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Port Valencio Gazetteer
City Districts Harker's Bay : The waterway on which Port Valencio's docks sit, Harker's Bay was initially named after the city's co-founder Preston Harker. He built up the waterfront and used his sizable merchant fleet to export ore dug from the surrounding mountains to places that would pay a premium. The docks stretch the length of the waterfront and cross all of the districts to varying extent. Boating, skiing, and whale watching are all common activities on the bay and the stretch of beach in the southern edge is constantly bustling during the summer months.
Hazel Valley : Butting up against the mountains on the east of the city, Hazel Valley was the big draw to Port Valencio in its early years. Coal and iron ore were plentiful and the influx of miners created a boom town that lined the pockets of the wealthy land owners. When the mines finally dried up decades later the area was converted to industrial use, with factories popping up to keep the economy afloat. The smoke from these factories has blanketed the area in a low fog that is heaviest at night and gave the area the nickname The Haze.
Rundel Downs : Initially the residential area for workers digging out the mountains of Hazel Valley, Rundel Downs was constructed by city co-founder Marcus Rundel as a gesture of goodwill to the miners who found living in the valley untenable. After decades of mining finally dried up the coal and ore Rundel Downs was left with polluted ground water and 'lowest-bidder' construction, taking on the name Rundown by those forced to remain living there.
The Narrows : A stretch of residences and businesses lying between Rundel Downs and Presidio Center, this is the neighborhood our heroes arise from. The economic disparity of the city is quite visible here as both of the adjacent neighborhoods push against it. Gentrification along Presidio Center is rampant with constant construction adding apartments and businesses that most further in can't afford. The despair of Rundown creeps over the border in the form of urban decay and open criminal activity. It is anyone's guess how long The Rows can survive this constant pressure but the people remain resilient to the changes.
Presidio Center : One part wealthy neighborhood, one part city center, Presidio Center is home to museums and municipal buildings scattered through with skyrise condos and sprawling estates. Tourism draws people here to supplement the city's finances and while this is the home of The Spider one would never known it if they weren't local. There is little tolerance for breaking the rules here and most of the local police force is paid or pressured to turn a blind eye to the activities of the Spiderweb.
Green City Overlook : The Overlook, or just The Green to some, is a rise on the city's southern edge that has avoided being despoiled by urban sprawl through strong collective action on the part of local environmentalists. It is the home to the city's largest park, complete with open-air auditorium and natural lake, as well as the city's arboretum and botanical gardens. Few homes exists in the district due to strict zoning policies but the many venues for entertainment are frequented by residents of all districts throughout the year.
Criminal Organizations The Spiderweb : Ruled over by Max Anchestro, known to the world as The Spider, the web is a close-knit group of professional criminals and the most powerful gang in the city. The lieutenants all go by arachnid-themed code names and they have a small army of trained killers on their payroll. Based out of Presidio Center, they rarely push into the other neighborhoods unless their hand is forced. Vincent Wolf: aka The Umber Wolf, lieutenant in charge of fighting arenas around the city. Head of the Wolf Pack, elite enforcers of The Spider's will.
Adrian Vox: aka Orb Weaver, specialist in information gathering and The Spider's primary source of intel on the city's other gangs. Communicates strictly via internet, never photographed.
Helena Ulster: aka Widow, infiltration and assassination specialist feared for her ability to breach any security and vanish without a trace. Notable for poison-based killings.
Fusion : A group based out of The Haze, Fusion is composed primarily of dissatisfied factory workers and people too stricken by poverty or illness to move away from the district. They have a bad habit of using cast off materials from the cities decaying factories to alter themselves in bizarre and unsettling ways, turning their bodies into weapons that both terrify and wound. The least cohesive of the city's gangs, they seem to revel in destruction and acts of violence against anyone who tries to push into their territory.Malice: Factory worker turned fanatic, they are the nominal head of the gang.
Dranjkoff: Lead scientific mind behind the gang's bizarre implants and modifications.
Zabro's Crew : A dockyard gang of former teamsters and sailors run by Emilia Zabro, daughter of Yuri Zabro the now-deceased mobster and number one enemy of The Spider. They work to limit The Web's influence outside the city and control large portions of the city's black market and smuggling operations.Emilia Zabro: Ruthless and bred for leadership, her skills as a negotiator have kept her crew free of Spiderweb influence.
Gunter Reyjik: Second in command of the crew since Yuri's reign, his age hasn't slowed him.
Orla Mannex: Head of the crew's enforcement branch, a calculating and powerful fighter.
Gearheads : Working out of the old warehouse district on the border between The Narrows and Rundown, the Gearheads are primarily a boost gang. They steal and strip cars, shipping the parts out of the city and bringing in fresh vehicles to sell. The dabble in drugs and protection but big money comes in street races, often with deadly consequences.Redline: Notorious car thief who has never been caught on camera without their LED mask.
Jian Lo: Fixer for the gang, known throughout the Narrows as the person who can get anything.
"Sticky" Dick Gonzales: Mid-level booster with a grudge against Penumbra.
Milo: Up-and-comer in the gang, brother to Harmony.
Glory Hounds : Rundown's premier gang of miscreants, the Hounds are based out of that districts dog racing track which they long ago shut down to save the animals from the cruelty. Now they train the animals as trackers and fighters to support their own efforts in extorting and controlling the local populace. They are most involved in the city's drug trade and run dens throughout the district for that purpose.Fang: Former veterinarian who runs the group's kennels and maintains the health of their packs.
Mauler: Trainer, tracker and hitman. A versatile element of the group and always a threat to their enemies.
Vigilantes Impact : Arising from the Hazel Valley district, Impact is a sledgehammer swinging hot-head with nothing to lose. His welding masks and overalls costume is a welcome sight to those in the district who live under the thumb of Fusion even if he has a tendency to take things too far when the fight gets heavy.
Fawn and Lamb : Twin sisters who strike out from their hidden headquarters somewhere in The Green, they wear stylized animal masks reflecting their respective identities. Skilled fighters and archers, they take no issue with using the poisons they develop to bring down the gang's tougher enforcers.
Mirage : More rumor than fact, few have ever seen them in action but they have left their calling card on many a busted criminal operation. Highly advanced in technical acumen, they are rumored to work out of Rundown if only because their work most often appears there.
The Force : Those cops who would not bend to the Spider's will inevitably quit or were driven out of the city's corrupted law enforcement. Adamantly anti-violence, the Force provides logistical support and information gathering to those in the city who oppose the Spiderweb. The run a purely administrative service, organizing and training vigilantes and providing intel on targets around the city. They are mobile, moving among numerous safe houses and boltholes in Presidio Center.
Last edited by NoizePollution; Nov 2nd, 2024 at 01:06 AM .