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A Tough Lot
Last edited by Hal Hammerhand; Jan 14th, 2022 at 06:11 PM. |
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![]() Name: Restle of Brugge Race: Human Profession: Mage Personality: Restle is easy going and not quick to pass judgment on others, including the pointiness of ones ears, unlike much of the North. Due to a curse laid upon him as a child, causing others to mistrust him, Restle has long since learned to keep to himself. Despite this, he will go out of his way to help others, even though he will likely get little in the way of thanks. He has become accustomed to living on the road and rarely stays in one place very long. Because he has no true destination in mind, his wanderings are often left to chance. Appearance: Although a mage, Restle does not dress in the flowing robes and finer clothes typical to others of his profession. Besides the fact that mages are hated by much of the North, he finds such attire impractical, and much rather prefers simple travel clothes and light armor. In addition, he still carries a sword, which he is more than capable of wielding if choosing to avoid using magic. Restle was born into a large family of traveling entertainers. Though perhaps not with the panache of a bard, Restle's family still possessed more than adequate skill at music, song, and weaving a tale or two. The younger children that did not perform, alleviated the crowd of loose coin purses.
Such was the fate of Restle, whose lithe fingers would deftly untie even the toughest of knots without so much as a notice. That was however, until he attempted to pilfer the purse of a woman standing to the read of a crowd. Somehow she knew he was there and caught his arm in the act. Her eyes bore down on him with a shrewd look. She muttered something about no one ever trusting him ever again and began speaking in a strange tongue. From that moment on, Restle found that most people were never keen on trusting the boy, always thinking that he was up to no good. Restle had just passed his fifteenth birthday when his mother informed him that there was elven blood in his veins. Not enough to be noticeable, she said, but enough that it could cause trouble for the family if their secret ever got out. She mentioned it after he questioned her why she always went out of her way to help the elves whenever she could. When Restle was nearing his eighteenth birthday, he got into an argument with two of his younger brothers. They kept going on and on about something and he wished they would just stop prattling on. To their and Restle's horror, their mouths began to seal shut until fully closed over with skin. They began to cry and wine through their nose. A whooshing sound was herd a few minutes later, revealing a circular portal and a man stepping through. He quickly restored the boys' mouths back to their proper state, and introduced himself as Dorregaray, the rector of Ban Ard Academy. He explained that Restle had just had what was referred to as a conduit moment; he had unwittingly channeled chaos. Dorregaray explained that Restle would continue to have events such as this and was not safe without proper training. He left for Ban Ard that day, but before he left, his mother handed him a small purse of coin and wished her son well. His training had been underway for several years when he was outside the city walls in the surrounding forest, gathering herbs required for his botany class, when he heard an alluring voice from somewhere off the road toward Badger Ravine. He found an elf there, who had been singing to herself in a small glade. Unfortunately, Restle was not the only one to have heard her. A pair of men also appeared, looking for the source of the music and smiled with evil intent at the sight of the elf. There would have been serious consequences had he used magic to harm another, especially so close to Ban Ard, so he instead fought the men, taking one of their short swords for himself. Although his attacks were far from pretty, they were functional enough and he dispatched the pair. The elf introduced herself as Lieffa and, despite Restle's expectations to the contrary, hugged him and thanked him. Apparently his selfless act had a way of countering the curse still laid upon him. Lieffa swore she would ever forget his kindness, and Restle learned that not all issues can be solved with magic, and took the sword he had used back with him to the Academy. Several years later, Restle completed his studies from Ban Ard, but now found himself wandering aimless. The curse that hung from his shoulders prevented anyone from trusting him at court, and he had no desire to pursue the more academic nature of magic. Instead, for the next decade or so, he found himself wandering from one brothel to the next, desperately trying to fill the void he found tugging at his soul. During this time, Restle learned that Lieffa had been captured and was currently being held with a group of elves, believing them to be Scoia'tael. He could do little himself, but eventually gained the ear of Duke Hereward of Ellander. Although he was reticent to send his own Knights of the ORder of the White Rose, he did dispatch a band of mercenaries to raid the camp and free the elves detained there, including Lieffa. Surprisingly, the Duke remained friendly toward Restle, likely maintaining the relationship in case he were ever in need of a mage. The years that followed saw Restle continue his wandering, though recently he found himself moving ever northward to avoid the encroaching Nilfgaardian army. It had been raining for the better part of an hour and Restle's mood was about as foul as the weather. He trudged through the cobbled city streets, the light from the oil lamps reflecting off the nearby pools of water collecting in the uneven ground, though doing little to dispel the surrounding darkness.
Despite his hood being drawn and the steady rapping of the rain, he still managed to hear a stifled scream coming from the nearby alley. He moved to where it opened into the street and peered down its dark length. The shapes of what appeared to be several men escorting a woman, a not by her choice, it seemed, could be barely seen. Restle sighed. This was not his problem, and he knew he should just keep walking. Damn, he thought, knowing that he also couldn't. As he rounded a turn in the alley, he found the men huddled around a hooded lantern, the woman he had heard attempting unsuccessfully to squirm away from their grasp. They laughed and Restle could see the yellow of their teeth and the lustful desire in their eyes. Any reservations he had about what was about to happen fluttered away like smoke on the wind. "How about you gentlemen leave her be and I'll buy you all a round," he offered, the training of a diplomat still firmly ingrained in him. The men stopped and peered at the man making demands of them. Piss off, one of them spat. Restle had already been casting while the thugs had offered their retort. I'm afraid we can't do that, he replied. "We," another man asked, confused, before seeing several images of Restle stepping into the light cast by the lantern. Gut these ****ers, another thug shouted. Short blades and knives were pulled, all glinting in the light as they began their attack. Most swung at nothing but air, finding the images of Restle to be nothing more than than that. One however, managed to swing at the real one. Restle moved to parry and suddenly there was a sword in his hand, where none had existed before. Decades of practice were more than a match for this lot. His weapon parried the blade, swung it wide, and slashed a long gash down the man's chest. Restle's images did their job as he mage quick work of the rest, save for the last one, which must have been their leader, as he was bigger than the rest and more proficient with his blade. "You're going to pay for this, mage," he threatened through gritted teeth, having finally put together the nature of his enemy. Their blades parried several times, until the thug's blade began to glow red with intense heat. He screamed and dropped the blade where it fell to the wet stones below, hissing as it cooled in the rain. The man turned to run, but Restle sent a strong gust of wind at him, knocking him against the alley wall with incredible force, where he crumbled into a pile onto the floor. The sword was gone as quickly as it had appeared and Restle approached the girl. "Are you alright", he asked. She looked at him and Restle mentally sighed as he could see the power of his curse changing her perception of him, reflected in her eyes. "Get away from me," she screamed and ran off down the other side of the alley. "And your welcome," he added before trudged off back in the direction he had been going. Rolls Restle of Brugge | Mage
