1 | A Newbie greeting by the Birchedbig man himself - This goes straight to the top! | Birched Welcomes PabloMuerte! |
2 | A Super Hero character, with a cape - Edna would disapprove | Sirviantis creates a character for HeroFan's TeenSupers game--when mild-mannered Morgan Matthews becomes Ion, she wears a cape and flies! |
3 | A unrelaxing bath - Rubber ducky, you're the one! | In Enkidu's 2022 game post from the Legacy of Fire, a Chelish Warrior contemplates the usual punishment for a traitor, being bathed in their own blood. |
4 | A users's first ever DM post, made in the last 3 months - Who died and made you in charge? | Tenderwolf steps up |
5 | A book recommendation about RPG History on RPGX - Or ust ask your local grognard | Fillyjonk recommends Apendix N. |
6 | An instance of shooting first - Just like Han | DamienLunas isn't taking any chances In their poem (6th paragraph) |
7 | Team up with someone who participated in the hunt last year - Veterans rejoice | Bananabadger |
8 | A four legged siege engine - City go boom | A siege engine in the form of a Nightmare is created in Drager's 2019 Iron DM Hall of Fame Final Round entry |
9 | A unsual range finder - No, gazelles aren't a valid unit of measurement | In the Star Wars game KOTOR: The Aura of Mercury Saga, the Mandalorian Lakissi "Dxun Tiger" Jxuta augments her pistol's rangefinder by slaving it to an HUD video Chameleon Targeting System to more easily target her opponents. |
10 | An in character quote of Edgar Allan Poe - I knew high school english would come in handy | Nightmare24 quotes Poe in their ironDM intro Arguably in character  |
11 | A good person raining hellfire and brimstone - For Justice! | Supposedly Holy man 'Father Bartholemew' brings the pain. |
12 | A monty python reference - You probably thought you'd get to self reference this post didn't you? | Embrodak references the Holy Grail |
13 | An Iron DM entry featuring... cleaning supplies - Even DMs need to wash their hands | Bubsmsp features a closet with a disorganized assortment of cleaning supplies in their 2020 round 2 Iron DM entry |
14 | Team up with someone who's won a Outplay, Iron DM, Short Story competition, PotM, Charity Raffle, Scavenger Hunt, Easter Egg Hunt, etc.community event/contest - Probably a bad luck charm this time | Wishkamon |
15 | Team up with a Community Supporter - I'm still waiting for my psychic powers | Thank, Leviticus! |
16 | A questionably intelligent item - Sounds like some people I know | not found |
17 | Someone who's RPGX birthday was in the last week - Join Up. Play Games. Be a Legend. | Homestar baby joined the 15th of April in 2014. |
18 | A group standing shoulder to shoulder, and shield to shield - No gaps! | The warrior Gorthang leads his allies into a shieldwall against an army of orcs. |
19 | Touching the sky and grabbing ahold - Hanging from the moon | not found |
20 | A handpainted BBEG - A mini big bad | Imveros's BBEG, Legit |
21 | A place calling RPGX an "Entertainment Website" - Are you not entertained?! | The Zuck |
22 | A throne of iron - Don't cut yourself | 'Thia stood up from her iron throne'... |
23 | A homebrew game system - Hold my beer | Outplay 2021; The System |
24 | An unusual mount - Of course it's not a horse | Link Gaeseric stowes his giant riding spider for travel (check stat block for confirmation of mount) |
25 | A PotM explicitly mentioning the Sidhe - Back in my day, we just called them fairies | gotcha! |
26 | Team up with someone who participated in this year's Community Day - Yeah, yeah, you're all lovely people | AnotherDragoon |
27 | A RPGX Podcast episode discussion book publishing - Gotta get on them social media things | not found Episode seven! featuring a discussion with Amber E. Scott about what it takes to write for the RPG industry. |
28 | An Explosive Runes about the 3 Fs - Obviously: Facetiae, Fillyloo, and Forfex | issue 13 |
29 | Someone who's referred more than 10 people - I know a guy | Imveros has referred an amazing 71 (seventy one!) new members. Woweee! |
