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Old Mar 3rd, 2020, 11:36 PM
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Active Character List

List of Characters that are Active in this Game.

Alemar Ehren Barbarian Zealot / Rogue
Grouchy Brother Hamen Monk Way of the Sun Soul
Azathool Brother Aster Life Cleric / Druid Stars
penbeast0 Jeck Evocation Wizard
Berith Zaur Genie Warlock
Posting Status: - Slow | RL issues have my online time limited for next few days.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Sep 23rd, 2024 at 05:30 PM.
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Old Mar 7th, 2020, 05:07 PM
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Apr 21st, 2022 at 07:07 PM.
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Old Mar 7th, 2020, 07:01 PM
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jun 25th, 2023 at 04:24 PM.
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Old Mar 28th, 2021, 07:20 AM
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Player dropped from game.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jun 27th, 2021 at 08:19 PM.
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Old Apr 14th, 2021, 09:40 PM
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10-8: I've been out of town for a few days helping family prepare and evacuate from Milton and was out of communication. Sorry to be so flaky lately, but these storms have caused a lot of upheaval. I'll be home and catching up tonight.

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Apr 15th, 2024 at 05:39 PM.
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Old Apr 15th, 2021, 10:55 AM
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Character Name: Charity Fairbreeze
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Oath of Devotion Paladin

Description: A thin yet sturdy frame holds the weight of the world. While there are hints that she once was supple and firm, weeks of near constant starvation and beatings have taken much of Charity's fat, leaving a muscular husk of a woman hungry for more than just food, she wants revenge!

Personality: A Woman of fiery hair, and fiery demeanor, She can be soft and good natured to those who follow the paths of order and goodness. Used to working with others to meet the goals of her Order, Charity will often allow others to have their way in conflicts, so long as the ends align with her. If not? Then she can be stubborn and hard-headed in her singular devotion to her causes.

Custom Background (Folk Hero)
Trait #1 I judge other's character on their actions, not their words
Trait #2 I am confident in my own abilities; after all, I'm still here aren't I?
Ideal Material goods come and go, but the Order prevails forever! (Charlatan)
Bond Despite my torture, I will still do anything to protect the Order of the Gauntlet (Acolyte)
Flaw I can be jealous of those that outshine me, everywhere I go I am surrounded by potential Rivals (Merchant)
Defining Event (10)Recruited into the Lord's Army I was promoted to Leadership and commended for Heroism

Character History: Originally recruited into the Order of the Gauntlet as a young and impressionable squire, Charity was tasked with becoming proficient in many aspects relating to the scouting out of Strongholds of the Faction's enemies. To aid her in this task and belying an innate talent, Charity also became quite proficient with the creation of maps and other supporting documentation for her superiors. She was quickly promoted to a minor rank of unit leader for her new-found skills and the leadership displayed by learning and succeeding in these initial tasks. Given her new responsibilities and successes, Charity was then ordered to guide a small caravan of Gauntlet scouts to Parnast to investigate the rumors of the Cult's activities in the Area. While she ultimately failed in this new mission, she was able to avoid the initial slaughter and was only captured after a prolonged manhunt where she was forced to expend most of her energies. Talis Half-Elven, impressed with these same abilities that had gotten Charity recruited into the Order, began an extended torture of the Paladin in her Dungeons. Hoping to warp the fanatic loyalty of her prisoner to her own ends in a concentrated grasp at power within the Dragon Cult.
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.

Last edited by Alemar; Jan 8th, 2025 at 11:25 PM.
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Old Jul 6th, 2021, 04:46 PM
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Last edited by Drachenspirit; Oct 14th, 2022 at 11:31 AM.
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Old Jul 6th, 2021, 11:57 PM
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Character Concept
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Character Name: Brother Hamen
Race: Variant Human (Healer Feat)
Class: Monk 3 (Way of the Sun Soul)
Background: Reskinned Hermit, traded herbalism kit for healer's kit, still mulling on Discovery ideas.Healer

Brother Hamen is a wiry, olive skinned man of average height with a shaved head and strong facial features, with an easy smile that lights up his entire face. He has warm green eyes under a pair of thick brown eyebrows, a thick nose, and large ears that stick out from the side of his head. He wears loose orange robes over his left shoulder that is belted around his waist with a thick leather belt from which hangs a leather pouch. On the right side of his chest and his right arm is a series of intricate black and white tattoos of roses and suns, and on his wrists he wears simple white bracers made out of cloth. He wears baggy orange trousers that tie just below his knee, and on his feet are a pair of leather sandals that strap around his ankles.

Personality: Brother Hamen is a charismatic, peaceful man with an easy laugh and a strong work ethic. He is passionate about helping others and has a deep compassion for those in need, willing to bend over backwards to assist them if he can. He is a gentle healer and a man of strong faith, and he enjoys showing others the light of Lathander through his words and actions. Despite his peaceful exterior, however, Brother Hamen is a stoic and brave combatant who, when the time to fight has come and there is no other option, fights with every ounce of his spirit to overcome all in his path. He is a man of the people through and through, and sees royalty and those in authority as just normal folks (which may likely cause him some trouble in the future). He prefers to remain initially neutral in arguments and heated discussions, hearing both sides before he makes his own decision. A man of integrity and honor, Brother Hamen cannot imagine telling a lie or failing to act to protect an innocent person.

