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Old Apr 3rd, 2021, 11:59 PM
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The Search List & Submissions

Please reply to this thread with submissions only,
but feel free to head over to the stands to chat about the event!

The first inaugural RPGX spring scavenger hunt is upon us, and this is where you make your submit your findings! First off, please make sure you read the rules.

The Rules
  • Teams will have 24 48 hours from the time of the announcement to post their findings.
  • Teams must be comprised of 3-10 people. No more and no less.
  • Once you've joined a team, stick with them.
  • You can only be on one team.
  • You can edit your submission up to the deadline, but not after. The latest edit time will count as your submission time in the event of a tie.
  • A post, item, person, etc can only be used for a single scavenger entry. No double dipping.
  • All posts referenced/used must be time stamped prior to the start of the scavenger hunt.
  • Be a good sport!

    Types of Scavenger Items:
    Provide a link directly to the post in question, and note what part of the post qualifies. Try to make it easy on the person doing the scoring. If they cannot see how the post qualifies, they may not award a point for that entry.

    Physical Items:
    For each item, you will need to post a picture of something one of your team members owns alongside a piece of paper with RPGX Scavenger Hunt 2021 and your RPGX username written on it. If you use social media to post your images, feel free to use #RPGX and #RPGXScavengerHunt2021. We'd love to see your smiling faces, but feel free to blur/crop your images if you want.

    Team Mates need to be registered on your team, and the team member will need to make an affirmation post in the Team Registration thread. Please be respectful as you search for teammates. Reaching out to others to form a team is encouraged, but badgering other RPGX members who don't want to participate will result in Or worse.disqualification.

    Link the profile of the person in question, and link any posts needed by the search item when submitting the item. If they aren't a teammate, consider sending a quick PM to let your new friend know they're going to be famous!

Then you will of course need to review the all mighty list of scavenger items! Unfortunately some of the Bunny-In-Chief's self-professed "funnier" staff members have added their own "color" to them. For your amusement of course.