HP: 45 | Stamina: 45 | AC: Head 14, Torso 12, Legs 12 | Current Initiative: +7 Weapons: +2, 4d6+2 S/P, Rel: 10 Krigsverd & +0, 1d6+2 S/PDagger Abilities: INT 7 | REF 7 | DEX 4 | BODY 8 | SPD 7 | EMP 6 | CRA 6 | WILL 10 | LUCK 3 Derived: Stun 9 | Run 21 | Leap 4 | Vigor 5 | Enc 80 | Rec 9 | Punch 1d6+2 | Kick 1d6+6 Main Skills: Magic Training (Int): 6 | Education (Int): 6 | Grooming & Style (Emp): 3 | Hex Weaving (Will): 3 | Human Perception (Emp): 4 | Resist Magic (Will): 6 | Ritual Crafting (Will): 6 | Seduction (Emp): 1 | Social Etiquette (Emp): 2 | Spell Casting (Will): 6 | Staff/Spear (Ref): 1 Pickup Skills: Swordsmanship (Ref): 6 | Awareness (Int): 2 | Dodge/Escape (Ref): 6 Features: In a world where non-humans can’t be trusted, humans look more trustworthy. Humans have an inherent +1 to their Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion checks against other humans.Trustworthy | Humans are clever and often have brilliant solutions to difficult problems. Humans gain an inherent +1 to Deduction.Ingenuity | Part of the human race’s greatest strength is its willingness to charge forward endlessly, even into truly life-threatening situations. A human can summon up their courage and reroll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3 times per game session. They take the higher of the two rolls, but if they still fail they cannot re-use the ability to roll again.Blindly Stubborn Spells: -STA Cost: 3 Effect: Created by the talented Aedirnian mage Afan of Gulet, Afan’s mirror creates 1d10 illusory copies of the caster. These copies are intangible, but indistinguishable from the caster and controlled by the caster’s mind. Controlling the copies does not require an action but they cannot leave the spell’s range. Range: 10m Duration: Active (2 STA) Defense: NoneAfan’s Mirror -STA Cost: 5 Effect: Magic Healing stimulates the natural healing of a target to heal them at a rate of 3 points of damage per round. is lasts for the duration of the spell. Alternatively, this spell can be used repeatedly to heal a critical wound. Range: 2m Duration: 1d10 Rounds Defense: NoneMagic Healing -STA Cost: Variable Effect: Dispel allows you to end a spell/ritual/hex within the range of this spell. This spell can cancel magic with a duration and can be used as a defensive action to block magic attacks with or without physical components. To cancel a magical effect you must spend half as many Stamina points as the caster spent to cast the magic and make a Spell Casting roll that beats their casting roll. Range: 10m Duration: Immediate Defense: Spell CastingDispel -STA Cost: 4 Effect: Cadfan’s Grasp, named for the magician and smith Cadfan of Ebbing, allows you to super-heat a metal item, making the holder drop the item or take 2d6 damage to the limb holding it. Alternatively, the spell can heat weapons to give +2d6 damage and a 50% chance to ignite a target. Range: 8m Duration: 1d6 Rounds Defense: NoneCadfan’s Grasp -STA Cost: 3 Effect: Blinding Dust allows you to shoot a magical dust into the eyes of a target that blinds them for the duration of the spell. Range: 4m Duration: 1d10 Rounds Defense: Dodge or BlockBlinding Dust Rituals: -STA Cost: 5 Effect: Spirit Seance contacts the spirit of a dead person. The seance brings the soul back as a specter with the sentience of the original person. The specter retains all memories, including the memory of their death, and can be spoken with at its burial site. The specter cannot be sent back to the realm of the dead except at its own choice, or by killing it. The Seance will summon the spirits of anyone of the same bloodline within 20m so using this spell in family crypts is not advised. Preparation Time: 5 Rounds Diffculty Check: 12 Duration: Permanent Components: Some Blood of the Deceased or a Relative, Mandrake Root (x1), Sewant Mushrooms (x2), Wolfsbane (x2), Sulfur (x2)Spirit Seance Hexes: -STA Cost: 4 Effect: The Eternal Itch causes inflamed, itchy pustules to grow on the subjects genitals. The itch does no damage but is a constant annoyance, causing a -1 to all tasks. As well as this -1 the target takes a -5 to Seduction once ‘in the bedroom.’ Danger: Low Requirement To Lift : The subject must gather a unit of scleroderm, fool’s parsely, and bryonia. The subject must light a campfire and bundle up the herbs. With everything prepared the subject must light the herbs and crumble the burning ashes onto the aflicted area while reciting a series of magic words.The Eternal Itch Gear: - Components: Mandrake Root (x1), Sewant Mushrooms (x2), Wolfsbane (x2), Sulfur (x2) - Belt pouch - Dagger - Writing Journal - A satchel - A bedroll - A lantern - Krigsverd - Armored Hood - Brigandine - Armored Trousers - Basic Clothing - Waterskin - Trail Rations x5 - Horse (w/ Saddle, Blinders, and saddlebags) - 104 crowns Restle of Brugge
Human Mage Abilities: INT 7 | REF 7 | DEX 4 | BODY 8 | SPD 7 | EMP 6 | CRA 6 | WILL 10 | LUCK 3 Derived: Stun 9 | Run 21 | Leap 4 | Vigor 5 | Enc 80 | Rec 9 | Punch 1d6+2 | Kick 1d6+6 Pickup Skills: Swordsmanship (Ref): 6 | Awareness (Int): 2 | Dodge/Escape (Ref): 6 an inherent +1 to their Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion checks against other humans.Trustworthy | Humans are clever and often have brilliant solutions to difficult problems. Humans gain an inherent +1 to Deduction.Ingenuity | Part of the human race’s greatest strength is its willingness to charge forward endlessly, even into truly life-threatening situations. A human can summon up their courage and reroll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3 times per game session. They take the higher of the two rolls, but if they still fail they cannot re-use the ability to roll again.Blindly Stubborn Effect: Created by the talented Aedirnian mage Afan of Gulet, Afan’s mirror creates 1d10 illusory copies of the caster. These copies are intangible, but indistinguishable from the caster and controlled by the caster’s mind. Controlling the copies does not require an action but they cannot leave the spell’s range. Range: 10m Duration: Active (2 STA) Defense: NoneAfan’s Mirror | STA Cost: 5 Effect: Magic Healing stimulates the natural healing of a target to heal them at a rate of 3 points of damage per round. is lasts for the duration of the spell. Alternatively, this spell can be used repeatedly to heal a critical wound. Range: 2m Duration: 1d10 Rounds Defense: NoneMagic Healing | STA Cost: Variable Effect: Dispel allows you to end a spell/ritual/hex within the range of this spell. This spell can cancel magic with a duration and can be used as a defensive action to block magic attacks with or without physical components. To cancel a magical effect you must spend half as many Stamina points as the caster spent to cast the magic and make a Spell Casting roll that beats their casting roll. Range: 10m Duration: Immediate Defense: Spell CastingDispel | STA Cost: 4 Effect: Cadfan’s Grasp, named for the magician and smith Cadfan of Ebbing, allows you to super-heat a metal item, making the holder drop the item or take 2d6 damage to the limb holding it. Alternatively, the spell can heat weapons to give +2d6 damage and a 50% chance to ignite a target. Range: 8m Duration: 1d6 Rounds Defense: NoneCadfan’s Grasp | STA Cost: 3 Effect: Blinding Dust allows you to shoot a magical dust into the eyes of a target that blinds them for the duration of the spell. Range: 4m Duration: 1d10 Rounds Defense: Dodge or BlockBlinding Dust Rituals: STA Cost: 5 Effect: Spirit Seance contacts the spirit of a dead person. The seance brings the soul back as a specter with the sentience of the original person. The specter retains all memories, including the memory of their death, and can be spoken with at its burial site. The specter cannot be sent back to the realm of the dead except at its own choice, or by killing it. The Seance will summon the spirits of anyone of the same bloodline within 20m so using this spell in family crypts is not advised. Preparation Time: 5 Rounds Diffculty Check: 12 Duration: Permanent Components: Some Blood of the Deceased or a Relative, Mandrake Root (x1), Sewant Mushrooms (x2), Wolfsbane (x2), Sulfur (x2)Spirit Seance Hexes: STA Cost: 4 Effect: The Eternal Itch causes inflamed, itchy pustules to grow on the subjects genitals. The itch does no damage but is a constant annoyance, causing a -1 to all tasks. As well as this -1 the target takes a -5 to Seduction once ‘in the bedroom.’ Danger: Low Requirement To Lift : The subject must gather a unit of scleroderm, fool’s parsely, and bryonia. The subject must light a campfire and bundle up the herbs. With everything prepared the subject must light the herbs and crumble the burning ashes onto the aflicted area while reciting a series of magic words.The Eternal Itch
Last edited by Silent Rain; Jan 22nd, 2022 at 04:27 PM. |
GMing: 007: Dying Is Not Enough Playing In: Twelve Swords | Witcher: Good Night | Barcelona 2080 | Witcher: Family Matters Sangus certified ✅
Last edited by Humble Hero; Jan 20th, 2022 at 10:18 AM. |
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Muirchertach Mac Noígíallach Nilfgaardian chronicler, scout and sorcerer ![]() Quote:"In Nilfgaard an Aen Seidhe can walk the streets and be an equal citizen, but slavery exists. We boast the finest scientists, the most sophisticated culture, and the most educated of people in the World. And yet mages are collared and expected to be servants of the Empire regardless of their wishes. We strive for enlightenment and sophistication, yet the Empire seeks to grow by bringing every nation under the Great Sun to heel using the brutal tool of military conquest. There is no good place in this world, only places better for certain people and less so for others..." Name: Muirchertach Mac Noígíallach Species: Aen Seidhe (elf) Sex: Male Age: 46 Profession: Mage Quote: "I'm sorry, I sense you have not quite grasped what I have explained to you. My apologies, If you wish, I will explain it again, differently this time, that you may understand." Muirchertach life experiences have imposed upon him a healthy tolerance for unexpected tragedy and adversity. In such events, he learned that the only way to move pass it is to go through it. He is patient, stoic and determined in all things. He doesn't anger easily and he likewise doesn't laugh easily. From his education in magic, he learned the importance of keeping an open mind, of approaching challenges with methodical precision and a gentle, careful approach. He avoids making assumptions without sufficient evidence, endeavors to gather enough facts before drawing conclusions and only acts when he is confident his actions will have the desired result. Privately, he is also somewhat lonely. Being a mage in Nilfgaard is not for the faint of heart. Mages are heavily scrutinized, always watched and expected to serve society. And given the profession that fate trust upon him. It is difficult to find others to relate to, commiserate on the challenges of a life filled with arcane mysteries or share in the wonders and terrors this world opened up to him. This life under strict and heavy policing has always imposed upon him a desire to be as unobtrusive and non-threatening as possible. He chooses his words carefully, attempts as much as possible to avoid offense or engender strong reactions and most of all tries to avoid trouble when possible. While he doesn't let it show, the possibility of being chained in dimetrium, burned on a pyre or murdered just for being who he is has more then once kept him awake at night. Muirchertach