Angharad appears as a petite and pretty young woman. She has a cute face, and while she is in no way tomboyish, her appeal is more that of adorableness than opulent feminine beauty. Her exterior is tidy and elegant without being intimidating or stern. She generally wears her hair pinned up and dresses not without finesse and a certain playfulness, preferring breeches over skirts and dresses, and not shying away from colours that would rarely be seen in her homeland. Her free and lively body language fits the picture. A beautiful and elegant amulet, a disc of nacre framed in gold, seems always present around her neck, regardless of the presence or absence of other articles of clothing.
One might not think her a foreigner by the looks of her, but there is no denying of it once she opens her mouth to speak. While she is fluent in the common tongue, she has a noticeable Nilfgaardian accent. Her voice has a slight raspy quality that gives it a sort of crotchety tone.
She has a sprightly nature, pert, and sometimes petulant, but overall with a gift for being loveable. She is approachable and has little prejudice in terms of social class as long as people behave with some decency, making her something of a favourite among the servants of the house. At times she appears oblivious, even naive, but the next moment, she astonishes people when it is as if she had plucked a thought from someone's mind and were uttering it before they had time to put it into words.
In her personal affairs, she is surprisingly orderly - her rooms are not kept in the inspired chaos of a genius, but are tidy and, at first glance, not even identifiable as a sorceress', at least going by what you might imagine and expect. The servants are quite convinced that she's hiding something interesting somewhere, but they would be, wouldn't they?
Angharad is not mean-spirited or cruel, but she is no saint. You might say what she displays is simply the healthy and natural egocentrism of an attractive, and relatively speaking powerful, young woman. Curiously, a reasonably observant person will soon notice that sex is a touchy topic with her, and any sort of lewdness or allusion in her presence will quickly sour the mood.
Life Path
It is probably safe to say that Angharad is relatively young - for a sorceress, that is - though hardly quite as young as she looks. She makes no secret of the fact that she is from Lower Alba in Nilfgaard and graduated from Gweison Haul, but you do not know when. The stories she occasionally tells do not paint much of a coherent picture of her life, except perhaps that she did not spend most of it in Nilfgaard proper - it appears you would have to pry to learn more.
Int 9 Ref 6 Dex 3 Bod 5 Spd 3 Emp 9 Cra 2 Will 10 Luck 2Peasant's Lucky Token+1Vig 5
HP 35/35 Sta 35/35 Rec 7 Stun 70 Run 9 Leap 1 Enc 4.3/50 I.P. 24
Spells Glamour, Mind Manipulation, Telepathy, Aenye, Magical Healing Rituals Hydromancy Hexes The Eternal Itch
Racial TraitsIn a world where non-humans can’t be trusted, humans look more trustworthy. Humans have an inherent +1 to their Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion checks against other humans.Trustworthy, Humans are clever and often have brilliant solutions to difficult problems. Humans gain an inherent +1 to Deduction.Ingenuity, Part of the human race's greatest strength is its willingness to charge forward endlessly, even into truly life-threatening situations. A human can summon up their courage and re-roll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3 times per game session. They take the higher of the two rolls, but if they still fail they cannot re-use the ability to roll again.Blindly Stubborn
Gear Writing Kit, Makeup Kit, Hand Mirror, Dagger (Rel 10), Garter Sheath, Perfume, Gemstone Amulet, Journal, Fifth Essence (4x), White Myrtle Petals (4x), Pearl (4x), Lunar Shards (2x), Berbercane Fruit (2x), Lucky Token (an old coin from far away, actually 1 Koviri bizant), 399 Temerian orens, Jar of Dimeritium Powder, Mysterious Rusty Key
Last edited by Mairien; Mar 25th, 2022 at 05:44 AM.
__________________ "How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some higher principles in his nature, which interests him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it, except the pleasure of seeing it." - Adam Smith
Last edited by DoubleL1987; Nov 10th, 2020 at 03:04 AM.
Appearance: Dark and fierce eyes, unblemished fair skin, long hair that straddles the line between golden brown and blonde; Annika is a beauty of the North, though her Lady mother despairs of ever convincing her to use it to her advantage. Annika has ever preferred rugged and practical garb to the preferred dress of her station. Soft leather or double-stitched doublets and trousers don't impress at ballrooms no matter how snugly they fit her lithe athleticism, however suited they may be to running wild on the family grounds.