The Scavenger Hunt List
  1. an Parodies of songs are ok, but no copy-pasta of Robert Frost, etc.original, in character, poem or song. - Sing like the DM is handing out bonus XP.
  2. a physical/printed adventure module featuring a monster on the cover - You can practically smell the save or dies.
  3. an edition of Explosive Runes with a multi-headed undead creature - Where are we heading with this?
  4. team up with a Community Supporter - It's not easy being green.
  5. an active game that changed its ruleset and kept going - Who cares? I can change the laws of space and time.
  6. a player who has participated in CSEA both prior to 2020 and post 2020 - Because resurrection works on all sorts of things.
  7. team up with someone actively DMing/GMing a game - When the DM smiles, it's already too late.
  8. a game that reached the and not by player or PC attritionend of its story - Legends never die
  9. some Created or commissioned by someone on your teamoriginal character art - What do you mean stick figures don't count?
  10. a post where rolling a natural one turned out to be a good thing. - Your worst day is my best day
  11. a player eating or drinking something questionable. - An iron gut will only take you so far.
  12. a combat post containing a flashback - Don't worry, we'll wait.
  13. a post in the last 30 days from a member who joined 2005 or earlier - These stone age stone throwers gather no moss.
  14. a member of staff / a red who is an engineer - You know what they say about arguing with an engineer...
  15. find a reference to RPGX not on - Where could we bee now?!
  16. a Or a link to their store pagebook written by a member of RPGX - For a mere $0.99 you too can sponsor a budding writer
  17. a site announcement with a typo or grammatical error - We're just trying our best, okay?
  18. an RPGX wish that has come true - When you wish upon a mod...
  19. a player with a current Sarosian Signature - Just try it. All the cool kids have one.
  20. a RPGX podcast discussing people hunting people - The dulcet tones of RPGX
  21. a RPG Crossing or DnDOnlineGames t-shirt - Gives a +1 to Charisma
  22. a handpainted or other "arcane spellcaster"wizard mini - Portentous plastic prestidigitation.
  23. a RPGX game inspired by a video game - The sincerest form of flattery.
  24. a post where a PC subverted another - Best of frenemies.
  25. a post where Dirkoth complimented Squeak - We figured world peace was too easy.
  26. a natural 20 - There's always a chance
  27. a dice roll using the DC/skill check feature. - Who has time to compare numbers?
  28. at least a 100 dice - Don't deny it, we know.
  29. a post where the poster uses a smiley named after themself - 'Tis the price of fame.
  30. an active sci-fi hall of fame game - You only think it hasn't happened yet
  31. someone who's birthday was in the last week - Maybe send them a nice happy birthday PM while you're at it?
  32. a PoTM containing an emotional support critter - The most adorable serial killers
  33. a princess that definitely doesn't need saving - She don't cook, she don't clean, let me tell you how she got that ring
  34. a post exercising the element of SURPRISE - That means sneak attack damage
  35. an in character post featuring a if fictional, make it easy on the judges and make it clear how / whynational symbol - But why choose a flamingo?
  36. a post where a player unveils their stronghold - We've got ale on tap in every room, and a wand of healing on every floor.
  37. a post containing techno-babble - All you have to do is reverse the polarity...
  38. a newbie thread for an admin or staff member - Even merlin was an apprentice at one point.
  39. team up with someone with over 10,000 RPXP - Building those gaming moments
  40. cheetos or mountain dew - No cheeto dust on the dice!
  41. a single post with more than a Multiple dice tags count provided they are all in the same post. 4d4 counts as 4 dice.100 rolled dice - They hoard the precious dice, even online
  42. an in character post that used real life science - She blinded me with... Science!
  43. a post where a PC supported another - We're here to help!
  44. team up with someone who has or DMedcompleted a New Player Solo GameNPSG (ever), Note: Only the player will be able to get the link due to privacy settingslink it - The loftiest towers rise from the ground.
  45. a pre-1985 RPG book or set/box - gather ye ol' grognards
  46. an Outplay post that feature not just regular existential crisis, but existential crisis of epic proportions - We're not in Kansas anymore.
  47. three posts in the same game where rope was the MVP - What about a bit of rope? You'll want it, if you haven't got it.
  48. team up with someone who has joined RPGX in the last year - We were all new once
  49. a newbie greeting from someone on your team - Welcome... to the world of tomorrow!
  50. an Iron DM entry containing a contradictory ingredient - In contradiction lies hope
  51. a post where one user supported another (OoC) - Aid Another gives Advantage in real life too

And finally, the submissions! Each team captain will need to make a single post in this thread with their team's submission. The bunny review committee is a stickler about punctuality, so make sure to get it in on time!

SubmissionsEach submission needs to have the following elements, all hidden behind a veil of secret text.
  • Be made in the designated time constraints (including last edit)
  • The team name, and a link to the team's registration
  • A list of scavenger items found including, at minimum, the item # and any relevant links as outlined by the scavenger item types. Item names are appreciated, but not required.
  • You are free to add additional notes, or comments that you think will help the review team
Yes, I do still exist. Sometimes.

Last edited by Ion2Atom; Apr 4th, 2021 at 12:40 AM.
Old Apr 4th, 2021, 05:56 PM
Master of Monsters's Avatar
Master of Monsters Master of Monsters is offline
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Originally Posted by Master of Monsters View Post
  • Be made in the designated time constraints (including last edit)
  • The team name, and a link to the team's registration
  • A list of scavenger items found including, at minimum, the item # and any relevant links as outlined by the scavenger item types. Item names are appreciated, but not required.
  • You are free to add additional notes, or comments that you think will help the review team

