Character Name:Lizbeth Staunton Race: Human Variant Class: Cleric (War Domain)
Description: Lizbeth stands nearly six feet tall. Decked in heavy armor and wielding a massive glaive, she cuts an imposing figure. Her long ashen colored hair is kept free and hanging down her back. At her waist hangs a small metal gauntlet, the symbol of Torm.
Personality: Lizbeth is quick to smile and can often be found socializing with her fellow brothers and sisters in arms of her Order. During battle, she is usually one of the first ones into the fray, never backing down in the face of evil. Her passion to quell the forces of darkness is matched only by her desire to aid those in need, whether by a blanket and bowl of soup or praying to Torm for healing to relieve someone's suffering.
Background: Faction Agent (Order of the Gauntlet) Trait 1: I can stare down a hell hound without flinching Trait 2: I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success. Ideal: I trust that Torm will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, things will go well. Bond: Every five nights, you have a strange sequence of apocalyptic dreams. The world is destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, waves of acid, and horrible fire. Each time, the dream ends with ten evil eyes glaring at you from the darkness. You feel a strange compulsion to travel to Greenest. Perhaps the answer to the riddle of your dreams awaits you there. Flaw: I am inflexible in my thinking
Character History: Born to simple farmers not far from the walls of Baldur's Gate, Lizbeth found her faith early in life, finding that the teachings of Torm aligned with her own beliefs. After that, it was not long before the Order of the Gauntlet found her, seeing a familiar fire burning in her heart. She was quick to join and has been a staunch member ever since. Her martial companions ensured that she received the training necessary to complement the ferociousness by which she engaged the enemy, finding ways to marry the divine blessings of Torm with the righteous deeds carried out by the tip of her weapon.
For the last few weeks, Lizbeth has been wracked with vivid dreams of death and destruction, each one overshadowed by a menacing dark presence remaining just out of sight. After the third of such dreams, she took it as a message from Torm, directing her to take action. She explained her visions to the Order and they agreed that they should not be ignored. As she set out, she was overcome with a strange compulsion to head toward Greenest...
HP: 9/9 | AC:16 | PP 15 | Hit Die: 1d8+1 | Init: +1 STR 16(+3) DEX 12(+1) CON 13(+1) INT 8(-1) WIS 16(+3) CHA 10(+0) | Concentration: None | NoneReactions
Weapons: Glaive 54, 1d10+3
Spell Attack: +5 | Save DC: 13 Spell Slots:1st: 2/2 Cantrips: Light, Guidance, Toll the Dead 1st Level: Bless, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Healing Word, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith Class Abilities & Feats: Great Weapon Master, War Priest: 3/3,
Class Skills: History +2, Insight +5, Medicine +5, Perception +5, Religion +2
name:calder simpleroar class paladin of devotion racehuman(variant) appearance blonde hair and blue eyes. He is six foot tall and a lean build. He wields a longsword and shield with the symbol of lathander upon the shield. He has chainmail armor with an emblem of aster. A sun amulet drapes around calder's neck. background acolyte traits I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person’s deeds and example.
I am tolerant of other faiths and respect the worship of other gods. Lathander teaches of new wisdom and new ideas. ideal Change. We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world. (Chaotic) bondEverything I do is for the common people flawI judge people harshly and myself even harsher. backstory
Calder was born in the dalelands. He grew up hearing stories of mythdranor and the elven histories. He learned of lathander and the beauty and knowledge all the sun touched and lathander held dear. He learned of correlon larethian or as calder preferred correlon lathander. The two dirties love of arts and knowledge inspired calder.
Calder took up the mantle of being an aster. The knights of lathander. He worked as an acolyte helping the priests perform simple miracles of divine magic and bless the ties that bind of various religious ceremonies of various gods and goddesses.
Greengrass festival was important to the asters. Being an order for the common man it provided work and meeting new people. He listened to stories of the people and taught his own from lathander.
Guard duty was often done by the asters. We were trained to guard the keep during festivals at times. A rotation mostly In tradition but with lathander watching from above our hits were with precise movements to limit exposure of ones self.
We traveled to greenest for the closest city to celebrate the next festival and my full anointment into becoming a full paladin of lathander by taking my vows.
Do you have any important heroes of lathander or I can make one.
Last edited by Drachenspirit; Jun 27th, 2021 at 08:19 PM.
Name:Zephyr Race: Air Genasi Class: Rogue (Thief) Background: Harper Agent
Trait: I would rather solve a problem with stealth and diplomacy than violence. Trait: I've enjoyed fine food, drink, and company among the Harpers. Rough living grates on me. Ideal: Not all wrongs need be righted with a sword. But they still need to be righted. Bond: I was practically raised by the Harpers. I am bound to honor this debt by living up to their ideals. Flaw: I don't always think about the long-term consequences of my actions. Well, I rarely do.
Tall, lithe, and comely are three words that immediately come to mind when describing Zephyr. Of course given her unusual appearance, exotic and weird might come up as descriptors as well. Her skin is pale blue with some white markings in the pattern of the wind, pointed ears suggest an elven heritage, yet piercing blue eyes tend to draw attention even above those features. Her hair is white with bright blue streaks in it and tumbles freely down her back, seemingly wafting in the breeze even when the air is still. She is fairly tall with a slender build but has curves in the right places, a fact she isn't above accentuating if it's something she can take advantage of. She's surprisingly lightweight, or perhaps not so surprising to those who are aware of her elemental origins, and moves her flexible frame with all the grace of the wind. She dresses practically when on the job, but otherwise dresses to impress. When armed for battle she wears light leather armor and primarily wields a bow, though she keeps a pair of light blades at her side in case of emergency. She would much rather avoid a fight than start one.