has a dry, reserved sense of humor that stings like the angriest of hornets. He tries to keep this aspect of his personality in check to avoid offense, yet thoroughly enjoys every moment of it. On the few occasions where he has a proper sparring companion, he gleefully enters in duels of verbal wit, sarcasm and biting comebacks. He tries to keep an open mind yet he is not without his biases. He generally has dim views of the uneducated, the superstitious and the religious. He finds such people as holding to naive, childish visions of the world he has no time for. Likewise, he detests racism, sexism and those who would belittle others for being different even as he still privately holds to the common view in his nation that Nilfgaard is more enlightened and sophisticated then the North despite it's flaws. If there is one thing he is sore about it's his relationship with fellow elves and elven culture, particularly any pretense other Aen Seidhe may claim to kinship with him based on the fact. Abandoned as he was as a child to be educated by the imperial institution that trains all mages with only dim memories of his cultural traditions from before his parents handed him over to Nilfgaard. With the rest coming from what he was taught in the academy or what he researched in texts and books. He has a difficult time on occasion considering himself Aen Seidhe and as much as he doesn't admit it, it hurts him a lot more inside then he'd ever say. Muirchertach is tall and athletic with the fine features and high cheek bones typical of his species. He has black hair he keeps at shoulder length, free and untied. He has a penetrating gaze, bright with intelligence. His eyes are deep blue. He moves with the feline grace that is gifted to the Aen Seidhe.
He dresses in the typical dark colors favored by Nilgaardian culture in most occasions, preferring practical attire and avoiding ostentatious finery. On most occasions, he chooses the elegant yet conservative attire of a scholar and researcher. He only dons the expected colorful robes typical of wizards on occasions that call for it, such as attending events of the Imperial Mage academy or when official protocol would demand such garments. In accordance with his desire to be as non-threatening as possible, he rarely carries any weapon beyond a long knife and keeps it sheathed at all times unless forced to defend himself. When interacting with others, Muirchertach is polite, reserved and calm. He projects serenity and self-control. He speaks with crisp, precise words, choosing his responses carefully. Ideally, addressing his interlocutors in their native tongue if he himself also speaks it as a show of respect. Always, he strives to respect proper etiquette and avoiding offense. Quote: "When those who give you life were not wanted in their own home. It is easy to understand why they may not have desired to give life to another generation." Muirchertach born in Ebbing in 1226 at a time when it was still a free nation. He is the only child of a poor elven couple who made their living as healers and herbalists. Like many Aen Seidhe of the nation, they resided in the non-human ghettos of the capital. Thanks to their craft and their ability to heal, they avoided some of the racism that others suffered, if only because they were useful to more then just non-humans. Muirchertach was born on the coldest winter night of that year, a night his mother describe as: "so frigid it was only the warmth of a living body that prevented a person from freezing in place". Muirchertach childhood was relatively peaceful despite his living conditions, his parents doing everything they can to insulate him from the worst of the poor relations between the different species living in the capital. He remembers sharply many events of that time that even to this day leave him with questions. Such as the time he returned home from playing with neighborhood friends and overheard the tail end of his mother and father arguing: "He has the same blue eyes as him Blodeuwedd! What if he isn't mine?!" his father screamed, his voice a mix of terror and anger. "He's yours because you're the one raising him Penllyn!" Muirchertach mother retorted back with frustrated weariness. His father raised his hands defensively, "That's... not what I meant. I meant what if he has the Gift? As far as we know neither of our blood has ever had the gift. But he did and they wouldn't leave someone with the gift out of their reach!" he said, trembling just a bit. "He's been nothing but a normal child. You're afraid of things that might happen, instead of focusing on what is happening! I'm done with this argument, again" his mother replied with annoyance. And then they noticed he was listening. They pretended as if they'd never been having this argument in the first place. They never said a word about it, never explained anything, leaving him to wonder forever. in 1239 Ebbing was annexed by Nilfgaard, and Muirchertach's family watched as the black armored troops besieged the capital city, they hid as much as possible from the violence. Battles in the street, were routine in the weeks that followed and with it starvation and tensions. Eventually during another period of detente in between outbursts of fighting, the common folk rioted. They were tired of the fighting, tired of the dying and tired of the nobility's hoarding of food and resources. The non-humans of Ebbing had up until now, been trying their best to stay of the fighting and safe in their quarter. But as is often the case in times of crisis, racial tensions flared and the rioters found their way into Muirchertach street, were they set ablaze many homes and killed people he'd known all his life. It was also when his magic awakened. Two men armed with torches and knives burst into his parent's home to rob them. When his father and mother tried to fight them off while he watched helplessly. He felt a surge of power well up with him and a shiver run down up his spine. And the next he knew, he extended his and a blast of glimmering ice lashed out from his hands and froze the robber solid. "The kid's a witch!" screamed the man in terror as he dropped everything and ran out of their home. His parent's both looked at him in shock and horror, "Oh no! oh no! oh no!" his mother repeated over and over and over as she rushed to him and hugged him tighter then she'd ever ever had in his life. Just little more then a week later, the city folded and the leaders of the resistance against the invaders were publicly executed. Ebbing was now a vassal of Nilfgaard. In typical Nilfgaardian tradition, they quickly set to work pacifying the city, replacing all officials with individuals that would serve Niflgaard and taking stock of the population. The non-human population of Ebbing waited in baited breath as they expected the new rulers to continue the traditions of the North to oppress them. But Nilfgaard was different, and within a few months public decrees would be passed to outlaw such practices, along with anything else that might disturb the peace of the Empire. For Muirchertach, the new regime meant the next stage of his life. Once Nilfgaard had established it's control of the city, it set out to impose it's way of things. And as Nilfgaard does not allow mages to function outside official imperial sanction. Since his magic had manifested, his parents had locked the doors to their homes, barricading themselves themselves from the world. During that times, his parents constantly argued and fought, keeping him out of hearing reach of the exchanges. Thought it was obvious their argument was over his revealing himself as a budding mage, they took pains not allow him to know what was being said between them. In those times when he was alone with himself, it didn't take him long to figure out on his own that he could call forth the frost with just an act of will. Were it not for his parent's negative reaction, he'd likely have reacted just like any child with awed glee. But as it were, he was as terrified as them, trying as much possible to make his powers go away. But there was no changing what he was. Eventually, Nilfgaard came to their door as news of a new child mage had reached the ears of the authorities, and as soon it did, they dispatched the Mage Hunters to collect him. Providentially however, they didn't come with violence and force. Instead it was a single mage hunter accompanied with a couple of soldiers. He was an older man, who were the mail of a soldier yet carried no weapons beyond a crossbow and brace of knives. He spoke with his parents while the soldiers watched over Muirchertach. The conversation was short, Nilfgaard demanded all mages be sent to the imperial academy for training, Ebbing was now Nilfgaard and Muirchertach was a mage and citizen of the Empire. That was all there was to say on the matter. His mother went to him, hugged him again tight and looked at him with despair. "You have to go with them Muirchertach. They will take you to a place where they will teach you to use your gifts and control them. Listen carefully to them, you have power, power from another world and great enough to change this one. If you want to. Master your power and master yourself. Be well and safe my son," she told him, forcing down tears. Muirchertach, couldn't help but cry and sob. He begged and screamed that he didn't want to go with them. He was sorry he called the ice, he had just wanted to protect his parents. He made promises to be good, that he wouldn't call the frost again. But his father just put his hand on his head and spoke glumly, "I'm sorry son. But you have the power of the world of before and the world of beyond. The only way you'll ever have a chance to be safe is to go with them and be taught by others with gifts like yours. If you succeed, then you'll have a chance to become better then any of them could ever dream. The Aen Saevherne, are the truest mages in the world and no human could ever hope to equal them but this will only happen if you learn the lessons," he explained, in a tone that carried fatalistic finality. Then the mage hunter kneeled down to him, locked his steely gaze, "Enough child, you are mage