"Dragons who fly alone, Die alone!" Games:KaineStrongblade(D&D5e),JonatonHiddenleaf(D&D5e),Wildblade( pf1e) Dm[Gundam](D&D5e) C.A.T.S.stories: https://www.rpgcrossing.com/showthre...06#post9374506 |
I have taken the Oath of Sangus Last edited by ProjectLazarus; Jun 1st, 2022 at 03:19 AM. |
Hi there! I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring for this game. Please let me know if there's anything that needs to be added or changed- feedback is more than welcome!
Last edited by DemonSlayer; Jun 2nd, 2022 at 09:35 AM. |
I am finished and would welcome any feedback.
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Placeholder, will starting working on a concept asap.
Character Name: Teiltos
Race: Satyr Class: Warlock (Genie- Dao) Background: Courtier Why are you on the caravan heading to Baldur's Gate?: Well, why not? Also, the city of splendors was some distance from the lake of dragons. Baldurs gate would break the journey nicely, and every new settlement offered more opportunity for amusement, people to meet, occasions to celebrate and inns to frequent. The bigger the city the better the prospects. Danush hinted at the possibility of there being 'points of interest ' in Baldurs gate. Backstory/Concept: A lover of celebration and good company, for as long as he'd known. Teiltos had made a somewhat inebriated bet with a Dao, Danush whilst on the shore of the Lake of Dragons. Danush was a glorious figure, adorned with prescious stones and rare metals that fascinated Teiltos. Danush was posing at the time as a successful trader, a rouse that would not decieve any Fae being. However a Fae creature after several days of feasting and merriment, might have been tempted to enter a wager. The Dao was victorious, Teiltos defeated but in good spirit conceded to the agreed terms. Whilst it was rare, and thus highly desired for a genie to have a human thrall, a Fae thrall was unheard of. It was then that Danush and Teiltos made a pact and bound themselves. Having occasionally done small 'favours' for him, it had otherwise worked out fairly well and without consequence. For this seemingly small cost Teiltos now had a taste of, and access to a small amount of the Dao's power. Many people of Faerun appeared dowdy and melancholic, wholly too serious to Teiltos' mind. So to hear of a city of splendors was all too tempting, and on a whim, a destination was found and a journey began. Although Waterdeep was several months of travel away, it would be essential to break the journey up, and whilst not remotely a direct route, the diversion to Baldurs gate would prove important for respite and was too tempting to pass up. Last edited by Kweheri; Jun 3rd, 2022 at 01:12 PM. |
![]() Character Name: Antony Deschain Race: Half Elf Class: Warlock Background: Courtier Why are you on the caravan heading to Baldur’s Gate: Antony is fleeing from his family and the court life he once knew. He doesn’t want to bring the shame of consorting with evil beings on his families good name, and is sure his family will disown him if they find out what he did. Backstory/Concept Antony was the long awaited first born of Steven and Gabrielle a pair of half elf sorcerers that lived as courtiers in (leaving city of origin blank in case you want to tie in later). He grew up surrounded by the court, and its intrigue, and his parents waited hopefully for their innate magical gifts to manifest themselves in their first born. His youth was spent being trained to be a courtier, which could turn in to anything from a spy, to an ambassador, to a negotiator. Every three or so years after Antony’s birth, a younger sibling joined the household until Antony stood as the tallest of the 6 siblings. The first jarring day in Antony’s life came when the next oldest sibling, his sister Revekah suddenly began to wield magic like his parents. In the following months he heard hundreds of times how girls often blossom earlier than boys. As if puberty was somehow tied to manifesting magic. Over the years, each of the younger siblings joined his parents in magic use. Each time, it felt like Antony had been punched in the gut. Each time, he withdrew a little more, became a little darker, and a little more sullen. During this time, Antony began obsessively studying the magic of bloodlines that was the source of his families magic, and courtly standing. Each time one of his siblings came into power, he redoubled his efforts. Antony’s breaking point came when Chistain, his youngest sibling, full 20 years younger than him blossomed early and at only 8 began wielding spells. While his family gathered for the traditional grand party they threw as each child came into their power, Antony retrieved one of the many magical books he had read over the years. This one had the true names of various immortal and powerful beings, and instructions on how communicate with them. With that, he set off for Baldur’s Gate, tired of waiting on his families bloodline to deliver power, and taking matters into his own hands. Howdy! This is the general concept I’m going for. I’m open to pretty much any of the warlock patrons as the one I reach out to, as long as it has at least a somewhat evil vibe that would make him flee his family (I don’t see him running away if he makes a pact with a celestial, but pretty much all other patrons I could make fit) also, I am jumping back into role playing after a 15 year absence, and trying to get a handle on 5e. I’ve a ton of experience with playing older editions, but also a ton of rust! Let me know if there is anything else you’d like to see in the application, I tried to leave it very vague to give us the most room to work a patron that makes sense with the setting and campaign. |
I always love a good forgotten realms game!
