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Old Dec 14th, 2022, 03:40 PM
Dylan Scott Dylan Scott is offline
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Roan was glad when Wren stepped up and took charge of the young lad, Despite his reputation as a Woodsman, Roan would have felt bad if he had been made to follow through on his words, Thankfully the Herald had a gentler took and kept Erlund occupied until Grey returned with Master Lomund, as fates would have it, just as Arn and Rue arrived with the horses and they had to depart, though he was disappointed to see that Runa wasn't with him.

With a sigh Roan turned his attention to the horses, casting an eye over them critically, It wasn't often Roan had the opportunity to ride but he was still familiar with horses and he was quickly able to see which of the group Arn had brought was the leader of the small herd. fortune seemed to be blessing them that day as Roan singled out the horse which was his namesake, although this one was a Blue Roan, a slight misnomer as it was actually a black and white horse which looked more grey due to the roan patterning.

Roan quickly snagged the Roan and gave the saddle and tack a check over as he petted and got to know the horse, introducing it to Grey so it wouldn't spoke at the great hound which would be running beside it. Roan hadn't snagged the horse because he saw himself as the leader of his pack, far from it, but as the one most familiar with the Marshes and the location of the Fort they were heading too it made sense for him to ride point as the Guide. It would be harder to do that on one of the other horses if it was constantly fighting to get back into the pack and behind its herd leader.

With everyone mounted and ready to go, Roan led the way out of Laketown, the guards already having the bridge gates open and cleared for them as the string of horses arrived, giving them a nod on the way out. As expected news of one of their own lost in the marshes had spread quickly around town and everyone seemed happy to trust Roan and his friends with the task of bringing Master Sigvall back home.

The good omens continued for the group as they made a steady pace towards their goal, the sun shining warmly on them. Arn and Rue laughing and joking with each other, riddling and discussing their futures. Even wren seemed to be happier as well, but Roan suspected that had more to do with the full belly he had from snagging food from the Spark and Stone before they left, the man certainly had his priorities right Roan thought with a chuckle.

But other than answering any questions sent his way as briefly as possible, Roan was a different man than the one in Laketown, Back on the road and with the safety of his friends in his hands he was all business again, his eyes flitting around the road and terrain as he lead the way over the bridge and around the lake edge to find Erlunds launching point for his boat ride into the town. Roan made certain to check at his horses feet, and up in the air at times and turned in his saddle often to check behind him. but for the most part he focused his attention on both Grey and his horses ears, trusting their better senses to alert him to sounds and movement he might not have caught yet.

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Old Dec 17th, 2022, 02:35 PM
PsychicNomad PsychicNomad is offline
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The journey along the Running River was easy and beautiful for the most part. The water's incessant splashing was more relaxing than annoying and the beasts and plants were healthy and wholesome. The first night went well, too, Rue's sharp senses didn't notice anything threatening or worrying.

Most of the second day passed just as nicely, and with evening coming, Roan led they way to find the group a proper camping location. As they circled a hill, a sad sight was revealed to them.

At the foot of the hill stood a small patch of trees, giving shade but a good view around, making it useful for resting. However, among the trees lay two bodies clad in once-beautiful Elven cloaks, now torn gruesomely apart. The two were holding each other, probably dying here because of their wounds, one or both being unable to continue the journey. A few paces away from them lay a giant wolf's corpse, full of graceful Elven arrows and long cuts. Before expiring, the pair managed to kill their attacker, but it didn't help them in the end. It only helped other fair people wandering this way.

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Old Dec 17th, 2022, 04:49 PM
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Rue - Pain
She saw the cloaks first, such were made by the elves, and few others would wear them. Her body filled with pain and exhaustion even before she made it to the dead bodies. By the time she was close and fully witnessing the death of people, whose lives could have been endless, her eyes were filled with rage and her heart hurt like she had been stabbed through. Her cry to the heavens was a loud keen high pitched and without words, it was filled with that pain, filled with loss, and only ended when she had to breathe.

There wasn’t even satisfaction in killing the wolf, it was already dead, all she could do was begin building a cairn. A full stack of logs and the bodies in the center. She didn’t speak while she worked, she just built accepting help with a quiet nod if it was offered. When it was all done she fired the logs, her eyes gleaming with their own inner fire. The fire inside her that always burned for one thing was fed more fuel and it had one name, death. Death for all creatures of shadow, death to every evil. Her sword would sup upon the blood of her enemies and she would feel joy from it.



