My first character was name Xavier and he was human fighter. It was a 2e game and the group I was joining was very experience. I only played that character that session. He might be the character I remember the least about.
My first character was a 4e Warforged Wizard named Relic Arcrune. Even though my DM played some rough encounters, he managed to thrive, from terrifying a group of bullywogs by using illusion to make them think a black dragon was hiding in the shadows, to using the same illusion to make an enraged and blinded cyclops to run over his goblin minions (my DM rewarded creative ideas). Not to mention his magic missiles hit pretty hard. Sadly, our campaign only lasted about two months.
My first character is a game called apoch which my friend built from the ground up.The basis of it is you essentially play yourself 20 years in the future. His name was will/flea. Me and my group started by going to a party where we encountered what we thought were zombies. While we were running away we got caught by some religious fanatics calling themselves zealots. After a while they set us free and we were ecstatic only to be hunted down by a group of people slightly resembling the reavers from firefly. They captured us and since I was a runner at one point my dm thought it would be funny to cut off his legs. But the marauders leader the blood father decided to let us join them and somehow restored the body parts they had removed from us. I then became the marauder psycho named flea. Marauders were cursed with a demon who resided in the blood of the blood father who passed it along to them. They were Basicly murderers and rapists. In our last session we failed a mission given to us by the blood father and we were banished from the marauder camp. We are still playing the game but we are currently on a break from it
To be the best, you must have at one time known what it is like to be the worst |
Elven wizard who's name I now forget. In the first encounter we were trying to clear out a tavern of orcs or sometbing along those lines. We threw a flaming bottle in the window to flush them out. Then my wizard climbed up on the tavern to give himself a better field of fire. Ceiling collapsed, and the fall damage killed him.
“Squeak is right" - Dirkoth |
My first Dungeons and Dragons character was a human barbarian named Rampart the bright. It was my entire group first experience with dungeons and Dragons, and we have an intelligent score of 6 but a wisdom score 18 it was decided that he was some sort of idiot savant when it came to military tactics. As we gained a better understanding of the game and the rules, those starter characters fell away, but he was fun to play.
My first character died from neglect. Much like my first hamster. (maybe the second hamster, too... though I couldn't rule out foul-play)
If I'm not mistaken, his name was Orion (how remarkably creative, yeah?) and was a Paladin. I had NO idea what it really meant to play a Paladin, and my DM punished my lack of preparation by riding me on everything. "No... you can't do that. You're lawful good." "Nope, sorry, you can't go now, it's time to pray.", etc. You'd think the DM's name was Richard, but it wasn't. It's Karl.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." ~George Bernard Shaw
Last edited by ItsaVerb; Apr 23rd, 2014 at 11:24 AM. |
My first character was a Human Rogue named Timotheus who had all the adventurer's equipment which I thought might ever come in handy... I can't remember in which pen and paper system this happened for the live of me but he died when he tried to use the gallon of fireoil I'd picked up as a sort of molotov cocktail against a couple of orcs.
To this day I stand by the idea... too bad I rolled a 1 when throwing it ![]() Just image the encounter from the orcs' perspective. You stand guard at a bridge when all of the sudden a human appears, yells "Fire in the hole!" throws an improvised contraption at his own feet and goes up in flames... ![]() Last edited by pesese; Apr 23rd, 2014 at 09:59 PM. |
The first PC I can remember ... and this is going back well over 30 years, so please bear with my ancient and creaky self ... was an elf magic-user named Elenanna. It was an AD&D campaign in my freshman and sophomore years of high school, c. 1980-1981, and it was probably one of the longest campaigns I was ever a player in. After my freshman year, I started running a game and ended up DM'ing almost exclusively ever since.
Elenanna, bless her, endured an amazing array of trials including at least one each of LG->CE alignment switch, race switch, gender change and death and resurrection, before ending her PC career somewhere around level 12, more or less where she started (race, alignment and gender-wise). On the brighter side she had a giant eagle for a mount. She ended up becoming a semi legendary NPC in my campaign world, the creator of several spells, among other things. |
A Humanoid in 2e Gamma World in 1984. We played in the high school library at lunch and at my GM's house on the weekends. I don't remember his name or mutations. The standout memory that I have is that my character and my buddy's character stumbled onto a Gren village. We were detained in a hut while the village elders decided what to do with us. We didn't like being held prisoners and so attempted an escape. We did effect our escape and in the course of doing so killed several Gren and set the village on fire. We forever earned the enmity of the Gren after that incident.
