NPSG Graduates List - RPG Crossing
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Old May 15th, 2008, 09:35 PM
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The Ellimist The Ellimist is offline
Wandering Archmage
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The Ellimist The Ellimist The Ellimist
Posts: 4,170
NPSG Graduates List

This is a list of the individuals that have successfully completed their New Player Solo Games (NPSG) and have consented to have their name added to a list of graduates.

Note: Each graduate has completed a game under 1 system. Options for play have included the 3.5e, 4e, and 5e versions of D&D, as well as Pathfinder 1e, FATE, 13th Age, Call of Cthulhu, and Traveller.

If you are a graduate and are not on this list, please send hvg3 or zev a PM to get added. Thanks.

Graduates 1-200
  1. Sir MADMIKE
  2. Tram
  3. mizak
  4. SpyderV
  5. Dondero
  6. Enemus
  7. Rekal
  8. Adolfo
  9. PaintedBear
  10. oscar8563
  11. mesharack
  12. renton20
  13. Duke
  14. valar7
  15. XScorpion
  16. Mordiken
  17. MrsNo6
  18. vegetalss4
  19. DiamondDuge
  20. Mipe
  21. TheDazzler
  22. Rabas
  23. Quequeg
  24. supermonkeyman
  25. Madskillz
  26. roaddog41
  27. Battle Fries
  28. Einskaldir
  29. osmosisjones
  30. Kemsha
  31. DarkShadow
  32. SayyadinaAtreides
  33. Sylvar
  34. valdimere779
  35. Hanabi
  36. Drifter84
  37. Lindhrive
  38. Voltaire
  39. 2ndnature
  40. Darkstar
  41. Moonpaw
  42. kyo1259
  43. Sleuth
  44. Pierre
  45. SomeGuy788
  46. Denaila
  47. Malaki
  48. Ryoga
  49. Aynen
  50. Aurex
  51. VampyricAcid
  52. nevada
  53. dragontamer63
  54. Vaber
  55. Viny
  56. dhibidy30
  57. Preytor
  58. Qerps
  59. Brendus
  60. Kurokuwashu
  61. Prometheous100
  62. Generilisk
  63. Arbiter
  64. Abilena
  65. Barlycorn
  66. RonEB421
  67. MarcusGuaire
  69. DarkMemories
  70. Kesol
  71. locust
  72. Trollz
  73. shiroken
  74. Tangler
  75. Roo
  76. JonnyGulliver
  77. Dien
  78. Kal
  79. Nicodemis
  80. Laika
  81. Chucat
  82. Rythin
  83. revision297
  84. Leviathan987
  85. Hanuman
  86. flykiller
  87. DeerRunner
  88. markofaether
  89. stacyrenee
  90. Samildinach
  91. Nerull Necrophyte
  92. Undeed
  93. Aardvark
  94. WarlordVir
  95. Slaad
  96. peanut
  97. deathhead
  98. warmonger28
  99. dani20
  100. FlukeAirwalker
  101. mastermindsith
  102. FLETCH
  103. Xotes
  104. Shamad Conde
  105. Rikriel Rezier
  106. maxim123456789
  107. Toad`
  108. catspaw82
  109. mcl01
  110. cyranojoe
  111. Tahlon
  112. petrie40506
  113. editorblue
  114. Delos
  115. Rylt
  116. The Leprachaun
  117. Zenith Bane
  118. Reliq
  119. jerom
  120. StackingZerglings
  121. Necronlord
  122. Ragnardbard
  123. Magehunter
  124. Action Steve
  125. Majblitz
  126. breakdown1
  127. The Shadowmind
  128. yikes
  129. Ducky
  130. ballhog
  131. Arcanus
  132. Malikane
  133. gordie3000
  134. drag0nga1axy
  135. ByronBulb
  136. Thomas Stark
  137. Methil
  138. zoltansonojo
  139. wakslo
  140. Isenax
  141. Reynardine
  142. NEON725
  143. Lamanche
  144. Kemok
  145. Dallimar
  146. Kennyrules
  147. Talus Roben
  148. midfielder5
  149. raptor1189
  150. Lord Mordvig
  151. Cnvpdr
  152. bt33
  153. Kappa
  154. Athen
  155. Adorios
  156. Tharivol
  157. Hagakure
  158. valkor
  159. Aeternis
  160. Olorian
  161. Pip Boy
  162. Grifter
  163. Neanderthal
  164. Nurian
  165. Garbek
  166. Peter172
  167. Vucub
  168. Dar Kwan
  169. hasenpfeffer
  170. LegendaryJerry
  171. rpayne
  172. saintjiub
  173. Lina
  174. Zeppo007
  175. Zanderkov
  176. Citrus
  177. Akake Noki
  178. Chow
  179. macrorufus
  180. unknownmercury
  181. Valhen
  182. lbshaggy
  183. The G man
  184. notabaka
  185. Zerus45
  186. Anea
  187. Shomr
  188. Feint
  189. Archdaemon
  190. Ganish
  191. Shurakai
  192. Denorynn
  193. kingmonkey
  194. pinkbayou
  195. TerminusEst
  196. Alemar
  197. LuckyLukin
  198. BlackIvory
  199. Greyfox327
  200. sasquatch133

Last edited by zevonian; Sep 8th, 2021 at 02:37 PM.
