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Old Oct 31st, 2018, 05:07 PM
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Congrats everyone! That's some good apps there in that short list.
Posting Status: Good - Average | If a post is needed from me either as a DM/GM or a player, please PM me.
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Old Oct 31st, 2018, 07:08 PM
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Congratulations to you who got in. I really liked jbear's DMing style from what little I read. Have fun

Also, you can count on Tiffa if you ever need her to fill in a spot.

"arE yoU ReAdy To PlaY a GaMe?"
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Old Oct 31st, 2018, 07:11 PM
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Congrats all...Trixy is sitting at a bar nursing her wounded ego and insulting you mercilessly.
Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.
I have taken The Oath of Sangus
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.
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Old Oct 31st, 2018, 08:43 PM
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Congrats and have fun, guys!
Tired of the grind yet?
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Old Oct 31st, 2018, 11:30 PM
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Let me know if something opens
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Old Oct 28th, 2023, 08:26 PM
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Recruitment BACK OPENI am looking for 1 PLAYER to join the campaign which has been going on for over 5 years now. As soon as I see an application that I am happy to accept I will announce a 1 week application deadline in this thread.

What I am looking for
  • A player I can rely on to stick it out to the end
  • A character that can slot into the campaign swiftly with strong connections to the plot

Our pace is one post a week.

Commitment to a long-term game is however what I'm most interested in. This naturally puts newer players to the site at a disadvantage, as you have no track record for me to look into, but I will give all applications thoughtful consideration.

Best Potential Hooks to Join the Campaign
  • The DEATH CURSE affects your most loved one > you seek its end and your investigations have led you to Chult
  • A boat arrives from Baldur's Gate in 3 days > PCs have an agreement with the Lord's Alliance to use this boat
  • Pirates plague the coast and have hampered PC's progress at every step > PCs seek retribution and an end to their meddling
  • Thayan Wizards have murdered former party members and raised them as undead peons which the party had to kill. The Red Wizards' presence here in Chult must be no coincidence > they must seek the source of the Death Curse for their own purposes
  • Merchant Princess Kwayothé seems to be working with the Red Wizards, and may have made two underhanded attempts on the party's lives. Kwayothé seems to be in direct competition with Princess Jessamine, the party's patron who has funded their upcoming expedition into the jungle
  • Merchant Princess Zhanti has summoned the group to explain why they killed her son, Shago whose will was dominated by a vile sorceress, Xandala, who murdered one of the party in their first foray into the jungle in an attempt to steal the Ring of Winter from the man the party sought for information, Artus Cimber.

    Here is a link to the Game Thread. Doing your homework to come up with a strong hook into the game will likely be rewarded. (as this will obviously tell me you are actually genuinely interested and willing to put in the effort that a Hall of Fame game deserves)

Current Party Composition - Lvl 5Tabaxi Fighter
Gnome Wizard
Yuan Ti Sorceror
Half Elf Warlock
Warforged Barbarian

Your Starting Level will be Level 5
Use point buy and starting gear as per PHB but with 300 extra starting gold
Any published material is fine
I will give the chosen character a single magic item that I believe will mesh well with your backstory

A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!

Last edited by jbear; Oct 30th, 2023 at 08:36 PM.
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Old Oct 29th, 2023, 11:21 PM
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Name: Jarik
right-aligned image

Race: Half-elf
Class: Bard Collage of Whispers

Background: Spy
Personality Traits: 1)I have a habit of listening of others conversations.
2) I always check for escape routes.
Flaw: I've worn so many disguises, I've lost sight of who I truly am.
Ideal: Contract: The information is bound to the person who hires me, no one else may see it.
Bond: 1) I fell in love with someone I was spying on.
2) I had some colleagues in a spy ring I used to be a part of that I trade information with from time to time.

Backstory: Jarik began his adventuring journey as a simple traveling bard. Like most bards, the half-elf soon found himself getting to know many people, learning about different places that he may want to visit. Being the curious man he is, he could not help but follow to the stories of the patrons of the many taverns.

