We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
The place you are given to sleep is a large room, twenty feet by twenty feet, and lined with bunk beds thought the matress is just cloth stuffed with hay which makes it hard to get used to but its better than the cold had ground.
When you reduce a Hostile Create to 0 HP gain 2 Temporary Hit PointsDark One's Blessing
We will break away Together... I'll be the Shadow, You'll be the Light. Nothing ever lasts Forever... We will go softly into the Night.
Last edited by Alemar; Nov 19th, 2023 at 03:11 PM.
Tardal scarfed the food down quickly, hoping to outrun the sleepiness from a long day. He still had things he planned to do after all. The food wasn't terribly bad, though not exactly gourmet either. He drank ale with it, based on some half remembered trivia about how it was more healthy than water in medieval societies. Whether that was true for fantasy society with access to magic, he didn't know. But better safe than sorry.
After the meal Tardal bid goodnight to the others and stopped by the library as he had planned. Seeing its state however, he felt like he shouldn't have bothered. So neglected, he thought as he leafed through the book explaining local monsters. He didn't really stop to get a in-depth look at anything, just familiarizing himself with them in general for the future. They probably wouldn't run into anything too exotic soon, but considering they didn't have the natives knowledge, everything would be new. Game knowledge might give some heads up about possibilities, but that wasn't something he was willing to trust lives to.
After the brief study session was over, Tardal headed to bed. His head slightly abuzz with everything he had learned.