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Old Jul 24th, 2024, 09:06 AM
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Despite his
Dice Roll:
1d100 5
Incredible Intuition, Julian was in too rough a state to be concerned with the sudden rain and wind or the tent being moderately intact despite propane tanks exploding. He pulled his partially Turns out they were made for water not firemelted goggles along with a light layer of cooked skin, returning to the visible spectrum a bit out of the commotion and walking over to the person passing out medical attention.

"Hey uh, miss nurse? I could use some help when you get through with the others. I didn't get it too bad but boy does my face sting. I'll just uh, hang out here, let me know if I can help somehow."

Julian tried not to stare too much at Emilia as she was working on the more severely injured people, but between being a 24 year old man with functional eyeballs, trying to figure out where Emilia might be from, and observing her work being a decent distraction from the pain, it was a proud moment he managed to keep his jaw from hanging open. Eventually he was able to shake it off and reorient himself, reminded himself it was impolite to stare and also to be cool. He reached up too smooth his hair out... and it was at that moment he realized he was missing some. Still, it seems he had managed to get everyone out of that deathtrap before it exploded, and hair will grow back eventually.

Not a big deal. It's just hair. Your glorious golden hair. Stupid fire. Hopefully someone here is a decent barber.

Glancing around the area, he started to notice the people around himself a bit more. He looked over to Shibang and Ian and what was left of his eyebrows shot up in impressed curiosity.

Holy Mary who knew they grew them that big in Asia? Those guys are jacked. And sharp. Military maybe? I need to hit the gym more, damn.

Then, noticing Alysa, he thought she might be American as well, but the sharp sting of his burns reminded him that he probably looked like a horror show. He decided to save introducing himself for after receiving some treatment.

Then, just to generally address people, Julian asks loudly, "So anyone else here in Section 8? I was hoping to meet up with my teammates before all this commotion went down. Name's Julian Barone, by the way."

Julian's Status
Mid-rare from fresh moderate acute burns predominately on his exposed hands/face/neck. Appears to be in pain but putting on friendly airs to mask it.
Warning: rolls have been deleted from this post.

Last edited by RedMoney; Jul 24th, 2024 at 10:14 AM. Reason: I accidently rolled a 1d0 and broke the universe, removed that.
Old Jul 24th, 2024, 11:26 AM
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Alysa Raine
Alysa sighed in relief that things weren't much, much worse and let her force field dissipate. It had been the most critical test of her abilities yet, and she honestly hadn't been entirely sure what would happen. All seemed well...well, except for the injured people, of course.

Seeing Emilia tending wounded, Alysa quickly walked over, kneeling down beside the medic. "Hello," she said with a hesitant smile. It was an awkward introduction, amidst the chaos and damage, but it would have to do. "I'm Alysa. Did I hear you say your name was...Emilia?" She thought she remembered the woman introducing herself earlier, but wasn't sure. "Can I help?" she asked, glancing at the wounded to indicate what she meant. "I'm not a nurse, but I am a biologist. I'll help in any way I can."

As she talked, she
Dice Intuition - Re:
d100 96
noted that, despite how intense the flames had been before she could get her shield up, the burns weren't quite as severe as would be expected. That, combined with the odd weather patterns, certainly seemed a strange course of events. A little too strange, if one chose to see the obvious facts. It would seem, perhaps, she thought, that I may not be the only one here with exceptional abilities. Despite the fact that superheroes and superteams did openly exist, most people tended to ignore the unusual. If there were such individuals in this group, it may turn out to be quite the interesting trip.

