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Old Oct 25th, 2024, 09:35 PM
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Act 5 Scene 6 Jiinasha System

The crew of the New Hope sets a course away from Jiinasha High Port, the glow of the station’s distant lights gradually fading into the black expanse of space. The ship’s computer hums softly as it integrates the newly received data from the system’s automated handshake, projecting a star map onto the main display. It’s a patchwork of known trade routes, celestial coordinates, and outdated reports, stitched together from the files of wandering scouts and freelance data-merchants.

Even with the technological advances of this era, much of the information outside the active system ports is still marked as ‘ish’—noted in galactic shorthand as "incomplete, speculative, or hearsay." The maps are peppered with cautionary tags like “probable asteroid fields” or “unverified settlement,” indicating that while the data might be correct, it’s just as likely to be outdated, or worse—dangerously wrong. It’s a sobering reminder that even in the heart of Imperial space, the frontier can still feel wild and unpredictable.

The crew exchanges wary glances as the details flicker across the display. With only a few confirmed waypoints, much of the space between the stations and minor planets remains uncharted. The best sources of information often come not from starport data repositories but from the rugged individuals who call the edges of civilization home—the belters, miners, and extreme settlers.

These hardy souls live beyond the reach of standard comms buoys and station patrols, forging an existence on desolate moons and in the voids of distant asteroid belts. Their knowledge, gathered through grit and hard-earned experience, is rarely written down and never recorded officially.

“Out here, the maps aren’t just inaccurate,” the someone mutters, scanning the display with a critical eye. “They’re almost a work of fiction.”

Pumpkin, near the bridge at the time replies, “Well, we’re not here for a scenic tour. I'd keep an eye on the local chatter—if there’s a belter beacon nearby, we’ll want to tap into it. They’ll know the real lay of the land.”

As the ship continues on its trajectory, the crew knows they’ll have to rely on more than just system data. Out here, in the dimly lit reaches of lesser-known space, they’ll need to listen for the faint, encrypted signals of outposts and keep their sensors finely tuned for the telltale signs of small settlements: a plume of engine exhaust, a faint ping from an ore refinery, or the barely noticeable EM signature of a hidden mining rig. This region may not be fully charted in any official sense, but it’s far from empty—and navigating it safely will require more than just coordinates.
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Old Oct 26th, 2024, 04:51 PM
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Carlin Reed
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Leaning against a bulkhead on the bridge, Carlin covered a yawn with the outrageously large travel mug of coffee he was currently working on. He might not be terribly helpful up here on the bridge, but he was certainly more useful here than down in the engine room. He could work a panel if need be, and he was a fair shot with a turret, but he probably couldn’t even recognize half the tools needed to work on a j-drive, let alone use ‘em. As it was he was overdressed for what should be an easy flight, wearing his flak vest and carrying the big iron, memories of their last milk run still hanging around in his head.

Nodding at Pumpkin’s comments, he waits to see how the new crew members settle in. Kelvin’s team of mercenaries certainly had the skills to complement the crew in running the ship, but Carlin felt more comfortable with New Hope people at the controls. He had no real reason to distrust the Imperial prince, other than him being Imperial, and a prince, and a sketchy bastard, but Carlin disliked the power imbalance in the whole situation. Even with the new crew they were still outnumbered by combat hardened mercs, and a quick look over the personnel files of the new kids did nothing in his mind to shift that imbalance.

”Well, which one of you wants the sensors?” He floats the question out there, watching everyone still getting used to being on the ship and figuring out where everything is. ”Or I can do it. Wouldn’t be the first time.


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Old Oct 26th, 2024, 04:57 PM
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Solange "Solaris" Venn, the Pilot
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Solaris leaned back into the well-worn pilot's seat, her slender fingers flying over the control panel with practiced ease. The dim glow from the cockpit displays cast her in a soft light, illuminating her striking features. Her bright auburn hair, a bit tousled from the pre-flight rush, caught hints of red in the glow, and a light dusting of freckles over her nose and cheeks added a youthful charm to her otherwise focused expression. Eyes as sharp and clear as polished steel scanned the displays with quiet intensity, flickering over the patchwork star map.

