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Old Sep 4th, 2024, 05:11 PM
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Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman Horseman
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I love assassin/rangers. In AD&D there was a special class called Bounty Hunter with those traits.
Fun characters to play, and great NPCs for a DM.
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Old Dec 3rd, 2024, 05:36 PM
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HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed HexCursed
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My first character was an Elf rogue named Listra, which the other players started calling Listerine. The DM decided that since this was my first character and my first game that I should start at 1st level. The rest of the party had 3rd level characters, so they were very protective over Listra and heaped magic items on her. But they were happy to have a rogue because our next mission was a heist to break into a temple (inside a fort) and steal a ceremonial dagger. We went in through a catacombs and the wizard cast some illusions as a distraction while Listra sneaked in and swiped the dagger. It was highly magical, so the party let Listra carry it.

We went back out the catacombs to a small village nearby and spent the night. While waiting for our contact to show, we split up to do some shopping. Then soldiers from the fort showed up, having followed our trail, looking for the dagger thief. They didn't want to take on a bunch of professional soldiers. The party immediately pointed Listra out and the dagger tucked into her belt and she was arrested and taken back to the fort. The commander decided that he wanted to romance Listra. Charisma was her best ability, so I was able to ride the line of maybe being interested. She was allowed to stay in his chambers instead of being locked in the prison.

The rest of the party followed and the druid was able to sneak Listra an invisibility potion by crawling up the wall as a lizard. They then went to the fort's front gate to draw attention. The DM apparently thought I was going to try to group up with the party, so I caught him (and the people in the fort) by surprise when I went back and stole the dagger again and left through the catacombs. Unfortunately, Listra had to leave behind all of the loot that the party had given her. Though, as I remember, it was a really nice dagger and she was able to keep it.
Dare to be different!

Last edited by HexCursed; Dec 3rd, 2024 at 05:40 PM.
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 07:20 PM
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DerangedDiligence DerangedDiligence is offline
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DerangedDiligence DerangedDiligence
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Oh, first character was likely a teenaged, elf druid with a wolf companion. lol xD

After that I became a cyber-doc in a Cyberpunk GURPS game and we wound up being terrorists who stole billions from the government. x,]

Early 90s TTRPGs was a fun time. xD
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Old Dec 4th, 2024, 07:51 PM
Hotshot lasgun Hotshot lasgun is offline
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yay, terrorism!
im offering solo fate, world of darkness, warhammer fantasy and 40k, along with twilight 2000 v4 games. if you're interested hit me up.
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