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Old Feb 13th, 2023, 01:55 PM
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Inuzuka Chie

Chie Inuzuka
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Name: Chie
Clan: Inuzuka
Age: 12
Background: Leader
Class: Medic Nin
Intended Role: Support (Healing)

Ambition: To earn the respect of her family, and to prove useful to Konoha. To protect her family (particularly her younger brother, Souta) at all costs. To see the war stopped before Souta is old enough to fight.
Drive: Chie has always felt a bit of an outsider in her family. She is driven by a desire for acceptance and a strong sense of duty to her family and her home.
Goals: - To be top of her class in her best subject, medicine
- To make friends with her teammates
- To master team combat with Yumaru
Fears: A member of the highly community oriented Inuzuka clan, Chie fears being alone.

Physical Description: Chie has unruly blonde hair, brown eyes, and the standard triangular face markings of the Inuzuka clan. She typically keeps her hair tied back under a scarf.
Personality: Chie is one of five Inuzuka siblings. With so many children and dogs in the house, it is chaotic at home, a situation which is often exacerbated by the Inuzuka tendency to be hot-headed and loud. Chie is generally laid back and tends towards bookishness, which makes her a bit of a black sheep in her family. Though she loves her family dearly, she sometimes feels lost in the boisterous atmosphere, and struggles to assert herself. While she is the quiet one at home, at school Chie is outgoing and a bit of a know-it-all in class. She tends to be a people-pleaser, which in combination with her relaxed attitude makes her decently well-liked, though not particularly close with any of her classmates.

Roleplay Sample: Chie yawned and stretched as the bell sounded for class dismissal. She dislodged her foot from under the sleeping Yumaru and slung her backpack over her shoulder, hurrying slightly to catch up with Emiko.

“Hey, Emiko!” she called. Emiko turned gracefully, her dark hair swinging with the movement and offered an uncertain wave. Chie couldn’t help but be a bit jealous, and touched the end of her own unruly locks briefly before approaching. “Um, I just picked up this comic. It’s a warrior princess comic, I thought you might like it.” She dug the thin book out of her bag and offered it up.

“Oh, thanks… I’ll read it,” Emiko said, taking it although she was clearly disinterested. The two stood and looked at each other awkwardly for a moment.

“Cool… Well, let me know what you think, okay?”

“Uh, sure,” Emiko replied, already turning away.

“See you later!” Chie called. Yumaru whimpered and she looked down at him. “Worth a shot,” she said with a shrug, though Emiko’s indifference stung. Yumaru yipped in agreement.

Chie took her time walking home, occasionally tossing a ball for Yumaro. When she arrived, she could already hear her mom and older sister arguing through the door. “Typical,” she muttered with exasperated affection. She slid the door open and peeked her head in. While the argument raged over his head, Souta sat serenely eating an after school snack. They locked eyes and Chie tilted her head in invitation. Souta smiled and wrapped some food in a napkin, hurrying towards the door.

Chie swapped her backpack for a stack of comics and the two of them took off towards the park, not to return until dinner.

Significant NPCs:
Yumaru - Chie’s dog companion.

Souta - Younger brother - Like Chie, Souta is relatively more reserved. The two have a strong bond and can often be found shirking their training to read comic books.

Emiko - Friend/Classmate - Emiko and Chie used to be very close friends, but as they grew older they grew apart. Now Emiko hangs out with more popular girls, and while they don't exactly have a bad relationship, they don't talk much either.
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Old Feb 14th, 2023, 03:42 PM
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Chie Inuzuka
HP: 15/15; Chakra: 19/19
Senses: Initiative: +3; Perception: +6 (16)
AC: 17
Saves: STR +3, DEX +3, CON +1, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +4
D: Four Legs Technique, Healing Aura, Healing Hands, Calling on Tears, Toxic Fangs, Wither and Bloom, Tunneling Fang
Jutsu Scrolls: N/A
Ammo: Kunai d8
Notes: Use WIS for medical ninjutsuMedical Ninjutsu, Used DEX for Inuzuka taijutsuFeral Ability, At the end of a rest, allies gain an additional 1d6 HPRevitalizing Rest
Cash: 250 Ryo