It was exactly the kind of map she’d seen a dozen times before—half fact, half legend, always laced with a little danger. A part of her loved it; another part, the one that clung to structure and certainty, tensed in response. Still, this was the frontier, and if Solaris knew anything, it was that every frontier needed someone capable behind the controls.

Turning slightly, she gave the cockpit a once-over, spotting the New Hope’s other crew settling in, when her gaze landed on Pumpkin. One brow arched in mild curiosity. “Hey, so... Pumpkin, is it? I don’t think we’ve met officially.” She grinned, a slight mischievous glint in her eye, and then gestured to the expansive but outdated star map on the screen.

“And, you know... speaking of introductions, anyone want to tell me where we’re headed?” she asked with an endearing tilt of her head, her lips curved into a disarming smile. “I mean, I’m more than happy to make something up, but I’d hate to disappoint anyone’s expectations.”

She let the question hang, adding a subtle wink that balanced out her casual confidence with a playful air. It was her way of putting the crew at ease, even in uncharted space, showing them that no matter where they were headed, they could count on her to steer them there safely—and maybe even have a bit of fun along the way.


Old Oct 27th, 2024, 12:53 PM
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Aseala looms, as is his way, off the side of main traffic patterns of the bridge. It is a habit to make himself as unobtrusive as his alien physiology will allow when crowds are involved. The murmurs from the crew as the sparse information appears on screen is not a thing that inspires confidence, but his time running courier has made him a bit more comfortable with the idea of 'little information is better than none'. He'd worked with less information in the past, after all. And fewer people to help with it.

Golden eyes sweep across the mingling faces, uncertain who all these bodies are outside those they've been introduced to. A ship needs a crew, that is certain, but so many strange faces will take some getting used to. Were they a military force of some kind? He hadn't gotten the impression from the initial introductions that there would be so many hands available.

"I can take a turn." He steps over to Carlin as the question of who can babysit the sensors comes up. Not a specialty by any means, but he's worked his way around various imperial ship systems in his day and this one isn't likely to be all that different. Settling into the appropriate seating for it, he shifts a bit to look over at Carlin. Being in closer proximity to the man, he lowers his voice to a soft grumble.

"I had not expected so many new faces, though I suppose I should have. Is this the ship's standard crew complement?" He'd sought a less lonesome voyage after leaving the expeditionary forces and this certainly fits that bill, but he hadn't counted on how it would feel to be a new face in a sea of them, on a new ship with unfamiliar workings. All in all, Aseala finds himself uneasy in a way he hadn't expected to be. In that moment, he is grateful for knowing Vex is among them. At least one mote of familiarity in all this. His fingers glide over the sensors console as he works out the kinks in the system.


Last edited by NoizePollution; Oct 27th, 2024 at 01:24 PM.
Old Oct 27th, 2024, 11:24 PM
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The sensors are clear all the way to extreme range other than a small caravan of traders headed toward Jiinasha's High Port.

At present, the next belt of planetoids in orbit band 13 are out of sensor range. It would be at least 20 hours before sensors would be in range of that band.
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Old Oct 28th, 2024, 12:42 AM
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Vex wasn't one for standing around on the bridge when she didn't know her direct assignment. On a ship like this, getting into earshot of how the sausage was being made was tempting sure but it isn't where she is needed usually. Her place was close to the heart, or in the veins so to speak, where the heartbeat of the ship ticked and thrummed. So, after introductions were over, that's where she went and where she stayed until directed otherwise.

The steady hum of the jump drive filled the air around her as she leaned casually next to a console. The display was patching into the generally accessible portion of the star map and she was trying to make sense of what was happening without hearing any of what was being discussed.

"Probable asteroid fields," she says under her breath and mostly to herself. "The forecast is open space with a chance of big, stupid rocks"

She switches the display over to diagnostics of the drives and power monitors and just generally tries to get an assurance of conditions while she awaits specific direction.

Old Oct 28th, 2024, 02:11 AM
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The galley of the New Hope had the relaxed hum of a place where routines had long since been established. Kelvin sat at a table, a cup in his hand, exchanging the occasional quiet comment with Wader seated across from him. Dudd lounged nearby, tapping a spoon rhythmically against a metal tray, his narrowed eyes flicking toward the new crew just enough to let them know he saw everything.