Zephyr was born in Baldur's Gate to a half-elven bard and agent of the Harpers. She doesn't know who her father is, as her mother has never given her a straight answer about such. Sometimes he's a silver dragon in human form, sometimes a lost genie from Calimshan, or perhaps the spirit of the frozen winds itself. The story is always different, but ends with Zephyr's mother telling her that it doesn't truly matter. While Zephyr does have some curiosity, she has come to realize the truth in her mother's words - where she came from doesn't matter when compared to where she's going, and that like the wind, she should be ever moving forward, not looking back.
With her mother away on Harper business so often Zephyr often found herself being raised by friends and contacts within the organization. This loose structure resulted in her being in trouble quite a bit, but these contacts and the time spent with her mother when she returned were enough to rein in the worst of it. She knew of her mother's involvement with the Harpers from an early age, and though she expressed a desire to know more, her mother tried to steer her away from such things. It didn't work, but she did try. When Zephyr was thirteen she was helping out at an inn owned and run by friends of her mother's when the inn was robbed by some drunken louts. They didn't take gold, or anything of value at all, really. All they took was a seemingly normal sword from over the mantle while no one was looking. What they didn't know was that the sword belonged to a good friend of the innkeeper's who had died during their adventurous youth together, and that the sword was the last keepsake he had of his fallen friend. The guard couldn't be bothered with such a petty theft, and though the innkeeper was fuming and about to take up his own sword and track down the thieves himself, Zephyr knew no good could come of such a thing. All the time she had spent in trouble had taught her a few things about sneaking around and not getting caught, so while the innkeeper argued with his wife, the genasi snuck out of the room she was staying in to find the thieves herself. It wasn't too difficult, they belonged to a gang of ruffians rather than any actual thieves' guild, and after arranging for a couple of distractions and waiting for a couple of them to fall asleep she was able to sneak into their hideout, take the sword, and be gone without any of them seeing. The sword was placed back on the mantle where it belonged and Zephyr snuck back into her room, leaving the people caring for her to wonder what had happened.
It wouldn't be the first time she used her skills to recover stolen items though. Ever the enterprising one, Zephyr sought out an elven "treasure finder" she knew worked with the Harpers named Talia and asked her to teach her. Talia found the proposal, that of a thief who steals from thieves, intriguing. They certainly deserved it, and if such actions could help set the wrong things right, even if the law would technically disapprove, well that sort of thing was right up the Harpers' alley. Talia agreed to take Zephyr under her wing, though Zephyr's mother was not happy to learn that her associate had been training her daughter in the arts of thievery behind her back. Better such talents be directed in the proper direction, Talia argued, than let Zephyr learn all the wrong things from the wrong people. Zephyr's mother wasn't entirely convinced but couldn't deny the wisdom.
Since then Zephyr has worked both alone and with small groups now and then in order to take back that which was taken. Not for free of course, there is a fee involved in the expert and discreet retrieval of such items, but the fee is lower than the value of the item. She takes care to only steal from those who deserve it, and not for those who do not, becoming a full-fledged member of the Harpers in their goals of combating the evils of the world through stealth and secrecy. Of course when liberating such stolen goods she isn't above "accentuating" her fee by laying claim to anything of value the thieves may have taken. That's only fair, after all. Recently however her actions in Baldur's Gate have drawn a bit too much heat from the thieves' guild and certain individuals in particular, prompting her to vacate the city and lie low in Greenest for a while. As it is her timing couldn't be worse, or better, depending on your point of view. There's no shortage of trouble in Greenest, but on the other hand, trouble means people causing trouble, and those people are fair game to ply her skills against. The Harpers would want it that way if they hadn't already sent someone to the area anyway.
10-8: I've been out of town for a few days helping family prepare and evacuate from Milton and was out of communication. Sorry to be so flaky lately, but these storms have caused a lot of upheaval. I'll be home and catching up tonight.
Last edited by Drachenspirit; Apr 15th, 2024 at 05:39 PM.
Character Name:Ehren Briarwood Race: Halfling Class: Barbarian2 / Rogue1
Description: Ehren constantly has a broad smile on her freckled face, proudly showing a set of teeth that shine remarkably in the light. It is abundantly clear from the state of her mouth, that even though she is set on an adventuring lifestyle these days, it is likely a newer addition to her lifestyle. She is adorned with a nice, but very well worn, set of travelling gear; Which appears to me a mismatched set of cloth and leather clothing. It seems likely that this attire has been acquired in piecemeal fashion; With various items being added to, or replaced, from all over the continent.
Personality: Confident and boisterous, Ehren embodies the stereotypes of Halflings everywhere. She tries to make friends wherever she is, and is comfortable being surrounded by people, even strangers. While she is outwardly happy, and pleasant in her daily dealings, she is markedly 'happier' when presented with pipe weed, ale, or any of the other 'creature comforts' that can alter one's state of mind.
Outlander Background
Trait #1
I am compelled by my Wanderlust, ever straying far from home
Trait #2
I would rather make a new friend instead of another enemy
I am far from home, and everything is strange yet wonderful to me
Rumor is that your childhood friend Talis has been kidnapped by a group of dragon cultists.
Investigation has led me to the town of Greenest, and I must save her!
I am too enamored with wine, ale, and 'other' intoxicants
Character History: Ehren hails from the far north of Faerun, claiming lineage from the Barbarian clans that roam the Icewind Dale. While none would openly want to risk the wrath of a true barbarian, there are many whispers that one so warm, friendly, and happy, could scarcely be expected to actually hail from such a cold, dark, place. Though she is want to speak of any battles, her sword hand is calloused and hard, in direct opposition to the rest of her small, yet supple body; And her reflexes are wonderfully sharp for one that was presumably unused to the hardships of the road, so perhaps there is some truth to her story? Regardless of this, she is now in Greenest, searching for clues of one Talis Half-elven, whom she claims to owe a great debt to.