and crying doesn't befit the brightest of Nilfgaard. You'll be coming with me and at the academy you'll learn to serve the Empire, as is proper.". He handed him a necklace of dimitrium, ordered him to never take it off until he was told to do so and then gestured to the soldiers accompanying him they were leaving. It would be the last time he would see or communicate with his parents. The mage hunter took Muirchertach away to the Gweision Haul academy. The trip was silent and morose with Muirchertach being kept under constant watch for any signs of magical activity. Thought the mage hunter and his man were not cruel. Neither did they offer any warmth or kindness. They refused to speak to the elf child unless it was to give him instructions. And their looks they gave him made it clear they considered him a dangerous thing to be wary of, not a child deserving of comfort and guidance. They made sure he was kept warmth, healthy and away from other people but nothing else. Eventually they reached the academy. It was a towering, dismal place where students were kept in sparse rooms with just the essentials. Their every move was watched by soldiers and witch hunters and failure to comply was severely punished. When Muirchertach arrived, he was tossed in with a small group of other children from regions Nilfgaard had annexed, all of them humans except him. They were ushered to meet the mages that would be their teachers. The first five years years were miserable and lonely. Most of his fellow students were northerners raised up to hate and fear non-humans and of even those few that didn't, most didn't speak the elder tongue. Nearly all of them avoided him unless they had to during classes as it was obvious with their northern upbringing that associating with elves was asking to be ostracized. Worst, students were allowed to write to their families. Yet when he did so, Muirchertach never received any reply. He tried again once, twice, three times and finally a fourth time to send them a letter. He was desperate to hear from them, but no response came. At first he feared something horrible had happened to them. But eventually, as he grew sadder and more lonely. He began to believe that his parents had simply abandoned him to the mage hunters and moved on. And with this realization, he became bitter and silent. His only solace during those early years of his schooling were the lessons themselves and those quiet times in the immense libraries reading every bit of lore he could get his hands on. Muirchertach truly loved sorcery and he was a natural at the more subtle aspects of magic: divination, glamours, manipulating the mind and weaving the raw energies of magic. To the consternation of his teachers, he was also inherently gifted in wielding the powers of elemental cold above and beyond proficiency with the other elements. And those quiet hours, deep into the night pooring over tomes and old scrolls of lore allowed his mind to wander. After finishing the first portion of his apprenticeship, his education continued and it was then that he finally made a friend. And it was a strange one at that. By then the mages of the academy were allowed brief forays into the nearest city during their downtime, as long as they behaved and avoided magic use within the general population. Muirchertach took those opportunities to visit the sights of the city and immerse himself in the culture of Nilfgaard. It was a strange experience as the people of the capital were very different from the people of the North. Here he found they paid no concern to him being an elf, spoke the elder tongue albeit of a different dialect from his own and he could move freely without receiving strange looks as long as his being a mage was kept secret. However his being a mage didn't escape the gaze of Cigfa. Muirchertach was visiting his favorite book store, browsing through the recent arrivals without finding anything of real interest when a woman approached him. At first she appeared to be a Nilfgaardian noblewoman, all dressed in finery that matched her exquisite features. She approached him and attempted casual conversation about the reading material available, all the while tossing in flirtious banter that the elven mage was entirely unprepared to respond to, leaving him completely flustered to stutter before reasserting himself with an attempt to remain friendly. However when a particularly bold comment on her part left his unable to do anything but stutter and stare at the beautiful women who was now uncomfortably close. He found himself suddenly hit with a headache as unnatural lust began to overwhelm him. Thanks to his magical training, he instantly knew he was being hit by a supernatural ability. He drew in all his will to resist the unnatural influence, closing his eyes. And when he opened them again, the women flirting with him had changed. She was still a brown haired beauty with with rich hazel eyes and delicate features, but it was now obvious she wasn't human. Instead he saw she had curved horns like a ram's and the hooves much like fawn's emerging from under her fine dress. "You're.." he exclamed, before reasserting himself, glancing around to make sure nobody was listening,"You are a succubus,". He said staring at her with curiosity. "Impressive, I didn't expect you to see be able to see through my glamor or resist my charms. Even young mages when approached by a beautiful woman tend to just go with it," she replied, chuckling with delight. "What do you want from me?" Muirchertach whispered, cautious. He knew enough from his lessons to know succubi were usually peaceful unless provoked, yet one should never make the mistake to believe they were harmless. "Well, my plan was to charm a handsome Aen Seidhe mage, lure him to my bedchamber and feed on him through unshackled debauchery then leave once he passed out from exhaustion. But you've suddenly made things a lot more interesting," she said with unexpected lightness. "Tell you what, there is a very nice tavern just a few blocks from here. Why don't we make our way there and just talk," the succubus invited with a friendly tone. Muirchertach still doesn't know why he didn't listen to his first instinct to refuse and use this opportunity to just walk away. But he did follow her, and as it turned out they had a wonderful time. It turned out that she had been living in the city for over two decades, using her illusion magic to hide her presence. Apparently Cigfa, as was her name, truly loved the culture of Niflgaard despite her kind not generally being welcome here and it was a simple matter with illusion magic to hide her presence and feed when needed while leaving her suitors unharmed. Muirchertach wasn't the first to pierced her disguise but she hoped that like the others who had, that they could part ways peacefully. The elf thought about it for a moment, then instead said that she would like to speak to her again. The conversation had been pleasant and he had so few friends. The succubus seemed taken about by his response, but the she smiled and agreed. And this was how their friendship began, they would meet in their free times, talk about their lives and help each other when they could. Cigfa was a kind woman, and through her years in the city she'd made many connections in all sorts of places, allowing them to have adventures of all sorts. Making a friend proved to be a much more rewarding find then just another one fight of feeding and they would grow very close. His experiences in the capital however weren't all as pleasant. Muirchertach always attempted to avoid trouble and to keep his nature as a mage secret as the last thing he wanted was to cause a scene that might have any privileges or freedoms he'd been allowed be revoked by the Mage-Hunters who supervised the academy. Still, sometimes fate didn't give a choice in the matter. On the year of 1249, during the Winter Solstice. He had traveled once again to the capital, hoping to attend a concert where several prominent performers would attend. Before the performances could be begin however, the event was spoiled by one of the performers apparently refusing to come on stage and some sort of commotion happening backstage. The guards were called and as most of those in attendance either left or waited with growing impatience. Muirchertach watched the guards and the performers, his curiosity getting the better of him. Eventually he overheard the guards arguing that they needed to call the mage hunters. Instead of leaving well enough alone, he approached the guard and asked him what was going on. The man responded that one of the performers was refusing to go on stage because he was convinced another had cursed him. Normally such accusations would be laughed off as superstition but strange items had been found in the poet's room. Against his better judgement, Muirchertach offered to assist in the investigation, revealing he was a mage from the Imperial academy. The young mage investigated the items found, a strange dolls that was a crude representation of the terrified performer, filled with herbs he correctly identified as being flowers that only grew on the southern most of the Skelliger Isles, he scoured the room and found runes scratched around the four corners, each of the runes he recognized but he couldn't put together how they might fit in with the doll. Excusing himself from the guard's presence, he ran to a nearby book store and found a copy of a book on exotic curses he had studied during his courses. Running back to the guards, he showed them the books and explained how the lore within correlated to what he'd found. He then asked if there were any Skelligers supposed to attend the event or if the poet had feuded with anyone from the Isles. The poet revealed there was a skelliger musician and that they had been competing fiercely for patrons, tonight was supposed to be an important event as they were both to prove their worth to attending prospective patrons and if they impressed them, it would virtually ensure a profitable protection under a powerful patron. When he shared his discoveries with the guards, he saw the skelliger man be swiftly arrested for witchcraft