Old Mar 4th, 2014, 09:52 PM
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zevonian zevonian is offline
137 NPSG Graduates
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Last Visit: Jan 23rd, 2025
RPXP: 48414
zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian
Posts: 41,247
Graduates 201-400
  1. apollo40108
  2. Dreamflight
  3. tristienm
  4. JacobHix
  5. Naelwyn
  6. Samulus
  7. Huhart
  8. snack
  9. TheGuitarhead
  10. Sid the Chicken
  11. Eldes
  12. DVRavenTsuki
  13. Mattheus
  14. silverjace
  15. Wargoose
  16. Yuul
  17. midevillw
  18. Clouddarkwood
  19. Latvius
  20. Cloudpiroth
  21. Chiscringle
  22. Herownick
  23. MasterMind007
  24. FONE
  25. subzero21601
  26. Wulferam
  27. Leviathan Risen
  28. argemmedon
  29. anailater
  30. JoeNotJoey
  31. Finder of Paths
  32. TheUltimateHammer
  33. Keairan
  34. Ankimo
  35. Dlovokonn
  36. Finch
  37. OingoBoingo
  38. Saberwolf13
  39. Titan
  40. blackakari
  41. BeowulfHinamo
  42. Felicia
  43. dramas4
  44. Stormbow
  45. heartsdarkness77
  46. Xris
  47. nandohostench
  48. Aerimorla
  49. D W
  50. Emory
  51. Bigkidleague
  52. AndyFM
  53. TheDarkTyphoon
  54. hallstadt
  55. eirefrance
  56. Baxter
  57. ssarn
  58. bulbaquil
  59. nightday
  60. aetherrose
  61. thuglife236
  62. Dungeon Monkey
  63. Barrowss
  64. Illya
  65. wapsi
  66. Colonel Crow
  67. Santos
  68. Kamica
  69. a1hamms
  70. TurboTom3000
  71. didiggy
  72. johnnytightlips
  73. DeathReaper
  74. Omegaa6977
  75. uvwtank
  76. sneakybastard
  77. Abdel
  78. Asakust
  79. DemonZypher
  80. biggjudicem
  81. Lynx372
  82. Coalesce
  83. Exiled
  84. Andy Nonimose
  85. Jocom
  86. larrent
  87. ManicMonky
  88. Blauf
  89. Jhaded
  90. Pyrate
  91. Arilyn
  92. Edolin
  93. Theodan
  94. Trequs
  95. Cruelcynic
  96. Shuji
  97. Cavuste
  98. Avonic
  99. Baileywulf
  100. MhBlis
  101. actuality
  102. Olympian
  103. Quantumus
  104. nhammen
  105. jjmp1994
  106. Thaenor
  107. mightymconeshot
  108. CRide
  109. dbaque
  110. Desfaire
  111. KerlanRayne
  112. BZmek
  113. Paul the Bald
  114. LeprousLeprechaun
  115. Dirk
  116. Corhunger
  117. Lorckan
  118. Tannershide
  119. atlaschapman
  120. b0mbtrack
  121. Wolf Bain
  122. FTAeagle
  123. JimRazor
  124. p1a2r3i4s5
  125. Jacques
  126. Milca604
  127. Quiet Desperation
  128. EmileAutouri
  129. iamruling2
  130. skateass
  131. cgoodman381
  132. Anonymousguy44
  133. PariahRat
  134. Glock
  135. iAsymptotic
  136. jm935
  137. MrD
  138. DarthNerdus
  139. Exopedia
  140. Megalodon
  141. Lazersetcetera
  142. Chunk
  143. FreeMA
  144. Daaad123
  145. Banemorth Surnok
  146. Ulfskar
  147. Bogard091
  148. bobonthenet
  149. Punkie
  150. Moonwhisper
  151. Junior
  152. Vane
  153. Mondego
  154. Thokk
  155. Gritpipe
  156. TheMystic
  157. Solitar
  158. Shadowmaim
  159. Bearmetal
  160. Dpete
  161. Fusionpro
  162. Natshikrak
  163. iwood2465
  164. Icarus434
  165. darthnsupreme
  166. Belkarius
  167. OzHawkRider
  168. Unforgiven
  169. TheNewGuy
  170. mailju02
  171. Achard
  172. TrewGamer1107
  173. RedMoon
  174. Weljtko
  175. Idarola