HP: 10/10; Chakra: 7/7
Senses: Keen Sight & Smell; Initiative: +2; Perception: +7 (17)
AC: 14
Saves: +1; +2; +1; +0; +1; +0
D: Beast-Human Clone; Sensing Technique; Body Flicker
Attacks: +3, 1d8+1, on a 16+ target is knocked prone and dragged 5 feetBite
Notes: 1x/turn; Deal 1d8 addtl dmg to a target enemy within 5 ft of 1st targetLurker, Action; DC 12 WIS or suffer -2 penalty to ACInu Growl, At the beginning of Chie's turn, Yumaru can hide w/o action costInu Prowl, Allied creatures within 15 ft gain +1d4 until Chie's turnInu Howl
Cash: 4 Biscuits

Justu CastingNinjutsu
DC | 10 | 8 + proficiency + int
Attack | +2

DC | 14 | 8 + proficiency + wis
Attack | +6

DC | 14 | 8 + proficiency + str
Attack | +6

Inuzuka Chie ♦ Medic-Nin
Level 2 HP 15/15 (1d8) Speed 45 ft. Init +3 Chakra 19/19 (1d10) AC 10 + 4 (Combat Jacket) + 3 DEX17
STR* 10 (+3) DEX +2 from Inuzuka16 (+3) CON 13 (+1) INT 8 (-1) WIS* +1 from Inuzuka17 (+6) CHA* +1 from Leader background13 (+4)
Skills & Proficiencies
Acrobatics +6 Animal Handling +6 History +2
Insight +6 Medicine +6 Perception +6
Persuasion +4 Chakra Control (CON) +4 --
Medicine Kit Forgery Kit Poison Kit
Feats & Abilities
Ability Source Description
Dog Speak Inuzuka Clan You can speak to and understand canine creatures.
Beast Master Inuzuka Clan Possesses the same stats as a dog/wolf summon and follows the same progression. Your nin-dog shares your level and all your saving throws. Additionally, they gain bonus max HP at .5 your proficiency per level. When you would gain an ability score or improvement, your nin-dog increases one of their ability scores by +2, or 2 by +1. Your nin-dog gains bonus AC = their WIS modifier. Your nin-dogs jutsu can be switched with one of yours with 1 week downtime. Your nin-dog gains additional jutsu = to your proficiency bonus. They regain all slots on a long rest and half on a short rest.
Feral Ability Inuzuka Clan You can use Dex as your Taijutsu ability modifier for Inuzuka clan Jutsu.
Leadership Presence Leader Background Handbook pg. 22
Medical Ninjutsu Medic Nin Jutsu you cast with the Medical keyword may use WIS for their attack and damage rolls, as well as save DC. Medicine checks can use INT or WIS.
Rejuvenating Rest Medic Nin Rejuvenating Rest: Use medical skills to revitalize wounded allies during a short rest. When you or any friendly creature you touch regain HP at the end of a rest, they regain an extra 1d6 HP. 2d6 @ 7th, 3d6 @ 11, 4d6 @ 17.
Maneuverable Leadership Background - Feat • Your speed increases by 10 feet. • When you would make a Dexterity saving throw on your turn, you gain a +2 bonus to the save. • Once per turn, when you move at least 10 feet, you gain a 1d4 bonus to your next attack roll before the end of the current turn. • When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.
Channeled Healing Medic Nin Lvl 2 Starting at 2nd Level you learn to passively enhance your Medical Jutsu to greater Lengths. Whenever you use a Jutsu with the Medical Keyword of D-Rank to restore hit points, the affected creature regains additional hit points equal to +1 healing die. The rank of jutsu this feature affects increases to C-Rank at 5th level, B-Rank at 9th level, A-Rank at 13th and S-Rank at 17th. The bonus healing die this feature provides increases as you gain levels as well, as seen in the Channeled Healing column of the class table. This healing bonus can only be applied once per turn. Additionally, jutsu with the Medical Keyword you cast that restores hit points or ends conditions, remove one failed death saving throw from an affected creature, if any.
Jutsu (7 Total)
Justu Rank Cost Casting Time Range/Duration Effect
Four Legs Technique D-Rank 4 Chakra Bonus Action Self Description: You gain the ability to move like a dog. For the duration of this jutsu, you ignore difficult terrain and your movement speed increases by 15 feet and your wall walking, Water walking, and climbing speed becomes equal to your movement speed. Your movement speed also cannot be reduced as a result of a jutsu, feature or trait. (Inuzuka Pg. 38)
Medical Release: Healing Aura D-Rank 5 Chakra Bonus Action 20ft./Instant You mold Medical chakra into a web as you spread it affecting multiple creatures healing their wounds from a distance. Select no more than three creatures in range. They heal a number of hit points equal to 2d4. This jutsu has no effect on undead or constructs. (Jiraiya Pg. 10)
Medical Release: Healing Hands D-Rank 4 Chakra Action Touch/Instant You cover your hands in chakra that glows with a warm green hue, reactivating a creature's cells reproductive process closing their wounds. A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 2d8+Ninjutsu ability Modifier. (Jiraiya Pg. 10)
