Breaker looks at the fallen warforged for a moment. It then looks at Darius for a moment, not saying anything. Finally it wipes off its greatsword and sheathes it. Turning to itself Breaker looks a the wound, running fingers along it. "Looks like I have work to do tonight," it says without much emotion. It then turns towards the whistling and says, "I hope one of you is a fast talker."
"Huh." Nal thought back to the argument they were having previously, and made a mental note to make sure to not piss off the warforged in the future. "I know my way around a logical argument. I'm not going to win any personality contests, but if it comes down to showing the fools I'm right, I can do that."
The warforged was upon them for all of a handfull of moments before Breaker cleanly, simply ended its life of servie. That was certainly the act of a Warforged; few others could react as timely and as succinctly as the mechanoid warriors. Savrin lowers his bow, returning the arrow to his quiver as he does so, listening to the sound of the watch-whistle. "We did no wrong," he states simply. "We acted in self-defense. I'm sure the assassin's axe still has the Praetor's blood on it. Show it to the guards. If they are smart, they will understand. However--between a Talentan halfling, a Warforged, and a Shifter, we will certainly be discriminated against. The human should stand at the front." He pauses for a moment. "But what was that thing that flew off...?"
Getting over the flu and busy with university work--sorry for the slow posting as of late! All of civilisation waits unknowing on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the Savage Tide is about to bring in... |
Two males and a female, wearing the green-and-black studded leather of Sharn's City Watch emerge from the rain drenched night. The leader, a powerfully built bald dwarf with a close cropped beard, steps forwards, leveling his crossbow in your direction. A small ball of light, hovering just above and behind his left shoulder, illuminates the area. To each side, a human male and femal stand with halberds ready.
"Olladra's bloody nose!" the dwarf curses. "By order of the Watch, drop your weapons and explain yourselves!" One PC may make a Diplomacy check on the behalf of the group as long as you cooperate, although anyone may speak.
Eberron: The Forgotten Forge (Pathfinder) Last edited by TheKhan; Jan 20th, 2012 at 05:03 PM. |
Darius stands in front of the others, his weapons in their sheathes and his hands open and to his sides. "Of course, sir," he says, providing a calm demeanor, "We found this gentlemen on the bridge being murdered by the headless assailant there. I am sorry to say my colleague was assaulted and was forced to defend himself, and did so with great prejudice. We are, of course, very sorry to have cause such an inconvenience for the Watch."
A number of the residents from the surrounding houses, seeing that the Watch isn't about to start hauling people away and the conversation is peaceful, come out of their homes and corroborate you story with their own. The Watchmen seem satisfied and let you go without too many probing questions.
"I appreciate that you want to help you fellow citizens," says the Dwarf, "but you really should leave situations like this to the Watch. If you think there is danger, please call for help. You were very lucky that the assailant didn't take any of you down too. You should go about your buisness, we will handle the scene from here." Your departure isn't quite so clean however. As you are about to leave the scene, a blue cloaked man with his hood drawn stops you momentarily. "If you want to know the truth of Bonal Geldem's murder, go to the Broken Anvil in Mason's Tower at dawn." As he speaks, you catch a quick glance of the signit ring on the fist he has outstretched. It bears the familar symbol of House Cannith. Before anyone can react or question him further, he disappears into the rapidly growing crowd around the murder scene and then into the night.
Eberron: The Forgotten Forge (Pathfinder) |
Breaker makes a sound, whether it's disgust or amusement is up to debate. "Yes, next time someone tries to cut my arm off with a battle-axe I will yell help as he hacks me into more pieces," it says, turning to look at the bodies. "Softie manners still eludes me, is it not okay to strip the dead in these circumstances?" It does not comment on the stranger, though does survey the crowd for him a few seconds.
Savrin remains silent as Darius deals with the Watch, his back straight and to attention. He couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief when it seemed like there were to be no repercussions from their actions. Secretly, though, he couldn't help but agree with the outspoken warforged. Calling for help rather than defending themselves would have led to injury--or worse. "Clearly a man who has never seen real battle," he comments quietly to Breaker with a wry half-smile.
But the arrival of the cloaked man was certainly something. Savrin could barely contain a growl in his throat as the mysterious stranger disappeared back into the crowds. Something was afoot here, and he didn't like it one bit. "Am I the only one suspecting an ambush?" he asks the group. "Someone would likely want those who witnessed the murder to be silenced."
Getting over the flu and busy with university work--sorry for the slow posting as of late! All of civilisation waits unknowing on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the Savage Tide is about to bring in... |
"The Watch will catalog the possessions of our assailant for investigation, I've no doubt, and the good scholar's next of kin will receive whatever he carried." Darius says, leading the others away as surreptitiously as they can. When confronted by the hooded man, Darius stops in his tracks and frowns.
"Yes, it could be a trap. However, if there is more to this than first seems, why would he not just approach the Watch? Bonal Geldem was my host here in Sharn, so I feel that binds me to investigate further." |
"So, mass combat looting is allowed, but single it is not?" Breaker says, shaking its head. "I will never understand soft-skins. I will go with you, I suppose, as the House interests me. It is not everyday you have the potential to meet your creators." It pauses for a moment, looking back to where they left the corpse, and after a moment of silence it says, "And I want to know what that one meant by calling me a 'flesh-traitor.' As for a trap, that is possible, but it is a long time from dawn and we could go now. It would be hard pressed to set an ambush overnight with us watching."
"I agree, furred one, but the assailant spoke of flesh-traitors, which I assume means he was a bit upset at Breaker's association with those not of the steel-and-wood variety. Cannith does its best to distance itself from such terrorists. Considering the location, I think it's safe to at least meet. Besides, I would LOVE to get inside the House." This last he said with a grin. Considering his positions earlier in the night, it was clear that it wasn't for the sake of taking in their interior decorating.
"What I am concerned about is that thing that flew off when it was killed. I've heard of such things, I think. Little devices that store information, or the like. Whatever it was, I think it's safe to assume Breaker's face is well known, and by the wrong people." |
Savrin seems unsure, but he can at least agree to Breaker's suggestion. He hesitantly nods. "We should keep at least one person on guard all night then. Two, if possible. I don't imagine anyone would find it odd to have a warforged up at all hours of the night... that may prove helpful." The shifter shoulders his belongings, and glances around the area, at the crowd they quietly left behind. "I think it's best if we leave now."
Getting over the flu and busy with university work--sorry for the slow posting as of late! All of civilisation waits unknowing on the shore, blissfully ignorant of what the Savage Tide is about to bring in... |
"It's evidence of a crime, really." Darius explains, "If we weren't in a civic jurisdiction, odds are we could loot, as you put it. Instead, it is proof of the crime and evidence for the investigation. And quite right, we must post a watch tonight, and get what sleep we can to be fresh for the meeting. Let us go find this inn."
Breaker nods, "Ah, matter of investigation within a city. Okay, I guess that makes some sense." It glances at the Shifter and says, "I'm no stranger to standing guard duty. Officers found that soldiers who don't fall asleep on watch made excellent night guards."
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