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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 11:02 AM
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A Little Ship in a Big Galaxy

Game NameA Little Ship in a Big Galaxy
Game SystemTraveller
Players Wanted:4 - 6
ThemeA crew of ne'er do wells, misfits and individualists crewing a ship and trying to make money and find adventure in the galaxy
FlavourSpace opera, space travel, 'used future' aesthetics, gritty but not dark, likable rogues, get rich quick schemes
Plot Summary

The Third Imperium stretches across charted space like a sleeping dragon; dangerous when roused but old and bloated with treasure and age. Its countless trillions of inhabitants are humans of many kinds from many worlds along with those aliens who have found their own niche in Imperial society. Across the borders lie potentially hostile powers - the leonine Aslan, the piratical Vaghr even the enigmatic and telepathic Zhodani...

Not that everyone cares about politics of course. Some individuals have more personal concerns whether it is making their fortune or running away from trouble or simply seeing the galaxy. On the fringes of the Imperium are independent worlds and client states, pocket empires and pirates and beyond them unexplored space.

Opportunity and adventure await!

About the game:Greetings all! I am looking to start up a Traveller game for 4 players. I'll be using the Mongoose Traveller 2nd edition rulebook and we'll be starting with the 'High and Dry' Adventure.

I am not experienced player with Traveller let alone a practiced Referee but I do like space opera and after hearing about Traveller as a game for years I finally took a plunge and bought the book. Needless to say I'm hooked.

My influences are primarily television and movies like Star Trek (especially Deep Space Nine) and Star Wars but I also have read a few sci-fi classics from Arthur C. Clarke and Poul Anderson in my time.

While we'll be starting with a pre-written adventure a lot of what will happen next will be determined by the mix of characters we have. In Traveller a lot of campaigns are built around a crew who dabble in a little bit of everything - trading, exploring, smuggling, investigation - and that freewheeling feel is something I am aiming for.

While this is not going to be a 'comedy game' and there will be a fair bit of grit, crime and intrigue I have a soft spot for adventure, quips and romance. Players looking for very dark scifi, very hard scifi or horror sci fi might be disappointed.

About the Travellers (player characters)One of the great elements about Traveller is that Travellers can come from almost anywhere. Certain careers might fit in a little easier - Free Trader Merchants, Scouts, Rogues and so on - but really almost any Career and background can be justified.

Ideally I'd like to keep most characters human which I think makes it easier for newer players but alien characters are not banned.

Because character generation is such a key part of the game and because it depends so much on dice rolls I am looking more for concepts and what you are looking for from the game that completed characters. Please do not roll dice in this thread!

Useful ResourcesThe Traveller Wiki - an extremely useful (if terrifyingly huge!) resource for setting information.

Traveller Map - a huge zoomable map covering canon known space.

Last edited by RossN; Dec 4th, 2024 at 08:58 AM.
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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 11:08 AM
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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 11:13 AM
NoizePollution NoizePollution is offline
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Oh, boy. You had me at adventure, quips and romance. I'll sketch up some stuff in this post here after work today.
"Antisocial, maladjusted, non-committal, can't be trusted, that's so us and
everything you do that's s----y, count on me cause I'll one up it."
The Beaches, Takes One to Know One
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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 02:19 PM
Hotshot lasgun Hotshot lasgun is offline
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if you'll allow darrians from aliens of charted space vol 3, I'll do that!

if not I'll go normal boring human
im offering solo fate, world of darkness, warhammer fantasy and 40k, along with twilight 2000 v4 games. if you're interested hit me up.
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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by NoizePollution View Post
Oh, boy. You had me at adventure, quips and romance. I'll sketch up some stuff in this post here after work today.