One such journey, Jarik found himself in a tavern at Port Nyanzaru. The bard, was doing one of his nightly performances, not really pay attention to who may be listening to him play his violin. As bards went, he was fairly average. The half-elf over heard some interesting conversations that night. One in particular happened to be between a few agents of the Ypteka Society. The agents were talking about a group of pirates that needed to be taken care of. Unfortunately for Jarik, the pair of agents noticed him listening in. The performance was quickly cut short.

After a brief chase, Jarik was brought in for questioning thinking he was a spy against the organization. It was at that moment his life changed. He was given a new purpose. Trained and employed to be a spy for Zhanti. Although Jarik was a lower level agent, he was still proven useful in being the eyes and ears of the Ypteka Society, always on the lookout for potential pirates that wish to step into he territory.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Playing- Amari the Elven Bard, Jarik the Human Rogue, Harmony the Tiefling Warlock

Last edited by Cheshire; Oct 30th, 2023 at 11:05 PM.
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Old Oct 30th, 2023, 03:51 PM
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Posting interest! Get the feeling competition is gonna be cutthroat for getting into this game.

Application Complete!

ApplicationName: Kendak Flotsam
Race: Human
Class: Druid (Circle of Spores)
Background: Folk Hero

Description: Kendak is a wiry man of average height with long brown hair usually kept in an elaborate braid. His skin is lightly tanned, his hands calloused and dirty, and his eyes a strange icy blue. His travel attire is very simple. A deep green cloak over plain tunic and pants, with boots heavily worn and splattered with all sorts of wild life. He brandishes a walking stick taller than himself and topped with a spiraling staircase of mushrooms. Almost looking like an oddly spongy spear. His whole person wafts an odor of salt, soil, and... ripe fruit?



ChildhoodKendak's strongest childhood memory was drawing a walking mountain in a corner of the tiny shack he and his parents grew up in. The place stank of salt and wood rot.

His mother and father, Emmey and Heward, were wonderful. His mother had some little game or task that he could help with. Going to market, collecting herbs outside of town, stealing the occasional fish or day-old bread loaf, or finding him some bit of charcoal or chalk to doodle with. And his father taught him whatever he knew in his time as a soldier. Knots, stiches, first aid, using a dagger, repairs around their sea-side shanty so it didn't crumble into salt. Even losing three fingers on his good hand didn't stop him from doing what he could to keep their home standing. There were cold nights, muggy summers, and many terrifying sounds in the night that made it seem like the roof was finally falling in. Yet it never did. Despite it all, he was happy.

Then came the ghosts.

The earliest one Ken could recall was the white shadow of a man-shaped thing all covered in bumps. He'd later learn it was the body of a man who had been keelhauled. It just... stood there. A perfectly white outline against the other run-down shacks of the wharf that everyone didn't notice. It looked in his direction and reached out. He spent the rest of the day choking on his tears, hiding under the dining table. As he grew older he saw them more and more. More defined. More animal shapes started appearing. Whenever he talked about these ghosts with anyone else they called him crazy or touched. No doubt from living in the Wharf, where who-knows-what goes on. Save for his parents, he had next to no friends.
The only other person was Ubada, a Half-Orc that ran the church of Talos his father volunteered at. The softest Orc he'd ever met, but had a voice so loud and so passionate it almost could drive out the drafts from the ramshackle church. He was also the only person that believed him when he told him about the spirits, thinking that he might be touched by the Divine! "Give it time, boy." He told him. "No doubt things will become clearer when you're of-age."

AwakeningOn the way to the church with his father, there was a group of Orcs and Half-Orcs standing outside. Speaking, yelling more like, with Ubada. He heard 'war band' before he was yanked into an alleyway by his Dad. The shouting was drawing a lot of attention and only drawing more eyes by the minute. Seemed like there was some real bad blood between them all and they weren't thrilled about Ubada still being alive. Weapons were being drawn, torches lit. Then the one doing the most shouting barked,

"Torch it all!"