1: Check
2: #TeamMoM
3: Below

The Scavenger Hunt List
  1. an Parodies of songs are ok, but no copy-pasta of Robert Frost, etc.original, in character, poem or song. - Sing like the DM is handing out bonus XP.
  2. a physical/printed adventure module featuring a monster on the cover - You can practically smell the save or dies.
  3. an edition of Explosive Runes with a multi-headed undead creature - Where are we heading with this?
  4. team up with a Community Supporter - It's not easy being green.
  5. an active game that changed its ruleset and kept going - Who cares? I can change the laws of space and time.
  6. a player who has participated in CSEA both prior to 2020 and post 2020 - Because resurrection works on all sorts of things.
  7. team up with someone actively DMing/GMing a game - When the DM smiles, it's already too late.
  8. a game that reached the and not by player or PC attritionend of its story - Legends never die
  9. some Created or commissioned by someone on your teamoriginal character art - What do you mean stick figures don't count?
  10. a post where rolling a natural one turned out to be a good thing. - Your worst day is my best day
  11. a player eating or drinking something questionable. - An iron gut will only take you so far.
  12. a combat post containing a flashback - Don't worry, we'll wait.
  13. a post in the last 30 days from a member who joined 2005 or earlier - These stone age stone throwers gather no moss.
  14. a member of staff / a red who is an engineer - You know what they say about arguing with an engineer...
  15. find a reference to RPGX not on - Where could we bee now?!
  16. a Or a link to their store pagebook written by a member of RPGX - For a mere $0.99 you too can sponsor a budding writer
  17. a site announcement with a typo or grammatical error - We're just trying our best, okay?
  18. an RPGX wish that has come true - When you wish upon a mod...
  19. a player with a current Sarosian Signature - Just try it. All the cool kids have one.
  20. a RPGX podcast discussing people hunting people - The dulcet tones of RPGX
  21. a RPG Crossing or DnDOnlineGames t-shirt - Gives a +1 to Charisma
  22. a handpainted or other "arcane spellcaster"wizard mini - Portentous plastic prestidigitation.
  23. a RPGX game inspired by a video game - The sincerest form of flattery.
  24. a post where a PC subverted another - Best of frenemies.
  25. a post where Dirkoth complimented Squeak - We figured world peace was too easy.
  26. a natural 20 - There's always a chance
  27. a dice roll using the DC/skill check feature. - Who has time to compare numbers?
  28. at least a 100 dice - Don't deny it, we know.
  29. a post where the poster uses a smiley named after themself - 'Tis the price of fame.
  30. an active sci-fi hall of fame game - You only think it hasn't happened yet
  31. someone who's birthday was in the last week - Maybe send them a nice happy birthday PM while you're at it?
  32. a PoTM containing an emotional support critter - The most adorable serial killers
  33. a princess that definitely doesn't need saving - She don't cook, she don't clean, let me tell you how she got that ring
  34. a post exercising the element of SURPRISE - That means sneak attack damage
  35. an in character post featuring a if fictional, make it easy on the judges and make it clear how / whynational symbol - But why choose a flamingo?
  36. a post where a player unveils their stronghold - We've got ale on tap in every room, and a wand of healing on every floor.
  37. a post containing techno-babble - All you have to do is reverse the polarity...
  38. a newbie thread for an admin or staff member - Even merlin was an apprentice at one point.
  39. team up with someone with over 10,000 RPXP - Building those gaming moments
  40. cheetos or mountain dew - No cheeto dust on the dice!
  41. a single post with more than a Multiple dice tags count provided they are all in the same post. 4d4 counts as 4 dice.100 rolled dice - They hoard the precious dice, even online
  42. an in character post that used real life science - She blinded me with... Science!
  43. a post where a PC supported another - We're here to help!
  44. team up with someone who has or DMedcompleted a New Player Solo GameNPSG (ever), Note: Only the player will be able to get the link due to privacy settingslink it - The loftiest towers rise from the ground.
  45. a pre-1985 RPG book or set/box - gather ye ol' grognards
  46. an Outplay post that feature not just regular existential crisis, but existential crisis of epic proportions - We're not in Kansas anymore.
  47. three posts in the same game where rope was the MVP - What about a bit of rope? You'll want it, if you haven't got it.
  48. team up with someone who has joined RPGX in the last year - We were all new once
  49. a newbie greeting from someone on your team - Welcome... to the world of tomorrow!
  50. an Iron DM entry containing a contradictory ingredient - In contradiction lies hope
  51. a post where one user supported another (OoC) - Aid Another gives Advantage in real life too
#1 Mercy's Wedding Song in Barovia Wants You!
#2 Horde of the Dragon Queen or if you mean a physical picture then

