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Old Jan 14th, 2022, 05:30 PM
Hal Hammerhand Hal Hammerhand is offline
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A Tough Lot

This is where you can post your applications and i would like you to all use this statblock:


Last edited by Hal Hammerhand; Jan 14th, 2022 at 06:11 PM.
Old Jan 14th, 2022, 07:44 PM
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Name: Restle of Brugge
Race: Human
Profession: Mage

Personality: Restle is easy going and not quick to pass judgment on others, including the pointiness of ones ears, unlike much of the North. Due to a curse laid upon him as a child, causing others to mistrust him, Restle has long since learned to keep to himself. Despite this, he will go out of his way to help others, even though he will likely get little in the way of thanks. He has become accustomed to living on the road and rarely stays in one place very long. Because he has no true destination in mind, his wanderings are often left to chance.

Appearance: Although a mage, Restle does not dress in the flowing robes and finer clothes typical to others of his profession. Besides the fact that mages are hated by much of the North, he finds such attire impractical, and much rather prefers simple travel clothes and light armor. In addition, he still carries a sword, which he is more than capable of wielding if choosing to avoid using magic.






Last edited by Silent Rain; Jan 22nd, 2022 at 04:27 PM.
Old Jan 14th, 2022, 08:59 PM
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THE WITCHERName: Vladir of Maribor
right-aligned image

Race: Witcher
Profession: Witcher



The history of Vladir of Maribor is a long tale, fraught with loss, grief, danger and threat. Little is known by most about the mutant Witcher, save what he willingly shares, and fewer still have earned his trust to know everything. In truth, Vladir himself has trouble recalling some of his past, as he is at least a century of age, and the world has changed so much in that time. Not only has the Witcher seen nations shift and realign borders, he has seen kingdoms and rulers destroyed, and the near extinction of monsters throughout the land. Vladir has seen the reputation of Witchers soar... and also come crashing down. He has witnessed the bitter sting of prosecution from a nation of people that no longer trust him, despite the hundreds of creatures he has killed to protect their very lives, and the renewed want for more Witchers as monsters returned over many years to threaten lives once more.

Being so old, Vladir knows some prolific individuals in the world, as one might expect: Vesemir, the oldest Witcher, who took Vladir in and became like a father figure, training the boy. Geralt of Rivia, one of his Witcher brothers, took the Trial of the Grasses around the same time at Kaer Morhen, among others. He saw the arrival of Ciri, when she was brought to the Blue Mountains as a surprise child, and was aware of the search for Yennefer of Vengerberg, and did his part while traveling southwest to listen for information as to her whereabouts for Geralt.

Yet, throughout his life so far, there have been instances - events - that are important, in some way, to Vladir. And some he has shared, mostly with his fellow Witcher brothers of Kaer Morhen, and others with his daughter. Yes, the Witcher has a child, adopted to be clear, and claimed by an ancient rite still respected throughout the lands to this day - the Law of Surprises.

Still, that is getting ahead of the tale, the events, and everything should be told in its order for prosperity...

Early Years


A Young Witcher; Ages 20-50


An Witcher Turned Hermit; Ages 50-80


A Witcher Returned; Ages 90-103


CHILD BY LAW OF SURPRISESName: Alyss Trilvath of Tretogor
left-aligned image

Race: Human
Profession: Witcher Ward/Adopted Daughter




FRIENDS, ALLIES & ENEMIESThe following is a list of friends, allies and enemies of Vladir:

STAT BLOCKSVladir Stat Block:

Alyss Stat Block:

APPLICATION SPECIFICSCharacter Rolls: [here]

Stat Rolls: [here]

Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by Humble Hero; Jan 20th, 2022 at 10:18 AM.
Old Jan 15th, 2022, 12:35 PM
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*work in progress, will update with all requested details over the next few days, comments and critiques are welcome*

Muirchertach Mac Noígíallach

Nilfgaardian chronicler, scout and sorcerer

Quote:"In Nilfgaard an Aen Seidhe can walk the streets and be an equal citizen, but slavery exists. We boast the finest scientists, the most sophisticated culture, and the most educated of people in the World. And yet mages are collared and expected to be servants of the Empire regardless of their wishes. We strive for enlightenment and sophistication, yet the Empire seeks to grow by bringing every nation under the Great Sun to heel using the brutal tool of military conquest. There is no good place in this world, only places better for certain people and less so for others..."

Name: Muirchertach Mac Noígíallach
Species: Aen Seidhe (elf)
Sex: Male
Age: 46
Profession: Mage





-True power lies not in wealth, but in the things it affords you.-
Maximillian Strauss, Tremere Regent of Los Angeles

Last edited by MagePcfan; Feb 6th, 2022 at 02:38 AM.
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