Fire went up into the air in a slow arc, flipping end over end, aimed towards all the other buildings that weren't the church. Kendak saw this, screamed, and ran towards the crowd. A sudden gust of sea air blew overhead, throwing the torches into the crowd and the streets. Narrowly missing the buildings. Everyone looked around in amazement. Ubada laughed. "Y'see Krek?! Talos is keepin' this place whole. Standing! An' you'd be wise to-"


Fire arrows this time. And with the run-down buildings in this part of town, riddled with salt, they were going up fast. Ken stood stunned, seeing homes become bonfires so very quickly. He just stared in disbelief, tears stinging his eyes. With his focus on one building, he saw them again. The ghosts! There were lots of them now! Human and animal and... something else he didn't recognize. All looking at him. Without thinking, he screamed,


The ethereal crowd nodded. A few went into the first burning building. Then others filed into the ignited homes. Soon, the fires winked out. Vanished. The Orcs whipped their heads around, looking for the sorry bastard who had helped put out the fires they worked hard to start, even as the townsfolk scrambled to douse them with buckets of water and dirt. Then another fire winked out. Then another. Before they could all be put out, Heward scooped up his son and ran. Just as the Orc band gave chase. Heward still had his conditioning as a soldier, but he couldn't run forever. Ken watched from his shoulder as the greenskins were drawing arrows and taking running shots at them. A couple got dangerously close to landing. Not knowing what to do, and seeing something so terrifying as those dangerous fighters, he screamed in a panic,


More of those ghostly figures appeared from nothing, standing in a line in the street. They all bent down and began to strain lifting something up. The street cracked and rumbled, splitting open as thick brown roots shot up and ensnared the warband. Tripping up a good number of them with only a couple managing to slip out completely. They were a tangled mass only briefly, but it was long enough to get away. Long enough for the town watch to finally arrive with weapons of their own and chase off the warband, headed by Ubada.

Story HookThat encounter was 20 years ago.

Since that incident, Kendak had studied whatever he could to learn about his powers. It wouldn't be until he met his mentor, Gornam, that he'd learn his powers came from nature. The world around him. Or possibly some place far beyond. In that time he learned a great deal about his abilities and communing with the spirits that looked to him. Having gained some notoriety in that time for minor deeds done here and there to grow his powers.

Notice enough to catch the eye of a recruiter for the Lord's Alliance. His first trip into the sprawling metropolis that was Baldur's Gate ended with him being noticed for his naturalistic magic, and asking for his aid in an expedition. Something about a growing illness that was not only raising the dead, but keeping their bodies from being renewed. The churches are hard at work but so far have had little success. They were even offering him a hefty sign-on bonus! He swiftly agreed and sent much of that bonus to his parents, knowing that would keep them comfortable in their new home for a good while longer.

He was now bound for a land called Chult. Only having some idea of the goings-on, but determined to put a halt to the horrendous abuse of natural life.

My Get To Know A Gamer thread is up! Ask me things! | My collection of niche/uncommon characters! | The post that netted me 10k RPXP!
The RNG gods favor those that roleplay well.

Last edited by Tyeal; Nov 7th, 2023 at 01:58 AM.
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Old Oct 30th, 2023, 04:20 PM
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If people want to float ideas for the game connection to me I can direct you to the relevant pages so you can research more efficiently. So let me know.

A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!
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Old Oct 30th, 2023, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by jbear View Post
If people want to float ideas for the game connection to me I can direct you to the relevant pages so you can research more efficiently. So let me know.
I'm looking at a Half-Orc Cleric for the Godess of Hearth and Family. With a Domain of Life (Healing)
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Old Oct 30th, 2023, 06:59 PM
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Azathool's Application
Name: (The Leatherman”)
Race: Custom Lineage (Elf/Drow)
Class: Artificer | Armoror
Background: Urban Bounty Hunter

Trait 1: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
Trait 2: The world is a puzzle to be solved tactically.
Ideal: Honor. I don’t steal from others in the trade, either their wealth or marks.
Bond: Bound to each contract, I will complete it to the letter.
Flaw: I am callous about death. It comes to us all eventually.