Character Name:Charity Fairbreeze Race: Half-Elf Class: Oath of Devotion Paladin
Description: A thin yet sturdy frame holds the weight of the world. While there are hints that she once was supple and firm, weeks of near constant starvation and beatings have taken much of Charity's fat, leaving a muscular husk of a woman hungry for more than just food, she wants revenge!
Personality: A Woman of fiery hair, and fiery demeanor, She can be soft and good natured to those who follow the paths of order and goodness. Used to working with others to meet the goals of her Order, Charity will often allow others to have their way in conflicts, so long as the ends align with her. If not? Then she can be stubborn and hard-headed in her singular devotion to her causes.
Custom Background (Folk Hero)
Trait #1
I judge other's character on their actions, not their words
Trait #2
I am confident in my own abilities; after all, I'm still here aren't I?
Material goods come and go, but the Order prevails forever! (Charlatan)
Despite my torture, I will still do anything to protect the Order of the Gauntlet (Acolyte)
I can be jealous of those that outshine me, everywhere I go I am surrounded by potential Rivals (Merchant)
Defining Event (10)
Recruited into the Lord's Army I was promoted to Leadership and commended for Heroism
Character History: Originally recruited into the Order of the Gauntlet as a young and impressionable squire, Charity was tasked with becoming proficient in many aspects relating to the scouting out of Strongholds of the Faction's enemies. To aid her in this task and belying an innate talent, Charity also became quite proficient with the creation of maps and other supporting documentation for her superiors. She was quickly promoted to a minor rank of unit leader for her new-found skills and the leadership displayed by learning and succeeding in these initial tasks. Given her new responsibilities and successes, Charity was then ordered to guide a small caravan of Gauntlet scouts to Parnast to investigate the rumors of the Cult's activities in the Area. While she ultimately failed in this new mission, she was able to avoid the initial slaughter and was only captured after a prolonged manhunt where she was forced to expend most of her energies. Talis Half-Elven, impressed with these same abilities that had gotten Charity recruited into the Order, began an extended torture of the Paladin in her Dungeons. Hoping to warp the fanatic loyalty of her prisoner to her own ends in a concentrated grasp at power within the Dragon Cult.
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
Name: Evendur Dundragon
Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Bard - College of Eloquence
Description: Tall and slender, with tawny skin and dark hair, Evendur is the typical Chondathan. He has green eyes, and his pack is full-to-bursting with hand-written notes and scrawled illustrations.
Personality: Academic and well-spoken, with a heroic streak born of hearing dear old dad's stories of dragon-slaying day in and day out. Often shocked by the brutality of the real world, of which he has little experience, but much book knowledge. Likely to make speeches as the world ends.
Background: Cloistered Scholar
Trait 1: I've read every book in the world's greatest libraries - or I like to boast that I have.
Trait 2: There's nothing I like more than a good mystery.
Ideal: Beauty. What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward what is true. (Good)
Bond: Being the grandchild of a renowned dragon slayer is usually a good way to impress people, but just last week a gang of ruffians attack you. You barely escaped with your life, but as you fled, the ruffians told you that the Cult of the Dragon never forgets and always avenges. You’re hoping to lie low in a sleepy little town called Greenest until this blows over.
Flaw: I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones.
Background Feature: DRAGON SCHOLAR - You have studied dragons and their lore for many years. You can automatically identify locations built or used by dragons and can identify dragon eggs and scales by sight. If you fail an Intelligence check to recall lore relating to dragons, you know someone or some book you can consult for the answer unless the DM rules that the lore is unknown.
Character History: After exhausting the library in his home town, Evendur has traveled the world for some years in search of additional lore. Perhaps this obsession - and ultimate goal of understanding draconic lifecycles enough to disrupt the chromatic breeds, to save humanity from their menace - attracted the ruffians who beat him within an inch of his life! After a clever use of magic, Evendur escaped; he thought Greenest might be a fine place to lay low until this "Cult of the Dragon," - a term he'd only heard in outlandish rumors - lost interest in him. Little did he know...
Character Sheet: Link Rolls
Additional Equipment: Doss Lute
Last edited by Drachenspirit; Oct 14th, 2022 at 11:31 AM.
Character Name: Brother Hamen Race: Variant Human (Healer Feat) Class: Monk 3 (Way of the Sun Soul) Background:Reskinned Hermit, traded herbalism kit for healer's kit, still mulling on Discovery ideas.Healer
Brother Hamen is a wiry, olive skinned man of average height with a shaved head and strong facial features, with an easy smile that lights up his entire face. He has warm green eyes under a pair of thick brown eyebrows, a thick nose, and large ears that stick out from the side of his head. He wears loose orange robes over his left shoulder that is belted around his waist with a thick leather belt from which hangs a leather pouch. On the right side of his chest and his right arm is a series of intricate black and white tattoos of roses and suns, and on his wrists he wears simple white bracers made out of cloth. He wears baggy orange trousers that tie just below his knee, and on his feet are a pair of leather sandals that strap around his ankles.