Originally Posted by Hotshot lasgun View Post
if you'll allow darrians from aliens of charted space vol 3, I'll do that!

if not I'll go normal boring human
Afraid I don't have that book.
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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 11:29 PM
Hotshot lasgun Hotshot lasgun is offline
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idk what I wanna play. my usual is the gun bunny, someone with a lot of dakka and who's not afraid to use it. but traveller is fugging hi-lethality, and I'm not so sure I wanna bleed out in some godforsaken ditch somewhere

soo, tentative plan is the gun bunny
im offering solo fate, world of darkness, warhammer fantasy and 40k, along with twilight 2000 v4 games. if you're interested hit me up.
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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 11:48 PM
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Chivalry in Space?
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Name: Tiago Osorio
Careers: Marine military academy -> Marine (Star Marine) -> Noble (administrator).
Concept: Scion of military greatness, noble-born dabbler, starry-eyed idealist, devil with a blade.

Tiago grew up on stories of his family's greatness. How they've served for generations in various levels of the imperial military, how they earned their titles in blood and honor. The fact that they rule over a backwater in the far reaches, a nothing planet in the greater scheme of things, never really occurred to him. His parents were never the pampering sort, impressing the ideals of honorable combat and equal justice on him from an early age. He lived comfortably, tended by the best tutors and never in want, and had the lofty goals of building upon his family's legacy with even greater accomplishments. Of course, leaving his home meant realizing just how small and insignificant that legacy truly was. The universe is so much larger, so much more vast and complex, than he could ever have imagined and being an Osorio didn't carry the kind of weight he'd always thought it would. But just because his family name didn't carry greatness doesn't mean he couldn't bring some greatness to his own reputation. With high hopes and strong ideals, he set out to make something of himself that he, and he alone, could be proud of.

Tiago wears his age well, having benefited from good nutrition and stable genetics from an early age. Crow's feet mark the corners of his eyes and laugh lines crease his otherwise smooth skin at the lips. His eyes, with their soft yellow-orange irises common to nobility on his home world, continue to shine with the optimism and curiosity that was fostered in his youth. He keeps his hair braided tight and his beard trimmed neat, the style adopted by many on his planet as a sign of respect for his efforts. While age and lifestyle has softened his muscles a bit, he still bears the frame of a trained soldier and his movements bear the steady agility of his training. His clothing, in whatever form it takes, is kept clean and pressed in every situation that allows it, a behavior enforced by his father as a sign of station. His upbringing lends him toward stoicism in the face of new situations, but his nature makes socialization and camaraderie and easy fit once he is comfortable.

Term 1Attended marine military academy and showed himself capable in the standard array of skills required by that role. Picked up an interest in deep space flight and the function of piloting those vehicles. Graduated into a position in the imperial military as a star marine.
Term 2Began a career in the imperial marines with focused training on boarding actions and infiltration. During this tenure, improper intelligence and poor logistics led to a mission failure that saw unnecessary casualties. He testified against the commander, Uther Rikson, and drew the man's ire as a result.
Term 3Continued rising in the ranks of the marines, progressing in his tactical and combat acumen. During this period he worked closely with Lennox Veron, a PR liaison for a media project detailing marine victories. They become intimate for several months but the constant travel on both of their parts made the relationship untenable.
Term 4Leaving service in the military, he returned home to take up rulership after his father abdicated the position. With his mother as an advisor, he continued the favorable policies that his father had implemented and did his best to open opportunities for the common folk to rise into governmental power. While this made him popular among those classes, it drew ire from his cousin Eylandri Osorio, who was well entrenched in planetary governance and a staunch traditionalist.
Term 5His policies, while popular, drew enough attention from opposition in the upper classes that he began to sense the coming storm. When he was publicly challenged to a duel over a minor offense, an obvious ploy to try and remove him from power, he couldn't deny the future. And he won that fight, but barely, as his time in governance had left him slower and less capable. Turning over power to his mother, who he knew would carry on his methods, he set off to the stars to regain his purpose.

Allies and Enemies

Uther RiksonEnemy, commander who failed to properly prepare for an infiltration mission.
Lennox VeronAlly, former lover embedded in the military PR corps.
Eylandri OsorioEnemy, cousin who disagrees with my political policies.