Last edited by Ysolde; Dec 18th, 2022 at 01:07 AM.
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Old Dec 17th, 2022, 10:15 PM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn covered her mouth upon seeing the corpses of two dead elves. Lovers, companions, or rivals, she could not know based on their final embrace. A sorrow filled her, yet when her partner, her lover cried out in pain, of loss. Voice high to the heavens, she knows she has to be strong for her. She can't break down as her knight, she must fight and remain stalwart.

She helped silently build a grave with Rue and once done she hug her tightly. Maybe she needed it or maybe it was a selfish act instead, but something in her believe that a hug was necessary, if only for just a moment.

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Old Dec 18th, 2022, 04:58 PM
Dylan Scott Dylan Scott is offline
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Nature, and life in general, seemed to have a tendency for balance Roan found, sometimes the scales tipped one way much longer than seemed fair but in the long run things had a way of balancing out. So it really came as no surprise that on the second day of their journey, as he led the group to a small copse of trees he had used before for shelter that their easy, beautiful and peaceful journey was interrupted when the other side of the coin revealed itself.

Grey had picked up on it first, his keen sense of smell picking up the scent of blood in the air and alerting Roan to it, not that the woodsman knew exactly what his hound had sensed but he was instantly more alert and as they rounded the hill he caught the glimpse of carrion birds in the air just before they came into view of the three bodies so he wasn't as shocked as the others. He was a life long hunter and sadly over the years he wasn't a stranger to the loss of life but the cry of pain from the usually silent Rue was still heartbreaking even for him.

Roan had travelled the length and breadth of the land, met many people and spoke many languages, he had learned songs and tales that had endured for centuries and witnessed traditions and rituals which had been practically forgotten to most, but for all his travels and all his experiences, he was still at a loss for what to say to a friend in pain, to a race with such a long natural life, holding decades of memories what could be said to ease the loss of all that time and history?

As Rue and Arn approached the bodies, Roan did what he could, silently tending the horses and tethering them safely before taking his axe and gathering the wood needed by Rue to build the cairn for the dead, there was no need to speak between them as they worked, nods and hand gestures were enough to get the job done. As Rue took the flame to the dead and Arn held her love tight, Roan gave Grey a nudge towards the pair and turned his attention to the large wolf while the Mirkwood hound wandered over and pressed his body against the pair, nuzzling his head under Rue's hand.

Kneeling beside the carcass, Roan took his knife and carefully cut out the arrows from the body, the blood was old and dried in places, staining the wooden shafts and steel heads but the arrows themselves were still usable and of exquisite make, the Elves were true craftsmen. The Hide was dried out and solid to the touch of his blade, it had of impressive strength and could prove useful so he proceeded to skin the wolf. He felt sorry for Rue and the two dead strangers but his practical nature as well as his upbringing would not let him let a good meal go to waste, these people has paid the ultimate price for the kill and to leave it to rot and picked over by crows and insects seemed sacrilegious, but as he forced his blade through the skin he discovered that the corpses must have been months old, the meat was desiccated to the point it was practically jerky at this point but unlike properly smoked meat it was not fit for consumption, the meat was entirely wasted.

When he was done retrieving the hide, he sliced through the jaw and pried one of the wolfs immense fangs free and returned to the others and waited. When the time was right, when the bodies were blazing and Rue had seemed more composed, her grief turning to steely resolve he offered her the Fang with soft words

"The Spirit of the kill goes to the hunters, they are not here to claim it but you are one of the people, carry it for them and honour their sacrifice"

OCC Any indications from the state of the wolf corpse during the examination how long ago this happened roughly?

Actions & MovementTurn Summary
Action: Examine, Skin and Clean the wolf
Dice Survival Check:
1D20+9 (9)+9 Total = 18

Bonus Action:
Conditions: you have inspiration, you can expend it when you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Spending your inspiration gives you advantage on that rollInspired | single-use bonus of 2d3 to any roll before the end of this adventureSmall Victories

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Last edited by Dylan Scott; Dec 20th, 2022 at 03:11 PM.
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Old Dec 20th, 2022, 02:08 PM
PsychicNomad PsychicNomad is offline
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The sad scene must have happened months ago, they could all notice that. And yet, the foul beast's hide seemed strangely intact, as if it was just waiting to be awakened by someone blowing air and animation into it. Roan could feel the hide's strength as he removed it, and he was sure it could be useful one day.

