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Old Nov 17th, 2016, 01:53 PM
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My very first character that I actually got to play was a Half-Dragon-Elf Mystic Theurge 10/Oracle 6/Sorcerer 4/Archmage 10. I played a LG and was constantly getting in fights with the tank and cleric who were practically evil (they should have been evil, but for campaign purpose never actually got classified as evil). The tank could never make a will save and always managed to get commanded to kill the nearest ally, which of course was me and he would one-shot me everytime. I also would fly into random things ahead of the party, just because I wanted to be more than just a spell caster (definitely thought I could tank). I also had fire breath and burnt my party on a regular basis, especially the tank as he refused to move (of course he technically couldn't understand me because I had the tongues curse). Yet I was the one who was constantly saving the party by cures and raising (the cleric would charge people for raises if she felt like making money at that particular moment).
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Old Nov 21st, 2016, 11:53 AM
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My first character that I actually played with others was AD&D 1st edition, I think. 1st level Paladin, Dirk Skullgrave. Such a first character name. His claim to fame was having an 18 Dex and me rolling 1s all the time and dropping my sword constantly as a result.

My 2nd PC was a good dark elf wizard, fighter named Sarc Bloodthorn. I was all into my elaborate background which was used absolutely not at all. He was not influenced by Drizzt much, if at all - aside from being a good dark elf.

After that I grew out of such Awesome McCoolnames.
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Old Nov 21st, 2016, 05:47 PM
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My first character for PnP roleplaying was for 5E D&D (a relative newcomer here).

He was a crafty fence named Dorn, who was from Neverwinter, and who got his grubby mitts on an antique sword through a 'connection' who had stolen the blade from the summer residence of a well known Wizard (and lived to tell the tale). Long story short, a Fae noble appeared in this fence's living room a few days after the fact, demanding it's return.

Dorn obliged, needless to say, and soon became an agent for the otherworldly powerbroker. He then proceeded to piss the wrong people off, and seek anonymity in a certain dwarven caravan

Adventures ensued, including political machinations in the City of Brass, setting up an interplanar venture capital firm with the help of a metallic dragon, piloting the floating castle of a Cloud Giant into a horde of enroaching orcs and having an Inn renamed in his honour - The Owlbear's Head.

He retired, fat and happy, at around level 11.

Last edited by Jot; Nov 21st, 2016 at 05:48 PM.
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Old Nov 23rd, 2016, 11:09 PM
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My very first character? She was a retired sailor living alone in a dinky little port town. A very private, but personable lass who seemed to rouse curiosity wherever she went due in no small part to her fancy attire, exotic accent, and a deep sense of mystery. She ended up accompanying a troupe of others on a short, but fun whirlwind adventure where the others inevitably learned that there was more to her than met the eye and that her past as a "sailor" was just the tip of the iceberg.

Last edited by Ecco; Nov 23rd, 2016 at 11:09 PM.
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Old Dec 1st, 2016, 05:16 PM
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My first character was my Dwarven Paladin, Helmcrist Stoutheart. Using his prowess in both divine magic and in martial combat he decimated foes (Due to mostly lucky rolls). The best moment was when he got first in initiative in a room with a few powerful enemies and in just two rounds he took out the boss and hos more powerful lackey with a combination of smite and falling damage on the enemies part. The last enemy he ever faced was a large green dragon guarding a magical treasure, but the session ended there. With the end of the session the campaign ended too, and we had to make new characters. One of these days Helmcrist will return and he will smite his enemies once again in the name of Clangeddin!
Sworn to the Oath of Sangus

"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
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Old Dec 3rd, 2016, 07:20 PM
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My first will tell my age. I played an original 1.5 ed (I guess) Unearthed Arcana Lawful Good Cavalier. In those days you rolled a percentile to see if you had psionics (I think it was a 3 or 4 % chance) and I rolled a 01%. So had teleport.

Back then Cavaliers added accomplishments and titles added to their name so I had a VERY VERY long name. He reached 10th level which back then was a BIG DEAL especially when you faced the Fiend Folio or Demons and Devils. Back then dragons were so 5th-6th level and you had better be gritty and tough as nails or have tons of help (I was a solo-character with 1 NPC)

I guess he was retired; The DM quit after he sent an Anti-Paladin my way and I fired a ballista at him scoring a Nat 20. 1st ed faded away and Unearthed Arcana was to powerful for 2nd Ed. So he who killed 5 mounts was never used again.
"If you just stop whining, I'll let you serve me" 0 level player to a dying Goblin
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Old Apr 2nd, 2017, 09:42 PM
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Mine was a paladin bible salesman named Lord Harold. Suffice it to say not one bible was sold and no one remembers who he is.
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Old Apr 29th, 2017, 09:16 PM
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Mine was a mutant porcupine. Sadly, I forgot his name..
Once went by Abel Rain
June 2016 short story competition winner
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Old May 1st, 2017, 10:32 PM
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I remember my first character. This was a fourth edition campaign and I had the WOTC subscription that gave me access to the character builder which let me build a Revenant assassin named Abdima. Since I had to move to college before I would be able to finish the game I'd been playing in, I'd transplanted to a new campaign that we'd play. In that game he was a Tiefling warlord who'd been brought back to life by the Raven Queen to bring her these gems that held back the gods from messing with the world too much.

He wound up finding out his god was dead, briefly forging an alliance with the bad guys to awaken an ancient dragon that'd been kept dormant by drinking the blood of the civilization-wide tiefling cult that worshipped it, then convinced the rest of the PC's that he should use the Gems' power to grant wishes (albeit twisted versions of them) so that he could die, since there is no way that an undead's return to rest would have any negative impact on the world.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 01:46 PM
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My first character was a young mercenary Ranger named Arthur Tavi who used guns. He tried so hard to prevent another character--who'd insisted on being the long lost prince of the empire we were fighting--from revealing his identity to our enemies with the vague promise that it would give us leverage somehow. Nevermind that the reason he was "long lost" was that everybody was trying to kill him, including the Imperials.

We never got to finish that campaign.

Doesn't usually post on Tuesday or Wednesday.
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Last edited by Endrak; May 15th, 2017 at 01:47 PM.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 09:41 PM
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Wow first character is actually where I get my screen name here. Kapera was a rogue-assassin on a site where we actually free-played. It had been a click-game with a chat function, but a bunch of us started roleplaying out the characters we had made up for the just click-game. It was holy crow, 14 years ago now, but we had hours of fun, it was actually how I increased my typing speed to a torrential 90wpm. There were lots of insane adventures we all came up with and it taught me that you can actually rp outside of the rules system IF you have players all willing to be realistic and take a hit or miss when it makes logical sense.
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Old Jun 1st, 2017, 05:33 PM
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My very first characters were way back in the late-1980's. I don't remember much about them other than I named them after the characters in Thundar the Barbarian, which in my opinion is a very underrated Saturday morning cartoon. They remake everything so eventually, someone should remake that.
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Old Jul 6th, 2017, 12:29 PM
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My first character was a frog. I designed him, but never got around to trying him out. I was about 10 back then.
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Old Jul 7th, 2017, 12:19 AM
ghauxst ghauxst is offline
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My first character (that I remember) was a barbarian for whom I rolled terribly bad stats, who had a spiritual awakening and became a cleric. He survived for a surprising length of time. Rest in piece, Logreg.
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Old Jul 11th, 2017, 01:13 AM
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My first character was where "The Rat Queen" came from. Halfling rogue professional acquisitions expert in An online virtual world, if you're not familiar with itSecond Life.
Oh, after all the folderol and hauling over coals stops, what did I learn?
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