Personality: Blunt is the word that comes to most people's mind when asked about Annika Segert. Where courtly grace demands words to be wielded with grace and finesse, like a fencing blade...she prefers the technique of mace and hammer. Though she's capable of playing the part of courtier, she has little respect for it. Possessed of keen insight and perception, she despises the game of manipulation and lies...a game her sister plays very well indeed, and often to her detriment. Ever since her mother's death she wants very much to be 'hardened' and tough, to be someone who can catch whatever the world throws at her, chew it up and spit it back in the world's face. She is, however, still young enough to judge her abilities on what she wants to be rather than what she is. That, plus her growing conviction that she should hunt monsters, is of great concern to her father...and rightly so.
Annika spent long years as the youngest of the Segerts, and a girl at that. Her father and elder siblings either paid her little attention or found her annoying at best. Rather than endure, she looked for something better, and quickly took a liking to any excuse to spend time outside on the grounds, where her family seldom followed.
One advantage to being the 'last in line' was that she had more freedom in deciding how to spend her time, so long as she didn't attract attention. She used that latitude to wheedle lessons from indulgent household soldiers and one of the excellent pretext for staying away. Her father quickly quashed any lessons in swordplay, not wanting ANY daughter of his to be encouraged to tussle with men far stronger than she. Archery though, he agreed was more or less suitable. With supervision. That victory came a cost though; she had to agree to tutoring from the Lady Segert as well, teaching her etiquette and what was expected of a young Lady. Despite what one might think though, Annika and her mother got along well; she was not a harsh taskmistress and had sympathy for her daughter's wild streak. It was her argument that even a lady of the north should be able to defend herself if need be that convinced Lord Segert to let Annika learn the bow.
Alas, nothing lasts. The Lady Segert died to the attack of a foul monster. Annika took it very hard, feeling that if she'd been there...despite her tender years...she could have stopped it. It was here that she turned even more away from ladylike manners, and sought to become tougher and more 'soldierly' in her outlook. The sole exception to this was her younger siblings, the twins, whom she cared for almost as if she were their mother herself.
Recently though, against the will of her lord father, Annika has taken to trying to hunt monsters with her bow. Clearly this is incredibly dangerous, though she's only managed to stick a few drowners for the moment. However, driving home that danger was a scrape she had recently where she stumbled over a different kind of monster entirely out there in the wild. A small coven of cultists who were preparing a site for blood magic. Annika shot one, and drove another two off, but the leader got a good look at her before he too left before he got skewered. It's certain that he and whoever he can get behind him will want to take out their frustrations at losing all those preparations on her when the opportunity presents itself.
Racial Abilities
Trustworthy - Gain +1 to Charisma, Seduction, Persuasion vs other humans
Igenious - +1 Deduction
Stubborn - Reroll failed Resist Coercion or Courage 3 times per session, only one reroll per roll
Temarian (+1 Charisma) Aristocrat (+2 Reputation)
Found Combat tutor (+1 combat skill, or new skill at +2)
Made enemy - Male cultist who's plans against me I foiled
There was a time that Masilia was considered desirable. Perhaps she still would be if it weren't for the hardness in her eyes, the disheveled state of her hair and clothes, and the blood that often clung to them. Her face, while young, bore the expression of someone seasoned by trials far beyond their years and scars appear along her body in numbers far more frequently than one would expect in someone who can barely wield a dagger.
For the rare few who are able to push beyond the stark warning that her appearances render, they find a gentle, though firm hand to help tend to their needs. She is truthful, almost to a fault, a subconscious rebellion against the lies and deceptions that her family harbored and those hurt by them. In fact, rebellious is probably the most accurate way to describe her. She rails against those trying to control her, the expectations that life has imparted on her, and even her own instincts at times. Where a streak of compassion drives her to help those who are less fortunate and persecuted by others, so too does she push back against the instinct, silently chastising herself for being so weak. In the times that she softens and opens up to someone, it is like a brief glimpse into another life, one that could have been had things been different. However, generally she'll keep people at arm's length - or further - even so far as to retreating from public and business for days at a time.
A nomad, whether by heart or circumstance, she never stays in one place long, often leaving in the middle of the night leaving nothing behind but hushed rumors of a monster who terrorized her.