Iriaebor sounds like the place to be... well, from in this case: large enough to have petty nobles that have enough time and resources to think more about who they're going to have an affair with than anything meaningful. Maybe I'll actually have to think of what the Heartwood family actually did to make their money or earn their title - if it ever comes up. I believe that my application is perty complete now. I'm sure I'll look it over a few more times before the deadline.
You guys certainly are not making the selection process easy! A lot of great characters I'd love to have on this adventure, and I'm the kind of DM that fully intends to fold character stories into the narrative as well. I look forward to seeing what happens!
Also, the list has been updated.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus. As such, I am still present unless otherwise discussed. Last edited by Dyerdon; Jun 1st, 2022 at 09:52 PM. |
Character Name: Ambrose Roffler (real name: Gomez-Otto von Hellmanstaff)
Race: Stout Halfling Class: Rogue Background: Charlatan Why are you on the caravan heading to Baldur's Gate?: Running from the law! Backstory/Concept: On the back of the wagon Gomez was lounging in the sun, playing with his straight-razor. A sly grin on his face as he gazed over the horizon. He had managed to elude the guard and found himself on a caravan heading for Baldurs Gate. They had split up, but he had no doubt he'd meet his cousin Ellis at the Belching Bugbear in Baldurs Gate. Ellis had taken a different route, and promised to pick up the loot they'd stashed on the way there, so really all Gomez had to do was made his way to the greatest City in the world and after that he could live like a king! He finished sharpening the tool and put it back in the leather holster. Of all the guises he had taken he liked his barber persona the best. It had been hilariously fun having the rich and decadent, the hypocrite elite, at the tip of his dagger with a warm towel over their faces. His cousin would run amok grabbing everything he could while he himself gave them the most outrageous and ridiculous mustache or haircut he possibly could come up with. He chuckled to himself as he reminisced and looked around to the various people he was travelling with. Commoners, traders and the odd lost soul. He liked them and their company, Gomez felt at home among the working class. Never in a million years would he swindle fine folk like this, but it was best they didn't know his true name and profession, for their own sakes. So a little white lie, just the one, for their own sakes really.. they were travelling with: Ambrose Roffler, the Gold Comb barber. ![]() Last edited by Scavenger; Jun 2nd, 2022 at 04:02 AM. |
I slightly tweaked Dolgran's background- basically, I changed his home town from [generic town] to which is just east of Teziir, where you mentioned the caravan would depart fromReddansyr, and changed the deity worshipped by the cult Dolgran discovered from [generic entity] to a twisted form of there is a big temple dedicated to Oghma in Reddansyr, so having a heretical cult twisting the temple's teachings into something afwul makes sense to meOghma. I hope that's alright!
All updated, and that is perfect @DemonSlayer. There is plenty for a DM to work with there! Once I pick the six, I will reread over everyone's backstories and whatnot. Any major changes, let me know. Once we start, then everything will be set in stone, not before.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus. As such, I am still present unless otherwise discussed. |
@Dyerdon it seems as though you've got your work cut out for you! Only the 2nd of June and you've got 16 applications already. If you leave applications open until June 30th you might have over 100 to choose from!
I have taken the Oath of Sangus |
@ProjectLazarus: I see this! I may shorten the deadline, but I am still waiting to have the game approved, but I think this proves I have interest at least! I am super excited to run this!
Any objections to trying for the 10th?
I have taken the Oath of Sangus. As such, I am still present unless otherwise discussed. Last edited by Dyerdon; Jun 2nd, 2022 at 05:32 PM. |
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