Hearing Julian's American accent, Alysa looked up and smiled. "Hello Julian," she called back in her London accent. "Yes indeed, I'm in Section 8 as well, a pleasure to meet you, I'm Alysa Raine. Charmed." Frowning, she noted that his goggles were melted and he had perhaps been a bit too close to the tent. "Are you...quite alright?" she asked skeptically. "Do you need help?" She had heard that Yanks were tough, but casually chatting with half your face melted off probably indicated a certain level of shock.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Aug 1st, 2024 at 01:29 PM.
Old Jul 24th, 2024, 03:46 PM
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PanaceaAs Emilia treats "Alick" she shields her face as a sudden burst of super heated air accompanies the appearance of more victims, seemingly from thin air. That puts her on alert for oddity as rain suddenly starts pelting the tent, turning into a practical deluge as she
Intuition checkIntuition (EX)
Dice Roll:
1d100 61
watches in disbelief. As much as she is suspicious of the oddity though, she had patients to care for so she turns her attention back to the task at hand. She moves to each of the tent's victims. She has the attending volunteers bring burn cream which she applies and then
Medical Check x3Reason (Ex)[+1 CS]
Dice Roll:
1d100 1
Dice Roll:
1d100 25
Dice Roll:
1d100 80
bandages each of them. She rushes the bandaging, too eager to get to the real healing. Emilia then checks their breathing with her stethoscope. As she rests her hand on their back to check their lungs she discretely
Healing Check (Rank 24)Endurance (Am)
Dice Roll:
1d100 31
Dice Roll:
1d100 97
Dice Roll:
1d100 22
1 failed check, -12 karma, 31 karma remaining, healed all 3 targets 12 points of damage
channels healing energies into each of them. Smoke inhalation was no joke. Without this healing each was at risk of pulmonary edema in the next two days even if they seemed fine now.

"Get these people supplementary oxygen and monitor them for the next forty eight hours. They should be fine, we got them out quickly enough, ("Too quickly" She thought to herself) that the burns were only minor. I am Doctor Emilia Zurlou, I am assigned to section eight. should they show signs of worsening them come get me. No evacuation should be necessary."

After attending the others she notices Julian call for her. ("I thought I attended everyone") Emilia rushes over to attend to him. She sees Alysa approach him as well. "Hello, I'm Doctor Emilia Zurlou, did you get caught in the fire too?" She asks Julian. She retrieves more burn cream and starts to Reason (Ex)[CS+1]
Dice Roll:
1d100 67
treat his burns.. "I'm afraid you'll be a bit of a mummy for a few days with these burns across your chest, but luckily with some ointment the scars should barely be noticeable."

Emilia finishes wrapping his chest and face, and then checks his breathing. She discretely
Healing Check (Rank 24)Endurance (Am)
Dice Roll:
1d100 35
Healed 12 points of damage
channels her healing magic into the same as the others. "You'll need to be monitored like the others to make sure the smoke didn't damage your lungs, but you should make a full recovery fairly quickly."

Last edited by Malkavianmilkball; Jul 24th, 2024 at 04:31 PM.
Old Jul 24th, 2024, 04:52 PM
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”Section 8 for the win!” Ian said as he stepped closer to the others.
”Great work out there guys! Looks like you managed to save more than a few lives and keep this whole little tent city from going up in flames.” He gave what he hoped was a warm smile, a sincere one, not one of the practiced ones from the board room.

“I’m Ian. Ian Black. Sorry I wasn’t as much help out there. I guess I need a faster reaction time. Plus I’m more of an amateur volunteer at this point. But hey, if there is anything I can do to help, I’m your man.” Ian took the others in casually. It was good to know that such a skilled team of volunteers had been established. He hoped to learn a few things while he was here as well as helping out.
Rebuilt Rebel.

Last edited by Classic Gamer; Jul 24th, 2024 at 04:53 PM.
Old Jul 24th, 2024, 06:10 PM
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Shiyan had been standing outside of tent 8 when the incident occurred, he looked around and was relieved that everyone had been so preoccupied with the fire that nobody paid him any attention. He figured that he could just allow the rain to dissipate on its own, his actions weren't special and he only gave mother nature a nudge in the right direction. While the wind was odd at that moment, it wasn't unheard of in this region.

