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Old Nov 30th, 2021, 09:41 AM
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Description: Pukka is about as Cockney as the Pope but that doesn't lesson the appeal of his broad accent and the stereotypical wheeling and dealing that goes with it. Like many of the Crime Mall's vendors he prides himself on his ability to source more or less anything, given time, and the fact that he has been doing it for years is testament to how good at it he is.

Preferred Runners: Grateful ones!
Uses: That hard to find something, the more esoteric the better
Places to Meet: The Crime Mall
Contact: In person
Available: When the Mall is open for business

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 04:19 PM.
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Old Nov 30th, 2021, 09:44 AM
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Description: Melody has never let being small stop her from doing anything she wanted and behind the dimples and winning smile is a fierce and highly creative mind. Despite the apprently barren nature of the Puyallup ash wastes she has managed to find the reagents she needs for her crafting and when she isn't combing the lava flows for basalt or other rarer elements she plies her trade in the Crime Mall. Her price isn't always in cold nuyen and she will often work for reagents or protection in seeking them out herself. She will also sometimes act as a guide for those wanting to navigate the depths of the wastes.

Uses: Magical tattoos, Puyallup guide
Places to Meet: The Crime Mall
Contact: In person
Available: When it suits her and she's not wading through the depths of Puyallup

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 04:20 PM.
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Old Nov 30th, 2021, 09:45 AM
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Membership: 10-99 (+1), Scope: Sprawlwide (+1), Finances: Limited (+1), Magic: Some (+1), Matrix: Pervasive (+3)

Description: The FreΣdom tribe have had a troubled past, pursued across Seattle because of their rumoured connections with technomancers. In the height of the technomacer scare the tribe was raided by corp hit teams and several members were killed or snatched by the bag teams. They relocated from Redmond to the edge of Puyallup and teamed up with the Mechanicals Tribe but that still wasn’t enough. In ’75 they were attacked again, this time by some sick fragger who had weaponised ghouls that they loosed on a community gathering. With their steampunk brethren they packed up shop once more and headed to a secure compound deeper in the ash wastes which was formerly the town of Orting.

Uses: Matrix support in and around Puyallup
Places to Meet: Matrix



Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 04:22 PM.
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Old Nov 30th, 2021, 09:46 AM
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Description: Jenny Worth was born in the SCIRE during the occupation by Deus and once she was liberated, still only a baby, she was sequestered by Renraku in a special school in San Francisco. How they knew that her Gift would emerge is a mystery but nevertheless she was to become a gifted technomancer following the second matrix crash. An unlikely bunch of shadowrunners helped her to escape her incarceration in ’71 and took her to Seattle where she came under the aegis of the Old One and another former SCIRE inhabitant, a ganger calling herself Scratch.

She is an oracle, somehow able to read the flows of data through the matrix and anticipate future events…the ability is uncanny, even with details that wouldn’t normally have a matrix presence…everything is on the matrix somewhere, apparently… Her matrix persona is usually an Alice alegory, her sprites often taking on the bizare forms of Lewis Carol's creations.

Her life has become all the more interesting since the Old One recruited her into the Choir and she bent her talents to forseeing the turbulent events that are due to shape the Sixth World in the times to come. She became embroiled in whatever conflict the Choir has managed to stumble in to with their unknown foes and was snatched by the dragon Winter and hidden away in Boston during the Lockdown. There are also rumours circulating that for some reason it is her face that appears on the Queen of Batons tarot card...

Uses: Vague warnings, sometime uncanny insights
Places to Meet: Citadel matrix node, other matrix sites
Contact: Commcode
Available: She knows when you are going to call…

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 15th, 2025 at 08:31 AM.
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Old Dec 7th, 2021, 09:55 AM
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Description: Switch is one of Torrent‘s many progeny (Silk's sister) and usually his principal bodyguard. She has been known to carry out sensitive tasks of a highly personal nature for her father and if she isn't in his company it is probably a wise idea to be in a different vicinity!

She’s a strong telekenetic and has a penchant for speeding ceramic throwing spikes towards a foe with deadly accuracy. She looks at first to be comparatively human but the sharpened teeth and pointed ears give the lie to that. She favours skin tight gothic getups that handily conceal a plethora of knives about her person.

