"Well," says Harrison once the meal has finished. As we harengons say: "The feast passes, the winter looms."
He stares at you with concern and perhaps a bit of pity. Though also admiration.
After leading you out of the kitchen, he walks you through a red-carpeted hallway, gilded in an outrageous tone of carrot-orange molding and trim. The colors clash hideously, and not only with themselves but with Harrison's troubled countenance.
Finally, the hallway ends in a door.
Harrison opens it and leads you to a stairway. It is a spiral, looping not only upward, but backward into itself. There is a direction, but no clear way forward.
"There used to be a time," Harrison sighs, "when there was one system. We all knew where the stairway went and the rules for walking on it. But now ... there is no clear system, and many ways. I think that is for the better, though it requires climbers who are deft navigators. "
He motions for you to enter and begin climbing, pressing a furry paw toward you and offering a stoic handshake. He is, of course, a hugger though, and quite willing to go in for those. He is, also of course, a crier. But he won't begin until he can no longer see your figures up there, somewhere in the climb.
And the climb is long. Arduous. It takes weeks.
But eventually you arrive in what must be the Invigilator's Lair.
What did you expect to find?
Was it this?
A stark, empty room. Cavernous in darkness and void of smell or sound.
But there comes a voice, and--perhaps to your surprise--it has a cheery tone: "Welcome! I am pleased and honored to see you!"
As it booms through the Lair, a light appears from above and shines on two wooden shields.
"These are yours, regardless of what happens next. Each of you will receive one of these--as you so deserve by your display of creativity and tenacity to this point."
Then darkness again, but a lingering smell of cherry wood.
"But one of you shall take the title and be offered a place in this mansion to encourage those who would seek the title in the coming year. One of you shall be named Iron DM 2024."
There is a flourish of music. A Koshiro tune--though never performed until this moment.
"Now then, what is an Iron DM? It is someone who can begin with nothing--a blank screen, a blank page, a near-empty lair as we stand in now. And from that nothing, they create something ... something wonderful not to show how clever they are, nor to prove their power, but for others to immerse themselves in and enjoy. That is greatness. And you have done that so far, all of you. With only your mind and your inner talents, you have created so much."
A breeze. It clears away all scents and almost all memory.
"So we begin from nothing, only ourselves. And so this final task asks you to create something that will stand the test of time ... using nothing ... but yourselves. These are your ingredients: 1) Something that is not a fish 2) a false type of cloth 3) an iron signet 4) 3,991 enlightened ones 5) a god among us 6) a long-bladed dagger and 7) a warty amphibian. That is the essential information. The rest, as they say, is the small print. Good luck. And know, no matter what you do this week, you already have my admiration and respect. You are honored guests, and always will be."
Get to know psuedenim. I'm a He/Him in PDT and am around most days. An ongoing medical thing came up so posting could be slower for a while. Please PM me or even post for me if the gap is too long.
Last edited by bananabadger; Dec 9th, 2024 at 03:37 PM.
Reason: Removed secret screen. Good luck!
The Isle of Gilleah
A DnD2024 Campaign for 5-7 (formerly) Beginner Players Lvl 4-7
Final Chapter: You’re Sure to Get a Smile From Seven Stranded Castaways Here On Gilleah Isle
The PCs were shipwrecked on the Lost Isle of Gilleah, an ancient mage-ocracy punished by the gods, where they were tempted with an offer of immortality … at the cost of being trapped on the island forever.
It hardly seems right to refer to our intrepid adventurers as “beginner players” anymore, after everything they’ve been through. They’ve faced skills challenges, puzzles, boss-level combat, and social encounters. They’ve now developed the skills and sophistication to handle some of the most challenging and rewarding aspects that can set TTRPGs apart from other games. It’s time to learn that one of the most satisfying parts of a TTRPG is’t slaying monsters or collecting treasure, but completing a character arc.
During Session Zero of this campaign, each player was prompted to develop a specific motive for their character to join the expeditions. It’s time to remind them what those motives were and offer them a path toward completing their goals. (DM Note: it may be helpful to use PMs or secret text for this. Players may choose to share their goals with the rest of the party, but each player should be allowed to decide how much to share, if anything)
There’s a catch: some player’s objectives will be in direct opposition with others. This could lead to in-party conflict, one of the hardest things to pull off well in a TTRPG, which is why it is our final lesson for our formerly-beginner players.
Initial Motive Prompt
Path to Resolution
The Sea Captain (fighter/paladin)
“You need this job. You need the expedition to be successful. Explain why it is so important to you.”
The benefactor who gathered the party for the expedition gave the Captain a specific task to complete: find a specimen of a prehistoric toad believed to be extinct and bring it back to them. (If this detail was not already established, then do so now by playing out a brief flashback scene). The benefactor hopes to use the Simulacrum spell to create enough copies of this specimen to populate a large park for the amusement of rich nobles - because nothing could ever go wrong when you make an entire amusement park filled with clones of prehistoric beasts … right? Now the party discovers that Princess Aevora-Thul keeps one of these creatures as a pet.