This event was similar in scope to the scenario training that the Chinese Communist Party challenged Shiyang with. A life of constant challenges and enduring dangerous conditions. Yet, this moment was also different as the results fared much better than his training. Training usually resulted in heavy loss of life, but a victorious state at the hands of the heroic party leaders.

It appeared that the immediate concerns were resolved quickly, a few injured could have been worse, and had the situation not been contained quickly the entire tent city could have been destroyed. He was about to return to the tent when calls came out by a group of people claiming to be from the same tent. A group was forming around a doctor, so Shiyang decided to join them.

He approached the group and with his broken Asian accent spoke English "Hello, I too am in tent 8. I am Shiyang. I am honored to meet each of you."


Last edited by Cardassian; Jul 24th, 2024 at 06:12 PM.
Old Jul 25th, 2024, 08:28 AM
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Things are subdued as those unused to emergencies walk as if in a daze, trying to come to grips with the Grim Reaper's presence looming so close, yet being fended off by the swift actions of Section-08. One thing about Aussies though is their resilience and community, likely wrought by a lifetime's dedication to sport, and it does not take long before the first peals of laughter break the tension, and within the hour the music is blaring and libations of an alcoholic nature start to flow. You can see that everyone understandably needed a good laugh, and considering the work these volunteers have undertaken as of late, it is a blessing.

The clean up would start on the 'morrow, tonight is for unwinding.

Red-cheeked revellers dance through the night, often including those who probably should be convalescing, inviting each of you to take part in an awkward flailing of limbs that closely approximates dance; less about coordination and rhythm and more about enthusiasm. Emilia's actions make her the belle of the ball, with nearly everyone dropping by to offer thanks, and the gift of a tattered teddy bear, for her efforts. Surprisingly, Alick's injuries were nowhere as severe as initially imagined and he wraps the doctor in a giant bear hug, tears flowing freely down his cheeks. Glancing down you realise it was a tiny boy, with cherubic features and dirt-smudged cheeks, that gave his teddy bear for saving his father. Julian's soot stained clothing, and his burns, result in his cheeks being smooched, and in one instance pinched, by the elderly gentlewoman, the IRC volunteer that sorted everyone into their sections upon arrival, who whispers in his ear with breath tinged with cinnamon, "I knew you were exactly what we needed here, deary."

After all wounds are ministered to, the medical professional's prognosis is that a Healing (Advanced Player's Book, page 32)
"A character normally heals his Endurance rank number in the hour (600 turns) following the last damage. fI the character takes further damage during that period, then the time is measured from that point. Characters with special abilities may be able to heal for greater amounts or at faster rates. This rate is doubled by bedrest and medical supervision (doctors or hospitals)."
good night's rest is all that is needed to be right as rain, first aiders handling observations for 48 hours, and then ensuring that the wounded will be placed on light duties for a few days afterward.

Those that made their Intuition rollFor some they had drawn in enough to recognise fellow metahumans among the ranks of the Section-08 volunteers, leaving the question of what to do with this information.

A bit of excitement erupts as the local radio station is finally able to transmit after their station was inconveniently on fire. It is a bit of a botched together affair, not aided by the ring of surrounding mountains, but it is live:

Radio Broadcast" is 106.7 ABC Far North with your most current up to date news on Cairns' recovery." The staticky male voice floats along the breeze with his Aussie accent.

"More and more families are once again being reunited, as rescuers and responders are clearing out debris from the exclusion zone."

The voice goes on to list streets that are closed down due heavy damage.

"For any individuals seeking medical attention, there are two emergency response stations on either end of the esplanade. The northern station, near Lake Street, is currently housed at the Golden Coast Resort conducting triage and emergent surgical response. While the southern emergency response station is located at the sailing vessel Dorchester II, housing our family reunification centre, medical stabilisation, providing resupply for the northern response station, and evacuation by sea."