  176. pianoman90
  177. Lothlos
  178. Jaling
  179. Angel
  180. Arachobia
  181. horticulture
  182. Danierux
  183. Statutory Plum
  184. Faul
  185. Draycos Goldaryn
  186. Spakittles
  187. Azrael564
  188. Demian Rex
  189. Lolcrazy
  190. Cypher
  191. phinar
  192. vrpljbrwock
  193. KuFuPanda
  194. Apus Arvandulin
  195. Lord Ruthers
  196. negural
  197. SantaBaby
  198. Garl
  199. Chameleonman254
  200. Wandererdown
Old Mar 4th, 2014, 09:55 PM
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zevonian zevonian is offline
137 NPSG Graduates
User Statistics
Last Visit: Jan 23rd, 2025
RPXP: 48414
zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian
Posts: 41,247
Graduates 401-600
  1. Styphon
  2. Ianhh6
  3. goatmeal
  4. Eddas
  5. Oversimulated
  6. Elwood
  7. Roager
  8. baahk36
  9. RainbowMagicPen
  10. Klutch
  11. TheRukkus
  12. Colman
  13. moozuba
  14. CraftyCactus
  15. AgentWhite
  16. Revolutionist
  17. psepheroth
  18. CaptianJohnHawk
  19. mcvik
  20. Kannis
  21. Dorkus
  22. Togot
  23. Goliathus
  24. Zanep Lodes
  25. Nitsuk3
  26. Azyur3
  27. Chloroplasts
  28. derTroll
  29. dragontiers
  30. Thac0
  31. kaylara
  32. ColdBones
  33. Raylorne
  34. QuilledNinja
  35. Mifdog
  36. Garvin
  37. Izathel
  38. Debacle
  39. reaps321
  40. eternalwarrior
  41. Muttchops
  42. SolarDragon
  43. allan
  45. Coelubris
  46. JMgloveST
  47. UltraBlackone
  48. monalfie
  49. Thalin
  50. Rgavin11
  51. Justicar Creed
  52. unglued128
  53. Switcha
  54. Javk
  55. DanI
  56. Valfar666
  57. RyouMisaki
  58. StartTheTilt
  59. Sungmanitu
  60. Pyratani
  61. H2O
  62. Wolf173
  63. Hobson70
  64. Chiarra
  65. Lunar2
  66. Geldar
  67. Hiram
  68. AllThatIsGold
  69. Odin
  70. KrimblKrum
  71. Spizzow
  72. kwstarbuck
  73. Xaipher
  74. Neodragon315
  75. Avareth
  76. Totentanzen
  77. barachiel333
  78. Arete
  79. John Doe
  80. Belros
  81. Frannykins87
  82. Cenobar
  83. llothos
  84. Desrick
  85. Oldscience
  86. Adamah
  87. stobco
  88. Gnarlton
  89. UrbanizedKnave
  90. FirmHandshake
  91. Kiarmos
  92. JasperFox
  93. Ugadawg1121
  94. Valthiere
  95. Veridian
  96. Maiyr
  97. bgfnjk
  98. Cire of Concord
  99. ajacks01
  100. Docnoxin
  101. Yes Man
  102. Chchazz88
  103. espersanonymous
  104. Warlen
  105. Thorrum
  106. Aboleth
  107. dracina
  108. bigAl
  109. m149307
  110. Kilgore Trout
  111. kenardX
  112. Paerniel
  113. Lady Silvermist
  114. Choo Choo
  115. Dutchuy
  116. Ubernostrum
  117. RHagen
  118. darkfolly
  119. OutOfCuriousity
  120. Homestarbaby
  121. Ziether
  122. Redgre
  123. Enyalis
  124. Elrood
  125. Judugrovee
  126. crishloft
  127. Neqq
  128. Miri
  129. Damurack
  130. Fredrits
  131. LWAGNER
  132. Pitrim
  133. Anubis Moon
  134. lumisphere902
  135. Dynvusk
  136. Zaragorn
  137. Ceslas
  138. Kaji
  139. Spazztick
  140. Xasthur
  141. Gralkhan
  142. Zany
  143. Thom
  144. Nai
  145. Solid Minotaur
  146. cyphre187
  147. Ekendra
  148. coachjmcvay
  149. GEgor71
  150. Godrosen
  151. Kathmar
  152. TheOneTrueClone
  153. Sageheart
  154. koboldsDIE
  155. CAllensworth
  156. Velez