Warty amphibian = “extinct” prehistoric species. (DM Note: this creature does not need to present a challenging combat, since the real challenge is getting it safely back to the mainland. You can make it a non-combat encounter entirely by using a Giant Toad statblock. OR, if your players really want more combat, switch this out for a Dragon Turtle Wyrmling stablock, or even a Froghemoth stablock)
The First Mate (rogue)
“The captain is more than a boss. They’re your best friend and you owe them your life. Describe what they did to earn your undying loyalty.”
High Thalassarch Deivoros-Thul (Archmage leader of Gilleah) is aware of the Mate’s life debt to the Captain. If the First Mate did not offer this information willingly, Deivoros-Thul acquired it by using the Detect Thoughts spell. If the party is still in the city, Deivoros-Thul will try to speak to the First Mate privately. If that is not possible, he will communicate mentally with the Sending spell. Deivoros-Thul suggests the First Mate can repay his life-debt by secretly feeding a piece of the Forgotten One to the Captain, preserving his life.
Something That is Not a Fish = Unlike the secret sauce in the previous chapter, which gradually granted near immortality over the course of multiple doses, the First Mate may only get one chance at this, so Dievoros-Thul has prepared a concentrated piece of the Forgotten One’s flesh and disguised it as a grilled fish.
The Aristocrat (warlock)
You made a pact with dark forces for wealth and power. Describe who/what you made this contract with and what they demand from you in return.
The aristocrat’s warlock patron speaks to them in a dream. The patron wishes to ascend to godhood, taking the Forgotten One’s place in the pantheon. In order for that to happen, the aristocrat must assassinate the Forgotten One.
long-bladed dagger= The aristocrat’s patron grants them a new pact weapon- a sinister looking magical dagger with the ability to slay a god.
The Faithful Priest of a Forgotten God (cleric)
”You are a follower of the god who saved the Isle of Gilleah and was trapped there. You received a vision telling you to join this expedition. Describe how the vision came to you.”
The priest receives another vision that makes all things clear. They have been summoned to this island by the forgotten one, charged with the mission to free the forgotten one from their captivity.
god among us= The Forgotten One is severely weakened from their time in captivity by the Gilleans. In order to escape, they must be disguised and take the place of one of the PCs.
The Traveling Performer (bard)
”You are a famous performer, but now you’re taking the show on the road. Who or what are you avoiding?”
The performer hasn’t escaped what they were hiding from, only delayed it. Fortunately, Elsbeth "Bunny" Meadowlore- the harengon archivist held captive in the City of Gilleah- has an alternative to help the performer escape their past.
False type of cloth= Dungarees of Disguise. This magic item functions as a Hat of Disguise, except that the duration of Disguise Self when cast using this item is until dispelled. Bunny will trade the Dungarees in return for help with her mission of stealing the secrets of Gilleah and bringing them to her benefactor.
The Academic (wizard)
”You joined the expedition to research the lost civilization. What secrets do you hope to uncover?”
The Academic discovers the Grand Library of Gilleah, but the secrets can only be accessed by a true citizen of Gilleah. The Academic must either submit to assimilation or convince another PC to do so.”
3,991 enlightened ones = instead of books made of paper and ink, the knowledge of Gilleah is stored within a colony of thousands of tiny pixies, living in a massive aviary. The pixies will only divulge their secrets to a true Gillean citizen, making it impossible to steal or transcribe the contents of the Library.
The Wild-card (any class not listed above)
”You have a connection to one of the other PCs, whether they know it or not. Describe the nature of your relationship.”
The Wild-Card discovers that they have ancestral ties to the people of Gilleah. Now they must choose what is more important: familial ties or their bond to the other PC(s).
Iron signet= Princess Aevora-Thul is seen wearing an iron ring on a chain about her neck. On closer inspection, it is engraved with a sigil passed down to the Wild-Card by their maternal grandmother.
”PVP” is often seen as a “dirty word” in TTRPGs, and yet dramatic tension between players can make for some of the most compelling stories. The catch is that it needs to be done right to avoid upsetting one another. Make sure to respect any lines and veils your players established during Session Zero. You may also want to drop hints that outright PVP combat is not necessarily the default strategy. While some of the objectives are mutually exclusive (the First Mate’s objective would trap the Captain on the island, while the Captain’s own objective requires them to return home; the Priest must restore their god to power, while the Aristocrat’s objective is to kill that same god), other objectives could actually work together (the Performer’s Dungarees of Disguise could help the god among us to escape; or if the First Mate succeeds in making the Captain a citizen of Gilleah, then the Captain could help the Academic to access the 3,991 enlightened ones, and that knowledge could help the Wild Card learn the truth of their past). Even those objectives that are in conflict with one another could be resolved through compromise or sacrifice: one PC could voluntarily give up their objective to help an ally achieve their own objective.
Well DM, if you’ve trained your players well by now, it’s time to give them some agency and autonomy. The real challenge this chapter isn’t any monster or puzzle; it’s themselves. You need only present the objectives and complications to them, then sit back and let them do the rest.
Just make sure they are aware of the stakes involved. While they are encouraged to make deals, compromises, and sacrifices; failing to achieve an objective should present real consequences for each character. For example, if the Aristocrat or the Priest fail at their objectives, they risk losing access to their class features. If the Performer fails at their objective, they will have to face the force they were hiding from.
"He looked to the Kender for wisdom. If there was one thing she was good for, it was pearls of wisdom. Wisdom buried beneath twelve hours of stories about obscure relatives." -- Imveros