and illegal hexing. As the man was dragged away, he angrily attempted to assault Muirchertach but was quickly subdued by the guards. As he was dragged away, he screamed at the top of his lungs that if they should cross paths again, he would get his revenge on the elf for denying him the just resolution of his feud with the poet. Muirchertach has had not further encounters with the man, nor does he have any knowledge as to what his fate afterward might have been. But these events remain firmly etched in his mind, as when the they came to light at the academy while his actions were praised for serving the order of the Empire, all agreed that he'd likely made an enemy for life, assuming the man wasn't executed under the laws of Nilfgaard. The elf mage would find more then one sleepless night in the weeks afterward as he went from regretting he involved himself in something he easily could have stayed away from and telling himself he'd helped someone and done the right thing. By 1251, Muirchertach had completed his education. Spurred by a desire to see more of the world and meet his peers abroad, he petitioned with the help of the university for a position as Imperial chronicler. It took some diplomacy and negotiation but eventually he managed to convince the Court of Nilfgaard to accept, ensuring him funding for his planned trip. Before his departure, he traveled back to his formal home, as he'd never forgiven his parents for cutting off contact with him. When he reached Ebbing however he found their former home had been bought by a family of dwarfs and when he inquired with acquaintances from his childhood. They said that his parent's had sold the house within the month after he'd be taken away by the mage hunters and they had left without telling anyone where they had departed to. Even in the present many years later, Muirchertach still wonders where they went, if they are still alive and if they are what he would do if he crossed paths with them. Even as part of him wonders, if with the hard core of bitterness nursing within him if it would be better if he never saw them again. With nothing to keep him in the Empire, he departed for the Northern realms, intent on visiting the cities of the North and especially interview important mages and sorcerers. His travel were mostly uneventful as his official letters and stipend assured he was mostly unmolested even if visiting these realms gave him a definitive view of how non-humans were treated here in contrast to the Empire. He eventually reached the Temerian capital and it was there he had one of his most noteworthy encounters. Staying at one of the city's inns for the night after finishing an interview with a local alchemist who'd written one of the books he'd studied during his courses. He found the inn entirely unwelcoming, while none of the patrons harassed him, nearly all of the tavern cast him glares of disapproval and did their best to make it clear he was unwelcome. Even the serving staff, despite his paying good coin for service, only did the barest minimum to earn their keep when dealing with him. Muirchertach likely would have hastily finished his meal and retired early to his room if not for meeting Alasais of Cintra. She was traveling trobairitz out to make her fortune in the world. She entered the inn with all the energy and bombast of someone looking for an audience and made her way straight to the empty stage. There she sat down and began playing a saucy ballad the elf mage recognized as one from home he'd once heard performed during his schooling years. Thought the performance itself was fine, he found himself quickly loosing interest and instead pulled out his journal and began writing some additional thoughts on his interview with the alchemist as he sipped his wine. Eventually, the woman finished her performance, to the applause of the patrons. Eventually the noise died down and the conversation returned to normal, he heard light footsteps coming in his direction and felt eyes on him. "Didn't like my show? You were the only one in the audience who didn't pay attention," the voice asked, it was the trobairitz. "No, it was fine. Your mastery of the lyre was impressive but your pronunciation of the Nilfgaardian dialect of the Elder tongue however leaves much to be desired," he replied absentmindedly without looking up. "Oh is that so? I'll have you know I passed why apprenticeship with flying colors and one of my best subject was languages," she said, peeved. "If that is what qualifies as passing a language course with flying colors in the North, then here is another topic to be saddened about when discussing the state of education in these realms," he replied closing his journal and looking up, locking eyes with her. "You're only saying that because your an Aen Seidhe and the language of the Empire is your native language!" she protested, crossing herself. "That is incorrect. First because the Nilfgaardian dialect of the elder tongue is not my native tongue, the Aen Seidhe dialect of the elder tongue is. Thought it is mutually intelligible with the Nilfgaardian dialect, it is still a distinct one. I only learned the dialect of the Empire after I was sent to Gweision Haul," She smirked at his response, sitting down next to him. "Ah, so you studied at the empire's prison university? That explains the haughty attitude. You're a mage then?" Muirchertach sighed, glancing around uncomfortably. "I"m a chronicler with... some magical abilities that needed to be properly tutored," he corrected, "I'd prefer it if you didn't shout loud enough for everyone to hear. It is difficult enough in the Northern Realms for my people with this added stigma" She glanced over her shoulder, and saw that everyone was watching them. "Yeah... I guess you have a point. I'm Alasais by the way, from Cintra" she acknowledged, introducing herself. "Muirchertach Noígíallach of Ebbing," he replied politely. And just like that, they began chatting the evening away. When the inn began to empty itself and both of them felt the weariness of the day fall on them, they found that they had a lot more shared interest then they expected. Little did they know what their meeting would lead them. Before retiring for the night, they decided they might as well make a portion of their individual journeys together as they were going in similar directions. And so it was that they left Vizima the following morning intent of traveling to Kaedwen where Muirchertach was intent on visiting the mage academy of Ban Ard. Thought most of the trip to reach Kaedwen was uneventful, things turned out to be quite different once they reached Ban Glean. There, their plans were completely derailed. He ans Alasais had planned to only stays a few days to rest, gather supplies and allow the bard to refresh her coin purse by working the taverns. The elf mage for his part had heard of a sorceress living in the city and decided it would be a good opportunity to add another interview to his correspondences. However the Kaedweni city was even more unwelcoming as the Temerian capital and he found himself having difficulty navigating the city without being harassed, spit on or troubled. Much as he tried to avoid conflict, after purchasing some alchemical components from a local apothecary, he decided against his better to cross through an alley to reach the main thoroughfare rather then circling the side streets and wasting time. Unfortunately, it seemed he had not been careful in keeping the fact that he had a substantial coin pouch secret. He soon found himself surrounded by dirty, vicious looking men hefting weapons. "Well... well look at what we have here a pointy eared nonhuman and he's look covered and filth and poverty like tis proper for his kind," the leader of the gang laughed "Look at his clothes boss. I think this one's a bloody Nilfgardian," another said. "Let's not do anything rash, good folk. I have done nothing to you," Muirchertach said, speaking in a diplomatic tone. The men looked at each other with wicked grins. "Right, right let's not do anything rash. Mayhaps you could toss over your coin pouch and we might not break your face too much," he said moving one step forward, holding his mace in a threatening fashion. If had had any confidence that the man might have let him pass unharmed if he did hand over his money, he might have complied. But it was painfully obvious that regardless of if he complied or not, these brutes would still assault and maybe murder him. He cursed himself for having refused to stick to the roads. But this was where he was. He quickly drew a gesture with his right hand, drawing upon his inner well of power. I glowing ball of blue energy appeared over his hand. "As I said good folk. Let's not do anything rash. We can all go on our own way unharmed," he said again, his voice no carrying the edge of the threat. Two of the thugs stepped back obviously unsettled at the display of magic. "He's a witch Brin. Let's just leave em be. I don't want to be turned into a toad," protested the man The leader cut him off with a gesture. "Stop being lily livered Tord. If he were really such a high an mighty sorcerer, he'd have already fried all of us. He's probably just an apprentice barely able to do anything past conjuring pretty lights," the man spat. "Hand over the gold, elf. We're done talking" he demanded, now angry. "No, I won't. You were planning on harming me regardless of if I handed over my funds or not. I see no incentive to comply, therefore," Muirchertach told him, determined. "Have it your way then" and he swiped at him with his weapon The elf mage knew he wasn't competent enough to fight them all off. His best chance was to surprise them, then use the opportunity to run away. Instead of releasing the spell he was holding in his right hand, he evoked his magic again with his left, using a very simple gesture and... allowed the man to strike him. As predicted, the weapon bounced off him as bright yellow energy stopped the impact clean and his weapon bounced off him safely. He didn't wait to check their reactions, instead, he released the other spell he was holding at just this moment. Conjuring his command of elemental cold. A