Shadow leaned against the bulkhead, one boot braced against the wall, her expression as neutral as the gray panels around her. She exchanged a glance with Flay, who sat with her back to the newcomers, scrolling through a datapad as if they weren’t worth her time.

“You think they’ll last?” Dudd asked under his breath, the spoon clicking lightly against the tray.

Wader snorted softly, setting down his drink. “Long enough to regret signing on, I’d bet.”

Kelvin smirked without looking up from his cup. “Let’s give them a chance to impress. We’ve all been the ‘new hand’ before.” His tone was light, but there was an edge of subtle authority—enough to remind them to wait and watch.

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The door slid open, and Miri strolled in, her steps fluid and familiar. She offered a comfortable nod to Kelvin’s group, sliding easily into their space as if she belonged—because she did. She stopped near Shadow and gave her a mock-stern look. “You planning to scowl at them the whole trip, or just until the asteroid belt?”

Shadow’s lips twitched, almost a smile. “We’ll see.”

Flay smirked without lifting her eyes from the datapad. “They’ll figure out soon enough.” She tapped the screen a few more times and muttered, “Or not.”

Miri gave an amused hum, brushing lightly past Wader to pour herself a drink. “Play nice, ladies. The belt’s challenging enough without extra complications.” She shot Kelvin a knowing glance. “Everything smooth with you?”

Kelvin returned the look with a subtle nod. “So far.”

Dudd chuckled under his breath. “Give it time.”

Miri leaned back against the counter, sipping her drink as her gaze flicked to the newcomers. “Fresh faces. I like that.” She tilted her head thoughtfully. “We’ll see if they like the belt.”

Kelvin leaned slightly toward Wader. “Odds?” he murmured, low enough for only those at the table to hear.

Wader gave a small shrug. “Fifty-fifty.”

Miri smiled, a little too knowingly. “Better odds than some.”

With that, she gave them a playful wink and drifted toward the door, her presence leaving behind a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Kelvin and his team settled back into their quiet camaraderie, but the undercurrent of anticipation remained. They knew the real tests wouldn’t happen in the galley—they’d come soon enough, out in the belt, where every hand would have to pull their weight or sink.

The galley of the New Hope buzzed with quiet conversation, Kelvin’s crew falling into their usual rhythm. In the background, Warka moved silently, his massive form blending into the flow of ship life. The Weren’s fur—thick and dark—brushed the top of the narrow cargo door frame as he carried a crate of supplies with ease, setting it down in the corner with a low, thoughtful rumble.

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Warka worked with the patience of someone used to long hauls and tight spaces. A mop and cleaning cloth were slung across his broad shoulder as he inspected a vent near the wall. The steady hum of engines accompanied the scrape of his claws gently against metal, brushing dust from the edges of the grating. Cleaning was a routine task, and Warka approached it with quiet competence, as if tending the ship was both duty and meditation.

Occasionally, Kelvin’s crew cast glances in his direction, as if reassured by the Weren’s quiet presence. Wader, seated at the far end of the room, gave Warka a subtle nod of acknowledgment, knowing that even a spacefaring giant like him found comfort in mundane work. Dudd smirked, watching the Weren lift a crate that would take two humans to manage, carrying it as if it weighed nothing.

Warka rarely spoke unless spoken to, and most of the crew had learned to let him be. When he wasn’t cleaning or organizing the cargo bay, he was usually napping in a corner among the crates. His immense frame made him an imposing presence, but his slow, deliberate movements hinted at someone comfortable in the silence between tasks.

As Warka finished cleaning the vent, he straightened with a soft grunt and slung the mop across his shoulder again. He cast a brief glance toward the galley’s occupants—assessing them, not with suspicion but with a kind of deep-seated understanding that came from long experience. He gave a low rumble, almost a greeting, before turning and padding back toward the cargo bay, his steps silent despite his size.

Flay glanced up from her datapad, her lips twitching with amusement. “Big guy’s always working.”

Wader chuckled softly, tipping his mug. “That’s Warka. Ship runs smoother with him around.”

