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Old Aug 25th, 2010, 02:55 PM
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Uruz Uruz is offline
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Posting Format

Below are some guidelines on how I like to see things formatted in a post.

Thoughts are italicized

"Speech" is bolded, regular type (so long as the language being spoken is common)
If the language being spoken is not common, the speech will still be bolded but use a different font colour (below is a non exhaustive list of examples).


OCC exampleIf you need to mechanically describe the way your character does something (moving from A1 to B3 for example), use an OCC inset. When posting dice rolls, please roll them in the dice rolling thread (the one with a Latin title) and hyperlink them to your post's OCC inset.

In combat, when creating your post, please place your initiative roll, ac and HP current/max in the title line of the post.
"I can kill you with my brain" ~ River Tam, Firefly

Last edited by Uruz; Aug 6th, 2014 at 12:00 PM.
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Old Aug 26th, 2010, 05:39 PM
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Uruz Uruz is offline
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Posting Frequency

I am hardly a posting Nazi - I'm too busy to insist on a one post per day requirement. I do, however, recognize the inherent challenges of this gaming medium. Inertia, once gained, must be maintained. Please try to post at least three times during the week days (weekends are yours).

For combat, please try to be more frequent if possible. I don't want to, but you may find that your character stands still for a round or two if you are not diligent there. Combat is slow enough in Play by Post that I don't want to lengthen it by waiting for posts.

All this being said, if you are going on a business trip or some other reason prevents you from posting for an extended period, please inform me and you will be NPCed accordingly.
"I can kill you with my brain" ~ River Tam, Firefly
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