OCC and Commentary Thread
Eberron: The Forgotten Forge (Pathfinder) |
So, as far as my character goes, he's a bit of a Luddite, but has no issue with warforged. The person he'll actually be at odds with is the other halfling!
Does anyone have any immediate ideas on what we can do as a backstory to set the party up? I'm not totally up on everyone's motivations... I would be enticed by any sort of sabotage, or effort to get to the Eldeen, or anything that might help learn more about how to combat the Far Realm invasions. |
My character will probably be wandering in because he's not sure what else to do, and find himself gravitating to the other warforge. I fully anticipate existential/moral crisis after finding out about his faith.
Couple of questions for Kahn: How much 3.5 are you allowing? Could I take Dungeon Crasher (dungeonscape), for instance? How about Shock Trooper (CW)? These may be jumping the gun a bit. Last edited by aivanther; Dec 24th, 2011 at 05:59 PM. |
Yay Eberron Pathfinder! Excited. And hey, sammich, this makes what, 4 games together?
![]() My character is definitely going to have a problem with Redemption, but will probably just ignore any sort of contact with him unless forced to do so. He'll probably get along fine with the military types (Breaker, Darius) though. The halflings are small and tiny and cute so he'll secretly adore them and want to give them love and hugs. ![]() Savrin is easy to motivate. He's basically just come to the decision that he needs to stop moping around and get his life in order again. So he'll be actively looking for jobs, or information about his family... or anything interesting really.
Getting over the flu and busy with university work--sorry for the slow posting as of late! All of civilisation waits unknowing on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the Savage Tide is about to bring in... |
Well Darius will probably have just finished up his guest lectures on the Talentan campaigns at the Brelish War College, so perhaps some of the party attended the lecture and stuck around to chat afterwards? That's pretty common in the university-type setting. Also, Darius is definitely the commanding type, so expect that he'll try to work the party like a military unit at times. :P
Last edited by GrimDarkOtter; Dec 24th, 2011 at 06:17 PM. |
Actually, having stuck around to argue the merits of Darius' efforts on an intellectual level sounds delightful. They are pretty evenly matched, intellect-wise. I hadn't thought of approaching anti-technologism from that angle, but it certainly makes sense!
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I'd have to check the specifics, but I expect they'll be okay.
Eberron: The Forgotten Forge (Pathfinder) |
Well especially with the Talentan campaign, or at least the mini-narrative of it I have in my head, comparing it to historical campaigns like North Africa in WWII, Parthia for the Romans, stuff like that. You have the conventional armies of Karrnath and Cyre fighting over territory also claimed by highly mobile guerilla fighters and raiders who know the land or have radically different approaches to war. So all of a sudden, the lightning rail seems restrictive, the mass-forged armor becomes cumbersome, and the shambling legions of undead get outmaneuvered by smaller, mobile forces. So Darius, and no doubt others like him, were forced to adapt their scouting forces into more combat-oriented units.
In any case, Darius is pretty much done in the character sheet. For my traits I went with World Traveler and Rich Parents. The former because it will help Darius be a "face" and the latter because it fits his backstory, helps out a low-level fighter's problems, and lets me buy a warhorse, which I think seem quite fluffy. I was thinking I would buy a dinosaur, but unfortunately the rules for carrying capacity mean that a carver wouldn't have sufficient strength to carry the gear, rider and saddle. Soooo horse it is. To be stabled until it is useable with the plot. But in any case, suggestions on what to do with my remaining 200 gold would be appreciated. I might make the scimitar masterwork, I think. |
Oh, I totally forgot that we get 2 traits. Awesome. Time to have a look!
If you're using a scimitar, I might switch weapons, incidentally. I only picked it up because I needed *some* kind of melee weapon, and it doesn't really bother me as to what it is. Incidentally, merry christmas all!
Getting over the flu and busy with university work--sorry for the slow posting as of late! All of civilisation waits unknowing on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the Savage Tide is about to bring in... |
Hey guys, and merry christmas.
The lectures idea has some interesting angles and I like it even though Juniper herself probably wouldn't be involved in the war lectures. It might be more plausable to say that she could be involved in a class on explosives, as an assistant or something along those lines. Her reputation as the daughter of an alchemist and a bit of an explorer should be reasonably widespread throughout Sharn so somone from the college should know about her either way. On my sheet's side of things I'm not entirely sure where to go with her feat and her second flaw. I'm still reasonably new to pathfinder and have certainly never built an alchemist before. Without her standard mutagen I think she's going to turn out more of a grenadier than a self buffer so any suggestions to the feats will be welcome. |
Eberron: The Forgotten Forge (Pathfinder) Last edited by TheKhan; Dec 25th, 2011 at 04:12 AM. |
![]() For my traits, I'm going to take Armor Expert and Plainsman--this second one modified to be about the Mournlands. He used to be a scout and tracker in the Cyran army, and he also is interested in learning about what happened, so it makes sense that he'd have a good idea about the geography and getting along in it. If that's okay with the GM, of course!
Getting over the flu and busy with university work--sorry for the slow posting as of late! All of civilisation waits unknowing on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the Savage Tide is about to bring in... |
Ha oops. See I said I wasn't used to pathfinder :P
I believe clawfoots are Medium size, and I don't think Magebred alters size at all. And I can't seem to find it anywhere, but I for some reason have it in my head that ridden mounts need to be one size category larger. But I could be completely off about that. Plus a Medium load on a clawfoot would make it the same speed as walking, combat assistance non-withstanding. :P
Another alternative possibility, perhaps one of the reasons Darius has come to Sharn is to pick up a specially ordered magebred carver from House Vadalis? And some of the undoubtedly-bountiful treasure-to-be could cover the 300 Galifar difference between the 500 investment of the Rich Parents trait and the 800gp price point. Or, alternatively, I could switch out Rich Parents for something else and shelve the mount issue until a later time. For example, taking Mammoth Master and modifying it to Dinosaur Master or some such. Last edited by GrimDarkOtter; Dec 25th, 2011 at 01:16 PM. |
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