#3 Explosive Ruins issue 17 page 8
#4 Master of Monsters = Community Member / as are several others on team
#5 Hoffman Institute: The GM, Savoylen, has changed the format a few times for this Hall of Fame Game
Admin RonarsCorruption-july 2019-CSEG: Twenty-Eight Centuries Later
Admin RonarsCorruption-Jan 2021-CSEG: Maiden in Iron (The Rat Queen, In The Mix) It did not specify that it should be the same game, just A PLAYER in a NPSG both pre and post 2020
#7 Banana Badger is actively GMing a Solo Game in the Solo Bazaar:
#8 Hero's Guantlet by Hvg3akaek
#9 Some original character art: Arquiztex the Rak'ta rogue, commissioned art created by @Psysquatch
#10 Tambovsky the soldier crosses a bridge, rolls critical failure, slips and falls on back ... spots all the goblins hiding in the rafters of the bridge roof
#11 Arquiztex eats a drugged cockroach, (which later leads to heavenly insight)
#12 Oar the sailor leaps into combat and recalls his greatest shore leave ever
#13 Master of Monsters; Joined 8/04 in game post in last 30 days
#14 hvg3akaek. He told me many years ago on one of our msn or gmail chats, but I found on site proof
#15 made by mark2072, 1 month ago

#16 The Austin Wyrd books written by RPG member extraordinaire, Ogamodwyna
#17 Spelling or grammatical error in announcement. Sorry Birched, don't smite me!

#18 2e Character Sheet wish granted
#19 CE2JRH has a Sarosian Signature
#20 Episode #20 discusses the ending of Outplay Shadowrun, where the group of players and NPC controllers were hunting down a traitor in their midst; people hunting people on RPG radio!
#21 A RPGX Shirt.

#22 The artwork of a 7 year old niece

#23 Dragon Age anyone? Yes please!
#24 Party gnome reveals he has been subverting the party all along...because he is Strahd
#25 Admin Dirk expresses appreciation and gratitude to Squeak
#26 (nat 20)
#27 MoM putting the feature to use
#28 Got a puppers cracking the whip! No husky was hurt in the making of this photograph.

#29 Ridin for the win!

#30 The Hoffmann Institute by savoylen
#31 Ziuku has a birthday on April 2
#32 Who says an emotional support critter has to be fluffy? In this April 2019 PotM, DaysUntold's character leans on her mechanical creature to literally guide her out of a funk and into the next step of their voyage
#33 Princess with an Attitude
#34 Arquiztex the Rak'ta rogue launches a sneak attack on a devil-cat. Surprise, kitty!
#35 A Canadian character goes by the nickname of the national symbol, the Maple Leaf
#36 Pippa the Gnome reveals the history behind a fortified town where a group of players has taken shelter
#37 Building a Ebat' Reactor -- a techno-babble term made up from a Russian swear word.
#38 EngrInAZ; as a noob :gasp:
#39 bananabadger
#40 Both!

#41 100d10 at your service

#42 Covers both entomology and Chemistry
#43 Durza the Orc helps her friends bash open a gate, regardless of whether it is locked or not, because orc friends are always there with the bashing assist
#44 Bananabadger is a Grad of NPSG (sorry for private, hard to get a non-private one!)
#45 Bananabadger's DMG

#46 Father Nimor, who had taken a vow of peace and nonviolence, absolutely loses it when confronted with an alien threat; from Round 2 of Outplay 2014
#47 Far and Wide Thread of Reluctant Heroes game

#48 Chathmaral joined 2/21
#49 Master of Monsters greeted Uhgli
#50 Iron DM game from 2015, first round item: A Truth that Makes a Liar ... now if that isn't contradictory, then Admin Dirk doesn't have a Patrick Mahomes shrine in his bedroom
#51 Dalinen offers support to me in my monster den at the news my mom is dying.[/url]
As a DM: Lichy Business /|\ Fireside Tales: Group 1 /|\ Fireside Tales: Group 2 || Up Next as DM: Little to no activity over weekend Enjoy your 4th.
As a Player: Guild Battle /|\ The Closing Calamity in the Crags: Group 2 || Misc Endeavors: Monster Den /|\ Writers Block /|\ Team Up

Last edited by Ion2Atom; Apr 10th, 2021 at 01:55 PM. Reason: Removing secret text
Old Apr 4th, 2021, 06:54 PM
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Team: Thanks Easter Aboleth Bawk Bawk

The Scavenger Hunt List
  1. POST: an Parodies of songs are ok, but no copy-pasta of Robert Frost, etc.original, in character, poem or song.