Kelvin, observing silently, gave a faint smile as Warka disappeared down the hall, his shadow trailing like a ghost in the dim lighting.
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Last edited by savoylen; Oct 28th, 2024 at 02:27 AM.
Old Oct 28th, 2024, 03:36 AM
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Enok had been double checking a few of the Life Support lines that had taken a bit of a beating in their last fight, trying not to rush even though they were supposed to be getting new crew on board. He had gotten everything passing an inspection check and closed everything back up just in time to emerge as the ship was closing up and getting ready for disembarkation. Wiping his hands down he headed back to his stateroom to clean up a bit and then emerged clean and spotless and headed for the bridge, his footsteps clunking softly along the corridor while he scrolled through his tablet. Looking over the list of new faces, probably not best that he had missed introductions, but at the moment, he felt that checking life support was probably the better option after their last run in, besides, he had tapped into the ship’s comms which had picked up the conversation outside of the ship itself. He hadn’t listened to most of it yet, only when something had caught his ear, especially being called out by Allyne, but he would listen to the recording later. He patted the wall as he went along and shook his head, muzzle smiling lopsidedly. He really hadn’t expected things to end up they way they had. Nothing had worked out quite right in retirement yet, but he was still on a ship, and was the pursuer and trader for it. Now if things just didn’t keep cropping up that would keep him from trading! Snorting as he shook his head and stepped up to the bridge door as it slid open and he took a slow step inside, eyes widening a bit at the hustle and bustle.

"Sounds like someone is eyeing my pilot chair." He spoke the words in a warm tone, looking back and forth at the new members and also nodding to Carlin as well. He moved over to his own station, which was more often one of the engineering ones, but he had it set to piloting. He laid a hand on the back of the chair and then turned back to the others. "My apologies for my absence at the meet and green, I was unfortunately tied up in checking life support. I’m Enok, unenthusiastic pilot and the crew steward and pursuer. A please to have you all aboard." His manner was a bit stiff, but that might just be because this whole quadrant had him a bit on edge. He gave a slight bow and then slipped into his chair, and checked over the panels for a moment before keying the comms. "Good meteor-rise everyone, this is your pilot speaking, we are preparing for departure, time to stop thinking about that hot date you had portside last night and instead zip into a nice dreamy ride out into the freedom of space. The weather is a clear and it is a balmy day out and it looks like there is just enough time to settle your stomach for watching the port bar retreat in the distance. Everyone please stand to your stations and try not to let the drinks spill, I hate having to think about mopping up deckplates while steering. 3 minutes to scheduled launch." He palmed the comms back off and snorted, shaking his head before turning back to the rest. "I know one of you applied as pilot, I’m assuming that is yourself..." sketching a half bow in his chair towards Solaris who sat in the official pilot station."I will be more than happy to hand that job over to you once we are away from the station where you can come to terms with the New Hope’s own piloting idiosyncrasies. The sooner I can hand the controls off the better, which means we should probably get our lovely captain to spill the beans on our destination."

After they had made it out of power and beyond the hustle and bustle of the flow of traffic, he readily handed the controls over to Solaris and waving to the bridge as a whole, headed back to the galley to settle in, pausing in the door to the bridge. "Oh, and if you have any preferences for what you would like for meals, send it to the galley’s station and I’ll see what I can do. We are still getting the hang of things, but I do what I can to make sure everyone is at the least pleasantly served in meals and refreshments." With that he slipped out into the corridor, a short hunched figure strolling easily along the stretch of ship and heading for the galley, coming upon the closing of a door leading off of the galley, and seeing Kelvin and the team lounging about. He gave them a smile and a nod. "Let me know if you need anything, I’m just settling in the new stores of things." Waving a jaunty hand and putting on some low soft music in the galley, he started to get to work getting everything just so and breathing a sigh of relief that an actual pilot was now on board, and smiling at Warka before the quiet crewmate when padding away again. He thought once more about what an odd crew they were assembling, but those kinds of crew seemed to be the best.

