a mobile runners van.
5: Rebuild Agility to 4, it has deteriorated since the crash and the cyber arm still needs tweaking.
6: Purchase some type of aircraft.
How the character reacts to what is going on and then what they do with optional comments about what their character is thinking.
Better put my placeholder in as well. To be edited!
Name: Ivanovich Ludomir Alias: Boris Ethnicity and Metatype: Caucasian Troll
Age: 23 Sex: male Height: 7’ 9” Build: Bulky
Archetype: Street Samurai
Race: B Attributes: A Magic: D Skills: C Resources: E
Boris is an ugly troll. A truly ugly troll. Life in the illegal fight pits below Moscow and other large cities on the circuit has left him haggard and scarred despite his young age. Most people, when looking at him first note his massive size. Not so much in height, at 7’9” Boris is about average for a troll, but in general mass. Unhelpful to his overall appearance are his large yellowed horns that protrude from the sides of his head before curling backward, and the tusks and long bottom teeth that had never been properly straightened. Boris dresses in whatever he can find that fits his form, usually a mishmash of items he finds in thrift stores or charity drives. The one clothing item he has splurged on since his time shadowrunning, is his armored jacket, having learned the lesson that you really only get one life and when you are putting your body in harms way frequently it pays to have it protected. Despite his off-putting appearance, or perhaps because of it, Boris has learned to be as unobtrusive as possible. In many ways he often draws less attention than his counterparts. Unless he is thrown into the spotlight. Boris hates the spotlight.
Boris was born Ivanovich Ludomir to human parents in ‘Garage Valley’ Moscow. His mother, a poor teenaged street rat, took one look at him and passed him off to the first person who promised to take good care of him. Thus Ivanovich Ludomir became know as simply ‘Boris’ and was adopted by Erdeli Tikhonovich, the bossman of Moscow’s underground fighting pit, then, subsequently, trained to be Moscow’s standing champion. Erdeli was a fair, if not affectionate father figure, and though Boris grew up with the understanding that he had to fight to earn his keep, he also learned a great deal about honor and family.
When Boris was 15 he fought his first match with Kingston Stephans, UCAS’s reigning ‘king of the ring’, and fellow Troll. It was the first time Boris had been pitted against someone both bigger and stronger than himself. Predictably he lost the match, and the next, and the one after that as well.
After such resounding defeat, Boris found his confidence sinking, and his desire to do battle dwindled until it was no longer something he loved, but a method of survival.
In a desperate bid to get Boris back on track Erdeli hired a man legendary for his close combat skills. Kugimaya Yukichi, a one time Mongolian monk turned martial arts master and famous engineer. Kugimaya inspired Boris in many ways, none of which were the way Erdeli had hoped. He taught Boris the power of peace, the methods to fight when one needed, stealth instead of brutality, subtlety instead of power. In the end, even Erdeli had to admit that the fight had left the Troll and he was better off seeking his fortunes elsewhere. And so Boris left Moscow, travelling by offering his skills, mechanical or physical, on small jobs in exchange for food and shelter. Eventually his reputation grew and the fixers started seeking him out and, in short order, Boris became a full fledged shadowrunner.
Charisma + 6 = 18
Kugimiya Yukichi: Loyalty 3 Connection 3
Kugimiya is a 63 year old Mongolian monk turned martial arts master. During Boris' pit years his father figure hired Kugimiya to mentor Boris in hopes of boosting his moral and returning him to the champion he once was.
Julen Aviles: Loyalty 1 Connection 3
Julen was a competitor in many of the multinational fight tournaments that Boris competed in. As a human Julen was out of Boris' weight class and so was neither a friend, nor a rival, but they would recognize one another if they crossed in the street.
Erdeli Tikhonovich: Loyalty 3 Connection 2
Erdeli is the pitmaster of the underground fighting circuit in Moscow, Russia. As well as father figure to Boris, who was handed to him at birth. Erdeli is strict, and often quick to anger, but seems to have a true soft spot for the troll he raised to be champion, even if his dreams didn't quite come true.
Anita: Loyalty 2 Connection 1
Anita is a troll from The Black Forest Troll Republic, out in the world with a specific drive to recruit trolls to the republic. So far Boris has been uninterested in her offer, but Anita is stubborn and has decided to wear him down slowly.
Kingstan Stephans : Rival
Kingston is the troll that started it all. The doubt which seeded and the grew inside of Boris until he realized he wasn't cut out for the title of 'champion'. Kingston soundly beat Boris three times in their fighting years, after which Boris decided to take a different path. Boris doesn't know whether to be grateful to the conceited, pig-headed troll, or to punch him in his too smug face.
The Transporter: Loyalty: 0 Connection: 4
A contact received from Elmsley at Club Teruel
PERSONALITY: Z3R0-D is a naturally reserved personality type, one who has been through some trauma in his life, and has had to deal with some stigma. Being a technomancer, with all the baggage that brings (especially interest from research grab squads), he has had to become capable of adapting his behavior to blend in; that is to say, he is something of an Omnivert.
Z3R0-D is able to display personality mannerisms of both introverts and extroverts, usually as a result of situational stimuli or stressors. For the most part, Z3R0-D's aim is to be completely and utterly average in every way; he wants to be another face in the crowd, he wants to avoid the spotlight, but he can put himself out there if the need arises, and isn't afraid to interact in any particular way - though he does prefer socially quieter interactions and easy conversation, over deep-dives into his feelings or thoughts.