Calling on Tears D-Rank 5 Chakra Action 30ft. Cone/Instant You manifest chakra around your tongue and throat as you use it to vibrate and magnify all sound escaping your mouth. You then release a stunning reskinned from a screambark in an attempt to incapacitate all that hear it. All creatures in a 30-foot cone originating from you must make a Wisdom saving throw, being Deafened and Dazed until the end of their next turn on a failed save. Additionally, any traps such as explosives, trap doors or pressure plates that are within this jutsu’s range are triggered. (Jiraiya Pg. 5)
Medical Release: Toxic Fangs D-Rank 5 Chakra Action Self/Concentration 1 min You coat your hands in a poisonous liquid and use your medical release chakra to maintain its viscosity and lethality. For the duration, your hands, feet or teeth are coated in a heavily poisonous substance, ready to be used as striking instruments. For the duration, you can spend your action to make a melee ninjutsu attack. On a hit you deal 3d4 poison damage and once per turn, you can force the target creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target gains 1 rank of envenomed. (Jiraiya Pg. 11)
Medical Release: Wither and Bloom D-Rank 5 Chakra Action 60 ft./Instant You begin to generate a surge of twisted medical release chakra designed to invoke life and death. All creature of your choice in a 10-foot radius sphere centered on a point you can see within range, must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save they take 3d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, one creature of your choice within the chosen area regains 3d6 hit points. (Jiraiya Pg. 12)
Tunneling Fang D-Rank 5 Chakra Action 30ft/Instant As part of the requirements of this jutsu you must have the Four Legs Technique active or your Nin-Dog must have Beast-Human Clone active. You or your nin-dog begin to spin at an accelerated rate attempting a spiraling body slam. Move up to 30 feet into an adjacent space next to the target creature and make a melee Taijutsu attack against it, so long as you can see or smell it within range. On a hit, you deal 2d6 slashing and 2d6 bludgeoning damage. At Higher Ranks: For each rank you cast this jutsu above D-Rank, increase the cost of this jutsu by 3 and damage by 1d6 for each damage type.
Tenets of Medicine - Transmuter
Tenet Description
Transfigured Technique Beginning at 2nd level, you begin to learn to alter other creatures cellular structure to their benefit or detriment. When you would deal Acid, Poison or Necrotic damage to a creature with a Jutsu with the Medical Keyword, you may force them to make a constitution saving throw vs your Jutsu’s save DC. On a failed save, they gain 1 rank of Weakened until the end of your next turn. If they would become weakened again as a result of this feature prior to the end of your next turn, the Weakened conditions duration becomes 1 minute. When you would heal a creature or grant them temporary hit points with a Medical-nin class feature or Jutsu with the Medical Keyword you may end one rank of any condition currently affecting them caused by a jutsu of D-Rank or lower. This increases to C-Rank at 5th level, B-Rank at 9th, A-Rank at 13th, S-Rank at 17th.
Altered Strength Also, at 2nd level, you may alter a creatures physiology to strengthen them in a number of ways. As an action, you may touch a creature, giving them one of the • Once per turn, add your Ninjutsu ability Modifier to their damage roll. • Gain 10 Temporary Hit points at the beginning of each of your turns. While they have temporary hit points granted by this feature, they gain resistance to one damage type of your choice. • Gain a 1d4 bonus to one saving throws they don’t have proficiency in. • Gain a 1d4 bonus to skill checks they don’t have proficiency in. • They reduce the cost of all jutsu they cast by 2.following benefits for the next minute. A creature can only gain one benefit from this feature at a time. You can only have two instances of this feature active on creature(s) at any given time. If you would try to use this feature a third time, while two other instances are currently active, one of the previous two instances stop at your choice. Beginning at 5th level, you can spend 5 Chakra. When you do, you use an enhanced version of this feature. An affected creature can gain up to two benefits of this feature this way. A creature other than you can gain the benefits of this feature twice per long rest.