  157. Hypochondriac
  158. Schwarz
  159. Pseudonymous
  160. engineerwolf
  161. Skunknik
  162. DressedtoJazz
  163. Eyeoffcenter
  164. Ekrias
  165. Exhibit A
  166. eisuke
  167. JulianDelphiki
  168. PercyHux
  169. Vallesh
  170. Frye2387
  171. Kelsper
  172. Vex
  173. crshcymbl
  174. Ayeshalan
  175. jrice408
  176. Mister Bear
  177. Threadbear
  178. Aeosculap
  179. Graknar
  180. AvzinElkein
  181. Batty
  182. Jerkbucket
  183. Plodi
  184. lm44064
  185. Whitey
  186. Theore (Formerly dclpt0)
  187. Xildur
  188. Skybrew
  189. merman
  190. Keante
  191. MrNummi56
  192. Jerioke
  193. L Vogelsteigerski
  194. b0sc02
  195. Bmao
  196. Rikiar
  197. summerdruid
  198. jlj
  199. Zoorig
  200. TomSawyer

Last edited by Theore; Apr 19th, 2016 at 05:23 PM.
Old May 13th, 2015, 02:26 PM
zevonian's Avatar
zevonian zevonian is offline
137 NPSG Graduates
User Statistics
Last Visit: Jan 23rd, 2025
RPXP: 48414
zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian
Posts: 41,247
Graduates 601-800
  1. DeepWoodSniper
  2. nmgantz21
  3. Chuckx777
  4. Golden Gen
  5. Tojara
  6. separateunion
  7. Beki
  8. Osse
  9. BrassDragon
  10. Tora
  11. SenseiSoriel
  12. Roark13
  13. Oryhara
  14. aries04
  15. wwaeve
  16. Rosemary Red
  17. stepanxol
  18. Garies
  19. juikej
  20. Dakamin
  21. ascandalia
  22. Grayn
  23. Rhazbis
  24. McQuiggin
  25. Kygies
  26. Tein
  27. Krishnik
  28. TheHereticOracle
  29. Tony
  30. ckiser
  31. SigCorps
  32. Iroias
  33. wodine
  34. Cin7
  35. Vortexx
  36. Mezla
  37. IneptHero
  38. Bhelliom Rahl
  39. Spamthachb
  40. Coda
  41. Vanishingpoint
  42. Delgar
  43. Cloverlord
  44. Mariutti82
  45. captenredbeard
  46. Malakor
  47. WiznJimmy
  48. SouleaterX
  49. Yoshio
  50. mikeweasel
  51. etotheeyepie
  52. Tachikoma
  53. Longshot
  54. Xyandrow
  55. Jepu
  56. InstantD
  57. Aerith Bobman
  58. CraziFuzzy
  59. Kamen
  60. Manithro
  61. Balance
  62. Bluebolt77
  63. Fredyr
  64. rosscook
  65. Zoso
  66. Beychaliban
  67. Jim Faindel
  68. Dolbek
  69. D34THSPAWN
  70. Polyhedralbliss
  71. Blackfyre
  72. Rayvn2000
  73. Lykata
  74. Ritterton
  75. thewegger
  76. Firemuffin42
  77. Tisiphone
  78. GhostlyDaemon
  79. WizardLizard
  80. BBNikfaces
  81. KingoftheScots
  82. RogueAlchemist
  83. MonkeyCameron
  84. 4eyedBadger
  85. Quick Ben
  86. Jakyl
  87. Dragonkngt03
  88. gendernihilist
  89. Riyu
  90. CeLL
  91. DemoSquid
  92. Dragonsabin
  93. Sparty
  94. Volt875
  95. Malum
  96. Whiskey Tango
  97. itsDwindle
  98. Oddman80
  99. Framm18
  100. WorldPerfect
  101. Crummo
  102. Ducki
  103. Peachyco
  104. Goltron
  105. BlairMitch73
  106. gotha
  107. Shadwfirdrgn
  108. KevinB
  109. BlueJack
  110. BB 3
  111. Shaolindelt
  112. Lemonhead
  113. yeoj
  114. 37Hz
  115. Zrighano
  116. GreenSeer
  117. Sesostris
  118. GiraffeSound
  119. Someone Else
  120. Finnabar
  121. El Sijo
  122. Fatgunn
  123. StormBrew
  124. drake7223
  125. awkwardparakeet
  126. Eeni
  127. Katon
  128. mjb
  129. KuroiHanabi
  130. NewDimensions
  131. Sarthanix
  132. Prodigy
  133. Treyped
  134. Sparrowflight