Mayor Ronald Davis, had this to share about the current state, "I am overwhelmed by the generosity and support that our citizens are showing one another. The rugby team from Cairns Central State School were out this morning making marmite sandwiches for all those in recovery stations here in our southern emergent response centre. Shout out to our kiddos for their work, and ta to our local Woolie's for donating the food. Also, wanted to thank the Golden Coast Resort for opening their doors in our time of need, your neighbours are thankful. I am more than impressed how quickly they made the space habitable for our volunteers. Grab your togs everyone, and get helping your neighbours, sta...""

And with that, the radio announcement ends.

Last edited by Anarchy; Jul 26th, 2024 at 08:40 AM.
Old Jul 25th, 2024, 09:43 AM
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Alysa Raine
Alysa had done her best to keep up with the doctor and support where she could. She was grateful that no lives had been lost, and even more so that the injuries were nowhere near as bad as they could've been. Still, for awhile at least, sleep was out of the question as adrenaline flowed through her. As a biologist and a chemist, she surmised that the most effective counter to the adrenaline was a healthy dose of alcohol, and joined in the winding-down once Emilia was finished. "You were wonderful!" she told the medic with a smile.

She introduced herself to the two additional Section 8'ers who'd surfaced; Ian and Shiyang, whom she had noticed earlier with the mysterious 'weather anomaly'. "Alysa Raine," she said, extending a hand to both. "Which I suppose is appropriate, considering the help we received from the unusual weather." She gave a slight smile, tilting her head slightly and regarding both of them.

She listened to the radio broadcast, but most of it was lost on her as she was unfamiliar with the city layout. It was nice to know there were two aid stations, though, with one apparently on a boat. Must be a bloody big boat, she decided, if it held an entire aid facility.

She also did a little dancing, chatting with the locals and her fellow volunteers and working out the stress of the travel and 'warm reception' (ha ha). It didn't take long, though, for exhaustion to set in. Alysa was a bit of a party girl, but even she knew not to try to keep up with reveling Aussies. Waving the white flag of surrender, she staggered off to her tent to grab a few hours' sleep.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Aug 1st, 2024 at 01:29 PM.
Old Jul 25th, 2024, 10:19 AM
RedMoney RedMoney is offline
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Julian is happy to introduce himself to everyone in his new section. Anyone that chats with Julian can learn any of the following information from casual conversation:

Julian is from Brooklyn, NY. His dad Ricky is a cop, and Julian is the first person in the family to graduate from a university in his family. The John Jay College of Criminal Justice in NY, with a Bachelor's of Criminal Justice. Julian opened up a detective agency on the side and was working on trying to get enrolled in a master's program at a higher university. Then he heard about the call for help here and couldn't resist a chance to both help people and travel the world a bit, so he jumped at the opportunity. Julian's mother Ashleigh is a homemaker and his younger sister Jessica just graduated from high school. His grandparents migrated from Italy, and both his father and grandfather served in the Army during at least one war. Despite his family's military and police background, they wanted Julian to go to college to have opportunities they didn't, so despite wanting to enlist he put that on hold.

Julian is also a huge music buff and fan of American football, and will heavily debate the pros and cons of just about any musician or athlete with anyone who will listen.

If asked about how he got all burned up, Julian states he was nearby and rushed in to try to help, and was lucky he had his stuff in his hands first. His story probably doesn't quite add up to anyone whose intuition was on point earlier.
As it turns out, Julian loves to party as well, but he discreetly paces himself and only has two beers and decides it's time to do some recon. Despite being outwardly very social, Julian is on high alert due to the fire and subsequent explosion. He has not ruled out that someone started that fire on purpose and is on the lookout for anyone particularly suspicious. During the festivities, Julian excuses himself to the restroom and says he needs to get some rest and burn ointment. Once in private, he turns himself invisible and heads over to the burned up food tent.

Julian spends some time poking around for clues as to the cause of the fire, looking for anything out of place. He also keeps his eyes and ears out for anyone that seems a bit out of place or having a shady sidebar. In his socializing, if anyone stood out to him in the crowd outside his Section 8 bunkmates, he will make a mental note to try to spy on them as the opportunity arises.