Personality: Brother Hamen is a charismatic, peaceful man with an easy laugh and a strong work ethic. He is passionate about helping others and has a deep compassion for those in need, willing to bend over backwards to assist them if he can. He is a gentle healer and a man of strong faith, and he enjoys showing others the light of Lathander through his words and actions. Despite his peaceful exterior, however, Brother Hamen is a stoic and brave combatant who, when the time to fight has come and there is no other option, fights with every ounce of his spirit to overcome all in his path. He is a man of the people through and through, and sees royalty and those in authority as just normal folks (which may likely cause him some trouble in the future). He prefers to remain initially neutral in arguments and heated discussions, hearing both sides before he makes his own decision. A man of integrity and honor, Brother Hamen cannot imagine telling a lie or failing to act to protect an innocent person.
Trait 1: If someone is in trouble, I'm always willing to lend help. Trait 2: I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. Ideal: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good) Bond: Everything I do is for the common people. Flaw: I cannot lie to save my own life, or someone else's.
Character History: Orphaned at birth like many of his order, young Hay-menHamen was abandoned on the steps of the Temple of Lathander in Waterdeep. When he was still a small child, he was inspected by the head abbott of the Monastery of the Sun, Hanor Kichavo, and determined to be an ideal and enthusiastic candidate. Life in the Monastery of the Sun was hard work - rising well before dawn, the novices engaged in daily grueling physical and spiritual practices before beginning their assigned chores for the day. After a silent lunch, and some brief time for introspection and individual religious studies, there was more chores to be done before the commencement of the evening training in conjunction with the setting sun. Although often sore and injured in some way, Hamen truly enjoyed his training and, due to his strong foundation of faith in the grace of the Morninglord, felt he had found his place in the world. All Brothers of the Sun are trained healers who roam the Sword Coast offering their services to the poor and downtrodden, righting wrongs when they see them, and seeking to redeem the lost. Brother Hamen has only been on his own for two months on his assigned route when he makes his way to Greenest to offer his services to the needy and to spread the good works of Lathander.
+1 DEX and +1 WISAbility Score Increase, Persusion skill proficiencySkills, When he use a healer's kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point. As an action, he can spend one use of a healer's kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature's maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can't regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.Feat: Healer, The quiet seclusion of your extended hermitage gave you access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a great truth about the cosmos, the deities, the powerful beings of the outer planes, or the forces of nature. It could be a site that no one else has ever seen. You might have uncovered a fact that has long been forgotten, or unearthed some relic of the past that could rewrite history. It might be information that would be damaging to the people who or consigned you to exile, and hence the reason for your return to society.Background Feature: Discovery, 4th - +2 DEX.Ability Score Increase
Class (Monk):
All simple weapons, short swords.Weapon Proficiencies, AC 10 + DEX modifier + WIS modifer - cannot use armor or shield.Unarmored Defense, While wearing no armor/shield and when unarmed or wielding monk weapons - can use DEX modifier for attack rolls and damage rolls for unarmed strikes/monk weapons; 1D4 monk damage die; when he makes an Attack with an unarmed/monk weapon, can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.Martial Arts, DC 12, recovers all ki points after short/long restKi Points - 4/4, Immediately after taking an Attack action, can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a Bonus action.Flurry of Blows, Can spend 1 ki point to take Dodge action as Bonus action on his turn.Patient Defense, Can spend 1 ki point to take Dash/Disengage action as Bonus action on his turn; jump distance is doubled for this turn.Step of the Wind, +10 feet to speed when not wearing armor or wielding a shield.Unarmored Movement, Can use his Reaction to deflect/catch missile when hit by a ranged weapon attack. Damage is reduced by 1d10 + DEX modifier + monk level. If damage reduced to 0 HP, he can catch it and, if desired, spend 1 ki point to make a ranged attack (20/60 feet) with the item he just caught as part of the same reaction; counts as monk weapon for the attack.Deflect Missiles, Can use his Reaction to reduce any falling damage he takes by monk level x5.Slow Fall.
Monastic Tradition (Way of the Sun Soul):
Gains a new attack option for Radiant Sun Bolts; can make a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet; proficient and can add DEX modifier to attack and damage rolls; deals radiant damage equal to monk damage die; when he makes an Attack action and uses this special attack as part of it, can spend 1 ki point to make the special attack twice as a bonus action; can be used as part of Extra Attack.Radiant Sun Bolt.
Trained Skills
Acrobatics +6, Athletics +2, Investigation +2, Medicine +4, Persuasion +3.
Tool Proficiencies
Cook's Utensils. Healer's Kit.
Special Items of Note:
Automatically stabilizes if he is dying on the start of his turn. Whenever he rolls a HD to regain HP, it doubles the amount of HP that he recovers per each HD.Periapt of Wound Closure
Status Effects:
01/28/25 - Posting as normal during weekdays, but now off on Mondays so it's a bit more difficult to get them in during that time. Can post weekends occasionally.
Last edited by Grouchy; Apr 21st, 2022 at 03:15 AM.
Brother Aster stands 6 ft. 2 in. tall, with a large frame for a wood elf. The characteristic elven ears are present but a full face of white hair, inherited from his grandfather is one of his most striking features. Mostly of elven heritage, ;the only name he's known for over 500 yearsBrother Aster is in human terms in his 60's, his body slowed with time but the strength and wisdom refined by age. His scar slows him down, stiff in his old age.
His adamantine plate armor gleams in the light, a wooden shield on his left arm, a simple crooked wooden staff in his right, his emblems of piety to Chauntae. His shield bears the symbol of his goddess Chauntea; a simple sheaf of grain.
Background: Feature: Shelter of the FaithfulAcolyte
Trait 1: I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world. Trait 2: I quote sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation. Ideal: Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god’s favor by matching my actions against his or her teachings. Bond: Everything I do is for the common people.
