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Old Oct 18th, 2023, 12:45 AM
mightymconeshot mightymconeshot is offline
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Well I am going to throw in a Super Mutant when I get a chance. Wife is down sick so taking care of the house is down to me.
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Old Oct 18th, 2023, 02:50 PM
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Acathala, other than vault 111, anything is fine. just explain why you joined the minutemen
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Old Oct 18th, 2023, 11:44 PM
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Tom the MutantApplication

Name: Tom
Origin Super Mutant (leaning Skirmisher but maybe Brute)
Gender Male technically
Age Tom forgot

Personality Tom is a big child trapped in the hulk's body. He isn't especially vicious most of the time, but he has never quite gotten a handle on his strength. Of course if you threaten his team or Da Boss, well best run for your vault. He likes to argue about things in good humor like small kids do, but it seems a whole lot more threatening coming from a 7 foot tall green mutant than a 8 year old. The one thing he can seem to agree on with anyone is that there isn't enough to eat. Also, nuke-cola is pretty tasty especially after soaking in a cooled rad pool for a night or two.

Physical descriptionTom is a typical Super Mutant. Big tall, constantly hungry and covered in knocked together armor. He never really changes out of it, doesn't bath until ordered to by Da Boss, and basically spends his time eating, finding things to eat, or killing things for the Minute Men to get paid to go buy food to eat. He carries everything around in a modified shopping cart strapped bandolier style to his back. He plods along with quiet focus broken by brief periods of mindless screaming rage when something bad appears.

Backstory Tom was a stereotypical super mutant before ending up in the Minute Men. Raider, Cannibal, Scavenger. He would wander the wasteland bouncing from group to group looking for a steady meal and entertainment. Well he was searching for food, his party came across a sealed bunker door. Deciding that there must be good eats inside, they proceeded to force their way inside. From there it was downhill. An old military bunker with a leaky reactor, instead of easy prey they found dozens upon dozens of ghouls, robots, and military turrets. One by one the mutants died until at last Tom is the only one who managed to crawl to the surface and away safely.

Laying on the side of the road with ghoul bites and a shot leg, he assumed that was the end of his life. He could barely walk and unless whatever attacked him was going to walk up and let themselves get smacked by his board, here is where he would die. For whatever reason a passing Minutemen patrol happened across him and instead of issuing the customary laser shot between the eyes, they tossed him a a couple cans of dog food and a bottle of dirty water before continuing on their way. Being able to basically regenerate from any wound, it only took a few days for Tom to be back on his feet again looking as good as new. Deciding that maybe the humans weren't as weak as they seemed, he wandered in the general direction the patrol had taken. Walking up to the outpost he found, he found the same kind strangers that had feed him and convinced them that he wanted to enlist.

A few months later, he was sporting an official minutemen badge smashing his former kin in the name of freedom in exchange for meals and a bed to slip on. Many still give him looks and insults, but it is still a safer existence then he was used to.


Skills- Melee, Big Guns, Survival
Perk- Slayer
Life is busy. Posting when possible.

Last edited by mightymconeshot; Oct 20th, 2023 at 11:18 PM.
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Old Oct 19th, 2023, 01:27 AM
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Name: Monique Lucas
Origin: Trader
Gender: Female
Age: 25

Personality: Monique is gifted in communication, not only knowing what to say and when to say it, but also in getting people to open up in the first place. Not so much a fast-talker or conman, but more empathic in her talk and mannerisms. She just seems like someone you can tell your problems to, a soothing and confident ear to bend.

For someone so good at talking, she doesn't really give much away about herself, especially to those she doesn't know. She may be an empathic person, but she's seen a lot on the road, and she's no dummy. She knows not everyone is her friend, and even those who are can be a liability. She has a knack for getting close to people while keeping them at arm's length. Life is too cheap in the Wasteland to get too close; those who she's known for a long time may eventually become truly close to her, and those people have earned a staunch ally and tireless supporter.

She's not jaded, especially compared to many others around her...she's just tired, physically and emotionally exhausted. Still, she'll always manage to make time for someone who needs her. She figures she'll get plenty of rest when she's dead. In the modern world, that's likely to come sooner rather than later.

Physical description: Pretty, but tough. She wears her mid-length brunette hair loose most of the time, and tries to keep it somewhat clean and manageable. Her brown eyes are soft and engaging until she feels threatened or angry, which causes them to harden into dark steel, doors slammed shut on the window to her soul.

She has a reinforced leather vest to provide protection to her torso, and dresses in durable clothing suitable for travel: light shirt, sturdy pants, comfortable boots. She has a lined bomber jacket that has seen better days she can throw on depending on the weather and conditions. Most of her clothes show signs of skilled repair.

She also keeps a nice set of clothing packed away for more formal, diplomatic meetings: nice dress and matching fedora and set of carefully-brushed high heels. Monique's demeanor seems to change when she's cleaned up, bringing out her smile and straightening her spine. She tends to radiate simple elegance and suave confidence.

Backstory: Back before the war, Monique's ancestors were members of the Massachusetts Preppers, a survivalist group formed during the Cold War of the 20th century who focused more on resource and preparation than combat and survival skills, though survival skills were learned as well. Thus, they were in better position than most who were not able to enter a Vault to survive the ravages of war and Armageddon. Once the worst was over, the group was well dug in, with an abundance of supplies and a loose communications network already in place.

Eventually, the Preppers and other like-minded groups found each other and began setting up trade routes and mutual protection pacts. The pacts were more nominal than anything, as trouble came fast and the groups were too far apart to respond quickly, but it served well as an agreement to cooperate...or at least not attack each other. The trade routes were generally more successful, though the routes were fraught with danger, requiring a mixture of courage, toughness, luck, and business savvy. Still, it was a step toward rebuilding society.