Hopefully his
Dice Roll:
1d100 21
Incredible Intuition and +1 CS when looking for cluesdetective training will guide him in the correct direction and land him some clues or interesting information.

Hearing the radio cut out, he becomes worried about that as well. It seemed to cut off very abruptly, so he will try to find another radio and tune in to other stations if he is able.

Last edited by RedMoney; Jul 25th, 2024 at 01:28 PM.
Old Jul 25th, 2024, 12:32 PM
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Shiyan accepted the offered hands in greetings, but his awkwardness was exposed when conversations and socializing began. His entire upbringing from the age of six to twenty was a strict regimented series of trials, experiments, and indoctrination. There was no time for the soldier experiments to socialize as the Chinese Communist Party believed it to be a waste of time, effort, and irrelevant to a soldier's life. Two years being exposed to American soldiers and reeducation by its government helped to crack the radical practices, but such habits required a forced effort.

When the music, dancing, and socializing began; Shiyan found his way back to the tent to change into more casual clothes. After shuffling a few items to the top of his bag, the duffle labeled Fort Liberty, NC was rolled underneath the cot.

Shiyan couldn't keep his mind off of the incident at the cooking tent, which led him to return to the ashes and conduct an inventory of any salvageable items. He planned to organize what supplies he could and provide the best meal he could for the volunteers in the morning. He separated the usable items from the ruins before returning to the tent for the evening. His regimented lifestyle usually allowed him to wake himself up around 4 in the morning, but required at least four hours of sleep to achieve. He writes a note 'Any volunteer for cook tent, I go 4;30' and pinned it to the center post inside of the tent.
Old Jul 25th, 2024, 05:26 PM
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PanaceaEmilia rubs her cheeks when she thinks no one is watching as if to rub the embarrassment from them. She had save many lives before, but had never received much recognition for it, either because she was only one of a team of doctors, or because it was under her heroic alias. She did her best to accept the thanks and appreciation graciously.

As the party continued she was offered many drinks that she took out of politeness, though to be honest, even if she did drink them all it wouldn't effect her. She would need a keg to even feel a buzz, a sad fact she learned in college, and she didn't welcome spending half a day on a porta-potty when there was work to be done.

After a while Emilia borrows a sewing kit, a torn shirt that was to be used as a rag, a shoe-string from a damage shoe, and a bottle cap and sets to some arts and crafts. Thirty minutes later she tracks down Alick's son and presents him with a newly mended teddy complete with a makeshift doctor's coat, and a stethoscope made of the shoe lace and bottle cap.

"I have been teaching your teddy how to help people like I do. I thought that he could help you take care of your pateras, your papa. Make sure that your teddy gives him lots of check ups, and if your papa is good, you can give him this." She produces a sucker that she had traded a candy bar for. "And this is for you if you are also good for your papa" She produces a second sucker.

She ruffles the boy's hair and seeks out Alysa among the crowds. When Emilia finds her she offers her hand. "I wanted to thank you for your help earlier with treating Julian and the others. Its good to have someone else with a STEM background. I have a feeling they'll need both of us in the medical tent before long. I hope you remember the anatomy of your biology degree. She laughs and it converts to a snort. "Sorry, I don't know why that was funny to me. I probably had enough to drink. In any case thank you again. I look forward to working with you."

Eager to learn more about her fellow section 8 volunteers, Emilia settles in and listens to Julian talk about himself before sharing something of herself "It is very nice to meet your Julian, my name is Emilia. I grew up in a small town in Greece. My father is an engineer, and my mother..." She pauses before continuing "She died during childbirth. I often think that is what spurred my interest in medicine. I went to university at UoA, the University of Athens. After I received my doctorate I traveled for a while before taking a position at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. It is a teaching hospital and I am currently in my residency, though I am on leave to help here. She raises her cup and offers a cheers. "Oh I also like the band Queen, and Disco! Oh! She squeaks in excitement "Fun fact that could be useful, did you know that if you perform CPR to the song "Staying Alive" that it is the perfect tempo to keep the heart beating? Very ironic!