Inuzuka Yumaru ♦ Inuit Nin-Dog
HP 10 (Dog Summon Toughness) + 1 Dog CON + 1/2 Chie CON * Lvl 19 AC 10 + 1/2 Dog Level + DEX + WIS14 Size Small Speed 40 ft. Size Dmg Die 1d8 Darkvision 30 ft, Keen smell & hearingSenses
STR* 14 (+1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+1) INT* 10 (+0) WIS* 13 (+1) CHA 10 (+0)
Athletics +4 Perception Expertise, advantage when using sight or hearing+7 Insight +4
Stealth +5   
Feats & Abilities
Ability Source Description
Lurker Role Dog Summon Lurker: This summon prioritizes surprise attacks and stealth tactics. This summon gains the Lethal Attack trait. Lethal Attack: Once per turn, you can deal extra damage to one creature you hit with an attack if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it. This extra damage is 1d8 (Half the summon's level).
Inuzuka Clan Buffs Inuzuka Clan Your nin-dog knows 1 Inuzuka D-Rank Jutsu. Proficient in Investigation and Stealth and expertise in Perception. Movement increases by 10 feet and ignores difficult terrain. This breed can also Dash and Disengage for 1 Justu slot
Inu Growl Dog Summon As an Action, this summon may perform a low growl. When it does, one creature it can see within 30 feet of it must make a 8 + STR Modifier + Summoner's Proficiency BonusDC 12 WIS saving throw. On a failed save the target suffers a -2 penalty to their AC until the end of their next turn. Once this growl is done, this summon cannot use this action again until the end of its next turn.
Inu Prowl Dog Summon At the beginning of each of its summoner’s turns, this summon can attempt the Hide action at no action cost.
Inu Howl Dog Summon As an action, this summon can howl, inspiring itself and its allies. All allied creatures within 15 feet of it when it squeals gains a +1d4 bonus to its next attack roll made before the beginning of its summoner’s next turn.
Bite 1d8 Melee Attack, Str + prof to hit, + str piercing dmg. On a 16 or higher, the target is knocked prone and dragged 5 ft in any direction the summoner wants.
Jutsu (7 Slots, 3 Known)
Justu Rank Cost Casting Time Range/Duration Effect
Beast-Human Clone D-Rank 4 Chakra Bonus Action Self/10Mins Your Nin-Dog uses the advanced transformation technique, transforming to look exactly like you, with notable differences. They still need to be on all fours and they cannot talk, so they make poor replacements for infiltration. While in this form, when your Nin-Dog is within 15 feet of you and either of you, are the target of an attack, the other one, not being targeted, can switch places with the target of the attack and make an unarmed or natural weapon attack (their choice) as a reaction. If the result of their attack roll is higher than the triggering creature’s attack was a melee attack, the creature automatically takes damage attributed to the attack type you or your Nin-Dog chose.
Sensing Technique D-Rank 5 Chakra Action Self/Concentration 10 Mins You create a field of chakra emanating from you up to 60 feet away. For the duration, you know if there's a creature within 60 feet of you, as well as where the creature is located. Similarly, you know if there is a place or object within 60 feet of you that has been augmented or affected by Chakra. This jutsu can penetrate most barriers but it is blocked by 5 feet of any material. For the duration of this jutsu, creature in range cannot gain the benefit of being hidden, or obscured from you.
Body Flicker D-Rank 3 Chakra Bonus Action Self, 1 round You gain a mastery of movement, allowing you to cover much greater distance in a shorter amount of time. Until the end of your next turn, double your movement speed.
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pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
i have taken the oath of sangus