Old Oct 28th, 2024, 04:18 PM
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Allyne – Jiinasha – A full complement
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Allyne sat quietly in the engine room as the Hope lifted away from the dock. They’d set course for the closer of the asteroid clusters and it would take a few hours to get there. The new crew were settling in and she wanted to give them some space – her concern turned to the engines. The refit in Jiinasha was more comprehensive than she’d expected and she’d only trust the work once she’d run her own sliderule over it.

She untuned the noise cancellation in her earbuds and listened to the M-Drive spinning up for the first time since its repair. She didn’t like the noise it was making. She frowned, walking around the machines, hands feeling for the vibration and placing an ear to the outlet.

Eventually she sighed. It was OK. It was just the lubricants working their way round as the drive was used in anger for the first time. She smiled and knocked the engine a couple of times before making her way to the bridge.

Everyone was busy – sitting in stations, chatting away, getting to know each other. Even Kelvin’s crew and Warka were in the galley. Miri was there too.

”Everyone’s here, that’s great – I can report the engines are on line to my satisfaction… Solaris, AO, Vex, I promised you and introduction – where we’re going and what to expect. Well I guess we should get started.”

She paused by the coffee jug. ”Hey! Rule one,” she said in mock-sternness. ”Whoever takes the last drop fills the jug.” she waved the empty coffee jug at the room.

”Now,” she said, setting work to fill the machine. ”Short answer to your question Solaris, is we are heading towards that first asteroid belt – we’re looking for a depot where we think our target ship, the Decisive will pass by. They’re kidnappers, who have taken Kelvin’s sister. Our first job is to find them and get her off the ship.”

”Quite why we’ve got into this is a longer story … I may as well go back to the beginning. It was at a bar of coure, it doesn’t matter where, that's where Kelvin first signed up the Spirit of Hope to act as a taxi service to take a friend of his to a planet you won’t find on any map.” She looked impatiently at the coffee slowly dripping through. ”A bad place. But that is where my first crewmate saved my life. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Miri. She did not look like this at all when we first met, but she was the one that busted us off the planet with a swarm of gun-toting ships behind us. And she’s pulled my behind out of trouble twice more since. That’s three lives I owe her, so treat her well.” She blew a kiss to Miri.

”We met Kelvin’s sister on another planet - oxygen miners with a penchant for illegal cyber improvements. That’s where Enok got himself into something he’s regretted ever since. Suffice it to say an investigation into an ex who was threatening her got us into a whole hill of trouble. That’s where I got this.” She tapped the metal port that had been sunk into her skull. ”It got hot there for a while – and thank goodness for Carlin … sitting there gunning his car as we broke out and Joe, who joined us there.”

She nodded to the pair. ”I’m sorry boys. Sorry for dragging you into the next chapter.” She poured a half-cup of super strong coffee, knocking it back and wincing. ”It seems that a combination of Miri and out mission attracted the wrong kind of attention. Those two-bit pirates the Kind Brothers. They fell on us just as we left Tribon. Nearly spaced us all and gutted the Hope on her maiden journey. If it wasn’t for Miri and Kelvin’s crew here we’d all be dead for sure.”

She stood, patting the troopers on their shoulders and nodding thanks. ”Well, anyway. We made it out of there – and now we are one step ahead of them … I hope.” She seemed to be addressing Kelvin’s crew next. ”And this time we want to be subtle – this is not a guns blazing unless we can avoid it. This time we want to find the Decisive before it arrives and find a way into it before it ships out. If we can break out Kelvin’s sister, and get out of here without a shot … well the bonus should be enough to keep Miri in Rhodium and buy me a new hip – and have more besides for us to share.” she turned to Kelvin. ”That right Kelvin?”

She poured herself another coffee. ”Any questions?”


Info dump!


Old Oct 28th, 2024, 06:21 PM
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Solange "Solaris" Venn, the Pilot
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Settling into the pilot’s seat, Solaris watched Enok with interest, her gaze tracing his every movement. Enok was calm, precise, a touch old-fashioned, yet his hands moved with a grace that gave away a seasoned pilot's habits. Solaris stayed quiet, taking in the way he worked the controls, his small, speckled figure relaxed and steady as he adjusted for departure. When he quipped about his seat, she offered him a playful grin.