Emilia sits and listens to the others before finding her own bunk. She sees the note that Shiyan and sets the alarm on her battery powered radio clock to get up and help in the kitchen. It is a good thing she didn't need much sleep.
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Last edited by Malkavianmilkball; Jul 25th, 2024 at 06:19 PM.
Old Jul 25th, 2024, 09:12 PM
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”I see a little silhouetto of a man…Sorry. Someone mentioned Queen and I am a huge fan of classic rock.” Ian interjected at some point while the Section 8ers got to know each better. “Also a New Yorker.” He nodded to Julian. “I work for Black Securities, an investment firm, and also the family business.”

He must have felt a little self conscious as he glanced around to the others. “But I am also a first responder and I also have had some security training, like the guard not like the investment, and a little investigative training as well. So I am not just some business stiff.” That was as close as Ian could get to revealing that he had trained himself as a vigilante.
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Old Jul 26th, 2024, 07:44 AM
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Radios carry the broadcast from 106.7 ABC Far North, which consists predominately of Beatles, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, the Doorsclassic rock and updates, though their crackling signal is intermittent as explained by apologetic DJs due to the damage inflicted to the station by the comet's impact, using much of their airtime to direct those in need of emergency support toward the available services.

For those deep in their cups, morning’s light is going to be a rude awakening, especially with daytime temperatures expected to exceed 105.8 Fahrenheit41 Celsius, factoring in the pea-soup humidity, but that does not act as much of a deterrent when the lager, bodies, and music are flowing. The International Red Cross employees avoid drink, and though some join in the revelry to dance and laugh, others professionally ensure that there are sufficient sober bodies available to deal with the business at hand, something that’s only exacerbated by having so few volunteers around.

Alysa finds the locals to be welcoming and good fun, offering advice of places to see in Australia if one was so inclined, and good-naturedly taking pokes at her accent, while asked perplexing questions such as, “How ya goin'?”, which she deduces to be a mash-up of “How are you?” and “Where are you going?”

Julian finds an opportunity to slip away from the others and fade from view, finding IRC workers picking through the ashes of the kitchen. From their conversation it sounds like a series of ill-starred events lead to a volunteer mistakenly refilling the diesel generator feeding the kitchen tent with gasoline slated for the small fleet of utes, which, by itself, Though certainly not good for the engine with much in the way of black smokewould not be likely to cause a fire, but the proximity of proximity jerry can to the hot generator lead to an unfortunate chain reaction that destroyed the generator and much of the kitchen tent. Julian’s observations support their conclusions, as the fire does appear to have started near the charred remains of a half-melted generator and what’s left of a jerry can. Protocols are implemented to ensure such a thing is unlikely to happen again, and the mortified volunteer is thanked for their initiative, but also provided with additional training rather than blame, and everyone pragmatically moves on.

Shiyan assesses the tent after all have left, save his invisible tentmate, who watches the man efficiently pick through the sodden remains, in search of that which is salvageable. In very little time a sense of order is restored, providing a significant boon to those volunteers tasked with cleaning up this area in the morning.

Emilia’s sewing acumen has the desired effect, the young boy’s eyes go wide, but not as wide as his smile as he crushes the bear tightly to his chest and starts to speak gibberish to it and pressing the bear into his father’s face for a kiss. Alick, remaining in his cot to be checked on by the first aiders, is a good sport about the whole thing, giving enthusiastic kisses to the bear and agreeing with whatever babble is on offer. He offers his gratitude to Emilia for her thoughtfulness.