    Nicole serenades Gary in Outplay2020.
  2. IMAGE: a physical/printed adventure module featuring a monster on the cover

    Three Days to Kill owned by lostcheerio

  3. LINK TO ISSUE: an edition of Explosive Runes with a multi-headed undead creature

    Issue 19, page 19, two-headed undead Santa.
  4. TEAMMATE: team up with a Community Supporter

    Wishkamon is a Community Supporter.
  5. GAME: an active game that changed its ruleset and kept going

    Knick Knacks of Doom, Trinket Hunters, over 9 years of play, currently nominated for HoF!
  6. PERSON: a player who has participated in CSEA both prior to 2020 and post 2020

    User Karhald played the CSEA Twenty-Eight Centuries Later between Nov 28th, 2019 and Jun 25th, 2020
  7. TEAMMATE: team up with someone actively DMing/GMing a game

    Bothers is actively GMing Shadowrun 2050.
  8. GAME: a game that reached the and not by player or PC attritionend of its story

    Stepanxol's Cthulu Confidential game "A Cable's Length from Shore" reached the end. Here's the last post.
  9. IMAGE: some Created or commissioned by someone on your teamoriginal character art

    Tiefling Rogue Seren by Wishkamon:

  10. POST: a post where rolling a natural one turned out to be a good thing.
  11. POST: a player eating or drinking something questionable.

    Gary eating something questionable in Outplay2020
  12. POST: a combat post containing a flashback

    Kelsey drowns all over again.
  13. POST: a post in the last 30 days from a member who joined 2005 or earlier

    Still_Pond keeping the flame going!
  14. PERSON: a member of staff / a red who is an engineer

    Bhelogan is an engineer.
  15. LINK: find a reference to RPGX not on

    Charity Drive for Mental Health
  16. LINK: a Or a link to their store pagebook written by a member of RPGX

    Admin Dirk's Book

  17. LINK TO ANNOUNCEMENT: a site announcement with a typo or grammatical error

    February POTM announcement. Comma splice in the first sentence, incorrect use of colon in the second sentence. Another comma splice in the second paragraph. (Sorry! We love our admins!)
  18. LINK TO WISH: an RPGX wish that has come true

    Admin Dirk's wish for a "Say" button that both bolded and added quotes to selected text "is now a reality".
  19. PERSON: a player with a current Sarosian Signature

    CE2JRH has a Sarosian Signature, in evidence here in this post.
    Lashiec has a more current signature, not specifically labeled Sarosian, but with an unfolding link that takes you from his signature to this expanded thread.
  20. LINK TO EPISODE: a RPGX podcast discussing people hunting people

    In episode 17, hosts Kingmonkey and Scimmy give advice to DMs advertising a game on RPGX, discussing how to get players' attention, therefore instructing people on how to hunt people. Talks about "hooking" people to "devour" later.
  21. IMAGE: a RPG Crossing or DnDOnlineGames t-shirt
  22. IMAGE: a handpainted or other "arcane spellcaster"wizard mini

    Fillyjonk's handpainted arcane caster mini:

  23. GAME: a RPGX game inspired by a video game

    Crawl Out Through the Fallout
  24. POST: a post where a PC subverted another

    Warlock Wens subverts cleric Mercy by rolling his eyes at NPC Izek Strazni and communicating: "Women, whatchya gonna do?"
  25. POST: a post where Dirkoth complimented Squeak

    First post in the thread during the One Month of Being Nice.
  26. POST: a natural 20

    lydklein on a History check.
  27. POST: a dice roll using the DC/skill check feature.

