Reading the first post from the OP though, I must admit that the sentiments of a first character goes to my first and only WoW character (there were some pale alts). If I'm aloud to share my deepest pits of nerdom. If not, feel free to kill the post or let it be a landmark to bring shame upon me and all my true RPG characters. His name was Lonewulf, a damn ugly warrior with two red ponytails like Obelix. In vanilla he had a hard time growing up. His peers advancing way faster than himself, lacking skilss and reflexes, but mainly social skills. He struggled on though and found his maturity just before the Dark Portal was discovered that led to the Outlands. There he once more failed as a true protector of the good, not being able to advance through the ranks to fight against true evil. So he signed up with the army and battled against the foul armies of the horde. I still see himself before me with his proud horned helmet and his two bright burning maces galloping over the plane of Alterac Vally, the Arathi Basin hills and fields, burning terror within the hearts of the horde. But his true calling came when all heroes were gathered to bring an end to the ultimate evil, the Lich King himself. Older now, more experienced and most importantly, surrounded by friends, he once more took up his shield and stepped forward as a protector of the heroes of Azeroth. Almost every battle imaginable he has fought. He brought riches and fame towards his society. He was wealthy skilled, strong and powerful. Most of all, this time, he was prepaired. Than the day came that he found himself face to face with Arthas Menethil, or what was left of him in that accursed armor. And there he lost. Soon the Lich King was disposed of by others and so Lonewulf retreated himself and was retired. He was sold for some lousy bugs to a retirement home, probably to entertain some spoiled rich folk's kid. I do not know, I lost sight of him. I abandoned him. It now must be four or five years ago, but I still miss him, often. I did sought different realms to conquer, but with none was I able to make that same connection as with Lonewulf. Five years he was under my control, five wasted years. But it was one hell of a ride. Last edited by Moonwhisper; Oct 23rd, 2013 at 06:40 PM. |
My first character was a plain old fighter, Milo (of course, that's back when your choices were Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, or Thief). I was introduced to DnD itself by being tossed into the Steading of the Hill Giants on my first game, and I was pretty much just along for the ride.
My most memorable PC was a Fighter/Cleric/Mage named....Dirkoth. I played him for a long time, through the same "group" of players over multiple DM's as years passed, slowly raising him from 1st level to a true 6/6/6. He saw a lot of other PC's and players come and go, but was always the core of the group, from game one (in high school) to disbanding the group (in college). After that, I've played hundreds, I think, of different PC's, but none as long as Dirk.
"Go Chiefs." --- Raylorne Aside from RPG, I collect used postage Stamps, Some Coins (quarters), and 1/6th Scale military Figures. Let's talk! |
My first character was over 9 years ago.
It was my first and only tabletop experience as a high schooler. I played a level 10 elvish ranger with a special large eagle mount. |
First character. Hmmmm.
Started playing D&D with my Dad when I was like 13. We lived out in the sticks and my pops always loved the idea of D&D but never played it so we figured it out and started up a solo campaign. He helped me with my first character, Willie Steel human thief. Always loved my Dad's creativeness in coming up with names. |
My very first character was in D&D 3.5. He was a big, mean, rather stupid half-orc barbarian. Raised by the Tribe of the Bear, he actually formed natural friendships with any bear he came across, calling them his brothers and sisters. If he had survived long enough, he would have become a bear warrior. Alas, it was not to be, for he was slain by one he called ally. Big ol' fireball that was maximized.
He loved one drink, the drink after which he was named. "Grog". Grog the barbarian, bane of the Wolf tribe. Fun as heck, and I've played warriors ever since. |
My first character was a human fighter. He died from being turned to stone and dropped by one of his companions. In an attempt to "help" him. I did ask the DM to kill him, but the crit 1 roll couldn't have made the ending any better.
My very first character was Soveliss, the elven paladin who, not knowing that smite evil only worked with melee attacks, specialized in archery.
Killed by goblins in his first dungeon. He wasn't the most successful adventurer. |
Actually, I'm still using my first character. I am using slow progression so it takes longer to level up so I can play with him longer.
Prince D'Argan Arrowhead, the Human Fighter. I don't remember much as my brother never had much time to play with me.
Most likely to be active in the evenings US Eastern Time. Lost laptop charger, posting from phone. |
A sweetheart wizard with an owl pet named Mr. Hoots. Andrea was the team chatterbox. I miss her sooooo much!!
My first character was named Rydh Zwei. He was an Elf Cleric of Betula (an elven battle god in my old DM's pantheon.) I was very green to the ways of D&D-style play, so I ended up playing him more as a Fighter with a strong spiritual connection.
The first campaign I ever played in was, to this day, the most unique I've ever experienced. Our DM had his own thing going on, for sure. We had to roll for spell success or failure every time, and more often than not we'd fail (DC was 13 + spell level). The worst part was that when we'd fail we'd get Corruption points that would eventually drive spellcasting characters insane. After awhile, Rydh took enough points to make him believe that a matriarchal harpy the party was fighting was his old mentor, and when the party defeated her he took it so hard that he left the party and was killed by warg-riding goblins. Not a great ending for him, but Rydh was special. I've been trying to recapture that same old feeling that I had with him ever since.
"I always want to make sure I'm telling a story about people that I care about." - Joss Whedon
Last edited by Sparkie; Feb 8th, 2014 at 02:57 AM. |
He was my first character and he died not so herocially while robbing a nobles home at 6th level. My greatest rolepay experiance with him had to be during the banquet my DM held in Baldurs Gate, I was to infiltrate the Banquet, learn the plans of my target and gain key information critical to his office in government and finally bring down said corrupt politicain without ever bringing attention to myself. I made a few interesting check and had to save my ass a few times when the dice didn't favor my attempt to be sly and cunning. I ended the banquet scene with some false information (which I wouldn't know till later) that ultimatly got me killed two months later while making my way into the safe
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My first character was a nameless wizard; by that I mean he was so ineffectual that I don't recall his name. He lasted all but 15 minutes in my first campaign ever... he cast one spell... In his defense, he was incorporated into a long-standing game where the rest of the characters were level 10+. He got eaten by a Remorhaz; polar worm.
My first character was a half-elf bard named "Tyrell Allsfine", he was proficient with a crossbow and used a tambourine as an instrument. I remember people giving me a hard time about the name (Saying it was a stereotypically black name), saying that his human half was a big black guy, ofc, i incorperated it into my design, he had a nice exotic vibe to him thanks to it, alas, I only ever played him on one campaign, as I was moving in a few days after that point, so they surprised me by having the campaign end with him becoming the long lost king of a random kingdom.
I am embarrassed to admit that I don't remember my first character... I think he was a thief or a fighter. I remember that my first adventure started off by me getting tied to a tree, and I failed to escape until I agreed to my captors will. I think he wanted my help breaking into a prison to help his friend. I also remember that I fought several subterranean creatures... Above ground. Don't remember why they were up there though.
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