Last edited by morgantha; May 31st, 2024 at 08:49 PM.
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Old Feb 14th, 2023, 06:24 PM
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Combat Jacket3200 Ryo
Instead of tracking each individual Kunai you take a D8- this is your Ammunition die. Roll it whenever you use a weapon or a Jutsu with a weapon, with the ammunition trait: if you roll a 1 or a 2, the die gets one size smaller. If you’re down to one piece of ammunition and you use it, that’s it-it’s all gone! Remove it from your inventory. Kunai Stack210 Ryo
Flash tags are paper bombs repurposed to create an extreme source of white light meant to cause temporary visual impairment. Flash Tags can be set to detonate on impact or set with a timer that lasts several seconds before detonating. Flash Tags have a range equal to 30 feet. As an action, you can throw a Flash Tag at a point you can see within range. Each creature within 10 feet must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. A creature becomes blind until the end of their turn on a Failed save or suffer no negative effects on a successful save. This item is 1 BulkFlash tag1100 Ryo
Medicine Kit x2 (10 Charges)--200 Ryo
(Contents: 1 Toolkit (Medical), Commoner’s clothes, an empty book, writing utensils, 7 days of field rations, a compass, Shinobi leg pouch and a thermos.)Captain's pack--400 Ryo
Regain 2d6+2 Chakra. Usable 5x/dayChakra Pill x3--50 Ryo Each
Shock Bombs are usually used when the object of a mission is to detain, capture, or subdue rather than kill. Shock Bombs have a range equal to 30 feet + your Strength modifier x 5. As an action, you can throw a Shock Bomb at a point you can see within range. Each creature within 10 feet must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a successful one. Additionally, on a failed save, the creature is shocked until the end of its next turn. This item is 1 Bulk. 4d6 lightningShock Bomb--100 Ryo
Breaching Tag Pg 38, for blowing up large objects --
Paper Bomb Pg 38 --
Home (Inuzuka Compound)
Heirloom (small carving of a stately dog on a necklace)--
Ryo Remaining 200
pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
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Last edited by morgantha; Sep 16th, 2024 at 01:58 PM.
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Old Feb 14th, 2023, 06:44 PM
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Held for notes
pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
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Old Feb 15th, 2023, 06:14 PM
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Hi wodine,

Can you double check my work on Yumaru? In particular, I'm not sure I got the number of jutsu slots and justsu known correct for him.

Also, and I'm sorry if I missed this in one of your posts/the book, but how much cash are we starting with? I think the book says 5d6 ryo or something but I didn't see anyone else roll.

Other than that, I think I just need to purchase equipment and pick Yumaru's jutsu. Let me know if you see any issues! I got a little mixed up going over all the books.
pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
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Old Feb 15th, 2023, 06:48 PM
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300 Ryo, it is in the Wealth section, you also get whatever gear is part of your background.

I'll check Yumaru when I check the rest of your sheet.
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Old Feb 16th, 2023, 02:29 PM
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Please disregard the above, it is incorrect.

You start with whatever your background says, some of the backgrounds include extra money.
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Last edited by wodine; Feb 16th, 2023 at 02:29 PM.
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Old Feb 18th, 2023, 06:38 PM
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I think you're build is fine, could you make a second statblock for Yumaru, or add them to yours?
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Old Feb 21st, 2023, 02:46 PM
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Sure, I can make a statblock for Yumaru today!
pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
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Old Aug 3rd, 2023, 05:39 PM
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I really enjoyed the opening challenges, I'm definitely finding them creative and interesting to play through.