Life Path
The first few years of Masilia's life were as pleasant as could be expected for the youngest daughter of a northern family. She was sheltered from her parents' work within one the cities most notorious criminal organization, even though her older siblings had been brought in at an early age. That was, until her younger sister was born when Masilia had just finished her first decade of life. The arrival was one of joy and hardship, pressing the family to its financial and emotional limits. Masilia became rebellious, seeking out the attention she'd lost to her younger sister by leaving for days at a time without word to spend time with a budding bard, Savaric, who'd become a friend to her.
It wasn't much later that her parents found an answer to their problems. In one fell swoop, they eliminated a mouth to feed and found a reliable supply of Fisstech, elevating their standing within the organization in the process. Masilia was given over to be raised by a mage - which was to say she was left alone to fend for herself the vast majority of the time while her guardian was away. Sifting through the mage's archives, she found an interest in alchemy and medicine.
She dove headlong into her studies, memorizing anatomy and experimenting with different formulas, never quite finding what she was looking for. Word spread of her talents, and when they mage was away, she was sought out to offer services to the wounded or intoxicated. Word soon got back to her family, who exploited her guilt and feelings, involving her in gang activities, often involving bringing members back from the edge of death or finding ways to make poisons more difficult to detect.
Through her time with the mage, she remained friends with Savaric, who was pretty much the only one that seemed capable of tolerating her moods for any length of time - until he couldn't. After an event that she won't speak of, he turned on her, vowing for revenge - a sentiment that her eldest sister echoes.
She told herself she was moving on, but if anyone close enough had witnessed it, they'd have known it for what it was.
Statistics:Int 7 Ref 5 Dex 3 Bod 5 Spd 6 Emp 5 Cra 7 Will 6 Luck 3 Vig 0 Skills:Healing Hands 6 Small Blades 4 Charisma 2 Human Perception 2 Awareness 6 Business 3 Deduction 6 Education 3 Social Etiquette 1 Wilderness Survival 2 Sleight of Hand 4 Courage 4 Resist Coercion 4 Alchemy 4
Racial Traits:In a world where non-humans can’t be trusted, humans look more trustworthy. Humans have an inherent +1 to their Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion checks against other humans.Trustworthy, Humans are clever and often have brilliant solutions to difficult problems. Humans gain an inherent +1 to Deduction.Ingenuity, Part of the human race's greatest strength is its willingness to charge forward endlessly, even into truly life-threatening situations. A human can summon up their courage and re-roll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3 times per game session. They take the higher of the two rolls, but if they still fail they cannot re-use the ability to roll again.Blindly Stubborn
Armor & Weapons:Type:S/P WA:0 Dmg:1d6+2 Con:S EN:1Dagger | SP:3 AE:1 Effect: N/AVerden Archer’s Hood | SP:8 AE:1 Effect: N/ADouble Woven Gambeson | SP:5 AE:1 Effect: N/APadded Trousers Kits: Surgeon's Kit, Alchemy Kit, Writing Kit Gear: Satchel, Journal, Candles (x5,) Soap, Secret Pockets (x2,) Garter Sheath, Tent, Blessed by a priest: +2 to charisma checks of people with that religionHoly Symbol, Influential Friend: EntertainerPlaybill, Adopted by a mageChronicle
Substances on hand:
Sterilizing fluid poured on a wound raises the patient’s natural healing rate by 2 points and lessens the number of days a critical wound takes to heal by 2. Multiple uses of sterilizing fluid don’t stack.Sterilizing Fluid - 10 available
Applying clotting powder to a wound stops the bleeding effect for 2d10 rounds. After the rounds elapse the wound begins bleeding again. You can then apply another dose.Clotting Powder - 10 available[/TT]
Numbing herbs placed in a wound relieve pain, lowering negatives from critical wounds by 2. Numbing herbs also lessen penalties from being near death by 2. Numbing herbs work for 2d10 rounds, and then you can apply another dose.Numbing Herbs - 10 available
Chloroform forces anyone who breathes it to make a Stun save at -2 or be knocked unconcious until they do make the save. Using it usually requires a Melee attack with a cloth soaked in the chloroform. It can also be poured into a vessel. Each bottle contains 25 doses.Chloroform - 1 (25/25 uses) available
Smelling salts can be placed under an unconscious or stunned person, or creature’s nose to immediately bring them out of their stunned state. Smelling salts can be used 25 times.Smelling Salts - 1 (25/25 uses) available
Formulae Known:
Sterilizing fluid poured on a wound raises the patient’s natural healing rate by 2 points and lessens the number of days a critical wound takes to heal by 2. Multiple uses of sterilizing fluid don’t stack.Sterilizing Fluid - DC 12 | Time 5 Rounds | Ingredients Quebrith, Caelum
Imbibing wives’ tears potion negates the effects of intoxication. Immediately after drinking a dose of wives’ tears potion
the imbiber sobers upWives' Tears - DC 14 | Time 10 Minutes | Ingredients Hydragenum, Aether(x2,) Vitriol
Last edited by DaysUntold; Feb 14th, 2020 at 11:52 PM.