Uses: Bodyguard services
Places to Meet: Wherever her Dad is
Contact: Commcode


Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 04:24 PM.
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Old Aug 16th, 2022, 06:17 PM
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Membership: 1-9 (+0), Scope: Worldwide (+3), Finances: Extensive (+2), Magic: Most (+2), Matrix: Significant (+2)

Description: Originally set up by Mother (rigger/hacker) and Bale (combat mage) in 2066, the team members included Mother’s daughter Silk (infiltration specialist) a hacker called Aria and a second infiltration specialist called Escapade (specialist/face). Technically they were very capable, and had reached the enviable stage of being in a position to pick and choose their jobs based on the agendas set by the team. They favoured a subtle, even invisible approach using a large number of drones for infiltration and, in an emergency, fire support. This all came crashing down in ’70 when they were targeted by an unknown foe. Mother was assassinated, Bale was killed in a seemingly random act of street violence and Escapade disappeared leaving Silk to pick up the pieces.

In early ‘72 Silk sought out Bale’s brother, a military inteligence officer in the UK, and persuaded him to join her in investigating the attack on the original team. He took on the handle ‘Bale’ in honour of his brother and together with Silk re-built the team with a new combat specialist, Requiem, Riptide, a combat decker and Face, and Opium, a rigger. There have been some changes since, Requiem has moved on and Opium has also been replaced. In a twist on the tale Mother has returned as 'Hope' and Salt has taken the rigger role on the team.

Uses: High end runs
Places to Meet: Varies
Contact: Commcode through Silk




Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 04:28 PM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 11:23 AM
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Description: When Stillwater apparently imploded, rather than follow his fellows to FreƩdom or wherever else they scattered to, Dominic established himself as a street doc and cybertechnician in a clinic on the edge of Redmond. He had sufficient charisma to barter a neutral zone with the local gangs and enough strength to protect what was his when the odd disagreement about property rights came up. He offers emergency medical treatments at slashed rates, covering his expenses with the quality ’ware implants that the gangers crave.

Preferred Runners: Hooders
Uses: Medical and cybertech
Places to Meet: His clinic, Touristville
Contact: Commcode or on the door
Available: More often than not although you’ll have to join the queue

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 07:13 PM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 11:23 AM
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Description: Dr Featherstone runs a discrete cyber clinic in Downtown Seattle. She is a walking advertisement for her own ’ware and the transhuman ideals that she clings to in order to justify the almost grotesque amount of cyber and bioware she sports. She is exceptionally good at what she does however and there are few better places to go for the more esoteric body enhancements, like the extra set of arms that she uses to be her own assistant in complicated surgeries.

Preferred Runners: Transhumans
Uses: Cybertech and biotech installation and maintenance
Places to Meet: Her clinic
Contact: Commcode
Available: She rarely sleeps

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 07:13 PM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 06:42 PM
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Description: Hopper is a Hispanic gentleman with a colourful past in the various neo gypsy tribes that dotted the UCAS following the Ghost Dance. He has an aptitude for quietness, even when flying a T-Bird Mach one nape of the earth across a contested border, that has made his services invaluable to those that need discrete transportation. He learnt his craft from other Coyotes operating in the back of beyond and earnt his transport through blood and sweat. He has the option of his customised T-Bird or for those looking for a gentler more sedate passage, a zep. Like all jammers he specialises in small valuable cargos, whether people or goods.

Preferred Runners: Quiet ones
Uses: International border crossings
Places to Meet: Just before a border
Contact: Commcode
Available: When he’s ‘in town’

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 07:15 PM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 06:45 PM
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Jasmine Wright “Jazz”
Caucasian Human
DOB 2056 Sex F Height Small Build Skinny
Nationality None

Description Jazz is small and lean, a typical undernourished street waif, although she is tougher than she looks. She is usually dressed in oversized boots and motor oil stained clothes topped off with a lined coat that has also seen better days and probably belonged to her father. Her curly brown hair is often tied up in bunches off her face, stray strands often flying wildy with the general lack of care over her general appearance. Her living persona manifests a very different image; a fierce spear wielding Amazonian with elaborate digital tattoos that writhe across her body. Whereas Jazz looks like a street rat, the drones that she is almost always accompanied by are anything but street junk, a combination of Mechanicals steampunk and Fre∑dom tech.

Jazz is one of a rare breed, technos that have honed their craft with the machine souls of drones rather than in the wilds of the matrix. She had the good fortune to be born in to the Fre∑dom hacker tribe rather than a few blocks over in the heart of the Redmond barrens. Both her parents were script kiddies from minor corp backgrounds who found the freer nature of the urban tribe to be preferable to the stifling corporate environment. That their daughter developed technomantic powers was an unlooked for blessing, even if she preferred her mechanical allies to most people.