Because of a hard childhood, where everything Z3R0-D got was earned by his own merit, he has a strong protection of personal belongings. He can't stand theft (of his things), generally, and when running with a group expects there to be no skimming of his share of payday. Of all his beliefs, that is probably the only one Z3R0-D is unmoving on - and if anyone does steal from him, they immediately lose trust. It's worth pointing out that Z3R0-D also has the same expectation of himself, and would never steal from his runner team.
Funnily enough, he's fine with runs that are stealing from others - just not him or his team.
DESCRIPTION: Z3R0-D is a lean, physically toned, and clearly fit Elf. He isn't too big or too small, he isn't overly attractive or terribly ugly, and he tends to blend into a crowd quite easily. His dark hair is kept short, he has dark eyes, and possesses very typical traits of his race - his face is angular, giving him the pointed chin and defined cheekbones, he has pointed ears and a litheness to movement.
Depending on the task, Z3R0-D can wear many clothing types. Usually he favors a clean, crisp suit of average expense, though does keep more infiltration-specific clothing on hand, namely sneak suits and designer wears. Sometimes looking important makes others not want to bother you, or so Z3R0-D believes. He also knows how to blend in, or change his physical appearance with his clothing - such as broadening his stature with large coats, or hiding his ears with certain hats or beanies, etc.
Born to unknown parentage, a small elf baby was delivered to a local orphanage in the barrens of Seattle. He was raised from that day on by the employees of the shelter, given the name James Smith, registered with a SIN, and learned many hard lessons quickly. The other children in the orphanage weren't always kind, James was usually called a an elf (vulgar)keeb by one bully in particular, A future unfriendly rival contact that is equal to your character (+5 karma)Levi Jones. Over the years, James also made friends with others, but the orphanage didn't allow for long-term relationships - as there was no way to know when a family would adopt one of them.
James found he was able to see the world... differently... than most others, especially when it came to early mental matrix interactionsseeing weird things in day-to-day life, and soon discovered that he wasn't normal. Others didn't see what he did, in his mind. Because of the need for self-preservation, James developed a highly adaptive personality, one able to move through various social groups with ease. It made for a fairly distant lifestyle, since James found it hard to get close to people, otherwise he drew attention. However, it was that inner-mental connection that made him a perfect hacker and petty thief, which allowed him to venture out onto the mean streets of Seattle to grab some extra creds by interfacing with low-security cash dispensers and other old style machines. It wasn't like the orphanage was giving out pocket money for their kids, after all.
James' biggest confrontation came when Levi, who was older and bigger, had finally had enough of the elf kid. Whatever the reason was, it was hard to say, but the hatred was obvious and there was no way Levi was going to back down. So, the pair fought, and being the stronger of the two, Levi beat the hell out of James; and once it was over, the latter was left battered and bruised, bleeding from cuts across his face and body. Thankfully, Levi didn't last much longer at the orphanage, as he decided to leave when the caretakers started reprimanding him for his behavior (and for what happened to James).
James would find out weeks later that Levi fell in with a violent gang, and had moved out of the shelter, to live his own life. And over the years the pair would cross paths, with Levi having become even meaner and that hatred for James only having grown. It also didn't help that during James' early teenage years, he fell in with bad crowds - with some of them being local thugs that Levi knew. Still, James proved to be an asset, and was protected somewhat from his rival. So, James was often used the boy for cash grabs with rival gangers, delivering packages or lifting scrip chips from SINners unsecured comm connections. All the while, James maintained the facade of 'having tech', in the form of hollowed out equipment that he 'used' while doing his technomancyinterfacing.
As a result, James made a good living, but the constant threat of danger was there, which helped to hone his natural instincts and improve his skills - especially when he had no choice but to get better, or face the rage of the people he 'worked' for.
It was around his late teens that James started to make a reasonable name for himself. He had a penchant for being able to find his way into most hackable systems, to hide his involvement on those systems, and to find his way into digital places that shouldn't have been accessible. Some attributed it to luck, others to his gear, but the truth was that James was more skilled than he let on and had found out he was a able to interact with the Resonance. But with that knowledge came additional dangers, especially from interested threats such as research grab squads - those who worked for nameless corporations that wanted to dissect the brains of people like James; needless to say, James began to fly under the radar whenever he could, if only to preserve his functional physicality (brains tended to be required for that).
In his twenties, James caught the attention of a fixer - An (Expendable) Contact that you can use for free while they are aroundPennywise - when she needed someone who could do things nice and quiet like, on the matrix, and the alias Z3R0-D was born. The job involved accessing a gambling ring network, where infiltration of data-trace nodes were needed to be placed into the computer in the main office; the purpose was to copy files, find evidence desired by the employer, and leave a functional sub-routine that acted like spyware, before jacking out quietly. Z3R0-D was able to live up to his alias-sake and performed the job admirably - and not only did he gain the fixer as an on-going contact, but he received a small jing bonus for the effectiveness.
It was an excellent start to his shadowrunner career...
More recently, Z3R0-D has been accepting bigger jobs, mainly lone runs. He has worked with several MegaCorps, posing as a Decker for sensitive jobs, but plans to expand his operations - even being willing to work in runner groups. He has basically left the gang work behind, instead focused on becoming a dedicated shadowrunner, where he feels the better pay comes from. His efforts so far have been mostly reliable, however a run in with a grab squad (who raided his dwelling) resulted in the loss of his equipment, belongings and gear. As a result, and to keep functioning as a runner (reputation is everything!), Z3R0-D had to take some drastic measures... and he ended up using most of his saved funds to replace equipment. It wasn't perfect, but it gave him a starting leg up on nothing.