Originally Posted by wodine View Post
@EveryoneI’d also like for you to start thinking about ways to develop your character outside of combat skills. Friends, family, mentors, likes/dislikes, what’s something your character wants to learn about but might not know how or who to train with; things like that.
Yaaaaaaaaay I love this question!

I would really like to develop more of a relationship with Daichi-sensei, get to know his character and how he interacts with his team. I love that the team leaders in the show were protectors, advice-givers, teachers, almost like parents to the kids.

One of the things that kept me watching Naruto as a teen was the romantic relationships. Even though there's rarely any physical relationships and often everything was experienced from a distance, I loved the drama and all the pining going on. If you're not comfortable with that/just don't want to it certainly wouldn't ruin the game for me, but it's one of the things I liked about the series. More opportunities to interact with the other genin in general would be welcome as well.

It could be cool to have one of Chie's older siblings, aunts or uncles as a mentor to work on her combat and bloodline jutsu. I wrote Chie to be very family-oriented so it would make sense.

I also think Chie would (in the far future) make a great jonin mentor to the next generation. I think her temperament and medical skills (we all know how delicate genin are haha) would make her a good teacher. That may be too far out for our campaign, but that's another place where there could be fun stuff to explore.

Of course I also want to develop her relationship with Shizana and Akane as well, which I'm sure will happen naturally. If Akane ever shared about her mother, Chie would be the type of friend to dive into that mystery wholeheartedly. I see her as a support character both mechanically and in her relationships.

I don't really have any likes/dislikes in mind right now but I'll post here if I think of some!
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Old Aug 4th, 2023, 04:35 PM
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I'm glad you're excited to develop Chie other than just as a medic.

You'll definitely have more chances to interact directly with Daichi as the game progresses, and similarly to K-team, after you finish delivering the eggs he has a special treat for you all, and you can invest some time talking to him then.

I don't mind budding romance and intimate scenes in my games. I've been doing this a long time and have long since learned to make most NPCs pansexual until the story demands otherwise as my players decide who they're interested in or ship the NPCs. There's a list of other genin in the Shinobi Collector's Cards thread if you're interested.

The Inuzuki are a close knit clan so i think having a family member mentor also makes a lot of since especially when it comes to training Yumaru.

Just keep me apprised of what you're looking for and we'll work it out together.
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Old Oct 10th, 2023, 02:06 PM
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just for funsies
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pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
i have taken the oath of sangus
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Old Oct 18th, 2023, 01:46 PM
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Level 2 Log - Chie
Because Daichi-sensi is known for his defensive capabilities, when you level up, through his training you all get a +1 bonus to your max HP. This bonus may change over time.

Prof Bonus: +3 (no change)
Features: Channeled Healing +1, Tenets of Medicine - Transmuter
Jutsu: +1 Known Max D-Rank (Tunneling Fang)
HP: 4(average)+1(CON)+1(Daichi bonus)=6. Raise from 9 to 15 HP.
+200 ryo
Dice Chakra increase:
1d10+1 (7)+1 Total = 8

Level 2 Log - Yumaru
maximum hit points increases by half your proficiency bonus. (+1 HP)
I believe this is the only change this level. Wolf/dog summons gain additional features at level 4. Nin dogs gain additional features at level 3.

statblocks updated 11/20/2023
pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
i have taken the oath of sangus

Last edited by morgantha; Nov 20th, 2023 at 03:43 PM.
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Old May 17th, 2024, 12:31 PM
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Saving the details here so I remember:

For every rank of exhaustion, a creature has all of the
following statistics are reduced by 1, and for every two
ranks of exhaustion a creatures speed is reduced by 5;
• Armor Class
• Ability Checks
• Skill Checks
• Saving Throws
• Attack Rolls
• Damage Rolls
• Save DC’s
pronounsshe/they | status ♡ online mon & fri | charactersfen delllady salome marainuzuka chie
i have taken the oath of sangus
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Old May 17th, 2024, 06:04 PM
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I don't want a misunderstanding of the rules to stand in our way so if you want to swap out a jutsu so Chie or Yumaru could successfully use tunnelling fang, that's okay as long as it is a jutsu you haven't used yet.
Don't be afraid to use all the colors in the crayon box.
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