Information Suggestions for Next Year - RPG Crossing
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Old Apr 19th, 2022, 12:48 AM
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Suggestions for Next Year

In the interest of continuing to provide the best contest that we can, please let us know how things went. If you're looking for ideas on what to speak to, here are some starter questions:
  • What was your favorite part?
  • What was your least favorite part?
  • What was your favorite/least favorite clue?
  • What could we have done better?
  • How was the event timing?
  • Why did you / what inspired you to, participate this year?
  • What can we do to boost participation next year?
  • Other comments?
Yes, I do still exist. Sometimes.

Last edited by Ion2Atom; Apr 19th, 2022 at 01:19 AM.
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Old Apr 19th, 2022, 01:03 AM
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What was your favorite part?
Working with the group and having the back-and-forth in a mad rush!

What was your least favorite part?
No opponents.

What was your favorite/least favorite clue?
I thought they were a good mix. I can tell it had been tweaked from last year and had a good balance of RPG lore and real-world search clues.

What could we have done better?
Maybe opening the team formation/registration thread just as soon as the announcement was made (about two weeks in advance?). I suspect having more time to form a team in a discussion thread would have facilitated more teams. Also, maybe extending the duration of the event. Making it less about a rush to get the answers and allowing more back-and-forth for team members in different time zones.

How was the event timing?
See above. Having it on what is a holy day for some members also limits their participation a bit.

Why did you / what inspired you to, participate this year?
Having a group activity with some old RPG friends and familiar faces who I haven't gotten to play with at all or as much recently.

What can we do to boost participation next year?
  • Open team sign-up threads as soon as the announcement is made, so people have that forum to recruit team members and have their lineup ready to go by the time the questions are revealed.
  • Maybe extend the contest to a full week and release 5-7 questions each day.
  • If the duration is longer, it is more likely that more teams will get all answers. I would suggest having a base list of 20-30 questions judged simply as "have" or "don't have." If more than one team gets all of those questions filled, then we go to 3 tie-breaker questions which the teams would have submitted and which are judged on a point scale.
  • Award temporary bunny-pixil prizes to go by the names of winners (but which disappear after one month or three weeks).
Other comments?
This obviously takes time and thought to prepare. Thank you for doing this, IonBunnyAtom!

Last edited by bananabadger; Apr 19th, 2022 at 01:24 AM.
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Old Apr 19th, 2022, 12:05 PM
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What was your favorite part? The opportunity to team up with folks across the site in a new way. I love site specific events like this that are more for community building than anything.

What was your least favorite part? Probably the quick turnaround. It was fun searching and thinking through all the clues. I would have enjoyed more time to do that!

What was your favorite/least favorite clue? I actually really liked how the first clue seemed doable. It was heartening for me to realize, “Hey, I think I actually know where that one is!”

What could we have done better? I agree with what bananabadger wrote about above. I think more time for the team registration and more time for the actual event would have made everything more fun.

How was the event timing? I like the timing around Easter to coincide with searching for Easter eggs.

Why did you / what inspired you to, participate this year? I think the ease of a few clues really inspired me to join. I realized that I might be able to actually contribute - even if only a little - to a team, which was inspiring.

What can we do to boost participation next year? I second bananabadger’s idea to extend the event and release a few clues each day. Allowing time for teams to form before the event officially begins would also help.

Other comments? This was fun! Thank you for running this, Ion2Atom!
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