cone of shimmering ice lashed out from his fingers, freezing the leader in place. "Leave now before I do the same to you!" Muirchertach commanded as he stepped back from the frozen leader. The rest of the thugs looked at each other unsure. Unfortunately, his spell only lasted a few seconds and the man broke out of the ice, furious. "Kill the pointy eared freak!" he ordered. And they charge him in unison. He barely had the time to conjure up his Quen shield again and side step the first swing that came at him. He drew his long knife intent on defending himself as long as possible until he could find an opening to run away, intent on keeping himself unharmed with his shield. Fortunately just the he heard a feminine voice call out from behind him, "Leave my buddy alone you cow dung eaters!" the voice called out. The thugs turned around and Muirchertach saw Alasais walking towards them with a very serious looking sword. Interestingly enough her posture indicated a trained fencer's stance. "This ain't your business pretty lady, walk away or you'll have to pay too. And you're way to cute to want that," the leader demanded . Taking advantage of their distraction. The elf mage drew into his power again and prepared to call upon the cold once more. Alasais was not intimidated by the man, and as soon as he reached her, parried his swipe and stabbed him quick in the belly. It was a near perfect thrust, proving she was a trained swordswoman. The rest of the gang didn't wait any further, and they all attacked chaotically. It was five against two but Muirchertach and Alasais fought in concert and guarded each other. He took advantage of the fear and surprise factor of his magic, while the trobairitz fought defensively, focusing on avoiding harm to herself and him. Between the two of them they managed to down two more of the robbers. The three others simply dropped their weapons and ran, leaving their wounded fellows to their fates. The duo didn't wait to see what would come next, and they both ran out of the alley as well. After this incident, their friendship was definitely sealed. But at the same time it soured Muirchertach nearly completely to life in the Northern Realms. He decided that once he'd completed his interviews at Ban Ard, he would travel straight back to Nilfgaard. Alasais was saddened by this decision but supported it completely, as it was painfully evident that it was very likely incidents such as there would happen again the more time he spent in Kaedwen. Over the next few weeks, he reached Ban Ard and managed to secure the interviews he wished, thanks to the official documents he carried. His time at the prestigious magical academy was a great deal more pleasant as the mages there were far more tolerant of non-humans then the regular populace. Still it was very much a culture clash, as the attitude fostered at the academy was in direct opposition to those imposed upon him in Nilfgaard. Here mages were encouraged to walk with pride and were not expected to be servants of the state. Furthermore, the lessons focused far less on training young mages to control their gifts in order to allow them to avoid harm on others and far more on the acquisition of power and knowledge. Still, interacting once again with fellow mages was refreshing and along with the excellent interviews he completed, he made several useful contacts whom promised him they would be happy to help him with his work. His goal completed, he returned to the city of Golden Towers, handed over his work to the Imperial bureau and decided he would stay in the capital for the foreseeable future. More then anything, his trip had impressed upon him that he really didn't have anywhere that came close to a home. Thanks to the payment he received for his publications, he was able to purchase a shop and apartments. Capitalizing on his status as a trained mage, he opened an apothecary shop, intent on using his talents to heal others. If successful, the business would also be the perfect opportunity for him improve his own knowledge. Healing and alchemy was also considered one of the few socially acceptable professions for a trained mage in the Empire. Muirchertach hoped that if his successes reached the ears of those of status and importance in Nilfgaard, he might attract a suitable noble patron and earn himself a priviledged position in the court of a highborn. If he succeeded in this aspiration, he would be able to secure the opportunity to devote himself entirely to his craft, without having to interact too much with the common folk unwittingly. Fortunately, the much more civilized folk of the Nilgaardian capital were far more tolerant of him then anyone he'd met in the north except his fellow mages. He soon began to build a steady clientele of merchants, craft folk and other commoners thanks to his skills and earnest desire to provide the services he marketed. Thought he never broke rich in the first years of his endeavors, the time there helped immensely in softening his opinion of commoners as he was fortunate enough that the people who visited him proved pleasant and easy to interact with. His first big break came when a young countess came to his shop, seeking someone who could help her father who had fallen sick to an illness no alchemist or surgeon seemed able to heal. Muirchertach agreed to see if he it was within his talents to help while being entirely honest that he was making no promises beyond assuring her he would everything within his means. Visiting the older gentleman at his estate, he began to carefully examine his symptoms both with mundane analysis and magical assistance. Thought outwardly it seemed the man was afflicted with a very common if serious pox, his magical senses indicated that there was far more at work then mundane medicine could ascertain. Much as he tried to figure out what magic was involved and the nature of the interactions with the natural affliction. He was unable to discover the workings of the illness. He told the noble family he would need to do additional research and consult his peers before attempting any threatment, as he did not want to risk harming the count further. Wrote to his colleagues at the imperial academy and to the contacts he'd made abroad. But between the time it took to receive responses, and the fact that it became obvious a curse of some sort was at work. He made little progress in the first few weeks. The count's health degenerated further and the family became distrust that their patriarch might succumb to his illness, even as they could not identify the source of the curse. Frustrated at his lack of progress, he decided to contact Cigfa. He'd been reluctant to involve her in this business as he wanted to help her preserve her anonymity in the city. But he was running out of options, and the succubus had a very impressive well of esoteric knowledge of her own along with her magical abilities. Unsurprisingly, she immediately agreed to help him. Together they visited the ailing count again. As always she hid her true nature under complex illusions, appearing as a simple noble woman. After briefly examining the patient, she confirmed what Muirchertach had discovered but instead of focusing on magical solutions she began interrogating the family about their rivalries and any familial feuds they may have. Once she'd finished her interviews, she took Muirchertach aside and shared her hypothesis that the curse might have been cast by a rival. It was an idea he had considered, but his own interviews had not provided him with anyone that he believed could realistically serve as a suspect. The succubus however had managed to learn in confidence that one of the count's sons had refused an offer of marriage from a countess. Something they had not revealed to Muirchertach. Even more interesting, the woman in question was of a family that was competing heavily with them over contracts relating to supplying the imperial military with material. Spurred by this revelation, they endeavored to investigate this possible lead further. Cigfa's help proved critical as thanks to her gifts and many connections, they were able to not only interrogate the rival family incognito but thanks to a bit of skulduggery on the part of Cigfa's friends in low places, steal the material components to the curse preventing them from healing the pox afflicting them. With those items in hand, Muirchertach was able to work out the curse and within a week create the counterspell. He visited the family in the morning and spent the rest of the day casting the ritual to lift the hex and the next casting the spells that would heal the disease itself and allow him to recover. The family was incredibly grateful and promised that should he need their help in the future, he would have it if it was in their power to give it to him. This success earned him a some incredibly useful publicity and afterward he found his business booming. The count's family told their friends and acquaintances of Muirchertach's professionalism and diligence in healing their family patriarch. While it couldn't be said at first that following the incident he'd earned himself a monopoly, the Nilfgaardian capital was after all full of healers, alchemists and others who plied a similar trade. He nevertheless became something of local reference in the neighborhood he operated in. That is until Enid opened her shop right across from his. She was also an apothecary, not a mage, just a half-elf trained in the medicinal arts. And they almost immediately got on each other's nerves. At first Muirchertach, tried to simply outperform her by offering better services. But she proved to be exceptionally skilled at her craft and much more personable then he was. While he had no trouble keeping his usual clientele, she had a real knack at convincing people she was the better choice for first time customers. Things would eventually come to head when one evening a rich merchant suffering from pains came to his shop. The man turned out to be an insufferable cad. The first thing he did when he entered Muirchertach's shop was tell him what price his competitor had offered to help him with his problems before asking if he