In 2072 Jazz and her younger brother Ben witnessed first-hand the corporate thirst for techno knowledge when the tribe was raided by corp spec ops. Thankfully with the aid of her drones she was able to escape their clutches, but her parents were less fortunate and it was only the strength of the bond to her brother and to the remaining tribals that allowed her to carry on. She taught herself to fight, both in the ‘trix and in the meat and her fierce Amazon persona and the pack of hounds that represent her drones are constantly vigilent against outside threats.

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 29th, 2024 at 07:16 PM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 06:54 PM
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Description: To most, the hoverboard gangs are a serious annoyance rather than a threat. Corp brats (the only ones that can afford the luxuries of a SOTA hoverboard) playing at being a gang, staking a turf and defending it against incomers. They don't need to engage in the criminal activities of most gangers as money isn't their primary motivation, but hassling the wage slaves coming and going from their corporate enclaves is very much on the agenda. For the most part they are tolerated as an outlet for the brats that might otherwise cause real trouble for their corporate masters. Leaf was no different, but since taking over as leader she has begun to forge her gang in to a more _useful_ organisation. They do courier runs (or less than legal items natch), light corporate espionage and assorted other fringe activities. Not enough to get them in real trouble, yet, but useful to know...

Uses: Couriers, info drops
Places to Meet: Their Bellevue turf
Contact: Commcode or in person
Available: Most of the time...they somehow seem to evade the calls to corporate service and spend most of their time on the streets spending their parent's cash

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 30th, 2024 at 09:03 AM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 06:56 PM
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Name & Principle Alias "Escher"

Ethnicity & Metatype Unknown

DOB Unknown Sex Unknown (assumed male) Height Unknown Build Unknown
Nationality None

Description: Escher's gyrating geometrics persona is all that anyone has ever seen of this supposed human forger as he conducts business soley through the matrix. For those that can stomach the eye twisting iconography he is a valuable resource for their forgery needs and although not the fastest provider on the matrix his work is always of excellent quality.

Uses: ID and other electronic forgeries
Places to Meet: Matrix
Available: 24/7

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 30th, 2024 at 09:04 AM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 07:22 PM
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Description: He-Who-Sees has a knack of being in the right place at the right time to best help people, both ones he cares about and complete strangers. His aid is offered without any thought of gain for himself, but he manages quite comfortably with the gratitude of those he helps. He has a strong connection to his mentor Snake and her gentle wisdom and compassion are what drive him. Although some have sought to exploit his help, they soon find that gentleness masks strength and that Snake is venomous as well as wise.

Preferred Runners: Hooders
Uses: Medical help
Places to Meet: He seems to know to come when needed
Contact: Although some have his comm he doesn’t need it all that often
Available: At the will of the Spirits

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 30th, 2024 at 09:05 AM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 07:33 PM
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Description: Linnet had the misfortune, like many of her race, to be born in to a SINless family who fled the infamous _Night of Rage_ in Seattle. Huddling in the ruins of the Redmond barrens she had harsh lessons to learn, but thankfully she had an unusual gift, for a troll, of remaining unobtrusive and out of sight. That coupled with her small size and cunning speed turned her in to an excellent thief. With no formal testing available she had no idea that her gifts came from her inner magic!

When she was thirteen her luck ran out and she ended up taking the fall for a crew that she was working with. The officer that dealt with her must have recognised something in her however as rather than washing his hands of her he instead slapped a criminal SIN on her new record and promptly turned her over to the Silk Dragon dojo for training.

Last edited by Arialles; Jan 30th, 2024 at 09:05 AM.
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Old Mar 16th, 2023, 07:45 PM
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Description: Despite her apparent youth, Lady deBathyre is a NeoNet corporate princess with considerable influence thanks to the patronage of her mentor Celedyr. She has her fingers in a number of technological pies and is rumoured to be connected to various secret projects for the dragon. Less well known is her street handle as a decker, eTher where her persona is an exceptionally hi-res celestial dragon made of spinning nebulae, and even less well known than that is that she is in fact one of Celedyr’s drakes.

Preferred Runners: Discrete ones
Uses: NeoNet or matrix information
Places to Meet: Usually via the matrix, occasionally seen gracing high society events in Europe
Contact: Commcode
Available: As she sees fit

Last edited by Arialles; Jun 17th, 2024 at 07:10 PM.
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