By morning, Shiyan is already up toiling in the kitchen tent when Emilia joins him, taking on a central role in helping to save that which can be salvaged. The new kitchen is set up in a tent that was previously used for storage, forcing all manner of supplies to fill the now-cramped living quarters, including the freezer units being brought into the tent containing the men of Section-08, and a pair of fridges in with the women of Section-08. Breakfast is for the most part cold fare, consisting of cereal, muffins, fruit, and juice, but the soldier had a few surprises up his sleeve, as he was able to salvage the coffee and one burner the previous night, which adds caffeine to breakfast, as well as Fill thine booties with whatever creation Shiyan may have come up with for the 30 or so people at the encampment, with waffles, omelettes, scrambled eggs, et ceterasomething of his own making for all to enjoy. After everyone learns that Shiyan is the one primarily responsible for coffee being on offer he is perhaps the most popular person on the continent.

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Being nestled between the Coral Sea on the east and the Great Dividing Range on the west, Cairns offers an oasis to resident and tourist alike, but such geographical features offer several logistical challenges for resupply from any direction other than the south. Both civilian and military helicopter pilots are working tirelessly to bring in what is needed, but they are stretched so thin that now their only support available is casualty evacuation. Once replacement propane tanks, cooking implements, and another generator can be acquired then hot food will flow anew. Resupply is en route from Brisbane and expected to arrive tomorrow or perhaps as late as the day after.

At some point in the night the storm rolled in, and it arrives with a vengeance, grounding helicopters and halting sea travel, save only for the foolhardiest of captains. Poncho-style rain gear is handed out, when there is still visibility to see one’s hand dangling in front of their faces.

As 7:00am rolls around, with Section-08’s bellies filled with breakfast, you are asked to form up near a A "ute" is a short form that Australians and New Zealanders use for "utility vehicle"double-cab ute that is bulging with supplies strapped down onto the vehicle’s galvanised flat deck, secreted under a sun-bleached tarp. As of yet your IRC volunteer is not present, running late likely to do with their late night shenanigans.


Last edited by Anarchy; Jul 26th, 2024 at 08:48 AM.
Old Jul 26th, 2024, 10:54 AM
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Shiyan woke up earlier than he planned, the endless list of objectives to accomplish stampeding through his mind like runaway bison. He decided the one burner was meant for coffee, separating two beverage dispensers for the Java. He continued with filling three military grade water cans (10 gallon) and filling a second pot while mixing a powdered orange flavored Kool-Aid. A second set of four dispensers would be used for the cool drink and two 50-gallon coolers were filled with frozen ice-packs and boxed milk. At the head of the buffet table, he placed a box of plasticware with a sign 'Please keep your wrapper and plastic utensils throughout the day', he drew a picture to demonstrate how the cereal boxes were also used as bowls and placed it with four large boxes with various cereals inside. He placed several more mermite containers with ice and fruits before focusing on the lunch.

At the end of the table, he placed three cases of emergency rations with a sign 'Don't forget to take one, before leaving make sure that you are not allergic to the contents, if allergic return the meal and choose another'. Morning one wasn't going to be fancy or famous, but it would allow Shiyan with the maximum time to spend on preparing an enjoyable dinner.




Old Jul 26th, 2024, 12:17 PM
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Alysa Raine
Alysa was awoken sometime in the pre-dawn hours, a combination of being accustomed to rising early for classes, jet lag throwing her schedule off, the previous night's adventure, and the sound of the rain upon her tent. The cot had left her a bit stiff, but nothing a little stretching out and activity wouldn't remedy. Sitting up, she lifted her arms to the tent roof while emitting a mighty yawn, finishing up with a ruffling down of her hair to shake it out. Her head felt a bit muddled, but nothing she wasn't used to. Cambridge may not have the strongest reputation as a 'party school', but those who studied hard also played hard, and she was no stranger to being fully functional after a night of reveling.

With all the activity, practically a whirlwind of chaos from the moment she volunteered, she hadn't yet had time to feel the full impact of what was going on. Now, waking up in a strange tent in a strange country half a world away from home, she felt it. Looking around from the security of her cot, she now had time to really feel the melancholy of homesickness. The welcome familiarity of her flat, the dawning bustling of the city streets, turning on the telly for the morning news while making breakfast; all these were keenly absent, replaced only by the presence of strangers, already-building heat and mugginess, and a stiff back. After a moment or two of orienting herself and feeling a bit sorry, she took a deep breath and muttered, "Right, then...enough of that, carry on."