Connection Opportunities
  • Term 1 - Took up Piloting as an interest.
  • Term 2 - Survived a mission that failed due to incompetent leadership.
  • Term 3 - Developed a romantic relationship.
  • Term 4 - I rule in a fair and wise manner, but earn the ire of a family member or subject.
  • Term 5 - Challenged to a duel of honor and defeated my opponent.

Rolls and Results

"Antisocial, maladjusted, non-committal, can't be trusted, that's so us and
everything you do that's s----y, count on me cause I'll one up it."
The Beaches, Takes One to Know One

Last edited by NoizePollution; Dec 9th, 2024 at 07:50 PM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 12:00 AM
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ds9 best star trek

theres always a price to pay for utopia
im offering solo fate, world of darkness, warhammer fantasy and 40k, along with twilight 2000 v4 games. if you're interested hit me up.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 12:27 AM
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I will post interest though I seem to struggle with interesting characters. When it comes to sci fi I tend towards engineering types as that is something I do in real life. It's just a natural inclination and by no means a signal that I need everything to make absolute sense. A lot of things in Traveller would be way less interesting if they made perfect sense.

I'll try to put together something in the next few days that leads up to the essential lifepath choices that comprise the infuriating joyful RNG of Traveller character creation.

Last edited by Salvation; Dec 4th, 2024 at 12:29 AM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 12:42 AM
NoizePollution NoizePollution is offline
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Originally Posted by Salvation View Post
I will post interest though I seem to struggle with interesting characters. When it comes to sci fi I tend towards engineering types as that is something I do in real life. It's just a natural inclination and by no means a signal that I need everything to make absolute sense. A lot of things in Traveller would be way less interesting if they made perfect sense.

I'll try to put together something in the next few days that leads up to the essential lifepath choices that comprise the infuriating joyful RNG of Traveller character creation.
Great to see you here. I understand the comfort of the familiar. Rarely do my characters not have some form, no matter how rudimentary, of medical training because it reflects my life experience. And I am also looking forward to how creation will completely hijack my original concept.
"Antisocial, maladjusted, non-committal, can't be trusted, that's so us and
everything you do that's s----y, count on me cause I'll one up it."
The Beaches, Takes One to Know One

Last edited by NoizePollution; Dec 4th, 2024 at 12:55 AM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 02:31 AM
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Back at you Noize, really enjoyed working together on our last characters.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 03:33 AM
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NoizePollution said so well what they like in a game that I can really only echo that.

I've got no experience with Traveller, but I'm intrigued, I like the bent of it, and I enjoy the life history aspect in the character generation - building a coherent character out of random life events is something that intrigues me. One of my favourite characters ever came about in this way (in the Witcher TRPG system).

I think I would go for a human woman with an INT/EDU orientation, but not of the scientific/academic kind. Maybe with an (attempted) Navy career (which could link up to NoizePollution's idea), with Merchant Marine as a backup plan. Or maybe even a journalist. Hard to pin it down more exactly without rolling any dice, of course.
Please be aware that my posts are written from my characters' perspective and do not necessarily reflect the truth and/or the writer's opinion.

Last edited by Mairien; Dec 4th, 2024 at 03:48 AM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 07:27 AM
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Great to see so much buzz!

Originally Posted by Hotshot lasgun View Post
idk what I wanna play. my usual is the gun bunny, someone with a lot of dakka and who's not afraid to use it. but traveller is fugging hi-lethality, and I'm not so sure I wanna bleed out in some godforsaken ditch somewhere

soo, tentative plan is the gun bunny
Always good to have a tough guy or gal around!

Originally Posted by NoizePollution View Post
Okay, so let me start here, and I'll use this post as my planning space. My only current Traveller character is:

A) An Aslan.
B) Heavily Int/Edu focused with a science bent.

So it stands to reason that, in the effort to explore fresh territory, I should aim for someone that is:

A) Human, leaving possible alien spots to other folks.
B) Social status and/or physicality focused.