Additional Bond: The dragons destroyed everything you hold dear. They killed your family and destroyed your home. Now, with nothing but what you carry on your back and a horrid scar of the near fatal wounds you sustained in the attack, you seek revenge.
Flaw: My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.
Brother Aster had lived his whole life on the Sword Coast near Daggerford, living amongst the farming villages in one capacity or another.
His first hundred years of life was as a farmer, living a simple life, raising a small family and having few issues larger than feral pig or blighted field. But life can be cruel, and having lived a humans lifespan in tranquility a simple disease took all those he loved. In despair he turned to the church, dedicating his life to Chauntea, Earthmother, giver of life.
The monastery provided him a home for the next half a millennia where he forgot his old name that he had been born with, the faces of his dead family faded, and he became Brother Aster.
But again the fates cast their die, this time more quickly and bloodily, yet no less cruel. The raid was swift and brutal, the whole monastery decimated by the cultists with few left alive, him being one. Left with a terrible scar across his chest and back, a single claw strike, he has vowed to find those responsible and return them to the earth as all mortals must in the end, but in this case by his own hand.
His armor intact and a few basic items over his back Brother Aster has set out for Waterdeep.
Pearl of Power -- regain 1 spell slot per day
It was a naming day present from my parents. Hey, what can I say, they try to buy my affection and I let them. Spike me if you got a problem with that.
Being the grandchild of a renowned dragon slayer and child of two well known dwarven officials is usually a good way to impress people, but just last week a gang of ruffians attacked me. I barely escaped with my life, but as I fled, the ruffians told you that the Cult of the Dragon never forgets and always avenges. I took off that very afternoon. I know my parents can take care of myself, but I need to get out fast as I know a few "friends" who would be willing to collect any bounty offered. What can I say? Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse. Any case, I took the first fast transport headed out and slipped away at this sleepy little town called Greenest.
Personality traits:
Thinking is for other people. I prefer action.
The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't do it Ideal:
Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold action.
Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family. Bond:
I want to be famous in my own right, whatever it takes Flaw:
I'm immature, childish, and I don't care.
Backstory: Jeck is the son of two very busy, very important dwarf clan crafters. His father is an alchemist and his mother a wizard and from an early age they encouraged him in the study of these subjects. Well, encouraged might be a strong word, they were both too busy to really encourage Jeck in much of anything and ignoring a succession of nannies and maids, he ran a bit wild. When he got of age, they apprenticed him to a clan wizard where he paid little attention to his proper studies while causing a fair bit of havoc. The wizard returned him to his parents who tried again with a 2nd wizard, and were looking for a 3rd when he abruptly disappeared. Meanwhile, Jeck had fallen in with some chippers (young dwarfs who cut their marks into statues, monuments, and doors), or as the elders called them, vandals and hooligans. He liked being in a gang and quickly became a leader of the young troublemakers. Now he's gone; and one can't help but wonder if his parent aren't secretly a bit relieved.
RP sample from last campaign: Jeck woke to the feel of heat burning into his skins and strange background noises. He froze in place, not wanting to make himself vulnerable to whatever was going on before orienting himself. His friends had pulled some pretty stupid stunts before and the last thing he wanted was to be the butt and laughingstock of whatever this latest prank was, at least not unless he could turn the tables on them. Light burned against his eyelids and he tasted . . . sand and salt on his lips.
Slowly he cracked his eyes open to see light burning off the sand, sunlight, he wasn't in a cave at all. About 2 feet in front of him was a naked pair of legs too long for a dwarf. Butt too, he snorted to himself. Well, at least he wasn't alone. As the person moved he saw other naked people, several of them, all stirring and getting to their feet. Well, he wasn't going to be the last one sleeping. Jeck sat up and pushed himself to his feet, staring around him at all the straightbeards. Well, that wasn't him, Jeck was as curly as they came, he thought, scratching idly at an itch in his wrist.
That was odd, a crystal was implanted in his wrist. He twisted at it . . OUCH. Okay, it wasn't removable without tools. Suddenly everyone jumped! A loud roar came from the tangle of giant plant life beyond the beach. The others huddled together, instinctively seeking each others' company in the face of danger but that was Jeck. He called up a flame and moved left, away from the main group, he wanted a clear line of fire at whatever this was.
His heart was beating fast, his breathing rapid and irregular, but Jeck was pleased to see he wasn't afraid. Angry? Maybe. Curious? Definitely. But this looked like the curliest thing that had happened to him in years and he found himself looking forward to whatever giant beastie emerged from the jungle.
Character Name:Pronounced "Bruh-ner"Brunner Race:VariantHuman Class:Battle MasterFighter
Description: Brunner is a strong looking, broad-shouldered human, with dark hair and gray eyes, who stands over six feet tall. His skin is tanned, from countless months on the road and under the sun, and he sports a nose that looks to have been broken several times. Across his face are a collection of scars, resulting in a crisscross of additional scars on his right cheek. Contrary to his appearance, Brunner is actually very light on his feet.
Brunner wears studded leather, dyed dark colors to blend into urban environments, complete with harnesses and straps across his body and a hood. His boots are well-kept and purposed for long journeys, with comfortable soles. He wields fairly common weapons, including a rapier and two hand crossbows; though, those who have seen him fight, know that his quiver hides numerous items as well. And finally, Brunner carries a small pack on his back when traveling.
Personality: Brunner is just... Brunner. He is a man raised in a tough profession, where displays of weakness are detrimental to his impact on bounties. He maintains a stoic and thoughtful presence, mainly, though he enjoys surface-level conversation and sitting in silence. Brunner isn't someone who feels the need to fill silence with speaking, since he usually travels with individuals who try talking a lot - though typically they are bounties, who are begging or making deals, but it's still irritating at times.
