Mechanics The Outplay System rev 2022 - RPG Crossing
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Old Feb 9th, 2022, 07:20 PM
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The Outplay System rev 2022

RPGX Presents
The Outplay System rev 2022
A Shadowrun inspired Lasers and Feelings Hack

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In the 2080's - The shape of the Sixth World is not an accident. It did not fall into place by happenstance. It was deliberately designed, and it was not designed for you.

The megacorps of the world, dominated by the Big Ten, have somehow found new ways to flex their muscles and grind people under their heels. Governments are caught between wanting to collaborate and seeking power of their own. Occasionally, they’ll spare a thought for the good of their people. Maybe.

When the system is designed to crush you, the only way to live is outside it. Break away and try to build a life for yourself outside of the megacorporate path. You can fight to survive, thrive, and perhaps even earn a little justice.

But you are not defenseless. The world is both Awakened, filled with renewed magic, and wired. Cyber- and bioware implants make your meat body better-than-flesh, while the wireless Matrix enhances your perceptions with hyper-real senses.

Deals are made in steel and lead more often than gold or nuyen; success and failure live only a razor’s edge apart. You may trade a piece of your soul to gain bleeding-edge gear, or you may learn how to bend and twist magic that threatens to overwhelm you.

Whatever you do, do it fast, because it's a dangerous world. Creatures of myth and legend walk the streets, while the arcane skills of spellslingers are in high demand. And of course, the monolithic megacorps bleed the world dry, sabotaging each other in covert cutthroat competition as they go to war over the bottom line. But this is where you come in. They may not like you, they may want to crush you, but they need you and your skills. You may be a lethal street samurai or well-connected info broker, a spell-slinging mage, or a code-cracking decker; no matter what, you’re good at what you do. Good enough, hopefully, to get the job done and stay alive.

You are a Runner in The Crossing Companions. Welcome to the shadows.

Character Creation

1. NameChoose an appropriate Name for your Runner, and give them a descriptive Street Name (aka Title). Describe what they look like, and give them some personality. A short background story may be appropriate as well.* The Street Name may describe the type of runner they are, or mark deeds they have done in their past, such as Jack the Hack of Cybertronix or Clay the Samurai of 9th Street.

* For Outplay this will be part of the Character Write-Up

2. RaceChoose a Race, or roll to randomly select one:
Die Roll123456
* Exotic can be any other race of your choice or creation

3. Character Number (CN)
Roll a 1d6, (rerolling any 1s or 6s), or choose a number between 2 and 5. A low Character Number (CN) means you are better with mental attributes (Social, Magic, and Technical), while a high number means you are better with physical attributes (Athletics, Weapons, Cyber/Bioware implants).

4. Gear and Archetype
Every Runner has some basic gear. This includes a Commlink and a Weapon of your choice. You are considered an expert in using these tools, and they count as Adventuring Gear. Your weapon can be of any type you chose (swords, guns, etc). A Commlink will be used Rolling High, while any weapon will be used Rolling Low (Explained below).

Additionally, choose an Archetype from the following: Meat, Magic, Matrix.
MeatYou specialize in using your body. You may be inherently strong or gifted physically, or just plain lucky. Or, you may have cyber- or bioware implants. These may make you stronger, faster, more perceptive, or better able to blend in with your surroundings. These enhancements are part of your Adventuring Gear (you have a number of them needed to perform your Known Moves), and whenever you use them, you will be Rolling Low. Use the guide below to create 3 Known Moves (KM). These may be 3 separate functions of one enhancement, 3 separate enhancements with dedicated moves, or a mix of the two. Additionally, chose ONE of these Known Moves to be your Signature Known Move.

Meat Function GuidePhysical Enhancement Creation Guidelines
1) Choose a name for the enhancement.
2) Choose an effect for the enhancement: Healing, Damage, Buff, Debuff, Utility (see the Effects Guide below)

Gas Dispenser (Debuff): A hidden compartment, often in the fingers or hands, spews gas into an enemy's face, disorienting them for a time.
Adrenal Pump (Buff): This implant sends a stream of concentrated adrenaline into your system when you need it most, increasing speed, strength, and endurance.
Dunkelzahn's Own Luck (Utility): The machine spits out two soy bars instead of one, the door doesn't close quite right, that guard sneezed at just the right time. You were born under a lucky star, Chummer.

MagicYou are an awakened being and can cast magic. You might even follow a hermetic or a shamanic tradition. Hermetics generally use a formulaic approach and logic to magic, while shamans are more spontaneous and intuitive, going more with what feels right at the time. Choose a spell focus, which you use to cast magic. Your focus is considered a piece of Adventuring Gear. Whenever you use this gear, you will be Rolling High. Use the guide below to create 3 Known Spells (KS). These are the spells you can cast with your Spell Focus. Additionally, chose ONE of these spells to be your Signature Spell.

Creating Kown Spells
1) Choose a name for the spell.
2) Choose an effect for the spell: Healing, Damage, Buff, Debuff, Utility (see the Effects Guide below)

Killing Hands (Damage): You channel mana into your extremities, discharging lethal force into your targets.
Summon Spirit (Buff): Summon a spirit suitable for your tradition to aid you and your allies.
Alchemical preparation (Healing): You infuse a carefully concocted brew with mana, healing those who drink it.