“Don’t worry, Enok, I’ll keep it warm,” she replied, her tone teasing but respectful. Once he’d set the course and opened the comms, his voice came through, clear and dryly humorous. Solaris chuckled, keeping her focus on the ship’s ascent but shooting him an amused look. As soon as Enok left her to take over, she slipped effortlessly into the role, fingers dancing over the controls as she made minor adjustments, syncing up with the New Hope’s quirks and responding to its subtle feedback like second nature.

In the galley later, Solaris sipped a mug of coffee, her gaze sweeping over the assembled crew as Allyne introduced each one. She absorbed names and faces, filing away the details like coordinates in her mind. The coffee was strong—almost too strong—but the company was as interesting as any she’d met, a motley band with their share of scars and stories. She leaned back, watching Allyne fill the crew in on their target and the mission.

When Allyne finished, Solaris raised a brow, glancing at the others with a grin, then asked, her tone playful but curious, “So, question. Say things go sideways out there… Am I expected to pitch in with the gun-toting? Or are you guys handling that?” Her voice softened with just a hint of bravado. “I mean, sure, I can fire a laser as well as the next gal, but I’d hate to mess with a good tactical plan.”

Her eyes sparkled as she asked the question, looking back at Allyne, clearly unfazed by the risk but also wanting a better picture of the job. “And does the Hope stand a chance against the Decisive?” she added, giving a wry smile. “Or is that part something we’re still cooking up?”

As she spoke, her gaze moved around the group again, taking in Kelvin’s crew, each carrying their own stories in their eyes and mannerisms. She added with a grin, “Either way, let me know if there’s a battle plan coming down the line—I like to know what I’m flying into.”

Her words came with a spark of daring, a confidence tempered with curiosity, as though she was ready for whatever might lie ahead.


Old Oct 28th, 2024, 11:08 PM
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Carlin Reed
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Standing in the back of the room, Carlin lowers his huge mug of coffee out of sight, using AO as a screen, ”Yeah, guys, don’t just finish the pot without putting on a new one.”

The old man pays attention to Allyne as she speaks, and not just because she’s in charge, but because he hasn’t heard a good portion of the story. He takes a sip from the mug as she recounts his minor part of it all, wishing he’d added something stronger to it as she talks about the encounter with the Kind brothers. He has mostly recovered, but his skin still itches from the exposure to zero-g, and he’ll never forget that experience.

He nods to Solaris as she expresses her concerns, ”Chances are when the time comes it’ll be less about what’s expected, and more what’s required.” He glances down at the gun on his hip, ”But chances are you’ll be more help right there at the controls.”

”Not so much the Decisive I’m worried about, as it is the Apogee and Perigee, the two pirate ships,” he said with a scowl. ”They had us last time with some treacherous sabotage, and a two-to-one ship advantage. Don’t like the odds any better at three-to-one, but I do suggest we sweep the ship for any of those devices before we get too far along. The brothers had a lot of sway on that station.”


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Old Oct 29th, 2024, 01:30 AM
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Vex had been more or less acting as a sponge up to this point. There was a lot of backstory and a lot of new faces and she was still trying to match them to names as they came up in conversation or introduction. It would take her a little while to get her bearings but it didn't seem like it was going to be hard for her to fit in. She gets a very strong sense of comradery and trust from this group. They had obviously been through a lot together.

The one individual that got her attention the most was the weren. She found herself watching the large fellow intently even as she listened to Allyne document the important events. Hard work was always an admirable quality to her, even something as mundane as clearing dust from a vent. When the weren returned her gaze she smiled softly in response and nodded to his low rumble which was clearly friendly.

When she hears Carlin, her eyes narrow, "What's that... you said sabotage?" A subtle arch lifts her brow before she continues, "Yeah I've had some experience with that kind of game. Last freighter I worked with took on new management and it turned pretty bad for the regular rank and file for a while. So bad, they went on strike in protest. Management didn't like that too much." A short, bitter chuckle escapes before she continues, "Rigged the worker decks with explosives, planned to blow the ship and us with it. I believe there was some kind of insurance kick on the other side of it for them."