Trait 1: If someone is in trouble, I'm always willing to lend help.
Trait 2: I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.
Ideal: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
Bond: Everything I do is for the common people.
Flaw: I cannot lie to save my own life, or someone else's.

Character History: Orphaned at birth like many of his order, young Hay-menHamen was abandoned on the steps of the Temple of Lathander in Waterdeep. When he was still a small child, he was inspected by the head abbott of the Monastery of the Sun, Hanor Kichavo, and determined to be an ideal and enthusiastic candidate. Life in the Monastery of the Sun was hard work - rising well before dawn, the novices engaged in daily grueling physical and spiritual practices before beginning their assigned chores for the day. After a silent lunch, and some brief time for introspection and individual religious studies, there was more chores to be done before the commencement of the evening training in conjunction with the setting sun. Although often sore and injured in some way, Hamen truly enjoyed his training and, due to his strong foundation of faith in the grace of the Morninglord, felt he had found his place in the world. All Brothers of the Sun are trained healers who roam the Sword Coast offering their services to the poor and downtrodden, righting wrongs when they see them, and seeking to redeem the lost. Brother Hamen has only been on his own for two months on his assigned route when he makes his way to Greenest to offer his services to the needy and to spread the good works of Lathander.

Character Sheet: SHEET

01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.

Last edited by Grouchy; Apr 21st, 2022 at 03:15 AM.
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Old Nov 13th, 2023, 03:12 PM
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Azathool's Application
Name: Brother Aster
Race: Custom Lineage (Wood Elf/Human)
Class: Cleric 3 (Life) / Druid 2 (Stars)

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Brother Aster stands 6 ft. 2 in. tall, with a large frame for a wood elf. The characteristic elven ears are present but a full face of white hair, inherited from his grandfather is one of his most striking features. Mostly of elven heritage, ;the only name he's known for over 500 yearsBrother Aster is in human terms in his 60's, his body slowed with time but the strength and wisdom refined by age. His scar slows him down, stiff in his old age.

His adamantine plate armor gleams in the light, a wooden shield on his left arm, a simple crooked wooden staff in his right, his emblems of piety to Chauntae. His shield bears the symbol of his goddess Chauntea; a simple sheaf of grain.
Background: Feature: Shelter of the FaithfulAcolyte

Trait 1: I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world.
Trait 2: I quote sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.
Ideal: Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god’s favor by matching my actions against his or her teachings.
Bond: Everything I do is for the common people.
Additional Bond: The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home. Now, with nothing but what you carry on your back and a horrid scar of the near fatal wounds you sustained in the attack, you seek revenge.
Flaw: My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.
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Old Apr 22nd, 2024, 12:59 PM
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Hello my friends!

Let's go blow some stuff up!
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picture by Wilson Melo

Name: Jeck Verruckt
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Class: Wizard, Evocation
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Background -- custom guild scion (PHB)






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Old Apr 22nd, 2024, 01:37 PM
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Update: RL work commitments have resulted in temp greater workload, so posting/GMing is iffy til mid-June - sorry!

Last edited by Drachenspirit; Sep 23rd, 2024 at 05:28 PM.
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Old Apr 22nd, 2024, 08:10 PM
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Application - Zaur
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Name: Zaur Osmanek
Race: Human (variant)
Class: Genie Warlock 6

Description: Nobody ever called Zaur Osmanek "imposing" or "physically gifted". He's a good enough looking fellow, in a lanky, indolent way. His Calishite blood give him a "foreign" look in much of Faerun, which some find appealing. He prefers the looser clothing common in warmer climes, and earth tones moreso than bright colors. Zaur keeps his head shaven, but wears a closely-cropped beard of black hair that, to date, has not yet sprouted grey.

Personality: He'll talk, that's for sure. Happy to tell a tale, happier to sing a song, happiest with a deck of cards in his hands and a full table to play with. That doesn't mean Zaur's scared of hard work - he isn't. He'll work hard, and without complaint. Pretty good temper, too, and reasonably honest. Nothing like those prissy, holier-than-thou Elves and such. Z's not afraid to get his hands dirty, but never forgets to wash 'em off after.

Background: Low placesShipwright
  • Trait: I love sketching and designing things, especially ships
  • Trait: I never pass up a friendly wager
  • Ideal: Invention. Make what you need out of whatever is at hand
  • Bond: Every five nights, I have a strange sequence of apocalyptic dreams. The world is destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, waves of acid, and horrible fire. Each time, the dream ends with ten evil eyes glaring at you from the darkness. I felt a strange compulsion to travel to Greenest, hoping the answer to the riddle of your dreams awaited me there. Alas, it did not. Onward!
  • Flaw: I sometimes take things that don't belong to me, especially if they're well made.
  • Flaw: I'm judgmental of those who aren't skilled with tools of some kind.