would help him for a lower price. The elf examined the portly man before informing him that he would not be able to offer a lower price. The ingredients required for the treatment he would prescribe would be expensive and he really couldn't afford to offer a lower price then he had stated. Instead of simply leaving or choosing his competitor, the penny pincher walked back out of his shop and crossed the street to Enid's again and there he began bartering with her based on what Muirchertach had told him. He made sure Muirchertach heard the content of the argument. Unexpectedly, he heard the half-elf woman call Muirchertach a "presumptuous adherent of outdated methods," before detailing why her proposed treatment was better. When the merchant found she would not lower her price to an amount he was ready to pay, he left, having wasted both their time. At the end of the evening when they both decided to close shop for the night, she called him out from across the street for his diagnosis, to which he retorted with similar barb. This is how their rivalry began, it just escalated from there as both did everything they could to outperform the other, discredit them when possible and simply prove they had the correct way. Muirchertach magical abilities meant he could solve problems Enid could not. But the fact that she had dedicated her entire apprenticeship to learning the healing arts meant that where there was no magic involved, she simply knew more. Eventually, a problem came to the attention of both of them as they were brought together by a Nilgardian nobleman to deal with a sickness affecting the livestock of the farms he'd rented out to the peasantry. The nobleman in question had decided to bring both of them in in order to have a second opinion. Unfortunately, they both came to the same conclusion as to what the the sickness was, yet couldn't agree on what course of action to take. There was nothing supernatural or insidious about the sickness, but neither was it especially complex. Muirchertach was convinced the tried and true methods he'd learned would be more then sufficient to resolve the issue while the half-elf insisted they attempt a treatment she'd read about in a recent medical journal. At first they debated with due professionalism but eventually their argument became more and more heated and personal. Eventually, the nobleman dismissed both of them after demanding they sort out their disagreement as he was unable to decide which proposition seemed to have the most merit. Therefore he demanded they work together to find an solutions that would allow their combined knowledge to find the better process to follow, or he would hire someone else entirely. They rode back to the capital, their argument running hot until they made their way back to Muirchertach's shop where out of exasperation, he produced a treatise written by his one of his very professors to show her his position was correct. Instead of accepting the evidence he provided, she began to fire back with counter-arguments. "I swear you are the most stubborn, opinionated woman I've ever met. I don't think even a mental command spell would be powerful enough to change your mind," he screamed at her. "At least I'm not close-minded enough to refuse to consider options from less then a decade. Like a certain Aen Seidhe who has his shop in front of my own," she retorted crossing herself. "Well excuse me for trusting my own Imperial academy education, decades of experience and magic over a medical journal written two years ago by some upstart from Oxenfurt being praised by half-elf who doesn't benefit from this breath of experience," he shot back. "Oh is that it's because I'm not a sorceress or a full blooded elf. Is that it?" she tossed back in his face, screaming. Muirchertach threw his arms in the air with annoyance turning his back on her. "This argument is over, we'll reconvene tomorrow and hopefully find some middle ground or we'll both end up losing the client!" he then added. "Oh no you're not getting the last word on this tonight. I'm right an you're just to proud to admit it!" she said refusing to end the argument for the night. The elf mage turned around to glower at her, giving him a smirk of satisfaction. They stared at each other in dead silence for a moment. Then she pounced on him, spurred by some urge Muirchertach would never be able to figure out. The next thing they both knew, they were in his bedroom, tearing each other's clothes off and surrendering to pure lust. To their benefit what followed later, did wonders to relieve the tension between them. The following moment, with their passions having been soothed and the morning after they were finally able to find some common ground. They would later return to their client and together solve the problem, earning a nice payment for the fact. From there on, their relationship became all the more complicated. While neither believed that they were in love, they couldn't say they disliked each other anymore. And their rivalry had soothed somewhat even as they still seemingly had trouble not competing or bickering over every topic. It was a strange relationship that ran hot and cold where when they weren't competing, arguing or fighting they would find solace with each other's warmth or on very rare occasions, just spent some good time together enjoying life in each other's company. Muirchertach had never been one to pay much attention to politics. When the Usurper was removed from power and Emhyr Var Emreis reclaimed the throne of Nilfgaard, it seemed of very little import to him for the daily lives of the common citizen. He was fortunate enough that when the second Northern war began, he was able to avoid the draft as his own magical abilities were deemed far to insufficient to join any of the Imperial corp battle mage squads. Away as he was from the front, his opinion of the conflict remained negative as he shrewdly saw any justification provided by imperial propaganda for what it is, justification for a land grab. He concentrated on his business and magical studies, continuing his correspondences with fellow sorcerers both within the Empire and abroad. The first northern war effectively prevented any effective communication however, it wasn't rare that whence he would send a letter, the response he would received would not be from his intended recipient but instead a relative or acquaintances reporting on the death of the individual he had attempted to contact. To his own sadness, the state of the north did not seem to improve at all, and it was obvious non-humans would still continue to be treated with injustice. In the beginning of 1263, Muirchertach received a proposition by the son of the count he had healed many years, earlier. By then, the man passed away with his estate having been inherited by his heirs. As it turned out, the son has married a countess from Toussaint and her frail health left him very concerned now that she was with child. Remembering how well the elf mage had availed himself with his late father's illness. He wanted to offer him a position as physician to his family and would pay handsomely if he would travel to the famous duchy and enter his service. Muirchertach considered the offer carefully for many weeks. By then, his business was well established and his relationship with Enid, that very competitive was now much more healthy. Still, the proposed salary exceeded any of his expected profits within the capital of the empire. Furthermore, the count had explicitly stated that his household would fund his research as long as such endeavors did not interfere with his medical duties. He finally decided to take up the offer when he stumbled upon a treatise on the tragic elven history in the region. He sold his business to Enid, making arrangements for his regular clients to receive suitable service with his once business rival. Once arrangements were completed, he packed his bags and traveled to Toussaint. As soon as he arrived, he was amazed at the how different life was within the vassal duchy compared to the rest of the empire. The unique culture of the region seemed to take more from the people of the North the those of Nilfgaard. Yet at the same time, while the humans there still held to some prejudices towards nonhumans, he didn't feel anywhere near the same level of animosity that he'd experience in the Northern Realms. Beginning his work as soon as he reached the estate. He began by prescribing various herbal infusions to improve her health along with activities to help the young wife through the pregnancy. The married couple turned out to be a wonderful people and it didn't take long for then to grow friendly. Life in Toussaint proved pleasant, and in between his service to the noble family, he found plenty of time to dedicate to his magical studies and particularly to studying the elven ruins that dotted the duchy. Such adventures often involved a bit of danger, and it was not uncommon that he would hire men-at-arms to accompany him on his endeavors. Whatever discoveries he made, he reported to the imperial academy, and if he ever acquired any interesting artifacts, he likewise handed them over to his colleagues. Muirchertach would remain in Toussaint for the next 8 years, the most peaceful years of his life. Toussaint's culture and would leave a lasting impression on him, even as he never quite made the attempt to assimilate to it, his Nilfgaardian upbringing never leaving him. Unfortunately by 1272, the third Northern War had broken out and unexpectedly, Muirchertach received communications that he was being drafted into the war effort along with all his fellow graduates of the imperial magical academy. He reluctantly gathered his possessions and reported to the capital. Where he was assigned to the medical corps. What ensued was a fully view of the horrors of the war. As he saw the people of his nation die in droves for land they would never truly own. Muirchertach did his best to keep his wits about him, thankful that he had at the very least not been assigned to fight in a battle field unit. But as the weeks and months were on. His disgust and the stress of the ever increasing casualties