If someone who knew Brunner were to describe him, it would be 'a professional'.
That said, when not on the job, Brunner shares some laughs, enjoys an ale, and might waste a few coin on some games of luck. He is a modest man, someone who is working toward something in life, and isn't careless with his words, actions or belongings. He also has a deep loyalty to those that he trusts - which aren't many - and takes a debt very seriously, agreeing to the task with little question, because that's simply the way of it; also, Brunner really dislikes owing people debts or favors, so to receive one from him is a good indication he trusts you and knows you're good for it.
Brunner also whittles; it calms him.
Background:Feature: Ear to the Ground
You are in frequent contact with people in the segment of society that your chosen quarries move through.
These people might be associated with the criminal underworld, the rough-and-tumble folk of the streets,
or members of high society. This connection comes in the form of a contact in any city you visit, a person
who provides information about the people and places of the local area.Urban Bounty Hunter
● Trait 1: I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong.
● Trait 2: I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or lose my cool.
● Ideal: Reputation. I'm loyal to my contracts, I do not negotiate, and I never turn down a debt I owe.
● Bond: Someone I deeply respected died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again.
● Flaw: I grew up with nothing, now I'm fixated on getting more.
Character History: Brunner's life was a struggle from the beginning. He was born into a poor family in Waterdeep, near the Dock Ward, where his father served as a crew member on a transport ship, and his mother walked the boroughs selling trinkets. From a young age, Brunner learned to fight; he was picked on by older children, often, and was taught to throw a punch by his father. That helped to keep the small boy ahead of the bullies, but the problems only got worse as Brunner got older; from buying clothing, to eating fresh food, to even having a stable living building.
Around the age of twelve, Brunner's father died at sea, swept overboard during a storm, and that was that - the old man was gone, forever, never to be seen again. That put pressure on the family of two, with Brunner's mother not making enough with trinket sales. Despite the abundance and affluence of the upper classes, those in their shadow could barely etch out a living. Brunner grew angry at the loss of his father, and he turned more violent, enough so that he soon earned a reputation among the other children near the Ward - one that said to steer clear of him. Brunner liked that, though, and relished opportunities when ignorant peers would try to fight him.
They never won.
Several years later, while working as a barrel mover for a local tavern, Brunner caught sight of a mysterious man in a hood. The human watched the tavern from across the street, unmoving, simply puffing on a pipe and observing. Curious, the youth decided to take his break and watch the watcher, since Brunner was prone to noticing things, too. He was surprised when the man moved as a patron of the tavern exited, to then approach and cast a net over the elf; it seemed the hooded man was some kind of scalp or bounty collector, which caused Brunner to perk up with more interest. That profession was well-paid, as far as he knew. However, the elf was not alone, and the hooded man was approached from behind by another - and without thinking, Brunner crossed the distance, snatched the hand crossbow from the hooded man's belt, and fired into the stomach of the sneaking assailant... and in doing so, Brunner earned the respect and trust of the hooded man.
From that day onward, Brunner was taken under the hooded man's wing - Gathar - and was taught the bounty hunting profession. The youth proved a quick study, he worked with Gathar and together they began to claim a number of bounties in and around Waterdeep. Given Brunner's skill with the crossbow, he became the sharpshooter of the duo, though he was skilled with most weapons by the time he had learned the trade. For many years the pair were friends and business partners, Gathar becoming another father figure for Brunner, and - as the youth often found in his life - it was around ten years later that Gathar was killed chasing a bounty; and even more unfortunately was the likelihood that Brunner, through his lapse in judgment and time keeping, had missed the arranged ambush... leaving Gathar to face too many alone.
It was soul shattering for the young man.
Brunner continued as a bounty hunter, however, and started to make a name for himself in the trade. His time learning from Gathar had tempered the anger, it had given Brunner more calculating and cunning methods, and he used what he knew to bring in dozens of bounties of varying importance. It was difficult to shake the guilt, though, and Brunner found himself often working alone. That decision bit the hunter in the behind, when he was on a particularly difficult bounty and was ambushed by a group; and through sheer willpower and skill, Brunner was able to fight his way out, though not without sustaining a number of wounds. On his way back to Waterdeep, Brunner could barely walk, and collapsed on the road - just as another figure approached.
That individual had been Leosin Erlanthar, a wandering monk, and out of goodness or kindness or obligation, he helped Brunner. The hunter was taken to a makeshift camp, nothing special, but safe enough for Leosin to dress the wounds and help the other back to health. It was a debt, a deep one, and Brunner vowed to repay the favor whenever Leosin required it. And once healed, Brunner was on his way, though he left his address for correspondence for the monk, should a time come when the debt was due.
For another several years, Brunner continued to hunt bounties. He expanded his reach, often traveling distances for prices that made the journey worth it. He cared for his mother, who had taken ill, and provided her shelter, medicine and food. On those trips, Brunner had time to think, and his thoughts often circled around his father, Gathar and Leosin. But, he hadn't heard from either of the dead or the monk in a long while, and figured he would be forced to live with a vow hanging over his head - it wasn't ideal, it bothered Brunner in truth, and he almost wished that the monk asked for something just to be rid of it.
It wasn't until a week later that that occurrence happened. When Brunner had just arrived home, his mother gave him a letter that had arrived the day prior; it was from Leosin. The missive spoke of great urgency and for Brunner to meet the monk in a small town called Greenest. The bounty hunter sighed, though out of irritation or relief, it was hard to know. Still, it seemed that it was time to - finally - repay the monk's kindness for saving Brunner's life those years ago. And with a deposit of coin for his mother, some collected supplies, and a destination to travel toward, Brunner departed Waterdeep and started the trek to Greenest and the mysterious emergency that Leosin needed help with...