Personality: All in all, Jannic is a friendly person.
He is outgoing, expressive, enjoys laughing and generally finds the best in any situation. Being a bard, Jannic isn't afraid of people - or attention - and in fact has started to relish it; he quite enjoys when someone recognizes him, though admittedly such instances are few and far between. Probably unexpected is that Jannic is an intellectual, whom has a deep need to seek out knowledge. He often asks questions, reads books, and generally delves into a range of subjects and topics, in that pursuit of information and learning.
Jannic is someone who aims to be polite, charming and well-mannered. He treats others with respect, even non-humans, and tries to avoid judging anyone before he knows some about them. And while Jannic might not own much, he isn't beyond helping others in need, even going so far as to share some of his coin or protection, if required. That isn't to say Jannic is a bleeding heart, no, but he still cares about people to some degree.
Yet, for all his kindness and friendliness, Jannic can also be pragmatic, and sees others as tools to be used for his own ends. And while he won't necessarily be malicious about how he does that (he is friendly, after all), it can still be considered quite selfish if not outright egocentric - mixed with a small dash of narcissism...
But really, is anyone surprised?
He is a performer, after all.
Description: Jannic is a young man, average in height and weight, who has a lean physique and lightly tanned skin. His hair is black and long, usually braided or tied back in some complicated fashion. His eyes are bright blue and expressive. He has handsome features, by typical opinion, with angled features - common to nobles, one might note. He also carries himself with confidence, usually has a large smile on his face, and isn't afraid to be flamboyant and exaggerated with his mannerisms.
His attire is very simple, in comparison. The clothes are well-worn, repaired in places, and look like something any commonfolk would wear. He has a green shirt, blue pants, comfortable walking boots, as well as a dark vest and a blue cloak over his shoulders. He wears simple rings on some fingers, and several necklaces, as well as oddly bright bandanas wrapped around his hands and forearms; though these seem more a fashion choice, than covering any injury sustained... to each their own?
Finally, Jannic's prized possession is his lute. Made of cherry wood, it has a deep red color, which has been inlaid with golden carving, and boasts no less than five strings. It is clearly cared for, while also having a strap that allows Jannic to shoulder the instrument at a moments notice.
Backstory: Jannic of Cintra is a wandering bard. For a number of years, the young man has walked the long roads of the continent, passing through village after city after village, plying his trade for coin. His is a lonely existence, really, filled with brief meetings and acquaintances, but never really befriending anyone. In that time Jannic has made a small reputation, nothing overly fancy, but enough to be recognized by a following of fans that know of him, every so often. However, that reputation is a double-edged sword; it's nice to be noticed, but it also brings attention from some Jannic doesn't want to have on his tail...
But that's putting the wagon before the horse.
Back to the beginning, first:
Originally, Jannic was born into a noble family of Cintra. While not of import, when it came to the royals who ruled, Jannic grew up surrounded by the aristocracy. It was a fine upbringing, really, living in a noble manor and being the fourth son of a Lord and Lady, Humphrey and Lillian, respectively. Jannic's siblings treated him well enough, he was loved, and he enjoyed a fortunate living. Education, instrumentation, poetry, legal discourse and other subjects were taught to Jannic. He did well, he was intelligent, and took to study. Yet, there remained a need for the young boy - something deep inside - that demanded he not feel comfortable in one place for long.