Hoisting to her feet, she made ready to exit the tent and be as presentable as possible. She dressed loosely and comfortably, tying her hair back into a sensible ponytail and forgoing the makeup. Thus girded for battle, she left the tent and found her way to the kitchen tent. Peering up at the darkened sky, she noted the thick clouds preventing her from getting a reading on the time, and she had forgotten to set her watch to local time. Frowning in slight irritation, she nevertheless forged on, lured by the smell of breakfast ahead.

Entering, she found Shiyan and Emilia inside, with a small handful of early risers present. The array of food was comforting to both body and soul, as Alysa was able to cobble together a semblance of a proper breakfast: sausage links, scrambled eggs, muffins for bread, and hash browns. A quick stop by the coffee station completed the ensemble and Alysa sat to eat quickly. She usually preferred to take her time through breakfast, but she wanted to be ready to help if needed. She also made it a point to finish all of it, as they were likely to be burning a lot of calories working, and the last thing she needed was to pass out. Pity that there was no tea, tomatoes, or mushrooms, but she wasn't exactly at a country club, was she? Besides, the coffee was surprisingly good, for camp brew.

Working through her meal as quickly as her digestive system would allow, she cleaned her station and made her way back to the breakfast table to volunteer serving the rest of the incoming workers. Now that she had eaten and gotten moving a bit, she felt more human and enjoyed greeting and chatting with the other volunteers. It helped shoo away the homesickness that had plagued her earlier in the morning and made her feel more like she was where she belonged.

Once breakfast was done, she grabbed an emergency ration from the table and joined the others outside, sporting her new poncho and a wide-brimmed hat to keep both sun and rain at bay. Squinting up at the sky, she tried to imagine which would be worse; working in the rain all day or working in the heat. Fortunately, the local weather was happy to accommodate the quandary by providing both rain and heat. Well played, Australia, she sighed as she lined up beside the 'ute'. Well played, indeed.

Realizing that the IRC volunteer hadn't joined them yet, Alysa waited anxiously a few minutes, looking around to see if she could spot them. The day was quickly getting warmer, and the supplies needed to be unloaded. "Should we start unloading?" she asked tentatively, looking at the others questioningly. "Or go find the volunteer?"

OOCAssuming I brought our illustrious GM to a sufficient amount of tears with my angelic post...

Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?

Last edited by The Rat Queen; Aug 1st, 2024 at 01:30 PM.
Old Jul 26th, 2024, 12:18 PM
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Well that can't be right. My burns were way worse than this right? It's completely healed...

Julian stared at his face in the tiny mirror while his toothbrush hung haphazardly from his slightly gaping mouth. Was he developing a new power? If he had super healing now how awesome would that be, but that's crazy right? Or was Doctor Emilia just that good? That made no sense though. Now wasn't the time to test anything crazy, either. There was still a lot to accomplish. Chalking the explosion up to human error made sense, but Julian had a sinking suspicion that he would need to remain vigilant. Varyingly competent random people from around the globe all showing up and being expected to help avert a disaster without problems arising was a tall order, and it made sense that there would be a major adjusting period before things worked smoothly.

At least he didn't have to go out looking like a cartoon mummy. He bathed himself in sunblock and made sure to make full use of his giant hat, not wanting the fresh skin on his face to immediately burn again.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you all slept well? Oh hey this breakfast looks good thanks Shiyan. Hopefully we can put out more fires than we start today huh? I hope we are driving out to the site today, we need to get to looking for survivors soon or they'll melt out in this heat."

Julian and Emilia
Rather early in the day, Julian would try to pull Emilia aside for a private conversation, insisting he needs to speak to her as doctor/patient and all the confidentiality that entails. When he asks, he seems much more serious than what he'd been presenting so far.

Last edited by RedMoney; Jul 26th, 2024 at 02:06 PM.
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