30 | A show of RPGX pride outside of RPGX - Following all local laws and regulations | 'Highly Reccomended' by eoinsageheart718! |
31 | Mountain Dew... Code Red - Alert or Shirt, Red is Dead | Reeedddd |
32 | A player featured in Ask a Gamer - Mindflayers aren't the only ones who can learn about you | On the off chance this is supposed to be 'get to know a gamer' may I present... Marshmallow! |
33 | A physical Or equivilentbattle matt - Dry erase markers can do wonders | Egg for authenticity |
34 | A moderator who has been to Delphi, Greece - RPGX Field trip? | Unko Talok |
35 | The pathelogical need to shout your name - My name is Inigo Montoya | OMG he just ran in. |
36 | An Outplay post exhibiting 4 of the 7 deady sins - Only 57%? That's still a failing grade | Stepanxol's post in Round 1 of 2021 Outplay contained 4 of the canonical Wrath--(Fistfight in fieldset 1),Lust--(private parts and blushing faces in fieldset 2), Pride--(mocking fellow adventurers in fieldset 3) Gluttony--(eating up his juggling apples fieldset 3)7 sins... |
37 | A repentent murderer - I only regret the malice and forethought | Father Jol is a pacifist cleric in the Medieval homebrew saga Reluctant Heroes, but the spoiler button in his character sheet reveals that Jol's service to the Saints is his way of atoning for and repenting of his past as a dark ritual murderer. |
38 | An exercise in redundancy - An exercise in... hey wait! | New employees of the interstellar space crew Frontier Express are forced to sign a very long and very binding (but "perfectly fine") contract that guarantees 0 (zero) payment if the Company exercises the right of redundancy. |
39 | Team up with someone who has joined RPGX in the last year - We were all new once, unlike this hunt item | LadyNotAGirl |
40 | Newfound wings - I believe I can fly | Shylocke's Elena discusses her new wings |
41 | 3 posts, each with different kinds of cookies - Every game should have cookies | Kenneth's recepie for oatmeal cookies, Granny Bellows' home-made cookies Pseudonymous lovesa chocky chippy |
42 | A used, paper, D&D 3.5 character sheet - Even the paper is crunchy | Oldschool, confirmation |
43 | A real life piece of armor, shield or other protective equipment - In case of zombies | Dragoon's son's adorable, but real-life, shield |
44 | An ridiculously oversized sword - Compensating for a lack of poper home economics training, clearly | Redball is a barbarian ... RAWR! But Redball is a sprite awwww! So of course Redball's sword is ridiculously oversized. |
45 | A character that was struck down, only to come back stronger - Obi-Wan isn't the only one | not found |
46 | A metal man of unusual size - Possibly a member of Steam Powered Giraffe | The artificer Arjun, played by deplinator, discovers a giant head being used as a laboratory in the desert. The head is the uncovered portion of a giant metallic construct of unknown origin. |
47 | The Make sure you have permission, and that you follow all good internet safety practicesfuture generation of RPG/RPGX gaming - Weaned at the teat of THAC0 | Imveros' daughter at her frist gen con |
48 | A 100 on a percentile die - Either really good, or really, really bad | Bingo! |
49 | A dwarf digging a hole - Diggy Diggy Hole | In the Pathfinder game Fated Children, a dwarf enters a mine, sings the song "I'm a dwarf ... digging a hole" ... and gets to work. |
50 | A Petualent Prince - Preposterous | In the game Blue Magi Blues, a petulant prince gets a love potion, but wants a magical finger instead. |
51 | A RPGX Charity Drive Post NOT made by Birched - It's good to be good | Dirk's Drive post |
52 | 101 dice without numbers - Because you probably don't have a 101 sided die | no numbers here |
53 | A HoF Game set in the Sword Coast - Seems like it would rust though | Tomb of Annihilation is a 2021 Hall of Fame Game set in the Sword Coast |
54 | A hug - You need one too? | a post by lostcheerio where Dagger Jane gives the recently resurrected Spyder a nice gentle hug. |