If I can wrangle the stats, it would be interesting to try for someone of status from a place where military service is seen as a noble effort to blend those ideas. This would likely give them a fish out of water feel in a crew of misfits, which is another fun niche to fill.

As far as game expectations, and what I look for in gaming from a general sense, I'd say my goal is always interpersonal connections and emotional buildup. I love when characters build relationships, for good or ill, in both a player and non-player sense. This often draws me to games in the PbtA umbrella because they frequently have that sort of direction built into the rulesets, but I've seen it used to great effect in many types of games so long as the GM is interested in it. When I see games not make space for character relationships in the face of the 'big picture', the main story or focus of the overall tale, I find things less engaging. Conversation during creation, something that isn't as common in the pbp app process as it is around a table, often puts things on a good foot for this kind of thing.

Specifically with Traveller, I'm a huge fan of space opera and your touchstones (DS9 and Star Wars) are very close to my heart. I love sci-fi that isn't so granular that I'm more worried about the numbers than what the numbers put into the fiction. I like sweeping epic tales built around personal stories and a good mix of grit and humor really sells it for me. I tend to favor stories that involve exploration and socialization, but I don't shy away from combat when the story demands it. A good mix is always fun.
Sounds like you chime with a lot of my feelings!

The combination of his social status and military service could be be very interesting and go in any number of ways from a very romantic Arthurian knight or D'Artagnan figure to a very modern professional military officer.

Originally Posted by Salvation View Post
I will post interest though I seem to struggle with interesting characters. When it comes to sci fi I tend towards engineering types as that is something I do in real life. It's just a natural inclination and by no means a signal that I need everything to make absolute sense. A lot of things in Traveller would be way less interesting if they made perfect sense.

I'll try to put together something in the next few days that leads up to the essential lifepath choices that comprise the infuriating joyful RNG of Traveller character creation.
Heh. Joyful indeed!

I look forward to it!

Originally Posted by Mairien View Post
NoizePollution said so well what they like in a game that I can really only echo that.

I've got no experience with Traveller, but I'm intrigued, I like the bent of it, and I enjoy the life history aspect in the character generation - building a coherent character out of random life events is something that intrigues me. One of my favourite characters ever came about in this way (in the Witcher TRPG system).

I think I would go for a human woman with an INT/EDU orientation, but not of the scientific/academic kind. Maybe with an (attempted) Navy career (which could link up to NoizePollution's idea), with Merchant Marine as a backup plan. Or maybe even a journalist. Hard to pin it down more exactly without rolling any dice, of course.
She sounds very interesting and I like the idea of an explicitly smart character who isn't just pigeonholed as the scientist - detectives, spies, diplomats and the like all have to be smart. A journalist sounds a fascinating take!

I'm also a little relieved I won't be the only one new to the system!
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 08:02 AM
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Lydia Perlman
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Plucky and feisty, Lydia never lets life get her down. She goes about it without malice or cynicism, is happy to enjoy the experiences that come her way, and believes in helping people out simply because it's the nice thing to do, and why wouldn't you, and where would we be if nobody did it? But that doesn't mean you have to let them dupe you or take sh*t from them.

She is rather short and a bit weird-looking, but the energy she gives off is an engaging one.


Lydia was born the daughter of a lawyer and a government bureaucrat on a well-developed trade world.The setting is just too huge for me to absorb, I'm going to have to leave this unspecified for now...* Her parents ensured that she went to a good school for the children of the well-off or well-connected and that she learnt how the - mostly social - world works. Lydia was well-liked among her peers and participated with enthusiasm in debate competitions for students.Background skills: Admin, Advocate, Carouse, Streetwise*

It came as rather a blow to her family when, upon coming of age, the young woman completely failed the entrance exams for university, possibly under the influence of her first romantic entanglements. Not only that - she then also failed to gain any sort of job or internship at the news organisations and think tanks she applied to. Much against the wishes of her parents, the undeterred and courageous young woman then decided that she would have to secure some sort of career through less prestigious means and applied to the Imperium's draft - which, in its infinite bureaucratic wisdom and efficiency decided to make use of her in just about the least suited position it could find by sending her to the Army. Officers there, hardly happy to receive this recruit, at least made the sensible choice of sending her to logistics after miserable performance in basic training.Basic training skills: Vacc Suit, Athletics, Gun Combat, Recon, Melee, Heavy Weapons*

