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Old May 3rd, 2023, 10:18 PM
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2023 Scavenger Hunt Feedback Thread

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Hey, Bunny!

Thank you for participating either as a booth manager or a player! We're grateful to you for choosing to spend some of your precious foraging time with us.

To help us improve and adapt the Scavenger Hunt for 2024, please share your feedback on what you enjoyed and what you did not enjoy about this year's event.

We might be bunnies, but we have incredibly thick fur, so go ahead and be honest--it all goes to improving the event and what the site offers members, and that's what is ultimately important for all of us.

Please respond by answering the following questions in the spoiler button. You can copy and paste them or just answer them by numbers. (We tried to make this short so that we didn't take too much of your time!) You are welcome to submit openly in this thread or as a Secret box if you want only staff members to read your comments.

May all your hops be happy ones!


Last edited by bananabadger; May 4th, 2023 at 09:30 PM.
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Old May 5th, 2023, 01:24 AM
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Old May 5th, 2023, 08:05 AM
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feedbackThis was super fun and cute.

Smart stuff: the booths. Completiing these moved us around the site and let us see sections of it We may not frequent regularly. So it’s sort of a gentle trick into seeing all the site has to offer, and gives everyone who participates a glimpse of all the time and love that goes into various bits. Makes you aware of regulars that sit in a different part if the pub, as it were.

Fun stuff: The daily challenges. I loved that they were not mandatory on the exact day. That kind of flexibility for a virtual event is really smart and makes more people able to participate. I loved that they were so game themed and funny and cute. And absolutely loving going through and hearing the orc voices and seeing peoples cats etc.

Suggestions: I don’t really have any. This was great and I would do it again.

DMing: Fey Ghosts of Saltmarsh
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Last edited by Fillyjonk; May 5th, 2023 at 12:28 PM.
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Old May 5th, 2023, 08:47 AM
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Old May 5th, 2023, 11:42 AM
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Questions 1-7 are for Players (Booth Managers can skip to Question 8)
1. How did we do on the balance of keeping things challenging or interesting without taking up too much of your time?

I thought it was a good mix. There was just enough scramble to make it interesting but it didn't feel overwhelming or impossible.

2. This year's event had two elements, the booths and the challenges. Did you enjoy them equally? One more than the other?

Who wouldn't prefer the hilarious and imaginative challenges? But I thought the booths were a cute idea too.

3. Did you learn anything new about the site from the booths?

I hadn't seen the list of NPSG graduates before -- impressive!

4. Did you like the team aspect of the hunt? Were the challenges conceived in ways that allowed for interaction?

The team aspect was great. Something I really liked about the challenges was that they were so open-ended. Even just giving us the "show or describe" options makes it so flexible and possible for different people to complete them in a way that's easier or more fun for them.

5. Every year can be different--if we do this in 2024, what is one aspect you would keep and one aspect you would strike?

Definitely keep the daily challenges, with new ones coming out each day. It was fun anticipating what would pop up. Everything about the tone was golden -- silly and light, but also encouraging and supportive. It felt like a fun party and we were welcome guests.

6. How was the length of the contest? Did you have enough time to complete the tasks? Or did it drag on too long?

I liked the 4 days. All three of us on our team had interruptions and challenges from real life, but with the length of the challenge it was possible to still get everything done.

7. Anything else?

Maybe since we did site-event booths this year, next year we could do game booths. Like, characters or NPCs from the different games could host a booth and present a challenge, like "what bad guy did we finally kill in April, 2022" or "what weapon was Hortense the orc wielding when she fought the mind flayer in June 2022" or whatever. Things that could be resolved with a simple search but would open little windows into our games.

I really loved the hunt. You guys did a ton of work running it, posting the daily updates and score tallies, and just coordinating so many people in the prep. Hats off to you! Thank you for the fun!
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Old May 6th, 2023, 05:11 PM
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1. How did we do on the balance of keeping things challenging or interesting without taking up too much of your time?
It was about what I expected. It seemed to be a good balance in this regard.
2. This year's event had two elements, the booths and the challenges. Did you enjoy them equally? One more than the other?
Both were fun in different ways. We enjoyed the challenges the most and it gave something to look forward too. To ramp up the challenge, I'd make them available only the day to which they belong. It works well the way it is too though.
3. Did you learn anything new about the site from the booths?
I've been on site a long time and I still learned a thing to two!
4. Did you like the team aspect of the hunt? Were the challenges conceived in ways that allowed for interaction?
Yes, we enjoyed the team aspect!
5. Every year can be different--if we do this in 2024, what is one aspect you would keep and one aspect you would strike?
I'd give this format another run.
6. How was the length of the contest? Did you have enough time to complete the tasks? Or did it drag on too long?
Nope, just right.
7. Anything else?
Thank you for the effort and the planning on all sides. AWESOME job!!

Questions 8-12 are for Booth Managers
8. What could we have done to better explain the booth set-up process?
Nothing, it was easy-peasy especially since a good example or two was provided.
9. What changes would you make to the booth concept if we repeat this in 2024?
Nothing other than I'd rope in some of the more infamous games and players on the site.
10. Were bunnies Bananabadger and Leviticus available to help you with questions or problems during the hunt?
Absolutely FANTASTICS hosts - really!
11. What aspects of this year's hunt would you recommend keeping? Changing? Striking?
I got nothing here... I'd keep it all.
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