    Reliq0770 using SCH.
  28. IMAGE: at least a 100 dice

    Fillyjonk's dice and dog. Link to the pic on Twitter.

  29. POST: a post where the poster uses a smiley named after themself

    In this post, Birched uses the emoji.
  30. GAME: an active sci-fi hall of fame game

    Savoylen's Dark*Matter: The Hoffman Institute is an active HoF scifi game.
  31. PERSON: someone who's birthday was in the last week

    WhiteStag's birthday is April 4.
  32. POST: a PoTM containing an emotional support critter

    Huhart's wizard with an emotional support owl, from 2017.
  33. POST: a princess that definitely doesn't need saving

    Botthilda the Left-Handed, bard princess.
  34. POST: a post exercising the element of SURPRISE - That means sneak attack damage

    hafrogman's John being sneaky.
  35. POST: an in character post featuring a if fictional, make it easy on the judges and make it clear how / whynational symbol

    Zenuvir tries to protect a tiger, the national symbol of India.
  36. POST: a post where a player unveils their stronghold

    Fioravanti reveals her stronghold (Scroll down to 4th fieldset for map/blueprint/layout of stronghold.)
  37. POST: a post containing techno-babble

    In this PF1 game, Digital Demons, Fragmaster01 dishes technobabble.
  38. POST: a newbie thread for an admin or staff member

    This is Moonzar's newbie thread.
  39. TEAMMATE: team up with someone with over 10,000 RPXP

    lostcheerio has over 10,000 RPXP.
  40. IMAGE: cheetos or mountain dew

    Fillyjonk with Cheetos.

  41. POST: a single post with more than a Multiple dice tags count provided they are all in the same post. 4d4 counts as 4 dice.100 rolled dice
    In this post, Batty rolled 102 d6.
  42. POST: an in character post that used real life science

    This Star Wars post from 2011 uses real life science like the speed of light and gamma radiation to explain hyperspace.
  43. POST: a post where a PC supported another

    Agetha supports John by sharing vital advice and supporting bardic inspiration.
  44. TEAMMATE: team up with someone who has or DMedcompleted a New Player Solo GameNPSG (ever), Note: Only the player will be able to get the link due to privacy settingslink it

    Stepanxol has both completed the NPSG and DMed the NPSG:

    Here's my finished NPSG as a player
    and my finished NPSG as a GM
  45. IMAGE: a pre-1985 RPG book or set/box

    Stepanxol's book Dweller's of the Forbidden City by David Cook, 1981:

  46. POST: an Outplay post that feature not just regular existential crisis, but existential crisis of epic proportions

    John Faraday's existential crisis post.
  47. THREE POSTS: three posts in the same game where rope was the MVP

    From the game The Other Side of the Mountain:

    Not fully tame Ripper does not eat PIP because ROPE LEASH

    Ripper gets hoisted because WOLVES HAVE NO THUMBS and cannot climb

    Ripper, noww a DRUID WOLF uses his person form in which he has a ROPE and they get down the well even though they LOST their rope.
  48. TEAMMATE: team up with someone who has joined RPGX in the last year

    Fillyjonk has joined in the last year:

  49. POST: a newbie greeting from someone on your team

    lostcheerio greeting a newbie.
  50. POST: an Iron DM entry containing a contradictory ingredient

    Cleaver of Conjoining
  51. POST: a post where one user supported another (OoC)

    bananabadger supporting ElderOblex after a rough, stressful IRL experience.
    (From a private OOC thread. Text: "Congrats! You must feel relieved to have that all past you. (And I’m sure you did well.)")

Last edited by Ion2Atom; Apr 10th, 2021 at 01:55 PM. Reason: Removed Secret Text
Old Apr 10th, 2021, 01:54 PM
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Ion2Atom Ion2Atom is offline
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The race between the two teams was neck and neck! The review team debated and read and scored and broke an egg or two, but eventually...

A winner emerged!



Thank you everyone for participating. It was a ton of fun to put together and to have you all find everything. Please check out our suggestions / feedback thread so we can make the next year's hunt all the better!
Yes, I do still exist. Sometimes.
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