Her expression darkens a little as her gaze had found a spot on the floor. "Lost a few friends in that mess but we managed to get the bombs disarmed." She blinks a few times and seems to clear her mind of whatever weight had started to press in as she looks back up to pass a glance between Carlin and Allyne. "I'm no expert but I'd be glad to help with the sweep if you need it."


Last edited by Salvation; Oct 29th, 2024 at 01:30 AM.
Old Oct 29th, 2024, 10:53 PM
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Carlin Reed
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”Nothing so dramatic as bombs, but they had a device hidden on board by someone at the last port the ship was docked at. Used it to take over the Hope's systems and vent the ship.” Carlin stared off into the air ahead of him as he spoke, ”Would have been a lot worse if not for Miri, and Kelvin's people.”

”Given the amount of repairs we needed when we got here, and the pervasiveness of the Kind brothers' influence in Jiinasha, it would be smart to sweep the ship while we travel. We certainly have the time.”


Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter

Last edited by Starflier; Oct 29th, 2024 at 10:54 PM.
Old Oct 30th, 2024, 12:28 AM
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Aseala drags his claws through the white fur on his chin as the story presents itself. Miri is certainly an interesting addition to the whole thing, and his brain begins to file a litany of questions away for later on the topic. It is quite the chronicle, far more action heavy than he would have anticipated. The crew had been through more than a few scrapes, and there isn't much reason to believe that is due to change given the direction they are headed. Solaris voices a question that occurred to him as well, and he pivots enough to look behind himself as Carlin speaks up. His eyes drop to the mug for a moment and he can't disguise his confusion as the over-sized nature of the thing. He grumbles a low-voiced question back to the main as Vex speaks up.

"Are you certain that is a biologically sound amount to consume?" AO has never been one to lean on stimulants or depressants; anything that interferes with a consistent sleep schedule is a frustration to him. So while he isn't actually certain how much that would be, especially accounting for body mass and metabolic rate, but it does seem like as a regular occurrence it would be cause for concern. Which leads him into a question of his own, one he holds until Vex has spoken. The shift in her affect makes clear to him in that moment that the woman he knew and this woman have diverged through her experience. He should make an effort to reconnect with her soon, discuss how the years have impacted them both.

"Might I inquire as the state of any medical inventory on board? An infirmary? A well-stocked cabinet, perhaps?" He'd spent a bit of time training in turrets but personal combat was neither something he'd had opportunity nor interest in training. Given the brief synopsis provided by Allyne, he's begun to regret that decision. There certainly seemed to be armed folk with the skills for it aplenty on the ship, but being the only one without a weapon when the fighting comes is not a situation he hopes to find himself in. "I'm an advocate for the path of least resistance as much as any but it doesn't hurt to be prepared for a fight. Admittedly, I'm much more useful in the aftermath."


Last edited by NoizePollution; Oct 30th, 2024 at 12:44 AM.
Old Oct 31st, 2024, 11:54 PM
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Time drifted by as the New Hope and its crew edged closer to the sprawling, treacherous expanse of the inner asteroid belt. The asteroid complex loomed, a vast labyrinth of tumbling rock and hidden hazards, where each fragment floated with silent menace, daring the ship to pass unscathed. The crew moved with quiet efficiency, knowing this wasn’t territory that forgave carelessness.

But just as they settled into the rhythm of preparation, something unexpected was uncovered. In the port cargo bay, tucked inside a bundle of strapping, a small, crude mechanism was found—a tracker, simple yet effective. Designed to ping a signal just as the ship approached the moment of "Starfall," the device would broadcast the New Hope's current position and anticipated destination. Whoever had planted it had done so with enough subtlety to evade initial scans, a fact that gave the crew pause.

The discovery set everyone on edge. Hands moved quickly to secure the area, with crew members sweeping the surrounding space for any additional surprises. The device was dismantled, each component carefully logged and analyzed. The message was clear: someone wanted to track their movements, and the device had been set to transmit just as the ship made its jump.

The tension deepened when a quiet alarm pulsed on the bridge, signaling a new arrival on the sensors.


Several ships emerged at extreme range, each arrival marked by the unmistakable burst of residual hydrogen as they left jump space. The display showed their incoming trajectories as streaks of light against a dark backdrop, each ship appearing with a slight delay, indicating staggered arrivals.
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