he was forced to attempt to heal, yet often wasn't able to save began to get the better of him. After a particularly trying offensive where he was completely overwhelmed by the number of wounded he was expected to heal within the same span of time. He knew he wouldn't be able to continue anymore and that he was close to a nervous breakdown. He frantically began to search for anything that would allow him to get away from the battle front. Desertion wasn't an option he was ready to consider, but he attempted in every way possible to be moved to another posting, away from the war. Unexpectedly, a solution eventually presented itself when an agent from the imperial intelligence service approached him. Nilfgaard needed eyes and ears in the North in preparation for the push northward. Muirchertach did not have the temperament of a spy, but the same time. He was desperate, his need to escape the war outweighed his distaste for the tasks he knew would be asked of him. Within a few weeks, arrangements were made and he was given a fresh horse, funds and equipment with instruction to travel for Aedirn. Left without options, Muirchertach accepted, relieved to at least finally be able to escape the front. Within a few weeks, he traveled the roads towards Aedirn eventually reaching the small town of Asheberg. ![]() ![]() Quote:"My dear Muirchertach, the easiest way for your deceptions to be uncovered is for you to say something your interlocutor doesn't want to hear. And men are always interested in hearing about how attractive they may be in the eyes of a beautiful woman," Cigfa is one Muirchertach oldest, dearest and strangest friends. She is a succubus living anonymously in the capital of the Empire where she hides her true nature under many well established human guises from all walks of life. Urbane, witty and cultured, she decided to abandon the wilds out of boredom. Despite the dangers of potential discovery, the excitements and entertainments of urban life among fascinate her and she takes pleasure in the arts, culture and intrigue in the capital. That the city offers her the opportunity to easily sate the insatiable sensual lust of her species only served to heighten her enjoyment of the city. Thought she had originally intended to simply seduce Muirchertach like so many others and move on. Once the elf pierced her disguise, she found their personalities complimentary. There was something liberating in making a friend she could show her true self. That Muirchertach never made any advances on her and is earnest in his friendship only made their bond stronger. Cigfa's decades of living in the capital has allowed her to build an impressive network of contacts to draw upon and combined with her own impressive sorcerous abilities she wields a surprising amount of influence in the city. She and Muirchertach keep in touch through correspondences when direct contact is impossible. Since being drafted in the war, this has been their only means of communication. ![]() Quote:"Interfering with a matter of Skelliger honor is the same as declaring a feud agains a Skelliger!" Ygvar is skald from Skellige who had come to Nilfgaard intent on earning his fame as a musician and performer. Why fiery man chose Nilfgaard of all places to attempt to earn his fame is something Muirchertach never learned as their encounter was brief. Following his discovery the man had cursed another bard over a feud concerning earning patrons, the man was arrested by the local guard. Thought Muirchertach has never forgotten the incident, he's has entirely laid the matter to rest and they haven't crossed paths since. Unbeknownst to the elf, the Skelliger has never forgotten the elf and he swore that should they ever cross paths again he would have his vengeance for Muirchertach interfering with a matter of honor. That the performer is actually an initiated member of the cult of Heimdall means that should their encounter ever happen, Muirchertach may find himself facing a far more dangerous enemy he would expect. ![]() Quote:"Oooh this is even more fun then that that time I dueled that knight of Pierre-Fouloix valley at high noon for the right to dance with his handsome brother," Alasais is an itinerant bard from Cintra Muirchertach befriended while traveling the Northern realms. They almost immediately hit it off and have remained friends since. She makes her living traveling from place to place, entertaining commoners and nobles alike. Thought she has yet to become truly famous, she is popular in many places where her near boundless energy and passion for her art always manage to lift up spirits in the room. She is an inveterate thrill-seeker and her travels are as much motivated by her desire perfect her talents as to see the world and experience all it has to offer. Above and beyond her artistic talents, she is phenomenal fencer the equal of many men-at-arms. Like most friends Muirchertach is fortunate to have, they keep in touch through correspondences as the lady musician can never stay in any place for long, it is always a surprise where she will go next. ![]() Quote:"Aargh! If I didn't love you so much, I'd punch you right now!" Enid Lithierian is a half-elven apothecary, healer and alchemist Muirchertach first encountered when she opened her own shop just across from his. A very competent doctor and herbalist who graduated at the top of her class at university. Muirchertach and her annoyed each other almost at first sight. To her, he was the pretentious pure-blooded elf mage know it all, and to him she was the arrogant university graduate with no life experience. Neither could actually figure out at first what exactly it was that annoyed them so much about the other. But the fact that they were in direct competition for clients to make a living certainly didn't help. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on their mood during a given day when looking back on that particular night. This intense rivalry also sparked intense attraction which they didn't even try to resist. Afterward, their relationship greatly improved once that bit of tension got out of the way. She and Muirchertach found their competition moving from intense annoyance to one of more friendly and healthy competition. Thought neither would ever admit it in public, privately they also had to finally admit they did care strongly about each other. Both greatly respected the other's intelligence, and both had complimentary personalities and interests with a passion for perfecting their craft. ![]() Quote:"I see no reason to engage in injustice. There is nothing worthwhile to gain from it and anyone who believes otherwise is not someone I wish to associate with" Count Mendel ap Ceriono is a member of Nilfgaard's lower nobility, the son of the man Muirchertach healed when he started his business as an apothecary. A principled man who strives to embody the best of his nation's virtues while avoiding the worst of it's flaws. The Ceriono family has holdings scattered through out the empire, most of it farmland. Theirs is an old name well regarded across Nilfgaard thought not important enough to have earned a reputation outside the country. Since the passing of his father, he has been managing the family's estates successfully and he recently married the love of his life, Countess Carolla of Fontassier a noble lady from Toussaint he showers with attention and love. Theirs is perhaps the rarest of marriages among the nobility, loving and peaceful. Were it not for Carolla's frail health it would be nearly perfect. Muirchertach has worked for the family on many occasions as a physician and healer, earning their gratitude and favor. Given the opportunity, he would definitely enter their service once more, as their patronage has been his favorite employment of all the work he's done since graduating from the imperial mage academy. Name:Muirchertach Mac Noígíallach Species: Aen Seidhe (elf) Sex: Male Profession: Mage Nation of Origin: Ebbing (Nilfgaard Vassal state) Attributes Intelligence:8, Reflexes:8, Dexterity:8, Body:6, Speed:6, Empathy:4, Craft:6, Will:10, Luck:5 (4+1 from lucky token) Derived Traits Stun:8, Run:18, Leap:3, HP:40, Stamina:40, Encumbrance:60, Recovery:8 Magical Traits Vigor:5 Spells: Dispel (novice) Mind Manipulation(novice) Diagnostic Spell(novice) Rhewi(novice) Quen(novice) Rituals: Cleansing Ritual(novice) Hexes: The Hex of Shadows(low danger) Defining Skill Magical Training: 6 Archmage tree: (In touch+0) Scientist tree: (Reverse Engineer+0) Politician Tree: (Scheming+0) Profession Skills Magic Training:6 Education:6 Grooming and Style:1 Hex Weaving:6 Human Perception:4 Resist Magic:6 Ritual Crafting:6 Seduction:1 Social Etiquette:1 Spellcasting:6 Staff/Spear:1 Native Language (Elder Speech) Pick up skills First Aid:4 Alchemy:3 Language:3 (Nordling) Free Skills from species and origin Deduction:1 Fine Art:1 Archery: 2 Species Traits Artistic: +1 to Fine Art Marksman: +2 to Archery, can draw and string bow without taking action Natural Attunement: All beasts naturally friendly unless provoked, can find any common or lower availability plant if present in terrain. Gear 100 crowns worth of components (free) Staff(free) Journal(free) Writing Kit(free) Belt Pouch(free) Dagger Verden Archer Hood Gambison Padded Trousers Bedroll Flint and Steel Rope Waterskin 3 days trail rations Basic Clothing Satchell Cold Weather Clothing 22 crowns Alchemical Items Acid Solution*1 Adda's Tomb*1 Base Powder*3 Clothing Powder*5 Invisible Ink*5 Numbing Herbs*3 Smelling Salts*3 Sterilizing Fluid*5 Mounts Horse (Brus, male nilfgaardian riding horse) Combat Initiative: +8 Bonus Damage: +0 melee damage Punch&Kick: Punch 1d6, Kick 1d6+4 Dagger: Type(S/P), WA(+0), DMG 1d6+2, REL(10), Hands(1), Conc(S), En(0), Weight(0.5) Staff: Type(B), WA(+0), DMg 1d6+2, Rel(10), Hands(2), Conc(N/4), En(1), weight(3), Effect: Long reach, Focus (1) Armor Head:3 (Verden Archer hood) Torso:3 (Gambeson) Legs:5 (Padded Trousers)
-True power lies not in wealth, but in the things it affords you.- Maximillian Strauss, Tremere Regent of Los Angeles Last edited by MagePcfan; Feb 6th, 2022 at 02:38 AM. |
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