Characters Rahat, Centaur Forager Monk of the Way of Mercy - RPG Crossing
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Old Jun 5th, 2023, 01:01 PM
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Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen Kaigen
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Rahat, Centaur Forager Monk of the Way of Mercy

Character Sheet
Name Pronouns Race Class Subclass Epicurean
Rahat she/her Centaur Monk (3) Way of Mercy Forager (1)
Ability Scores
STR: 12 DEX: 16 CON: 12 INT: 10 WIS: 16 CHA: 9
Saving Throws
STR: +3 DEX: +5 CON: +1 INT: +0 WIS: +3 CHA: -1
HP: 21 AC: 16 Speed: 50 ft Ki: 3/3 Stamina: 2/3 Karma: 1/3
Skills: Athletics, Cunning, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Survival
Tools: Cartographer's Tools, Herbalism Kit, Land Vehicles, Ney (a kind of flute)
Dishes: Mulukhiyah
Attack To Hit Damage
Unarmed Strike (fist) +5 1d4+3
Unarmed Strike (hooves) +5 1d6+3
Secret Arts
Survivalist Whenever Rahat harvests materials from plants she's guaranteed to collect a number of parts in perfect condition equal to her profession tier.

Inventory: Electrum ankh pendant, ney, a crude map of Rouge, Traveler's Clothes (Anhketakhnas style), Merciful Mask (black jackal), Traveler's Clothes (Rouge style), Explorer's Pack, Tent (technically two-person, but really just Rahat-sized), (Saddle) Blanket, Pack saddle, Saddlebags, (Coin) Pouch

Healer's Kit, Herbalism Kit, Shovel, Cartographer's Tools, Stew Kit, Frying Kit, Hourglass, Book, Ink, Ink Pen

1 gold sovereigns, 9 silver pieces, 8 copper pieces

Ingredients: One bushel of valleyspice lilies, including one perfect specimen, one pound snoozberries, one pound perfect snoozberries

Appearance: Rahat is a Centaur from Anhketakhnas. At 6'9", she towers over most other humanoids, which, combined with her black jackal mask and penchant for loose, cowled clothing, can sometimes give her an imposing appearance. Her horse body and skin have the same reddish-brown coloration, her tail and the hair on her head are black, and her humanoid body resembles that of an elf's, including pointed ears and angular features.

Last edited by Kaigen; Oct 17th, 2024 at 10:58 AM. Reason: Snoozberry take
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Old Jun 7th, 2023, 12:12 PM
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Background vignettes
The Sultana's SeatIt is customary for the Sultana to make a tour of the nomadic clans who serve her, both to renew and strength the bonds of fealty, and to allow her to stay current on their daily lives and concerns. On her most recent visit with the Serpent Clan, Rahat was chosen to bear the Sultana on her back as she traveled with them. It was a tremendous honor, even though it transpired that the Sultana has a bony butt, not that Rahat would have dared to say that to anyone, even when asked what it was like by her peers.

It was striking to Rahat how little the Sultana said, and how much she listened, as Rahat bore her around their tents and carried her over the dunes, and as various petitioners brought her their concerns. It was easy to imagine her as someone accustomed to having her own way to and to issuing orders, but the only person she really gave orders to was Rahat, and that was only to take her to one place or another. Granted, it helped that others from the tribe were constantly alert to meeting her other needs. Beyond that, the Sultana said very little to Rahat at all.

When her visit reached its conclusion, however, the Sultana did personally thank Rahat for serving as her seat by presenting her with an ankh pendant. "This ankh represents my wish for your good health and long life," the Sultana said solemnly. "It is also a reminder of the oaths you have taken along the Way of Mercy and the duties you have assumed therefrom. Let it also be a mirror, within which you may examine the truth of yourself unflinching." Rahat still wears the pendant proudly, even beyond the sands of Anhketakhnas.

The Serpent's TongueOne of Rahat's fellow initiates in the Way of Mercy, a Lamia named Tahmeen, seemed to have an irrational dislike for her. When they trained together, Tahmeen's manner was cold. When they competed, she was irked by defeat and unsatisfied with victory. Rahat's olive branches were rebuffed, over and over, and she resigned herself that she could neither understand nor resolve Tahmeen's antipathy.

One night, as Rahat was practicing her ney at the edge of camp (she was still not very good and wanted to inflict as little pain on the others' ears as possible), Tahmeen approached her and said, "You, come with me, I would speak at you." Bemused, Rahat followed, wondering what this was all about. When they were out of earshot of camp, Tahmeen whirled about, rose up to her full height (still half a head shorter than Rahat's), and launched into a tirade without preamble. "Your very existence frustrates me. You are a plague on my thoughts from morning to night. You excel at your training, and so I am forced to train even harder just to try to reach your level, and you don't even have the grace to acknowledge that."

Taken aback, Rahat sidestepped slightly down the dune, placing her head at the same height as Tahmeen's, allowing her to look her directly in the eyes. "Why do you need to be on my level? What would you do if you found yourself there?"

Without a word, Tahmeen grabbed Rahat by the face and kissed her full on the mouth. Rahat's eyes widened with surprise, even as her heart jumped in her chest. It was her first kiss, so she did not have a point of comparison, but it seemed to her that Tahmeen was very good at it indeed.

"That," Tahmeen said when she broke the kiss. And then she turned about and slithered her way back towards camp. "And now that I have done it, perhaps I shall know some peace." she called over her shoulder. Rahat just watched her leave, touching her lips with her fingers, asking herself if that had, in fact, just happened.

Last edited by Kaigen; Jun 7th, 2023 at 01:09 PM.
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