In time, the Preppers became defunct, with the members becoming absorbed into larger communities set up in the old cities, where radiation was not as constant a danger. The Lucas', Monique's family, wound up settling in the Commonwealth near Boston. Monique kept up the family business, though, braving the threats both inside and outside the city to keep the supply and trade flowing. She was a natural fit for the Minutemen, who excel at diplomacy with other settlements. They know what people need and how to get it for them. Monique acts as part trader, part diplomat, in the interest of the Minutemen, the Commonwealth, and a growing list of allies.

Strength: 4
Perception: 6
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 5
Luck: 6

Athletics STR -
*Barter CHA 6
Big Guns END -
Energy Weapons PER -
Explosives PER -
Lockpick PER -
Medicine INT -
Melee Weapons STR -
Pilot PER -
Repair INT 3
Science INT -
Small Guns AGI 3
Sneak AGI -
*Speech CHA 6
*Survival END 3
Throwing AGI -
Unarmed STR -

Traits and Perks:
GIFTED: Choose two S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and increase them by +1 each. Your maximum number of Luck points is one fewer than your Luck attribute.
SMOOTH TALKER Ranks: 1 Requirements: CHA 6 When you make a Barter or Speech test as part of an opposed test, you may re-roll 1d20.

Tough clothing
A leather armor chest piece
A pipe gun, with 8 +4 CD rounds of .38 caliber ammunition
One personal trinket Wares: Roll 3 times each on the Random Ammunition table (p.200), Random Chem table (p.204), and Random Oddities and Valuables table (p.207)
A pack brahmin (see Brahmin, p.341)
50 +2d20 caps
Formal hat
Formal clothing
x2 purified water
x1 iguana on a stick
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Oct 19th, 2023 at 01:45 AM.
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Old Oct 19th, 2023, 05:53 PM
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Hello Rat Queen! I know you by reputation though I don’t think we played together yet. Is your origin survivor trader? Your background suggests so.
Quia iocari libet mihi
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Old Oct 19th, 2023, 07:02 PM
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Hi Acathala!

My "reputation", eh? Whatever they said, it's a dirty Unless it was good, in which case it's totally true!lie!

Yep, I just put "Trader" without the Survivor part, mainly cause "Survivor Trader" sounded weird to me for some reason.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
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Old Oct 19th, 2023, 09:21 PM
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So you didn’t invent time travel, and went back into the past, to be the second gunman on the grassy knoll, just to mess with everyone then?

You could always put either trader or survivor in brackets, if that makes it less weird, but I’m not your boss, just a friendly stranger online.
Quia iocari libet mihi
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Old Oct 19th, 2023, 10:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Acathala View Post
So you didn’t invent time travel, and went back into the past, to be the second gunman on the grassy knoll, just to mess with everyone then?
I can neither confirm nor deny that.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
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Old Oct 21st, 2023, 05:39 PM
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I’m hoping to finish up my friendly neighbourhood ghoul sniper later on. That would take us up to three apps. Four if Jason finishes his. I know you’re looking for 6-8 players, but would you run the game with less?
Quia iocari libet mihi
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Old Oct 21st, 2023, 06:23 PM
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yes i would, but we still have nine days before the deadline. plenty of time for more applicants
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Old Oct 21st, 2023, 07:20 PM
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I'll try and finish mine today. Just been a hectic week.
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Old Oct 21st, 2023, 07:24 PM
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i should mention that there is a story thread where your characters can interact as they travel,on the road to concord. its meant as a way for you to get a feel for your characters and establish relationships with each other before the game begins since you all know each other. the link is in the advertisement if you didn't se it
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Old Oct 28th, 2023, 02:57 PM
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Hey, you still looking for players? If so, I’d love to be a Mr Handy or other robot
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Old Oct 28th, 2023, 04:40 PM
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yup, applications are open until the 31st
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Old Oct 29th, 2023, 01:24 AM
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Application: Shepherd
right-aligned image
Name: Shepherd (Real Name: Jeff Stone)
Origin: Survivor Mercenary
Gender: Male
Age: 30

Personality: Jeff is quiet, always watching what is going on and calculating what should be said, if anything. He has seen many who brag and boast but then did not deliver on their claims of greatness. He has seen those who shot their mouths off only to get shot when they said too much. But, if you strike up a conversation about weapon mods with him, then it might be hard to get him to stop talking about the detailed specifics of engineering. In general, Jeff is humble and very easy to get along with even if he is not very relational.

Physical description: Jeff looks rough and weathered from his years working as a mercenary. It is easy to recognize him as he walks into the room, because he will be wearing a cowboy hat, leather boot, some tough western clothes and a leather vest. He carries a .44 pistol strapped to his right leg, a machete hanging on his left side, and a multi-tool tucked away in the back. He keeps is brown hair short except for his mustache with seems to have a life of its own.

Backstory: Jeff grew up in Texas working cattle and when he was old enough, decided to become a mercenary to see the world. He was always reading books or taking things apart to see how they worked and loves working with his hands. He worked his way up north where the weather was much cooler, but now it was time to settle down. While he is still handy with a pistol, he wants to contribute to a settlement by working with his hands, whether or be on fixing equipment, upgrading weapons, or mending people.

Over the years, Jeff has picked up the nickname of Shepherd because he likes taking care of the settlement he considers to be family.




I haven't played Fallout 4 before, nor do I have any of the source materials for the game, but I do like the concept. I am attempting to focus on an engineer/healer type of character.Note
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Last edited by Kenjitsu; Oct 31st, 2023 at 03:14 PM.
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