  135. Deadup
  136. Atrien
  137. TheGreyWulf
  138. Deaths Avenger
  139. Argash
  140. NikUk
  141. Jedimage
  142. Gunthert
  143. McMechanism
  144. Creevy
  145. Ultrasealer
  146. DrSabek
  147. Bransen Garibond
  148. ajtateson
  149. Galabad
  150. quintangible
  151. Kaibis
  152. MechEBird
  153. Waynethor
  154. mrBumbry
  155. Jeswins
  156. Braxx
  157. flapdoodle
  158. lydklein
  159. pkeiter
  160. vortechs
  161. Dargos
  162. Edgardo
  163. Averill0
  164. JMarion
  165. BlaineSword
  166. Zubene
  167. Karhald
  168. UnmentionedLilac
  169. TheTwiztedJester
  170. Beppe63
  171. Gray0Ed
  172. Crashkane
  173. MarcusAmonodel
  174. Jhovias
  175. feltzbar
  176. redgigabyte
  177. Bunglespy
  178. Runestone525
  179. jamesf
  180. Lyric Flynn
  181. tomplum
  182. Bella Lightfoot
  183. RedWolf0214
  185. Headhachi
  186. Dominion
  187. Fake Roosevelt
  188. OmniPockets
  189. PurpleHDQ
  190. Wrathryder
  191. GMAnjis
  192. chri2m
  193. Telleron
  194. phames212
  195. phrozenflame
  196. WyrdForge
  197. LittleBlueNA
  198. samibb8
  199. fromthe1980s
  200. Gioia Gwynn

Last edited by zevonian; Feb 3rd, 2017 at 01:02 AM.
Old Jan 11th, 2017, 06:42 PM
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zevonian zevonian is offline
137 NPSG Graduates
User Statistics
Last Visit: Jan 23rd, 2025
RPXP: 48414
zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian zevonian
Posts: 41,247
Graduates 801-1000
  1. Cereal Nommer
  2. Raiun
  3. Smokefire12
  4. morgus
  5. Vasp
  6. Sumruv
  7. AxxroyTovu
  8. KalPurp
  9. Deer (AKA pow311)
  10. Seravok
  11. catfaceshrit
  12. Noisome Possum
  13. Xalos
  14. elaform
  15. Asilano
  16. downwarddawn
  17. secretID
  18. MrCeej
  19. SiroVai
  20. Silverfeathers
  21. Andrewmeda
  22. DialPforPickles
  23. Orgetorix
  24. Temptrack
  25. JaDeX105
  26. Jrokk
  27. numberQ
  28. rpgnpc
  29. Darkcrescent
  30. Skalter
  31. Super Zero
  32. gomad
  33. warmessen
  34. Pilgrim22
  35. decoy26
  36. Teufelhunde87
  37. yschnoe
  38. TankAlpha
  39. Anichea
  40. purplerook
  41. Algadon
  42. ClarkieP
  43. Kaladin
  44. Foibel
  45. Fadonsuded
  46. GrayMatter
  47. MrMaffy
  48. TheMagnificentGuy
  49. komischkoenig
  50. Neltymind
  51. matt lock
  52. Andor
  53. Zandramasa
  54. Auld
  55. Eourl Thorson
  56. Tad
  57. CtrAltZen
  58. Captain Sarcasm
  59. The Rat Queen
  60. SyntecticStorm
  61. Began772003
  62. Sirviantis
  63. novahritan
  64. CaptainRadio
  65. Bloodsimple
  66. Goingcrazy614
  67. Tjrez
  68. spacelord
  69. Lastcall
  70. VoiceOfMan
  71. BattlingBard
  72. JustcallmeArby
  73. Spinrad
  74. KAlderlead
  75. BrixNix
  76. VannyB
  77. Bacchus
  78. undearajib
  79. platypusllamas
  80. Opera
  81. Zinrokh
  82. Blanco The Black
  83. Velon
  84. Desknight
  85. Imveros
  86. Tharkun
  87. SaberDad
  88. Jeffkevlar
  89. Kulden
  90. Doctor Feelgood
  91. Kaelhound
  92. Nandiara
  93. Goblin Man
  94. Grinhelm
  95. GrimmOmen
  96. LindyMarine
  97. anfloga
  98. Rocscar
  99. g047br41n
  100. Krow Nest
  101. Atrayn
  102. cookieyummy
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