MatrixYou are a master of the wireless world and are known as a Decker or a Rigger. A Decker will have a Deck or a Datajack which is considered part of your Adventuring Gear. Whenever you use this gear, you will be Rolling High. A Decker will use their skills to access the Matrix. Use the guide below to create 3 Known Programs (KP), which you execute using your Deck or Datajack Additionally, chose ONE of these programs to be your Signature Program.

A Rigger will use their skills to interface with vehicles, such as drones, to interact with the real world. A Rigger will have a Rigger Control Console, and Drones which count as part of their Adventuring Gear (you have a number of them needed to perform your Drone Moves). Whenever you use this gear, you will be Rolling High. Use the guide below to create 3 Drone Moves (DM). These may be 3 separate functions of one drone, 3 separate drones with dedicated functions, or a mix of the two. Additionally, chose ONE of these Drone Moves to be your Signature Drone Move.

A Technomancer will use a Living Persona, for example, their Brain, to fill either role as a Decker or a Rigger (choose one). This Living Persona will be their Adventuring Gear, in place of a Deck, Datajack, or Rigger Control Console. This Living Persona executes Complex Forms (CF), to either access the Matrix, or control Drones. Use the guide below to create 3 Complex Forms. Additionally, chose ONE of these Complex Forms to be your Signature Complex Form.

Program/Drone Move/Complex Form Creation Guide
1) Choose a name for the program.
2) Choose an effect for the program: Healing, Damage, Buff, Debuff, Utility (see the Effects Guide below)

Data Spike (Damage): A collection of disruptive code intended to damage or destroy a persona or device.
Resonance Veil (Utility): You blanket the area in resonance, altering the perceptions of digital observers.
Noizquito (Debuff): This drone pulses with high-frequency sounds and strobing lights to disorient its targets.

Effects Guide
Healing, Damage, Buff, Debuff, Utility
  • Healing - A healing effect will remove a number of wounds equal to the number of successes on an Outplay Roll. A character may not benefit from a Healing effect more than once per day.
  • Damage - A damaging effect will deal wounds to an enemy equal to the number of successes on an Outplay Roll (see below)
  • Buff - A Buff will affect your team. As a few examples, it may allow them to ignore a penalty from Wound, add a +1d to a future roll, or grant your allies a Bonus, depending on what the effect's intent is.
  • Debuff - A Debuff will affect a group of enemy targets. The effectiveness of the effect will depend on the number of successes on an Outplay Roll
  • Utility - A utility effect affects other elements of the game, not covered under Healing, Damage, Buff, or Debuff, such as illusions, or creating temporary objects. The effectiveness of the effect will depend on the number of successes on an Outplay Roll
The duration of any Buff, Debuff, or Utility effect will last for one minute.

The 3 Prohibited Effects:
  • No Time Travel
  • No Teleportation
  • No Resurrection

Playing the Game

Rolling the DiceWhenever you do something that is possible, but could fail, you must make an Outplay Roll. Roll a 1d6. Roll +1d if you are using one of your pieces of Adventuring Gear (AG) to perform the action. Roll +1d if the action is one of your Known Moves/Programs/Drone Moves/Complex Forms/Spells. Roll +1d if the action is your Signature Moves/Programs/Drone Move/Complex Form/Spells.

Roll the dice and compare the results to your Character Number (CN).
When your action involves physical aspects of your character, such as attacking with a weapon, performing feats of strength, sneaking around guards, you want to roll UNDER your CN. Any Penalty is added to each die roll, and any Bonus is subtracted from each die roll. Count the number of dice that succeed. If a die lands on your CN number exactly, count two successes. This type of roll will be specified as Rolling Low.

When your action involves magic, or mental aspects of your character, such as casting a spell, persuading an NPC, recalling a lost piece of knowledge, or noticing something hidden, you want to roll ABOVE your CN. Any Penalty is subtracted from each die roll, and any Bonus is added to each die roll. Count the number of dice that succeed. If a die lands on your CN number exactly, count two successes. This type of roll will be specified as Rolling High

0 - If none of your dice succeed: You fail miserably. Your action not only fails, but the GM will describe what kind of setback is introduced because of your failure.

1 - If one dice succeed: You barely made it. The GM introduces some kind of harm or cost as a result.

2 - If two dice succeed: You do it well. Congratulate yourself.

3 - If three dice or more succeed: Critical Success! The GM introduces some benefit or extra effect you get.

HelpingIf you would like to help another character with a roll, describe what you are doing to help, and make an Outplay Roll of your own. If successful, they add +1d to their roll.

Wounds When a character is injured, due to events like utterly failing a dangerous task or falling victim to a trap, they gain a Wound. Each Wound adds a Penalty to any Outplay Roll. If a character reaches 5 wounds, they are considered dead. Without the aid of magic, characters will heal one wound per day.

Penalties and BonusesCertain spells, or other narrative effects determined by the GM may grant you a Penalty or a Bonus on rolls. Your GM will tell you if these apply indefinitely, until a situation is corrected, or if they only apply to your next Outplay Roll.

Weapon AttacksOn a successful Weapon Attack, damage is determined by the number of successes on an Outplay Roll

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jun 3rd, 2022 at 10:27 AM.
Old May 19th, 2022, 10:17 PM
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Also, check out this discussion between Bhelogan and Imveros, in a Crash Course on Outplay 2022

Click the image above to listen to the conversation on YouTube or check it out on the RPG Crossing Radio Episode #51

Last edited by Admin Bhelogan; Jun 3rd, 2022 at 03:20 PM.
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