History: You know I grew up in Westgate, don't ya? Where anything goes and everything has its price. That's what they say, and as far as I can tell, it's the Gods' own truth. My people were honest people, though. Shipbuilders all. My father, his father before him, my six brothers, and me. The baby. You'll say I don't look Westhavian, and that's truth, too. My mother was a Calishite, and folks say I take after her. She died before I could remember, though, so I just take their word for it. Da met her in Calimport, he says...she snuck aboard ship to avoid a bad marriage and they fell in love. For all I know, that's truth as well. Certainly sounds better than buying or stealing her. But like I said, my people are honest people, no matter what you hear about Westgate. There are good people there, hard working people.

But me? Like I said, I was the baby, and my brothers never let me forget it. I've got nieces and nephews barely younger than me, too. I know 'em better than I know my oldest brothers. We all grew up together in a couple of houses side by side, not too far from the Thorsar Docks. Not the nicest part of town, as you know, but far from the worst. Shipwrights, my people are, like I told you. It's good work. We had plenty to do, always, and I took to it well enough, I guess. Didn't get that many beatings, at least.

But I didn't like being called "the baby" a score times a day, and Westgate's a pretty tempting place for one what's a little dissatisfied with his lot. Like a lot of young people, I wanted to see the world and not be told what to do all the time. Westgate's a damned tempting place for a kid like I was. Back in the day, was a pot shop I used to visit, I dunno if it even had a name. "The pot shop" was all we called it. Was a bard there, Meraun, his name was. Half-elf, you know? Voice like a fallen angel, drank like a fish. Ten fish. Had a song everyone loved, would sing to bring the roof down, not like it would take much. "Friends in low places", he called it. Damn, how the whole place would belt it out.

Anyway, I made myself some friends in low places. With my trade, how could I not? I made some decent coin moonlighting - I could plug a hole below the waterline before I was ten, and hang a full set of rigging before my beard came out. For a while, I had the best of both worlds. Worked the family shop by day, worked on the sly night. Like I said, Westgate can be a tempting place.

Then Da got married again. Just a year older than me, she was, if you can believe it. Pretty, too. But dirt poor, and poison mean. Spat out a kid not long after they got together, but I'm not the kind of soul who counts months on his fingers to do the math, know what I'm saying? I finally wasn't the baby anymore, but she wanted me out of the house lickety split, wanted the place for herself and her brat, right? And to be honest, I was ready to go. Da wanted me to find a wife of my own, maybe marry one of her sisters, but I wasn't having any of that. I was fifteen, I knew everything about everything, and nobody was gonna tell me anything. Except my friends. They had plenty of advice. I knew it was the kind of advice that made people get dead sometimes, but remember, I was fifteen. There's a magic in fifteen, but it's a stupid kind of magic. You gotta live through it, I guess. If you can.

But it was easy to pack my kit one night, walk out of the house, have one last drink at the pot shop (or ten), and sail into a new life. Carpenter's mate, I was, and that's a damned good job. At least it's a good job on a ship that can sail by day and doesn't have to fly at the mere sight of a revenue cutter. But I got by. Learned a lot about a lot. Saw men killed, women, too. Saw lots of things. I was fifteen, but I wasn't a kid no more. That's truth.

I made my way for a while. Made some money, lost more than I made...I like my cards and my dice, can't lie. That's how I got the ring, you know. This ring. Won it fair & square. Had it for a whole year, wore it every day, and be damned if I wasn't surprised as hell when it started talking to me. I about lost my mind. I hocked it first thing when we popped into shore, it was back on my finger when I woke up the next morning. I threw it right into the Sea of Fallen Stars - a deep part, too - and it was on my finger again when I woke up. When we got back to shore, I found me a goldsmith. Told him I bought it for a girl who threw me over, and I wanted him to melt it right in front of me and pour the gold & gem down the sewer. He didn't want to do it, but I had plenty of coin and a sharp knife, you know? He saw reason. I watched that shite go right down the drain, but you know where that ring ended up the next morning. On my damned finger. I was stuck with it.

That was the start, well, the start of a lot of things. But it wasn't the start of the dreams, they came later. A few years later. I'd been doing a lot of wandering, a lot of, well, stuff, ever since I won the ring. But then I started having the blasted dreams. Death & destruction. The world, going up in fire. Frozen in ice. Melted in acid. You get the picture. Again and again and again. A cycle, like. But the eyes? They ended the dream every night. Couldn't drink enough to stop the dreams, and Gods know I tried for a while.

After a good few months of that, things got even stranger. I kept thinking of this podunk town, smack in the middle of nowhere - Greenest. It's not even a name, it's an adjective, right? I asked around, and nobody even heard of it, but I got my hands on a good map eventually and there it was, somewhere around Baldur's Gate. Course I heard of Baldur's Gate, everyone has. Was easy enough for me to work for passage up the Sword Coast, and there I was, the big city. Made my way to Greenest...longest walk I ever done, I tell you that. And that's my story. More'n you probably wanted to hear, anyway.
I have taken the Oath of Sangus
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