The pair of Elves, however, had been graceful and lively even with nothing left of their bodies besides bones.

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Old Dec 26th, 2022, 07:03 PM
PsychicNomad PsychicNomad is offline
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After the sorrowful funeral pyre, and taking care of the practical side of the sight, the team found a place that was far enough to be comfortable, while not too far from the river path to be inconvenient. The night went without incidents, and provided some welcome respite from the hardships of the world. The chirping of crickets was like a soothing melody, and the river's quiet sounds complemented it into a symphony of hope.

The next day started with a quick drizzle, but it was just perfect for washing the land clean before the sun came up brightly. However, by the time they were close to the spot they were traveling to, the weather changed into gray, the overcast sky provided enough light to see, but also a useful hiding hue to the landscape at large.

Roan immediately recognized the top of the ruins as the company crested a hill, giving them an opportunity to spy on it without being seen.

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Old Dec 28th, 2022, 11:36 PM
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Rue - Shadow
The elven woman nearly fades into the black darkness of the nights. Sometimes you might get a glimpse of her passing by the fire or stopping close to you for a moment to acknowledge you are there and move on. Arn is the only one who gets any closeness and even that she can tell Rue is not still. Only in reverie is Rue fully still and she spends barely four hours at that.

As the company crests the hill she gestures down and hits the ground herself. The only reason you know she’s even there is a pale hand pointing to where everyone should hold so that none might see the group as they essay the lowland beyond the hill.


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Old Dec 29th, 2022, 12:46 AM
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Arn, Daughter of Arnulf
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Arn has mostly been helping out with the camp, help make the food, tend to the horses, and sharpening everyone's weapon. It might be insulting to a knight of her stature, but it feels nostalgic. She remembers her days when she joined this group well, and the fact that she improved even on the most basic necessity helped, she felt pretty proud herself.

When they reached the hill, Arn tapped Roan's shoulder,"What do you see? Is it possible for us to strike?"

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Old Dec 29th, 2022, 06:58 PM
Dylan Scott Dylan Scott is offline
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The night passed in mostly silence, not that this was anything unusual with this group, Rue and Roan by nature were quiet people anyway but there was an extra heavy sombreness in the air this night after the impromptu funeral pyre for the lost elves. Roan was happy to let Rue work through her grief on her own terms, he knew she would be there if the group needed her but thankfully the night passed without incident. Arn was able to coax the silent elf out of her shell a little throughout the night but for the most part the group just set up camp and did what needed to be done. Roan had to smile at how young Arn stepped up and performed, memories of her attempts when she first joined the group springing to mind.

Raised to be a Knight, she had been surprised at just how much unknightly duties needed to be performed at camp, the stories and tales of shining armour and clashing steel often neglected the less glamorous side of life on the road but Roan was happy to see how much she had matured and learnt while she was away, rolling up her sleeves and getting her hands dirty without a complaint, she was still young but he already held her in higher regard than many knights he had met on his travels who thought themselves above such things.

After taking his turn on watch, Roan turned his nose to the air and took a deep scent of the night while looking around and a small smile grew on his face as he stripped off most of his clothing and stringing a line across the trees hung them up in the open before turning in, dragging his bedroll out in the open first. the others were used to the woodsman's unusual behaviour thought as this wasn't the first time they had seen him do it and they could guess what was coming. Roan had an uncanny sense of the weather and had a reliable nose when it came to smell rain on the horizon so it was no surprise when the morning woke them with a quick rain shower as he predicted, taking the opportunity to wash his clothes and skin in the open air.

Another days uneventful travel brought them to their destination, Roan guiding the small group around and over one of the hills overlooking the Ruin's, from this position and with the accompanying darkened sky they would be able to observe the ruins unseen as long as they were careful not to draw attention. Quickly looping a leather hobble on his horse, Roan slipped onto his stomach beside Rue and approached the crest of the hill to look down and see how much of young Erlund's tale was true and whether Sigval was still alive, Arn was eager to strike and rescue the merchant but they needed to see what they were up against first

Actions & MovementTurn Summary
Action: Look down at the Fort - Perception Result for Roan is 18 , Perception Result for Grey is 27
Bonus Action:
Conditions: you have inspiration, you can expend it when you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Spending your inspiration gives you advantage on that rollInspired | single-use bonus of 2d3 to any roll before the end of this adventureUnshakeable Bonds

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