Born with a name purposefully long forgotten, Coriarius had not seen sunlight for the first two decades of his life, born in the Underdark to a now dead minor house. Third male to a crafting family, he hated them and hated their craft, that of smelting the base adamantine using a lightning arc furnace. His small size and strength, distaste for the dwarven slaves the family abused and the drow's chaotic view of life within the Underworld was distasteful, but he had sworn an oath to his family, and he kept his promises, unlike most of his kin.

The day their compound was over-run by two rival clans and the forge was destroyed with him underneath was the day his life changed forever. The forge explosion burned his skin, his body, and his mind, the lightning arcing through his body, the larger explosion causing catastrophic damage to the compound and being the destruction of his clan. Unconscious he lay dying for a day, waking to pain, pain endured to this day, over a century later.

That day he wrapped himself in leather, binding skin to flesh and forever left the Underdark, his family dead, his life forfeit if discovered, his way forward now to find a new life with new promises.

Hook into Game
Leatherman is a renowned bounty hunter and investigator, and has been hired to find the curses cure using whatever means necessary. Leatherman doesn’t really care who hired him, as long as the terms of the contract are acceptable.

Leatherman shook the proffered hand.
"The deal is sealed wizard, the contract is binding."
He would find the cure, whatever it took.

right-aligned image

Standing at five feet tall, thin and wiry, Leartherman is covered from his head to his toes in thick black leather "armor", although a second skin would be a better term, as few people alive have seen him "in the flesh" so to speak. The armour does indeed move like a second skin, no gaps or cracks, no "baggy bits", like it has grown on him.

Occasionally he will pull back gloves or "helmet", the flesh underneath terribly scarred and twisted, you surmise from the looks of the damage by a terrible heat. It is difficult to tell which humanoid race he is but you suspect Elven, possibly Drow.

A leather covered shield is slung on his back, and if you look closely his right arm has a blue gem-like node embedded at the wrist where it meets his palm.

On his belt several pouches reside, else he usually carries little.

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Old Oct 30th, 2023, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Cardassian View Post
I'm looking at a Half-Orc Cleric for the Godess of Hearth and Family. With a Domain of Life (Healing)
Hey Cardassian,

Sorry if I was unclear. I meant storywise, if you have a campaign hook idea for your character then toss it out and I will bounce back a response and if appropriate, link a page of the campaign that may help your idea.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!
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Old Oct 30th, 2023, 08:01 PM
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UPDATEUnfortunately, I have had another player leave the campaign. So I am now looking for a second replacement. So scratch the Warforged Barbarian from the current party members.

Azathool's application would have set off the 'when I get one application I am happy with I will set a week deadline' clause. But that will now be extended to 'when I get 2 applications I am happy with.'

Great app Azathool. Amazing effort - I will pm you about a question I have when I get a moment.
A LIVE Spelljammer 5e campaign: Astral Agents in Boats! Join our INC agents: Wynamoinen, Vislands and AnotherDragoon (and me as your friendly ratbasterd GM)!
Episodes 1-12 based on the free D&D Beyond adventure "Spelljammer Academy" available here: Come aboard!

Last edited by jbear; Oct 30th, 2023 at 08:36 PM.
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Old Oct 30th, 2023, 11:06 PM
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My application has been updated and ready for review. Let me know if there is anything I need to change/add. Thank you.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
Playing- Amari the Elven Bard, Jarik the Human Rogue, Harmony the Tiefling Warlock
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Old Oct 31st, 2023, 01:17 AM
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Miiiiiiight have gone overboard with writing up his backstory... Tends to happen when I have 'Classical Music for When You’re on a Deadline' playing.

Anyway! App's finished!
My Get To Know A Gamer thread is up! Ask me things! | My collection of niche/uncommon characters! | The post that netted me 10k RPXP!
The RNG gods favor those that roleplay well.

Last edited by Tyeal; Oct 31st, 2023 at 01:17 AM.
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