Magic Item: Efficient Quiver - Each of the quiver's three compartments connects to an extradimensional space that allows the quiver to hold numerous items while never weighing more than 2 pounds. The shortest compartment can hold up to sixty arrows, bolts, or similar objects. The midsize compartment holds up to eighteen javelins or similar objects. The longest compartment holds up to six long objects, such as bows, quarterstaffs, or spears.
You can draw any item the quiver contains as if doing so from a regular quiver or scabbard.
BRUNNER | VariantHuman | Fighter - Battle Master | Level 6 HP: 52/52 | AC: 16 | PP: 15 | Initiative: +4 | Speed: 30ft | Inspiration: 0 Stats: Str 12 (+1) | Dex 18 (+4) | Con 14 (+2) | Int 14 (+2) | Wis 14 (+2) | Cha 12 (+1) Saves: Str +4 | Con +5 | Hit Die: 6d10 Weapons:+9, 1d6+4 piercing damage, ammunition (30), range 120, light, loadingHand Crossbow | +9, 1d6+4 piercing damage, ammunition (30), range 120, light, loadingHand Crossbow | +7, 1d8+4 piercing damage, martial, finesseRapier | +9, special*, martial, thrown, range 5/15Net Armor:AC 12Studded Leather Skills: Deception +4 | Intimidation +4 | Investigation +5 | Perception +5 | Stealth +7 Proficiencies:Simple weapons, martial weaponsWeapons | All armor, shieldsArmor Special Abilities:
• Racial: +1 Dexterity, +1 ConstitutionAbility Score Increase, Proficiency in one skill (Investigation)Skill Proficiency, Common, UndercommonLanguages, No disadvantage within 5ft, no loading, bonus action attack with hand crossbowFeat: Crossbow Expert
• Urban Bounty Hunter Background: Deception, StealthSkill Proficiencies, Gaming Set (Dice Set), Thieves' ToolsTool Proficiencies, You are in frequent contact with people in the segment of society that your chosen quarries move through.
These people might be associated with the criminal underworld, the rough-and-tumble folk of the streets, or members
of high society. This connection comes in the form of a contact in any city you visit, a person who provides information
about the people and places of the local area.Feature: Ear to the Ground
• Fighter: +2 ranged attack rollsFighting Style: Archery, Bonus action to regain 1d10 + fighter level in hit points, once per short restSecond Wind, Can take one additional action, once between short or long restsAction Surge, x3 Maneuvers and 4d8 Superiority Dice:
> Precision Attack: When you make a weapon attack roll, you can expend one superiority die to add it to the roll before or after the roll but before any effects are applied.
> Pushing Attack: When you hit with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to add the total to the damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it
must make a STR saving throw (DC 15). On failure, you push the target up to 15 ft. away from you.
> Trip Attack: When you hit with a weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to add the total to the damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it
must make a STR saving throw (DC 15). On failure, you knock the target prone.Martial Archetype: Battle Master, Alchemist's SuppliesStudent of War, No ranged disadvantage, ignore half and 1/4 cover, option to -5 attack roll to add +10 dmgFeat: Sharpshooter, Attack twice whenever you take attack actionExtra Attack, +1 Dexterity, once per turn can reroll piercing dmg dice, using that result; on a crit attack, add +1dX dmg to damage rollFeat: Piercer Gold: 580gp | Equipment:Alchemist's Supplies, Bedroll, Clothes (Traveler), Manacles, Mess Kit,
Rations 1/day (x10), Rope, Hempen (50ft), Tinderbox, Torch (x10)Backpack | Magic compartment, holding numerous items but weighing 2 lb*:
Crossbow Bolts (x60), Handaxe, Handaxe, NetEfficient Quiver
• A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless,
or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another
creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it,
ending the effect and destroying the net.
When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a net, you can make only one attack regardless of the
number of attacks you can normally make.Net
• Each of the quiver's three compartments connects to an extradimensional space that allows the quiver to hold numerous items
while never weighing more than 2 pounds. The shortest compartment can hold up to sixty arrows, bolts, or similar objects.
The midsize compartment holds up to eighteen javelins or similar objects. The longest compartment holds up to six long objects,
such as bows, quarterstaffs, or spears.
You can draw any item the quiver contains as if doing so from a regular quiver or scabbard.Efficient Quiver
GMing: Star Wars | X-Men | Ronin Update: RL work commitments have resulted in temp greater workload, so posting/GMing is iffy til mid-June - sorry!
Last edited by Drachenspirit; Sep 23rd, 2024 at 05:28 PM.
Name:Zaur Osmanek Race: Human (variant) Class: Genie Warlock 6
Description: Nobody ever called Zaur Osmanek "imposing" or "physically gifted". He's a good enough looking fellow, in a lanky, indolent way. His Calishite blood give him a "foreign" look in much of Faerun, which some find appealing. He prefers the looser clothing common in warmer climes, and earth tones moreso than bright colors. Zaur keeps his head shaven, but wears a closely-cropped beard of black hair that, to date, has not yet sprouted grey.
Personality: He'll talk, that's for sure. Happy to tell a tale, happier to sing a song, happiest with a deck of cards in his hands and a full table to play with. That doesn't mean Zaur's scared of hard work - he isn't. He'll work hard, and without complaint. Pretty good temper, too, and reasonably honest. Nothing like those prissy, holier-than-thou Elves and such. Z's not afraid to get his hands dirty, but never forgets to wash 'em off after.