I have been hooked on RPGs ever since. ![]() |
My first character was a human rogue that tried to be a swashbuckler. He ended up stealing a Dragon Orb, despite the DM warning me how dangerous that was. He got eaten by an Ancient Dragon at level 8.
Please be patient with me. Life got crazy, and I haven't caught up yet. PMs for reminders are welcome! |
My first character in a non-freeform game was a twi'lek Jedi. This was a solo Star Wars Saga game with my boyfriend as GM. It was also his first time GMing, and the whole thing was really to teach us both the basics.
In our very first battle, my boyfriend decides to pit her against a single low-level battle droid (one of the tan-colored ones with the long scrawny necks). She was supposed to cut it down and move on to the next target on the battlefield, but instead he literally rolls a critical hit on his first attack, and maximum or close to maximum damage. More than enough to kill my level 1 character instantly. Needless to say I was kind of upset after spending all that time creating my character only to have her fall victim to a stray blaster shot to the head. So instead of killing her, he had her placed in suspended animation in carbonite for x number of years while her body is repaired, as determined by dice roll. 18 years later, my character is finally revived fully healed, but wakes up to find the galaxy very much changed. For the rest of the game she goes about as a kind of Rip Van Winkle figure, reconnecting with people from her past and learning about everything that's happened in the intervening years. It actually made for an interesting back story and turned out to be really fun to play, so all worked out in the end. :) |
Sadly my first character was entirely unremarkable in and of himself. I dn't remember the fellow's name, but he was a 3.5e elf ranger. I think what makes him more special is how he came to be, and the door he opened.
We're going to skip past my childhood years because I like to pretend they never happened, but the short version is that I didn't have a lot of friends. Once I hit highschool I entered into the International Baccalaureate program at my local highschool (think AP, but way harder), and as a result my peer group shrunk significantly. Since we were all in the same boat it became a little easier to get along with said peers, and slowly but surely I had built myself a tiny community of like-minded individuals. Still, despite the my nerdiness and that of my friends I'd never actually played any sort of tabletop game, though I'd heard whispers through popular culture and was incredibly intrigued. One day I was at my locker and I heard one of my classmates talking about Dungeons and Dragons, so I thought I'd ask about it. At first she thought I was making fun of her due to the stigma associated with such things, but after convincing her I was genuinely curious she mentioned that she was looking for an extra player and extended an invitation to join her group. My sad little ranger was the result of that foray, and despite his incredible weakness (3.5 is hard), I don't regret him for a minute. He may not have been useful, but his story was special, and he set me down a path to greatness.
See something you like? Nominate it for Post of the Month! I have taken the Oath of Sangus Starting to get back into the swing of things |
My first and one of my favourite characters started out as someone else's for a single first session.
The person rolled up a human thief, named Gord (which turns out to be my mistake later on, as the person who rolled the character up was NAMED Gord). This person played one brief session, and never played with that group again. The group was playing Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh and they had really just started. The DM decided since I was new to the game (this had been my 2-3 time playing), this character would be a 'prisoner' found in the haunted mansion by the other pc's. Gord the thief (I swear, and we had ZERO clue about the famous Gord in Greyhawk at that time). He made it to 6th level, and I turned him into a thief-acrobat. I played him like a ninja-type of spy. He would eventually make it to mid 9th level and then die a horrible death trying to steal some magic genie lamp or something from the the vampire-daughter of Iggwilv (I can't remember her name - the end boss of the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth). |
My first character was a werewolf named something like Lycus, I forgot exactly what. I was using some Dragon Magazine supplement from 4e and hopped into the old D&D Insider character builder to make a werewolf. I played through part of a campaign, but we never really finished due to time reasons. I was really disappointed. He never made it past level 2
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