Jannic had wanderlust.
When a young boy, around the age of 10, Jannic's family visited a holy church. They attended the service along with other nobles, and Jannic was fortunate to have a face-to-face with the holyman. After the exchange, the boy was given a small holy symbol - for luck - and was blessed, then sent on his way, as the other service goers conversed with the elderly holyman in turn.
Jannic was witness to the Nilfgaardian attacks on Cintra. It was what caused his family to evacuate their manor, as the nobles relocated to a smaller homestead in the north. This only served to reinforce the boy's want to travel and see the world. It wasn't long after that Jannic heard word that Cintra - the royalty and army - had been devastated and brought to ruin. The family lost everything that they hadn't taken with them, including their rightful lands and ownership of animals and belongings.
It was a rough time for the family, forced to seek out common work and means to survive. Both Lord Humphrey and Lady Lillian didn't take well to the adjustment, neither did the other children, save Jannic. He seemed resilient and curious in change enough to make-do, and before long the youngest son was living his new life happily enough. In those few years, before he left home, Jannic began to play dice. He was decent enough, it was his way of getting crowns for the family, who were now living on hard times. Unfortunately, a run of bad luck resulted in the young man incurring a large debt... which, in turn, caused Jannic's sudden departure.
Now, away from the men he owed money to, Jannic took his few belongings - including his prized lute, from his days in Cintra - and began to walk the dusty and long roads of the continent. He made his way from town to town, playing for coin, and found a new love for life on the open road...
In a world where non-humans can't be trusted, humans look more trustworthy. Humans have an inherent +1 to their Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion checks against other humans.Trustworthy
Humans are clever and often have brilliant solutions to difficult problems. Humans gain an inherent +1 to Deduction.Ingenuity
Part of the human race's greatest strength is its willingness to charge forward endlessly, even into truly life-threatening situations. A human can summon up their courage and reroll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3 times per game session. They take the higher of the two rolls, but if they still fail they cannot re-use the ability to roll again.Blindly Stubborn
Traits:A Bard is a wonderful thing to have around, especially when the party's low on money. A Bard can take an hour and make a Busking roll in the nearest town center. The total of this roll is the amount of money raked in by the Bard while they perform on the street. A fumble can lower the roll, and a negative value means that not only do you fail to make any coin but you are also harassed by the locals for your poor performance, resulting in a -2 to Charisma with anyone in the town for the rest of the day.Busking (Defining) | In a world where non-humans can't be trusted, humans look more trustworthy. Humans have an inherent +1 to their Charisma, Seduction, and Persuasion checks against other humans.Trustworthy | Humans are clever and often have brilliant solutions to difficult problems. Humans gain an inherent +1 to Deduction.Ingenuity | Part of the human race's greatest strength is its willingness to charge forward endlessly, even into truly life-threatening situations. A human can summon up their courage and reroll a failed Resist Coercion or Courage roll 3 times per game session. They take the higher of the two rolls, but if they still fail they cannot re-use the ability to roll again.Blindly Stubborn
Skill Tree:
--● The Charmer: Before attempting a Busking roll a Bard can roll Return Act at a DC set by the GM to see whether they have played in this town before. If the roll is successful the Bard has made a name for themselves in this town already. Not only is their Busking income doubled but they gain a +2 Charisma with everyone in at that venue.Return Act (EMP) +0 | Unknown | Unknown
--● The Informant: A Bard can make a Fade
roll against multiple targets' Awareness rolls to fade into the background. This ability allows a Bard to hide even
when there are no good hiding places, by slipping into a conversation, drawing attention to something else, or the like. This ability doesn't work if you are wearing really flashy clothing.Fade (INT) +0 | Unknown | Unknown
--● The Manipulator: A Bard can make a Poison The Well roll against a target's EMPx3 when they are trying to influence a person or people. If successful, the Bard makes a pointed comment that imposes a -1 for each point they rolled above the DC to the target's Seduction, Persuasion, Leadership, Intimidation or Charisma rolls.Poison The Well (EMP) +0 | Unknown | Unknown
Profession Gear: Gwent deck | Hand mirror | Lute | Flask of spirits | Dagger
Special Gear:+2 reputationPaper of nobility | Theater playbill | +2 CHA to people of the symbol's faithHoly symbol