Trait: I love sketching and designing things, especially ships
Trait: I never pass up a friendly wager
Ideal: Invention. Make what you need out of whatever is at hand
Bond: Every five nights, I have a strange sequence of apocalyptic dreams. The world is destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, waves of acid, and horrible fire. Each time, the dream ends with ten evil eyes glaring at you from the darkness. I felt a strange compulsion to travel to Greenest, hoping the answer to the riddle of your dreams awaited me there. Alas, it did not. Onward!
Flaw: I sometimes take things that don't belong to me, especially if they're well made.
Flaw: I'm judgmental of those who aren't skilled with tools of some kind.
History: You know I grew up in Westgate, don't ya? Where anything goes and everything has its price. That's what they say, and as far as I can tell, it's the Gods' own truth. My people were honest people, though. Shipbuilders all. My father, his father before him, my six brothers, and me. The baby. You'll say I don't look Westhavian, and that's truth, too. My mother was a Calishite, and folks say I take after her. She died before I could remember, though, so I just take their word for it. Da met her in Calimport, he says...she snuck aboard ship to avoid a bad marriage and they fell in love. For all I know, that's truth as well. Certainly sounds better than buying or stealing her. But like I said, my people are honest people, no matter what you hear about Westgate. There are good people there, hard working people.
But me? Like I said, I was the baby, and my brothers never let me forget it. I've got nieces and nephews barely younger than me, too. I know 'em better than I know my oldest brothers. We all grew up together in a couple of houses side by side, not too far from the Thorsar Docks. Not the nicest part of town, as you know, but far from the worst. Shipwrights, my people are, like I told you. It's good work. We had plenty to do, always, and I took to it well enough, I guess. Didn't get that many beatings, at least.
But I didn't like being called "the baby" a score times a day, and Westgate's a pretty tempting place for one what's a little dissatisfied with his lot. Like a lot of young people, I wanted to see the world and not be told what to do all the time. Westgate's a damned tempting place for a kid like I was. Back in the day, was a pot shop I used to visit, I dunno if it even had a name. "The pot shop" was all we called it. Was a bard there, Meraun, his name was. Half-elf, you know? Voice like a fallen angel, drank like a fish. Ten fish. Had a song everyone loved, would sing to bring the roof down, not like it would take much. "Friends in low places", he called it. Damn, how the whole place would belt it out.
Anyway, I made myself some friends in low places. With my trade, how could I not? I made some decent coin moonlighting - I could plug a hole below the waterline before I was ten, and hang a full set of rigging before my beard came out. For a while, I had the best of both worlds. Worked the family shop by day, worked on the sly night. Like I said, Westgate can be a tempting place.
Then Da got married again. Just a year older than me, she was, if you can believe it. Pretty, too. But dirt poor, and poison mean. Spat out a kid not long after they got together, but I'm not the kind of soul who counts months on his fingers to do the math, know what I'm saying? I finally wasn't the baby anymore, but she wanted me out of the house lickety split, wanted the place for herself and her brat, right? And to be honest, I was ready to go. Da wanted me to find a wife of my own, maybe marry one of her sisters, but I wasn't having any of that. I was fifteen, I knew everything about everything, and nobody was gonna tell me anything. Except my friends. They had plenty of advice. I knew it was the kind of advice that made people get dead sometimes, but remember, I was fifteen. There's a magic in fifteen, but it's a stupid kind of magic. You gotta live through it, I guess. If you can.
But it was easy to pack my kit one night, walk out of the house, have one last drink at the pot shop (or ten), and sail into a new life. Carpenter's mate, I was, and that's a damned good job. At least it's a good job on a ship that can sail by day and doesn't have to fly at the mere sight of a revenue cutter. But I got by. Learned a lot about a lot. Saw men killed, women, too. Saw lots of things. I was fifteen, but I wasn't a kid no more. That's truth.
I made my way for a while. Made some money, lost more than I made...I like my cards and my dice, can't lie. That's how I got the ring, you know. This ring. Won it fair & square. Had it for a whole year, wore it every day, and be damned if I wasn't surprised as hell when it started talking to me. I about lost my mind. I hocked it first thing when we popped into shore, it was back on my finger when I woke up the next morning. I threw it right into the Sea of Fallen Stars - a deep part, too - and it was on my finger again when I woke up. When we got back to shore, I found me a goldsmith. Told him I bought it for a girl who threw me over, and I wanted him to melt it right in front of me and pour the gold & gem down the sewer. He didn't want to do it, but I had plenty of coin and a sharp knife, you know? He saw reason. I watched that shite go right down the drain, but you know where that ring ended up the next morning. On my damned finger. I was stuck with it.
That was the start, well, the start of a lot of things. But it wasn't the start of the dreams, they came later. A few years later. I'd been doing a lot of wandering, a lot of, well, stuff, ever since I won the ring. But then I started having the blasted dreams. Death & destruction. The world, going up in fire. Frozen in ice. Melted in acid. You get the picture. Again and again and again. A cycle, like. But the eyes? They ended the dream every night. Couldn't drink enough to stop the dreams, and Gods know I tried for a while.
After a good few months of that, things got even stranger. I kept thinking of this podunk town, smack in the middle of nowhere - Greenest. It's not even a name, it's an adjective, right? I asked around, and nobody even heard of it, but I got my hands on a good map eventually and there it was, somewhere around Baldur's Gate. Course I heard of Baldur's Gate, everyone has. Was easy enough for me to work for passage up the Sword Coast, and there I was, the big city. Made my way to Greenest...longest walk I ever done, I tell you that. And that's my story. More'n you probably wanted to hear, anyway.
__________________ I have taken the Oath of Sangus