While some of her comrades appreciated Lydia's knack for practical problem-solving, as long as those problems involved people, her inquisitive and critical attitude was not much appreciated by the Army as an institution. It needed people to execute its processes, not question them. This eventually resulted in a dishonourable discharge from the service for disciplinary reasons, as Lydia just couldn't manage to keep her mouth shut when she thought the Army did something in a stupid way. Hyman Lynch, the officer on whose desk her suggestions and complaints repeatedly landed, had been surprisingly tolerant at first, but did not appreciate that she repaid him for this kindness by not changing her ways one bit and eventually reached the end of his patience.Gained then-Captain Lynch as a Rival. 12 years later, he has probably advanced in rank.*

After this misadventure, Lydia re-took the entrance exams to university and finally succeeded. In this environment, she thrived - personally and socially, at least, if not academically. She had more enthusiasm for her participation in the campus newspaper than for coursework.Skills gained: Art (writing) 1, Profession (journalist) 0* At the same time, she became close with a tight-nit group of friends who are still in touch to this day. Among them, Lydia is the odd one out, in that they succeeded in pursuing normal career paths befitting their background and social station, whereas she is, comparatively, a failure. But friends are friends.She gained these three people as allies.*
  • Marian Palani, an ex-boyfriend of hers with whom she parted on good terms and who went on to have a career as a diplomat
  • Sadie Thornton, the daughter of a nobleman who now operates various charities
  • Aeron Pryce, who went into business and became an executive of an interstellar shipping corporation
These things, however, served as enough of a distraction to cause her to neglect her coursework to the point that she failed to graduate. A subsequent attempt to follow the path she had begun and find work with a news organisation also failed. Lydia spent the next several years bouncing around between systems, mostly hitchhiking, and seeing quite a bit more of the shapes life could take for people in this galaxy than most of her peers ever would.

Being a lone female hitch-hiker is not entirely without dangers. Robbery is hardly a concern when you have little in the way of material possessions, but you still have a body. By sheer luck, Lydia managed to escape a would-be rapist who was supposed to take her to the next system, alerted the authorities, and set in motion a very unexpected sequence of events: a renewed inspection of the ship revealed that the man turned out to be part of a ring of smugglers that were trafficking in illegal precursor parts for weapons of mass destructions. The organisation got busted as a result, but some of the higher-ups escaped and some of the grunts are probably out of prison again by now. They probably hold a grudge.A small criminal organisation as an Enemy. I don't think those guys actually have a name.*

Eventually, the experience and stories she had gathered finally enabled her to land a job at least as a freelance writer. She continued to produce novelty travel reports and the occasional social commentary. An attempt to foray into criticism by covering a newly released novel by a famous writer rather backfired; at the presentational reading, which she attended, her questions were not well-received, and the piece she subsequently published did nothing to improve her reputation. Nevertheless, she made a bit of a name for herself as someone who knew many people and had seen many things - only as always, she never succeeded in turning any of these contacts into money or a stable job. Maybe everyone always thought she didn't want or need money or help, and she never asked for it.-1 SOC from the infelicitous event around writing, but twice +1 SOC as benefit from leaving the career at rank 1.*

Open Hooks: With two life events, I have two hooks for involvement with other players. One of them could have been part of her social circle while at university. Another could have made her acquaintance at that unfortunate reading. Obviously happy to be fit into other people's events - I believe we would sort all this out after players have actually been selected?

Please be aware that my posts are written from my characters' perspective and do not necessarily reflect the truth and/or the writer's opinion.

Last edited by Mairien; Dec 10th, 2024 at 04:40 AM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 03:52 PM
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